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Practical Portfolio-Football

By Grace Rudman

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Rules and Regulations of FootballThere are 15 laws in total for football. Firstly Field of play. Field of play means playing on either natural or artificial surfaces. The surface must be green and rectangular. There should be two lines covering the width called the touchline, and two lines covering the length called the goal lines. There is then a line running through the middle to identify the middle of the pitch. The second is the Ball. The ball must be spherical and made of leather or something similar. It must also be 68-70cm in circumference. There must also be a certain pressure inside of the ball. Then The number of players. There are two teams playing during a game. On the pitch the team cannot contain anymore players then 11. This is including the goalie. You are allowed seven players on the bench. Next the Referee and linesmen. The referee ensures the rules of the game are being put into practice. The linesmen are responsible for seeing if a player is onside or off and for letting players know who’s ball it is. The duration of the match is 90 minutes, however it is played in two halves of 45 minutes. Half time cannot be longer than 15 minutes, and in the ref stops play time will be added onto to make up for time paused. The start and restart if play consists of kick-off at the beginning of the match or after a goal is scored. If the ball goes beyond the lines, if a goal was scored or if the ref blows his whistle, this means the Ball is out of play. The only method of scoring is the ball crosses the goal line. A player can also causes an offence by being Offside. It is against the rules for a player to be in contact if they are past the last defender of the opposing team. This stops players from being one on one with the goalie. Players can also be singled out for Fouls or misconduct. There are a variety of ways a player can cause a foul. A foul can cause if a player deliberately or undeliberately handles the ball or if tackles and does not win the ball. Due to fouls occurring during a game Free kicks were introduced to restart play. Only referees can award a free kick. There are two types of free kicks. Direct, where you can have a shot on goal. And indirect, where you are not allowed to have a shot at goal. Penalty kicks are awarded if a foul is committed inside the box. Here you are one on one with the goal keeper, and are allowed a shot on goal. All other players must be outside of the box. Throw-ins arte also used to restart play if the ball goes across the touch line, they must be thrown over head, and the players feet must not leave the ground. However if the ball goes across the goal line, then a corner kick is awarded instead. Here the ball is kicked in. Lastly a goal kick is used to restart play if a goal has not been scored.

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Scoring System for Football

In football the only way you can score is by scoring a goal. A goal is only scored when the whole of the ball crosses over the goal line. (The goal line is found in between the goal posts and underneath the crossbar.) However a goal can be disallowed if a law of the game was broken before the team scored the goal. The team with the most goals once the game has finished is the winning team. If both teams have the same amount of goals then it means they drew. If no goals were scored in the game by both teams it also means that they drew. However when a competition needs a definite winner the three things that can be added is:• Away goal rule;• Extra time;• Kicks from the penalty mark. Goal line technology was added recently. This was put in place to help decide whether a goal crossed the lineIn a league, points are awarded for winning and drawing. However if you lose you receive nothing. For a win your team will receive three points. For a draw you will receive one point. In the league the goal difference is also shown. This shows how many goals the team has scored or conceived. In the result of a team having the same points at the end of the league. Goal difference will be used to decide the winner.

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Football Scenario 1-FoulDescription: On the 23rd February 2008, an instant occurred in Arsenal game vs Birmingham. Here Arsenal are on the attack, when Eduardo receives the ball. He then begins to run however is then badly fouled by one of the defenders. Rules that were broken: In this situation law 12 was broken. This is because the Birmingham defender tackled the defender with excessive force. Law 12 says ‘These are many and varied, broadly speaking it is an offence to use excessive force whilst playing the game either deliberately or undeliberately or to handle the ball (unless you are a goal keeper). The referee may show the yellow card to caution players for less serious offences and the red card for more serious offences resulting in the player being sent off. Two yellow cards are equivalent to one red card.’ The result taken: The referee gave the defender a red card which links to law 12. This resulted in Birmingham falling to 10 men. A free kick was also awarded by the referee.

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Football Scenario 2-Offside Rule

Description: Inter Milan vs Siena. Here a free kick had been awarded previously. During the taking of the free kick, the opposing team begins to run forward, causing for the team to become offside. Rules that were broken: Law 11 was broken. This is because the teams players were in the offside position, as they was not in line or behind the opposing teams defenders, when the ball was played. Law 11 states. ‘It is an offence for a player to be in contact with the ball when they are closer to the opponents' goal than both the ball and the second-last opponent. The offside rule exists to ensure there are always opponents (generally the goal keeper and a defender) between a player receiving the ball and the goal. Without the offside rule, play can become boring with repeated long balls being kicked to a player stood next to the goalkeeper for an easy goal.’

The result taken: The lines men flagged showing that the players where offside. The referee then awarded a free kick where the law was broken.

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Football scenario 3-Penalty Description: Here is a game Arsenal vs Liverpool. Previously Liverpool was awarded a free kick. When that free kick was taken the ball was deflected off of the Arsenal player. Sending the ball out onto the wing. Eboue and Lucas then begin to run for the ball, when Eboue pushes Lucas, causing him to fall inside the penalty box.

Rules that were broken: In this scenario, law 12 was broken. This is because Eboue used force to bring the player down In the box. Law 12 says ‘These are many and varied, broadly speaking it is an offence to use excessive force whilst playing the game either deliberately or undeliberately or to handle the ball (unless you are a goal keeper). The referee may show the yellow card to caution players for less serious offences and the red card for more serious offences resulting in the player being sent off. Two yellow cards are equivalent to one red card.’

The result taken: Liverpool was awarded a penalty by the referee. This is because the foul was committed inside of the box. However Eboue was not issued a yellow or red card. Instead he was given a warning for his actions.

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Skills and techniques of Football

Shooting Control PassingHeadingCrossing

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Dribbling in FootballDribbling in sport involves running with the ball into a space or to outrun the defender. When you are running with the ball it is important that you have control of the ball at all times. To have good control of the ball it is important that you have good balance and steadiness. It is also important to look up whilst running with the ball. This is because it allows for you to see if any defenders are coming towards you. As well as to analyse where your team mates are. When dribbling it is important that you use both the inside and outside of your foot. This keeps the ball close to you, and allows for you to change direction easily. You must also take small touches. This allows for the ball to stay close to the body. Here Gareth Bale displays the perfect way of dribbling. This is because he uses both the outside and inside of his foot. His body is also upright, which allows for him to look at where he is going. Here I am displaying dribbling. As you can see, I am using the Outside of my foot. This gives me more control of the ball. In the second picture I am using the outside of my foot.

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Control in Football

Controlling the ball in football is a important skill to have. This is because it allows for you to get the ball under control. Which makes it easier for you to move off. You can control the ball with many different ways:• With your foot;• With your thigh;• With your head;• And with your chest.When controlling the ball, it is important that you come in line with the flight of the ball. You must also make sure what part of your body you are going to control it with. Once the ball comes near you, present what part of the body you are going to control it with. You must get a large area behind the ball, as this will take the impact away from it. It is also important that you relax when you make contact with the ball. This will allow for the ball to fall to the ground in front of you. It is important to have your arms out to the side. This is because it allows for you to keep your balance.

As you can see here in the professional example, as he prepares he brings his leg up towards the ball, to create a place for the ball to land.

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Shooting in Football

Shooting in football is vital. It’s the way that teams win games. When shooting it is important that you prepare, execute and recover. The first thing you must do is get your body in line with the ball. Then using the outside of your foot make contact with the ball. Make sure middle of your foot makes contact the ball. You should keeps your arms out to the same time. This is to give stability and balance when executing the ball. To have the ball raise in the air slightly, you should also lean back slightly.

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Crossing in footballCrossing in football is an important skill to have. It allows for you to reach team mates on the wing or even through to your strikers. There are certain things that you must make sure you do to achieve a good cross. These pointers allow for you to cross the ball successfully:• Lean back. This will allow for the ball to create height as you kick it;• Bring your arms out to the side of you. This helps to give you balance as you strike the ball and recover; • Look up as you make contact with the ball. this allows for you to know where you are about to kick the ball;• When you make contact with the ball, you want to wrap your football around it. This should be done with the

inside of your foot; • Your planted foot should be next to the ball;• And make sure your hips are at the angle of the ball.

Here is an example of myself crossing the ball. In this example I used the cross bar of the goal as my player.

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Heading in football is an important skill to have and is a necessary skill for all players. Heading is used in many different situations. It is mainly seen during shooting or clearance from a defender. When heading there are many steps you should follow:• As you begin to jump it Is important that you keep your eye on the ball. • You must also have your body in line with the flight of the ball. • When performing a header, it is important to generate power. This should be done by: Bending the knees; keeping

your neck strong; when the ball comes towards you, you should push your body towards.• It is also important to keep your arms out to the side or in front of you. This is to give you balance.• When making contact with the ball, make sure you head it with your forehead. This should be in the middle of your

head. • Keep your eyes pen and make sure you keep looking at the ball.

Heading in Football

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Tactics in footballThere are many different tactics that are used In football. One is Counter-attack. Counter-attack means using the opponents desperation to score to your advantage. This means falling back into your own half but keeping at least one person in the opponents half. The aim of counter attack is to take the ball off of the opponent while they have players on the aim of attacking. By achieving this it gives you more space and time to deliver a through ball. This tactic is seen as a risky tactic but can deliver good results if executed properly.

The second tactic is Zonal defence. Zonal defence requires each defender and midfielder having a specific area of space that they must cover when the opposition has the ball. The tactic is very effective if carried out correctly. This is because it requires every player to keep up concentration and not fall into other peoples zones. In this tactic the defensive line is very important. This is because they help to exploit the offside rule. It also helps to prevent long-balls being played through.

In football there are many different formations. The most basic and popular formation is 4-4-2. This formation requires 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 strikers. In 4-4-2 the real advantage is having a extra player that can help the striker attack. This prevents having to wait for the midfield to support. 4-4-2 also creates width across the pitch. This lets the two wing midfielders and the two fullbacks carry the space on the width of the pitch. This allows to implement the offside rule and attack and defend on the wings.

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Match analysis-Arsenal 2-0 Manchester city

Arsenal defensive play: During this game, Arsenal’s defence took time to get into the game. However by the first 15 minutes, arsenals defence had fallen into 4-1-4-1. This allowed for players on the wing to get back quickly and help defend. Arsenal’s defence was supported hugely by their midfield. They always were back when Man City were on the attack. This aloud for a strong and supported back four to be in place. Arsenals formation: Arsenals formation was 4-1-4-1. This was a strong formation. This is because it allowed for support to be available from the midfield for the defence and strikers. Wenger had also placed the defence and midfield so that they were not in a straight line, allowing for the defence to push up and support. Ospina passes to Giroud:During the game it is became noticeable that Ospina was focusing on his goal kicks at Giroud. It was noticeable that all of Ospina’s kicks were successful and Giroud had a good success rate, winning 70% of the kicks. This success rate was a real help for Arsenals position. It helped gain the ball in the opposite half which in the end helped to relieve the pressure. Later in the game: Wenger brought on Flamini late in the game to replace a very tired Ramsey. A change was also made replacing Sanchez for Gibbs. This then changed the whole formation, causing for Arsenal to play 5-4-1. This formation was not the greatest change, this is due to it putting players out of their original position, which could potentially cause confusion. However this change is usual for Wenger and has been successful in older games.

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1)My eyes are looking towards the ball and are facing the way I am going to send the ball. This is to get accuracy when crossing the ball.

2) My arms are coming across my upper body. This is to generate power whilst I am running.

3)My left foot Is planted, this is so I can generate power into the cross.My right foot is slightly raised to get ready to kick the ball.

4)My upper body Is slightly tilted. This is to generate power whilst running.

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1)Bales eyes are looking towards the ball and the way he is sending it. This is to get accuracy when crossing the ball.

2)Bales arms are out to the side of him. This is to give him balance and stability when crossing the ball.

3) Bales left foot Is planted to the floor. This is to generate power into the kick. Bales right foot is slightly raised to generate speed.

4)Bales upper body is slightly tilted forward. This is to generate power into the cross

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Comparison- Preparation





















1)My eyes are looking towards the ball, and in the same direction that I am going to send the ball.Similarly Bales eyes are looking towards the ball, and in the same direction he is going to send it.

2) My arms are coming across my body. This is to generate power. However Bales arms are out to the side of him. This is to give stability and to give him balance.

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Comparison- Preparation





















3) My right foot is fully planted. This is to generate power. Where as Bales right foot is more upright. This is so bale can generate power and speed.

4) My upper body is slightly tilted forward. This is to generate speed. Similarly Bales upper body is slightly tilted forward. This is to generate speed.

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1) My eyes are looking towards the direction of where the ball is being sent. This is so I follow through with the cross.

2)My arms are to the left side of my upper body. This is to give me balance and stability.

3) My right foot is fully extended. This is to generate power into the ball. Also I kicked the ball with my laces which gave the cross more power.

4) My left foot is slightly raised once my shot was taken. This is put more power into the ball. As well as to follow through with the cross.

5) My body, from my shoulders to my hips are slightly tilted backwards. This is so I can get under the ball, and lift it.

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1) Bales eyes are looking towards the direction he sent the ball. This is to give accuracy when crossing the ball.

2) Bales arms out to the side as well as giving him balance and stability after striking.

3) Bales leg is fully extended, this is so he can put power into the ball once shot. Also he kicked the ball with his laces which generated power into the ball

4) Bales right foot is fully planted. This is to give him stability and balance when striking the ball. His left foot is also fully extended.

5) Bales body from his hips to his shoulders are titled over the ball. This will make the ball go lower, but still leave the ground

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1)My eyes are looking towards the ball. This is to get accuracy and to see where the ball is being placed. Similarly Bale is looking towards the ball.

2) My arms are out to the side of my body. This is to give me balance and stability. Similarly Bales arms are out to the side.

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3/4) My leg is fully extended and my left is foot is slightly planted. This gives me balance and power. My extended leg is not very raised. However bales leg is fully extended, but his right foot is fully planted to the floor. Also Bales extended leg is more raised.

5) My upper body from my hips to my shoulders are leaning back slightly. Where as bales upper body from his hips to his shoulder are tilted towards the ball more.

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1) My eyes are looking the way I sent the ball.

2) my arms are our out to the side of me. This is so I have balance after striking the ball and allows my body to adjust after the shot.

3) My body is upright and quite straight. This Is so my body can adjust to the cross I had just took, as well as so I can move on quickly and make another move.

4)My feet are planted. This is so I can keep balance. My left foot is slightly upright. This is so I can move on quickly to receive the ball.

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1) Bales eyes are looking the way he sent the ball.

2) Bales arms are in front of him and down low. This is so he can move on quickly.

3) Bales body is tilted forward. This is so he can move on quickly to another ball.

4) Bales foot is planted as well as to give him stability and give him balance. His right foot is slightly up right. This is so he can move on the ball quickly.

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1)My eyes are looking towards the way I send the ball. Similarly Bales eyes are looking towards the way he sent the ball 2) my arms are our out to the side of me. This is so I have balance after striking the ball and allows my body to adjust after the shot. Where as, Bales arms are in front of him and down low. This is so he can move on quickly.

3) My body is upright and quite straight. This Is so my body can adjust to the cross I had just took, as well as so I can move on quickly and make another move.Where as,Bales body is tilted forward. This is so he can move on quickly to another ball.

4) My feet are planted. This is so I can keep balance. My left foot is slightly upright. This is so I can move on quickly to receive the ball. Bales foot is planted as well as to give him stability and give him balance. His right foot is slightly up right. This is so he can move on the ball quickly.

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My Self AnalysisSkills 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Average 4 Needs


5 Poor








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Improvements Needed:Pass: When looking ay my pass I looked at two factors: my technique and my accuracy. My technique was good. I used the instep of my foot. This allowed for me to monitor how much power I give the ball. However I feel my accuracy of my passes could have been better. This is because sometimes the ball was not going where I wanted it to go. To improve this for next time I am going to work on this drill. This drill works specifically on my accuracy due to the cones being used as lines for passes. This will as well as help improve my technique due to the change of situation and position. This will help me move into the good section or even the excellent section.

Cross: When looking at my cross, both my technique and accuracy was very good. I used the crossbar as my target, which gave me a good judgement on how much power I should give the ball. My technique was good. I used the in-step of my foot, and to give the height I slightly lent back. My arms also came out to my side. This enabled me to have balance when striking the ball. My recover was also good, and the ball hit the crossbar which showed that I hit my target.

Shot: My shot again was good. My technique was good. I again used my in-step when striking the ball. However I feel to improve for next time I should practice using my laces. This will enable me to have more accuracy. I should also again lean back slightly. This will enable the ball to come off of the ground. This would be a real benefit. This is because it would allow me to kick into the left and right hand corners on the goal, which is a hard place for a goalie to save the ball.

Tackling: My tackling is pretty weak. I do not have a great win rate and I feel this is down to my technique. I am definitely going to work on my tackling with a partner. I am firstly going to work on my technique and judgment for a block tackle. This will enable for my performance in a game to improve and for me to move up on the chart.

Heading: When looking at my heading I look at two factors: Attacking and defensive headers. I feel that my defensive headers are good. I clear the ball well and have a good win rate. However when it comes to attacking I feel that my headers are not very accurate. This is because they do not usually hit the target. To work on this I will use a drill that focuses on hitting specific targets that are hanging from the goal. This will help me

Control: My control is ok. It could be improved through some specific drills. I feel that my touch with my foot could be improved. This is due to the ball always falling too far in front of me. To work on this I am going to work with a partner to work on my control. They will work on throwing the ball to specific body parts.

Dribbling: My dribbling is pretty good. I keep the ball close to me and use both the in-step and outer side of my foot. However I do need to work on my dribbling when under pressure. I often lose control of the ball which usually results in the ball becoming lost.

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