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Practical Biodynamic FarmingHow We Utilize Biodynamic Principles to Generate Fertility, Wealth and Beauty at Bella Farm1Adam KlausBella Farm

2With no Background in Farming, I had to Find a Way-Biodynamic Farms demonstrated Exceptional Quality

Principles of Biodynamic Farming

3-Whole Farm Organism-Living Compost Fertility-Breeding for Farm Adaptation-Natural Rhythms and Human Timing

The Living Farm Organism

4A Balance of Plants and Animals, like a Healthy Ecosystem

5Compost more Valuable for its Microbiology than its FertilizerBiodynamic Compost Fertility

6Brown Swiss Dairy Cattle at Bella FarmVivian Cow and Arthur BullOn-Farm Breeding Creates Local Adaptation

7Human Timing in Harmony with Natural Rhythms makes more Productive FarmsMoon Tides Move all Water on Earth, from Oceans to Plant Sap

8These Principles Work Together to Build a Living System

9Bella Farm is a Diversified 12 acre, Family Farm in Western Colorado, 6200

-Market Garden-Meat and Egg Chickens-Dairy Cow Herd-Fruit Orchard-Perennial Greenhouse-Trout Pond

10Living Garden Organism-Sequential Polyculture

11Poultry in Garden to Create Ecological Balance

Soil Fertility in the Market Garden and The True Value of Compost

12How is Biodynamic Compost Different?Use of Specific Inoculants-

13Specific Soil Improving Microbes areProduced in Biodynamic Preps, Multiply in Compost,and Feed Upon and Convert Soil Minerals

14Microbes in BD Compost Make Healthier Immune Systems in Plants

15Efficiency of Fertility Cycle makes Biodynamic Farms Profitable

16Fermentation also Multiplies Value of Existing NutrientsHarvesting with Rising Moon for Juicier Produce

17Descending Moon Cycle draws Plant Sap Downwards, making superior Onions

18Breeding Plant Varieties to Improve Local PerformanceTomatoes, Squash, Chiles, Swiss Chard, Lettuce, Green Beans, Sweet Corn, Garlic, Cucumber

Poultry at Bella Farm

19Integration in Orchard to Create Complete Ecosystem

20Chicks in Greenhouse as Perfect Nursery

21Scratching in the Cow Yard Promotes Nutrient Capture

22Ducks maintain Riparian Health

23Deep Litter in Henhouse Stores Nutrients in Manure

24Natural Shelter with Wire Floor to Collect ManureNatural Diet-Sprouted GrainsRaw MilkPasture Forage

25Locating Chicken Houses Adjacent to Garden for Efficient Compost Handling

26Hatching Eggs in Spring, ideally in Concert with Waxing Moon

27Simple Nest Boxes Encourage Instinctive Seasonal Behavior

28Homestead Chicken Breeding ProjectOriginal Rooster and HensDesirable Traits from Both Parent Breeds

29Sixth Generation-Creation of the new Eldorado type

30Selected for Performance in Orchard Environment, fed without Commercial Chicken Feed


Winter Hardiness in Unheated Henhouse

32Current Flock of Eldorado Chickens at Bella Farm

Cows are Essential for Pasture Ecology


34Rotational Grazing Fertilizes our Farm

35Natural Herd Behavior for Health and Wellbeing


The Particular Value of Cow Manure Compost in Biodynamic Soil Fertility

37Seasonal Calving, like all grazing mammals

38Calves Nursing on Momma Cow for first months of life


Line Breeding Improves the Dairy Quality in our Herd


Fruit Orchard with Meat Chickens and Perennial Medicinal Herbs


Biodynamic Tree Paste keeps Fruit Trees Healthy and Free from Insect PestsCompost Releases Soil Minerals


Winter Pruning with Descending Moon minimizes Tree Bleeding

43Full Moon Makes Juicier Peaches


44Trout Pond at Top of Farm

Bringing Life to our Farm Water

45Oxygenation increases Metabolism

46Habitat for Trout in Pond BottomControl of Irrigation Water to Entire Farm

47Pond in Winter

48Sun and Water Generate Life and FertilityIrrigating with Nutrient Rich, Clean Pond Water

49Trout as Pinnacle Aquatic SpeciesFishing with the Full Moon

50Perennial Mediterranean Solar Greenhouse, grows transplants for garden, houses baby chicks



In Zone 6 Colorado, with zero heating, we grow Asian Persimmons, Pomegranate, Olives, Figs, Seedless Grapes, Rosemary, Bay Leaf, and Pluots as Perennials.In summer, we grow okra, eggplant, and sweet peppers.

52Working with both Sun and Moon cyclesLunar Cycle is like Compressing an entire Solar Cycle into each Month

53Biodynamic Management is Most Beneficial in most Artificial Contexts, such as Market Gardens and Permanent Greenhouses


Beauty is the Best Measure of LifeBiodynamic Farms are Beautiful!

55The Farmer is the most Important Animal on the Biodynamic Farm

56Masanobu Fukuoka 'The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, But the Cultivation and Perfection of Human Beings

57Adam KlausBella FarmFind out more about Bella Farm and our Apprentice[email protected]

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