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  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document



    Unit summary

    Learning toolsThe RADAR questionThe 6-Point Structure

    Tets10!1 QC Circle Acti"ities10!# The human $imension to QC Circles10!% &ntro$ucing QC Circle acti"ities in your com'any10!( )o* many em'loyees in the com'any shoul$ ta+e 'art in QC Circles,10! Select QC Circle lea$ers. roles o/ lea$ers an$ memers10!6 The QC Story10! QC Circle meetings

    10!2 QC Circle assemlies10!3 4"aluation o/ QC Circle acti"ities10!10 The asic 'roce$ures /or QC Circle acti"ities10!11 QC Circle training10!1# Planning /uture QC Circle Acti"ities10!1% Create the right en"ironment /or QC Circle acti"ities5 the role o/ the C410!1( The role o/ mi$$le management10!1 Set u' a com'any-*i$e organi7ation to 'romote QC Circle acti"ities10!16 )ol$ QC Circle echanges *ith other com'anies


    A Roadmap to Quality #Unit 10 QC Circle

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    Unit summary

    A QC Circle is a small grou' o/ /rontline em'loyees *ho meet regularly to try to im'ro"e

    the quality o/ their *or+! QC Circle acti"ities are at the core o/ TQ8! They can 'lay ama9or role in creating a $ynamic atmos'here in the *or+'lace!

    10.1 QC Circle ActivitiesQC Circles normally ta+e a 'rolem-ase$ a''roach to im'ro"e the quality o/ their *or+!They i$enti/y 'rolems in their *or+'lace: usually relate$ to 'ro$uct quality an$ re/erre$ toas ;themese oth sensiti"e an$ creati"e in intro$ucing QC Circles in your com'any: es'ecially sincetheir aims are to encourage the $e"elo'ment o/ em'loyees! 8a+e sure that you ta+e ana''roach that suits the *or+ing en"ironment: an$ the character an$ climate o/ yourcom'any!

    10.%. &o' many employees in t!e company s!ould ta(e part in QC Circles)Although all em'loyees shoul$ ta+e 'art in QC Circle acti"ities: as these are a com'onento/ TQ8: some com'anies allo* $e'artments an$ sections to o't out! A +ey $ecision youha"e to ta+e is the scale o/ 'artici'ation *ithin your com'any!

    10.* Select QC Circle leaders+ roles o, leaders and mem-ersThe QC Circle lea$ers *ill e the $ri"ing /orce ehin$ the acti"ities! Select 'eo'le: *ho cansho* lea$ershi': get memers to coo'erate in meetings: can gather i$eas: an$ can create anatmos'here *here e"eryone *ill /eel /ree to e'ress their o'inion!

    10. T!e QC StoryQC Circles use a -ste' 'roce$ure to sol"e 'rolems relate$ to the /i"e 'riorities o/QCDS85 quality ?Q@: costs ?C@: $ea$lines an$ 'ro$ucti"ity ?D@: sa/ety ?S@: an$ morale?8@! This 'roce$ure uses metho$ ase$ on /acts an$ $ata: an$ aims to 're"ent therecurrence o/ 'rolems y i$enti/ying the causes an$ im'lementing recurrence 're"entionrmeasures!

    10./ QC Circle meetin$sQC Circle meetings hel' memers to *or+ together to*ar$s the same goals! 8emersechange i$eas an$ in/ormation: get to +no* each other: an$ $e"elo' a s'irit o/ coo'erationan$ a sense o/ soli$arity! >ut i/ the meetings are 'oorly manage$: the acti"ities *ill stagnatean$ memers *ill ecome $e-moti"ate$!

    10. QC Circle assem-liesA/ter a QC Circle has com'lete$ a theme: it hol$s a meeting: re/erre$ to as a QC Circleassemly or a QC Circle con/erence: to re-a''raise the metho$s that ha"e een use$: an$ tocon/irm the circle

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    Regular an$ a''ro'riate e"aluation o/ QC Circle acti"ities *ill hel' to moti"ate memersan$ to re"itali7e acti"ities! &t *ill i$enti/y *here im'ro"ement is nee$e$: an$ in$icate thecorrections that shoul$ e ma$e! There are t*o /orms o/ e"aluation5 sel/-e"aluation ymemers: an$ e"aluation y managers!

    10.10 T!e -asic procedures ,or QC Circle activities

    nce QC Circles ha"e een set u': there are a *i$e range o/ 'roce$ures to /ollo*!

    10.11 QC Circle trainin$QC Circle training is aime$ at achie"ing a *or+'lace /ull o/ em'loyees *ho are moti"ate$:creati"e: an$ goo$ at sol"ing 'rolems! Training /ocuses on the "alue o/ QC Circleacti"ities: on raising quality consciousness: an$ on using QC metho$s!

    10.1 2lannin$ ,uture QC Circle Activitiesacilitators shoul$ 're'are 'lans /or $esirale QC Circle acti"ities /or the /uture: an$

    'romote these as a com'onent o/ TQ8! These 'lans shoul$ 'rescrie the le"el o/ QC Circleacti"ities: their targets: an$ concrete measures /or achie"ing the targets! &n $oing so: theyshoul$ loo+ care/ully at the 'resent state o/ QC Circles an$ shoul$ res'ect the intentions o/

    *or+ su'eriors! Such 'lans are im'ortant in energising an$ consoli$ating QC Circleacti"ities!

    10.1" Create t!e ri$!t environment ,or QC Circle activities3 t!e role o, t!e CEOQC Circles can only /lourish in the right en"ironment! C40s: mi$$le managers: 'romotionalsta// memers: an$ 'ersonnel managers must gain a goo$ un$erstan$ing o/ QC Circleacti"ities an$ create such an en"ironment! The C4 has a +ey role to 'lay!

    10.1% T!e role o, middle mana$ement8i$$le managers shoul$ hel' estalish a *or+ing en"ironment in *hich QC Circle memersare allo*e$ to ta+e on a management role in their o*n *or+ an$ ma+e im'ro"ements ontheir o*n initiati"e: in *hich their *illingness to contriute is res'ecte$: an$ : in *hich they

    can use their ailities to the /ull!

    10.1* Set up a company4'ide or$anisation to promote QC Circle activitiesSet u' a com'any-*i$e organi7ation to 'romote an$ /acilitate QC Circle acti"ities! Thisshoul$ inclu$e a 'romotional committee an$ a 'romotional secretariat!

    10.1 &old QC Circle e5c!an$es 'it! ot!er companies=hen QC Circles al*ays remain *ithin their o*n *or+ 'laces: memers< 'ers'ecti"es may

    ecome limite$: an$ their i$eas lose /reshness! rgani7e meetings 'erio$ically *ith othercircles oth *ithin the com'any an$ outsi$e! 8emers o/ $i//erent circles can "isit eachother: ha"e $iscussions: an$ stu$y QC Circle management together: an$ stimulate eachother to /urther $e"elo'ment!

    A Roadmap to Quality (Unit 10 QC Circle

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    6earnin$ tools

    T!e RA7AR 8uestionsAs you rea$ each tet you *ill $iscuss ho* it coul$ e a''lie$ in your com'any! The

    RADAR questions *ill hel' you to /ocus this $iscussion5

    R- Are these i$eas relevantto my com'any,A- )o* *oul$ & applyeach o/ them in my com'any,7- =hat di,,icultiesmight & meet an$ ho* *oul$ & o"ercome them,A- Are there any additionalactions that & might ta+e that are not mentione$ in thetet,R- =hat resources*oul$ e nee$e$: *hat *oul$ these cost: an$ ho* coul$ they eacquire$,

    There *ill o/ course e some $iscussion 'oint *here not all o/ these questions *ill e


    The 6-Point StructureA/ter you ha"e $iscusse$ the i$eas in the tet: you *rite an action 'lan in *hich you

    'resent 'ractical 'ro'osals /or im'lementing the conclusions you ha"e reache$ in your$iscussion! The 6-Point structure *ill hel' you to *rite your action 'lan5

    1! 2ro-lems3 Prolems you ha"e in your com'any in the area you ha"e 9ust$iscusse$!

    #! 2roposals3Bour 'ro'osals /or im'ro"ement!a! >e s'eci/ic an$ concretes!

    ! &nclu$e an im'lementation 'lan: *ith a time sche$ule an$ minimum an$o'timal im'lementation Targets!

    c! Re/er to any /orms: charts: tales etc! that you *oul$ use: an$ inclu$esam'les in an a''en$i!

    %! O-stacles3 stacles to im'lementation in em'loyee attitu$es: com'anyorgani7ation an$ culture etc!: an$ ho* these coul$ e o"ercome!

    %. Resources3a! The resources require$5 /un$s: equi'ment: materials: man-hours: e'ertise

    etc!! The resources a"ailale *ithin the com'any!c! Any resources that *oul$ ha"e to e /oun$ outsi$e the com'any!

    $! Alternati"e that coul$ e use$ to co"er any short/all in resources! Assessment3 =ays o/ assessing the results o/ im'lementing these 'ro'osals!6! 9ene,its3The ene/its your 'ro'osals *oul$ ring!

    A Roadmap to Quality Unit 10 QC Circle

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    10.1 QC Circle Activities

    1! A QC Circle is a small grou' o/ /rontline *or+ers *ho meet regularly to try toim'ro"e the quality o/ their *or+! &n general their a''roach is 'rolem-ase$! Theyi$enti/y 'rolems in the *or+'lace: usually relate$ to 'ro$uct quality an$ re/erre$ to as


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    ! The QC Se"en Tools!c! The e* QC Se"en Tools!$! ther statistical metho$s as *ell as &4 ?in$ustrial engineering@ an$ EA ?"alue

    engineering@!=hen em'loyees start using these metho$s they *ill /in$ it easy to un$erstan$ thisa''roach to im'ro"ement! ?See Unit 11 an$ Tet 16!6 /or $escri'tions o/ the QC


    6! QC Circles are also aout the quality o/ our *or+ing li/e! =e all ha"e a natural$esire to $e"elo' our latent ailities an$ $is'lay them to goo$ e//ect! QC Circleacti"ities gi"e em'loyees the o''ortunity to /ul/il this $esire y gaining +no*le$ge:sol"ing 'rolems: an$ achie"ing goals! Discussions at QC Circles also hel' usun$erstan$ our co-*or+ers etter: to $e"elo' goo$ relationshi's: an$: in all: to ma+eour *or+ 'lace more 'leasant: more cheer/ul an$ more $ynamic!

    igure 10!1a 8echanism o/ QC Circles

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 To *hat etent *oul$ you say that em'loyees in your com'any ha"e a senseo/ quality consciousness: 'rolem consciousness: are *illing to ma+e im'ro"ements:an$ ha"e a sense o/ management! =hat ene/its can these qualities in em'loyees

    ring,! Parag! #5 =ho are the /rontline em'loyees in your com'any, &n *hat *ays is the

    quality o/ your 'ro$ucts or ser"ices $etermine$ y the /ront-line em'loyees, Gi"e oneor t*o eam'les!

    c! Parags! %: ( an$ 5 These 'aragra'hs gi"e a 'reliminary outline o/ *hat QC Circlesin"ol"e! Some o/ the terminology *ill not e /amiliar to you yet: an$ more $etail *ill

    /ollo* in later tets! or the moment consi$er in general terms ho* /easile an$ ho*use/ul these i$eas *oul$ e /or your com'any! )o* systematic is the a''roach to'rolem sol"ing in your com'any,

    A Roadmap to Quality Unit 10 QC Circle

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    10. T!e !uman dimension to QC Circles

    1! =e all ha"e an innate $esire /or 'ersonal gro*th! &n the right con$itions *eget a lot o/ satis/action /rom stu$ying: /rom im'ro"ing our s+ills: an$ /rom using ourne* s+ills *ith our co-*or+ers to achie"e meaning/ul targets! QC Circles 'ro"i$e the

    right con$itions!

    #! The aims o/ QC Circle acti"ities are to5a! Fully bring out our latent capabilities.4"eryone has consi$erale aility! As long

    as *e continue to learn: this aility *ill continue to $e"elo'! QC Circle acti"ities'ro"i$e a /rame*or+ /or learning an$ $e"elo'ing together *ith our /ello* *or+ers!

    ! Create a happy workplace.8emers o/ QC Circles res'ect each other: an$ allo*each to $is'lay his or her ailities! =hen *e learn to see things /rom other 'eo'leHs"ie*'oint: our relationshi's *ith them im'ro"e: an$ the *or+ en"ironment ecomesa 'leasant 'lace *here e"eryone has a sense o/ 'ur'ose!

    c! Contribute to the improvement and development of the enterprise. QC Circlesha"e ecome 'art o/ the cor'orate /ront-line! 8any com'anies ha"e entruste$ them

    *ith the tas+ o/ $etermining the quality le"el o/ the 'ro$ucts an$ ser"ices they'ro"i$e to customers! They +no* that i/ em'loyees /in$ their 9os *orth*hile: /in$their *or+ en"ironment 'leasant: an$ can eercise their ailities to the /ullest: thenthe com'anies they *or+ /or can only re/orm an$ gro*!

    %! To ma+e the most o/ the o''ortunities that QC Circle acti"ities 'ro"i$e: *e shoul$resol"e to5a! >ring out our 'otential ailities through sel/-$e"elo'ment!

    ! Act *ith a goo$ *ill: an$ trans/orm oursel"es into ca'ale *or+ers!c! See+ o''ortunities to /urther our $e"elo'ment as a grou': an$ to roa$en our

    outloo+!$! =or+ together5 ma+e sure in/ormation is share$ *ith e"eryone: an$ lea"e to the si$e

    any 'ersonal iases *e may ha"e!e! 4ncourage e"eryone to 'artici'ate in the grou': an$ sho* *hat a /orce it can e!/! Do our est to create a $ynamic *or+ en"ironment!g! Come u' *ith creati"e i$eas to ring im'ro"ements to our *or+ achie"e a *or+

    en"ironment that is continually mo"ing /or*ar$!h! Culti"ate quality consciousness: 'rolem consciousness: an$ a *illingness to ma+e

    im'ro"ements!i! 8a+e e//ecti"e use o/ QC metho$s resol"e 'rolems: to 're"ent 'rolems recurring:

    an$ to 're"ent 'otential 'rolems emerging!9! =or+ to*ar$s the goals o/ TQ8!


    The /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 =hat $o you thin+ o/ this 'ers'ecti"e on 'eo'le: es'ecially in the*or+ contet,

    ! Parag! #5 Discuss these aims o/ QC Circles acti"ities! &/ QC Circles can achie"e*hat is $escrie$ here ho* use/ul *oul$ they e in your com'any,

    c! Parag! %5 =oul$ it e realistic to e'ect the em'loyees in your com'any to ma+esuch resolution, )o* "aluale *oul$ it e they $i$: an$ acte$ on them, Loo+ ateach recommen$e$ resolution in turn!

    A Roadmap to Quality 3Unit 10 QC Circle

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    ACT#ON 26AN=hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets: ta+e the i$eas you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in them: an$ inyour $iscussion: an$ 'resent them in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure!

    A Roadmap to Quality 10Unit 10 QC Circle

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    10." #ntroducin$ QC Circle activities in your company

    1! >e oth sensiti"e an$ creati"e in intro$ucing QC Circles in your com'any: in 'articularsince their aims are to encourage the $e"elo'ment o/ em'loyees! 8a+e sure that youta+e an a''roach that suits the *or+ing en"ironment: an$ the character an$ climate o/

    your com'any!

    #! Those *ho are 'romoting QC Circles: shoul$ /in$ out ho* em'loyees /eel aout thecircles e/ore they intro$uce them! &/ any are o''ose$: they shoul$ listen care/ully totheir reasons an$ ta+e time to get their consent! 8anagement shoul$ not /orce QCCircles onto em'loyees: ut shoul$ rather encourage their s'ontaneous /ormation!

    %! There are three 'rinci'al *ays to intro$uce QC Circles5a! &ntro$uce them simultaneously in all the *or+ 'laces - o//ices: manu/acturing

    'lants: an$ $e'artments! This metho$ 'rom'ts a sense o/ togetherness *ithin theorgani7ation an$ encourages QC Circles to *or+ har$ in /rien$ly ri"alry! Somecom'anies hol$ a ceremony on the inauguration $ay an$ in"ite the 'resi$ent: 'lant$irector: or $e'artment manager to announce their intro$uction!

    ! orm 'ilot circles5 su'er"isors *ho ha"e een $esignate$ to ecome lea$ers /orm'ilot QC Circles! The 'ilot circles /ollo* the ty'ical 'roce$ures5 they eaminecommon 'rolems at *or+ an$ use QC metho$s to resol"e them. they com'ile theire'eriences into a QC Story:an$ a/ter t*o or three meetings: 'resent their story ata con/erence! Through these 'ilot circles the su'er"isors *ill gain the lea$ershi'con/i$ence to /orm other QC Circles: to 'romote their acti"ities an$ to 'ro"i$egui$ance! These 'ilot circles shoul$ e maintaine$ /or three to si months!

    c! Inauguration of circles by volunteers (model circles)*illing "olunteers /orm QCCircles: an$ /rom these: QC Circles gra$ually s'rea$ to other 'laces! These

    'ioneering circles are calle$ mo$el circles ecause they ser"e as mo$els /or others!A/ter s'en$ing three to si months on 'rolem resolution: the mo$el circles hol$ ameeting an$ 'resent their achie"ements to a large numer o/ 'eo'le! This metho$encourages others to elie"e that they too may e ale to achie"e the same results!This is a 'rocess o/ 'o'ulari7ing QC acti"ities!

    All three o/ these *ays o/ intro$ucing QC Circles require su'er"isors an$ 'romoters toconstantly monitor circle acti"ities an$ to 'ro"i$e assistance *hene"er it is nee$e$!

    A Roadmap to Quality 11Unit 10 QC Circle

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    igure 10!%a Proce$ure /or intro$ucing QC Circle acti"ities an$ the roles o/ those in"ol"e$

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to re/lect on the i$eas in the tet an$ consi$er ho* you

    coul$ a''ly them to ring im'ro"ements in your com'any! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/the RADAR questions5

    Note:Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any tales or charts re/erre$ to in the tet!

    a! Parag! #5 )o* $o you thin+ the em'loyees in your com'any *oul$ /eel aoutQC Circle acti"ities, =oul$ those assigne$ to 'romote QC Circles e to ta+ingthis sensiti"e a''roach, )o* coul$ they e encourage$ to $o so,

    ! Parag! %5 4amine these three $i//erent *ays o/ intro$ucing QC Circles: an$$iscuss *hich a''roach *oul$ e most suitale /or your com'any! Bou may /in$it use/ul to a''ly the RADAR questions to each o/ a''roach!

    ACT#ON 26AN

    A Roadmap to Quality 1#Unit 10 QC Circle

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    Ta+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    A Roadmap to Quality 1%Unit 10 QC Circle

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    10.% &o' many employees in t!e company s!ould ta(epart in QC Circles)

    1! Although all em'loyees shoul$ ta+e 'art in QC Circle acti"ities: as these are acom'onent o/ TQ8: some com'anies allo* $e'artments an$ sections to o't out! A +ey$ecision you ha"e to ta+e is the scale o/ 'artici'ation *ithin your com'any!

    #! There are three mo$es o/ 'artici'ation in QC Circle acti"ities5a! Partici'ation y all the $e'artments an$ sections5 manu/acturing: quality

    management an$ ins'ection: /acility an$ maintenance: general a//airs an$accounting: 'rocurement an$ materials: sales an$ ser"ices: $esign an$ testing:com'uter: mar+eting: research an$ $e"elo'ment: technical ser"ices etc!

    ! Partici'ation y e"eryone in the same *or+'lace5 or$inary em'loyees ?inclu$inglong-term an$ short-term em'loyees an$ 'art-timers: an$ those hire$ y 'artnercom'anies@: su'er"isors: susection an$ section chie/s an$ $e'artment managers:all ta+e 'art in the acti"ities!

    c! Partici'ation only y those sections that actually /orm QC Circles5 memers atten$meetings: e'resses their o'inions: an$ 'er/orms their assigne$ roles!

    %! Partici'ation y all em'loyees *ill ma+e them /eel goo$: an$ gi"e them a sense o/con/i$ence an$ unity! &t *ill allo* those in the same *or+ 'lace to $is'lay theirsoli$arity an$ their comine$ range o/ ailities! Com'anies that eem't certain$e'artments: e!g! the research an$ $e"elo'ment $e'artment shoul$ e"entually achie"ethe 'artici'ation o/ all the /ront-line *or+ers in all their $e'artments an$ sections!

    igure 10!(a =ritten re'ort o/ QC Circle acti"ities

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that are

    A Roadmap to Quality 1(Unit 10 QC Circle

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    rele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    Parags! # an$ %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these mo$es o/ 'artici'ation in QCCircle acti"ities: an$ try to $eci$e *hat /orm o/ 'artici'ation *oul$ e most suitale /oryour com'any!

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any!

    A Roadmap to Quality 1Unit 10 QC Circle

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    10.* Select QC Circle leaders+ roles o, leaders andmem-ers

    Introduction1! The QC Circle lea$ers *ill e the $ri"ing /orce ehin$ the acti"ities! Select 'eo'le:

    *ho can sho* lea$ershi': get memers to coo'erate in meetings: can gather i$eas: an$can create an atmos'here *here e"eryone *ill /eel /ree to e'ress their o'inion!

    Selecting leaders#! Di//erent *ays o/ selecting lea$ers *ill e a''ro'riate at $i//erent stages o/ intro$ucing

    an$ estalishing QC Circles5a! During the inauguration 'hase /oremen in the *or+'laces are the most suitale

    lea$ers! Unless *or+ 'lace lea$ers are at the /ore/ront o/ this 'rocess: qualitymanagement *ill not reach the ran+-an$-/ile em'loyees an$ *ill not ecomeestalishe$ in the *or+ 'laces!

    ! nce QC Circle memers ecome use$ to the acti"ities: they shoul$ select as teamlea$er a 'erson *ith lea$ershi' ailities rather than sim'ly acce't someonea''ointe$ y their su'eriors!

    c! =hen acti"ities are *ell a$"ance$: large QC Circles shoul$ $i"i$e themsel"es intosu-grou's to tac+le se'arate themes! These su-grou's can hol$ QC Circlemeetings on their o*n or 9ointly *ith other su-grou's: an$ select their o*n lea$ers!

    %! Points to consi$er *hen selecting lea$ers5a! Some QC Circles select lea$ers on a rotation asis! )o*e"er this coul$ mean that

    that a memer *ith no lea$ershi' ailities ecomes lea$er! Such a lea$er coul$greatly slo* $o*n the 'rogress o/ acti"ities!

    ! QC Circle memers *ho ha"e 'artici'ate$ /or t*o or three years: an$ ha"e gaine$a soun$ un$erstan$ing o/ the acti"ities an$ metho$s: shoul$ e ma$e theme-s'eci/iclea$ers! They *ill e +no*n as theme lea$ers! They can thus $e"elo' lea$ershi'

    s+ills an$ lea$ circles in the /uture!The role of leaders(! The 'rimary role o/ QC Circle lea$ers is to +ee' u' the $ynamic o/ the circles: to

    encourage memers to use their ailities to the /ull: an$ to su''ort them in $oing so!They shoul$5a! in$ out *hat im'ro"ements their memers *oul$ li+e to see in the *or+ing

    en"ironment: i$enti/y s'eci/ic 'rolems: $eci$e ho* to a''roach them: an$ selecttargets!

    !Get a goo$ i$ea o/ the qualities an$ s+ills o/ the circle memers: assign them rolesthat *ill allo* them to 'ut these to goo$ use: an$ create an atmos'here that *illmoti"ate them to $o so!

    c! &ntro$uce *ays that memers can acquire the +no*le$ge an$ s+ills nee$e$ to carry

    out the acti"ities: inclu$ing gi"ing training themsel"es!$!Train successors5 $emonstrate ho* lea$ers shoul$ act: an$ train memers to ta+e

    o"er them!e! in$ out *hat su'eriors e'ect /rom the circles: an$ then $iscuss *ith memers ho*

    to incor'orate these e'ectations into the acti"ities!

    Support ,rom mem-ers! QC Circle memers shoul$ su''ort the lea$ers y carrying out their assigne$ roles

    $iligently an$ y acquiring the s+ills an$ e'erience that *ill enale them to im'ro"ethe quality o/ their *or+ an$ o/ the *or+ en"ironment! They shoul$5a! Gi"e acti"e assistance to the lea$ers an$ 'artici'ate in team*or+!

    ! Atten$ meetings an$ s'ea+ /orthrightly /rom their o*n e'erience!

    c! Carry out the roles assigne$ to them *ithin the gi"en time /rame: inclu$ing the roleso/ secretary or o/ 'resenter at meetings!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle 16

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    $! Stu$y engineering technology an$ quality control an$ roa$en the range o/ rolesthey can 'er/orm!

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that are

    rele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 )o* $i//icult $o you thin+ it might e to i$enti/y such lea$ers in yourcom'any,

    ! Parags! # an$ %5 )o* /easile $o you thin+ these *ays o/ selecting a lea$er*oul$ e in your com'any,

    c! Parag! (5 )o* challenging $o you thin+ it *ill e /or QC Circle lea$ers in yourcom'any to carry out these, )o* $o you thin+ they shoul$ go aout $oing so,

    $! Parag! 5 )o* *illing $o you thin+ *or+ers in your com'any *oul$ e to carryout these /unctions, )o* much encouragement an$ su''ort *oul$ they nee$ to$o so, )o* coul$ this e 'ro"i$e$,

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle 1

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    10. T!e QC / Story

    1! QC Circles use the QC Story to sol"e 'rolems relate$ to the /i"e 'riorities o/QCDS85 quality ?Q@: costs ?C@: $ea$lines an$ quantity ?D@: sa/ety ?S@: an$ morale?8@! This 'roce$ure uses metho$ ase$ on /acts an$ $ata: an$ aims to 're"ent the

    recurrence o/ 'rolems y i$enti/ying the causes an$ im'lementing recurrence're"enting measures!

    #! A QC Story consists o/ the /ollo*ing eight ste's5a! Select a theme to *or+ on!

    ! Clari/y the 'rolem an$ set targets!c! Get a clear un$erstan$ing o/ the e//ects that the 'rolem has cause$!$! &n"estigate the causes5 analysis!e! De"ise an$ im'lement recurrence 're"ention measures!/! Con/irm the e//ects o/ these measures!g! Stan$ar$i7e the ne* metho$s!h! Re/lect on the 'rolems le/t unsol"e$ an$ consi$er /uture recurrence 're"ention

    measures!Bou *ill /in$ $etaile$ gui$elines on using the QC Story in Tet 3!3: 3!10 an$ 3!11

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle 12

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    10./ QC Circle meetin$s

    1! QC Circle meetings hel' memers to *or+ together to*ar$s the same goals! 8emersechange i$eas an$ in/ormation: get to +no* each other: an$ $e"elo' a s'irit o/coo'eration an$ a sense o/ soli$arity! >ut i/ the meetings are 'oorly manage$: the

    acti"ities *ill stagnate an$ memers *ill ecome $e-moti"ate$!

    #! &/ meetings are to e e//ecti"e5a! They shoul$ e *ell 'lanne$!

    ! All memers shoul$ atten$!c! Roles shoul$ e $istriute$5 mo$erator: secretary: 'resenter an$ others!$! The 'ur'ose o/ the meeting shoul$ e agree$!e! >rainstorming sessions shoul$ e hel$ to generate ne* i$eas!/! All memers shoul$ gi"e their o'inions!g! 8inutes shoul$ al*ays e ta+en!

    %! To 'lan meetings: you nee$ to $eci$e on their $uration: /requency: timing an$ 'lace5

    a! Duration5 The length o/ meetings *ill "ary accor$ing to such /actors as *or+ 'lacecon$itions: the agen$a: an$ their /requency! )o*e"er the a"erage meeting *ill last/or %0 to 60 minutes!

    !requency5 The numer o/ meetings 'er month *ill "ary accor$ing to their a"erage$uration! )o*e"er: they shoul$ ta+e 'lace at least t*ice a month! &t is est to set atarget numer o/ meetings to e hel$ in the net one-month 'erio$ an$ try to +ee' tothis target!

    c!Timing5 The times *hen QC Circle meetings are hel$ *ill "ary accor$ing to *or+requirements an$ the other $eman$s on QC Circle memers< time! =hen they meet$uring regular *or+ing hours: they must otain the a''ro"al o/ a manager ina$"ance! &t is a$"isale to5i! &nclu$e QC Circle meetings in the monthly o'erational sche$ule!

    ii! Set u' s'eci/ic $ates /or meetings!iii! Use a message oar$ to $etermine *hen all memers can meet!

    $! Place5 8eetings shoul$ e hel$ in one o/ the /ollo*ing 'laces5i! The *or+ 'lace!ii! Con/erence rooms near the *or+ 'lace!iii! Dining rooms or rest areas!i"! ut$oor locations *ithin the /actory groun$s!"! Locations a*ay /rom *or+: such as recreational areas: co//ee sho's: an$

    e$ucational /acilities!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle 13

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    igure 10! orm /or minutes o/ QC Circle 8eetings

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 Descrie rie/ly the *orst meeting you ha"e e"er 'artici'ate$ in:an$ the est! =hat ma$e them so a$ an$ so goo$,

    ! Parag! #5 =hat ostacles coul$ e met in trying to con$uct meetings in this*ay an$ ho* coul$ they e o"ercome,

    c! Parag! %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or arranging QCCircle meetings!

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #0

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    10. QC Circle assem-lies

    1! A/ter a QC Circle has com'lete$ a theme: it hol$s a meeting: re/erre$ to as a QCCircle assemly or a QC Circle con/erence: to re-a''raise the metho$s that ha"e eenuse$: an$ to con/irm the circle

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    a! Learn aout $ynamic acti"ities in other *or+ 'laces an$ e'an$ their o*nhori7ons!

    ! Learn the 'ractical a''lications o/ QC metho$s: creati"e thin+ing: an$ *ays o/organising in/ormation an$ i$eas!

    c! Learn that creati"e i$eas that emerge in QC Circles can e a''lie$ again in the/uture!

    6! A/ter the 'resentations: managers an$ /acilitatorsI ?in the case o/ in-house con/er-ences@: an$ a$"isors an$ memers o/ the screening committee ?in the case o/ eternalcon/erences@ re"ie* the 'resentations! They shoul$ 'ay attention to the /ollo*ing5a! Disregar$ monetary achie"ements: an$ stress achie"ements that im'ro"e$ *or+

    'rocesses!! Consi$er *hether achie"ements are ase$ on the 'rinci'le o/ quality /irst as a

    com'onent o/ TQ8!c! Consi$er *illing 'artici'ation as the most im'ortant 'oint /or e"aluation!$! Consi$er *hether all the circle memers 'artici'ate$ *ith a sense o/ a*areness!e! 4amine ho* 'resentations relate$ to the higher 'olicies o/ the com'any!/! A''raise QC Circles accor$ing to their $egree o/ gro*th!

    IThe term ;/acilitator< is use$ *ith a roa$ meaning! &t may e in anyone in thecom'any *ho is hel'ing to organise QC circle acti"ities!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle ##

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    igure 10!2a Detaile$ chec+ sheet /or QC Circle con/erence e'eriences

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! #5 &/ you ha"e alrea$y eamine$ the QC Story in Unit 3: ta+e the theme youchose there an$ $eci$e ho* you *oul$ 'resent it!

    ! Parag! %5 )o* im'ortant $o you thin+ each o/ these gui$elines is /or gi"ing a'resentation, Are there any others that you *oul$ a$$ to the list,

    c! Parag! (5 =hy $o you thin+ these 'articular 'oints are em'hasise$, Are there anyother 'oints that you *oul$ a$$,

    $! Parag! 5 Loo+ at each o/ these lessons to e learne$ /rom QC Circle assemly'resentations! )o* "aluale $o you thin+ each lesson is to the 'resenters an$listeners: an$ to the com'any, Can you thin+ o/ any other lessons that may elearne$,

    e! Parag! 65 Do you agree that each o/ these 'oints is im'ortant, =hy,

    ACT#ON 26AN

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #%

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    Ta+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #(

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    10. Evaluation o, QC Circle activities

    1! Regular an$ a''ro'riate e"aluation o/ QC Circle acti"ities *ill hel' to moti"atememers an$ to re"itali7e acti"ities! &t *ill i$enti/y *here im'ro"ement is nee$e$: an$in$icate the corrections that shoul$ e ma$e! 4"aluation shoul$ a$$ress the /ollo*ing

    questions5a! Are QC Circle acti"ities in line *ith the action 'lans an$ targets,

    ! )o* are the acti"ities eing con$ucte$,c! =hat ailities are eing $e"elo'e$,$! Are the acti"ities achie"ing satis/actory results,e! )o* $o the acti"ities o/ this circle com'are *ith those o/ other QC Circles,

    There are t*o /orms o/ e"aluation5a! Sel/-e"aluation y the memers themsel"es!

    ! 4"aluation y managers!

    #! Sel/-e"aluation y QC Circle 8emers5

    a! Self!valuation after a problem has been resolved: QC Circle memers re/lect onall the ste's they ha"e ta+en to resol"e the 'rolem. e"aluate them: recognise anyunsatis/actory 'oints: an$ try to i$enti/y the causes o/ these an$ correct them!

    !Selfevaluation of all "C Circle activities at the end of the term and the year:QCCircles are ongoing5 *hen they ha"e sol"e$ one 'rolem: they start 'lanning tosol"e a ne* one! At the en$ o/ the term an$ the year: the memers shoul$ re"ie*an$ e"aluate all their acti"ities!

    c!#imits of selfevaluation: QC Circle lea$ers an$ memers can e e'ecte$ toe"aluate their acti"ities *illingly! )o*e"er: sel/-e"aluations ten$ to 'ro$uce lieralratings! To estalish a greater sense o/ o9ecti"ity: QC Circles shoul$ e also ee"aluate$ y managers an$ /acilitators! These e"aluations *ill gi"e memers a

    etter un$erstan$ing o/ their 'rolems an$ the $irection they shoul$ ta+e!

    %! 4"aluation y managers an$ /acilitators5a! !valuate activities: &mme$iate su'eriors at *or+ must recei"e *ritten or oral

    re'orts on QC Circle acti"ities: e"aluate these re'orts: an$ gi"e the circlesa''ro'riate instructions an$ a$"ice as each ste' o/ the 'rolem resolution 'roce-$ure is com'lete$! Their instructions shoul$ e a''ro'riate to the le"el o/ thecircles: an$ shoul$ e encouraging! The 'ur'ose is to hel' memers to a''reciatethe things they are $oing *ell: an$ im'ro"e those that coul$ e etter!

    ! !valuate presentations at "C Circle presentation days and conferences:these are+ey e"ents to 'romote QC Circle acti"ities!

    c! !valuate all "C Circle activities for the term and the year5 8anagers e"aluate allQC Circle acti"ities o"er the 'ast year or /or a /ie$ 'erio$ an$ gi"e recognition to

    the circleHs accom'lishments! This is the most im'ortant ty'e o/ e"aluation ecauseo/ the em'hasis on continuity in QC Circle acti"ities!

    (! =hile they are gi"ing instructions on the $e"elo'ment o/ QC Circle acti"ities: C40s:managers: an$ /acilitators shoul$ not /orget to sho* a''reciation o/ the har$ *or+ thatthe memers 'ut in: an$ to 'raise their achie"ements!a! A/ter they ha"e gi"en e"aluations: they shoul$ re/lect on the instruction metho$s

    they ha"e een using: an$ ma+e im'ro"ements to these!! They shoul$ recognise that e"aluations an$ 'ulic ac+no*le$gments gi"e QC

    Circle memers a sense o/ achie"ement an$ satis/action: ma+ing them more highlymoti"ate$ an$ more com'etiti"e in relation to other circles!

    c! They shoul$ re/lect on the 'rolems a$$resse$ y QC Circles an$ re-e"aluate their

    o*n $ay-to-$ay management 'roce$ures!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #

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    $! They shoul$ try to ta+e a roa$ "ie* o/ the 'rolems that QC Circles are tac+lingan$ the im'ro"ements they are intro$ucing!

    !$amples:igure 10!3a Chec+ list /or e"aluation o/ QC Circle acti"ities ?/or themes@!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #6

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    igure !10 Chec+ list /or e"aluation o/ QC Circle Acti"ities ?year roun$@!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #

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    igure !11 QC Circle acti"ity e"aluation tale ?/or management organi7ation@!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #2

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    igure !1# Tale o/ QC Circle acti"ity scores!

    ?All o/ these tales are "ery $etaile$! Bou may 're/er to eamine them *hen you ha"ecom'lete$ all the tets in this unit!@

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plan

    a/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel these

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle #3

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    are rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 Are there any other questions that you /eel e"aluation shoul$ a$$ress,! Parag! #5 )o* *illing *oul$ your em'loyees e to carry out such sel/-

    e"aluation, )o* com'etent *oul$ they e to $o so, A''ly the RADARquestions to intro$ucing these gui$elines /or sel/-e"aluation y memers!

    c! Parag! %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or e"aluation ymanagers!

    $! Parag! (5 )o* *illing an$ ale *oul$ your C4s an$ managers e to /ollo*these gui$elines, &/ not: ho* coul$ they e encourage$ to $o so,

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %0

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    10.10 T!e -asic procedures ,or QC Circle activities

    1! nce QC Circles ha"e een set u': there are a *i$e range o/ 'roce$ures to /ollo*!These are 'resente$ in igure 10!10a elo*! These 'roce$ures in"ol"e quite acommitment y the com'any an$ y the QC Circle lea$ers an$ memers! To maintain

    a goo$ le"el o/ moti"ation an$ +ee' QC Circles going: the asic requirements are that5a! Lea$ers un$erstan$ the asics o/ QC Circle acti"ities!

    ! Lea$ers acti"ely eercise the /unction o/ lea$ershi'!c! 8emers are gui$e$ to an a*areness o/ the nee$ /or QC acti"ities an$ are *illing to

    'artici'ate!$! An en"ironment is create$ that encourages the *illing 'artici'ation o/ em'loyees!e! Lea$ers an$ memers +ee' the o9ecti"es o/ acti"ities in min$ as they carry them

    out!/! 8emers stu$y QC metho$s!g! The lea$er /in$s a goo$ 'oint at *hich to ring a meeting to a close!h! 8emers carry out a sel/-e"aluation o/ their acti"ities!

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 )o* im'ortant $o you thin+ each o/ these gui$elines *oul$ e /or+ee'ing QC Circles going in your com'any, Are there any others you *oul$ a$$,

    ! igure 10!10a5 This list o/ 'roce$ures /or QC Circle acti"ities is "ery

    com'rehensi"e! Rea$ through it an$ tic+ any 'oints that coul$ e $i//icult toim'lement in your com'any! Discuss ho* these $i//iculties coul$ e o"ercome!Then a''ly the RADAR questions to ho* you *oul$ use this list in yourcom'any!

    c! =hen you ha"e rea$ an$ $iscusse$ all the tets in this unit: come ac+ to the list:in igure 10!10a: rea$ through it again an$ $eci$e ho* much o/ it to incor'oratein your /inal Action Plan /or intro$ucing QC Circles in your com'any! ?See theAction Plan Tet 10!16@

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %1

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    igure 10!10a>asic 'roce$ure /or QC Circle acti"ities

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %#

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    10.11 QC Circle trainin$

    1! QC Circle training is aime$ at achie"ing a *or+'lace /ull o/ em'loyees *ho aremoti"ate$: creati"e: an$ goo$ at sol"ing 'rolems! Training /ocuses on the "alue o/ QCCircle acti"ities: on raising quality consciousness: an$ on using QC metho$s!

    #! 8emers an$ lea$ers shoul$ e traine$ in5a! An un$erstan$ing o/ the asic i$eas ehin$ QC Circle training5

    i! The o9ecti"es an$ "alue o/ com'any *i$e e//orts to 'romote QC Circleacti"ities!

    ii! QC 'ers'ecti"es an$ *ays o/ thin+ing!! 8anagement metho$s /or QC Circle acti"ities5

    i! Proce$ures /or a$"ancing QC Circle acti"ities!ii! The roles o/ QC Circle lea$ers an$ memers!iii! )o* to run e//ecti"e meetings!

    c! 8etho$s /or im'ro"ing 'rolem resolution5i! The ste's in"ol"e$ in 'rolem resolution: the metho$s use$ at each ste': an$

    ho* to a''ly them to actual 'rolem resolution in the *or+ 'lace!ii! The Se"en QC Tools5 Pareto Diagram: Cause an$ 4//ect Diagram: Chec+ Sheet:

    )istogram: Control Chart: Scatter Diagram: Strati/ication! ?See Unit 11:Statistics@

    iii! The E4 metho$ ?"alue engineering@: &4 metho$ ?in$ustrial engineering@: an$others

    %!8etho$s o/ stu$y5a! or 'artici'ating in QC Circle acti"ities5

    i! Rea$ oo+s an$ learn /rom them5 tetoo+s on QC Circle acti"ities: maga7ines:an$ other 'ulications!

    ii! Listen to others an$ learn /rom them5 at QC Circle con/erences: lecture

    meetings: seminars: an$ other occasions!iii! Learn /rom $iscussions5 at meetings hel$ at the *or+ 'lace: stu$y sessions: an$

    other 'laces!! or a$"ancing an$ managing QC Circle acti"ities5

    i! Rea$ oo+s an$ learn /rom them5 tetoo+s $escriing ho* to run meetings:select an$ 'resent themes: an$ maga7ines an$ other 'ulications!

    ii! Learn /rom 'ast acti"ities: inclu$ing QC Circle con/erences: 'resentationmeetings: $ocumente$ cases: echange meetings: an$ other concrete eam'les!

    iii! Learn /rom 'ractice5 e'erience is o/ten the est teacher /or QC Circles! Circlesshoul$ $e"elo' ingenuity in ma+ing im'ro"ements!


    The /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 )o* $oes your *or+'lace at 'resent com'are *ith this rather i$eal$escri'tion, )o* challenging $o you thin+ it *ill e /or QC Circle training toachie"e these o9ecti"es in your *or+'lace,

    ! Parag! #5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or QC Circle

    training!c! Parag! %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or stu$y relate$ toQC Circle acti"ities!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %%

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    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    igure !1( Training Plans

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %(

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    10.1. 2lannin$ ,uture QC Circle activities

    %. acilitators shoul$ 're'are 'lans /or $esirale QC Circle acti"ities /or the /uture: an$'romote these as a com'onent o/ TQ8! These 'lans shoul$ 'rescrie the le"el o/ QCCircle acti"ities: their targets: an$ concrete measures /or achie"ing the targets! &n $oing

    so: they shoul$ loo+ care/ully at the 'resent state o/ QC Circles an$ shoul$ res'ect theintentions o/ *or+ su'eriors! Such 'lans are im'ortant in energising an$ consoli$atingQC Circle acti"ities!

    &.To $ra/t the 'lans5a! Clearly $e/ine the ty'e o/ QC Circle to e $e"elo'e$: ase$ on the /un$amental

    'rinci'les o/ the com'any: $e'artment or section!! Consi$er 'rolems that currently eist *ithin the com'any: $e'artment or section!c! Deci$e the target le"el o/ QC Circle acti"ities o"er a gi"en 'erio$ ?short-term:

    mi$-term or long-term@: as *ell as target /igures: an$ the concrete ste's to e ta+en!$! Pre'are 'lans ase$ on these concrete /actors!

    '. Points to 'ay attention to5a! Get a goo$ un$erstan$ing o/ the 'resent situation: an$ ma+e sure that the 'lans can

    e im'lemente$ an$ ins'ecte$!! 8a+e sure that the 'lans co"er all the QC Circle acti"ities inclu$ing management:

    stu$ies: an$ the resolution o/ 'rolems in *or+ 'laces!c! 8a+e sure that the 'lans corres'on$ *ith the characteristics o/ the com'any:

    $e'artment or section! Sam'le characteristics inclu$e o'erating on a shi/t asis:automate$ *or+ 'laces: an$ ha"ing em'loyees *ith $i//erent e$ucational

    ac+groun$s *or+ing together!$! 8a+e sure that the 'lans corres'on$ to management 'lans. sho* ho* they relate to

    cor'orate: $e'artmental or sectional 'olicies!e! Clari/y the relationshi' et*een the 'lans an$ TQ8 'romotion 'lans in the

    com'any!/! 4stalish targets on a soli$ /oun$ation! or eam'le: 'rior to intro$ucing acti"ities:

    'lanners shoul$ stu$y 'ast acti"ity recor$s: training course: con/erences: echangemeetings: an$ re/erence materials: an$ es'ecially the situation in other com'anies!

    g! &$enti/y concrete *ays o/ achie"ing the target /igures!h! i management ins'ection items that can e chec+e$ to see i/ the target has een

    achie"e$: an$ the metho$s /or ins'ecting these!

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plan

    a/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 =hy are these 'lans im'ortant in energising an$ consoli$ating QCCircle acti"ities,

    ! Parags # an$ %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or $ra/ting'romotion 'lans /or QC Circle acti"ities!

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resent

    them in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %

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    igure 10!1#a Proce$ure /or QC Circle acti"ity 'romotion 'lans: an$ eamination an$con/irmation items

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %6

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    10.1" Creatin$ t!e ri$!t environment ,or QC Circleactivities3 t!e role o, t!e CEO

    1! QC Circles can only /lourish in the right en"ironment! C40s: mi$$le managers:'romotional sta// memers: an$ 'ersonnel managers: must gain a goo$ un$erstan$ing

    o/ QC Circle acti"ities: o/ their o*n roles in su''orting them! The C4 has a +ey roleto 'lay!

    #! C4s must clearly in$icate *hat they e'ect o/ QC Circles: an$ their 'osition *ithinthe com'any! They shoul$5a! &n$icate their 'olicies on TQ8 an$ im'lement these 'olicies!

    ! See the "alue o/ intro$ucing the acti"ities in realising cor'orate 'rinci'les:im'lementing long-term management 'lans an$ /urthering com'any-*i$e qualitymanagement ?TQ8@!

    c! Clari/y the com'any

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    ?This tale gi"es a $etaile$ summary o/ the roles o/ all those in"ol"e$! Bou may 're/er toeamine it later *hen you ha"e com'lete$ all the tets o/ this unit!@

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle %2

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    10.1%. T!e role o, middle mana$ement

    1! 8i$$le managers shoul$ hel' estalish a *or+ing en"ironment in *hich QC Circlememers are allo*e$ to ta+e on a management role in their o*n *or+ an$ to ma+eim'ro"ements on their o*n initiati"e: an en"ironment in *hich their *illingness to

    contriute is res'ecte$: an$ in *hich they can use their ailities to the /ull!

    #! 8i$$le managers shoul$5a! Practise management control acti"ities /or TQ8!

    ! Res'ect QC Circle acti"ities *here memers are *illing to contriute: an$ create asu''orti"e atmos'here!

    c! Fee' u' to $ate *ith the status o/ QC Circles: an$ 'ro"i$e instructions an$ a$"iceas the acti"ities 'rogress!

    $! Get a goo$ un$erstan$ing o/ the com'any

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    igure 10!1(a The in"ol"ement o/ mi$$le managers in QC Circles

    2eriod &ntro$uctory'erio$5 ne*lyinaugurate$ QCCircles. mi$$le

    managers ta+e theinitiati"e!

    De"elo'ment 'erio$5QC Circles un$ergoing$e"elo'ment. a certain$egree o/ initiati"e is


    Staili7ation 'erio$5/ully $e"elo'e$ QCCircles: a /ull sense o/grou' initiati"e is


    6eaders Res'onsilein$i"i$uals in*or+'laces!

    Res'onsile in$i"i$ualsin *or+'laces or their$e'uties!

    Lea$ers coul$ change ona rotation asis!

    T!emes amiliar easy-to-resol"e 'rolems!

    amiliar 'rolems in*or+'laces!Prolems relate$ tooriginal tas+s in*or+ 'laces!


    8ost 'rolems arelin+e$ *ith originaltas+s in *or+ 'laces!e* /amiliar 'rolemsin *or+ 'laces

    :et!ods ,or



    $iscussions ?stu$yan$ a''lication o/elementary QC8etho$s@!

    4lementary QC

    metho$s ?Pareto$iagram: cause an$e//ect $iagram an$others@!

    Se"en QC tools: &4

    ?in$ustrial engineering@:E4 ?"alue engineering@:ne* QC se"en tools!

    Attitude ta(en-y middlemana$ers3

    8i$$le managersta+e the initiati"ean$ 'ro"i$einstructions an$assistance to QCCircles

    8i$$le managers $irectQC Circle memers tothemes that corres'on$to the ca'acity o/ theircircle an$ hel' them to$e"elo' s'ontaneity!

    8i$$le managers$istance themsel"es/rom QC Circles an$

    'ro"i$e a$"ice only*hen a 'rolem arises!

    #ndependence o,QC Circles

    =ea+ Gro*s stronger ully estalishe$

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plana/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 )o* challenging $o you thin+ it *oul$ e /or mi$$le managers in

    your com'any to gi"e encouragement an$ su''ort to QC Circles, =hat su''ort*oul$ the managers themsel"es nee$ in $oing this,

    ! Parags! #5 A''ly the RADAR questions to this list o/ /unctions o/ mi$$lemanagers!

    c! Parag! %5 This tale $escries the ty'ical 'rogress o/ QC Circles an$ thechanging in"ol"ement o/ mi$$le managers! )o* *oul$ you a''ly it in yourcom'any, As+ the RADAR questions!

    $! igure 10!1(a gi"es a much more $etaile$ $escri'tion o/ the assistance thatmi$$le managers can gi"e to QC Circle acti"ities! &/ you /eel it *oul$ e use/ulto $o so: eamine it an$ consi$er ho* you *oul$ a''ly it in your com'any!

    ACT#ON 26AN

    Ta+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Bou

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (0

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    10.1* Set up a company4'ide or$anisation to promote QCCircle activities

    1! A com'any-*i$e organi7ation shoul$ e set u' to 'romote an$ /acilitate QCCircle acti"ities! Since the acti"ities are con$ucte$ as a com'onent o/ TQ8: it isim'ortant to estalish three systems5a! A to'-$o*n system: y *hich cor'orate 'olicies an$ TQ8 'olicies are

    communicate$ accurately to QC Circle memers!! A ottom-u' system: y *hich the "arious 'rolems that QC Circles con/ront are

    communicate$ accurately to management!c! A system y *hich QC Circles recei"e the instructions an$ assistance they nee$ to

    con$uct their acti"ities correctly an$ energetically!

    &. o set up the promotional organisation:a! 4stalish a QC Circle 'romotional committee: chaire$ y a to' eecuti"e an$

    sta//e$ y $e'artment managers!! 4stalish a QC Circle 'romotional secretariat *ithin the TQ8 'romotional

    secretariat!c! 4stalish "oluntary o'erational organi7ations /or QC Circle acti"ities ?such as QC

    Circle lea$ersH councils@!$! 4stalish in-house registration an$ re'orting systems /or QC Circles!e! Dra/t com'any-*i$e or o'eration-*i$e 'lans /or 'romoting QC Circle acti"ities!

    igure 10!1a rganisational chart /or 'romoting QC Circle acti"ities

    igure 10!1 Concrete roles o/ QC Circle /acilitators

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (#

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    Role of the QC CirclePromotional Secretariat%! The QC Circle 'romotional secretariat5

    a! Pre'ares the mechanism /or getting QC Circle acti"ities going *ithin the com'any!! Communicates *ith eternal 'arties an$ collects an$ $isseminates in/ormation!c! Con"eys the 'olicies an$ $ecisions o/ C40s an$ the 'romotional committee to

    em'loyees: an$ in language that is easy to un$erstan$!$! Gets a goo$ un$erstan$ing o/ the 'olicy /or intro$ucing QC Circle acti"ities an$

    're'are $etaile$: concrete 'lans to im'lement it!e! Gets a goo$ un$erstan$ing o/ QC Circle acti"ities!/! Together *ith the QC Circles: tries to gras' an$ resol"e the 'rolems 'resente$ y

    the intro$uction o/ QC Circles!g! Fee's u' to $ate *ith QC Circle acti"ities: 'ro"i$es *hate"er assistance is

    require$: an$ re'orts on the status o/ acti"ities to management!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (%

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    h! )el's to 're'are an en"ironment con$uci"e to QC Circle $e"elo'ment: an$ assistscircles to achie"e their goals!

    i! Per/orms a$ministrati"e $uties /or QC Circle committees an$ meetings!9! Plans an$ su''orts QC Circle e$ucation!+! Pre'ares in-house re/erence materials: inclu$ing han$oo+s an$ e$ucational tets!l! Pulishes QC Circle ne*s an$ other rele"ant 'ulic relations materials!

    m! Per/orms a$ministrati"e $uties /or the a''raisal o/ QC Circles an$ theac+no*le$gment o/ meritorious ser"ice!

    n! Pro"i$e in$irect assistance y o//ering a$"ice to managers: an$ to QC Circlelea$ers an$ memers!

    igure 10!1c This tale gi"es a "ery $etaile$ set o/ roles an$ tas+s o/ the secretariat

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plan

    a/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle ((

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parags! 1 an$ #5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /orestalishing a com'any-*i$e organi7ation to 'romote an$ /acilitate QC Circleacti"ities!

    ! Parag! %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to this list o/ /unctions o/ the QC Circle'romotional secretariat!

    ACT#ON 26ANTa+e the i$eas that you ha"e /oun$ use/ul in the tet: an$ in your $iscussion: an$ 'resentthem in a *ell-structure$ action 'lan /or intro$ucing im'ro"ements in your com'any! Boumight li+e to /ollo* the 6-Point Structure! Alternati"ely you may choose to 're'are oneaction 'lan *hen you ha"e $iscusse$ se"eral tets!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (

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    10.1 &old QC Circle e5c!an$es 'it! ot!er companies

    1! =hen QC Circles al*ays remain *ithin their o*n *or+ 'laces: memers< 'ers'ecti"esmay ecome limite$: an$ their i$eas lose /reshness! rgani7e meetings 'erio$ically*ith other circles oth *ithin the com'any an$ outsi$e! 8emers o/ $i//erent circles

    can "isit each other: ha"e $iscussions: an$ stu$y QC Circle management together: an$stimulate each other to /urther $e"elo'ment!

    #! &nter-com'any QC Circle echange meetings ha"e se"eral ene/its5a! They 'ro"i$e ne* i$eas /or acti"ities: an$ /or carrying them out!

    ! They 'ro"i$e ne* in/ormation: ti's an$ techniques to hel' resol"e management'rolems an$ re"itali7e acti"ities!

    c! They /acilitate communication: im'ro"e human relations: an$ remo"e the *allsthat $i"i$e *or+ 'laces!

    %! The asic 'roce$ure /or inter-com'any QC Circle echange meetingsSte' 15 Clari/y the o9ecti"es o/ the echange an$ sen$ *ritten requests to those in

    charge in the other circle!Ste' #5 Select to 10 'artici'ants: inclu$ing lea$ers!Ste' %5 As+ the secretariat to arrange the $ate: time: 'lace an$ agen$a o/ the

    meeting! Deci$e *ho *ill e in charge o/ 'a'er*or+: an$ a''oint $elegationlea$ers an$ in$i"i$uals to e in charge o/ rece'tion!

    Ste' (5 &n con$ucting the echange meetings5i! Greet each other!ii! The recei"ing grou' $escries the status o/ quality management

    im'lementation in their com'any: an$ their 'romotional organi7ations/or QC Circles: an$ the status o/ their acti"ities!

    iii! Con$uct a stu$y tour o/ the usiness /acilities!i"! )ol$ $iscussions on the main themes! ser"ers shoul$: as /ar as

    'ossile: re/rain /rom gi"ing their o'inions!"! 4'ress a''reciation an$ close the meeting!

    Ste' 5 A/ter returning to the com'any: re'ort the contents o/ echange meetings tosu'eriors:"" an$ share them in QC Circle lea$ersH councils an$ QC Circlemeetings! The secretariat shoul$ recor$ the re'orts!

    Ste' 65 Sen$ an o//icial letter o/ a''reciation *ithin aout t*o $ays o/ the meeting!The secretariat shoul$ mail minutes to its counter'art on the other si$e an$e'ress their a''reciation!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (6

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    igure 10!16a Sam'le 'rogram o/ an outsi$e-com'any QC Circle echange meeting

    Time 8ins! Contents &n$i"i$uals in charge














    utline o/ the Com'anies an$4'lanations o/ QC Circle Acti"ities

    Case Presentations: Questions an$Ans*ers

    Stu$y Tour o/ >usiness acilities an$Relate$ Questions an$ Ans*ers

    Grou' DiscussionsPresentation o/ Discussion Contents:

    Questions an$ Ans*ers

    Closing A$$resses

    Circle Re'resentati"es o/oth com'anies

    Recei"ing Party

    ne Case 'er Com'any

    Recei"ing Party

    All Partici'ants

    All Partici'ants

    Circle Re'resentati"es o/oth com'anies

    ote:Use a sim'ler 'roce$ure to con$uct QC Circle echange meetings *ithin the com'any!

    7#SCUSS#ONThe /ollo*ing questions as+ you to thin+ aout ho* the i$eas in the tet coul$ e a''lie$ inyour com'any! Some o/ these i$eas may not e rele"ant to you! Concentrate on those that arerele"ant! Fee' notes o/ your conclusions - you *ill nee$ them to 're'are your Action Plan

    a/ter*ar$s! =here a''ro'riate as+ yoursel/ the RADAR questions5

    Note: Al*ays inclu$e in your $iscussion any eam'les re/erre$ to in the tet: ifyou /eel theseare rele"ant to your com'any!

    a! Parag! 15 Does your com'any ha"e much interaction o/ this +in$ *ith othercom'anies, Do you thin+ it *oul$ e a goo$ i$ea, =hat ene/its coul$ you seeit ringing to your com'any,

    ! Parag! #5 Do you agree that these ene/its *oul$ come /rom inter-com'any QCCircle echange meetings, Do you see any ostacles that might ha"e to eo"ercome, Are there any other ene/its that such meetings might ring,

    c! Parag! %5 A''ly the RADAR questions to these gui$elines /or hol$ing meetings

    *ith other com'anies! &nclu$e the sam'le 'rogramme in your $iscussion!

    ACT#ON 26AN>ring together all the action 'lans that you ha"e *ritten a/ter 're"ious tets in one /inalaction 'lan 'resenting your concrete 'ro'osals /or intro$ucing QC Circles in your com'any!ollo* the 6-Point Structure!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (

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    Ans*er these questions using onlyin/ormation gi"en in the tet! or each questionone: t*o or all three ans*ers may e correct! Tic+ the ans*er or ans*ers you thin+ arecorrect /or each question! 4ach question carries % 'oints you get one 'oint /or each

    correct ans*er that you tic+: an$ one 'oint /or each *rong ans*er that you $o nottic+!

    10.1 QC Circle Activities1 The criteria against *hich im'ro"ement in the quality o/ *or+ *ill e measure$ are5

    a! C4 $eman$s!! Su'er"isor $eman$s!c! Customer $eman$s!

    # PDCA stan$s /or.a! Plan: $o: correct: act!

    ! Pre'are: $o: chec+: act!c! Plan: $o chec+: act!

    % Discussions at QC Circles hel' *or+ers to5a! Un$erstan$ their managers etter!

    ! >uil$ etter relations *ith colleagues!c! 8a+e the *or+'lace more cheer/ul!

    10. T!e !uman dimension to QC Circles( The asic i$eas ehin$ QC Circle acti"ities are to5

    a! ully ring out *or+ers< latent ca'ailities!! Contriute to the im'ro"ement o/ the com'any!c! 8a+e the *orl$ a etter 'lace to li"e in!

    To ma+e the most o/ QC Circle acti"ities 'artici'ants must resol"e to5a! >ring out their 'otential through sel/-$e"elo'ment!

    ! See+ o''ortunities /or $e"elo'ment as an in$i"i$ual an$ as a grou'!c! Come u' *ith creati"e i$eas to ring im'ro"ements in *or+!

    10." #ntroducin$ QC Circle activities in your company6 Promoters o/ QC Circles shoul$ J!! chec+ ho* em'loyees /eel aout them e/ore

    intro$ucing them!a! Al*ays!

    ! Sometimes!c! e"er!

    The three 'rinci'le *ays to intro$uce QC Circles inclu$e5a! &ntro$uction at each *or+'lace in turn!

    ! ormation y lea$ers or su'er"isors!

    c! &nauguration y "olunteers!

    10.% &o' many employees in t!e company s!ould ta(e part in QC Circles)2 The three mo$els o/ 'ossile 'artici'ation in QC Circle acti"ities inclu$e5

    a! Partici'ation y all $e'artments an$ sections!! Partici'ation y e"eryone in the same *or+'lace!c! Partici'ation y those *ho elong to the same 'ro/ession!

    10.* Select QC Circle leaders+ roles o, leaders and mem-ers3 During the inauguration 'hase o/ QC Circle acti"ities the most suitale lea$ers are5

    a! 8i$$le managers!! oremen o/ *or+'laces!

    c! Persons *ith lea$ershi' ailities!10 The /i"e 'rimary /unctions o/ QC Circle lea$ers inclu$e5a! Train successors!

    TQ8 )an$oo+ 5 QC Circle (2

  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


    ! &nstruct the 'artici'ants on ho* est to meet the e'ectations o/ su'eriors!c! 4$ucate QC Circle memers!

    11 QC Circle memers are e'ecte$ to5a! ollo* the lea$er

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  • 7/25/2019 Pq Qc Document


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