Download - Power of Habits

  • 10/20/2014


    How to create a healthy, happy, and successful lifestyle

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    What is a Habit?

    The choices that all of us deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about but continue doing, often every day.

    By understanding how the behavior becomes automatic, you can rebuild those patterns in whichever way you choose.

    Lisa Allens History

    Age 16, started smoking and drinking

    Struggled with obesity most of her life

    Collection agencies were trying to recover $10,000

    Longest job lasted less than a year

    Husband left her for another woman

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    Four Years Later

    Quit smoking and drinking

    Lost 60 pounds

    Ran a marathon

    Obtained her masters degree

    Bought a home

    Three years at a graphic design firm

    How Do You Change Habits

    Chose a Goal: Tour the Desert

    Lisa had the conviction she HAD to give up smoking to accomplish her goal

    Lisas brain changed. Her old habits (neurologic patterns), were overridden by new patterns.

    By focusing on one pattern (keystone habit) Lisa taught herself how to reprogram other routines in her life.

    Claude Hopkins

    Almost no American

    brushed their teeth

    before Pepsodent.

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    How Do Habits Work?

    Identify a cue

    Deliver a reward

    Create a neurological


    Cravings Power a Habit

    Fabreeze Odor Eliminator

    The Right Trigger

    Fabreeze offered a reward, the nice smell that occurred at the end of a cleaning routine.

    Things will smell as nice as they look.

    Instead of eliminating odors, it became an air freshner used as the finishing touch once things are already clean.

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    Michael Phelps Habits

    18 Gold Metals

    Perfect Physique for a swimmer

    Capacity for Obsessiveness

    Bowman designed a series of behaviors that Phelps could use to become calm and focused before each race. Mental visualization of the perfect race.

    Phelps mentally rehearsed goggle failure so went into habit mode when it occurred. Won a world record and 4th gold metal

    ALCOA Aluminum Company

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    Paul ONeill, CEO Focused on SAFETY to bring union and

    management united in one area. Cue: an employee injury Automatic Routine: unit president had to report

    injury to ONeill within 24 hours Reward: Only people promoted were those that

    embraced the system Costs came down, quality went up, productivity

    skyrocketed.ALCOAs profits increased.

    Starbucks Coffee CEO Howard Schultz

    Life Skills

    Travis Leach: watched his dad overdose StarBucks training taught him how to live, focus,

    get to work on time, master his emotions, and taught him willpower! Life Skills

    Will power is the most important keystone habit for individual success.

    Self discipline has a bigger effect on academic performance than does intellectual talent.

    LATTE: listen, acknowledge, take action, thank customer, explain why problem occurred.

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    Guest ID Number

    Predict Customers Habits

    Peoples buying habits change when they go through a major life event. Pregnant women are gold mines.

    Andrew Pole: How to determine who is pregnant before anyone knows?

    Target sends coupons for things you want before you even know you want them.

    Target sales 2002 $44 billion, 2009 $65 billion

    Martin Luther King Jr I Have A Dream

  • 10/20/2014


    Civil Rights Movement

    Rosa Parks, her single act of defiance changed the world, a long with social patterns.

    A movement starts because of the habits of a friendship and the strong ties between people

    It grows because of habits of the community and weak ties that hold communities together

    Endures because a movements leaders give participants new habits that create fresh identity and a feeling of ownership.

    Charles Duhigg

    Once you understand that habits can be rebuilt, the power of the habit becomes easier to grasp and the only thing left to do is get to work.

    This is the real power of habitthe insight that your habits are what you choose them to be.

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    Sugar Love: A Not So Sweet Tale

    Today the average American downs 22.7 teaspoons of sugar a day, mostly from

    processed food.

    If sugar is so bad for us, why do we crave it? The short answer is that an injection of

    sugar into the bloodstream stimulates the

    same pleasure centers of the brain that

    respond to heroin and cocaine.

    WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM our world is flooded with sugar, but our bodies evolved to get by on very little.

    CUPCAKEThe downsized cake made its American cookbook debut in 1826, coming in at 800 calories per little


  • 10/20/2014


    CEREAL U.S. Patent and Trademark Office lists 2,000 cereals. Packaged as a whole-grain health food in the late 1800s,

    cereal began to evolve in the 1920s into sugar-coated flakes, pops, and puffs.

    CANDYCandy is dandy, particularly to Americans, who spent $32 billion on sweets in 2011; consumption was 25


  • 10/20/2014


    In order to be productive, healthy, and happy, we need at least 6-8 hours of


    Eat Healthy!

    Eat Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

    Get recommended daily allowance of proteins, fibers, starches, vegetables, and fruits

    Eliminate Processed


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    It is an addiction! Causes:

    Health Problems


    Pimples and rashes




    Cut out Smoking and limit unhealthy Alcohol

  • 10/20/2014


    Exercise Regularly

    Make it purposeful: Walk your dog, weed your garden, clean your house, take the stairs, park farther away!

    Need: 3-5 days of mild intensity cardio and weight training for a least 30-60 minutes MINIMUM

    In order to keep your brain in top shape, you need to challenge it by thinking and problem

    solving. If you dont use it, youll lose it!

    Bike Ride


    Spending time with family

    Watching movies



    Snuggle and play with pets

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    Try new things and step out of your comfort zone!

    Life begins where your comfort zone


    Go Skydiving Rock Climbing Go on a trip Go camping

    Hot Air Balloon ride Make different food

    Go backpacking

    Learn how to handle stress and anger

    Deep breathing






    Sleep on it

    Put things into perspective


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    Learn to Relax, Dont Sweat the Small Stuff!

  • 10/20/2014


    The most wasted of all days are the ones with out laughter

    Laughter is the #1 best stress reliever!

    Spend time with the people in your life who make you happy

    Its not the road that makes life special, but the people you spend it with


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    Around here, however, we dont look backwards for very long. We keep

    moving forward, opening up new doors

    and doing new things and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. Keep

    moving forward -Walt Disney

    Make Your Goals a Priority

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    Keep a good Perspective

  • 10/20/2014



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