Page 1: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts




Page 2: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

This was my first proper draft of the poster on

adobe photoshop. I set the background as a

simple black and white; blending the two into

one another as the black quickly fades from the

top into the white. At the top of the poster I put a

coverline to draw attention to the film; giving it

a good reputation by relating it to previously

released films. I then placed the image of the

two sides of the heart in the centre of the

page, slightly towards the top, with a black

outline around it to separate it from the

background. The tagline ‘friends forever’ is

placed above it, so it’s not too near to the

title, with ‘forever’ written in italic, red to show

its questioning tone. The title ‘Best Friends’ is

then spread across the bottom of the page in a

big font with a bold font; the ‘best’ is in red to

contrast the black that ‘friends’ is written in. I

then placed a text box at the bottom of the page

in a small font so it doesn’t take away from the

poster but placed ‘coming soon’ in a rather big

font to stand out against it.

Page 3: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

I used the same type of image for the poster; with

a broken heart necklace placed towards the top of

the screen to look like it’s hovering down into the

poster. I placed a text box at the top of the

poster, to the right hand side, describing the

previous films by the posters in a white text to

contrast the grey background, but not too

drastically. I then placed another text box on the

other side of four start shapes, in red to further

stand out against the background, portraying a

review of the film. I put another review quote

below the image, on the right hand side in

capitals with quite spaced out writing to draw

attention and make it seem bolder.

At the bottom of the page I had a text box across

the whole width of the page; which just gives

film credits of the production companies and

actors – I put this in plain white text, written in

capitals, to be quite bold yet small so that it

wouldn’t be seen as quite a big part of the poster.

Page 4: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

For this poster I changed the image of

the broken love heart by creating my

own shapes and then used the effects to

make it look 3D and create a shadow

effect; I did so by using the bevel and

emboss, inner and outer glow, stroke

and drop shadow effects. I made sure

the image had a dark outline to allow it

stand out against the slightly darker

grey used for the background.

I then created added a text box

containing a release date of the film to

show it’s a poster and relate the poster

to the film.

Page 5: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

I tried a new image for the poster; of the villian

actress but to differ it from the image on the

magazine cover I created a layer mask and used

the gradient tool to make the image fade; by

using the transparency option on the gradient

tool. Afterwards I cut around the image so that

only the actress’ face was left and made it smaller

so that it only took up the centre of the picture.

I placed a dark black background behind the

image to highlight the image as the lightest thing

on the poster.

Finally, I added the same coverlines I’d used on

the other poster but changed them around to fill

up the poster but leave the image in the middle

untouched. I also changed the font the date of the

release is written in and made it a darker red to

stand out.

However, I think this poster is too dark as the title

‘Best Friends’ can barely be seen on the black


Page 6: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts




Page 7: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

For this poster I created a film strip that

ran along the top of the cover with each

letter of ‘take’ standing in a different box.

I wrote the text in red to stand out against

its white background and create the

colour scheme of black, white and red. I

then created a sticker like image to sit on

top of the poster in a red background;

putting white text on top of it.

I used white writing for the coverlines on

the right hand side of the magazine with

red line underneath the first two text

boxes which I put in a slightly bigger

font. The lower four are in a smaller font

with small red diamonds separating them.

The title ‘Best friends’ is placed at the

bottom in white to stand out against the

black background with the text ‘exclusive


Page 8: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

For this poster idea I changed the masthead of the

magazine ‘take’ to stand in the centre of the

poster in a bold red text; giving it a slight, light

grey glow around the outside to make it stand out

against the image and give it a bolder outline.

However, I’ve decided not to use this masthead

as it’s too plain and blends into the image too


I then changed the title of ‘best friends’ to be

written in a text that looks like it’s written in

blood. I gave this a white, scratchy outline so that

it stood out against the black background.

However, this text is too much like the one used

on the poster and seems too similar; therefore, I

won’t use it on the final draft.

I included a coverline that runs along the bottom

of the poster; with names of other films to give a

little detail as to what’s inside. I also included a

sticker like image to stand out against the

background and have more eye catching things

on the poster.

Page 9: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

For the next draft I used the film strip masthead

again as it stands out well and makes it clear

that it’s a film magazine. I used the same idea

of the coverlines being placed on the right hand

side in white writing with the first two

coverlines written in a slightly bigger font.

However, I placed the ‘REVIEWS’ in red to

stand out against the rest of the white text but

I’m not sure whether it stands out well

enough, and did the same with ‘100’. The rest

of the coverlines are smaller as they’re film

names that feature within the magazine.

I kept the idea of the sticker over the top of the

cover but put it on the left hand side to separate

the other coverlines and fill more of the page.

I changed the font of the title ‘Best Friends’ to

a bold, silver font in order to stand out against

the black background and differ from the

colour scheme of the magazine.

Page 10: Poster and Magazine Cover Drafts

I kept the same format of the last draft but

changed added a few extra features to fill up

the cover and make it look fuller and stand out.

I first added another coverline of ‘The A-Z of

Comedy’ in a different, typewriter font with a

grey background to make it clear that it’s


I then added a red triangle to the bottom right

hand side of the cover where I put a text box

that related to the ‘best friends’ title but

allowed it to seem different to the rest of the

page whilst adding more colour.

Lastly, I added a barcode and placed it in the

bottom left hand corner to show it is a

magazine cover.

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