
Portfolio Project 8

Metal Gear SolidPlayStation/PS One

The Pal Card Key Sequence

Level OutlineThe objective of the PAL card key sequence is to stop the Metal Gear Rex launch being carried out by using the PAL key on a central computer in the office in the Metal Gear Rex room. The PAL key must be used on the computer in three different states of temperature, Snake must use the key in its normal state, freeze the key in the cold room and use it on the computer in a frozen state and warm the key up in the steam room and use it on the computer in a warm state.

As soon as Snake enters the room containing Metal Gear Rex, a cut-scene will play through showing the towering metal monstrosity. Once control of Snake has been regained, proceed to the right of Snake and around the corner, then climb the only ladder available. After climbing the ladder you should see multiple items placed around the walk way beside Rex, wander around and collect them if you need ammo and items.

Now run back around the walk way towards Rex and climb the ladder on the right side of his head, up and over the other side (left side) and down the ladder.

On this next portion of walk way there will be a patrolling soldier in olive drab uniform and numerous items/ammo placed neatly on the walk way, sneak around and collect what you need.

This soldier is impossible to pass without getting caught so go ahead and knock him out or snap his neck, after that quickly run around the walk way to the left and up the steps on the right.

Another cut-scene will now play showing Liquid Snake with his arch-enemy style menacing features, and Revolver Ocelot looking like he belongs in a wild western style outlaw movie plotting their next move. As Liquid and Ocelot spot Solid Snake, Ocelot shoots the PAL card key out of Snakes hand.When you regain control of Snake, soldiers will swarm towards him, equip your rations and the Famas. Battle your way around the walk way all the way back up the ladder, across Rexs head and down the previous ladders to the bottom floor.

Once the radar is back to normal continue south and down the set of stairs, this water will damage Snakes health so quickly jump in the water and run around to the left where a camera is panning the room.

Collect the PAL key and jump out of the water and throw a chaff grenade, run up the stairs and past the camera all the way back to the right side of Rex. Climb back up to the top floor and head around the walk way (dealing with the soldier on the way) and into the office and toss a chaff grenade to confuse the cameras.

Quickly equip the PAL key and put it in the left computer situated in the middle of the room.

After the swift cut-scene toss another chaff grenade and head out the office and back down the previous ladders (once again dispatching the patrolling soldier), now it is time to freeze the PAL key.

Head south back into the room with multiple cameras on the wall above the door, toss a chaff grenade and quickly navigate the walk way around and to the right, down the stairs, to the left and south sticking to the wall to avoid the two floor traps that give way under Snakes feet.

In the next room Snake doesnt have to do much, just equip the PAL key and wait for around 5 minutes for the PAL key to freeze.

The key will turn blue once frozen, so it doesnt thaw out it is wise to manoeuvre through the various rooms and back up to the office rather swiftly. Run north back into the camera room, tossing a chaff grenade and avoiding the floor traps, up the stairs to the right and then left and through the door to the north.

Go all the way back up the ladders to the top of Rex and kill the soldier then enter the office once again. Throw a chaff grenade and make sure the PAL key is equipped then proceed to the second computer situated in the middle of the office and press the action button to watch the cut-scene.

Now it is time to warm the PAL key, toss a chaff grenade then exit the office and head around the walk way again (killing the soldier on the way) and head back down the ladder to the bottom of the room.

Enter the room with cameras to the south, toss a chaff grenade and run right then down the stairs and to the left, run to the south avoiding the floor traps and enter the cold room.

There will now be three soldiers dressed in white winter uniform patrolling the cold room, it is fairly easy to avoid them because their paths cover a lot of ground.

Once past the soldiers enter the door to the south, this room has an elevator and multiple items placed behind the boxes. Collect what you need and enter the elevator, press the button on the console in the middle of the elevator.

As the elevator reaches the top of the room, equip the thermal goggles. There are multiple mines placed on the floor as you exit the elevator so crawl up to the wall on the left. There is also a camera above snake on the corner of the wall, toss a chaff grenade and run left past the camera and then run south on to the next elevator.

Once again ride the elevator up to the top, as Snake reaches the top he will enter the warm room. The quickest and safest way to warm the PAL key is to run south and into the small square door way, the next room is the steam room where Snake can stand and wait for the PAL key to heat up without being spotted.

Equip the PAL key and enter the steam room then wait for five minutes for it to heat up, the key will turn red once it is warm.

When done head north out of the steam room and north again on to the elevator and ride it down, equip the thermal goggles and throw a chaff grenade then run past the camera to the right (avoiding any mines) and run on to the elevator.

Ride the elevator down and head north into the cold room, move north quickly through the cold room or the PAL key will cool down and also avoid the soldiers on the way.

Back in the room with cameras toss a chaff grenade then head north avoiding the floor traps and then head right, run up the stairs and run left and go through the doorway.

Climb back up to the top floor in the Metal Gear Rex room (via the ladder to the east), kill the soldier and enter the office on the far side of the walk way. Throw a chaff grenade as Snake enters the office and proceed to the console in the middle of the office, make sure the PAL key is equipped and use it on the computer on the right.

A cut-scene will occur showing Snake being double crossed and he has accidentally activated Metal Gear Rex, after the cut-scene Liquid will fill the office with gas. Equip the gas mask and call Otacon on the codec and hell open the door for Snake.

Exit the office and watch the cut-scene, Liquid has arrived and entered Metal Gear Rex. Its time for the first part of the end boss fight!

Metal Gear Rex First FightLevel OutlineThe objective here is simple, defeat Liquid Snake as he controls Metal Gear Rex and attempts to kill Solid Snake and launch a nuclear warhead. Snake must fight Liquid whilst he commands Metal Gear Rex, only heavy weapons are recommended in this fast paced boss fight.When the cut-scene is finished, Snake will appear in front of Metal Gear Rex in a large square room with many items, rations and stinger missiles placed around the outside walls. The cylinder shaped barrels are explosive and Rex destroys the boxes with ease so cover isnt very effective in this boss fight. The easiest and quickest way to beat this boss fight is firstly by paying attention to Rexs attacks, if Snake gets too close Rex will stomp on him or use the laser weapon between his legs to attack Snake.If Snake keeps his distance, Rex will fire two machine guns at Snake but it is easily evaded by running around and away from the gunfire, secondly Rex fires three missiles at Snake but they can be evaded by watching the missiles flight paths and running in the opposite direction. If Snake tosses a chaff grenade it will jam Rexs radar so he cant see Snake, making evasion much easier in an open space. Now it is time to begin the fight.

Equip the chaff grenade and the body armour, toss a chaff grenade as Rex begins to move and keep a good distance then equip the stinger missile and aim for the dome on Rexs left shoulder (the right shoulder if Snake is facing Rex) and fire.

That attack is quite effective, however Rex will fire the machine gun at Snake so make sure to avoid the gunfire and toss another chaff grenade whilst keeping Snake moving.

Next Rex will fire three missiles, the best way to avoid them is to pay attention to their flight path. Run in the opposite direction to the missiles flight paths and toss another chaff grenade then quickly equip the stinger missile and aim for the above shoulder once again.

It is wise to pay attention to Snakes life bar during this fight, use the ration when needed and re-equip the body armour. Keep using the above method to beat Rex and make sure to time Snakes attacks when Rex cant see Snake, heal when necessary and keep moving. Once Rexs life bar has depleted another cut-scene will occur, the anime cartoon style Cyborg Ninja has arrived to lend Snake a helping hand. Luckily he has destroyed the dome on Rexs shoulder and now Liquid is revealed inside the mouth of Rex.

When you regain control of Snake he wont fire at Rex because he doesnt want to kill Cyborg Ninja, another cut-scene will occur shortly and then it is time for round two.

Metal Gear Rex/Liquid Snake Second FightLevel OutlineSnake must fight Liquid for a second round whilst he controls Metal Gear Rex, the same rules apply as were in the first fight. Metal Gear Rex will attack a lot quicker in this round compared to the first round. The only difference now is that Snake must target Liquid in Rexs open mouth using the stinger missile launcher. Rexs attacks come thick and fast but using the same method as before should make this boss fight a lot easier to overcome. Keep Snake moving, avoiding Rexs attacks, throwing a chaff grenade and then firing the stinger missile launcher at Liquid when necessary.

Remember to heal up when needed and have the body armour equipped, once Rex has been destroyed another cut-scene will occur.

A now shirtless and battle damaged Liquid Snake has captured Meryl and set a time bomb to explode when she dies, Snake also looking worse for wear now has two and a half minutes to defeat Liquid in a hand to hand combat fight or Meryl will die.

Liquid Snake Hand To Hand CombatLevel OutlineSnake must now defeat Liquid in a hand to hand combat fight situated on the top of a disabled Metal Gear Rex, a time bomb is rigged to explode when two and a half minutes are up and Meryls life is on the line.The only way to win this fight is to avoid Liquids attacks and approach him then press circle three times to do a punch-punch-kick combo, there is no rations or items available in this fight and Snake and Liquid both have the same amount of health. Both Liquid and Snake can fall off the top of Metal Gear Rex but they wont fall to their deaths regardless of what Liquid has said in the cut-scene. When Snake falls over the edge just tap any button quickly and Snake will pull himself up.

Liquid has two different attacks, when Snake approaches him Liquid will sometimes get into a blocking position. As Liquid does this he will try to execute a combo on Snake, make sure to run out of the way and then time a combo on Liquid just as he finishes his combo.

Secondly Liquid will back up into a corner and then crouch down and charge at Snake, if he connects this attack he will take Snake down and you will have to press X to get back up. The attack is easily avoided if timed correctly, just wait for Liquid to crouch and then evade his attack by running out of the way in a different direction.

Whenever possible approach Liquid and execute the punch-punch-kick combo, evade his attacks and counter his attacks when necessary. If done correctly Snake should beat Liquid with a fair amount of time left on the time bomb.

After the fight a cut-scene will play and depending whether you submitted through the torture sequence or survived, there are two alternate endings. If you submitted during the torture sequence, Meryl will die and Snake will escape the complex with Otacon. If you survived the torture sequence, Meryl will live and both she and Snake will escape the complex together (Otacon will survive never the less). When the cut-scene is finished run in to the room and collect the ration below the stairs then follow Meryl/Otacon up the stairs and through the doorway.

End Game Level OutlineSnake and his companion must escape the complex before the Airforce drop a bomb on it, Snake and his companion must commandeer a Jeep and drive as fast as they can whilst shooting their way through numerous enemies and escaping the complex.The alarm will sound and soldiers will run into the room, use the punch-punch-kick combo to knock the soldiers down and run over to the south side of the Jeep your companion has entered.

Snake will jump onto the Jeep and man the machine gun, the machine gun can be awkward to control whilst being shot at so hold triangle to go into first person view and aim the gun in the style of an FPS game whilst firing upon Snakes enemies.

To proceed through the metal gate you must shoot the explosive barrels nearby, do so and continue through the tunnel to the next checkpoint.

Equip the ration and once again shoot the soldiers and the barrels to continue, shoot the last few soldiers at the last checkpoint and a cut-scene will play.

When control returns, Liquid will be chasing Snake in a Jeep and will be firing a Famas rifle whilst trying to ram Snakes getaway vehicle.

Stay in first person view and keep firing at Liquid, heal if you need to and continue to shoot Liquid.

The tunnel will eventually split into two lanes, now Liquid will try to get in front of Snake to take him out. Keep shooting Liquid and eventually Liquid will pull out in front of Snake and his companion and a cut-scene will play.

Congratulations!! You have just completed Metal Gear Solid, enjoy the ending and sit through the credits to get a sweet little surprise at the end!!

ReferencesMetal Gear Solid 1 Google Image search Gear Solid 1 guide IGN Guides Gear Solid 1 full walkthrough video Bluescreen18 - Youtube

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