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Baptiste Croze


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Sommary :


home-made 1


H me made 5

Pop-up 7Tango Z.A. 11

Sculptural Studies 13

Sums 15 The Bruise Brothers 19

Lyonnaiseries 21

Donnariet : A Panamarenko Limited Edition 23

Globalibab 24

Calvitie 25

Self Body Search 26

Notions d’échelles 27

The Perfect Human 29

Rougir ! 30

Qui m’aime me suive ! 31

Parking 32

PROJECTS Tricolore 33

La taille de la canette 35

Le petit, le moyen et le gros 37


Pop-up - Notions d’échellesView : Exposition de Noël - Auncien musée de peinture - Grenoble


View : Saison #3 - Ateliers SUMO - Lyon

Front cover : Le petit, le moyen et le grosOn-going projectCollaboration with Léo Durand

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Sculptural StudiesDrawing

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InstallationConcrete, porc instestins & SerflexDimensions variables75cm x 209cm

Installation view : En fibre, en lamelle et en grain - Ateliers SUMO - Lyon

home-made is a concrete neon work in reference to the workmanship of home-made food and goods and it self-production.


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InstallationCuted pictures form the french art newspaper Art Press from 2007 to 2011 & archive boxVariable dimension

Installation view : Saison #3 - Ateliers SUMO - Lyon

MARC DOMAGE, RETROSPECTIVE ART PRESS, 2007 - 2011 is a five-year retrospective of Marc Domage’s work in the french art newspaper Art Press.

Marc Domage’s work is to photograph artworks and exhibitions, his pictures are used for the comunication of art.

In MARC DOMAGE, RETROSPECTIVE ART PRESS, 2007 - 2011 pictures and caption used in his retrospective are all cut from Art Press, all copie-rights are have been retained.

By archiving his pratice I intend to change the status of his pictures, making his practice an artwork and presenting him as the most shown french photographer.


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H me made


Collaboration with Simon FeydieuProtocol/Installation in-situConcrete & porc instestineVariable dimension from 50cm to 350cm


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‘‘ Un intestin entier de porc. La longueur varie entre 15 et 20 mètres et le diamètre de 26 à 46 MM. Pour démêler l’intestin, tremper le dans de l’eau tiède. Il est peu probable qu’il soit d’un seul tenant, aussi sélectionner un segment de 7 mètres minimum. Faire un double nœud à une de ses extrémités.

Un câble d’acier tressé non gainé d’une dizaine de mètre.

Trois sacs de 25kg de béton fibré. Avec une passoire, tamiser le béton pour en extraire le gravier. Conserver les fibres qui s’agglomèrent au fond du tamis et les effilocher dans le béton déjà filtré. Perte du cinquième du volume à anticiper.

Une bouteille plastique dénuée de relief au goulot effilé. Avec une lame de cutter, faire sauter le pas de vis plastique du bouchon et en adoucir le relief avec une râpe à métaux. Découper le cul de la bouteille avec une lame de cutter.

Enfiler le boyau autour du goulot. Laisser dépasser une extrémité sur une vingtaine de centimètres. Introduire, par le cul ajouré de la bouteille, le câble d’acier tressé jusqu’au niveau du nœud du boyau.

Un sac de sable fin de 25kg. Au sol, avec l’aide d’une ficelle ou d’un câble dont l’extrémité est munie d’un crayon, dessiner un cercle au sol d’un rayon correspondant à longueur du boyau comme périmètre (Pi=R2. Recouvrir le pourtour du cercle en saupoudrant de sable sur une hauteur d’au moins 5cm. Retracer le cercle avec le stylet dans le sable. Suivre le sillon avec le dos d’une cuillère à soupe pour former une tranchée régulière d’environ 3 cm de profondeur et de largeur.

Avec des feuilles A4 de papier de couleurs, de grammage faible et d’une seule teinte, recouvrir la tranchée par un chevauchement de feuilles incurvées.

Brasser le béton assez liquide. La mise en boyau pouvant excéder une heure de travail, il est important d’une part que le béton soit fluide et d’autre part, qu’il ne sèche pas trop vite. Au besoin, le brasser en plusieurs fois.Avec une truelle, remplir l’entonnoir de béton. L’enfoncer à l’aide d’un bâton lisse dont le diamètre est légèrement supérieur à celui du goulot afin d’éviter de percer le boyau par un geste trop brusque. Enfoncer simultanément le câble en acier. Il est très important d’approvisionner régulièrement en béton pour éviter l’inclusion d’air dans le boyau, ce qui aurait pour effet de fragiliser et briser la section au cours d’une manipulation ultérieure.

D’autre part, le poids du béton augmente son propre débit.

Déployer le boyau rempli de béton au fur et à mesure au sol sur dans le sillon de sable formant un cercle. Le sable fin évitera d’aplanir la section circulaire du boyau par le poids du béton.

Pour joindre les deux extrémités du boyau, inciser les 5 premiers centimètres après le nœud de la première extrémité. Le béton commence à se solidifier. Retirer la pellicule intestinale. Trancher le boyau à la base de la bouteille plastique. Enfoncer dans les deux extrémités les brins du câble acier. Au préalable, mettre un carré de plastique souple, épais et sans grains par-dessous. Le remplir de béton et le rabattre en guise de fermoir.Compter au moins dix jours de séchage dans un espace sec. Utiliser un appareil de mesure d’hydrométrie si hésitation.

Construire un châssis provisoire sur la sculpture à même le sol puis la manipuler avec une tierce personne pour l’adosser verticalement à un mur avec un rayon d’inclinaison faible pour éviter qu’elle ne dérape. Utiliser un tampon antidérapant à sa base. Démonter le châssis."

H me made protocol in french :

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2009 - 2013

Cut banknotes, wood & plexiglassDisplay windows realised with Gilles Domenget - esaG 1 display window : 135cm x 200cm

Installation view : Copie Right - Musée des Moulages - Lyon

Pop-up is an attempt to give a new value to banknotes. In this work I am interested in the prints illustrating monuments on the front of the notes. With a scalpel I cut into the banknotes in order to re-erect the monu ment on it.

Symbol of power, the monument is in a way re-raised by my act but presented in a minuscule scale, an im potent power emphasized thanks to the symbolic effect of the shift from the flat representation to a poor effect of 3D materialization.

This work intends to re-appropriate money with an artistic act. This way I am collecting banknotes by following more their aesthetic characteristics than their real cost.

The notes remain intact, nothing is taken away. One can potentially sellotape it back to trade it and put it back into circulation again.


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Tango Z.A.


Collaboration with Léo DurandVideo HDV - 2 minutes - LoopMonitor or videoprojection

Link to see the video :

Tango Z.A. is a video loop of an in-situ and interactive scuplture that has been displayed on a roadside situated in a Z.A. (commercial and industrial zone).


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Sculptural Studies

2011 - 2012

InstallationMixed objects - Variable dimensions

View of the instalation : ACCROCHAGE AU PAVILLON - Moly Sabata - 47m²

Sculptural Studies is an installation made In situ that intend to gender objects.

It is constitued with usual and decorative objects disposed on the floor. They are selected because a specific form : they all put up and stand.

The work is like going through a field of high grass that tickles the viewer’s knees. Viewers look as they find their way themselfs at the same time they discover the work.


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Installation/ProtocolThe Sun (English newspaper) & pencilVariable dimension

Opposite page : Sums = £ 10007511804214,58 - The Sun - 03/10/2012 - 177cm x 10cm

Sums is a generic title for a protocol that consist of cuting all the money values published in one issue of the tabloid The Sun, like an anonymous letter. The addition is in pounds, other currencies are converted.


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Sums= £ 352445645951,78

The Sun – 07/09/2012150cm x 13cm

View of the installation : ACCROCHAGE AU PAVILLON - Moly Sabata

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The Bruise Brothers


DrawingsCarbone paper & pencil on paper5 x A3 (70cm x 32,50cm)

The Bruise Brothers shows five tattoos from football fans that have tattooed on their arm, back or chest an event they speculated about but never happened.

For example : Manchester City fan Chris A. got a little too excited when the Blues launched a £100 million bid for Kaka, and had the Brazil superstar’s name tattooed across his chest. Unfortunatly, Kaka turned down City’s mega-deal and opted to stay at AC Milan.

Tattoos are drawn and a line explains the story at the bottom of the sheet.

I was interested by the fact they permanently etch on their skin something virtual with causes that escape them.


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InstallationBoules trophy from 1930, porc intestine & concreteXavier : 45cm x 60cm Boudin : 5cm (diameter) x 260cm (lengh)

Lyonnaiseries is an installation made with two sculptures : Xavier and Boudin.

Originally painted in green, Xavier is a boules trophy that have been sanded in order to stylish it like some of Xavier Veilhan’s sculptures. Boudin is a 2,60 m sausage made of concrete. It is a porc bowel filed in situ with concrete.

In this work, there is an opposition in between Boudin, that is a reproductible recipe but that is never the same, and Xavier that is an assisted ready-made, unique and close to an industrial production.

Xavier is unique, Boudin is mulptiple


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Donnariet : a Panamarenko Limited Edition

2011Installation24 copy of Donnariet

Drawing – Inkjet on paper - A3

Donnariet : a Panamarenko Limited Edition intend to gather in the same space at the same time (during the time of an exhibition) all the exemplaries (Signed and numeroted) that are dispached in the world of Donnariet, a Panamarenko artwork.

All the copies/works are exposed on a white plinth making a circle, from the 1/24 to 24/24. The plinth stays vacant if the exemplary cannot be gathered. Captions indicate where it is from and who lend it.


Donnariet : A Panamarenko Limited EditionGathering all the exemplaries in the same space during the time of an exhibition

























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Sculpture English halogen heater, potter’s wheel, steel, Marseille’s soap, trailing socket and English electric adaptor 80 cm x 60 cm

Globalibab is a sculpture presented as a ”do it yourself”’ reproduction of a professional kebab grill. This intuitive assemblage is built with a halogen heater bought in England that grill soap slices superposed and shaped as a kebab and actioned by the potter’s wheel. The potter’s wheel is an old Christmas present and the whole sculpture is maintained by a steel structure.


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SlideshowPrinted in the artist edition moi aussi realised with Léo Durand & Benjamin ZafratPictures : Marija Linciute

Calvitie tries to physically and artistically come to terms with the effects of ageing twenty years earlier by asking a hairdresser to realize a baldness haircut on my head.


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Self Body Search


Collaboration with Léo DurandProtocol/performance for one person - 7 minutes

Self Body Search is a protocol for a performance especially realised for an exhibition called WRONG LOVE (A Foundation - Liverpool, UK). The sequence of instructions consists of a man dressed as a security guard doing a complete body search on himself. He has to follow the instructions twice.


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Notions d’échelles


InstallationDigital colour prints, blue-tackVariable dimensions

Installation view : Exposition de Noël #4, organized by LE MAGASIN - Ancien Musée de Peinture - Grenoble - 220 cm x 500 cm

Notion d’échelle (Notion of scale) is made of photographs picked up on the internet that show the scale and relationship in between two objects. One of them is the referent: it is recognizable and common to everyone (a coin, a bottle of Coke, a pen, …). The other object is the reason the photograph was taken.

The pictures show everyday objects taken out of their context and that are part of a given occasion. The dimensions of the pictures are given by the real size of the referent object. The installation is built as a play on perspectives, heights, supports and contexts of each photograph. The pictures are taken from above and as a whole show an accumulation of domestic objects on the floor, on tables or work surfaces.

The objects presented here have been looked for, made or found. Usually they are the sign of leisure activi ties such as sports, do-it-yourself jobs, walking, video games, model making, gardening or selling objects on the internet.


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The Perfect Human


Vidéo, DVD - 5 minutesMonitor or videoprojection

Link to see the video :

In this video, I am sculpting a human figure in a lipstick.


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Video DVD - 18 minMonitor or videoprojection

Rougir! (Turning red): facing the camera, I try to cover the totality of my left arm in red kisses. Kisses marks delineate the parts of my arm accessible by my mouth.


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Qui m’aime me suive!

2006 Performance Vidéo - 60 minutesMonitor

In this performance, I wandered in Grenoble city centre carrying a sign where it was written on both front and back Philippe VI de Valois’s famous words: « Qui m’aime me suive ! » (Who loves me follows me). During an hour I ran-domly went all over town brandishing the sign.

In between call and cry, it was an attempt to make people follow me in order to generate an absurd social situation.


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Performance during Art BaselVideo DVD - 7 minutesMonitor

In the city centre close to the Art Basel fair, I physically took the space of a car by renting a parking space. For half a Swiss franc, I stayed alone and without a car during half an hour in order to question the contrasts between private property and public space.

It resulted in violent confrontations with two drivers: A 4x4 owner annoyed me with his exhaust fumes and another one pushed me with the back of his cabriolet…

I decided to perform near the Art Basel fair in order to link the rent parking lot to the temporary White Cubes in the fair.


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2007 - 2013

Installation in-situ 4m x 3m

Drawing - pen on black & white print - Collection Lambert Artist view of the project

Tricolore is a project who tries to contaminate the advertising environment in the city by designing three different combinations of the French flag on a Trivision publicity board : red - blue - white blue - white - red white - red – blue


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La taille de la canette


InstallationDigital colour prints & woodVariables dimensions

La taille de la canette (The size of the can) is from the work Notions d’échelles, it presents pictures found on the web that compare objects to soda cans. Dimensions of the pictures are given by the size of the can.

Pictures are mounted on wood and all pictures are aligned on a thin shelf.


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Le petit, le moyen et le gros


Collaboration with Léo DurandSeries of sculptures.3 sizes - variable dimensions.

Le petit, le moyen et le gros (The small, the medium and the big) is a series of in-situ work made from the cast of three approximately same shapes. Shapes are the same but fillings changes from place to place. They are abstract utilitraies shapes.

Le petit, le moyen et le gros is made from the compilation of heterogenes matérials (gravels, asphalts, seashells, plaster, stones, glue,... ), those samples are found in-situ.

Filings test :


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Born in 1985Lives & works in Villeurbanne, France

E-mail : [email protected] :

Education :


DNSEP - Ecole Supérieure of Art - Grenoble


ERASMUS - Sabanci University - 8 months - IstanbulInternship in Platform Garanti during the 7th art Biennal of Istanbul - 3 months - Istanbul


DNAP - Ecole Supérieure of Art - Grenoble

Collectives exhibitions : ( * with catalogue )


En fibre, en lamelle et en grain | Ateliers SUMO - LyonBas-côtés | 14 rue Neuve - Saint-Julien-Molin-MoletteSaison #3 | Atelier SUMO - Lyon


ACCROCHAGE AU PAVILLON | Moly Sabata - SablonsSculptural Studies | Festival In & Off - Saint-Julien-Molin-MoletteCollectif 1.0.3 & Ludovic Paquelier + Guests | Galerie Sandra Nakicen - LyonMulhouse 012 | Collaboration with Léo Durand - MulhouseArt wiki - 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art | Curation A. Zmijewski & J. Warsza - BerlinThéorèmes – Valeurs erronées et idées fausses | Curation V. Verlé - Centre d’Art Bastille hors les murs - Saint Martin d’HèresToo Big To Fail | Parsons New School - New York



Version des faits | International festival of performance IMERGENCIA - French Institut - Lisbonmoi aussi | Place docteur Martin - GrenobleCopie-Right | Musée des Moulages - Lyon


Exposition de Noël | Organised by Le Magasin - Ancien Musée de Peinture - Grenoble *Touch village | Performance - Curation Kimbal Bumsted - A Foudation - Liverpool BiennalNo Soul For Sale | Festival - Turbine Hall - TATE Modern - LondresDrawing Paper #1 | Curation Mike Carney - The Royal Standard - LiverpoolGlobal Studio | The Bluecoat - Liverpool *Artevict | Performance - Life n’Host - Londres10th years at KASA | KASA Gallery - Istanbul *Artevict | Performance - Life n’Host - LondresIntervilles | Wolstenholmes Projects - LiverpoolWrong Love | Performances - Curation Travis Lee Street - A Foundation - Liverpool


Petit Manichéisme | Association Rec & Rew - Gallerie Xavier Jouvin - GrenobleZugswang | Programation on-line - Curation Mark Whiteman - www.slashseconds.comActOral.7 | Montevidéo - La Friche Belle de Mai – Marseille


Erasmustudio | KASA Gallery - IstanbulEn Chantier # 3 | Vog Art center - FontaineEn Chantier # 1 | Vog Art center - Fontaine


J’embrasse pas | Collection Lambert - Avignon *Les Impromptus | Lieu d’Image et d’Art à la Bastille - GrenoblePlectrum | Curation Alexandra David - Festival of Visual Sound - TallinnBarbiturock | Curation Alexandra David - eve - Grenoble Physical | Saison vidéo # 32 - Programation on-line

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Sortie | Vog Art center - FontaineEx Situ 2 Live | Curation Stéphane Sauzedde - ARSH & Diffusion 138 - GrenobleArtaction | Performance - Curation Georges Rey – Grenoble

Résidences :


Atelier SUMO - LyonMolly Sabata - SablonsPerformance s p a c e - Londres


The Royal Standard - Liverpool

Boursary & Prizes :


Visual Arts Bursary from the city of Grenoble

Curation :


Intervilles | with Alice Malinge & Léo Durand - Wolstenholmes Projects - Liverpool

Publications/Press :


Entre cuisse moulée sur cuisse et hétérolisme | Le ProgrèsDeux artistes à Moly Sabata | Le Dauphiné LibéréLes artistes font oeuvres utiles | Le Progrès


Global Studio | Catalogue - édition The Bluecoat - LiverpoolIntervilles | Article from Travis Lee Street - www.Comintomyland.com10th years in KASA | KASA Galery - Istanbul


Dommage(s) | Corinne Rondeau & d’Eric Mézil - Actes Sud 2007

The Human Stain | Article from Alexandra Marshall du 23 décembre - New York Times

Interventions & workshops :


Workshop Curation & exhibition - Musée des Moulages - lyonTemporary teacher - INSA - LyonPartage d’Oeuvre Oeuvre en Partage - Association Travail Et Culture en Isère


Partage d’Oeuvre Oeuvre en Partage - Association Travail Et Culture en Isère


Intervention - lycée Pierre Beghin - Le Magasin - GrenobleWorkshop - lycée Pierre Beghin - Le Magasin - GrenobleIntervention - lycée Emmanuel Mounier - Le Magasin - Grenoble

Collections :

Collection Lambert - Avignon - FrancePrivate collections

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