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Portfolio Assessment


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What is a Portfolio?A portfolio is a systematic collection of

one’s work.It is the primary way professionals display

their work.◦ Artists, models, architects, etc

(Dictionary Meaning) A flat case for carrying documents or drawings.

A set of drawings, paintings, or photographs that are presented together in a folder.

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Nature of Portfolio Assessments

Portfolio assessments: purposeful, organized collection of student work that can be used to describe efforts, progress, or achievement.

The idea of the academic portfolio is derived from an artist’s or writer’s portfolio.

Provide a mean for students to show what they can really do; they are considered to be based on the “real world.”

Student performances or products are compiled in an effort to show accomplishments or improvement over time.

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Nature of Portfolio Assessment

• Teachers provide guidelines and work collaboratively with students to identify goals of the portfolio and work samples to be included.

• Both teacher and student have continuous access to its contents (much more student-centered than other forms of classroom assessment).

• Can be adapted to meet individual instructional needs (each portfolio is treated individually).

• Student reflections provide students with opportunities to think about how they think.

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Nature of Portfolio Assessments Are not simply composed of random

work samples, nor is everything included; they represent a purposeful collection of work.

Several features differentiate them from work sample folders:

• students must be included in the process

• criteria for selection of work must be identified

• criteria for judging value of work must be developed

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Nature of Portfolio Assessment

• Different from other forms of assessment, portfolios tend to focus on student achievements, not mistakes.

• Portfolios put emphasis on student strengths.

• Can be an extremely time-consuming attempt. The review process (continual

examination of portfolio along with meetings with individual students).

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Use of Portfolio in instruction

1. Make sure students “own” their portfolios2. Decide what kind of work to collect3. Collect and store work samples4. Select criteria by which to evaluate work

samples5. Require students to continually evaluate

their own products6. Schedule and conduct portfolio

conferences7. Involve parents in the portfolio

assessment process

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Documentation Portfolios• Purpose is to provide an ongoing

record of student progress.• Emphasis is on accumulation of

evidence (e.g., effort, progress, achievement).

• Focus is holistic. Showcase Portfolios

• Purpose is to highlight and display accomplishments.

• Include student’s best or favorite work.

• Samples should demonstrate highest levels of achievement.

• Student reflection is key in this type of portfolio.

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• Class PortfolioSummary document used to

illustrate accomplishments of an entire class.

No student reflections included.Used to report to parents and


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Purposes of Portfolios1. Documentation of student progress

◦ Working portfolios

2. Showcasing student accomplishments◦ Celebration portfolios

3. Evaluation of student status

4. Portfolio documents student growth and development over time.

5. Used to report to parents and administrators.

6. ----------------------------------------

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Creating Portfolios Steps to Guide the

Development of PortfoliosStep 1:Determine the purpose of portfolio.Step 2:Identify the content, concepts, and

skills to be assessed. Step 3:Identify the approach to organization. Step 4:Specify how and when students will be

involved. Step 5:Develop scoring rubrics. Step 6:Arrange for multiple reviewers to

improve reliability. Step 7:Plan for the final conference.

Steps to Guide the Development of Portfolios

Step 1:Determine the purpose of portfolio.Step 2:Identify the content, concepts, and

skills to be assessed. Step 3:Identify the approach to organization. Step 4:Specify how and when students will be

involved. Step 5:Develop scoring rubrics. Step 6:Arrange for multiple reviewers to

improve reliability. Step 7:Plan for the final conference.

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Strength and weaknesses of Portfolio Assessments

Advantages• Substantial involvement of students in

the process.• Can show student growth over time, as

opposed to single “snapshot.”• Foster communication between

teachers and students.• Require a shift in roles for teachers and

students.• Weaknesses with respect to validity and


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Limitations• Time-intensive.• Labor-intensive.• Logistical issues of storage.• Weaknesses with respect to validity

and reliability.

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How Can I Store the Portfolios?

Expandable file foldersX-ray foldersPizza boxesGrocery bag Large mailing envelopesMagazine holdersOffice supply boxesPaper briefcasesPlastic crates-----------------------------------

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