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“The chestnuts refer to my childhood, tools of trade, food, play & survival”

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‣ Profile

‣ Education


‣ Experience

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My profileJan Martinus StalmansInnovator / DesignerBorn in Antwerp 1985Norbertijnenstraat 362040 [email protected]+32.476/24.73.82

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Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Master, Integrated Product Development 2007–...

Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen, Bachelor, Integrated Product Development 2003–2007

St. Lambertus College, Ekeren, Secundary School, Human Sciences & Modern Languages 1997–2003

Bosschool, Berendrecht, Primary School, Friendship and Social Deployment 1988–1997

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3D moddeling. Here are some examples of my 3D work in Rhinoceros. This software is used to create quick visualisations. All of these images were modelled and rendered whithin 12 ours.

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Collapsible. This is the result of a collapsible design exercise. It’s an easel for artists to go out in the wild and paint, draw or sketch on location. This concept is ready for production.

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AIRcare. This is a project for P&G, Febreze. We worked around on several needstates that consumers can have. The final results are confidential, these are only conceps.

Image Anxious

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PaperBinding. This a wirebinding project for Bekaert. I created a design that is very simple to use. We did a lot of usability testing on this kind of machines. I used wood to make a link between the paper and the machine. Bekaert was very pleased with this concept

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Higher Institute of Integrated Product DevelopmentWorkshop Jan 29th-Feb1st 2007Antwerp, Belgium

Introduction to service design


Designing servicesDesigning the interactions between users and thetouch points (people or objects) that representthat service.

Services may be created by bringing unrelatedservice entities together in order to create newservices.


What is a service?A service is the non-material equivalent of a good.

An economic activity that does not result inownership, and this is what differentiates it fromproviding physical goods.


Touch pointsThe tangible and physical manifestations of aservice are called touch points.

This workshop given by Alexandra Deshamps Sonsino (CEO She’s the one who taught me the importance of stopmotion animation and story telling to design a service around a product.

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Typography & UI. In 2004 is was lucky to be able to work with Dan Boyarski at the time de GUI developer at Samsung electronics. We worked on de UI that is now used on every Samsung mobile phone. He taught me the power of moving Typography.

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DTP&communication. I was one of the students to redesign the schools communication tools. All photography and the intelligent curriculum graphics are my contibution along with some copywriting.

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Aviation Lighting. I worked 3 months at Siemens ADB as a designer developing a new ecofriendly sustainable generation of aviaion Lighting. These are some renderings I made for the current line. The new designs are confidential.

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EcoDesign. Dale Murray was the first one who was able to convince me that more sustainable products are needed and that it only can be done through Design. He’s the one who introcuced me to the cradle to cradle religion. Think global, act local, that’s his motto.

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Cardboard design. This cardboard bed concept is designed for a student room. Low cost and environment friendly. Easy to transport and to pull out. Amazing what you can do with cardboard, Since then it’s my favourite breadboard material.

The BedinaboX

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OVAM innovation award ’09. Along with other design students from Belgium I won an Ovam innovation award for future waist concepts for PlanC, Flanders’ eco thinktank.

OvamInnovationAward ’09

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Business Review. I wrote a business review for the Zetes group, a Belgian company specialised in industrie indexing, RFID tags & Biometrics. I did research on their technology & IP strategy and suggested some innovation opportunites.

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Web2.0 design. It’s amazing what you can create without being a code wizard or an IT nerd. I designed this community for a Belgian sailing vessel. The Ning platform is a great tool to create dynamic & interactive website in only a few days, only basic HTML skills are needed.

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I’ve sailed this vessel, the Swan fan Makkum, from Antwerp to Vlissingen, South Hampton, La Coruna, Gibraltar, Ibiza & Mallorca. A mind blowing experience. The ship is now sold to the Italian Marine.

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I love to travel differently, always looking for advenrure and exploration. This is the footage of a 1 month cano trip through Varmland (Sweden) with 20 unknown people from Belgium.

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Singing. This is Gilles Petit in action. A master of voice and singing. He was the one who trained my singing & didgeridoo teachers. He is an artist, designing his own instruments to be able to express himself.

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Finland. Music makes me travel. Here I was invited to perform and teach didgeridoo in Multia, Finland. I got to understand what finnish design is all about. I love the finnish way of life,

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Summer of Antwerp. I’ve worked more dan 8 years as a volunteer for the “Zomer van Antwerpen” A cultural event during the summer vacation with more then 100 acts all over the city.

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The Tall Ships Races are held every summer in European waters. Each year between 70 and 100 vessels from 15-20 countries, crewed by some 5-6,000 young people from over 30 countries worldwide, take part in this unique event that combines four days of activities in each port with racing or cruising-in-company between ports. During the race series the young crews get the chance to gain experience by sailing with their contemporaries from other countries while facing the physical and emotional challenges that only the ocean can provide.

The Tall Ships’ Races ’06 ’07 ’08

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The EndJan Martinus StalmansInnovator / DesignerBorn in Antwerp 1985Norbertijnenstraat 362040 [email protected]+32.476/24.73.82

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