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I would like these lines serve to express my deep and sincere gratitude to all those

who have collaborated with their help for the acquisition of knowledge which are

reflected in the implementation of this work, but mostly for motivation and support

received. Deserves special recognition for your interest in my work and the

suggestions received by people close which lead me to beat and be getting better,

I am indebted for the encouragement and confidence instilled in me deposited.

Deserves special thanks for understanding, patience and encouragement received

from my family and my teacher basically Iván Fuertes a great job instilling wise to

impart knowledge which will be used for the development of my career and for life.

To everyone, thank you very much.

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Buying all the necessary skills to decipher, understand and interpret texts of any

kind in the English language


Expand our knowledge in order to achieve thus a proper understanding of

the English language

Keep the knowledge acquired in class to language development based on a

constructive practice the same

Apply the knowledge learned in the classroom

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English has established worldwide as the most useful language and is the most in

demand as a second language worldwide. The English dominates in business,

science, tourism and popular culture, is aimed at people who attend or intend to

study different careers. Nowadays we are living different changes in the levels of

learning, either across the board, scientifically or technically, especially when it

comes to learning new languages.

When we are living in a time in which the English language has become

increasingly important so both because of the circumstances and the

communication link has gained nearly reach internationally. Going the natural

distances could comment today as English like what happened in the middle Ages

with the Latin. It traveled less, but that joy for two travelers. cults found in various

parts of the world and able to communicate in the same language, despite the

various changes that have arisen throughout history. For this reason there is the

urgent need to raise awareness not only linguistic changes but how to implement


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The fundamental reason why English is so important studies because it is

essential to use as a means of communication. The Englishman will give us access

to better education and better opportunities, give us access to current and

complete information, we will know the latest developments and can access most

scientific texts, academic and technology, written in English.

We show other cultures, lifestyles and different ways of thinking, you can meet

new and interesting and understand their customs. Thus provide the opportunity to

acquire knowledge and vocabulary, each time a better understanding, confidence

will increase, and thus demonstrate several fundamental and necessary language

skills for career development

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My name is Marco Pulloquinga, I'm from Latacunga, I have 22, my mother's name

is Maria del Carmen Siza, my father Pulloquinga Second, I have two brothers, my

older brother called Edison Siza, is 25 and my sister's name is

Angelica Pulloquinga, has 20 years, my primary education developed in the

Columbus school and develop my secondary studies at San Antonio de Padua,

currently studying Nursing at the State University Carchi, I'm finishing the 5th level,

race decided study because it is a career that crave from my childhood, also

because I have decided to help people who need my help, and the biggest

opportunity of my life is to face my challenges presented each day in my life,

showing me ability, my ability and justifying what one sets in life is attainable.

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BY: Marco Pulloquinga



First, the self-esteem is a very important personality of each of the people value

because the self-esteem is reflected in the quality of successes and defeats is that

self-esteem is closely related to the type of clothing and color in some cases and

not in others.

Secondly, magazine for women (2010) says that “Eight out of ten Argentine claims

that self-esteem is reflected in what they wear. Moreover, six out of ten trust that

when they feel bad, they get something special to feel more beautiful" (p. 1). I also

think that self-esteem is reflected in their dress and in their colored clothes for

example when using a color black means sadness, depression, but if they are

dressed in colorful clothes means they have a high self-esteem and are constantly

overcoming them and observe the positive side of life.

Thirdly, in some cases we can say that the type of clothing as color depends on

our self-esteem but we know there are some people who think the same as each

type has its own identification and in some cases do not know how they find their


In conclusion, the self-esteem is reflected rather the color of clothing that acts a

psychological level but not dress, also you must always keep in mind that self-

esteem is a very important value in people for overcoming and reflect its beauty.

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BY: Marco Pulloquinga



Firstly, the feeding plays an important role in school performance, a factor that is

considered very important in the loss year or the pass. Also, keep in mind that

adolescence is a time of growth and development which must be fed well to

strengthen your physical and mental state.

According to the World Health Organization is considering adolescent the young

between 10 and 19 years old. Time many changes both physical interest of any

kind in the adolescent. also be taken into account that during this stage established

the breakfast is very important because teens need many energies to academic

performance and you must take into account that such foods are needed for

example carbohydrates is necessary because they generate large amount energy,

vitamins also to enhance the body's defenses and proteins to improve body


Moreover, the balanced nutrition helps establish a growth according to age, so it is

important to establish a schedule of meals are usually three on the day between

meals is good but a type of food or treat that complements daily nutrition Lorea

Perez the doctor tells us that nutrition is a determining factor in the adolescent

growth. Nutritional imbalances at this stage can be the basis of future diseases like

cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and disorders of the

immune system.

Finally, we must consider that has made studies in which we noted that the

adolescent Nutrition depend on factors such as poverty, race, having remoteness

from home to school because teenagers have to get up early, we must also note

that teens in rural sites do not comply with proper nutrition. How important

education is to provide the feed where should include the following: fruit,

vegetables, cereals, potatoes, milk, cheese, yogurt, meat, fish and eggs.

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By: Marco Pulloquinga


These days many people buy a car. All these cars are generally for personal use,

there are various designs and models that captivate people who buy these cars. Is

this as good as it looks?

Have a private car has some obvious advantages. To start with, you can travel

where you decide. This makes you have time on your hands and that the car will

be available when you want. Secondly, do not waste time trying to find taxi to go to

work, so you can sleep a little more and not have to get up early.

However, there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, have a car means that you

must pay a lot of money for maintenance and gasoline, because this involves

paying fines and annual maintenance if there is mechanical failure. Secondly, there

is obligatory task for traffic accident insurance and carriage enrollment each year.

As a result you should spend a lot of money each year.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to have a private car.

It is easy and convenient, but is also risk and we should consider all the pros and

cons before we consider doing it.

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Presented by:

Marco Pulloquinga


MSC. Iván Fuertes

Parallel: 7”A”


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First, the routes of administration of medications are very important to have the

right skills, and that will help us to get early treatment and avoid medical

malpractice. Moreover, the drugs have different routes of administration, so if a

drug is administered via the wrong can result in death. Also the person

administering a drug is responsible for the recovery of the patient for a specific

treatment because hospital patients are provided by nurses and depends on good

administration of drugs to recover soon. however, the mismanagement of drugs is

a global problem by the lack of professionalism, also by the recklessness of not

knowing what route of administration should be used for each drug for this reason

there have been many medical malpractice and have died many patients.

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General objective

Analyze the different routes of administration of medicines.

Objectives specific

Know the advantages and disadvantages of the routes of administration of


Have certain criteria for choosing a route of administration of drugs.

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The grammar that use in the project is:

Present simple

Past simple

Present progressive

Past progressive

Future will


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The administration of medications by mouth is the most common in patients who

have serious illnesses, also a medicinal product which is administered orally in the

presentation will be capsule, tablet, on the other hand we must keep in mind that

these drugs are digested in the stomach and its effect is delayed in producing.


It is more comfortable.

Economical route.

Produce a local and systemic effect.

Produces anxiety and fear.


It cannot be given when the patient is vomiting.

You cannot manage when it has been subjected to anesthesia (High risk of


When it has been operated in the stomach or intestines.

Swallowing problems.

Gastric suction.

Unconscious or disoriented patients.


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For the administration of drugs subcutaneously we must consider that this is

already done by using injections but we must take into account that it is given with

an angle of 45 degrees. Best subcutaneous injection points include external back

of the arms, the abdomen from the costal margins fall to the iliac crests, and the

front faces of the muscles.


Allows administration of microcrystals, suspensions or small deposits

forming pellets from which the drug is gradually adsorbed by the long period

and thus a sustained effect of this is accomplished.

There is a risk of blood as abundant as muscle.


Only allows the administration of small volumes (0.5 to 2 ml) to not cause

pain bloating.

No permits administration of irritants that may cause severe pain and

distension of tissues.


It is the injection of a medication into muscle tissue. The injections that are used

most often are: gluteal muscles, lateral thighs and delts. Intramuscularly provides

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faster absorption subcutaneous drug due to increased muscle vasculature. The

nurse uses a longer and larger gauge to pass through the subcutaneous tissue and

penetrate deep into the muscle tissue needle.


The absorption is faster than subcutaneously and can be administered more

irritating substances and larger volumes of medicaments.

When this has altered or gastrointestinal system.

The patient is sick and cannot cooperate is given.


Although it can be administered 1 to 10 ml, greater volumes of 5 ml may

cause pain due to distension.

Injection of irritants can cause sores or local access.

The injection into the sciatic nerve may involve paralysis and atrophy of the

muscles in the lower limb.


The administration of intravenous medication is the most used in most critical

patients because the drugs through this route have a faster effect because the

medications are administered at the level of bloodstream.


It is the fastest way to introduce a drug into the circulation method.

Let’s get a start action immediately.

You can suspend your administration if undesirable effects occur because

the dosage is accurate.

Let’s keep monitoring blood levels of the drug.


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The very rapid administration may cause undesirable effects.

Cause anxiety to patients.

Potential damage to internal tissues.

Potential bleeding.

Requires aseptically.

More expensive.

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In conclusion, to use a type of route of administration of medication depends

on the treatment and medication prescribed by the doctor.

The administration of a drug by the wrong route may produce many

complications of patient can even because death is known as medical


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Villa LF. Formas farmacéuticas. En: Villa LF. Medimecum. Barcelona:

Adis; 2002; p. 20-3.

Villa LF. Uso de fármacos oculares tópicos. Medimecum. Barcelona: Adis,

2002; p. 731.

Botella M, Hernández OM, López ML, Rodríguez A. Administración de

medicación por vía tópica ocular. Cuidados auxiliares de enfermería.

Cuadernillo de técnicas básicas de enfermería. Santa Cruz de Tenerife:

Gobierno de Canarias, Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes; 2002;

p. 68-9.

Esteve J, Mitjans J. Administración de medicamentos: oftálmica. En:

Enfermería. Técnicas clínicas. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2002;

p. 201-4.

Perry A, Potter PA. Administración de medicamentos oculares. En:

Enfermería clínica : técnicas y procedimientos. 4ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier

España; 1999; p. 191-6.

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Sample question:

You have been doing a class project on reading habits. You have been asked to

write an essay giving your opinion on the Following statement:

Nowadays, teenagers hardly read anything Because They spend too much time

watching films or videos on computers.

1. Read the instructions carefully

To write a good essay, the first thing to do is read the instructions. I recommend

you read the "statement" two or three times, at least to understand what you are



Nowadays, teenagers hardly read anything Because They spend too much time

watching films or videos on computers.

Note that it is a negative argument “teens spend much time watching movies and

videos on the internet and for that reason do not read." You should contrast this

view. That means you must give arguments for and against, to end with a


2. Prepare an outline using useful phrases

It is very important to connect the test arguments in a specific order. I leave

examples of phrases that will be useful for this purpose.

- Many people / some people argue ... Many people, some people argue....

- It is often said... It is said that often...

- However, in my opinion view ... However, in my opinion...

- Firstly, it is true (clear) that ... First, it is true (it is clear) that....

- While it is true that ... While it is true that...

- On the one hand, and on the other hand (Caution: always use it to compare

opinions from two different (not equal) angles For example: On the one hand it is

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true That Most teenagers watch music videos all day , but on the other . they learn

many new hand skills through those videos. Firstly, it is true that most teenagers

watching videos all day, but on the other hand, learn new skills through these


- Finally, it is important to take into account that.... Finally it is important to note


Compose an outline (you can write in the booklet they give you), taking into

account the instructions above, and using some of the following useful phrases.

Here's an example of outline for you write four paragraphs (recommended):

1. Introduction: Rewrite the statement (statement) in your own words to start the

test. For example:

In today's world, many teenagers have access to internet and doing lot

THEREFORE chance to watch free online videos and films.

2. Development: Give the arguments for and against.

While watching an online video or film is not a bad activity per se, doing it all the

time at home parents is.if screen monitor their hours it is perfectly possible to keep

a balance between films online and watching videos and reading.

3. Conclusion: Give your personal opinion that connects with your last argument.

In my opinion, THEREFORE, teenagers can watch films or video online and

continue to have the habit of reading if they have the discipline to Organize Their

time well.

3. Prepare the vocabulary you will use

With the scheme got to have organized the information and make sure we

are answering the question. But we have to think how to fill it with the

appropriate vocabulary and structures. To do this I suggest you to visualize

the assertion (statement) of the question.

For example, imagining a boy looking at computer in your room you may


Watch movies and videos in another language, so learn. He watches films

and music videos in another language and, therefore I learn.

Watch movies with subtitles. I have watches films with subtitles.

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You can learn how to write in other language videos. I can learn how to write

in another language using videos.


Create a benefit -oriented so that people open your email title. Place spice to your

title. Be irreverent!

Create an introduction of one to three sentences by way of hook . Include

information about what you will get your audience. How will this product improve

their lives or business?

Know the purpose of your article and the specific audience. Adjust your message

just for them.

The audience for this article includes entrepreneurs who want to promote their

products or services with the help of a short article. It is attractive to entrepreneurs,

professionals, coaches and consultants with a book or provide a service to sell . It

is also attractive to publishers' websites and ezine publishers optin freebies

seeking to attract new customers.

Write an outline containing four to six important points that you will develop in your


My outline and headings for this article includes the seven ways of writing:

Write for your target audience.

To begin, write an outline.

Write each paragraph to support your header.

Perform a schema containing four to six elements.

Write two to four sentences per paragraph.

Create four to six paragraphs for each header.

Check your writing for ways to reduce your article.

Remember that each sentence should support your main thesis , which is the main

benefit of how the particular problem or challenge facing your reader will be

resolved. In this case, I read seven solutions to write a short article.

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Divide each paragraph in three sentences standard length (15 to 17 words

each). For dramatic effect, write one or two short sentences. A paragraph contains

about 100 words. Five paragraphs of five sentences of 20 words or less will be

close to 500 words.

Create four to six paragraphs for each header

All child elements must also support the thesis. Write concisely, paragraphs that

call to action and to explain and give examples

If you write more than 100 words, reduce post. No mention stories or analogies.

Reduce the examples. Delete redundant sentences, phrases and words. Minimize

the verb "is" and "y" . These slow the message and stop the reader, are a mortal

sin in writing. Readers will feel bored and leave. Instead, use verbs that call to

action and substantive full of color and life.

Check your letter seeking ways to reduce your article.

Use bullets to clarify and reduce the message.

Reduce or eliminate quotes and anecdotes.

Replace adverbs and adjectives with powerful verbs and nouns.

Do not include superfluous words like "it"

Use phrases of one or syllables so that the message is legible.

How to write a short story

These days we launch another writing workshop scenes , so I want to take in to

post talking about some of the keys to writing a story, a short story or micro story

as the workshop.


As you know, one of the requirements to participate in the workshop is that the

texts that you send us may not exceed 750 words. The question is : can you really

tell a story in 750 words? Of course you do! And with much less . Just keep in mind

that counting mechanisms do not work like the novel.

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Let us examine some of these mechanisms through the Decalogue to write short


1. Focus on action

Not in the story. The story is not only a story because it tells a story, but the

narrative has to be more condensed in the novel and focus on what happens , no

time or space for other dissertations.

In the story there is no place for long descriptions or extensive moral or

psychological ramblings. This does not mean that the story has to be simple and

free of these elements. May be, but as subtext, hidden between these lines or

directly with the right words. It's all about space!

Some time ago I read a quote that stuck with me was engraved: A science fiction

novel describes a world of science fiction; a science fiction story narrates facts of

science fiction. However, both narrative subgenres can make us reflect on reading


2. Do not try to cover everything

Sometimes sin of wanting to have very ambitious stories that have no place in a

short story. Remember the story, usually must occur in a short space of time, have

few main characters (2 or 3 at most) and a main location. If you cannot adapt your

story to these premises, you can you're facing a short novel and not a short story.

3. Find an idea and simplify it

Every idea can always be simplified, just give it a spin. For example, we tell the

story of a man who, after spending many years dedicated to his work, managed to

achieve professional success. It was an important, ambitious guy and he reached

the top, but at the cost of risking his personal life. Over time, made a series of

mistakes and ruined, realizing what was really important.

Can you tell a story well in just 750 words? Yes, but only if we simplify . To do this,

look for the moment with greater force , the time impact of history , so we know

where to focus . I think the peak is found when he realizes he was wrong , so I

think we should tell the story when you have already lost everything.

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For example, Fulanito is a beggar who asks every morning in a corner of the city

center, in an office area near where he worked long ago. The same executives

among which he included before, are now those who ignore and pass by his corner

without looking.

Remember, when you have your idea, simplify it: looking for impact, instantly.

April. Do not tell, I show it

This must be the council in which more emphasis is placed on any book or article

writing, right? But is it essential and we often forgotten, especially when writing


A story is not a summary of a story, but a story in itself. Taking the same example

above, we could say that Fulanito is a beggar who asks every morning in a corner

near where he used to work. So was very successful, although recently divorced

and did not have much time for their children because they only cared about his

work, so ... what's this? Is it a story or a short story? It's actually the second.

To tell the story we have to focus on the moment in action : Fulanito has coins box

and realizes that it has not been a good morning. Doubt if you reach for a drink it

hot ... Let's show what happens, demos images , teach history through the action.

May. Keep the structure

Even as a very short story, every story has to have a beginning, middle and end.

For example, “the beggar counting coins in his corner and executives past him

wrapped in his coat “would be the introduction. This is what puts us in history,

what, who, where and when.

The knot could be "the beggar is concerned that you need to take something warm

but does not get the money. Keep calling but executives ignore it. "The outcome

would be the end to give it. For example, “someone takes pity on him and gives

him the money to make the coffee.”

Do not give it all, I suggest it

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The story is as important as what is said what is silent. As mentioned before, there

is no place for lectures, so forget about explaining the beggar feels bad for you, or

that you regret having lost his family . That has to be implicit in the action. Let the

reader requires.

For example, instead of explaining that the beggar had lost family and with his

work, we can make crossing between executives before him, the beggar

recognized his son and tries to say something. The son turns to him with a face of

disgust and, not recognizing her father, gives a coin, solving the problem of taking

something hot that morning. But obviously, the beggar does not care coffee.

Each sentence has

From start to finish, each sentence of the story has to be there with a function. If

you have little space, few words, take it well. This is not necessary in the first

writing, but in the review. Desmenúzalo analyzes each sentence, each item and

think what the role in history is. Is it essential? If the essence of the text is

understood without that phrase, eliminate it.

Keep the suspense

Do not give all the information to start. Dosifícala and takes the reader to the last

word. If we starting the beggar were formerly an executive and you just meet his

son, then we ran out of dynamite.

Whenever possible, try to at the end of the text there is a twist, a blow, a surprise.

That is justified, of course, but it gives new meaning to the text.

It is best to start with cold beggar has to get money for something hot. So we

created a good starting point. Then we can count since he was once one of those

executives now they ignore you, because it gives us more curious about the

character. Suddenly, someone acknowledges the crowd and called his attention

(intrigue) . This person does not recognize him, but gives him money, but the

beggar would not care about money, because the executive was his son (leaving

the knock on effect for the final).

Rear impact

One of the hardest things but the most important is to get the story leaves a mark

on the reader. Once finished, the text ought to be inside an echo , a reflection , a


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To do this, the last sentence is critical. If we can contain a twist or shocking image

that sheds light on the rest of the story , we will be on the bench .

Returning to the example case, the ideal is to reach the end without knowing who

is the executive that has recognized the beggar and you just give him the money .

In that last sentence (which should also be short, simple and direct to cause

greater impact ) reveal that this is his son (a good twist ending ) and leave hinted

that the beggar is not worried about money ( or looks ) but observe how your child

away helplessly to avoid making the same mistakes he did in the past.

With little environmental

Do not have room for lectures or lengthy descriptions, but the story has to take the

reader to wrap setting. To acclimate in a very short text, use the tone, narrator, and

language and choose the right words. It is not the same as saying “swamp” to say

"swamp”, nor is it just " mist " that " fog " . Each word helps you to build the

atmosphere. Select them carefully.

For example, for the story of the beggar, we are in a city, a winter morning in which

it is very cold, but needless to say all this. We can see the cold mist that comes

from the mouth of the character or making hands wrapped in gloves rub before

counting the money. Even better yet, we can see everything through the executive

offices entering wrapped in thick coats while ignoring the beggar. In this picture we

know is a city that is in the morning, it is winter and it is cold.

The importance of title

We have very little space to develop our history and we have made it clear that

every word counts, right? Well we have some good mischief and aprovechémoslas

all. The title is an extra room that can be very useful. Ideally: to suggest, intrigue

and shed new light on the text once it has finished reading.

Can you think of a title for the story of the beggar that meets these characteristics?

An extra rule for story writers

Finally , a fundamental tip for any writer who wants to pursue writing stories left us ,

but has nothing to do with the writing itself : we have read stories. If we want to

understand how they work and how they are written, it is essential that we know .

Must read Chekhov, Horacio Quiroga, Cortazar , Garcia Marquez, Poe, Borges,

Saki , Ray Bradbury, Bioy Casares, Benedetti , Monterroso ... So many stories as


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And that's the fundamental rules for writing a short story . What do you have like?

Any more than you añadiríais to the list? And what do you think of the stories?

Many do you usually read? ? Any story or storyteller imperative that you look?

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