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Vol. 125 (2014) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 4

Proceedings of the XLVIIIth Zakopane School of Physics, Zakopane, Poland, May 20�25, 2013

Polycarbonate Polymer Surface Modi�cation by Extreme

Ultraviolet (EUV) RadiationI.U. Ahada,b,∗, B. Budnera, B. Korczyca, H. Fiedorowicza, A. Bartnika, J. Kosteckia,

S. Burdy«skaa and D. Brabazonb

aInstitute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, PolandbAdvanced Processing Technology Research Centre, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland

The degree of the biocompatibility of polycarbonate (PC) polymer used as biomaterial can be controlled bysurface modi�cation for various biomedical engineering applications. In the past, PC samples were treated by ex-cimer laser for surface reorganization however associated process alteration of bulk properties is reported. Extremeultraviolet radiation can be employed in order to avoid bulk material alteration due to its limited penetration. Inthis study, a 10 Hz laser-plasma EUV source based on a double-stream gas-pu� target irradiated with a 3 ns and0.8 J Nd:YAG laser pulse was used to irradiate PC samples. The PC samples were irradiated with di�erent numberof EUV shots. Pristine and EUV treated samples were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and atomicforce microscopy for detailed morphological characterization of micropatterns introduced by the EUV irradiation.Associated chemical modi�cations were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Pronounced wall-typemicro- and nanostructures appeared on the EUV modi�ed surface resulting in a change of surface roughness andwettability.

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.125.924

PACS: 81.05.Lg, 81.40.Wx, 81.16.Rf, 81.65.−b

1. Introduction

Organic polymers are considered as important materi-als in various biomedical applications ranging from con-ventional cell growth to construction of hybrid tissuesand arti�cial organs. Synthetic and naturally occur-ring polymers are now becoming an important elementin new strategies for producing engineered tissues. Sev-eral classes of polymers are now employed in biomedicalapplications, including situations in which the polymerremains in intimate contact with cells and tissues for pro-longed periods [1�4]. Yet these polymers very often donot possess the surface properties needed for these ap-plications, making it necessary to modify the polymersurface.

Among various techniques, excimer lasers have beenused by various groups for surface modi�cation of poly-mers [5�8]. However the degradation of bulk material isreported due to a higher penetration depth of excimerlasers in organic polymers. Laser ablation leans on thenature of the material and its ability to absorb energy.Therefore the wavelength of the ablation laser should bechosen to have a minimum absorption depth. Laser ab-lation rate largely depends upon laser wavelength andpulse length. Ablation rate also relies upon the amountof total energy delivered in one shot and optimal spectraldistribution. Since EUV radiation has limited absorptiondepth, it can be successfully employed for surface modi-

∗corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]

�cation with optimal results [9]. In a previous study byour group, improved biocompatibility was demonstratedfrom EUV irradiated polyethylene terephthalate (PET)samples [10]. Moreover doping of nitrogen in biomateri-als by EUV surface modi�cation has also been demon-strated [11].Polycarbonates (PC) have been used as biomaterials

with applications ranging from renal dialysis to cardiacsurgery products however biocompatibility problems arereported. The wettability of PC can be controlled by in-troducing micro or nanopatterning on their surface usingultraviolet (UV) radiation in order to control the degreeof the biocompatibility [8]. However UV radiation mayalso in�uence the bulk properties of treated materialsas discussed above. For biomaterials, important physi-cal (mechanical and structural) properties should be re-tained during surface modi�cation for the biocompatibil-ity control. In such a way, the implant material is ableto provide proper mechanical functions with the tailoredbiocompatible surface. In this study the PC samples ir-radiated by a 10 Hz laser-plasma EUV source were spe-cially dedicated for polymer processing. The PC sampleswere treated with di�erent number of EUV laser pulses.Surface morphological, topographical and chemical mod-i�cations in EUV treated samples were characterized byscanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force mi-croscopy (AFM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).

2. Materials and methods

Polymer samples were irradiated by a 10 Hz laserplasma based EUV source. This source is specially ded-icated to polymer processing. The source is based on a


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double-stream gas-pu� target, irradiated with a 3 ns and0.8 J Nd:YAG laser pulse. The gas-pu� target systemallows for debris free operation as compared to those ofsolid target systems [12]. The interaction chamber of thesource is separated from the gas target irradiation cham-ber in order to have a di�erential pumping setup. Thepressure in the target chamber is maintained at the fewmillibars whereas in the EUV-sample interaction cham-ber, the pressure is kept around 10−2 millibar. The poly-mer sample was placed on a moveable XY Z translationstage controlled by an application software based con-trol panel. This allows irradiation of a particular areaof the sample as per requirements. An auxiliary gas-pu�valve is mounted in the interaction chamber in order tointroduce an additional gas (such as helium or nitrogen).Detailed experimental setup and source information canbe found in previous publications by our group [13, 14].The PC samples were supplied by Goodfellow CambridgeLtd. England with 0.06 mm thickness and were irradi-ated with 100, 200, 300, and 600 EUV shots (as shownin Fig. 1). The diameter of the trace of the EUV shotswas around 1.5 mm.

Fig. 1. SEM image of the PC sample irradiated with(a) 100, (b) 200, (c) 300, and (d) 600 EUV shots.

In a separate experimental setup, polycarbonate sam-ple area of about 12 mm × 10.5 mm was irradiatedwith EUV photons. This is achieved by the controlledtranslationary movements of the stage along the X- andY -planes so that 20 EUV shots irradiated per 1.5 mmdiameter of the polymer sample while the sample stageis moving. The stage is moved horizontally for 10 mmand then vertically for 1.5 mm. This scheme is repeated7 times. The resulting EUV modi�ed polymer sample isshown in Fig. 2.The helium gas is injected through the auxiliary valve

during the EUV irradiation which helps to avoid opticsdegradation by the ablated material. EUV treated andpristine samples were characterized for surface modi�ca-tions. For morphological studies, two SEM with di�erentresolutions were used (VEGA II SBU by TESCAN CzechRepublic and Quanta 3D FEG by FEI USA). Atomic

Fig. 2. SEM image of the PC sample irradiated with20 EUV shots with sample holder moving at 0.5 mm/s.

force microscopes supplied by Veeco, USA and NT-MDT,Russia were used. Images were acquired at di�erent res-olution, magni�cation and scale as per requirement inorder to investigate the micro- and nanostructures whichappeared on the EUV treated surfaces. In order to in-vestigate the height of these structures AFM was usedin semi-contact mode and the acquired images were pro-cessed using an image analysis tool developed by NT--MDT. Low resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) scans were obtained to investigate the chemicalmodi�cations in the EUV treated samples. The C 1speak was calibrated by shifting to 285 eV for measuredsamples in order to compensate the e�ects of samplecharging and �ood gun.

3. Results and discussion

A single polycarbonate sample was irradiated with 100,200, 300, and 600 EUV shots at di�erent places to visual-ize the EUV trace di�erence as shown in Fig. 1. Figure 3aand b shows 10,000 times magni�ed SEM images of PCsample irradiated with 200 and 600 shots, respectively.Figure 3c represents the pristine PC sample at the samemagni�cation with no micropatterning.Detailed examination on SEM at higher resolution and

magni�cation depict the presence of nanostructures onthe PC surface modi�ed at 600 EUV shots (Fig. 4). Sur-face morphology was also examined by the AFM. Fig-ure 5a shows the AFM image of pristine PC sample whileFigs. 5b,c and d shows PC sample irradiated with 100,200, and 600 EUV shots, respectively. Results from bothtechniques demonstrate that the wall type nano and mi-crostructures appeared on EUV treated surfaces whichbecome more pronounced with an increase in the num-ber of EUV shots. The micropattern introduced by EUVmodi�cation are similar to those which appeared afterultraviolet irradiation [15].In order to characterize the roughness of the PC sam-

ples, 2D and 3D AFM measurements were obtained usingsemicontact mode. It can be observed from Fig. 6a andFig. 7b that wall type micropatterns up to several hun-

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Fig. 3. SEM image of the PC sample irradiated with(a) 200 EUV shots, (b) 600 EUV shots, and (c) pristinePC at 10,000× magni�cation.

Fig. 4. SEM image of the PC sample irradiated with600 EUV shots at 50k × magni�cation.

dred nanometers in height appeared on the EUV treatedPC sample surfaces. The reorganization of surface mor-phology and orientation of micropatterning is quite pro-nounced as shown in 3D images (see Figs. 6b and 7b).As the sample holder was moving the patterns organizedin quite well-ordered structural shapes which could helpin adhesion and proliferation of di�erent cell types un-der stochastic biological conditions. Roughness analysisof the AFM image of the EUV treated sample and thepristine sample was performed using the image analysistool mentioned above.

Table I gives a summary of quanti�ed results of rough-ness. Average surface roughness (Sa) and surface rootmean square roughness (Sq) are the most interesting sta-

Fig. 5. AFM image of PC sample (a) pristine sample,(b) 100 EUV shots, (c) 200 EUV shots, and (d) 600 EUVshots.

Fig. 6. AFM images of pristine PC sample at 50 µmscale (a) 2D and (b) 3D.

tistical parameters to evaluate overall measure of the tex-ture present on the surface (ISO norm 4287) [16, 17]. Inorder to characterize the uniformity of the texture overthe surface area, the surface skewness (Ssk) can be cal-culated to evaluate the asymmetry of the amplitude dis-tribution histogram. The Sa and Sq increased to morethan 1.6 times in EUV treated sample as that of thepristine polymer sample. The surface skewness shiftedfrom 0.63 (pristine sample) to 0.96 (EUV treated sample)


Roughness analysis of pristine and EUV modi�ed PCsamples.




maximum height recorded 604 nm 1430 nm

average surface roughness, Sa 46 nm 78 nm

root mean square roughness, Sq 66 nm 106 nm

surface skewness, Ssk 0.63 0.96

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Fig. 7. AFM images of PC sample treated with 20EUV shots (a) 2D and (b) 3D.

which indicates that extreme peaks are patterned on thesurface after EUV surface modi�cation. For such asym-metric distribution of roughness, leaning of mass distri-bution concentration towards the left represents quite ahigh quantitative di�erence between the two roughnessmeasurements. The maximum peak height recorded inthe pristine PC sample was about 604 nm. The PC sam-ple irradiated with 20 EUV shots contains structures upto 1430 nm high.

Fig. 8. AFM images of pristine PC samples at 25 µmscale (a) 2D and (b) cross-sections.

Fig. 9. AFM images of PC sample treated with20 EUV shots 25 µm scales (a) 2D and (b) cross--sections.

Cross-sectional views of pristine and EUV modi�edpolymer surfaces demonstrate pronounced structuredpeaks with some degree of regularity (Fig. 8 and 9). Theresults of these statistical parameters demonstrate signif-icant increment of surface roughness in EUV patternedsurfaces as compared to that of the pure polymer sample.Chemical modi�cation in PC samples after EUV treat-

ment was investigated by XPS. Low resolution XPSscans of pristine PC and EUV processed PC surfaces

Fig. 10. XPS scans for polycarbonate (a) pristine sam-ple, (b) modi�ed sample irradiated with 20 EUV shots.


Summarized results from XPS spectra.

No. of EUV shots Element Atomic [%]

Pristine sampleC 1s 83.47

O 1s 16.53

20C 1s 91.97

O 1s 8.03

were acquired as shown in Fig. 10a and b, respectively.EUV treatment in�uences the O/C ratio in PC sample.Table II summarizes the XPS results indicating a de-crease in oxygen contents in the EUV modi�ed surface.The decrease in oxygen contents consequently results inan increase of hydrophobicity which ultimately providereduced wettability.

4. Conclusion

Upper layer surface physical and chemical propertiesof polycarbonate samples were successfully modi�ed byEUV irradiation. Modi�ed sample surfaces were char-acterized by SEM and AFM for surface morphology. Upto several hundred nanometers high wall-type micro- andnanostructures were formed on EUV modi�ed PC sam-ples similar to those introduced by ultraviolet radiation.Quanti�ed roughness analysis showed that the surfaceroughness of EUV modi�ed sample increase to double asthat of pristine sample. Chemical analysis by X-ray pho-toemission spectra reveal a decreased oxygen contents inthe EUV modi�ed surfaces. Exclusion of oxygen from po-lar groups leads to a polymer with increased hydropho-bicity. The wettability di�erence can be quantitativelymeasured by contact angle measurement in future stud-ies. Due to the fundamental morphological and chemicalchanges to the EUV modi�ed surfaces, this study hasdemonstrated the strong potential of EUV surface mod-i�cation of polycarbonate to control the degree of thebiocompatibility for certain biomedical engineering ap-plications.

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Authors acknowledge �nancial support from the EUFP7 Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate ProgrammeEXTATIC under framework partnership agreement FPA--2012-0033. With support from the 7th Framework Pro-gramme's Laserlab Europe project (No. 284464).


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