
1 April, 2017$2.00 April, 2017

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Matthew BrunetIsrael, Replacement Theology, Culture and ApologeticsJ.E. FarsterWhat Does the Rapture Have to do With the Cross?Tony KailMass Group Possession: An International PhenomenonCaspar McCloudIf You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Dying For, Then You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Living For

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2 April, 2017

Israel, Replacement Theology, Culture and Apologetics

Matthew Brunet

Today within the Christian Church there is much confusion and discussion on the state of Israel and relationship of the Jews

and the Church. Confusion has arisen from those who hold to what is presently known as Replacement Theology RT (supersessionism). Matt Slick of CARM Christian Apologetic and Research Ministry defines RT as, 

“The teaching that the Christian church has replaced national Israel regarding the plan, purpose, and promises of God.

Therefore, many of the promises that God made to Israel must be spiritualized. For example, when it speaks of Israel being restored to the land, this really means that the Christian church will be blessed. Also, covenants made with Israel are fulfilled in the Christian church so, for example,

The Jewish people are no longer God’s chosen people. Instead, the Christian church now makes up God’s chosen people.

In the New Testament after Pentecost, the term “Israel” refers to the church.”

The Abrahamic and the land covenant now see fulfillment in the church and not in the nation of Israel.

These views have been widely held by most of the old mainline liberal denominations such as the Methodist, Presbyterians, Episcopalians and the Catholic Church. It has led to much confusion about how God views His Chosen People, how the church treats those who still embrace the Jewish faith, evangelism of the Jews and the

unconditional covenants God made with them. It has given rise to anti-semitism, forced conversions, torture and death, and has made relations between those of the Jewish and Christian faiths hostile in many instances over the last 1600 years.

The history of this theological heresy is seen in the book Our Hands are Stained with Blood, The Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People by Michael L. Brown. In this book Brown recounts starting in the 4th century, how the church mistreated the Jewish comunities which they encountered. Rather than reaching out to them with the good news and love of Christ as modeled by the early church and apostles, the Jews were viewed far differently then other non believers. Raul Hillberg, a former scholar of the Holocaust writes, “Since the 4th century after Christ there have been three anti-Jewish policies: (forced) conversion, expulsion, annihilation. The missionaries of Christianity had said in effect: you have no right to live amongst us as Jew.” This view found early acceptance amongst some of the church fathers in the 4th century. St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, who died in 407 was honored as a saint by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Anglican churches, while holding contempt towards most Jews. Considered to be one of the early great “Church Fathers”, he had little compassion for the Jews of his day. According to John, “The synagogue is worse than a brothel…it is a den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beast…the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults…a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ…the refuge of devils…” As for the Jews themselves, “I would say the same things about their souls. As for me I hate the synagogue…I hate the Jews for the same reason.” (pg.11 Brown) Saint Ambrose, a Bishop Of Milan and contemporary of St. John Chrysostom said, “The Jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ, and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them.” He was the spiritual father of Augustine who later held similar views of the Jews as seen in the book The City of God. 

During the Middle Ages the Jews continued to be given the option of “baptism or expulsion. baptism or torture, baptism or death” according to Brown. They were forbidden good jobs, laws were

3 April, 2017

passed restricting what they could do, their children were kidnapped and baptized, they were beaten for being Christ killers, humiliated publicly, tortured and the slogan was born”kill a Jew and save your soul.” Some Christians came to there aid and a few leaders clearly felt compassion for the plight of the Jews but the overall feeling coming from the Church was one of condemnation. God’s chosen people were now relegated to the level of social outcast as long as they held to their Jewish roots and tradition. The Jewish influence and culture seen in first and second century as the church began to spread, was now purged of its influence. It was said that God was done with the Jews and the church was now God’s chosen people. The Jews would forever be wanders because the promises were no longer in play and their land was no longer theirs as seen by their scattering around the world. All those prophecies of the physical return of the Jews to their land were now spiritualized and applied to the church. But were they?

The church, which for the last 1600 years spiritualized the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Jews and the nation Israel, now saw the literal fulfillment of ancient prophecies that culminated in the regathering of the Jews, the state of Israel being re-established and the Jews once again re-occupy the city of Jerusalem. On May 14th, 1948 the state of Israel was re-established. The fulfillment of Isa. 66:7-8, Eze. 37:21-22 was now literally fulfilled and the idea that God was done with His people could now be laid to rest. God was not done with the nation Israel. He had regathered the Jews in unbelief from the four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:11-12), re-occupied the city of Jerusalem on June 7, 1967 (Zechariah 8:4-8) and Israel once again became a land of agricultural abundance (Ezekiel 36:34-35). The unconditional covenants that God made with His people, the Abrahamic and the Land Covenant, were now seeing their literal fulfillment. Though the nation Israel had rejected their Messiah and had suffered for the last 2000 years, God would honor His unconditional covenant and breathe new life into people.

”Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, . . . I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever.” Jeremiah 7:3, 7 

What does scripture and the Apostle Paul say to this issue of the church and nation Israel? Romans 9-11 holds the key so let us see what Paul had to say. Did God reject His people for rejecting Him? 

Israel, Replacement Theology, Culture and Apologetics (continued)

Romans 11:1-5 “I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never…God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew…in the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice.” God has always kept a believing remnant of Jews who believe in Him according to Paul. 

What was the outcome of Israel’s rejection?

Romans 11:11 “I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression (speaking of Israel) salvation has come to the Gentiles.” We were the beneficariares of Israel’s rejection. vs.15 “For if by their rejection the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” Paul reminds us that the rejection of Jesus opened the door to the world being offered reconciliation through Christ. As the world and the Gentiles came to know the Messiah of the Jews, the Jews would see the blessings of God bestowed on them and this would, vs.11

”make them jealous”. So the church was called to be a witness to the Jews not to persecute them. The church was called to follow Paul’s example as seen in Romans 9:2-3 “that I have great sorrow and ceasing grief in my heart. For i could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ, for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh.” We were to grieve for Israel and to witness to the Jews the same love Paul had who was willing to trade away his salvation for the sake of his people. It is us who are grafted into the believing house of Israel. 

What is the mystery that Paul speaks of in Romans? 

Romans 11:25 “For I do not want you brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and thus all Israel will be saved…” There is coming a time when God will take away the partial harding that now resides on Israel and their eyes will be open in a greater way. vs.28 “From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake but from the stand point of God’s choice that are beloved for the sake of the fathers, for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.” God is honoring all the promises and covenants He has made to Israel. The church is not spiritual Israel. We need to pray for Israel and

4 April, 2017

the Jews because God is bringing flesh back to its dry bones and life back into His land and His holy city Jerusalem. Paul says that when they accept their Messiah there will come ”life from the dead”. Romans 11:15 

Will God restore the kingdom to Israel? 

In Acts 1:6-7 the question is posed “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel? He said them, “It is not for you to know the time or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority…” Jesus could’ve have answered that the kingdom would never return to Israel and had passed to the church but He didn’t. He just informed them it was no happening now and it wasn’t for them to know when.They were called to be witnesses to the utter most parts of the world as seen in verse 8. 

Michael Brown concludes in his book that the church must “cry and weep, so that Israel will repent tomorrow and then Jesus will return and and suffering will cease.” There is coming a time when the fulness of the Gentiles will come and Israel’s eyes will be opened. Our call is to take the good news not only to the world but to the Jews also. Paul in Romans 10:12-13 “for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all abounding in riches for all who call upon Him, for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” Zech. 14:4-9 tells of the time when Jesus will stand on the mount of Olives east of Jerusalem the glory of the Lord will shine forever…and Israel will receive their King.

Israel, Replacement Theology, Culture and Apologetics (continued)

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5 April, 2017

What Does the Rapture Have to do With the Cross?

J.E. Farster

Jeff Farster is the Pastor of Freedom’s Light Church of God in Ball Ground, GA.

There is much disagreement in the Church, as to whether there is a rapture of the Lord’s body, before the Great Tribulation, and if so,

when is it? Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post-Tribulation? This is a very important question, not only for the Church as a whole, but to each and every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. To answer this all important question on the doctrine of the Rapture, we must examine this in a manner that here-to-fore, to my knowledge, has never been discussed and that is, what does the rapture have to do with Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross?

Let us look to God’s infallible Word for the answer to the question. We must begin with the wrath of God and what exactly that means to the world, the church and finally to me and you as Disciples of the Lord.

To the world, God’s wrath is made a reality by His judgment on sin. For God is Holy and just. His wrath is not metered out in a fit of rage, nor is it vindictive. His wrath is an expression of His Holiness. When we contemplate what God’s wrath means to the unsaved, we need look no further than His Word. We see His wrath on display when He delivered the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. In Exodus 15:7 we see Moses leading the children of Israel in song and praises to God for their deliverance. Thus in verse 7 of Chapter 15 of Exodus, they are reminded that God’s wrath (a burning anger) that was poured out upon a wicked people (the Egyptians) and the false God’s they worshipped. “And in the greatness of your Excellency You have overthrown them who rose up against You: You sent forth Your Wrath, which consumed them as stubble.”

Again in Ephesians 2:3 we see that God’s wrath is upon all who are lost and by their very nature are children of disobedience, for we are all tainted and broken by the fall of Adam. “Among whom (the children of

disobedience) also we all had our conversation (manner of life) in times past in the lusts of our flesh (evil cravings), fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others (the spirit of Satan, which fills all unbelievers, thereby working disobedience). (emphasis mine)

(Romans 1:18) For the wrath (indignation, punishment, justifiable, abhorrence) of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. (emphasis mine) We see here God is justified by His hatred of sin, thus it falls on everyone, because all were born with a disposition to be enemies of God, i.e. our sin nature.

“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience; among whom also we all had our conversation (how we lived out our daily lives), in time past in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.” Ephesians 2:1-3. (emphasis mine)

We know that all who are outside and apart from Jesus Christ are and will experience the wrath of God throughout eternity. By its very nature God’s wrath excludes mercy as it pertains to His dealings with unrepentant people or nations. In other words, it is every lasting and final. So much more could be said on this subject but suffice it to say, enough has been said.

Now, let us look at the Great Tribulation or the ‘Day of the Lord’. There are many who believe that the Church i.e. believers, that make up the Body of Christ, will go through the first 3 and 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation. This became known as the ‘Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church’. Once again, we must understand that this, “Day of the Lord”, is God’s wrath being poured out upon an unrepentant earth.

If the Seals and Trumpets found in the book of Revelation are not the wrath of God being poured out, then what are they? No, it is clear these Seals and Trumpets, in fact are the judgments of and from God. So, you ask, “What is your point”? Simply put, we are not appointed unto wrath, not by what we have done or not done, but rather we escape wrath, because of Who we belong too.

6 April, 2017

The reason we as believers i.e. the Body of Christ, do NOT go through any part of the Great Tribulation, is because we are “in Christ”. Meaning that God’s wrath has already been satisfied. The wrath that was to fall on us because of our sinful condition, instead fell upon Jesus Christ on the Cross.

The Apostle Paul tells us that upon faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on our behalf, God now sees you and me as having been nailed to the cross. Paul said in writing to the church in Rome, “know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death.” Romans 6:3 And likewise we were buried in Him in the tomb i.e. the old nature, is reckoned as being dead by faith, and as Christ rose from the dead, we now live this life in the power of His resurrection and thus the newness of life.

Once again, the Tribulation is God’s wrath poured out upon an unrepentant world and apostate church that has rejected the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ. Unrepentant mankind, who has chosen to create paradise and achieve immortality by their own efforts. Have thereby rejected the grace and mercy of God in exchange for His wrath. But for we who are in Christ the disciples of the Lord, He has already satisfied the wrath of God by offering up His body one time. Paul reminds us of this in Hebrews 10:10-12 “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. But the man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God.” (Emphasis mine) Remember, Christ only suffered and gave His life once for the redemption of all who will believe.

Paul again reminds the believer in Ephesians “and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:6 (emphasis mine)

You and I make up the Body of Christ and His Body i.e. the Remnant Church are seated with and in Him. For those who teach the Church has to go through any or all of the tribulation are denying the efficacy of Jesus Christ once and for all sacrifice on the cross. Think about what is being taught and what many believe. It is tantamount to blasphemy. I know that the Believer can no more purify and sanctify him or herself, by going through the Great Tribulation any more than they could save themselves from being born in sin.

It all comes back to our identity in Jesus Christ.

For the Church to go into the Tribulation would be subjecting the Lord Himself to God’s wrath once again, through the fiery trials of the great and terrible day of the Lord we call the Tribulation. For we are His Body and are not subject to God’s wrath again, anymore than Jesus is required to die for us again.

Hopefully you can now see and begin to understand what grave consequences this teaching can have upon those who adhere to this false hope. No, the Lord’s body will never again experience the wrath of God, all because it has already fallen on Jesus Christ, for our behalf. Remember, we are not appointed to wrath, God’s wrath, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9 (emphasis mine)

This is why the Church found in Revelation 4:1, is not seen again until the Second Coming of the Lord. The Apostle John sees all the saints from both directions as it relates to Calvary. Those who looked forward to the Lamb of God and those who look back to the Cross, but all of them are there in heaven, because of their faith in Jesus Christ and His great sacrifice. Christ completed His work and we are the Bride that was prepared before the foundation of the world was laid.

In bringing this to its natural conclusion, we CANNOT suffer God’s wrath, because that would be what the law would call “Double Jeopardy”. Double Jeopardy meaning 1(procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges in the same case following a legitimate acquittal or conviction.) Now to my brothers and sisters in the Lord, God’s wrath as it concerns the Body of Christ has been satisfied by Christ Himself, completed, perfect, and a finished work performed, on the cross of Calvary. When Jesus said, “It is finished”, He meant it! Amen!

Footnote 1) Wikipedia

What Does the Rapture Have to do With the Cross? (continued)

7 April, 2017

Mass Group Possession: An International Phenomenon

Tony Kail

Earlier this month locals in the community of Santa Tomas which is located in southern Nicaragua witnessed an example of mass

supernatural phenomena. Residents began to fall to the ground as many became possessed by an unseen spirit. Over 30 men, women and children were overtaken by a spiritual force that took over their body and their mind. This phenomena is known throughout South America as an illness called ‘Grisi Siknis’.

Grisi Siknis is called a ‘culture bound syndrome’, a term used by Western psychologists to frequently used describe specific ailments and symptoms that are recognized within one particular culture or society. In the United States phenomena such as Southern African-American

‘curses’ and Latin American based concepts regarding the ‘evil eye’ are examples of culture bound syndromes. Mental health professionals explain that many of these culture bound syndromes occur in cultures and societies where there is great stress and anxiety as well as a number of other social based burdens.

Following this example of mass spirit possession, a local indigenous healer in the village began to investigate the area for clues as to why this incident occurred. She discovered a child’s doll, decorated with a crosses on its face and bound in black and red ribbon has been buried in the village.

The doll was believed to be the source of the spiritual battle that was taking place in the village. The doll appears to have been ‘bound’ representing the binding of an individual or spirit. Crosses may have been placed on the doll’s face to stop or contain the same. In many cultures objects that contain a spiritual essence are buried in the presence of their enemies to create harm.

The practice of hidden objects as curses was observed by famed anthro-pologist Sir E.E. Evans-Pritchard in his work among the Azande people of Southern Sudan in the 1920’s. The Azande utilized a form of medicine known as menzere which Pritchard believed might be derived from an

8 April, 2017

abnormal parasite. He describes the procedure that the ritual specialist utilizes as follows: ‘The sorcerer goes by night, generally at a full moon, to the homestead of his victim and places the medicine on his threshold in the centre of his homestead or in the path leading to it.’  Another ex-ample of this ‘hiding medicine’ can be seen among the Igbo people of Nigeria in ‘Ochuchu’ in which misfortune or affliction may occur through magical means either by air or by buried materials placed in the ground. All that was needed was for the victim to either touch or walk over the hidden object. This was believed to be enough to magically attach the energy to the victim.

For whatever reason this incident occurred, these mass possessions ap-pear to be manifesting around the world. Last year a group of over 100 children in Tarapoto Northern Peru became stricken with what was alleged to have been a demonic spirit. Many of the children experienced convul-sions, fainting and visions of a man dressed in black trying to harm them.

As I have researched numerous religious cultures for over 25 years, I have found that as humans we typically have one of three explanations for these types of phenomena. The first is that of a local cultural inter-pretation. This is very hard for us as Westerners and Christians to com-prehend. While the act of spirit possession is considered frightening and demonic to many of us, the reality is that many cultures and soci-eties view possession as a form of ‘blessing’. Religions such as Puerto

Rican Espiritismo, Afro-Cuban Santeria and Haitian Voodoo view pos-session as a gift in which the spirits or gods descend and take over the consciousness of the possessed. I have observed in several ceremonies where the possessed individual is honored through various types of clothing and objects that are given to them as offerings. In this par-ticular worldview it is not uncommon to see spirit possession and for it to appear as a means of communicating with the gods and spirits of a people not an act of evil.

The second view of possession that I have encountered is through the psychological lens. Spirit possession in this view is observed as a phe-nomena known as ‘trance possession’ that is explained by a change in the biological and neurological states of the mind. I remember showing a video of a Haitian Voodoo ceremony to a mental health professional and she noted that the sound of the drumming, singing and dancing could create a state of mind in which the possessed would act out in a cultur-ally expected manner. For example, if you are believed to be possessed by a spirit that dances then you will dance. Within this explanation there are some questions. For example, one African religious practitioner ex-plained that before the ceremonies, they would hide a particular object in their temple. When a spirit was believed to possess someone, they would ask the spirit to locate the hidden object. This combined with the number of miraculous feats that many have observed coming from pos-sessed individuals begs the question “How did a mental state do that?”

Lastly, the theological lens looks at all forms of spirit possession as enter-taining demons. Spirit possession is not viewed as an acceptable practice as it is contrary to what the Bible says about spirits. The Bible is filled with numerous accounts of possessed individuals who are opposed to the presence and teachings of Christ. As well there a number of testimonies of missionaries who have encountered possessed individuals and commonly testify to the phenomena as being Anti-Christian and dangerous.

Regardless of your personal worldview, it is quite apparent that there is a ramping up of real or perceived supernatural activity throughout the world. The question all of us will eventually have to answer is ‘How do we respond’?

Hold Fast,


Mass Group Possession: An International Phenomenon (continued)

9 April, 2017

If You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Dying For, Then

You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Living For

Caspar McCloud

This past weekend I was privileged again to be one of the speakers, as well as being asked to lead the praise and worship for the Hear

the Watchmen conference in Dallas Texas. If you missed it you can still live stream the event at

One of the most profound statements made at the conference in my humble opinion was spoken from our friend Derek Gilbert who so elegantly and articulately stated, “We are tearing each other apart over side issues, whilst the enemy of our souls is planning the final assault battle!”

Dr. L. A. Marzulli and Russ Dizdar’s presentations were once again packed filled with astonishing and pertinent information of the growing evidence of the coming great deception unfolding now at an accelerated rate upon the world stage. It was life changing information for many, as well as Pastor Paul Begley’s preaching which resulted in hundreds of people coming forward to receive salvation in Christ. Just as did Russ Dizdar’s deliverance teaching where a repentant crowd came to the altar. Hundreds of people after conversion also experienced water baptism in the Hilton Hotel swimming pool with Pastor Paul leading the charge. By the way I discovered some years ago that most Jews would not go for today’s church baptismal as they consider it dead water, as opposed to being baptised in living water such as a river or stream. Least the swimming pool has running water in it’s filtering system. But I digress... All the speakers gave informative presentations and evidence to what season in world history we are now experiencing.

The Lord Jesus/Yeshua said in places like Luke 12:56,”Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?”

The overall the takeaway from this conference event for me was observing that many came to realise how incredibly close we are to seeing all the ancient prophesy’s being fulfilled in our lifetime. Talking about my G, G, Generation....

My friend Shaun Tabatt from Chosen Books flew in for the conference and was most helpful to me the entire time almost taking on the position of my personal armour bearer for this event. The Lord used Shaun in countless ways to bless others and help oversee things going on. Basically this provided me a Acts chapter 6 type moment with the opportunity to simply focus on ministering to the needs of people who needed to strengthen their connections with the Lord Jesus/Yeshua.

Everywhere we go there are so many people who need a touch from the Lord, who need to channel the Holy Spirit instead of manifesting unclean spirits. So many need a healing miracle or restoration in their body and relationships or business. Truly the nature of the Lord is to bless all who come to him in humbleness and believe him at his Word.

Mark 11:24,”Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

I am delighted to report that many were able to receive what they needed from the Lord with several reporting healing and restorations that had taken place in their life to me throughout the weekend.

People flew in from all over including other nations. I met many new friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, some travelling over the pond from U.K. and as far away as Australia, (although they didn’t offer me or anyone a marmite sandwich) “throw a prawn on the barbie”.

I know for certain that I couldn’t have accomplished all the good things that transpired at this conference without the Holy Spirits guidance and the Lord sending such humble and trusted friends who prayed over us and helped assist us in all these endeavours. Chosen Books has one incredible man of God on their team with Shaun Tabatt, who is also blessed with a lovely wife and nine children.

In our Holy Guide Book to the Supernatural the Scriptures give us several good examples of an armour-bearer, of someone with a true servants heart who helped carry additional weapons for their commanders as well as helping to do battle with them. They were dedicated men who were chosen to be responsible for killing off enemies wounded by their masters.

10 April, 2017

After enemy soldiers were seriously wounded with arrows or swords, it was the armour-bearers who came to help finish the job that none were left to continually suffer or raise up again for another battle. We do not actually find mention of the armour-bearers after the reign of King David, perhaps because they started to employ chariots for battles by then.

(1 Kings 20:33).

Mind you in the New Testament as well nowhere do we find mention of armour-bearers, or do we find any of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers needing them. But we do find believers helping to serve their leaders as we find in such places at Act chapter 6, such servants like Stephen, a man full of faith and power, who also did great wonders and miracles among the people.

Numerous times I found myself ministering to someone who came asking if I would pray for them to be healed. We went before the Lord and believed him in faith at his Word, after the person told us something extraordinary just happened and realised all the pain suddenly left their bodies, I found myself in a unique position to have the healed person pray for the next person standing there. Truly I couldn’t heal a butterfly with a broken wing except the Lord uses me. The Lord shall use any of us who are willing to be a vessel for him. I think the enemy of our souls has tried numerous ways to hinder and stop many believers to pray for someone to be healed because after you witness a healing miracle you are more likely to keep praying for the next person and opportunity that comes to you, even if nothing seems to happen for a while. Once you experience the power of the Holy Spirit there is no turning back.

On the day the conference began, I was appointed to lead worship as I previously mentioned. After playing several news songs I just wrote I felt lead to play the old hymn “ I have decided to follow Jesus”.

I shared a wee bit how the song came to be written. There was a missionary family who went into dangerous places to share the Gospel. They began winning converts from a tribe of head hunters deep in Africa. The chief of the tribe became very angry observing how he was losing most of his tribe to Christianity. He commanded his men capture the Missionary’s and he tied them to stakes. He then told the Missionary if he didn’t renounce Christ he would have his men shoot arrows and kill his two sons. This missionary man obviously loved his two sons, yet he

knew the Gospel was not to be compromised so he answered the chief by saying, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” Straightway the tribesmen shot their arrows and killed the missionary’s two sons. Grief stricken the chief then asked him ,”now are you ready to renounce your Jesus before we kill your wife next?” The missionary cried out looking at his beloved wife, “No turning back, No turning back,” and the chief signaled his tribesmen and they shot arrows and killed the missionary’s wife. The chief sternly asked again, “now are you ready to renounce your Jesus?” The missionary cried out again and this time stated, “Though none go with me, still I will follow.” At this the chief signaled his tribesmen and they shot arrows into the heart of the missionary. Suddenly the chief had a revelation, why would anyone die for lie? He felt the Holy Spirit convict him and he fell to his knees and accepted Jesus/Yeshua as his savour and the entire tribe was soon converted.

Ancient Biblical prophecy tells us that the Earth will be destroyed several times. We read about the warnings that took place before this present world, and the flood of Noah and the next time will occur during the Tribulation period through a series of events that are clearly described. This shall result from some sort of fires that sounds like Nuclear exchanges. I share about this in my newest book Unmasking the Future. You need to remember that after becoming a born again spirit-filled Christian you become immortal, so let not your hearts be troubled by any of this.

Here is what the Holy Spirit has said as we consider the work of the demonically charged organisations, shadow governments and individuals moving among the nations today. Even in their hideous acts of mind controlled programmed terrorism, social engineering and endlessly propaganda, Their New World Order Agenda will ultimately crumble and fail under the leadership of a brain damaged loser. Even as CERN being a Luciferian weapons development company whose end game appears to be they actually believe they will destroy Christ at the battle of Armageddon will discovered they were delusional.

However, not to worry my friends but be encouraged for we read in Revelation 2:10,” Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” The promise of eternal life with Christ is only for those overcomers.

If You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Dying For, Then You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Living For (continued)

11 April, 2017

After reading Foxe’s Book of Martyr’s as a young believer I came to realise if you haven’t found the true Gospel worth dying for, then you haven’t found the true Gospel worth living for.

I found myself rewriting my outline and notes a number of times over the weekend seeing how I was assigned to bring up the rear as one of the last speakers on Sunday. I didn’t want cover again what other speakers had already shared. So as I am writing more ideas down, my mate Marzulli sees me there in the back of the room scribbling ideas and the Lord used him to speak in my ear and say “ Stop over thinking this and just go up and do it”. It was soon my turn to go up and speak a few minutes later. I walked away from my notes on the pulpit. If I recall, I started talking about how obviously from all the information shared here we are certainly in the last days. The lapel mic they put on me wasn’t working out so the audio technician runs up and hands me a hand held microphone and straightaway I found myself singing My Generation, which got the laughter factor happening. I told them handing me such a microphone triggered memes and memories of my rock in roll past.  

Seriously laugher is a good medicine especially when sharing on such topics of what is unfolding prophetically with CERN, Transhumanism, the Vatican, shadow governments, Illuminati playing cards and the discovery of Nimrods remains, with the Nephilim and UFO agenda. We read in Daniel 2:43,” And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

Satan and his demonic followers understood the prophesy in Genesis 3:15 that a Saviour would be born, through the seed of the woman, and that this Saviour would destroy the Devil and his fallen angel’s power. Seems to me the Devil devised an ill fated plan to intermingled with the human race in an effort to stop the birth of Christ. For example if human DNA could be corrupted or “demonised,” worldwide, how could the Saviour then be born and so the human race would be lost forever lost. Many people who are awake to what is unfolding prophetically think it is highly possible the antichrist is alive today and waiting to make his entrance on the world stage. We read in Revelation 17:8,”The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” Could it be possible the

remains of NIMROD will be the one who was and is not and yet is? There are accounts of his head being kept in a jar within the Vatican in preparations for being cloned now underway. Not to worry, think Daniel 3 and trust the Lord for every detail. I do want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for all the many encouraging words, letters and messages you have given me especially those who encouraged me who read my articles here. This one in particular blessed me. “Pastor Caspar, I just wanted to tell you what an amazing job you did speaking at the Hear the Watchman conference. I was impressed by your knowledge on several areas of science that I am passionate about. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who was so talented musically, biblically and is able to understand complex sciences like Epigenetics, Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Neurobiology etc.”... J.R.

I am deeply touched by your most thoughtful and encouraging words my friends. Let us praise the Lord together instead, seeing how we can not do anything good apart from Christ. John 15:5,”I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” Let us also trust the Lord to continually bring forth good fruit in all of us who love him with all our minds, spirits, soul and body. I am so delighted to have been a part of Hear the Watchmen, all the speakers did an excellent job of sharing what we all observe unfolding on the world stage. I am especially grateful to Mike and Jeannie Moore for organising these events, most of us are somewhat clueless how much goes on behind the scenes to bring forth a conference like this including yours truly....

The Lord Jesus/Yeshua said in John 10:27,” My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” Fight back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail and stay in faith! Jesus said in Luke 21:15, “For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.’ I say hallelujah! Because “All”, things are possible with God! I pray the Lord’s supernatural peace, healing, provision and protection cover you always with oceans of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus/Yeshua!


Here is the link to my newest book “Unmasking the Future”

If You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Dying For, Then You Haven’t Found The True Gospel Worth Living For (continued)

12 April, 2017

Imagine if you will, scaling down the circular Large Hadron Collider conjoined with its AWAKE linear accelerator at CERN, and encasing of

each machine within a “typical” UFO some forty feet in diameter.

Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence, namesake to both the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in the early 1930s prototyped a circular cyclotron particle accelerator formed of brass, wire and sealing wax, only four inches in diameter. Literally, it was a hand-held accelerator.

On January 2, 1931, he realized 1.22 MeV (1.22 million electronvolts) of accelerated proton energy from an 11-inch cyclotron prototype. Today, a 17-mile long circular Sychrotron particle accelerator terminates a daisy chain of ring-based and linear accelerators positioned 300 feet below grade near the Franco-Swiss border at CERN. The European Organization for Nuclear Research. Thus far yielding nearly 14 TeV (14 trillion, tera, electronvolts).

On May 24, 2011, Christopher McGuinness of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (formerly, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) presented a particle accelerator on a chip. A half-millimeter long fused silica glass chip composed of half-micron-high channels patterned into nanoscale ridges. Using an ultra-fast pulsed infrared laser illuminating the pattern generates electrical fields, interacting with electrons accelerating at a rate 10 times that of conventional linear accelerators, similar to Stanford’s own 2-mile-long SLAC. Their goal in 2011, was to produce 1GeV (1 billion electronvolts) per meter length, having already achieved 300MeV (300 million electronvolts) per meter.

At CERN, a larger 10-meter version of this chip-based accelerator known as The Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) will produce 20PeV (20 quadrillion electronvolts) when conjoined with the 17-mile Main Ring of the Large Hadron Collider. An ionizing laser sets the initial phase of a wakefield while accepting pre-accelerated proton bunches from the Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator positioned in line with the Main Ring.

Given the initial smaller scales of both the circular Synchrotron and linear accelerators paralleling today’s technological advancements in microprocessors, and now quantum bits (qubits), the same could be said to be true of CERN’s own large-scale accelerators.

A ring-based Sychrotron holds accelerated particles moving through a magnetic field to a circular pathway. In so doing, magnetic lines of force are produced orthogonal (right angles) to this pathway and to the ring itself. These can be utilized in opposing the force of gravity.

A linear accelerator projects particles in much the same way a rocket motor produces thrust.

Given the present state of technology, it seems only reasonable to expect the utilization of both forms of accelerators in the propulsion of UFOs. Their scalability is proven both empirically and experimentally. Their direct application to the general topic of UFOs admittedly is speculative.

And yet, the popular reverse-engineering discussions of such craft are viewed as acceptable to researchers, and a growing segment of the general population at large.

Therefore, it is not at all hyperbole to give credence to the concepts of quantum mechanics employed in the form of particle accelerators. A practical example lies with the circular, Synchrotron particle accelerator housed within the Advanced Light Source Building of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Radiating out from the machine are straight pipes referred to as Beam Lines. These contain streams of particles accelerated within the curved path of the Synchrotron itself. Sized down to “UFO-scale”, these beamlines may be employed in a modified form as both acceleration and deceleration, as well as directional devices.

The second aspect with regard to an onboard Sychrotron are the production of magnetic lines of force at right angles to its circular ring. These counter the force of gravity, itself 1040 times weaker than electromagnetism.

Finally, in lieu of actual beam lines radiating from the circular ring of a Synchrotron, actual chip-scale linear accelerators would be more practical. These providing the aforementioned propulsion of accelerated particles outward from the craft.

Perhaps if and when “Full Disclosure”, which appears imminent, takes place we will learn if the machines of CERN have indeed been scaled-to-fit.

Anthony Patch

Anthony PatchUFO Propulsion Systems

13 April, 2017

Richard Shaw

Where is the Truth?

“You’ve just been approved for a new Visa card!” my spam email says. It gets deleted instantly. “Get 30% off your next purchase!”

until you read that you first have to spend at least $300. Some company in Bolivia hacked my business account and stole $1,200. Fortunately, CitiBank caught it and the money was refunded. Then in DC, it’s up for grabs what is real and what is a lie. Comey is investigating the ridiculous notion that the Russians had something to do with Trump’s election, while Hillary and a host of other real criminals are sidelined. The whole town is one big coverup, rife with all sorts of intelligence organizations who’s job it is to never tell us the truth about anything, but keep everything a secret. Worse, we can never expect them to do the right thing. We have to question everything. Each month it gets worse.

This type of corruption was predicted for the times in which we live. A world of lies, or falsehoods — all for various reasons — greed, corruption, power, control, and the use and abuse of our once great nation. A country cannot stand that has so many devices buried in black ops programs. Even our Space program has become a joke, and private companies are taking it on themselves. But are we not in space anymore? Really?

There are many voices in the ET / UFO world. It is not a respected group, but many people that work within it are highly dedicated to wanting the truth revealed, “Disclosure” being the operative word here.

Stephen Bassett, perhaps the most noted DC lobbyist for UFO disclosure for years petitioned John Podesta to try and get the government to disclose what they knew. Then, the Hillary election process exposed Podesta and a host of others of rampant corruption. Hillary’s failure to win dashed Bassett’s hopes, and some wanted Hillary to win only because they felt she was the best hope to get the UFO truth revealed. I had serious doubts she would do anything about it, and frankly, Trump has already been a lot more openly

vocal on exposing the truth in DC than the Clintons could ever be, since they were a big part of the problem. I also believe Hillary was far worse than Bill when it came to craving power. There were also theories that Obama would be the disclosure president. It did not end up that way, but the current shadow government issues with Obama’s DC home has everyone on edge. Never has a president been as embattled by a former president as Trump. Interestingly, the boy Natan, a 15 year old Israeli kid that had an NDE that went viral said that Obama would be Gog. That he would be killed and die in Israel. Could it still happen?

In regards to UFOs, recently Stephen Greer, another long-time UFO expert, put out a conference lecture that is now up on YouTube. Greer’s last big video was about a tiny creature that he believed to be the remains of an alien body. It later proved dubious, but the evidence was difficult to dispute at first, much like the Fairy Creature that Jaime Maussan let us X Ray and reevaluate. In the end, we had hard evidence that it was a masterful taxidermist job.

But Greer’s latest video is interesting, in the fact that he mentions several examples of craft that has been seen in various places, and believed them to be man-made, possibly back-engineered anti-gravitational space craft. He made small models of each one that were reproduced from photos or video, and held them up and described them. One of the smaller triangle craft had visible ailerons on the trailing edges — looking totally like something out of Lockheed’s Skunkworks factory. Others apparently are of dubious origin, but there were a lot of people who saw the triangle craft, the “Phoenix Lights” and believe it to be one of our own, since at the time there was a Lockheed factory in the area. If so, why are we being kept in the dark about these huge discoveries, and is the U.S. in league with actual “aliens” or perhaps what might be classified as interdimensional “fallen angels”? We know that in the time of the Nephilim, according to the book of Enoch, that various angels taught humans all sorts of forbidden knowledge. Could that be happening again? Many believe yes, it has, and is occurring.

According to the latest prevailing information, we now “ have the ability to take ET home.” These ships apparently are built in ultra secret environments, and would fool any normal person into thinking they are “alien” craft from some other planet or star system. The idea is that some of these craft can exceed the speed of light and

14 April, 2017

go deep into space. Indeed, there may be humans already exploring space secretively, without our knowledge, while new weapons of war so powerful are being developed that are more powerful than atomic weapons were during the nuclear days of testing in the Pacific.

There is a Christian and Judaic belief that a tribulation period is coming. Most of those who study this deeply believe that a massive time of destruction will come, but that it will last only about two weeks. It will be, perhaps, the most devastating destructive war in the history of the planet. We don’t know what methods will be foisted on the earth, but Stephen Greer believes in a different kind of “deception” than what you might hear from an L.A. Marzulli video. He believes that some of the craft will be “alien” but that it will be our craft, masquerading as “alien” that will do the worst of the destruction. Scriptures refer to a time where the “abomination of desolation stands in the Holy Place.” That is the trigger for all this to happen. It will be massive. In the book of Daniel, after seeing a vision of the end of days, he says at the end, “I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.” Obviously, Daniel could have no verbal or scientific understanding of what we now know is possible and is being controlled by a few elites.

Most Christians believe in a rescue / rapture where believers are snatched out of the world before this time. Some think people are changed and float up into the air. Others think that angels will come to get us. Some believe that perhaps that will occur after this first wave of destruction, before the “Sign of the Coming of the Son of Man.” Whatever you believe, it is not worth a time wasting argument. Life is a temporary situation and it would be a lot more fun to be whisked away in that moment to have a great view of the earth and what happens than have to be here to suffer. Apparently, according to scripture in both faiths, there will be a “resurrection of the dead.” When this occurs exactly is a matter for God. It is a unique mystery, written of in both the old and new testaments. Meanwhile, after this first wave of destruction there will be a sign in heaven. My rabbi friends, like Matityahu Glazerson believe that according to their ancient texts there will be a new star appear in the heavens just before the Messiah returns. This seems to be what Yeshua seems to say in Matthew 24 as well. Recently, Glazerson found a Torah code table that pegged these things to the destruction of Damascus,

Where is the Truth? (continued)

which we know occurs during the end as written in Isaiah 17. But the table he found seems to encapsulate all these things as a time stamp of when it will happen. We cannot predict an accurate date, but the idea that all these things may occur around the same time seems correct to me. Before this time, the Jews believe that secrets will be revealed.

Glazerson’s table: “Star Nibiru - Fall of Damascus - Mashiach”

The earth is constantly teetering on war, poverty, and a type of pollution that is killing people in areas where chemtrails are prevalent. New data is coming out every week on the destructive force that aerial spraying is doing to us — gradually killing or causing serious and difficult to diagnose health issues for millions of people. This also has affected trees, bees, and animals. Our food is also contaminated by it. Then, people are having problems with their skin as strange nano particles of chemicals and artificial intelligence impregnates the skin tissue and grows. This condition is now well known, and while people don’t tend to talk about it, microscope views of skin scrapings prove that something strange has invaded our bodies. One researcher is Harald Kautz Vella who has done exhaustive research in this area. He says that the government is making us trackable without using implants by activating our cells electrically via chemtrails. The two links below I found quite interesting and in depth. Watch them in order if you have the time.

On Morgellons:

On how to combat electronic surveillance by cleansing your body and doing simple things:

There was a scripture that I used to read and wonder about from Romans 8:36, “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Then in Revelation, there were those who were killed for their testimony, as many are today in the Middle East. In Rev. 6:10, “They shouted to the Lord and said,

“O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our blood for what they have done to us?”

15 April, 2017

Indeed, many of us feel that way today as we watch an out of control and hopelessly evil government struggle away from the Left under Trump’s leadership. But Donald Trump is only an imperfect man and even he is in great danger with the current shocking calls for his assassination. Even Snoop Dogg did a video about it where he got in hot water over it. In my contacts with the rap community after having done The Wordz Project, the feeling was that Snoop’s albums weren’t selling, and this was merely a publicity stunt, that he really didn’t care about the idea of killing Trump at all. That may be, but I expressed to my trusted friend who was also a life-long friend of Snoop’s that I felt this time he crossed the line.

Oh, and never click that link for a new Visa card… I never did, but it didn’t seem to matter.

— Richard

Where is the Truth? (continued)

There is a code in the TORAH, the first five books of the Old Testament. The Code is real and mathematically provable. Incredibly, the Code seems to have information about what is happening today. Names, places and events are all en-coded. The TORAH is not a crystal ball but new clues seem to indicate that it was meant for our generation to discover its secrets.

Order Today!

16 April, 2017

Rick Woodward, MA

Bones Speaking;A Look at the Chongos Skull

In the skeleton of humans there are specific areas which are so stable in structure that they can give us clues as to the genetic makeup of

a population. These same areas can also reveal genetic anomalies or differences in the genetic make-up of individuals within a population. In fact, they are so specific in their design and stability that by simple comparative anatomy, genetic changes can be revealed. One of the most stable areas in the human skeleton is the basal area (the bottom) of the skull.

I was given the opportunity to provide a comparative observational opinion on perhaps the most well-known elongated skull from Peru, the Chongos Skull. I had worked with several other elongated skulls from the Ica region of Peru, where the Chongos Skull was found, and had noted multiple anomalies which could only be genetic in nature, so, I was anxious to see if these anomalies were present in the Chongos Skull. Again, this was strictly a comparative observation.

The first thing that struck me was the position of the foramen magnum. This is the hole where the spine attaches to the skull and allows the spinal cord to enter the base of the brain. The foramen magnum was located to the very rear of the skull. This would be considered normal in a Cro-Magnon skull, but not in the skull of a modern human. Elongation of the skull, artificial or otherwise, cannot account for this transposition. I estimated that the foramen magnum was transposed to the rear of the Chongos Skull more than one and one half times that of a modern skull. This can only be genetic in nature.

The second anomaly I noticed was that in the palatal process, the foramen ovales were missing. Even more anomalous, there was no indication that these features had ever existed in the skull at all. The

foramen ovales are two holes at the back of the palatal process that allow blood vessels and nerves for the jaw muscles and eyes to pass to those organs. So, if they are missing or had never been there, how were these organs fed?

Lastly, I observed that both the mandibular fossa, the socket, on each side of the skull, where the jawbone attaches, was at least twice as wide as normal. This caused the zygomatic bones (the cheekbones) to flay outward enlarging the eye socket. Could the nerves and blood vessels for the jaw and eye muscles have used this space to supply the needs of those organs?

My conclusions are that the Chongos Skull exhibits many, but not all, of the basal anomalies as other skulls from the Ica, Peru area. This could mean that these individuals were very different from the native population that existed at the time. Of course, more and deeper studies are needed, but could this be specific genetic influence by the Nephilim? I believe it actually could be. Only more hard work and time will tell.

17 April, 2017

The “feel-good” symbol that is adorned on many Christians autos is the “fish” decal. It is said to have been used by early Christians as a recognition of their religion; even though there is no historical provenance for this claim. This symbolism, like so many other was copied from pagan religions. Strangely, the Pythagorean mathematics of the vesica is in the Bible.

This occurs on the shores of Tiberias after Jesus is resurrected , when Jesus, who is standing on the shore instructs his disciples to throw the net on the right side of the boat. “Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, and hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.(John 21:11) ”

The fact that the length to height ratio of the vesica pisca is 153:245 is not, and can not be a coincidence. Some numbers in ancient times were considered “magical” by religions like those of Pythagoras because of their numerical properties. What follows are the magical properties of 153 and why it and the vesica was associated with Pythagoras.

Pythagoras was born in 580 B.C he became known a well known philosopher and mathematician in history. He created the

Pythagorean Brotherhood whose teachings greatly influenced Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. Pythagoras had a group of disciples who established communities throughout the Greek empire. They followed a strict religion of Sun worship, were strict vegetarians, took a vow of celibacy and practiced form of communism. He is reputed to have performed miracles that included resurrecting dead people.

Like Jesus, who was another vegetarian miracle worker, Pythagoras was associated with the fish. The fish symbol was an allegorical code that explained the mystical and mathematical foundations of their religion. The symbol they used was the vesica pisca that is diagrammed as 2 intersecting circles side by side. The overlap of the circles is the foundation for all other numbers and their principles.

Fritz Zimmerman

The Pythagorean Fish

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” -Exodus 20:4

The overlap of the circles in their center allows each one to share the center of the other.

18 April, 2017

The Calendar:

There are 153 days in any five consecutive months that don’t contain February. This includes, September to January, August to December, July to November, June to October, may to September, April to August and March to July. This is the result of 3 X 31 = 93 and 2 X 30 = 60. 93 + 60 = 153.

There are 365.25 days in a year. The days between full moons is 29.53 days. The average number of full moon in a year can be found by dividing 365.25 by 29.53. The result is 12,369 which happens to be the square root of 153!

It can also be expressed as the product of two numbers from its own digits.

153 = 3 X 51 = 153

153 equals 13+53+3 3

153 is also called a Harad number where it is divisible by the sum of its own digits.

153 (1 + 5 + 3) = 9 153/9 =17

The Sum of the digits of 153 is a perfect square-

1 + 5 + 3 = 9 = 32

153 can be expressed as the sum of all integers from 1 to 17 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 153

When working out its reciprocal and multiplying by 17 reveals the Magic 1÷153 = 0,006535947712418300653594...

“Take all the significant figures, multiply by17, and multiples of 17

65359477124183x17 = 1111111111111111 65359477124183 x 34 = 2222222222222222 65359477124183 x 51 = 3333333333333333 65359477124183 x 68 = 4444444444444444 65359477124183 x 85 = 5555555555555555 65359477124183 x 102 = 6666666666666666 65359477124183 x 119 = 7777777777777777 65359477124183 x 136 = 8888888888888888 65359477124183 x 153 = 9999999999999999

Jeremiah 5:21

Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:

Matthew 13:13

This is why I speak to them in parables: ‘Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.’ Matthew 13:14

In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. Mark 4:12

so that, ‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.

It is clear why the Pythagoreans embraced the vesica pisca. This symbol is also that of the Celts who are the antithesis of Christianity But, according to Christ, the Christians will be blinded that they are using the same symbol to identify their religion.

The Pythagorean Fish (continued)

19 April, 2017

Other magical numbers were 555 and 666 that I showed were used in the construction of the Washington Monument. These numbers were used to embody the characteristics of George Washington. That there be no doubt that the vesica is associated with numerologists, take a look at this aerial of the Washington Monument that rises out of a vesica pisca.

Do you really want this on your key chain or in the back of your car? Now you “understand.”

The Pythagorean Fish (continued)

The Celtic symbol is the result of adding a third circle to the vesica pisca.


Fritz Zimmerman!

The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants in North America chronicles two distinct waves of giant humans migrating to North America. As early as 7,000 B.C., strange people arrived on the North American shores of gigantic size with Neanderthal looking skulls.

Order Now!

20 April, 2017

The title above is a phrase I coined a number of years ago and in the years that have gone by I’m sure I’ve stated it thousands of times.

However, there’s a reason for my deliberate repetition and it is this. Much of the church still doesn’t realize what the UFO phenomenon is about. They have failed to look into the ongoing, increase of UFO sightings. Most pastors never breach the subject in our churches yet—as my unscientific pole in the Film show—upward of 35% of the people sitting in churches all across America have had an experience.

I was just at the Hear the Watchman conference in Dallas and my presentation centered on the new film. I asked the audience, how many of you have seen lights in the sky, a UFO, encountered a being, or had sleep paralysis.

I would venture to say that once again upward of 35% of the 750 plus people raised their hands.

The film is called In Their Own Words—UFOs are real. People just like you and me come on the record and, in their own words give testimony of what they saw.

We have folks who have seen orbs, mysterious lights in the sky that they couldn’t explain, triangular craft, disc-shaped craft and according to Dennis, who was a pilot that I interviewed in the film, he witnessed a craft that moved in speeds in excess of 30,000mph!

We have new testimony which corroborates what happened in 1947 in Roswell New Mexico. According to what amounts as a death-bed confession of Colonel Hill, what came down out of the sky so long ago was not weather balloon, but was, in fact a UFO, a disc-shaped craft.

Colonel Hill’s testimony gives us an insight into what may have happened

L.A. MarzulliUFOs are Real, Burgeoning

and NOT Going Away

in Roswell. For those of you who might be new to this information, something crashed in the desert just outside of Roswell , New Mexico and first reports was it was a flying disc or a UFO. A day later this statement was redacted and the public was told it was a weather balloon.

I interviewed Jesse Marcel Jr, the son of the man who investigated the crash-site and brought some of the wreckage to show his son and wife before heading back to the base. Dr. Marcel Jr. stated emphatically, on the record, that what he handled as a young boy of around 12, was not of this world. (This interview is in my book, Further Evidence)

Colonel Hill stated that he was dispatched shortly after the announcement was made that a UFO had crashed and recovered by the Army. Hill was OSS, which is the forerunner of our current CIA. He stated on the record that when he arrived at Roswell, there were two bodies he saw. One was deceased but the other “alien” was still alive. He stated that he made an “attempt” to communicate with it. He also related that the “aliens” had large heads, small bodies, and large eyes. When pressed by Jim and Carolyn Ruskin—who come on the record with this testimony in the film—what was the distinguishing feature that made them different from human beings. Hill stated that these entities has six fingers not five like we do. He also stated that these beings were wearing a “suit” of some kind.

While there is no way to vet any of this information, as Hill passed away a month later after he told all this story to Jim and Carolyn, Jim looks right at the camera, in the beginning of the interview, and states this.

The testimony you are about to hear is true.

(Jim is also a pastor)

The bottom line for me is this. Jim and Carolyn’s story jibes with other death-bed confessions that have come out, in recent years, regarding Roswell. What is the government so afraid of? Why don’t the American people know the truth of what happened in Roswell? The bogus story of the weather balloon no longer will suffice as the “official” story, as too many witnesses have come forward pointing to the fact that what the US Army found in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 was a UFO.

The Watchman Chronicles -In Their Own Words - UFOs are Real, is now available. I’m going to do something just for PPS Report Subscribers.

21 April, 2017

I’m going to offer you two for the price of one. The reason is, I want you to give this film to the skeptic in your life.

Here’s the special link>

I believe we are on the cusp of something and it’s not good. FOX news recently put out a video telling the folks that UFO sightings were at an all-time high. I call this “soft-disclosure.”

As I state at the end of the film. When not if the UFO phenomenon is finally revealed what will you think? How will it affect your faith, especially if we are still here.

I call it The Coming Great Deception.

Please consider this unique offer only to PPS Subscribers and get your two DVD’s for the price of one today. Give the extra copy to a friend who thinks all of this has nothing to do with Jesus.

Give one to your pastor to wake him up.

Give one to your teenager who watches Ancient Aliens every Friday.

Give one to the Darwinist in the family.

Let’s get the word out!

UFOs are Real, Burgeoning and NOT Going Away (continued)


22 April, 2017

23 April, 2017

HI LA, I received the 2 DVD and book set yesterday. WOW, the DVD was better than I even expected.

Very well made production and your work is so valuable for our time. Christians really need to wake up and I like how you addressed the Church and Pastor’s. Will be ordering more copies to hand out! Really enjoyed you on Caspar’s Spiritual Encounters, as well. I laughed and loved your rant to the flat earther’s, Lol. I know our Church “Freedom’s Light Church of God” in Ball Ground, GA is a small church but we really hope you can return this year for the “Southern Appalachian Prophecy Conference”. I realize that is between you and Pastor Farster however wanted you to know how blessed we are when you come. Thanks again for all you do LA, you and your wife are in our prayers! Craig

•Dear Mr. Marzulli, My name is Daniel Julien and I am an evangelist in Quebec, Canada. First, let me congratulate you for your faithful work in the Lord. I am a prophecy watcher and know that the time of the end has arrived. I am looking for material in the French language so that I can share your work with those who only speak French. Are your books translated, or your videos dubbed in French? There is a great need for the French speaking community which

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is worldwide. Here in Quebec, the church is dying or does not know in which time we are. The time is short. Possibly, you’ve been asked before for this request. Hope to hear from you soon. I will continue praying for you and the ministry. If ever you are in need of a good translator and some opened doors in the French world, just let me know. May God bless you. Daniel Julien

•Hey LA, maybe some of these message are put out by the Medjueorje Visitors Bureau periodically when tourism gets slow. As a former Catholic I certainly agree with you. When I started reading the New Testament in the Air Force in 1972, I found none of the Catholic traditions, including the worship of the mother of Jesus had any biblical support, and if they did have any support it was invalidated by other scriptures.

•Hi LA and Peggy,I just watched your interview with Sue & Mark on 17th March and I want to encourage you to continue to show people what you actually say when encountering strange things….by demonstrating, more and more people will DO that if they ever need to! Every fibre of my being says ‘YES’ to what you said - “In the name of Jesus, the Lord rebuke you!!!!”Great job, thank you,Claire in Canada

•Dear Mr,LA, I am 13 years old and a huge fan. I am so fascinated in Nephilim and your True Legend work. I am attending the True legend

24 April, 2017

conference and would love it if you could sign a book and true legends please let me know thanks Hunter


Thank you for the March 19th Sunday Bun, “What did Mary know?”. Great read and can be applied in everyone’s life. I never read it with that perspective before, appreciate you posting.

As always, thank you for your work and all your efforts.


Brandon Katy, TX

•L.A.,Thank you for showing this

1. To educate on demonic entities and their devices.2. To warn and teach on the proper way to respond to this demonic activity.

I was deeply concerned for this couple that they did not understand what they are up against. The lady was trying to reach her dad in the cemetery, not knowing scripture about the danger of entertaining spirits.



Greetings LA,

Just watched what “I think” was your latest Acceleration Radio video. Loved it. Towards the end, when you read an email/replied about the Flat Earthers, your reply was so lucid and articulate I was inspired to sit down and send you an email of agreement and encouragement. Agreed, let’s get on an airplane and take pictures of the edge of the Earth. LOL.

Your work is Biblically relevant and IMHO, spot on. I love listening to you and the way you always tie everything into the Biblical narrative. I know you have innumerable numbers of negative responses by people who are, for the most part, Biblically illiterate. I’m certainly no scholar but I know enough about the Bible to know Truth when I hear it. Keep on keepin on LA. You’re doing a great job against the powers of darkness. Don’t listen to the nay sayers, they are already deceived, the Bible tells us so. Be strong, of good courage. (Remember God’s admonishment to Joshua?)

You’re doing a great work for the Body and Jesus. That’s what it’s all about.

Greg LambLawton, OK

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