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Point Indication Review

ACR class 10

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Point Categories

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Jing-well Points

•Where the Qi of the Channel emerges

•Restores consciousness

•Clears Heat & Stagnation, especially from the opposite end of the channel

•Calms the Spirit (Shen)

•Treats fullness below the Heart

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•Bleed all twelve jing-well points in for excess-type (Heat) collapse

•LU-11 for acute sore throat and mumps.

•HE-9 for Heart or chest pain

•Several Jing-Well point indicated for mania

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Ying-spring Points •Where the Qi of the Channel “glides”

•Clears heat from the channel/organ (fire & water point)

•Effect on the opposite end of the channel (less than Jing-well)

•Can substitute for Jing-well

•Can combine w/Shu-stream to treat Zang

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Examples•LU-10 clears heat from the throat

and/or Lung

•KID-2 clears deficiency heat from the Kidneys

•LIV-2 clears Liver fire

•GB-43 clears heat from the GB channel.

•ST-44 clears fire from the Stomach channel

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Shu-stream Points•Where Qi of the Channel begins to pour

•Yin Channels: same as Yuan-source pts

•Heaviness &/or pain of the joints

•Combine w/ Ying-spring to treat the Yin organs

•Yang Shu-stream: channel stagnation

•Diseases which “come and go” - chronic

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•LU-9, SP-3, HE-7, KID-3, LIV-3 all tonify their associated zang (Shu-stream + Yuan-source)

•GB-41 disperses qi stagnation throughout the shaoyang channel

•SI-3 for all disorders of the neck

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Jing-river Points

•Qi of the Channel begins to flow heavily

•Cough, Fever & Chills

•Change in voice

•Disorders of the muscles, tendons, bones, joints

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•LU-8: cough, asthma, wheezing

•HE-4: sudden loss of voice

•BL-60: stiff neck, lumbar pain

•LIV-4: contracted sinews, lumbar pain

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He-sea Points

•Where the Qi of the Channel “unites with the sea” -- communicates with organs

•Rebellious Qi, diarrhea, abnormal leakage of fluids

•Skin diseases

•Treats the Fu organs

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•ST-36: every kind of Stomach or Spleen disease

•SP-9: lack of appetite, diarrhea

•L.I.-11: skin diseases, itching of the skin

•LIV-8: itching of the genitals

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Mother-Child Points

•AKA, “Tonification (Supplementation)” and

•“Dispersion (Sedation) (Draining)” Points

•Based on Five-Phase (Five-Element) theory, specifically Classic of Difficulties 69.

•Most often applied to Yin channels

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Classic of Difficulties 69

•“In deficiency, tonify the Mother

•In excess, drain the Child

•Tonify first and then drain”

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•Mother Point = Point representing phase/ element preceding affected channel on Sheng (Generating cycle)

•Example: Lung Deficiency: Tonify LU9 (Earth point on Metal Channel)

•Child Point = Point representing phase/ element following affected channel on Sheng (Generating cycle)

•Example: Lung Excess: Drain LU5 (Water point on Metal Channel)

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Mother-Child Points



































PhaseChannel Child (Dispersion)Mother (Tonification)

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Korean Four-Needle Technique

• is based on Five-Phase (Five-Element) theory, specifically Classic of Difficulties 69.

•Four points are chosen; two are tonified, two are drained.

•A slightly different protocol is followed depending on whether the affected meridian is excess or deficient.

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For Deficiency, Tonify the Mother

•Example: Lung Deficiency: Lung is Metal, Mother of Metal is Earth, Metal is Controlled by Fire

•1) Tonify the Mother Point on Affected ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Tonify LU9 (Earth point on Metal Channel)

•2) Tonify the Same-Phase (Horary) Point on the Mother ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Tonify SP3 (Earth point on Earth Channel)

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•3) Drain the Same-Phase (Horary) Point on the Controller ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Drain HT8 (Fire point on Fire Channel)

4) Drain the Controller Point on the Affected ChannelExample: Lung Deficiency: Drain LU10 (Fire point on Metal Channel)

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For Excess, Drain the Child

•Example: Liver Excess: Liver is Wood, Child of Wood is Fire, Wood is Controlled by Metal

1) Drain Child Point on Affected ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Drain LR2 (Fire point on Wood Channel)

2) Drain Same-Phase (Horary) Point on Child ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Drain HT8 (Fire point on Fire Channel)

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•3) Tonify Same-Phase (Horary) Point on Controller ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Tonify LU8 (Metal point on Metal Channel)

4) Tonify Controller Point on Affected ChannelExample: Liver Excess: Tonify LR4 (Metal point on Wood Channel)

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•Each of the twelve primary channels has a yuan-source point where it is said the original qi surfaces and lingers.

•On yin channels, the yuan-source points are the same as the shu-stream points.

•“When the five zang are diseased, select the yuan-source points”, they are the primary point on the yin channels for this purpose.

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•On the yang channels their importance and indications they are quite different from the yuan-source points of the yin channels.

•Their principal actions are to dispel various kinds of excess pathogenic factors and to treat disorders along the pathway of their respective channels.

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•The actions of the luo-connecting points:

• i. treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zang-fu,

• ii. treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channel

• iii. treating psycho-emotional disorders.


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•Known as the ‘host and guest combination’

• The yuan-source point of the first or primarily affected channel is combined with the luo-connecting point of its interiorly-exteriorly coupled channel.



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•Used in cases where all 3 yin or yang channels of the arm or leg are affected.

•SJ 8 - 3 arm Yang (LI, SJ, SI)

•PC 5 - 3 arm Yin (LU, PC, HE)

•GB 39 - 3 leg Yang (ST, GB, BL)

•SP 6 - 3 leg Yin (SP, LIV, KD)

Group Luo Points

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•Xi-cleft points in general are indicated in the treatment of acute conditions and pain.

•Xi-cleft points of the yin channels have an additional action of treating disorders of blood.


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•“the shu points are situated in the yang region, they may be used to treat yin diseases”- most practitioners use the back-shu points of the zang more frequently, while the front-mu points may be favored for diseases of the fu.

•Back-shu points do not treat channel disorders; may be indicated in some disorders of the sense organs.


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•Front-mu points have a wide application, including excess, deficiency, hot and cold patterns; they can be used diagnostically (as can the back-shu points).

•The front-mu points their respective zangfu but not their respective channel.

•The corresponding back-shu and front-mu points are also frequently combined in treatment.


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•LIV-13: hui-meeting point of the zang

•REN-12: hui-meeting point of the fu

•REN-17: hui-meeting point of the qi.

•BL-17: hui-meeting point of blood.


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•GB-34: hui-meeting point of the sinews.

•LU-9: hui-meeting point of the pulse and vessels.

•BL-11: hui-meeting point of bone.

•GB-39: hui-meeting point of marrow.

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•Used to treat their respective fu organs.

•Large Intestine ST 37

•Stomach ST 36

•Sanjiao BL 39

•Gall Bladder GB 34

•Small Intestine ST 39

•Urinary Bladder BL 40


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Confluent Points of Extraordinary


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•Conception vessel (LU-7) is paired with the Yin Motility Vessel (KID-6)

•Treats: Chest, diaphragm and throat

•Penetrating Vessel (SP-4) is paired with the Yin Linking Vessel (P-6)

•Treats: Stomach, heart and chest

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•Governing Vessel (SI-3) is paired with the Yang Motility Vessel (BL-62)

•Treats: Inner canthus, neck, ear, shoulder, upper back

•Girdling Vessel (GB-41) is paired with the Yang Linking Vessel (SJ-5)

•Treats: Outer canthus, cheek, neck, back of ears and shoulder

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•BL-40 - lumbar region and back.

•LU-7 - head and nape.

•L.I.-4 - face and mouth.

•P-6 - chest and lateral costal region

•DU-26 - resuscitation.

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•Points: L.I.-4, LIV-3

•Common combination usually indicated for stagnation of Qi and/or Blood, with associated symptoms of pain and emotional stress.


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•The Spiritual Pivot describes four ‘seas’ in the human body:

•Sea of qi: ST-9, REN-17, DU-15 and DU-14.

•Sea of blood: BL-11, ST-37 and ST-39

•Sea of water and grain: ST-30 (upper point) and ST-36 (lower point).

•Sea of marrow: DU-20 and DU-16


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•This is a group of ten points which have come to be known in Western acupuncture circles as ‘Window of the Sky’ points.

•Points: ST-9, L.I.-18, SJ-16, BL-10, LU-3, REN-22, SI-16, SI-17 (or GB-9), DU-16 and P-1

•They are not commonly used in Modern Chinese practice, though some non-TCM systems use them more frequently.

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•Indicated for:

•Disharmony between the qi of the body and the head, with qi or blood rebelling upwards

•Scrofula and goiter

•Sudden onset

•Psycho-emotional disorders

•Disorders of the sense organs

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•The thirteen ghost points were listed in the Thousand Ducat Formulas by the great 7th century physician Sun Si-miao for the treatment of mania disorder and epilepsy.

•The thirteen ghost points are: DU-26, DU-16, DU-23, REN-24, LU-11, L.I.-11, ST-6, SP-1, P-7, P-8, BL-62, Haiquan (Extra), REN-1.


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•The Entry points are the first point on the channel, with one exception (L.I.-4).

•Six of the Exit points are the last point on the channel, and the other six are not.

•Points which are not the first or last point on the channel are marked with an asterisk (*):


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Channel Entry Exit


L.I. L.I.-4* L.I.-20




S.I. SI-1 SI-19

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Channel Entry Exit



PC P-1 P-8*


GB GB-1 GB-41*


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Hand Taiyin Lung Channel

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•LU-1 (Front-Mu point): Cough, turbid phlegm, wheezing, fullness/ pain or in the chest, difficult ingestion

•LU-5 (He-Sea /Water, Dispersion/child point): Cough &/or wheezing d/t heat or phlegm-damp, Kidney not grasping qi

•LU-6 (Xi-Cleft point): Cough (acute &/or with blood), chest pain, throat swelling and pain.

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• LU-7 (Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Conception vessel, Command point for nape & back of head): Exterior Wind invasion, Headache and stiffness of the neck and nape, Conception vessel or urinary problems.

• LU-9 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth point, Hui-Meeting point of the Vessels): Lung Qi Deficiency or Yin deficiency, Irregular or faint pulse

• LU-10 (Ying-Spring / Fire point): Cough (heat or w/blood), sore throat d/t Lung Heat.

• LU-11 (Jing-Well / Wood Point) Swollen sore throat

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Hand Yangming Large Intestine


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• L.I.-4 (Yuan-Source point, Command point of the face, Four Gates point): Exterior wind-cold /wind-heat, copious sweating or no sweating, any disorder of Face / sense orifices (eye, ear, nose, mouth), delayed labor, Bi and Wei.

• L.I.-6 (Luo-Connecting point): Edema (esp facial edema), difficult urination, pain of hand and arm, sore throat.

• L.I.-10 “Arm ST-36”: Pain / immobility of the arm and shoulder, windstroke, hemiplegia.

• L.I.-11 (He-Sea / Earth point, Ghost point): Any Excess Heat pattern, various skin disorders (esp d/t Heat), itching of the skin, intestinal complaints, Bi & Wei patterns.

• L.I.-15: Pain in shoulder & arms, motor impairment of upper limbs, Wind-Heat skin rashes

• L.I.-20: Nasal congestion and discharge, Main local point for nose problems

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Foot Yangming Stomach Channel

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•ST-1-8: Facial pain/paralysis, sensory disorders, headache

•ST-12-24: Disorders of chest, breast, stomach

•ST-25 (Front-Mu point of L.I.): LI/SP/ST disorders, stagnation in lower jiao

•ST-28: Damp stagnation & Blood stasis in lower abdomen

•ST-29: Retention of Cold in the uterus: Ab masses, menstruation disorders, infertility

•ST-34 (Xi-Cleft point): Stomach pain, reflux, knee pain.

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• ST-36 (He-Sea / Earth point, Command point of the abdomen, Sea of Water and Grain Point): Stomach & Spleen patterns, Qi & Blood Deficiency, ST channel disorders

• ST-37 (Lower He-Sea point of L.I., Sea of Blood Point): Intestinal disorders, Leg problems

• ST-38: Empirical for Frozen shoulder

• ST-39 (Lower He-Sea point of S.I., Point of the Sea of Blood): Hernia, diarrhea, paralysis of the lower limbs.

• ST-40 (Luo-Connecting point): Phlegm patterns: any Phlegm pattern. Most important point for Phlegm

• ST-44 (Ying-Spring / Water point): ST Fire: Toothache, facial pain, nosebleed.

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Foot Taiyin Spleen Channel

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•SP-1(Jing-Well / Wood point): Empirical for bleeding

•SP-3 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source / Earth point): SP Qi Deficiency.

•SP-4 (Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Penetrating vessel): Epigastric or abdominal pain, shen disorders, Heart pain, GYN disorders.

•SP-6 (Meeting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney channels): SP & ST deficiency, OB / GYN, Urinary, Damp: Skin diseases, joint pain, swelling, etc

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•SP-8 (Xi-Cleft point): Empirical for dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, abdominal masses.

•SP-9 (He-Sea and Water point): Main point for Dampness: edema, swelling of the lower limbs, urinary dysfunction, diarrhea, etc.

• SP-10 “Sea of Blood”: Blood disorders (esp stasis/heat), Skin: rashes, redness and itching.

•SP-15: Constipation, abdominal pain / distension, diarrhea.

•SP-16-21: Primarily local indications

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Hand Shaoyin Heart Channel

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•HE-3 (He-Sea / Water point): Heart fire, heart pain, elbow / arm pain.

•HE-5 (Luo-Connecting point): Heart Qi deficiency, palpitations; Luo vessel: stiffness of the tongue, eye pain

•HE-6 (Xi-Cleft point): Heart Yin-Blood Deficiency: Heart pain, night sweating, insomnia, steaming bone disorder.

•HE-7 (Shu Stream, Yuan Source, Earth point): All Heart deficiency patterns, esp w/Shen disturbance

•HE-8 (Ying-Spring / Fire point): Heart Fire.

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Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Channel

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•SI-1 (Jing-Well / Metal point): Empirical for insufficient lactation.

•SI-3 (Shu-Stream / Wood point, Confluent point of the Governing vessel): Pain and rigidity of neck, ear problems, acute lumbar sprain, epilepsy, disorders of the Governing vessel.

•SI-6 (Xi-Cleft point): Blurry vision, eye pain, acute pain in upper limb.

•SI-10-13: Important local points for shoulder disorders

•SI-19: Important local point for ear disorders

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Foot Taiyang Urinary Bladder


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• BL-13: Back-Shu point of the Lung

• BL-14: Back-Shu point of the Pericardium

• BL-15: Back-Shu point of the Heart

• BL-18: Back-Shu point of the Liver

• BL-19: Back-Shu point of the Gall Bladder

• BL-20: Back-Shu point of the Spleen

• BL-21: Back-Shu point of the Stomach

• BL-23: Back-Shu point of the Kidneys

• BL-25: Back-Shu point of the Large Intestine

• BL-27: Back-Shu point of the Small Intestine

• BL-28: Back-Shu point of the Bladder

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• BL-1: Important local point for eyes.

• BL-10 (Point of the Window of Heaven): Headache, neck rigidity, pain in the shoulder and back.

• BL-11 (Hui-Meeting point of Bones, Point of the Sea of Blood): Bone diseases, headache, pain in neck.

• BL-12: Expels wind and releases the exterior, for common cold, cough, fever and headache.

• BL-17 (Hui-Meeting point of Blood): All Blood Patterns (stasis, heat, deficiency), Diaphragm problems: vomiting, hiccup, belching, difficulty swallowing, cough.

• BL-43: All kinds of deficiency, consumption (TB), asthma, spitting of blood, spontaneous or night sweating, scapular pain.

• BL-52: Kidney Essence deficiency, urinary, Kidney spirit disorders.

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•BL-39 (Lower He-Sea point of the Sanjiao): urinary dysfunction, stiffness & pain of lower back, cramping of the leg and foot.

•BL-40 (He-Sea / Earth point, Command point of the back): Low back pain, pain/motor problems of the lower limbs, blood-heat skin disorders.

•BL-57: Low back pain, calf pain, hemorrhoids.

•BL-58 (Luo-Connecting point): Floating Yang sx: Headache, heat in the head, dizziness; back pain, sciatica.

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•BL-60 (Jing-River / Fire point): Pain along the entire Bladder channel, difficult labor.

•BL-62 (Confluent point of the Yang Motility vessel, Ghost point): Interior Wind: Epilepsy, headache, dizziness; Yangqiao sx: insomnia, pain of lateral leg; stiff neck, backache.

•BL-67 (Jing-Well / Metal point): Empirical for malposition of fetus, difficult labor; eye pain.

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Foot Shaoyin Kidney Channel

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• KID-1 (Jing-Well / Wood point): Yang rising: dizziness etc; revives consciousness.

• KID-2 (Ying-Spring / Fire point): Deficiency Fire: dry sore throat, dysuria, night sweats.

• KID-3 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth point): Any Kidney Pattern: Yin, Yang, Qi or Jing deficiency

• KID-6 (Confluent point of Yin Motility vessel): Kidney Yin Deficiency; dry constipation; Yinqiao sx: somnolence, night-time epilepsy, tightness of medial leg.

• KID-7 (Jing-River / Metal point): Kidney Yang Deficiency, esp w/fluid retention: Edema, diarrhea; regulates sweating.

• KID-10 (He-Sea / water point): Kidney deficiency + Damp-Heat: impotence, uterine bleeding, dysuria, pain in the knee and popliteal fossa.

• KID-11-27: Diseases of abdomen & chest

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Hand Jueyin Pericardium


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• P-3 (He-Sea / Water point): Clears heat from the qi-ying-xue levels, harmonizes ST, stops vomiting

• P-4 (Xi-Cleft point): Blood stasis or Blood heat: Chest pain, nosebleed, vomiting or coughing blood.

• P-5 (Jing-River / Metal point): Phlegm in Heart/chest: palpitation, vomiting, plumstone qi, mental disorders, epilepsy.

• P-6 (Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Yin Linking vessel): Stagnation in chest: pain in chest/lateral costal; Shen disorders: insomnia, mania, poor memory: Stomach rebellious qi: Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain.

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•P-7 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth point, Ghost point): mental disorders, stuffy chest, hypochondriac pain, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome.

•P-8 (Ying-Spring / Fire point, Ghost point): Clears heat from the Pericardium and revives consciousness; calms the spirit; cools blood

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Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Channel

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• SJ-3 (Shu-Stream / Wood point): Main distal body point for the ears: tinnitus, deafness, earache, sore throat, febrile diseases, itching.

• SJ-5 (Luo-Connecting point, Confluent point of the Yang Linking vessel: Dispels exterior pathogenic factors: esp Wind-Heat; treats headache: any type, esp 1-sided or temporal

• SJ-6 (Jing-River / Fire point): clears heat from 3 jiao; treats hypochondriac pain; constipation.

• SJ-10 (He-Sea / Earth point): Transforms phlegm: nodules, epilepsy, cough; urticaria; fright.

• SJ-14: Important for shoulder joint pain & restriction; often combined with LI-15

• SJ-17: Ear problems.

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Foot Shaoyang Gall Bladder Channel

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• GB-1-19: Primarily local indications: eyes, ears, headache

• GB-20: External or Internal Wind: headache, vertigo, common cold; All diseases of the head and sensory organs, especially the eyes.

• GB-21: Stiffness of the neck and shoulders; prolonged labor, retention of placenta, breast problems.

• GB-24 (GB Front-Mu point): hypochondriac pain, vomiting, jaundice, mastitis, sighing.

• GB-25 (Front-Mu point of Kidneys): Spleen and Kidney deficiency: ab distension, diarrhea, lumbar pain.

• GB-26: Regulates the Girdling vessel, regulates menstruation and stops leukorrhea, treats lumbar and hypochondriac pain.

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• GB-29: Pain of the hip, back and leg.

• GB-30: Pain of the buttock, hip & leg, sciatica, hemiplegia, skin rashes.

• GB-31: Lower body Wind: Bi & Wei, hemiplegia, numbness of the leg, itching of the whole body.

• GB-34 (He-Sea / Earth point, Hui-meeting point of Sinews): disorders of the sinews: stiffness/tightness of the muscles and joints; GB patterns;Shaoyang syndrome.

• GB-37 (Luo-Connecting point): Eye problems: eye pain, weak vision, itching; wei and bi of the lower limb.

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• GB-39 (Hui-Meeting point for Marrow, Group Luo point of three foot Yang): Stroke, hemiplegia; marrow and/or Jing disorders.

• GB-41 (Shu-Stream / Wood point, Confluent point of the Girdling vessel): Headache; breast distension, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea.

• GB-43 (Ying-Spring / Water point): GB Heat: migraine, dizziness, eye redness/pain, tinnitus, otitis.

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Foot Jueyin Liver Channel

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• LIV-1 (Jing-Well / Wood point): Shan disorder, swelling and pain of the genitals.

• LIV-2 (Ying-Spring / Fire point): Uprising Liver Fire or Liver Yang: Headache, dizziness, red eyes; Genital pain & itching, uterine bleeding.

• LIV-3 (Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth point): Liver Yang / Liver Wind; Liver Qi Stagnation;GYN / OB disorders; Spirit disquiet; GI disorders, pain in general.

• LIV-5 (Luo-Connecting point): Genital itching, swelling, pain, irregular menstruation; Qi stagnation: plumstone qi.

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• LIV-8 (He-Sea / Water point): Lower jiao damp-heat: Swelling/itching/ pain of the genitals, impotence, difficult urination; LIV Blood Deficiency (tonification point).

• LIV-13 (Front-Mu point of Spleen, Hui-Meeting point of zang): Liver-Spleen Disharmony.

• LIV-14 (Front-Mu point of Liver): LIV Qi stagnation, hypochondriac pain/masses, mastitis, acid reflux, gallstones.

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Conception Vessel

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• REN-3 (Front-Mu point of UB, Meeting point of 3 Foot Yin): UB Disorders; menstrual disorders; Damp-Heat or stagnation in lower jiao.

• REN-4 (Front-Mu point of SI, Meeting point of the of 3 Foot Yin): Kidney deficiency, Yang, Yin or Jing; OB/GYN: Infertility, menstrual, post-partum; Spleen qi or Yang deficiency; Dampness in lower jiao; Cold in lower abdomen.

• REN-6 “Sea of Qi”: All Qi Deficiency or Qi Stagnation problems

• REN-8: Yang Collapse; Cold in abdomen

• REN-9: Water diseases, edema

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• REN-12 (Front-Mu point of Stomach, Hui-Meeting point of the Fu): All diseases of the Stomach and Spleen; Lung disorders, phlegm patterns.

• REN-14 (Front-Mu point of Heart:) Chest pain; Rebellious qi: cough, vomiting, reflux; Spirit disorders.

• REN-17 (Front-Mu point of the Pericardium, Hui-Meeting point of the Qi, Point of the Sea of Qi): Qi stagnation or deficiency of the chest: wheezing, cough, asthma, chest pain; difficult ingestion, breast problems.

• REN-22 (Point of the Window of Heaven): Throat problems: phlegm, plumstone qi; Asthma, esp acute; esophageal constriction.

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Governing Vessel

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• DU-4: Kidney Yang deficiency: weak lumbar/knees, copious urination, seminal emission, impotence, low libido, fatigue.

• DU-8: Liver wind stirring upwards: spasm, epilepsy;

• DU-9: Jaundice

• DU-10: Carbuncles, furuncles and clove sores

• DU-12: Lung Heat, other Lung disorders

• DU-14 (Meeting point of the Du Mai with the six yang channels, Point of the Sea of Qi): Heat patterns; Exterior pathogenic factors; epilepsy, hypertension.

• DU-16 (Point of the Sea of Marrow, Point of the Window of Heaven, Ghost point): Interior or Exterior Wind: chills & fever, wind bi, dizziness, windstroke.

• DU-20 (Point of the Sea of Marrow): Yang Rising or Stirring of Wind; prolapse of rectum or uterus; Spirit disorders: Agitation, poor memory, sadness.

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Extra Points

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•SISHENCONG: headache, mania-depression, insomnia, poor memory.

•YINTANG: insomnia, agitation, restlessness, frontal headache, dizziness, nasal congestion and discharge.

•ANMIAN: Insomnia, agitation and restlessness.

•DINGCHUAN: Asthma, wheezing.

•WEIGUANXIASHU: Diabetes/Wasting and thirsting disorder.

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•T1-T4: disorders of the Lung and upper limb.

•T4-T7: disorders of the Heart.

•T7-T10: disorders of the Liver and Gallbladder.

•T10-T12: disorders of the Spleen and Stomach.

•L1-L2: disorders of the Kidneys.

•L3-L5: disorders of the Bladder, Large and Small Intestines, uterus and lower limbs.

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•ZIGONG: Prolapse of the uterus, infertility, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding.

•BAXIE: painful obstruction of the fingers.

•YAOTONGXUE: Acute lumbar sprain.

•ERBAI: Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum.

•BAICHONGWO: wind rash, itching of the skin.

•LANWEIXUE: Acute and chronic appendicitis.

•DANNANGXUE: Cholecystitis, gallstones.

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