Page 1: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


Page 2: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

7 of Nature, compri.-in.L; ApusJ

-, ":-li-tarif.s, Sung.-;, Elegies, &c., I'roiu

e \\ orks of the Caleduuian Bards (edited by'';« Potter) pvinfcd ihrmirjhniit. in italic, type, hu

I Ion ^m 4t() > d- uucut, 4b (pub 10s bd)


Page 3: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 4: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most





Page 5: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

Cy^r^^^M yJ/aAie.

Page 6: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 7: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 8: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 9: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 10: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 11: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 12: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 13: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 14: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 15: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 16: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 17: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 18: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 19: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 20: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 21: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


ja 91 c m 3^ cCOMPRISING,





IE L E G I E S, ^r.


the TTPOGRJPHICAL Execution m a Style entirely NeWy

and Decorated zvith the ^tiper'O (^mamcnt.^,

of the Cekh-fJed CaflOIU

(yiiu Tin ShiUmgi arJSix-T.KCC.j

f7 ^ Q-'-^

Page 22: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
Page 23: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


XJriS Grace the Duke of Leeds, * & James's-^ Square I2 CopiesRight Hon. Lord ^Z2ix{^'AQ^ Mansfield-Jireet^


Right Hon. Earl of Stanhope, Ditto

Right Hon. Lord Barrington, Cavendip-fquareRight Hon. Lord Wentworth, Wimpole-flreet

Right Rev. Lord Biiliop of St. David's, UpperSeymour street

Lady Bernard, Portland-place 2 CopiesSir Thomas Skipwith, Bart. Harley-JIreet

Sir Henry George Liddel, Bart. Upper Harley-peet 2 Copies

Sir Matthew AVhite Ridley, Portland-place

Sir William Burrell, tlarlej-Jireet

Lady Burrell, Ditto

Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. Portland-place

General Smith, Harley-ftreet

James Sibbald, Efq; Upper Harley-JIreet

Samuel Johnilone, Efcj; Ditto

Samuel*It is neceflary to obferve this was the late Duke, and that his pat-

ronage for this Work was obtained a very iliort time before hisdeceafe.

Page 24: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


Samuel Parke, Efq; Moore-place, Lambeth

Mrs. Finch, Cavenclijh-fquare

Samuel Whivbread, Efq; V/impoIe-ftreet

Vice Admiral Darby, Cave^uUjh fqiiare

James Clayton, Efq; Ditto 2 Copies

Henry Maxwell, Efq; Harley-Jlr. Cavenclip-fqu,

William Shard, Efq; Upper Harley-ftrcet

Samuel Penn, Efq; Somerfet-Jlreet, Tortman-fqu.

Frederick Pigou, Efq; Wimpole-Jlr. Cavendip-fqu.

Adam Aikew, Efq; Wimpole-Jtreet

Ralph Ward, Efq; Ditto

Mr. Richardfon, Upper Wimpole-Jlreet

John Purling, Efq; Portland-place

Capt. Mercer, ^ieen-Jlnn-JIreet, Weji

Lieut. Gen. Baugh, JVijnpole-Jlreet

Charles Turner, Eiq; Ditto

W. Higginfon, Efq; Harley-Jlreet

Warren Haftings, Efq; Wimpole-Jlreet,

Mr. Grant, l^ower-Hill

Jofeph Yorke, Elq; Portland-place

Mifs Yorke, Ditto

James Revel Frye, Efq; Wimpole-Jlreet

Mr. Hampfon, Wimpole-Jreet 2 Copies


Page 25: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


Thomas Fitzhugh, Efq; P(9;//^W-/)/c7<r^, 2 Copies

Capt. Cornilli, Cha7'lotte-Jlreet^ Tortland-place


Daniell, Welbeck-Jireet

William Pigou, Efq ; Portland-place

George Romney, Efq; Cavendilh-fquare

Vice Admiral Digby, Upper Harley-Jlreet

Mr. Lamar, Welhech street

John Baker, Efq ; Ditto

Mrs. Campbell, Mortimer-Jlreet

Mrs. Salwey, ditto

Mr. Douglafs, New Cavend^j-street

John Ellis, Efq; Berkeley-street, Manchefter-fqu,

Col. Morfe, Dutchefs-street^ Portland-place

Mrs. Steele, Bentinck-street, Portman-fquare

John Jones, Efq; Mortimer-street

Lawrence La Forefl, Efq ; Manchester-fqiiare

Charles Selwyn, Efq; Duke-street, ditto

Mrs. Welch, Berkeley-street, ditto

Lt. Col. Mercer, Royal Engineers^ Duke-street,


Mifs Doleman, ditto

Mifs Dubourgh, ditto


Page 26: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


Mr. Gordon, Manchester-square

James Delancy, Efq; Eckvards-str.Portman-squ

William Ottley, Efq; Margaret-street

Col. Symes, Holies-street

Mrs. HcTrdinp-e, Wig-more-street

Charles Boone, Efq; Fortman-fquare

Mr. Martin, Somerfet-street

Stephen Beckingham, Efq ; Tortman-fquare

Lieut. Col. Doyle, Bryanstone-street

General Paoli, Upper Seyjnour-street

Mrs. S. Wyndham,^ ^een Ann-street^ West

George Mercer, Efq ; Margaret-street

Mrs. Gardener, ditto

Capt. Marfliall, Holies-street

Archibald Cochran, Efq ; Great Cumberland str

Col. Bullock, Berkeley street^ Manchester square

R. Nafmith, Efq ; Great T^itchfield street

Mrs. Oram, Wimpole street

Mrs. Catherine Lockwood, Henrietta street

Lovedon, Efq \ Stratford place

Page 27: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


THE Jlattering reception given by the World to innumerable

Compilations from the Works ofthe moft approved Modern Authors^

under the captivating title of their Beauties ; JJjouldfeem to warrant

a probability that an apology for the follozving Attempt would

fcarcely be necejfary. Religion, Morality, Metaphyfics, Thilofophy,

Foetry, and even Hijlory, has been repeatedly employed for this

purpofe-y whether fuch difplay of the art ofBook-making has been,

more beneficial to the Authors, the Bookfellers, or the Bublie, does

mt become the Editor of the enfuing pages to determine. The

prime intent of the prefcnt produMoit is to introduce for public

infpeSlion, a fpecies of Typographical Elegance as yet very little

(if at all) known ; and it was neceff'ary, to chufe the method and

matter fufficiently eligible, as well to difplay the beauties of the

performance, as to render itproductive ofthe benevolent purpofe it is

defignedto anfzver.

The Editor reprobates the idea of infmuating a wifh, that this

SeWlon may be confidered as fuperfedlng the Works of the

Caledonian Bards, or even comprehending all their beauties and

excellencies : Her befl hopes are only, that the principal EplfodeSy

AddrcJfeSj &c, will be more intereftir.g to the Readerj and eafier


Page 28: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^'i )

refetined In ih Memory than when attached to Matter kfs confe-

qucntlalf and encumbered with a perpetual iteration of the fame

alliifions and images.

E'Very Jdmirer of pure Hcrolfm, exalted Sentimenty delicate

JffeEiion, and f.rong marked Character, miijl he lovers of the

Galic Poetry ; and zvith thefe the Editor flatters herfelf if fJje

does not afpire to the expeSla-ncy of Praife,f]:e zvill incurno great

degree of cenfare, by prefenting it in a form at leafl Novelj and in

aflile ofTypographical Superiority asyet unattemped.

Neverfo happy as when an oppertunity prefents, to tejiify the

fincerejl acknozvledgnunts of agrateful heart : the Editor cannot

emit embracing theprefentj by intreating the numerous Suhfcribers

to the pojihumous publications of the late Mr. Potter her Father,

to accept (as the only pqffible return in her power, for fuch unpre-

cented goodnefs ) her earnefl wijioes, that they may he ever in

poffejfion of thofe exciuifttely delightful feelings zvhich animate the

bofom offenfihility,whofe greatefi luxury is theparticipation of zvoes

not immediately its ozvn j and whofe fupreme pleafure is relieving


Januar/ 26th.



Page 29: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

m p^ r\ ^^^J'^-^ c^iid:




OUR D.—The Ourd is the tmnk of a large tree, fet on fire,

round uliich the Highlanders Iblemnize peculiar feflivals;

a cuftom rigidly obierved at this day in many parts of the


ALBIN.—This word fignifies a Mountainous ConnXxy, andfeems once to have been the name of all the Ifland: but

after the Saxons had defeated the South Britains, and becamemafters of that divifion; fuch of them as maintained their

independancy, were honoured with the appelation of Ualjh,

Vr Nobility^ in oppofition to die vulgar, who fubmitted to


Page 30: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( Iv )

the conquerors; and the northern divifion, comprehending

all Scotland^ has been lince invariably known by the nameof A L B I N.

COMPLAINT of the BARD. Pages

T o s c A R , father ofM a l v i n a, to the latter of which this

Complaint is addrefled by Oss i an, as are many other of

his tendered compofitions : She appears to have been in love

with Oscar, the fon of O s s ia n, and to have affefted

the company of the Father alter the death of the Son,

CON A.—O s s I a N the fon of F i n g a l is often poetically

called, the voice of C o n a.

M K\^Y l"^ A.—Soft or lovely brcm,

SONG of COL MA. Page 6

C O LM A.—A IVoman zvlth fine Hah\

DEATH of MO R NA. Page ro

MORN A.—A ffoman univerfdly beloved.

E R I N.—A"; the names of Lochlin, Erin, and Inh-fail often

occur in thefe Poems, it may be proper to remember, that

by Lo'chlin is meant Norway, or Scandinavia in general,

by Erin^ Ireland, and by Inisfail, a part of the fameCountry, inhabited by the Falans (whence Liis-faiL)

Sometimes Inisfail feems to denote fome of the Hebrides ;

and Inifiore ftands always for the Orkneys, or at ieait the

g-eateit pait of them: it may be alfo proper to obferve the

fooling whiv.h the kings of Mor;;i'« or Caledonia were- . w idi

Page 31: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( V )

with thefe neighbouring countries. With the inhabitants

of Inis-fdil a.nd Inijiore, they generally lived on good terms;

and feem to have been their fuperiors. With the legal

fovereigns of Erin and their people, they were nearly allied;

and frequently affifted them againft the ufurpations of theFirbolg^ and the incurfions of the Scandinavians ; with their

fouthern neighbours, beyond the friths of Forth and Clyde,

the kings of Morven feem to have had very little friendly


CAIRBAR and ' G RUD AR. Page 15

Chm.'^PiK.—Strong-Man. GOL.^U'^.—Crooked-HllL

L, U B A R.

A river in the province ofUlJler^

B R A S S O L I S.^myite-Breajled.

C R O M L A.

The proper name of a hill on thecoaji ofUlJer,

TRENMOR, Page 18

T R E N M O R—fall and Mighty, the great Grand-Fatherof F I N G A L.

M O R V E N—Ail the north-weft coaft of Scotland went ofold under the name ofMorven, which lignifies a ridge ofvery high hills.


Page 23

F I N G A L—Son of Comhal and Morna the daughter ofThaddu, his Grand-father was Trathal, and great

Grand-father Trenmor, both ofwliich are often mentionedin the Gallc Poetry.


Page 32: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

MO R ALT and M I N f^A S, Page 27

D U N A I R M—Tower of Arms.

CR IMO R A and CONNA L. Page 34


A IVoman ofgreatfoul,

C A R R I L Afprightly and harmonious Sound,


CARTHON—Murmur of IVaves. BALCLUTHAT'ozvn ofClyde. CLESSAMOR—JV%% de£ds.

^he tA LE of the B A R I>, Page 43

LAMENTAriON of MURNO, Page 4c^

This is often called the fong of the children ofMurno: it wiEbe neceffary to remember that Arden was his father, Torman

his bard, and Dunalva his place of refidence.

rije BROTHERS. Page 59


Y IN V E L A-^A ff^oman with a melodwus voice.

BR AN NO iignifies a Mountain-Jlrearn, and is a river

known by that name in the days of Ossian; there are

fevcral foiali rivers in Scotland ftill retains tUs njine; in

particular one which falls into the Tay.

<:ORMORA—/;>rV^ mhyhllL--CKO^'^A'^^PWHrnftdfound.He

Page 33: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( vll )

He faw her fair moving on the plain. The diftin^lion

which the ancient Scots made between good and bad Spirits,

was, that the /or/^itr appeared lometimes in the day time, in

lonely unfrequented places ; but die latter never but by night,

and in a diimal and gloomy icene.

DEjrn of CULALIN. Page 68

CUL-ALIN—Of Cdd, a poetical name for a Lady's fine locks


and alin, graceful. The name of Allan, or Allen in

Scotland and Ireland is from the fame root.

COMAL and G ALB IN A. Page 72


CRACA—Probacy one of the Shetland IJIes,

ADDRESS to the MO N. - Page 78

When the darknefs of thy countenance grows. The Poet

means the Moon in her wane; thisaddrefs in the original is

in a lyric meafure, and appears to have been fung to the harp

MO IN A. Page 80

M O I N A—Soft inperfon and temper. C LU T H A—the

river Clyde, the fignification of the word is bending, alluding

to the winding courfe of that river.

LA-MENrA-r.IQN of MINGALA. Page 82

Z>EArH of D ART HULA. Page 84


Page 34: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( viil )

DAR T H U LA—A IVoman zvith fine Eyes. She wasthe moft famous beauty of antiquity, and to this day it is acommon phrafe, '* as lovely as Darthidar

Lamentation ofFING AL over GAUL, Page 86

GAUL the Son ofMorniy was a diftinguiflied charadler in

the wars of Fingal, and of courfe much noticed in the

Poems of OssiAN.

DEATH of DERM ID. Page 91

D E RM I D Son of Duina—This perfonage is frequently

mentioned in other poems of Ossian, and much celebrated

in the Tales of later times

SONG of MALFINA. Page 95

C R I M O I N A. Page 97

RUINS of SELMA. Page 104

SELMA—This word in the original fignifies either beautiful to

behold, or a. place luith a pleafant orzvideprofpe^. In thofe

times they built their houfes upon eminences, to commanda view of the country, and to prevent their being furprized.

TEMORA—The royalpalace of thefupreme kings of Ireland,

SORR Olf'S of CA'THULA, Page 109

CATHULA king of Iniftore, properly Imiif-ore, or Ore Innis,

** the ifle oi Whales" or Orkneys, the woid ore is uled in

this, fenfe by Milton.

An ifiand fait and bare,

T he haUiiL 01 ieais, and ores, and lea mews c!ang.


Page 35: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( J^ )

HEROISM of MORAL LA Page 1 2 j

The CHIEF of FETGLEN. Page 128

The DEATH of SCAR, Page 137

The heroes of this piece are Oscar the Ton of Caruth, andDermid thefon of Diaran; Ossian, (or perhaps his

Imitator) opens the poem with a lamentation for Oscar,and afterwards by an eafy tranfidon, relates the ftory ofOscar, thefon of Caruth, who feems to have bore acharader equally great, as well as the name of Oscar, the

fon of pssiAN.

The CAVE of CRETLA. Page 143


the woody rock, fuppofedto be one of the GrampianHills, which (till retains that name,—It was cuftomary for

every great family to have a fecret cave, or place of conceal-

ment from their enemies, vdien they were forced to fly in


INVER, iignifies a place where a lefler riverjoins a greater, or

empties itfelf into the ocean. All the towns in Scotland,

whofe names begin with Inver, are thus fituated, as Invernefs

Inver-ary, Inver-keithing, &c. DUNGEAL—/Ti'/V^

Tozver. The houfe of Dungeal are faid to have been the

progenitors of the Cnmmings, lords of Badenoch, whofe tranf-

actions are fo well known in the hiftory of Scotland.

^\Jl^GOKMi\—Blue-Eyed 'QY.'^V'E.I^—Szveet-Voiced,

INIALALIN—Grjr^/«/ Eye-kazv. EK\IN -^ fVeJemHill, ,.


Page 36: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( X )

RONNJl^dud SULMINA Page 154

RONNAN—fromRo, thonnan

through waves.

C TV A - D N J* Page 161

COLGUL and CALMORA. Page 163

TRATHAL—This hero was grand-Father to Fingal, and

generaUiffimo of the Qiledon'uid Army in their wars with the

Romans ; there is frequent mention made of him in the other

Poems of OssiAN.

•MAC-THALLA—ib/z of the Rock, the Galic name for Echo.


ORAN-MOLLA, Page 177

ORAN^MOLLA—J Song of Praife.

rhe, OLD BARD'S JVISH, PageiSi

So great was the attachment of the ancient Caledantans to their

hills, that we often find them, not only taking a folemn fare-

well ot them at death, but alfo imagining that a part of their

future happinels confifted in leeing and travelling over thofe

fcenes, wliich in life afforded them fomuch pleafure.

* Errata in this Article, page 162, for Chief of Scarlaw, read Fall of Turs.


Page 37: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

Olslan^ Aina of 6onas I inoi/^ n}ho ci7'e7i

tea)- fiom tA& eye- : ^fioii- wno vro:iqnt m& toe- to int

awiindl c/io^/cd 'moicrne^ of (jet-mcis t^ac^ I mnt

<snait J ieaicA j'a7' Im/ to?nij f Jhe- <!o}is oj- 7ieaUge7ic&

fiav& 6iiif£^ed the ovavlna AeatA to coveT^ it. Jnc nearer'

r/ talcs roLC7idtH& vurniiia owid 777cets tiu nw^dj j and

A& 77lc(tS Vtj-02& tllC77Z. Jhe C0U7'S& of tUC 6tO'l772^ IS

avroad- vut tuu tomv it ?7zects v.ot. Une- voice- of its

'zaae is aloud amon-ast the h^oiccti7^a ccitp : ^ut tmt

narrow d7veuinaj O 'kifia of va7~ds I it hapcs. over

in siiCTice. JVo Auqe- sto72es 7cars its lofttf neadtne^e^

to co772liel the j'iuiTiq 7vi7ids to sto.k t/ltir^aflidjoll^r/l'eyJ

GT^dj Tvith 77iurmuri7ia acccT^ts, aaiute tne 77iiant4i tnat

3 &

Page 38: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

''(^ tame'

( - )

lU ieioTV.- ^ui mio?ij vo'ic& ot in& noT-iti I tn&

of Ofsian reaards tn&& not


Jnuseif art vut tor a

6ea607i. S'no tJi& feem& urancnes at tn& ruood vend

6efoz& tnee, a/id tn& wcivlna ieain ineels at ini^

ahjiroacnf n-ncjt tnou- art aojie^ t/ieu eiect tneh heads


and foraet trnt' 6tr&natn.-^^-^3ut tfiC' -iirenain oh Otslans

ionf <sfiaM never ve tozaot^ 7vm{& in& oaks 0/ ylivln,

taz& leJore- tnc^ tenants at 'ke^ qfens.

Chkf of Scarh


Page 39: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ' J

€<3m^%^JBZ of tht B ?t n B.

zbarknets comes on mii^ (SoMj fair dan afiler of

^oscaTj J venoid not tn& m?7i of 7?iu ion^ at Ca^nn :

noT. tn& f''qur& oh Oscar on C^07ta.--^^^n& rn^dolna wiitds

nave cairicd mm tar a-wau j a7td m& neart of /lis

taMcr is sad. ^Oii^t lead 771e QA(Da{Di7ta^ to tie

soui^d of mu nmds j to th& loaT^ of ^;z^ iJioti^ntain-

stiea?ns. J^etin& chace ve Acard 07i Cona^ ; fct 77t&

tm7ii &7i tfie^ days of otncr 'uea^rs. ^}id l-z^ina, m&ti&

na7'h.j 771addJ

that. J mau toucf it^ n/icn tfi& li-jit'

of my soal smflarise. ^^^Jc^tioii. iiear^ to iecn.71 tfi&

sona j fat'iire ti77ies snail near of 7ne I E/de sons oftie^

teevie neieajte^ witc lift the voice on Cona, y a7id iooiin'Z

uji to tie wcis, sau^ ^^ here Ojsian dn^eft',' Sficf

s/iale admire iue cfuefs of oUl, and the race tfiat are

^ 2 no

Page 40: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 4 ;

'n^D mo^e ! wnd& ore ride- on our oloiu/j^ <^iaiulnaj on.

ifi& 7vinp of ine^ ^oarina Tvincis. Uur voices 6na[C be^

'teazelf at ii?7ieSj in ih& chseit ] we' 6ncul sinj on ine-

Sr££Z& ot tkc- 2ocL

CaJJie- t/ioLi' beam that art ioncluj jwm watc/iinri

in th& niant ! Jn& squallu wijids ar& around inee


fzom ali ineir ecnoi^ta niii3. S/ted^ ovez mu nu7idi,&d

6t2&amij ai& tn& itant covcied jiaihs of tJi& dead.

Sfieu ^fjoiccj ojv th& eddiiin^ rvinds^ in in& -season

or niant. zbwcus inci'& not joii in sona^ n-nii& Jkcnd

cl the' iaihs of J^ut/ia ? ^7vali& tn& voice of the-

strina j 'loit 77111 sout to 771c. Jt is a sirca.7?i tncit Acos

failed. o/i'i^alviiia 'hour the sona.

J JicaT' t/iee^

j-^^Q/n t/ii^ dca.'iiie< s^ in CJef/zia^ thou^

that rvcctc/iest io7ieCUj hu 7iia/it I Tvnu didst t/wu 7vitA /wed

im song-j Tro772' Ufsiari'S faicina soui? as the- facdng-

iiooi to the eai- ofthe hii.7itei'f descendinj p'077z his 6tm-ni=


Page 41: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

eoveiednllCj in a ucn^ueam' iou6 in& ecnoinj ihca??i'

/,,& iiea^s^ a7id 6nak&s nis cL ny (ooLs : <Sii^cfi' is id&

t'oic& of- X.utna-^ to td& friend of tn& dfurits at ncro&s,

Qyfbf sweitin^ vosom Seats ni-yA. J tooi lack, oii

tn&' dcM4S tnut a^e hast. Come^ inoii' Sea.m tnat a^

toneui tiom watofuna in the niriAt.

^zinq.j dau^cJi^ei^ of S^oscar, minj ine mtiji / tn&

iiant ot tne sona rises i^i OJ'sians soul ! Jt is liie the-

fieldf nyien oaji?ieJs covers the iuCts aroii^nd^ and the

snadofv arows siowiii on tfie jilai?t or t/ie sun, J

ve/iGid m?i sonJO Q4'bawinaj near tJie mofsii loci of

C^07ia. ^at it is the ?nist of tJie desart^ timed witfi^

the beam of the west ! J^oDetu is tne mist tfiat ajsiunes

itie tozm of Uscail turn twm it^ ye windsj whe-n ii&

wai- on the side of ^rdven.

Cathlm ojCIutha. War cf Cares,


Page 42: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^ )

^ O ^ O of €e% U ^2.

v/e^ 13 nlaM- j J ar/i alone-^ tori0^n' on in& /liil of

6i07~?ns. Jhs^ rvhid is necmd in tli& moii^niains.

Jh& iorze7ii' hours do7Vfi iJie' locL JVo 'hut ^ecciv&s

me- rrom the T.ain-^

jouorn on ine AiiL or winds I Jlisef

^iloon I 'tzo77i vemnd tnu clouds. dta^s of tli& mama-jise^ lead 7nej soTne iiafit^ to tfi& hiacej wne^e 777u

love rests fw?7i tn& chace alone ! ^'Cis vo7v 7^ca^ ni-m

€C7^si2i(^n'l : /lis dojs panti'nci azound Ai77i. £but

n&j& J fTiust sit alojie J ty tn& wok ot tne molsu stzca77i.

3'/ie stream ajzd^ tiie wind roar , aloiid. J nea^ -not

tm voice ot 77iti iove ! yfnu delaus inti Oaigar^ wJiu tie-

Cfuef ot tnenilis^nis h^ofnise? uLere is the lockj and

neie the tue I hiei^e is the ^oa.^ina sti.ea7n ! JhoU' didst

promise- with niaht to ve neu. ^h I whether is mu


Page 43: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r 7 ;

Kjalaar aone' ? 'ivUritne& J would p-i/^ Ao7n mu fatAci- •

wlm inccj tiom 77iu vzoinc^ ofjiricU. Oiii^ ^ace- /iciv&

ionor ve&zt toes j w& a7-& not j'o&s, aufuar I Gaj&

a iiuU w/iilej wind I atieajii oc- inoU' scfent a wnit& I

Ut 7nu vo:c& ve- neard aioL(.ndj ut 77m ^vandei-er fuai'

77ie I Oa/:ja7^ ! it is Cot77ia who caHs, 3^Cezc is ii&

tzee^ a/id tA& 7^oc£^ Oalqaz mu (ove- ! J a77i' ncz&.

lY fi;i delamst inou- inu comina ? fo ! tuc- calm moo7^

coTTzes toa'n. ^de- pood is minil in the, vai&. S^'ie.

10CKS az& meii 07t tn& Siceh. J se& ni77^ Tiot on in&

V107V. Zrtis 00 IS cordo 72 ot vcfGr& fii77i^ wiiA tidiytas

of /lis neaz ahji7'oacn. Jter& J 771ust sit afo7i& I

rV no lies 07i tn& Adaih 6eside me ? ^i& tfisti mu

ioD& and 77iii izoinez? oiieai to 771& 77?u Aiends I

Jo Coi/7iatheu aiv& no rehfi/. c^ueal to 77te : S a77z

ai07i& ! QMou soul is to7-mented witn feais ! jln I tfitu

azc dead I Ufieir swords aze redAo77z tie fijit.- Omuvzotic'Z I

Page 44: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^ )

lioiHe-i. ! mu iroifier ! niu nasi thow 6taJ;i mu- yJalaafi- f

^ffiu, Jaiaaz ! fia,st iiow 6&J?t mtf Iroticr ? %ca7^

n'cjc 2fe 60/Ji^ 10 m& I Ifnat <snail J 6an i/iyotru J2rai6& ?

3^koii' '^veM fari- on tn& Ailt a^jiona {nou^sands I ulo

'}vas ie^iiit& in tlaht. dlieal io 7iic- ] near wu voice^

icar 717 &^ <so?zs of 7??u iov& I Jneu a^& client: itient jor

£i;c--^. CofJ; cofd a'2'& ifica vzeasts of otau ! ok


^yMmiic'iocionin&nii!!-^ p077i in& toji ol- l/:& whidu

dcefi^ sjicalj m Qnoits of tn& dead! 6jicakj J mil

•not /^ afmid I Tvmtnez are- y& gon& to icst ? in nmatI Jo

^ CA€& of ti& iiii ^iaii 3" And ti& dtjwMedf J\^o

fceife vo:c& is on tn& aai& : no anSTV&T^ ka/Kdiowned iji

in& 6'ioi7n I

J" 6it aio)i& in tjim gi^ief I ^ wait to^ moining

in inii tea/1.6 I real the to7nVj je tric7tds of the dead.

Close it not tiic Coi?na coTTtes.- oJm/ lite 4iies awau

itKe a dieam : nny snouid J <^tau vcnind ? Jie


Page 45: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 9 )

&£au J usl wiifv -^im friends, Ij iic <sircam of tie.

ioti^ndlna lock. r/nen n/./M co77zej on li& iiii-

wnen tAe- iotid winds azke- j mu aioit ^/iail stand in

tn& vcastj and mourn tn& deatd of mu friends. Sie^

mcnter snaci near fjom nis vootd. J^ aia

vut ioDe 77tu voice I for sweet shaii wu voice le for

mt^ friends: jucasant weze ner fzlends to Cofma !

SoKgs of Sclma,


Page 46: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^ )

© <g ^ £ 15 of na O E 19 i!.



CaMa fell l)if in& 6word of zuiw/io??iai' at t/ie-

of t-^e' noisu <ituam<i. zDucnomaz came to Jurd<s

cave- fi& 6Jiok&to louelu QA'bo^}la. QAwo^^^ia^ fahest

amona wom&rij lovelu c/auamer of jtwna^aT^med Coi??2ac !

nmu in tm drcle- of itonxs? in th& cav& of tn& loci

alone. ? 3n& <st-i-ea77i mmmur^ aiona. Jn& old tie&

a^oans in tn& wind. Jlie lake is tT-accvled Vffore tnee •

daii aT-e tne olotids of the ^ktt I ^but thou- ait 6no7U

on tne neatdj ifm nail, is tne mist of Cromlaj nmen

it curls on tne nill-^ wncn it shines to t/ie veam oftne

Tvest I 3nu measts aie t7vo smootn locis seen fiom

^I'anno of streams. Jnu aims like two white hiliars^

in tne nails of tne meat J'inaal.

^' J'wm whence. zVucnomar, most gloomu of men ?


Page 47: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '' ;

c/cai c[7C- ihu morV'3 and fcrziitC' ! S'le^d aiet/nt roliincr.

et/e6 ! ooes CJwaran ah hear o/v ine- 6£a f n-nat or the^

fo& zutionomar ?'

'''' J'wiji in& fiitC J ^etu^n O^iorna^ fi07?t tne niilot tn& da-ik^mojvn- ninds. Jmce-

nav& J ilain n-ith my vended uew. Jme& Tvhn mu

/onaioand/'na dojs or in& cnac&, JLovciu iaimnte^ o^

CormaCj J love- tJie& as mu soiiil J navC' stain 071^

itateiu deez to^ tn&e. ZK-igk was /us mancnu dead


and fleet nis teet of wind.' ^^ zDucmmaz ! calm

in& maidJ

uhfied^ J iov& tnee^ nofj inot^^ qfoomti> man I

'hard is inu heari of rook -^ dam is tnii' teviivU brow,

^Jut Catnba youna son ot ^oi?nanj fno.'f^ a^t the ioD&

of 0^1^(002na. Jnoil' ait a sufi^uea^nj in tn& day of-

ine oioom,u stoim, CJawestthow tne son. of Joi?7ianf

/ovem 0)1 tfi& niit of nis ni/ids ? ^iue^& tn& dati^cfJiter

o~ CoT-maCj waits tfi& 00771-i71(1 oj- Catnba I

Hona snafi Q//bojna wait^ ' zDuc/wmai. said,

C 1 ^^ iona.

Page 48: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '2 ;

^^ toiia ^ialt oyl'^borna vjait fo^ Cainhci I ^efioLcl tils

^word U7vsmai/ied I neie- '}va7iders "Ine- liood ct Cathua.

HonJ<iAa[i Qyl'looina wait. 3C&t&li Im tli& 6tz&a7?% of

^utnno I Oil Cro7}ia J Tvlii raise- nis tomVf

daimite^ of Sllc&-:6£iud^d Cjrmac I 3urn o?i ^I'.cnomar

tnu &m<i '^ nis azm is Uroi-i'i as a 6to7^m. ^' Js ih&

iSOfi of E/orma^t falien- f ' 6aid ine wilditd^ 6i/.7-st-i/i^

voice ofme maid. ^^ Js ne fzticn- on nis ecnot-Jia niiCs


ine youtn witn tfie breast of S/iorv ? tm fnst iii tn&

cnace of nitids ? the -toe of tlie stza^Tr/crs of ocean ?

EJnoLi- ait daiLj to fne^ zDucno7?ia-?^ ciueC is tnu aim to

Qyji^oina^ I Give me tnat sword mil foe I J love inC'

wanderinj- viood of Ca-tnSa.

Jue aave tne swoT-d to ne^ tea^s. One hieiced nis

mranfti- vieast I ZrLe feii^ iik-e the Sank of a 77iountairt

itieamj atid stzetcn-ina, fo^tn his ha7idj ii-e shoie.

^^ zOaugnter or vme^snielded Cormac ! thou- hast seaai7^


Page 49: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r '^ J

me- bv imutn I Jn& swo7x/ u coLl io my vreasf- : ^lorna^

J" feel it couL Qw& f?2& io Qyfboina in& maid.

XV^icmmaT- nris im dream of he^ nicdt I <sne will raise-

m-u iom.6 j in& nii^niei- mau uus& mu fame. SyOuct

draw the <irvo7d front m-u vieajfj (2-'7borna-'j tne 6ieet^

€5 cold ! C)ne oa7nej in- all ner teai^s^ <!irie ca?ne y <sn&

drew t/ie- (Sword H^om nis v^ecut. uie jiierced nei^

'rvmt& <iid& I n& &fl^ead ner fair looks on tn& arou-ndl

J'Lei tii-rstinq- vlood -sou-nds from ner side : ner ivnit-&

arm is stained witu red. cPioliina in- deaih sne iaif.

CJhe cave 7-e ^echoed to nez sigJis.

^' ^eace^' said Cutmulinj '' to tne soi-i-is or iii&

Alzces I tkeii- deeels weie qzeat infif'ht. tne??t,

ride a^ou-nd^ me 07t clouds. X^et tnem sAew their

features of waz. (Xd'iDf soul suaU t/ien ve tii-m in-

danae^' 97d?Te a-im liie the tnc-nder-of

/ieaven ! Sd^it

ve t/i'Ou- on a moDn^vea.m-^ O oAboma I neaz the ivi7ido7V

Page 50: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '4 ;

of mu T' 1 1 wkcTi mu tnou^ants m& of jieace y 7vm}^ tu&

din oh arms is haif. Ciitn&T^ in& 6irenain of tne,

triues \ KJiove- to ine- 7vars otC^in! ^-fUnd tn& ca^

or mu vattie6 / rejoice- in tn& noi<s& of mu course


juace- t'mee shears vu m.u side: toiioru tn& voii^ndinq.

of mi^ steeds ! Jhat mu <ioul mau v& stiona in mu

triendsj nnen vattte- dailens wu^nd th& veamd

7nu steel.


Page 51: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^ ;

^i^ (9/i>^^'^ c/aud came, ih& 6ons or ocean to ^rln !

c^f tnoaiand vej'^eiii vou^nded on, waves to ItUins lovem

hlain3. 3n& 6ons or- JnisJaii awse-^ to meet tn&

race of da^i-.iromn snieuis. Calwarj first at ^nen, was

tnerej and C^mdcaj statelu yoiitnl J^ona Aad tneu

6t7ove toT- tne shotted vuil that iorved on (^oivun<S

ecnoina neath. oac/i cialmcd ni97i as nis own. zDeath

9vas often at tnejwtn-t or tneh steelt ! side vu side tn&

ne7'oes foi(,ant y tne stiangers of ocean fled. f7nos&

oiame was faircT, 07i tne niiij tnan the na}]ie of i^airva^

ajid Cfrudar ! SSu-t ah I wnii' eve^ lowed the .^j'U-iCj

on (^oihuns ecrwina heatli. Jheu saw him ieajiina

UKe snow. She wraJA of th& chiefs ^etu^7led I

^^ Oft Hu^Sars fraAu Sanis tneu foii-gnt j UrudaT-


Page 52: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

cfi^ hi nls vlood. J'lcic& Cairbar cam& to the vale


ke-i'& ^JrafSotlSj tahest of nls sisfei^Sj alt alone^

raised the- sona or ailef. She suna of the actions of

tpuciarj the youth ot hei^ secret sent I She mourned

nlni' In the field ot viojdj t>ut stlli she hoped fo%

nls rett^2'n. 3ue-i. white vosoni Is seen tiom fiez rovCy

as tA& moon fro7?i the cloicds of nighty when Its edae^

heaves white on the vleWj iroin^ tne^ darknelsj wnlcn

covers Its orS. Z/te^ voice was sotted than the nazfi

to uilse tne sona of- ai-let. JueT. sou.i was fixed on

C^ni-dar. Uh& secret look of nei- etie was nls.


rrhefi shalt thoti- come in thu arms thoU' 7nlahtii

in waz ? —


'''' StaJce ^la/soflSj' Caiivaz came and said

^^ take ^S^aisoilSj this snletd ot pfood. J'lx It on high

within mu nau^ the a2j?ioitr of- mu joe ! JLez sort

neajii veat ajalnst hc^ side. zDlstmcted^ hate^


Page 53: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( n )

o'i7icl ner yoiM in aU fu6 Ifoocf- tie.

d/ed o>i Cwin(a6 neat/i, 3\e7-e 2edi tddr cJust

(^utnmhn. jAcs^ io7telii yews <sjnunri tne/r

tomvjj and mad& tnem tiom tn& Uoim. J'ah rvas

^Srapous on tie, plain I dtateiu 'rvas Giudaz on iie>

Ado I Jh& haul iAalc firtierve- tfieh names, and

send tht?}i doivn to fxtuie, times !"




2) 5 unmof.

Page 54: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '^ )

Z '^ € B M <3 Vi.

^^ 3^rc7i77io^" 6aidiM moiuh of- 6onqSj liDcd in ih&-

daip of oifier years. -^^^' vounc/ed ove^ t/i& wavc6 oj-

tfi& nmii: co?2i/ianio7i ot tli& 6/orm ! Jli& AiaA wcL oh

iJi& {and of JLocHln^ ; and its aiw&s of mn^^jiu^-iinj.

sou^-nds afthearcd to t'!i& Ad 7^0 tliroiian t/i& mist.



hoimd Jiis rviiieJooso/ned sail's. zJ^-etimor jitijsued t!i&

ioai-j fiat loaud iliwcqh th& woads of QGrmaf.

^fianf dad ffed fVo;?!' its jncscnce-: but it wfled i^i

deafA on tn& shear of zJ^erunor. Jme& Cniefs r^dio

leiefd tie deed, iofd of the- migntu st^an7n. Jnei^

tofd tdat do stood, fide a tiiltaz ^( fi^^(^)i''^ fdo iii^dt

ai^ms of Ais valom. Jno fiiiia, of X^ocnlin juejiared

iAi& feast. 3uo called ilie VLoof7iina Ji-en77ior.

^ifi'iee days Aie feasted at C/.ormais windy towcis j ajid


Page 55: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '-9 ;

"zcccivcd his c/w/ce /;z. t/ie- co7?iuat. Jlie land ot X,ccniirt>

nad 710 neiOj that yleid<^d -not to ^un772or. 'i/m sneCu

oh joii Tvcnt laioid wit/i <son.p^ in l^ raise of the ii?za of

oAbozven. uC& ca77i& over the- 7vaveSj tn& first

of 77:i ].ntu 77ien,.

j\ow n-/ie7t the towi-td qidt^ moiTt- aiose^ tn& ne^o

iou}icned A's s/iih. Sn.e rvafked alona tn& sifejit snoie^

a7zd cat ted. for tli& i-n.Snin'j 7vind: tor loud and

distant he hica^dt, th& viast 77?ur77zuri7m vehi72d tne-

mores. Ccveied ovcT- 9vithi' a7'77is or steely a S07i o

7Voodu C/oi77ial ail hearcd. cJied 7vas his cheei a7id fair

nis nai-i-, .JVis s/d7i like- the snorv of ^iorven.

^'liid rolled his iiue and S77ziU7ia et/es^ 7vhen hi.& shoK&

to the dina oh Sfvords.

^^ dtauj Urenmoi.j staii thou fiist of 77ienj tnoU'

nasi 7iot co7iqiured X^onvats son. qA'Idu sivoid has

ofteji met ti& iiave. Jh& n-ise sliuri tn& stienathi

c /

Page 56: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( "-0 J

o/ mu Sow." ^^ JmL{.- fah-JM/red iiouin^ Jre7imor

^ejiiUdj ^^ 3" witi not fiqnt' n-iih X^onvaCs 6on.

U^ine^ arm is tcevt& <sun^veam or youin. Jlefir& to

Gormcits d:ir/l^vro7V }i nhids. '^ ^Out J will rethe,

uhfled tie- uoutn, ^^ witA tA& <sn-ojd of- Jroimor '^ o.nd

exmt in ifi& <soi{^nd oh mii tam&. J'h& vhnins 6nalf

aatfie^ witA 6m fej^ aron^nd nijii Tvno conoueT-cd micmtu

Sre^nmor. JfiC'ii' inaff 6ian wiiti tA& &lqns or love-j

and admir& tn& fenat/v of t/iu 6^iea?- j nnen J 6hatc

ca^^tf it amionj' ttioma/ids y nn&7v J lilt ih& aiitt&zina

fiolnt to tn& 6un,

^' 3fioL{^ 6naft neve-i' ca^^l|^ awau mu ajie-a^j' 6aid

t/i& anazu iina of ^4iorv&7i''' Jm motm^ 6naff find

tfie& haU 071 tn& 6no'i'ej a /id looki7ia odcT' tn& da^k--vUie'

deehj 6e'& tn& aaitj of Ai7}i tnat <sfe7v fie^ 607i. '^ Jnuff not f'ft tfi& 6peaij' lehiied tn& ijoLitfij ^^ 77iu ar7n>

14 not iiwna wit/v uemi : vut witfi tm reatneud doMj

J navs>

Page 57: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( =' ;

J Aav& iearned iojih7'ce^ a distant' toe . Uniow c{o7vn>

inat ntaru mail or <steel. Junmai^ is covered pom

deatn. J first wiU iai^ mu mail on ea7'ih. 5/irom

now tnu da.7.t, tho!.c- iina or QyiiDozven. l" ^& sa7v

tri& neavin(^ or ncr treast. Jt was t/i& sister of- tne^

(iifij. 3lie. nad seen nir/i in in& Safl j and iovccl

Ais iace of yout/i. Jne sfieaT- drolit J7-07/i t/ie Aand of

Uren77io:^: n& teTit Ais red cAeeJc to tn& ajo!.i7zd. cj/ie>

was to Ai^im a^ veam of lij/it tfial Tn^eets tii& sons of ine^


n-Aen tnett revisit tAe fields of iri'& 6U7ij a7td be7id

tAeii' acAinj. e?^es !'''' CAief of tAc. 7vindti ^flowenf

vejii-n tn& maid 7ritri' tAe ar^ms of snow. '^ J^et -7716-

lest in tA/( Sou^idinf sAifi^ fii^ f 0771 1lie fove- of Corfo.

4o^ Aie^ iik& tAi& tli':{^7idir of tAe desa.^t is ti7'7-iui& to

Jnivaca: fi& loves 77ie i7i t/ie afoo.'?z off ride. J'Ce-

makes teTv tfwic-sand sfieais !'''' ^lest t/wso in fieacef

^aid tfi& miafitip Jun77zo^j ^^ rest veAind tfi& s/ueid

Page 58: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

w jainc'rs. Jmcojiotttu>fzom tnc^ cnict, ilia

n& 'Snakei ten tAoiisand 6fiea2'S I J-mee^ dam n& waited

on tnc more. 3^ie 6ent nls noin avroad. Jt-e- called

Cozlo to vaitle^ pom all nis eckoinci nuts. .ibift

CoMO came not to vattie. Jhe nin-i of l^ocmm

descends from his ncdi. Juc teasted o}^ tne iocui}tj

snoie. Jue ciave ifie madd to Jienmor,


Page 59: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ J

2D (g iJ 2: B of II % W a.

^^ ^'K'Jio co??ies" 6aId Jinqaij '^ ah ific iotc-ndhia

we^ fli& ih& fia^t oh echoinci Cona^ f Jtis shield

alitiers g?i iis <iidc, ifi& ccan^ or Jiis armour is

mournful. J{^& meets 7vdfi Crra'io}i in tm sti/re


^efiofd ti& Saitte of ifi& cfiiefs I -^ is fiL ti&

co7iiendi?ta of afiosts i}v a qioomn sto2m. ^but-

fattest thoU' son or in& nii'l^ a?id is thj 7V/Lit& voso?7p

stained witk mood? JV eeh^ unnahhi^ JLorma^ ^tdo

is no moie I'^ Jne hinj tcoi t/i& sheaz oj- fiis 3€e was sad for t/w fait of ^tdo. ZfC&

vent Ids deathfu^C cues 07i tne fje : vut iiciuv met tni>

iiin'i of <:jGm. Jfuo can uiate- the fi^^t of tne-

chiefs f Jn& inimttt st^anaer fete !

X,oi7na^ sat in yltdos naif. Cj/ie sat vii tfi& lii/it


Page 60: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

of a fiamlna oaL Jn& nl mt came^ donr/i^ v:/t n&

did not ^etu7<n. Jne' 6ou i ot l^orma, Is <sad. yV fiat

detains l/u&j rnl7^te^ or Cona f Jnu-u- d/dst jiromi'Se'

to "at.'nn. jL-as t/i& deH vctn disiayit tar ? do tHe'

dark winds siaJij wand inc& on t/i& /ifatn '? J am In

tn& land of stzanjeiSj nmere- is vitf /licnd hut ^4ido ?

Com& Aom tiu soi-'.ndina. Aiu) mu test veloved.

JlJer eyes a^e turned torvauls in& aate-. 'C)/i&

iistc7is to tn& Mi-stiinci 6Cast. d/ie- tni.nKS it is ^Idos

tread. %u uses i?i ner face-


^3ut scrzorv returns

aiai^ij like a thin cfoud on th& -moon. ^^ niit tnou^

n 't retu-i-n -nm love ? let Jiie- vemid tfie face of tn& Ailc.

S^/ie 7norn is in tne east. Calm and vd'ht is the-

hieast of the iaie- ? n nen shalC J vcliold nis dop,

retui?un:i from tne cnasc-f Iv nen sn.dv J vicar nrs

vo'ocj loud and distant on tn& windf come h'o?n tnu

^oiindina niUSj nu-ntc^ of- rvoodjf Cona I ^'Lis tnrn


Page 61: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 25 ;

anojt ahkeaied^ on a wcfc, uk& a watm Vsam of tcehte^

llant : 7vn&n tk& '?7ioo>v ru^snes &i^uldcri,^ t-w77i vctweeru

two cioicdj^ a7idtn'& mid^mgM 6no7ver tJ on in& field I

cj/ie^ j-olcorved tm emfifu form over ine^ neatn. C^/?^

Knerv tucxt ncr neio fett. J neard n&T^ ahhroacnina

cjies oji tn& wlndj iike tne- 77iourntul volc& or me>

meeze^ wneyi it ^iam 07i iJi& mafs of iA& cave^ I

<jn& cavie. dne round ner nero ! C/Ver voice- was

neard no more. cliUnt <sn& roUed Aer eyes. cin&

7va<s hale and midt'u 6ad I J^ew 7ver& ner dau6 07i

Cona. dn& sunk i}ito tne tomv. J'inaaicom7na7ided

n/j vaids j t/ieu stinj over tne death of Jioi^na. Jn&

daimme^s of QmDo^^vejv moiuned nei^j tar 071^ dau in

tm 'uea^^ wneiv tn& darli 7vinds of autumn retu^7led.

Kjon of the distant land I jJwu d7ve[Ust in tn&

field of fa-me' I O let tnii. sona ariose-^ at times^ in h^aise

of those wno feu. thei2- inin anosts ujoice- aioU'7id

e ine&j

Page 62: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 9.6 J

tnce j and the 6oui of- X^orjna co7ne on a Tecvi& Seam:

7vn&n tnoii' lu^t ao7V?i to le^t^ a7id the- mcon iooks into

tnu cavC: zJn&n malt tnoti^ <se^& ne-i. ioveiii'^ but the,

te-ar is 6tiUon ner cncei /

Cjdent and 6lo?v on tloaiinci mist : niqn flGDe^ina

on tn& vera& of tn& ocean^ com& ij& amsts oj- tn& dead I

Uer Sards ot ine times or otdj mze- q,esum& your

emfifoi^mentf mourn tu& death ot tn& /oceiu. o/ie'

7n&uted tncr voice or your sona.

Baitk of Lora,


Page 63: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r 27 ;

jLet ficroeis n:no exhect thetr io77WS to rise' vu tn&

n>mtc^cvinied dauantc^5 of Seauty^ 6ald th& veaur ot

zDicnahm 6 6meidf re^t till mo^nlna y hut Qy/bozait

inaic tali amid ine^ mades at niant. JVo tomv of

mim 6na{i rise : Jxo tear Aom t/i& iovelu inall vatn&

it. JVon& snali lament ovei- me, 6ayinq. ^ (jn mu

ncro ! j\ one <i^iall iame7it ove^ me^ <saucnaj

mil' son !' Qyf'tou arro7v nain hicreed the vreast of tn&

iovetu: ^iu slica^ is stai7ied with the viood of mu


Qyl'b'j 4-amers rveie ine toes of ylibin. jAeii-

ifiears rose rvitn X^oc/uins 'ki7ia.. J iojiacd to travel

ujion- the waves cf ocea/i. <jix waj^im'S ' raised mu

2mite sails, J.'e wind came in naste fiom tne north:

& 2 TTaves

Page 64: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

"jV^avc^ qatfi&ied 6tienati pom the- mast. Oeas

minaled wltk ciou^ds tfiat> Aui^led alona ili& j-ace-

ti& dech. Un& nlafi nllii or ^wln ws& o}i tn& toji o

tfie- wavers. 'Un& are&n woods ot oliavcui' snooi inch

iocis l>efor& tn& voundlna or ow^ ImL

3^/i& nail or ^Dunairm was tn& nome- of stranacrs.

& auiu nalred cnier streicned foim tn& nand of

Undsmji to Mcdv& us. IV elGom&^ said fiej ar&

& sons of ocea.w wnen theu com& in heace. Uu^ deers

are^ mam/ : Owz- snctis ar& fu-li. Jhe tales of ou^

lards are ji teasant-^

and wmj, snotUd tn& stja?iac^

motirn in our Aacl f

Sm feast was sjireadwkn mhiUf a7id w& viesed

o&s of OUT' faihers.

oA^invas sno?i& in tn& nail ot ne^fatneT^j like- tn&

fi^St veam oftn& risina su-n^ wn&n it smiles on tn&

dewu mains. Q/ma7iu cniefs sou^aM tm lovo of tnC'


Page 65: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( =9 ;

'maid '^ viU ifi& tu-^ned ncr et/es tro2?i tn& 77iigmi/j and

4lxed tnem on ^M^oraU.

JVor nlluj nor wa^ilois weie. mine. ^ J n^ent to

in& vattie alone. Jne foes or J^ocnim nad raffai.

vu w-u nand '^ vut mu tame was not nea.rd.

Cw^ said the maid-^ fi.'ht tfie vatti&s of other

mnas, Ciatne^ ifiii' /a7?ie tJt a distayit land -^ send it

vej^ore thee to ^iinvaSj and she nvfl own thu love.

J went to Cri?is iina. ^Hanu of- dis foes /eff

vu m.ii swo^d. QAlDii name was nea^d in sona^ and

7)111 Tame tra^vetled ove^ 7nanu seas. Jhe daa-ghters

or J nis^faii sji^ead tneiz 7v-hite ar^ms vcfo^e me in vain.

n hen heace smiied on the landj J 'i^eturned to tne

maid or snow.

zJne sun lau asUeh^ and tne^ 7?won wandezed fzo??!^

cioii-d to clou-dj 7vnen tne hall of zDunair?n ahheaud.

J^io?n the skiUs or a virchen a^oveJ the i>-u£ze of


Page 66: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^0 )

mant convened to mu ea^-s a 6oic7id dok as tfie vieaiJi

or su^mmei'. ^ Q^ ] and^ if tlwti' taUj KAilnvas ivUO

vcithe t/m 6weet memo^u Tvitfi ne^ teaia.

Qyf'bu- <so!Uj that never treniulcd vefo^e^ 6nooi witn

duad and noTwr. J saw oyidoinvas j and siatelu

7vas tnc wariAoi' who stood Su ie^ side.

J Sent 771U low. (yio^ said- J to an- anow^

jiUice tJiat vieast of tau/iood. no otkci^ warrior

seamen for fame to klease tnat n^eait or hude.

zJlie steel entered ne^ wnite vosom. uCei:

vai-leaated qaimcnt is shiead on tlie neain. ^JCei.

lona nair is vat/ied in nei^ vtood. ^er owans are-

mimited witn tne siins or night.

lY hence came tne 9?:eteoz of death^ cried tn&

warrior f J'wm an aT^??^ of stze7icitn' J lehfied:

and raised ?nu sheaT-.

<jon of aioo?7iA/ nignt^ said tne ustonisfied youtf^


Page 67: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

tnu a^m is sirona vccaase th& /o& was tcevu. Sne-

6hear of tne- 7}zloni-u never ws& vefore' a dam ncait aK&

mine. ^Jut inu su^ln i^mst snali to^i/^roitti ciejia^t

from its dweiiinaj and minril& witn in& sons of the'


nm^& imi vo7te(e<js ai772' suati never 7^ais& tfie^

steel against tn& lovclu-,

J^ona w& totiant on in& neain. Jne groans oj-

oA^lDinvas 7ve^e lost in tlie clasn or steel. Jhe shear

of mu toe at Cast aav& wau, a-nd n& tclt vcfo7& me.

Jfie moon looked toitti from the skiUs oi a dai/i cfoud^

and J veneld mit fric7idj in& mot/ur or Q^fwijivas i7^

ms viood.

^nd ait inoic- fatle/ij 77iu viot/iei^ said the fauUeiijia

voice- of t/ie maidj and snail tnu fatne-i- nevcz Senofd

tnii retil^n fro77t t/ie c/iace f Un^ ^ioialt ! 07^ w/iat

dista7it land does tAu s/iea-^ rise- aaainst iJi& miantii f

J\o viotneT' Of 7nin& snaU now caiC ine& fzo/7i th&


Page 68: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^2 ;

time')'efcis of t/if pzrde. A>ut tfioL(^ niw <iom& tl.

returnJwm neroj and ra/'iSe- t/ie- tomv op ^Unvas

the- groves ot out- forr/^eT^ loves.

J duov the' 6teei tzom the vreast of- t/le- loveCtt.

Q'4'iD!/' tears mlnaled witJi tn& red stieavi twrn Jut,

V0SOJ71. Cj/ie ohened ncr faint ei^eSj and veheid nci'

Qyl'iDo^aits nands val/ied in ne^ vLood. On& sivde'ked

fie-i-sefh into a ahost. J strove to a^asji it in- mu

aims -^ vut it ped witA norroT- from mtp e7nSracej and

lose on a 6ea7n of the moon.

J'our stones 7?iari t/i& dweliina of tn& Aero : ^yVeaz-

it 'lose- tlie- tomv of tm ioveiu. Jn& virai^is often aivC'

tn& tea,^ of hitti as tneu hais: jAe tenants of tA& vusA

sina tnei-i' S07ias of nwe. ^ii niaAit J sitj and

iisten to tA& wi7id. zDaTli clouds fioTvn on nic^ as tneu

zoU ovc^ mu Aead. ^n& cnudien of tAe' air snu-n,

me- ruitn noTi^or.


Page 69: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

yV nat taint Seam^ w/'fU Hi nraf^toT-med iml&y

aiaddem inC' cfieei of m& east ? Jn& moo'ri is asUeh i-n^

iter fieauiu vcdj and inC' sun is riot yet prehared to

ateh /ortd in tn& vria/itnejs of nis veauttj. Jt is

oA'binvaSj tne- maid o^ tne moodu Sosom^ comina with

ncr nu.ndT'ed mctcms to iiant oyHDoraWj tn& ne^'o ot otnei>

lands^ to tne tieids of- dealn.

Jn 7v^atfii/ie viiain comes not to ne7' Hiejtds, One^

pursues tne aloom or 7iirjnt from 0117^ mountains. 5^^

'mo^nin'} sta^ tiemvles in nez nand. <jne co?7ies like tn&

tiist vcam wnicti tne sun sc?ids foitn to hioUaim' nis

ajijuoacn ie/oie ne leaves fiis vcd ot ust i?i the east,

yt nu dost tnou flu jro?7t us in naste^ maid ot tne

mild asheet ? ^but tnou nasi left mornina on owi-

nilIS j and tnu dim 10^771 nas disahhearedj liie a

Cloud of mist on tne lake^ nmicn vanisnes vctoie tno

race of tne sire of miamnefs,Morduth.

J^ Crimora>

Page 70: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


/aw comem from tfi& tuiij ilk& a cfoud tlnaed

Tvlm tn& veam of tne- ov&it ? If nose- voice is llmtj ioud

as tn& rvind^ vut hieasaJit as tn& naili of- CmriC? ^C

i<s mu 10V& i'/t the liant op ste~e{ j vut sad is nis

da^i&ned iw)v ! JLivc in& 77iiantit mc& or J'inaacl or

Umii live. Jneu retuiii from tne- cnace^ tike, ct*

stream of ti-iM, Jne sii^fi is oti^ ineir shields,

J^iie a ridae of fi^e ineu descendme niii. X,ot(^d is

itie mice of tne youtnl Jfie war^ mu iove^ is neai /

Jor-moiwrv ike dreadfed zDcviao comes to tm tfw fmxs^

Page 71: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

vt oic'i- race. 5% ^ac& of J'lnqai ie, deJtes : tie.

m^ce- or voltU and wounds.

Connaif J <saw nls <sau3 like- mm mist on tne-

iiam-mown wave-. Jn&u siowm came^ to iand.

Connaif manu a^e> tn& warriors of zDmao!


^jlna mc tnu jfatieu sAlefd: tie- lofsu^ kon.

Meed of cnlnvaCj that snlecdj {lie tie fu{i=oi{)ed

fjioon-f when sn& moves darkened tnw neaven*

zJnat snleid J vrlna, Connac j vu^t It did not

defend mu father. ^u tne sfieaz of Qoimai' ne feti,

cJnou. mauest fatif ConnaL

*/ 2 Connac,

Page 72: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

jUdi J mau ! ^:^n-t i-ais& mu tomv^ Cilmora I

Gretf 6ton&s^ a momid oh eaUn^ inail 6e7icl mu na?n&

to ot/U^ times. ^end thu ud eu& ovez mu a^ave^

ve-cit tnu mou^ntu^C mavlna meast. JnoU'gA rah

tnoio art mit love) as tn& u:Jit j moT-e jiuasant ifiarv

tfi& aai& or tfi& mtiJ

yet J 7vilL not nei& remain*

Sialso mu to?7Wf C?'i'moi-a.


EIfieri aiue' me- those arms iJiat aUam j that swojd^

and that shear of steel. J snail 7fiect '^ai^ao wltS

Co/vnaij and aid him in the fifht. J^aumell^ ye,

rods ot\Ajduen I tie dee-p I and ye stua77is of the

dill! Jr & snail retuT^Ti no 77iore, Our to7?ivs

ai'e distant ta^ !

^^ ^7id did theu rctu-zTt no moie ? said "c/Cthds


Page 73: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^7 ;

ii^^^tlna icqn. ^^ J'elc ifi& migmu in vatlie^ and

did Cri7no'i^a iiv& ? ^/Cer itejis 7vcr& ionelu j Ae.^ <ioui

TVas sad to^ ConnaC. n as n& not youna and iovciu '^

iiK& im veam or tA& sciiitja sii7i ? olili?t saw tn&

virains tear^ n& tool tfi& <ioHLu ticmvti7ia narh: ine-

sona was Iol-cIuj vut sad^ a?^d sitenc& was in


^uti{.mn is dar/v on tn& mountains j mcu mists

usts on tn& niiis. Jn& wniztwind is ncard o?i tn&

n&atn. ~Dam rolls the- iivc7'- tJnouan tn& na^^ow jilain.

^t^e& stands alone- 07i tn& nilc^ and mams tnt^

stumvnina Conn at. Jn& (eaves wfiiT-l round witn

iJi& 7vindf and st^cw tJi& mav& of ifi& dead. ^'t

ti7?ics are seen ner& ine- n/iosts of tn& deha^ted^ wnen

tn& 77iusi7ici nunter alone j stal/is stowin ove-i- tfie neatn.

f4dio can reach tn& souzre of inu race^ Co7inai?

(7 no recou7it tny iatficrs? 3nif ta77ii['u mew iiK& an


Page 74: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

;/ on ine- mou^ntainj hut norv it is ioin AoM

tfi& ea-itti. y/ji^Q 6ncdi 6uhjtlu in& hiac& or

Co7tnalf J^Ccre- was t/ie din or aims j ne^& tn& moans

of in& c/tjifta. duiooc/i/ are the- wars of J^inaacl OCon^nai I it was mi& inoii- didst falL Snine'

arm was uk& a stozm j inn swoid a veam or tn& smi

t/m neicint a lock otu ilic jilaiii y ihin& eyes^ a furnace

of fiu. X^oii^der a storm was tnu' voice


in- tnc- vatLLCS of tht/' stecL I'/ai^iiois fcii vu tnu

swoidj as in& tnistie. //^ in& <^i^fjt of a tou. iVarao

tn& 7niumu ca7)i& on ^ darken!n a iw nis i-aae. Ji^is

iw7vs were- aaMe'icd into wrath. Jtis eyes iiK& two

oaves in a ^ock. ^Jriant rose tneii^ swords on eacfid

side : (oii-d was the cfang- of tnei^ steel.

EJlie dauqnte^ of c/iinvaiwas nea^-^


in the armour of man • ne^^ t/etiow naiir is ioose-

vehindf ne'i- vow is in n&i- hand. CJne foitowed tn&


Page 75: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( .39 ;

^oiUh to ih& wuTf Co/inaC ne2. mucn v&ioved. <jne>

drew in& 6tii7ia on ^arcio j iicl eirhia 6nc hierud m%

ConnaC. jA^e taus ilke an. oai on- tne- hiaht y ilk& a

^CK. tio?n> tne^ inaaqti^ Aiu. IVnat <snaii 3m doj

nahiels maid! Jt'& vteeds^ ne^ Cunnal dies! ^tC

m& nlaAt ion'T. sAo cries^ and aic iA& dau^ ^^

ConnaCj mu /ove- a7id 7??u Hiend! IV itn aziet tAc-

<sad 'mol{^^ner dies ! (iartA Acre inaoses ifi& ioDeticst

hair on tA& rUtC. jA& ara/s grows vciwcen tAe^ stones

T tomv j J often sit in tAe- 'moiiZ7iti{^C sAade»

f^ wind siaAs tAro-iqA tAe azafs -^ t/ieir me7?ior^

lusAvcs on mil mind. cpndistiirued iwic- no7v sieeh

toqetAei''^ in trie- tomu of tAe 7?zoiintain yoa rest aion&l

ylnd sort ve tAeij- T-est^ said Ovt/HZ, Aiajiicfs cAitdufv

or stiea?7iu J^ut/ia ! J wilt re?nep7iuez tAc77i witn teazs^

a7id 7nu secret sonJ snail ^iso j wAe7i tAe wifids oftAs'

m tends tAe juoud amoves of- Jora.noii


Page 76: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

/ ^0 )

ZYjt © B iS 3 ^ € of €.'^ltxZl^<3

J'inaai was sad to^ Cart'f.o}i j nc- comma7ided his

va7'ds to mark tn& dat/ nJicn snadofvii autu^nn'

retai^ned: and oftc it did ineu ??iari in& dau^ and

ilna tn& neros hmlse. ^^ n no comes so dari trom^

ocearis ^oa^j uke auium^is snadonm cCoud? zDcatk

is t^emmina in nls nand I Ais eyes a^e tlames of

fire I yy 7io wau afoni- dark J^ords neatA? n no

vut Caitnonj nina of srvords? ^ne f?eo/if& fail! CJee !

now Aie studeSf like ine suUen anost of ^noivcn /—


^OM incr& tie lieSj a aoodiu oalj nnicA sudden vtasts

ove^tu^7ud.l n fien snati tnou- ^ise^ ^jaiciutnds iou.

nmw Cartioji snaw tfioU' arise ? 7/ no comes, so

dam from oceans roar, like ai'Mimns snadowu cwu-df

\ju.cA we7'& tn& words of tne va^ds, in tne datj> of ineii'


Page 77: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ 4/ ;

moiitnina: Oislan otte^i joined inei^ voice '^ andadded

to tneir iSonj. Qy/'tcu <ioiio n^s veen moinntiii foi-

Cuimon j ne- feu in ifiu days of Ais twtitn : ^ndinou^^ O Cjej'Sa77imor ! wnere- is tAu dwcicina in tnC'

Tvind? Ji^as tne- mumforaot nis 7vou-nd? J'lies ne^

on cCou^ds TvitA ine& ? j j-eei tn& su^Uj O oAbafvina^

leave' me- to wm ^est. S/tr/iaJis tneu mau come- to mu

dreams '^ J tnink J near a teevCe voice-


5vli Seam'

ea^ven deiignts to sninC' on in& mave- of Caztkon:

eel it wazm aiound.

O tnoU' incU' wuest avovej roti-nd as tn& sttietd of

mu fatnei^ I If n&nce- ar^ tnu veams, sun! tnu

eve^Castin-O' iignt ? tnou^ comest fo^tn in tnu awfui


tne- sta^s nide- tnemselves in tne- S'ku j tne- moott

coed andjiaie-^ sinm ifi tn& western wave. ^3tct

tnau- tfi/useif movest alone : wno can ve a com-hanion of

tnu course I 3ne oaks of tne mountains tati: tne

Cf, mountains

Page 78: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 42 )

mou-ntalns inemsetves decai/ wltk years j tn'& ocean,

imi'/iks ajid arows ajaln : tn& mooj'i ncrscif is lost lit

neav&n y Out inoii' ai.t tor eve^ tn& same y rejolclna in

tm vriantnejs of tm/' course. IV nen tlie Tvorid is dazi

with temhests j 7vnc7i the thunder rolls^ and iiantninf

Mies j ikoU' looLest in thti' veau-tii^ fwrn the ciotidsj and

iauanest at tn& stoim-. ^:?ut to Ursian^ tnot4^ lonkest

in vain: toz n& venouls tmt veams no more: rvmtner

tnu i/eaow nair is po-wri on tA& easte^ji aoudsj o^ tnoU'

iremviest at ine aates or th& west. ^Jul tnoLc- a^t

jiemahs liie mej toi a season, tnu yeais will nave an

d. JhoU' snalt sleeh in tmi clouds, ccaecejs of tn&

vice of tie- moinina. CxmttAe7t, O sun, in ii&

sPi.enaiA of tnu tjoiitn I age- is daii and u-7iioveiu - It

IS like tA& ali'm7nerinq iiant' of tne moon , wnen it

shines tnrowoA Sroken cioudsj and tn& mist is on


Tne fiUl'S.


Page 79: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r ^ J

€!je €^d% <e of tu 15^^ B.

S^u-^loc'fi iiv&d at' Jlutar of atua-ms, Jn- deeds of

fame ils nak arew wnlte. cjtranqe^s iticw the watd

to ms naff: 3'n tne iwad hatk ineie aicw no mou^ntain

map. JVo dooz nad ne to m'j aate. ^ Ifnii ' ne said

anoutd the wanderer see it snut f Jt^uocfi wa6 tail

as tie oai of nis vale. On either side^ a taiz Sranch

{//ted its aieen ajojvina nead. Jwo areett tiees

smiUna i/i tne snower^ and lookina thro uiinvows on

the sunJ

rveie the two chiCdren of Juriocn. Ju&^oe3

admiud tne veautu of oAwiam -^ and viralnSj mth

<ieciet hfeasuie^ veneid tne stejis of .Attnos. ^ jte is

stated'J said the st^anae^SJ ^ as the son of Suzioohj

aTid she- is taiif then said 'as the maid at JLuva^s

wilina n^atei^s*

Page 80: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 44 ;

Jiona, did in& mms or Uu^uocn aiide' ^mootnlti vu.

Elie^ir 6Uh6 we^^e^ ili&nt as tn& stream oh nls vafe.

%u 6mll&d in tm facC' or tn& cnlet^ iik& tn& iun

leami on tn& irorv of m6 nili, wmn no cloud Uavds

in the- locid of neav&n.

^^ ^ut evei^ varuinor) as tn& •fac& of tm imi^ are^

tm dam of 7nan ujion ni<s mountains. Jn& stornt

and im calm roii tnei& in tneir coui'Se j m& iiant and

in& 6nad& vu tu^ns ai& tnerC'.

^' oAkifui one^ dau w&nt foim to tm cnac&. Jn

ne^ wnit& nand was in& vended Sow y and two (jfi-au

do2S voundedj tnroii^afi tn& mo^nina dewj in nei' stehs.

Kjwift as mists tnat fiu tnrouan mav&n wnen tn& winds

aie diad^ tdeu hursu&d on diiiu tn& deei^. QAiDiauC

diew tti^e stuna, CfCcr wi?iaed da^^s were uncr^ina

as deatn. On td& Swwn deaid td& sons of tnC'

-moM.ntain^ aashina, tell. .

Page 81: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 45 )

^^ 3n& ni^nt^tj'S <slis on ner wcL Jne' ^tflunde^ is

ne^aid on tnC' niic. Jti& cCou-ds aatne^ ilK& nlant.

3ne^ ituams dacendlna fzom m& moiintaini ai& wmte^

and X^uvar t-oICj in -foam. Juow <ihmt inoU' crms it

to inu nomCj tnoii' tremvCina maid?

'^ ^itnos <saw nis ^iite^ ahjiroacn. ZrC& knew

7vrier& two vendina 'wcm almost met avove' tfi& ituam,

^n aaed oai threads itJ azm aaojs : often nad tm

tremvlina ni^nte^s of otAer times ciejit aiona its mofs in

tne dau o? stozm. C/ueze stood ^ctkos avove tne deefi,

^ Ci,iv& 7Jiej mtf sistei^ tni/ nand. ^Votn snake uhon

tn& vendina vrancn: it auaies y it cmcis j it vreaisj

it faffs I

^^ 3iczLocn 7vas ii^idfina the pie in nis naiL

.M"!' dau-amer twm i/i.''fuvi- /lesaiJ^ is wet.

^^^ C21/' strikes ni\ ea^J as ne tans the tiame,

dudden^staitinq-j he <hius joitn. ZrCe sees nis two


Page 82: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r 46 ;

cfiilchen 6hoof- afong. in& <itream y iheu me^ ciuna to

one- aaed vi'ancn.

'^ 3l-& cried-^

vut nis cries 'rDei& vain. JViantj

desccnclina on tn& vale- was dark. Jn& ^ock^ tiiC

mornin-i neazd nis rdoan : and decr^ a.jvakina at tn&

soii^ndj ieajit wiidtu fro?7i J^uva^a vanis. ^au

'foLcnd nim wanderinatn&^&-^and ^liunt aaain ovefitooi

m?n in tn& same fiiace. .&3ut Ais cniid^en at tne dam

stua7)i ne tound not j and sad ne •i.etuzned to nis

ewhty noLise. JLon^} did it ecfio to nis si^m ^ and

iona did ne wander at tne daii stzea??i^ wnen inC'

chitdien of ilie vale nad retired to rest.

^^ 3n& sniecd of vattfe^ at fengt/ij was struck,

^uriocn neardj as ne 7veht on J^uvar's vanisj the

sound. UL-e sailed witn nis heofile to Jatin'^


iheu landedj as tneu hajsed^ in Jtnulmo. Jneiej

two ioveiu veams met tnem on tn& wcij venders of

Page 83: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r 47 ;

tn& vowJ

Tvncn bounds vctore tne7it ii& cii^n roe-, S%eye of z/urfocA darkened witfi frict as ne leieid t4u7>'

leautt/j in tne midst of tn& cmldren of ii& iste.

'' Jwo Siccn ioveiu 6ca/?zs wcje you once in mu siant^

mu cAiidzen ! ducA was tn;i' statetinejsj ^It-ios I

atvd suck thu veauf?/^ oymiaucl'

^^ Jn&i(- heard in& voice of tfieir jaifiej^ on ine isfe

to wnicA tneu were VoinCj vu- ine oai^ on tne wina of

streams. Jneu heard it and sjiranj to nis azms

fvitn jojf. iJne face of the a-cied aqai-n was liiaAt


and aiadnffs retuz7ted to J^uvar!'

^^ Jfm cmCdrenj ^ilurnof added tn& voice of

aci&j ^^ auj like t/iose of Jicrtocfij onlu lost foz a,

season. Jneu are oniH gone vcfore tnee on their own

strea?n to t/i& land of tne najiht/. E/nere tiou sfiaft

doon VtAoCd tAem fovelu^ iiftina iAeir you7ta ieads in tie

midst of ne7~oes. JiAreadip tneir couise is in tdefaiz


Page 84: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 4^ ;

mlsU tJiat 'n^andei on im^ face cf ine moon j fvnen me-

iools hate tiromn cloiid<Sf and 6mne<i in tne itream of-

^iva. Jiet, thereforeJ

tie arlet oj Uian ve toraotj

for tnere -fie wilt find ni^ JL^orma. J^et tne teai,

d eye ofyHurno ve rvijiedoff tor tke^e' ne wi\ve ret. ..,-

end ni6 cniidun.

3'ie arie4 of tie mo^l'^ne^i calmed bu deaue<s. ^lan

nm iiie a tree^ wnicn tnouai tne itoim /V iaidj itiil

iiaiei its wavina ieadj and tne vojom of ^Jliu-^no 6tiit

ieavedaiove tie <siai ; iiie wavei nmcn toj's tit

at times, after tne winds have utized.


Finan and Lormst,


Page 85: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

/ 49 ;

%^dmeMZ^^Zl<3M of 1! Bl E Ii5

'''' QA^o^ntna rose^ oyt ih& Isu at Cro??ia.f and me^

nozn Of 771^ 60n wa<s neaid. Jnre& arcm doas l&ak

awy.nd nl?7i and i/t^ t/ieh can wim iou at tn& <soicnd of

tils oicivcr. ^neu voicnd i7^ imlr <ifilrf tmou^aA tn&

iUaUf and jm.rsu& tn& daiLmorvTi de&^ of Croma»

I'V Itfi eve-nlna wC' iset im ^kift^eiu^in, zine. wave^

a'ase- on tne- deeh. Jn& smft Is seen at tlfnes on tneh

ovhite toju : but sudde7iLu sinkiyia it dlsajijieais. S/v

va/71 7V& loofc toz it again j it is conceaUd in the sea^

or in nigfit.

^^ jUii sowi tiemvied fo^ mu son. ^ut old as J

was^ nmat cotiid J do f J vade tn& yea^s that

were- flast retwi^n'^ imt tneti neaid 771& not. zJnC'

jiain of ineir coursC' 7vas distantj and ine voice^ of

Page 86: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

QyfwU'T'no was teeSce. (24'iDu dcumnter too <sndeK&dj

and <i'nooi mu aa&d 6oui^ as snaies in& viast th& dri^

ieaf of ifI& d&sai^t, '' O 7nii vioinejl m?/- motnco'


of love- ! in in& storm ait tfiMi' lost ? ^rit tnow iost

97ZU mdn&i' f

'^ zDini ajihea^s a dam shot on tie toa7nu toll ot a

ovave-. Jj tAat t/i& wandejtna ooze'^

o^ is it tnoiC'

977.U vrot/ieT-? Ji^e nca^'d ncz- voice ^ ajid witA one-

faint note n& rchlied. J^ea^ and jou divide^ vii

turns ne^ soiiv. Jrvo ot tn&f'^<^if cloas nad reached

tn& snoie^ tm tnii^dj in tn& foam of t/ie waves wa^s

iost. 3^ne two ficard ifie voice- of J'inan fail. Stneu

ioi4^nd aqain into ine surriy. deeji. Jneu uiurn witn

J'inan on the tniid wave- met on& vieathes on tnC'

veacn /iis fast.

^^ Siorma vore ner vrotne^ to tn& lock. ' ZfCerel

Page 87: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '' J

ne- Talnuif ^aldj ^ J^ct ms^ ^02- a iitue^ ustj for mu

Cti&natn is taiud!

'^ dne. Tvrajit ne2 rove- avout nis Srcasf^ and made^

Sis hlliorv at in& weeds that 7ver& driest.

^^ Zri& sieejis. Jn& 771aid in sitenee vends over nis

•face. o/ie bids tne nuves v& stitt^ and tie noisu

hatu of tnei^ fvuaies ve distant, ^Ind distant VC'

tjou^ rustiina couuef ye ivinds oh the- mou^ntain j and

sojt ve tioiir alidinqj ije stream pom tne vale^ of

Ainds. c^uietj tnzaimfi tne voso77P of the nwods^ 6&

tm noise of youz tozzents j and siient tm-oiiafv lustiina


ve yom stefis y^ dun^voundina roes^ JLet

mu vrotner of love- sleefij for nis eyes ar& neavu.

cfoft^ J'inanj on tner daik rod Se tnu sleefij cai^ji 7?m

irotne^ of love ve tnu stumve^s.

^^ £Butj an me I nis face' is fiaie ; it is wan^

as tne- mootv in nerf^^^^f

wai^u oiond. E/de^

ZfL 2 countenance'

Page 88: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^^ )

cou-nUncince- of wu vrotne^ is untovelu. jernahs ne'

itill di^eajiis ct tn& troumed decji'^

for nis view is

dark. 3^^ i^ aoiided as im face^ of oiiiuhe-Ti in tnei-Z'

uns^iif^('^ T^est^ wn&ii iheii- dieams ai& or in& comi/va of

wolves. ^loine^s of tne' tend&i' soiiij do yoi(^ tne7^

awaK& your c/utd^cn trojm tk&i^ Siii7iivcrs f zi)o you- vid

tfieir sfeeji dcjiart^ and scattc^j as mist on tn& aau


ific- fear of tnci^ dreams ? VeSj i/oi{^ do awake' tncm


Sul 3' rviii not a/n;ai& mu vrother of iov& till tlw

mozninri. co7?iej fo^ nis st^e^naiti is failed -^ ms sleek is

4eavu. ^ut in& flies of nirkl distmv tfiee J'ina?i,

3Korv snail J iech inc77i away ? Jm face witJv mu

own 3" 7vill softlu coveT- j vat J will not dishel tnu

sliMnve-^. ^kl mu vrotner^ inon ait cold. Jnoii^

iiast no vreaJn Jnow art dead ! mt/ vrotneT. I Umu moine'i^ ! •*

^^ 3fCei. dies asce^id o?i tne wci. ^s J ajihroacfi


Page 89: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

ineu 6trli,& nm ea^. Ui& <ie(i aio7vSj a/id ifw herce/'ves

it not. dAe^ loads witn ne^ cries tn& n-ind. E/ne^

veatifici on ncr wnit& hi-^ast is io'cd j t/i& JiorvciJia of tne>

arau doq. is 7ViAd. Qyi'iD'f' sou-l melts on- the' sno7-&

witn ariet. Ott&n it Viule- m& uisfi^ to th& relief ot

mit cnild, £Oiit tm voice witnin me. said, ^ ^Ui-rno^

111011. ar& old a-fid tcebUJ

tUc. days of i/iu cleavina tH&

deck are ove^.

^^ JA& aaine^ina wave liits mu chicdT'en from in&

rocH: it to/ses tnem on its Sieast to tm snore, ^nc-i.e-

dark wcKS ^tiieet tne???' wii'i their force^ and t/ie side

of JLorma is tozn, Juer vtood tinqe the. wave: neT^

soic^i is on tfie sa^jie vlast with J'inan,

^^ Odd mu ch'idi-ew nave yoU' {eft f/ou-T- father :

tn:. name of harent J wiiHhea^ no more. J stand 077>

the neath^ a vtasted oak, y no moze snail mu iTancnes

toiirisn. ^i{.tu.nin is on tne 'juain. Jn& tiees a-ie


Page 90: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^4 ;

Sars on tn& Siorvn neatn. Jncl^ leaves witn tn&

dirina <snail rettM'n j mi^t no me&n teat or mine malv

itft in tn& iafnmer <inow&^j its head. Jne lace or

^Alua is faiiedj {ik& tie vfue S7noke of its nails nnei^

tie heam or the oai is decayed. Quat is ine causC'

of- ^Attirnos Q'T'ief]

for one niatit natn seen nint^

Tvitnout a cnild. Slvf' to7Jiv J'inan is nere • and

S^eze tAu m^ave^ J^oinml

Ufie soi'Jof the aoed was sad. Jnc vurst of

dis 9'^^^f^i^f^ arose : we re7nai7V silent in owrjiiacef

lile aiosts w/ieji tfie winds are cairn j iike a stream of


7vlien it sicehs letween two vanks of snow^ a?id

siews to tiejiaie 7noon its aiittcrina beard.

' :^ut wio Coynes, wanderina, wiid on ti&J


iike tie loe tnat natfv iost nis comhanion^

amonj tie woodu stiea77is. Jiis ueilow nai^ wande^s

en tie dciii 6reati of winds, l^neaaai arc- nis step4.

Page 91: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ss )

J^reauent Pic lurst or ids f-ifr: tn& sl'ih or his meast

16 7nourntuc. Jt Is iik& in& voice- or a vlast in a


TVnot tJie waves^ vehoie it^ tol's incmselvcs in a

6toi7n. Jt is 'liran ine Scnc/ei of tk& vow j ine love-

Of inu yoLiifij J^07vna ! Jue nad co?ne to zUKnaiva

in m& ni'iAl of sto^ms : vat in& AcUis we^e slUnt and

clajK. Z/'WO mwC' stazs nad used to shine t/iere. ^Jut

'no7V ne saw thcn^ not j set were tne ei'cs of X.orma.

^^ X^o-nna^ wne7.e dost inoti^ lest ? ^lut love where'

tfiu sCunihers ? Juas the niuht seized thee in tn&aie nil scumvers f uuas ine ni'j.

lonea/ cnace j nas dajknels hid thit steks in the desaitf

zJbati' -inter of t/ie lowj where dost tnon T.est f U tfiat

J inew tnu' Mace • then s/ioiitd J haste to find thee /

^ost inoii' siecfi at the /oJ oj a aiau wck • is tnii ved of

mofs on the iank of stuams ? ^/i ?ne ' if it is^ the-

vreasts of inu fove wit(^ ve wet : tfieu wilt fe wetj and

the niqnt is cofd. Jt is coed: vat fi-eaccfid v& tL^


Page 92: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

U6i^ clweiicr of tn& io-id of i/vran '^ let inu dreamt o

mC' v& lovelu.

«—'''' ^Istiirv nej, notj t/e^ (^hmtj of m& nlant on

6fasti '^ '^^ifff^ ^^^ ^-^'^ i4<^/V; ye^ winds^ vfow not

awau that <57mfe- on t/u- fihs of mu foDC- Q/li!}u fove- i<i

cafm in t/ie- midst of storm^i j tor tn& tnou-'ints of ne^

<souf in tn& reason of rest i<s ^Itran. (-^iid& smootAiu

vu ne^^ ue <stream<s of tfi& vaffeu of wes : skifi auietm

'ue- dun sons of tfLe- mai{^7itain^ tnroiiaff your vusfi,

ciaaCes of tlie Aifi of Aindsj fet tn& rustfina of your

winaSf in tfi& dcsa'itj v& dista?it. <je& tnat ij&

distujv "fiot tfiC' dieafiis of -mu fov&j tfiat ye- arvakcr not

tfie slu7nve^s of J^or^na. diee/i on^ (J JLozma j let

not tfie- 7?^urmu^ of the stream^ nai' tfie i^ustfinq of trf&

storm in treesj afhiant tfiee. Cjleeji on ; n-itfi- tfte-

mo'inina J rvilC come and awake tnee, J rvifv a7vak&


vut mu voice wifl ve soft. Jt n'ifi rise in thu


Page 93: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r ^7 ;

car like- m& Au?)i of m& mountai?i, ice-, wicn /^

travels on> tn& 7vin} of ih& lreez& at a distance,

Jtie- voice is lost at tt^^n'es : tne irown son of tne wina

is drinkina ine dew of wseSj wke^e tAejj' aioro on

tneir secret va?^fcs. olee/i on^ Jioi'?7ia. y and l^

tne siu.muer or niant descends on the soui of Ui^an^

^ise tnou- in tne diea^n of nls rest^ and iet the iooi

Of tnu eye ve iovelu. Jue ^ested on tie mofsu lani.

dleeh, naif descended on nls souC. tine Tnurmur of

^-Iva in nis ear was icfs. Jhe ?}ioon stifc looked

inrou^an the windo?vs of his lest- y L'tore hi??^ twice-

arose tnc- sianina JLoima. dine was iike a wnitc ctaud

vefore tne moon^ when ner iiant is ditn^ and her

coi4.72tenance sad. uuzan iinew tne anost of nis fove.

due wanderedj moU'^nNU'f wild on tn<i ncatn, dne

voice of QAiou'ino leachtd nis car : ne fierceived two

azeen mou^nds of eaUfi'. Zfte diohhed nis vow. ZrCe>

J fefl

Page 94: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

ii. ^ut wmi' matitd J teii ifw Qrict of c/lran f

CJuenc& wai iona on tne- Allt. j/ii^ vazd ot ^iDj-vcn^

at lenqitij tooi tfi& narli. //^ aaned torrva-T^d cut-

me-asts ujion its <sound^ and tiste^ied as n& su^na wlm

tn& voice' of grief

Titian and Lormatt

Page 95: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r ^9 ;

ISJ -^JnomaJ

that ilse<st micht' ridgy ieas I If nu i\

inu nead do moomi/j in in& oceans miit ? J'ro?}i tnu

vales coni& to2tA a i^acej feariefs as tnu strona--rvinaed

caaies y the rac& oh Cocaozm of iron sniecds^ dwecceu

of- X^odas nail.

J/z Joimut'hs resoundina isie^ arose- J^uiihanf

sizeamu niic. Jt vent its woodu head ni.^n ovei- a

silent vale. SneT'e at foamti C7'uruth s source^ dwelt'

cnii^7?iarj ni{.niei of voais I uCis dauqnicz was fair

a sun--vea?nj wnite^vosomed cjtiina-dona.

oA'ioanu o^ iina of heioes^ and heio of iron shieldsf

manti- a youth of heavu iocks came- to Jiu^ma^s ecnoina

AacL Jneu oame> to woo tUc' 7naid^ tne stateiti nuntrefs

S2 of


Page 96: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

6teji.^ "y

( ^^ )

zJoimutn w/'iclj vut inou- iookest carclejs fiom tnui

%s^ man^vosomed Cjirina-^clo)va I

Jf o)t tn& neatn 6n& movcd^ ncr vreast nas

Tvniter mart ino down of- Cana j if on- tn& <sea vcat

^noie-j tnan tn& toam of me- loiUna ocean. Jter

eue:i we2-e-tnjo (Siazs ofuaM. ^Cer face- wa<f mavens

vow in mowers. J'Cez darn, nair tiowed wt{,nd it^

iik& tnC' iti&amina cCoudSf inoti' overt in& drvetuT' or

ioi{.f3, wriite^nanded uHina^dona.

Colao^nl came- in nis m/hj and Coicui^cjuran


ilna of metis. Jh& £o-wtner3 came- tio??z J Unoi7iOf

to woo tne sun^-veam ot zJormath nUd. CjAe iam

tnem itt tkeh ecnoina <iteeL *jCcr aouC was fixed on^

vtiie^eijed Coijorm. c/iiUocntiris niantlu eiie. tookcd

inf and saw ine tojsina a-i^ms of oUina^dona.

—Sffratfitu^i tn& vrotners p'owned. ^Aeii^

cimina etieSf in silence^ met. Jneu ta^^ried awau.

Page 97: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^^ )

Jheu 6iiwok tnclr <smelds. S^mh nands w^re-

ti&77wUyia on. tneh djvoicij. S^neu ru<imd into m&

it& Of- neioes^ toT-^ iovq^^Aahed (jtrina^donci.

Corcm^CJreran tell in 6load. On nis iue-^ ^aaed


tn& 6Uenatu of hi<i tamer. 3u& itemed ^o!.ao^mf

f^om J-JnornOj to wajide^ €n alc tnc winds, J'n

Cratnmo^cramo(S T-ociu tieuij Ae- dwelt vii a ^oreian

iStream. JVot- darkened tAe^ kin>a, alone, tnat learn at

iiafit was near, tn& datmMer of- ecioin.j Uoimuillf

fvnit&^aimed citrina^-dona.




Page 98: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

q4'W'^ tove- Is of th& niti. 3\^e hu^sue6 im tudna,

c/eer : ni-s qmu doris are- hantlna arou7id nlm : nls

vowsirina (bounds in in& wind. zDost if100- rest vu

tie fou^nt of tn& 7'OCk, o^ 6?^ tne noise of the mountain'

<si^eam f Jne lusnes are noddina to ine wind^ tne

mist flies over tne- niU. ^ wiii apjiroacn mu iove'

unseen : J oviiu venold nini p'oni tne wok. X,ovetu J

<sa7v tnee first v?/- the aaed oai of ^J^anno ^ tnou- we^t

rctur7iina tacv fiom ih& cnace y the fancst amon'Z

t'/iu p'ieoids,

IV nat voice is tnat J neai f inat voice tike tn&


Page 99: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

€ummc^ n'ind! J ail not vu f/ie' noddina 7U<iHes-^J

n&ar not inc toant of i-Iii!^ tocL ^farj t^lnvcia.^ afar

J ao to tn& 7va-zs of J'/n-aaf. C2yj'bu dois attend me^

no more. J\ o more J tread the Jiilc. J\ a moi&

fi-om on m'n J 6ee t/iee, tair movinq tu tne atieam of

me hCaln j vujAt as the vow ot heaven'^

as the moon'

on the Tvestejjv rvave.

Une7i tnoui a^t aone^ O Omirlo I J am alone on tUe>

tiitil the dee^ aie seen on tne V7'07v j void or fear tneu

araze aton a. JYo ?noi& tneii dieadtne wind -^

tne rusttina tiee. Jne nunter is ta^ removed -^ ne

171 tne tietd Of agaves. dtia-nqers ? sons at the waves I

Cjjia^e mu iovevu onihic I

Jfkul J mu^st in the tiecdj i^aise nian mif grave



no moi-C'


Page 100: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ 64 )

t invcia. Cireu Uones and neafied ah emtn^ 6nali

mari me to tu-tarC' tlvze4. tV mn the nu^nter maci

<5it vu tn& 7Jioundj and ^iroduce nls food- at noon^

^^ 60771C warrior reH<s ne^e-^ n& wiic 6au j and mu

^ame- 6nali iwC' in Ms fi^ake. c/i&memvcr me- 1inveiaf

wmn iow on cartn J iU,

^£4 ! J niHi rememver tnee j a/as / my CjAitrio

wlii taiil nnat snail J do, mu iove- ! n mn tnow

ait fo^ ev&T^ aone- f Jmou-an tmse mils J w'dv ao at

noon : 3^ nmi ao tnrou-an tn& sli&nt Acatti. Jnere J

wM see tne filac& of inu rest, ^etiijnina j-rom^ the

mace. ^fas I mu dnliiio niii jra" y y^it J wttl

rcme?}wer Onuric.

^And J umei7ivei tne mief said the iina

of woodti oA^borven j ne consumed the vattte i7V fitts


Page 101: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '^ J

raae. ^ut 'now mu e?/es 6cnoid mm not. 5' met

filmf 0716' day, 07z in& m'lCj his cncei was jiate • ncs

vioTv was c/azi. Jne- slan was Aeaucnt in nls

Srcast.: 4ls stchs we^e' towards tn-& desart. ^utnow n& is net Itz t/l& croiid of mu ohicpj wnen tfie-

<Soiuid or -nm snietds a^isc. zD^vetis n& in in& narrow

nouse^ t/ic cnlej- or mL^A Cormora ?

Cronnan, said Cvtiiw of ofne^ times^ raise- th&

sona or <jmiric'^ wncTi ne reinrned to nis niics. and

rlnveca 7vas no more. Jue leaned on ne^ meu

mcf'su stone'^

Ae inott-gnt Ji?2vcta lived. Z/'Ce saw

fier tail- moving, on the juain : vut the vriant fo^m^

tasted not : tne sun^veam fled rrom tne fieidj and

ine was seen no mo^e. Jtear tne so7ia or cjniuio


it is soft mit sad I

J sit vu tne mofsu tountain j 07t the toll of tne

iii of winds. One tice is instiina avove me.

k 'S)aJ

Page 102: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( «^ ;

Q)ari waves ^oCC ove^ tn& neaiti. JnC' lak& k tiouvud

Icfow. 5% deer descend from tn& fyilt. J'-fo

mintei, at a distance is seen. Jt is mid--da'u. iut

afi is sifent. aad a^e mit tnouakts atone. zVidsi

iioii' 6ut ajijiea^j mu- love^ a wandeier on •tn&

deain I S'nu naii- tioatinj. on tn& wind Se/iind t/iee:

tnif voso?7t neavina on the siant : inin& eyes tuU at tears

for tfitf tuendSf ovnom the mist ot i-fw JiilC nad

conceafedl Jnec, J nvuid comfort mii love^ and mina

tnee to tnu tatne'i^s nonse I

J^ut is it sn& tiat tnere- ajiheai4f like a veam of

liant on tne neatk ! mialit as tne moon in aMtumnf

as tne sun in a summer storm j comeit tnou^ (J

maid, ove'i- wcksj ove^ mountains, to 7ne ? dne-


vut now wcali tit r voice I line' the vreezc in^

ine ueds ot tne laie-.

^^ c/ietuinest tnou sate tw??i in& wai ? Jtneze a^ie-


Page 103: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^1 )

t/iu t^Undsj mn love ? J icarcl and fnou^md tie&^

Kjnurlc I UcSj mu fah^ J ^icticrn j lut 3^ alon& <?/

7n-if race. JnoLo 6naM <se& tnem no 7nord : Uncir

araves J ^aued oi tfi& jiuiln. ^ut wnu art inou^

on tn& desert nili? jf nu on the neatn atone, f^to7ie J am

JO dimirlc I alone in ine 7viniez

muse. Ih'tn grieA toi- tnee J tctl. dfufr;Oj 3 a??t,

hale in tne iomu. CJne neetSj she sails awau : as

mist vefo^e tne wind I and, wilt thoU' not stauj

rinveia ? Cjtau and venotd mu tears I faiz- thoU'%u ana venoia mu

ahlieaiestj rinvela, tail' t/iou wastj when alive I

.&3tf the moj'stt tou-ntain J will sit'^

on the toji o\

the mIZ of wi^nds. }V nen nud^daii is silent aiotind^

tali wita me, Yinvela / come on tne liaht^winaed

aaie I on tHe meeze of the desart cofiie ! let me near tnu

voice, as tmu fa/sest^ wneri mid^dau is silent around I


Page 104: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

(^^ace^fu-i oyi in& hias was CuiaUn ^ the- maid of

tn& nand of snow. ZH.e^ dari nacr lase- on tn& mndUK& tn& rav&n6 winq.. Jn& neavlna of ner 'nnit&

vreast n^as as tn& downit vosom ot in& swan^ nmen tn&

doft waves meet it in aiadnejs. Une vedutii of eacfi

min vanisnedwnen tn& dau-anier of CJonneT- ahheared,

uf was ine^ motner of 77iu sons^ and qiadnejs

6non& in mii nalc wncn ner soft voicejoined tne narji>

CiuManj ifi& dauante^ of ^iner^ nad tasted mu

4ec^et emviace^ Sefore- J saw Cuiaiin^ and snC' tinned

iAe red e'u& of envtj on tn& hrid& of wo??ien. <jn& carnC'

to Cuialin in tn& season of AeT' soCitU'de^ and shoke tn&

wo^ds of deceit.

crieasant ai& tn& smiles of tS& mid-day si^n^

Cuiaiin !


Page 105: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^9 )

Ciuaiin I coou tfi& 6nacU Vcneam tn& llrcfun lou^gm*

Jfi& Auntcrs are^ distant Ai^. 3fvc<iea naa voin& net*

wave6 to otne^i' lands, and left our locis to i^alse- tda'r

aam n&ads veroze- tn& kindiu vrceze. Cyome'. dauant&'^

ot<Jonne^J and taste the' sweets of noon.

UAet/ wandered tniouafytfie forest. ^ taci wci,

Tvkmntne ve^ae vt ocean's ved, at/ozds a matefu-C

^nade. cjleeh shut tn& eyes or CuCaiin, Cj,maan

met ner iona fyah wUn tnonas, and fixed tneni to

tne- cUtfu rock. Jt-er nands of snow are vou^nd:

nei- feet are tied to a sto7ie. EJne maid of tn&

aiQomu souC saw the comina of the flood. CJne-

rejoiced in the vtacKneJ's of tiez deeds, and fled.

Ocean came witn ait nis tummina waves, Cuiaiin

startled at the sound. 17 here art tncu, mif fiend?

Oave me, (-j,u^iqan, fiom the hostile 4Cood.

Jne roCKS answered in hitu to ner aroans : sians


Page 106: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 70 J

ipue-d from eac£ noilow cave. £6ut iooit mali mceaj& to moL'^^7l to2- mu love ^ y& aons ot- tfw roon. I

^notnc^ wave-f and <sn& lies heacejul veneatfi tne^

itream. Jne ^eimna ttood 6naii leave ne^ ai food

Tor me ravenous cniidren of tne <sea.

Jne 6Henatn ot tnu hrotner 6 ar?]ij U,maanj tnouan-

ne wai mzi. Ve^tj mj/^ dearest tuend, nms no snieid to

tnee, ^tai I ine neio teli vetoie wu 6word. C/C&

wno saved 7nu lite in vattce^ died Su mu nand. JnoU'

also steeliest near Aim^ cruel maid^ and t/nf aiost

ctten trowns on -^ne in tne season or dreams.

.yJut thou-J Cuiaiinj of tne raven locAs I hieasant

art tnow in tnu loveiinefsj as tnoU: s^nitest on tn& coucn

of tfi'i Slumbers. JVo surfu loois are tnine. JVo

tmveiier snuns tfiu dweiCinq- in tne season of noon.

(J/ten didst tnuU' laise tnit snriu voice on tnu rocksj and

Tvam tne marine^, of tne comina stoim. Ju& nears


Page 107: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

ine- unmlna ^ounc/^ and seines wiimn in& heaceftcu

Sosom of tn& cieeL Jn isafctu n& views ine- conflict

of the wavesJand vufjcs ine tricndiu sound of inu

rocksf tnoti' Tvatcner o^ tne nigndtf- stozms I

Jtlu.s nave J stain mu tziendj ^Jijratt y uet mu

ihear rises wiin succefs aaainst ine toe. JA& /ovefu

risC' vut to fait : tne miant-u aatncT' strenatn Sut to sin^.

cjilent and atoomu sat the listenina mst,

Kjiins v/^oie tortA at the close of the tale of woe. :iJne'

forest ceased to wave its daiK fiead: the snortnimued

ficatn stood stici. Cloads wcie -f-'xed in the face of

neavcn. JVo iocm contended witn the 6fast. y^eace-

was hwcLaimed amon^ ine veutavU race'^

tor in&

wisid ceased io tiavtL



Page 108: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 72 ;

Comal nns a (^on of ^fuin j inc^ crnet of a7V

iiunclr&d nlu3 I his dec^ drank at a momand it^e-ami,

^ tnou-sand T^ocis rejiued to tn& voice- of nls doa<s.

Z/Ch face- was mC' miidnefs of uou-tJi. Juis nandj

trie' deain of n&roes. On& was nls love-j andfair wa<s

mC' I tfi& daugntcr of miaAlufCfmocA. <jm affieaied

tike- a sun^veam a77ion-q. nw?7e7i. uter doas fvezC'

tau-qm to tne mace. Jt-ei vorvsUina sou-nd&d on tn&

mnds. JiSez <iouC was fixed on CofTiaf. Oflen

•met tnci^ ems of love. Unei^ course in the chace^

ways one. Xahfiu were tfieir wo^ds In sec^rei. ^utGiumaC loved the maid, the dark cnief of g/uomu

^rdve?i. 3ue watched he^ lone stehs 07^ the neatn-^

the toe of n^nfiafifiu Comaf.

Page 109: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 7^ ;

One^ claip tired of- ti^ dace^ wiert ffi& mht

nad conceaud tAeh friends^ Coma/ and tie. dcuMiter

ot Co?uoch metJ

in> tne cave of Sionan, jft was ti&

wonted naa^nt of Comaf. Une sides ')ve^e wUn,

nls ajnis. ^ ruindjed sniecds of inoncis were tne^e •

a m{^ndzednefms of soundm:i steel. '^ Ste-st ieze'f ne.

said -mu fove C^:it6l/t-a : inoU' ilint of tn& cave of

c/iona}il a deer ajihecuis on (24'boras mom. ^ 9^ •

vtit J will soon jctuzn. ^^ J feaij' s/ie said, ^^ dazd

Qza^maf mu toe : ne nau-nts the. cave of ^onan ! jf

wlffrest a^nofva tne armSj vut soon return 7?iu love /


3{Je went to tn& deer of oJiDora. SJie dauafitei,

of ConfocA would t^u nls love. dn& cloathed ner fair

ildes wltti nls cvimour y 6ne strode fiom tne cave of

S/lonan I ne Inou^jnt it was nls toe. SfCls nea^-t

veat nlan. Zrtls colour cfianaedj a7td dari-nefs

dimmed nh ems, 3x^e. d^ew tm vow, 5% arrow

JL flew*

Page 110: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 74 ;



fttn\ Qaivina' ieci in vioodl n& lafi w'lm wlld^i

171 nis <iteh6 : n& caued tn& dauante^ ot Comocn. JVo

a?isn'e7'in ine- lonetii rock. yV nei& art tnoLc-^ mu

fovc ? Z^Le. iawj at ienattij ne?- neavlna neait^ veatlna

aioti^ndtne' arrow n&tnrew. '^ O Confocd'({ dau-anter^

J it tnoU' ? n& 6iink ujion tier meast I 5% ntinters

oii^nd tn& najiiejj haii- j n& atteiwards watked tn&

isLi, ^3ut manu and -61tent n:e2& ni6 <itehs aioicnd in&

darl dweiti^ia ot nii iov&. Jn& tieet ot- tn& ocea?i

came. 3u& tOLcaJif^ tn& <iiranacrs tied. 3lJ& 6earcned

^02- death a/ona tne field. ^Jut nno could 6iaif tn&

7}iiqmif Comae I ne tnrerv arvau Ais dark^mown <imeid.

^n. arrow found nis maniu vuast. Jl'& 6ieeh6 witfL

ni4 loved C^awinaj at tne noise or- tn& soundina. 6u^a& /

ei^ qree^t'tomvs a.2e seen v?/ tne mariner, wnen ne>


7vounds on tne waves opine nortn.

Page 111: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 75 ;

^^ Oscar ! <J was ynu^nj iiK-& tncej nmcn loveiu

J^alnasouis came^: mat 6un-vearnj that miul iiant' of-

iov& I Jtit'' daunnle^ or- Craca6 Unci I J tne}i rettinned

from Co/tas neajHf and teru 7vc^& in mti^ train. ^nmiie-sail&d voat ajijieared araz art • rr& <iarv it iiL& a

^nistj that ^ode' on oce-an 6 wind. Jt <soon ajilnoached

jfe- .saw tne tail-. 3{^er wmt& vreaist tieaved wli/i slgSs,

Un& wind was In ncr daji nalr : ne^ 7'gsu cheek tiad

tears. ^^ zDaucjnUr of ieauty'j calm J said ^^ wiat

si in is in t/it/ vreast ? Ca?i ^ iwuna as J am defend


da.fcjMer of tne- sea ? kMu S7void is not

i{.n7}iatcned in war^ viit dauntL'4s is -mu nea^t'j

"' So ine& 3^ Hu'^' witn sians sne sald^ ^^ jirlnce'

of miamu 7?ien ! Jotnee' J tlu) cnlet of tn& aenera-cs

X 2 snet

Page 112: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 75 ;

6ne£isj duJihorteT' of in& tcetL& nancll S^m iina at

C^accis ecmlna isle' owned me ine' iun-veam of nls

T^ace. C'^omaiai nalu nav& Aea^d tn& <sians of foL^e^

fo^ unnahJiu J'ainaiouis I CJord^ cnief Scmfd me^

fcd^ : ne ioued the' dati^anter of Uiaca. J~Lls srvord

is a vcam of fiant uhon tne war7'ior3 side. ^ut

daii is ids viorv j and teijihests ar& in nis souv. Jf

snun nimj o?i the wa^ina sea j viit Joia's cnief

jimsues f

^^ en est thouI' J said^ ^^ Senind mil smecdj lest

in heace . injU' veam of (iaM I ,JAe cfioomii cnief of

Kjoza wiit' ffyf if J'iniai s ar7n is tike nis souL Jn

some ione cave J ^nignt conceal tnee^ dauanicT' of tne>

seal .f/jut J^inaai nevcT- flies. Tr neze^ tn& danacz,

tnzeaienSj J rejoice in tne stoim of shears. ^ saw

tne tears ujion ni.r cneei. J juticd Ciacdsj-air. J\ o?v^

like a chcadful wav& afaz^ affeared tne snif o\


Page 113: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 77 )

6tormu £6oruaT', ZrLis masts nf:ih--vended over tie'

<sea.^ vehrnd their sheets of sno7v, ^f/iite^ t^oII th&'

Tvaves on .eitne-i, side. JAe st^enain' at ocean sounds,

^^ Come tnoic-^ J said, ^^ trom tJie %oa^ of- ocean^ tAoio

ride 7^ of .ne storm! 9artak& or iAe /east wiiriin^ mu

nali. Jt is t/ie fiotcse of <it^a7iaeis.


Jfie maid stood tre77wtina, 6ti mt/ side. 3\& drerif

the So?v, <jne tea. ^^ IvJierrina is tin nand^ S6aidj ^^ vut tcevt'e was the /oe I We fougntf no'i'

fveai the stiii-e of death I ^i/Le sti^nk. ve^ieath mu srvoid.

n'e laid them in two torn us of stone j the najiveu love^^

of youth ! CJuch nave J f?e£n in mu imcthj Oscar •

Se tnoU' file tie age of J'inoat. JVeve-i, seaun ifioU'

or vattfe j nor sha^^i it 7ilicji it com-es.



Page 114: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

^J^^Vi€'^^ to tf]c m€><B M*

_ l^MMBIIH •

^aiMfite^ oj heaven tah art inow I tn& iilence ot-

iiij fac& is ^i feasant ! t/ioic^ come3t forth in tnu fovefinejj.

3i& 6ta^s attend tnu viu& com^C' in tn& ea^t. 3n&

clouds rejoic& in tnu kreience, nwo/t : tneu viiqhicn

tmi^ dam-irown sidei. 1j fio /V uk& ine& in neavefif

{iaht Of t/i& silent nicdu ? im staii aie^ asna???ed in tnu

jne-sence, Jneu t-ti'Mv awiu tnei^ aJiaiktina cues.

TYnitner dost tfioU' T^ct'rc pom thu course-^ ovnen tn&

da-i^knefs op tnu couni&rMnc& morus f nast tnotc tnu naii

ciie Oisian- ? dweilest tnou- in t/i& s/mdow of (^7.iet ?

nave- tnu listers jalien from neaven ? aie^ tneu wno

woiced witn tne&j at nigidj no moie' ? lies ! tneu

aie^ fattenJfail' iiant ! and tnoi^ dost often ^etirC' to

mou-rn. £but tnoU'^ tnuseit s/iaU faii^ onC' niant



Page 115: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 79 ;

anc/ Ceam tnu Slue' jiatn in neaven. 3n& ^tars wlli

tnen lift tnei^ mads : tneuj 7vno wer& aina?7ied ///• tnu

hre-ience, will lejoice. Jnou- art now ciotmd witn^

tnu vriantnefs. A. ook ho???' tnu aates in ttw ^iu^

^Jiirst tn& CloudJO wind, that tn& dauantci' of

niant 7}iau looi tortn j inat tn& maqau mouniaifis

7}iau v^i'antenf and tne- ocean roll iti nnit& wavc<s

ifi iiqnt.^-^•f



Page 116: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '0 )

m <3 J M ^.

^^ oAioolna tciiin ^aicMha^ iai- J iave ^ecn mt

a/iojt. J incTv ner as sn& came- in-wU'aA th& ciasiu

nfantj atona tn& murm-'i^ of J^or^a : ^de- was im& tm

new moonJ

seen- inroiu.-:n im ^aine^£d mi^t: wnefi

ine- SKu hours down its fiahj' snow^ and tnc' world (<f

ilient and darfi.

^^ c/iaise' i'& vardsj said ine miqntu J'inaaVy

ine hrais& of i4^nAafifiu oAidoina. Cafi ner anost^

Tvitn your sonaSj to our nicts j that sne mau lest

witn ine tair of oAmivenf in& sun^veams of otne'^^


t/ie deii.mfs of newes ot oui. J nave- seen tn&

fvaiis ot ^aloiuihaj vut tneu were^ desoiat&, £Z?^

fire- nad resounded in tn& nails: and the voices ot im

peojue is neaid no mo'^^e, Jn& st^ea-nt ot Cfutna was


Page 117: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '' J

remOived from its hface^ vu- th& tail ot m& avails Snc

^16116- inooKj inere. its loneiu nead: in& majs wAlstied

to ine- windJ

the tax, looKed out twm th& windows


tn& lani a^aj's of tn& waU waved rottend its nead.

Zuesoiate is tie dweiCina of OMDoinaj siiejtce is in

tne house or Ae^ tamers, z/laise tne son a of ?noLcrninaj

O va^dsj 0VC7' tne ia7id ot stian-qe74. Jmu nav&

vut taUew Setoie us : for one dau we must tali. 14im

dost tnow vuicd the naUj son of the winaed days f

3fioUy iookest from inu towers to dauj

yet a few uea^s,

and the 6last of tm desai^ comes j it nowls in tnu

emjitU' cou^t^ and whisties ^ownd tnunaifwo^n shield I

and let trie viast of tfie desa^t come : we shall v&

i-enowned in our dau I tne marfof 77iu arm shatf ve^

in vattce y mu name ijt the sona of va^ds. caaise-

the sona y send zound the sheto: let jou ve neard in


cA^ X^amcntatiofi


Page 118: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f S2 I

laiqoS^^fi& 6J10US& of ^arao cam& in teau : 4o^

fvaa no moz&! EJ-n& m^oe6 <iign ove^ Jl aitno 6 Cnlet:

and rvnat 6nait 6ad ^'Unaatci do ? Jn& daik <soid

vankn&d iiK& ?no^nlna miitj vcfoi& t/ie^ uina or ificau


lut in& aencroii^s giowed i?i nis jire6e^nc& uk& tne,

mornina 6tar.

yy^no wai tn& taircst and most loveiu ? // no Sut

Coilatn<s 6tatciu aon ? W/io 6at tji ine mUUt ot tn&

ovkcj Sut Qjaiao ot in& migntu dteds ?

E/nu nand tancned in& ticniviing naiji : f/m voice'

Tvas 6ofl as <5umme^^wind6. yifi me- ! n-nat sncui

in& ncrocs <sau ? for zDarao feu Vitor& a boar. SfcH&

is tm ioveiif cne&k j me- looH ot wnxn was rirm in

danger !

Page 119: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f .3 ;

danqe^ ! wnu /last inoii' tailed 07t our nUt<Sf ifioU'

ahcr man ine^ veajns of m& (Sicn- ?

^'n& dauciniei' of ^donjitn was loveiu in tn& ems

tn& valiant; m& wais Coveiu in tmir e-tje^sj vut <sne'

cnose to vc tn& ahou-se- ot zDamo^^

^jut t/wLi' art atone-f ,jHinaaia I tn& niant i<s

comina witA its clouds j wnei& is tnC' vcd of tmi

rehose ? wn&re- vut in tn& tomv oh zDargo ?

Hf nu dost tnou lift tn& stone^ O va^dl wfm dost

thou snut tne na^^ow muse ? ,yli'inaaia s ems ai& mavu^

vardl sn& must sieeji witn ^a^^ao.

J^ast niafit J neard tne sona oj- Jou in, Jiaitnod

lottu nau. ^ut uience, dmelis aiound mu ved.

QMDinaaia usts witn zuarao,-^^


q4<9 2 Q)eat£

Page 120: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^4 ;

B e^^l^ of BUTx^^Zl^ ill % $s.

^az^mii-ifa 6tood in ^lujit arietl J\o tear Is in ner


VI.U ne^ looi Is wiidlu <5ad. z/ai& was mi- cheek,.

Jue^ tremvcina i/lis vioie snoit an nalj-^j-o^med wozd,

Jxe^ dain, nair pew o?i ine wind. Jn& acoomu

Cairvar ca7ne^ ^^ w/ieie- is i/iu lovei' now ? Une'

Car^voT-ne cniej- of- Cina? nasi tnoti^ veneid the nates of

c/Csnc^n? or tne da^L^mo7V7i mils of J'inaav? oAiou

vattle would nave loarcd on Q/l-'iDorvenj nad not the'

winds met ^a^^tnt/Ja. J'inaal ni??ise{/ would nave-

Veen iow^ and soirow drveliin^ in <j€i?na I Juer

mieid tele trom 9I)ei7-^tnu(as a^m. uCer vreast of

^no7v ahfieaied. Jt ahheajed-^ vut it was stained

witn vtood, *An anew was fixed in ner side, dm

Page 121: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

fetc on ncr tciuen iov^T- iik& a wicatk of <inow I IfCcr

nah threads wiulcur on nis taoe'. Jneh mood is

m'louna wioundl

'^ zDau^ante^ ot Coua ! tnoU' ait low !"<sald

Cahvars ni^ndied Sa^ds. ^^ duenc& is ai .in& ilaC'

streams or CJefma. JrntmC s race- nave^ taiud.

I'V nen tvlit tnou. ^isc- itt tAu v&ati-tuj tizst of Sriris

maids ? 5% SL&efi is lona //z- tn& toniL Efie-

Tnomina distant tar. Jri& sii^n snaH not com& to tm*

v^dand sau^ ^^ arvai& zDar^tnma I awai& tmu- fiiit

of wonun I Jn& wind or s|l^inQ is avwad! tne- fiowns

isSaie tfui^ mads on tn& aie&n niCCs. Sti& woods wav&

imiz mowi'nor (eaves. Jietire, siot^ tn& dau^anter

of CocCa Is asi&efi. cjne^ witi not come^ foitn in ner

v&au.tu, dln& wici not move^ in th&^tejis or ner iove^Cinefs!'



Page 122: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^ J

^l)z %mntntamn of f 31<^^2: olier e^m%.

n no can teCC m& (sacin^fs of oJiDozveni n&ioe<i f

Jneu come- in silencej eacn -^rom nls own Tvlndlna vai&^

6io7v('u movinaj uk& tJi& madow of miit oft tn& vrorvn,

'i^umu hlaln.j rinen tie- wind is icaic& awak& on me'

niiv. Jn&u 6e& t/w Viftrvari of tn& vaUie- low y and

tkei^ viintin^ teaTS^ iik& mt> ooz& of rocks^ desc&ncL

J'inaaC leaned to ine- vlasted jiine^ inat was

cvertmned at the nead of Ciaid. ZrLis arau locm^

as A& vends^ n.df nide ni^ tears '^ vut in nis wnitC'

veard ineti' meet the wfiiitlina wind.

^^ ^nd ait tnou^ faltfnf at lenatn ne said: ^^ ait

inof^ fallen first of m-u neioes ! C)nali J neaz tnu

mice no more in mt^ Aails, noi the sound of tnu

sHield iw ?7tu vatties ? <jnai£ tJiu sword no mo^e iiaMen


Page 123: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

Y ^7 ;

m& da^K jiam of mu danger ; no^ tii^^ ifieai (scatier

fvnole' nosU of mu enc?mes ? diail tfiu dari siih ^ld&

no 7)^o^& tn& ^toim, nm/e- tku ioyfui ^07veis hour /Jcfo^e'

tm?72' the- <sona on ihC' watrit mountains ? c^haM ti&-

cmid^en ot oyiioorven no 7noie' awaie- mip isoici from its

tnoLi-am' as inetj^ ciu^ ^ venoid tn& sAih of Gau/l'

<jnaicin& fiaijis of vimins and in& voic& of Saidsj no

moj& vc fieaid w/icji tnou art coming f ^ ^c& not

in& i&d^iitzcams of tliu va-nners on th& ieati • tfi&

tr&ad^of tfiu foot is not thc^e • nor tn& soand of t^tp

unmihina arrow. Jm iotcndina of tiii doas is not

on tn& niii j tn&u mournfuitu mwl in in& dooz of t^u

e7?ijitu nouse. Jnc- dcez arazes on the main iefore-

them: hut tnci/ weeji on y tn^ii do not need nim • for

tficu see not C^auC ret:'rnin j.. ^4fas I sons of ti&

cnace, the dau of his rrtu.n is hast. ffCis giad

VO10& 'shuiC caU you 7io moie^ tn inc mornin^y. to


Page 124: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^ )

CT-g-fi!n<!ti-e- tfi& 6tfjis ot roes tnro 7-och/ moiintaij'U, ZK-e

ioraetjut of tne' cnace^ n& rest^ j noz- can eve^i tm

<sou-nd of QAmrven<s 6meicij O Ciamj awake- tne& I

^^ <J!^enqm of tne- waiTtoTj nmat ait inoti' f Uo


tliMc- wucjt t/ie- vatile-^ a cioud of du-stj vctore^

thee '^ and tlie- dead <strew tnu hattij a<i tne- witnered

leavei fpmzi the course or a miost or niant. ^o

mo^zoWj tne s/wi-t dream of tnu valour ts oveT-'^ tn&-

tt7'roz of tnoic-sands is vajtisned. iJhe- veetfe^ on nis

dusiiu 7vlnqj nums tne- 6ona of t^lU77^fln over tne mlantu •

a?id u- '/Imolested offends Aim.

^' nnu son of tne- feevtej didst tnou misn for tnC'

itrenatn of tne chief . of dtrumon^ wnc7i tnou^ didst

venold nim miantenina in tne course of Ais steely as

v-dantens a fiiUar of Ice in tne midst of su-n^veams ?

didst tnou not inorv that tM strenntfi of tne wanio^

soon faiis, as melts in in& veam tnat ice rvnicn inow


Page 125: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^9 J

S^ast vcen viewlna? J is date is 6mUj uke- tn& mlanl

ciOLul mat ailttejs to tne, lai/ of th& evening, Une^

nicntej- aees it fiom nis tock^ as nC' n/es tw7?p nome-^

and admir&i tm rainvo7v to^m ot its veautt^. ^9u^t

a few ?7ioments, o?i tneh eaate' hlnlonSf h<^p) i'^^ ^^'-^^

snuts nls ey& or liaAt j tne 6fast wnlrfs inat watf^ nis

li^stuna courseJand a dajL mist is aiC that remains

of the qai^ torm.^——Jt is alc Ciaull that nom

re77iains of tnee. £/Ou.t tnu meinoiM chief of J^innal s

neioes^ snait re^nain^ no cloic-d of 77iist^ ifiat snailpajs

awati^ on its ow7t qiau mist is trnt fame.

c/iaisej ye vards his tomb '^ Tviiu tnat ot the sun

veam of his love^ ovirchoma. Jhis arau stone shato

'mari to tne t^avnCe^tne place of his lepoje j and tnat

tali oak, snail snade it from the noon day fieat.

Unepafsina meeze shall vid its vougm ie eailu c-reen^

and lona pireseive their veaatu. Jis leaves snail

JV^ moot

Page 126: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 90 )

6noot out in&h ncad^ imouafv in& 4lo7ve^ of tm ihrina^

7vnif& otncr ticcs are- itill varc^ and tne- ncatn around

imm viastcd. Jm vird<s or 6U7nmerj 4ro?Ji tneir

distant iand^ itiaiC jhst hercrl on. dtjufjion <s oai


Aoni afar tneti <snaii venold its green veautu, Jn&

anost ot Ciaul witt nea^, iji m's cloudy tneir sona ^•

and tne vi^qins of tn& 7ace to co?ne Tviil jnaise Cvircmma.

^n& memoru ofmutivOj rvnii& these monu?nents T-emain^

mali travel tmo future years togetnei. Jnen nnen.

tnoUf stoneJ

sfiaLt C2U7nme i^zto dust j andtmu


7nouide^ witA ane awau j ivnen tnou^ migntt^


snait cease to ru7ij and tne mountain^slirina-

snaUj no mo7'e suhfiM tmi course y Time^v ycu^ sonas^

O vardsj in tne dariflood ot time snail ve lo^t j and

the memoiy ofyourselves^ nitn tnese you sunOf in its

vast cu7ient v& swept a}vau andfoiaot.——^



Page 127: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 9i )

3 <^^dZ\^ of B^KMI

)u)er??ild raUs iik& a tail jiine- on m& n&aih-^ non>

nu-ick tk& cototir tor3akes nls cneeL. Jt was red as

tn& Huit iUiit vends ine moi{.?ital}v trc&'^

vtit norv is

aiorv}t jiale as tn& wtth&Ted qraj's. ^ daji cloud

(threads over Jus coicnteiiance^ as tJdoi m/sls mat

ved in& ^ace of- in& wbiieru si^nj -Jimeiv ine evenhza

comes before its time.

^- J/ii^ shades or nialit qatne^ on mu eyes. J feeC

ifie deoaip ot mu stiefirjt/p. Jne tid& tnat Mowed in

mm Aeait has eiued a?va?,\ £oefdnd It J ie??iainj a

cold unjnovin-i rocL jHou sAatt knom it^ (j^iaina^

.a/id ve sad-J

aU ! t/ie liai/i of- deajA is to hart wiirl'

mil' love. 30iU tne s/iades of tfi& ni:fJit are qajAerina

over m.u som. X,ct zUejmid sueji'^ fiis eyes a^e heavy'.'

Page 128: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ 92 ;

^/mo ^ialiuli it to Graina ? ^ut 6n& Is nlqfp.

On& ieans vcneatk tn& 6fiad& of a iie&. CJn& fiea^s tA&

7/iocon6 of ne^ lov& ^ incu awak& nci' iiumv&una 6ouL

SKaT-i I 6n& hours ne^ faint sona on tli& caun Vreatti

c^ ti& iree7.&. CJe& I 4er 6lood and nei^ tea^s wandet'

er wnite^ Sreasts, (iK& da^k, stzeajns on tne^on

mountains of sno7V.


^^ qA(du iove- is talienl juaG& m& m his led of

tfi. at tn& foot of tnat wci, n-nicn lifts tmoua'^

aqed tices its ivu n&ad. Jn& snceted stieam^ with

'mU'^mu^ina a^ieff snaCl inrow its waters over our tonw -^


lut ! iet it not wet tne da^K^viown nah of mu iove,

5%, stream stiiimurmurs Su j some dau its course mau

wasn awau tne mound. Jne nu7tter^ as wnistiina n&

aoes caufejs 6uj wiiifierceive trie vow of)u)ermidj and

saUf ^ Unis is zDermid's arave. JCis sfiouse fiejnafi^

mwu ic witn nim, JVeaz tne vow sm wiii ovserve


Page 129: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 93 )

m/'<i arrow iti mu vieajt j and <sau as meruihes ie-i- eye^

^ Jt'&T'e- rvas (^zaina laid vciicl& tier iove.' {24''&u6i/?a

men 7?wve' <in&ntm a/o/ia j tueh tnou-ants ar& of th&

7^a^^ow noicsc, Jn&tt look on eam ot/ier^ inroug/l

amUnlna eue:s. ^ Jn& tonde-Jl /overs,' 6au tieij^

^ miKSt ha^t at last!

^^ ^Dut 6to^i minteT-s of tn& 77iot{^ntalnj and aive tn&

lantu nli Jimlse-. JYo mean Annter of a f(ttf& vaf&

Cj Tvnom yoii' nave- 'hajsed so carelejs in/. ffCis

am& was meat amona t/i& Aeroes of ^iorven j ms ai^^n

was stiona iw tfieir vaities : and wnu snouid J^ sheai

or n/'s veautu y snati nis comefinejs lemaln witn nl?n'

in tA& tomv I JxJj ireast was as the down of ti&


02- tfie- snow on tn& tie& of trie' vafe^ wnew

it wav&s it^ iead lntri& sun. zaed was tn& cneei^

and vfii& tm eue-j of- mu fove. X/i^ tn& grafs of

tfie' rocff sfow^ve-ndlna in tne^ vr&czC'^ wcro nls vrowsj



Page 130: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 94 )

and iwceiei. than in& music ct narli^^ o^ tn& <ionq3

cf tn& fioveSj was tnu voic& to virahiSj O z/)ej??z(d


^ut tn& music Oh imi volc& is ceased and mu sliiriU

can no mo^& v& cheered. Jnc btaden of mu Qrier is

neaty: tM sonas of Q4'is>o2vens vaids cannot remove' it»

Jt null not iisien to aiC tn& iarfiS tfiat soa^ in the toviu

vaie. Tvnen the' dewu hicuns rejoic& in th& fjiornina

isii^n of CJummei.. £''JiU nnat natn Cpzaina to do with

the- sun of tn& moini?Tj j ot- wr^at datAzDermid to do

Tvitn summer ? wnen s/iall t/ie- sun rue- in ine tomu ?

n-fien snailit v& summer in tn& mave^ o'l^ mo'Miina in tm

Tiarww nous& ? JVeveT- snail that mornina snine^ tnat

snail dishel our stumverj zuermid,



Page 131: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 95 )

:^<B^ ^ of M .^ X D 3 J9 ?S,

'''' Jl was the- voire ot 7nu iovC' I ietdom ait ihoti^ In

ih& c/reams or <Jiatvina ! ojutt your ahu iails^

tatners oh Joioa-i^ of 6mcids I utJolcI tn& aate^ of mu^r

cioi^cis : the Helis of QylhaCvlna are near. S ^ave-

Aeard d v. Ice- m 7?iii duam, J feeitfie f[utte^ln'a of

mii 60!//. ' Wm^ didst tfio!,o come^ Slast^ fiom tie-

daiLrolilna face of the iake ? tiu ^l{^stitnf wlna was

in the tree-^

tie d^eam of Qyl'i}ilDina /fed. ^ut6ne vcn&td ner tove^ when nis rov& of 7?tist flew o)V thS'

wind. ^ S!i-n--vea7?i was on his sL'zts^ tieti aiitfeud

liKe the aotd of tn:^ sPMnje'i: Jt 7vas tne voice of 77Mi.

ioue I setdo7}i C07ncs he to 77m diea.77is I"


.&:>u^t tnow d7veuest in the soul of ^/laCvina^ son

ot miahlu OJsian I dd'b'f si^ns arise^ with the l)ea77i of

Page 132: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

I 96 )

ii& eait ] mu tears descend wltn in& drojis of nlgM.

J was a ion& tree^ in inif Presence^ Osca-i-^ wltn aii

7)m vi-anchcs rotund m&j vtit t/m deatn came iik& a>

vCast from in& desa^^ and laid mu areen ncad W7v.

Jn& sfirina retu^7^ed rviin its snorvers j -710 liat op mine'

aiose ! Jnc virains saw m& sitent in t/i& naU j tneu

toiicfied ine Aaih of jo?/'. ^n& teaz was on tne' cfieeL

of Q/maivina : the vimins vencid me in mu nriet.

rYnU' ait tnow sad^ thet/' said-^

tnou^ tizst of the 771aids

of X.utna? yr as fi& iovciu as tn& vcam of t/ier

mominaj and statciu in ifnf siant f


Page 133: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 97 )

£/3uhe'd, ^ald Crimohiaj ie- t£e- cniet of ^02ven^

y.n& t^lend ot tn& teevi& in tn& dau of tn&ir danaer/—^:)iit wnat mould Crimolna do in mr landj wdcz&

every took and niUj everu tre& and 'mu-^muri^ vrooij

9Voiiid awak& m^ ^lumverina <so2rorv? tn&mutmwAofn

J 6co^7^ed, wnenrtn&u veAud m&j wou^id iauah^ a?id <sau^

wmre is now tmi ^^mo^ ? whe^& is now tie uoutn of

tnu love f—^-

Tr e vrouant Crimoina ruim us to ou^ iand. ^je

aave. tier taiz Aand to iJjarao. ^ut stifij at times


<sne was sad • ine secret st^-eamSj as tneu hapedj nea^d

on tiieiz vanks nersians. Crifnoinaj tnu dauj indeed


was snort, 3ne stiinqs of tne AaiJi a.2^ wet, wniie^

tnc vaid relieats t^u tale.


Page 134: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r 9^ )

One^ dau as 7V& hi{^^5lud tfi& deer on QA(Do^vens

darMf neatnj ine stiijis or J^ocnitn ahjieaied on oil^

ieas^ Tviin alt inel'i. nmiie aaiUj and fioddina masU.

n & tnouaM it 7ninni v& to de?nand Cumoina. ^^ J

wul not fi^'^^^i' <^<^dd Connai ot tn& liitie 6oui^ '^ till J

fmt 'k7iow it inat ^tianaer iove4 ou^ 'lace. us

hiiuue^ tn& voajj and dm tne- rover of zDarao witfi

nis viood. Jnen let us carru tn& vodu of Jie^

nusvand Jiome ^ and 6e& now sn& wili mou^'i.n tor

vts iofs.

fye^ neard in an evil nour tne advice ot Connasi

Tve jimsued tm foamina SoaT-^ and vrouant nl^n

iorv in tn& ecnoina woods, ^wo neid nifn 171 ail

nis toam, wnii& Connas jiie^ced nim inrouan witfi

tne. shear.

^arao la.u down, and w& shrinkied nim over

^vitn tn& vlood: we ior& nim on our shears to



Page 135: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

'( 99 )

'Cumoina y a7id sana^ as we^ Tvent afong.^ ti& sonj of

. dcatn. Con/ias i^an v&ioi& us wltn trU siln of in&

voai'. J slew nim^ n& saldj witfi 777U siceC • VtU

first n'.s deadtu tuSK, nad |^ic^cedtnu zDarao. J'or tn^^

aheca ot t/i& chief was vrok&j and in& toose rod nad

failed 6elorn nim. ,

Cumoi/ia neard in& ta£& oh the tomu, d/ie isa?v

f^ez zDarqo vrouqAt no??ie- as dead. CJiCent and haC&

sne stood as tnlp.itlar of ice tnat nanas^ in tne season^

of cotd^ fiom tne vrorv of ^ioids locL ^t icn-qth'

she took nri' Jia^^fl^ and toiccned it, soft^ i?i jiraise of

Jie^ love. zDajqo wotdd use, vlU we foruad 'tict t/tC'

sonq sfwmd ceasej for it was sweet as the voice of the'

7voiinded swauj when she sinqs awau he^ souv in

deathJandfeefs in he^ mcast the •tatai dart of tne

nii-nter. ^jLez comJianions flock-j moumfu-Oj aiou^nd •

ineu aisi^aqe ner jiain with tfuir son^j and Sid tn&

2 qiostS

Page 136: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( "'o ;

tnoits of 6wan6 conveu mr ^ou£ to in& airu iaie- ct

ti& clouds. Jt3 jiiace^ is avov& tno mountains of


^' ^cndj " sn& saidJ

^^ from your clouds^ mAitn&^s ofiuarao] vend and carru ii??i to tft& h{ac&

of uour rest. .^nd ye- maids or Jr&nmo-i-s airu

iandj huhaz& tn& miaM wv& of mist foT- mu love,

2)arao; rvnu nave J tovedj rvnu was J veloved so

mucnl Our souls were 07te j ouz neaits mew toaetnei-f

and now can J survive' wnen tneu aie- now divided?

yye^ we^e two flowers tnat arew in tm cieft of tn&

rock] and our denm neads^ ar/iidst su7v--vea7nSf

smiled. EJne flowers we^e two j vat tneir root 7vas

one. 5% vi^ains of Cona saw tnemj and tuzned

awau their foot-^ Hneu are^ ioneiu tncu said^ vut

iovetul Sn& deez^ in nis course^ leaned over tnem '^

and tn& roe- foivore' to ciok tncm^. ^:^ut tn& wild


Page 137: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^°< )

voaTf luentupj ca-me. jiJ& tor& uh in& on& witfi

nli dead'tu tusk. SnC' athe^ Sends ove^ it nis

droojiina n&ad-^and t/i& veautu o^ loti^ lii& tn& dru

nc^v Setoze^ tn& sun^ is decayed. ^^ Qyf^wu sun om

xyHoiven now is set^ and tue darinep of deatA drveiis

awund fne. Qmoii' sun sAo7iej no7v vriant I in tno


its veams it shed around 77iej in ali its

tsmiuna ieautu. ^3ut e er evenina it is set, to ^ise^

no more : and leaves me in^ one cofdj eternal, nignt.

KAcas mt^ ^iuaiqo I wnu ait tnou so soon set ? n nu

is tnu Tvarm ncait so soon aiorvn coed, and tntt

ionaue of jnusio aio7vn so 7nute / EJm/ na7td TvnicA

do Catefy' snooi tne shear //-z- the vatties frontj tnere ties

<^i^'ff(ind cold: and tim foot, tnis mor7tina, ine^

foremost in tne fatal cnace, t/ieie lies dead as tn&

eartn it tiod. J^wm aha, oe'i^ seas, and hius, and

dates, nave J toCturved 'tilt this dau mu iove ! tnu


Page 138: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

i'02 ;

iiehs, Jn vain did mu tatnej. look toz m4/lefu7n *

in vain did nn/ 7?i0'.ne^ mourn mii a6jeno&. Jneiz

eye^ n^as often ontn& <iea j iJne' rooks often nea%d t/mT'

cru. ^ut y nave Seen deal, mtt jia^entSj to

I'Giir voice-^

for mu inougnts were fixed o?izI)aiao.——

that dcatn ruould reheat on- ??ie nis <stioKe I tnai

ifie 7viid ioar nad also tozn Cri?noina <s v^ea^6t ! 3ne7t

sfioutd. J -mourn on Qyf'i?Grve?^ no 7noie^ vut joufuicu

ao wiin 7ini' love on nis cloud I X^ast niant J siejit

on tie neatn Sif' tnu side j is ineie not room tnis niant


i7t tfiu sfiroudf ofes^ vesicle tnee J TviiC lati me

damn • n'iti tnee^ tnis ni'Jit tooj ^ fviii sieeh^ mu

love^ mu S^argo I'

7/e dea^d the j-aiteiAna of ne^ voice: we neaid

ine faint note duing on ner nand: we raised ^ai^goia on ner nana: we ^alsea ^iJa7^g

from /lis jitace. S:)ut it was too la/e. Cu?7ioina

was no moie. Une narji drolihcd from ner nand.


Page 139: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '0^ )

ZfCer ^oui <in& meatned out in tfi& <sona, dm feuu

veild& ner ivarao.

SK.& raised m^ tombj wUA Crlmoia^ on th& moie' •

and nam hre'ha^cd m& arau liton&s tor nls onn ht in&

6am& hlac&,

Cjinc& inen^ twlce^ ten ^u-mmen nave aiaddened tfi&

ficalna j and twice ten winters nave cove^ed wltn anofv

tne woods. Jn ail inat time^ tne man of- mlet nain

lived i7i ni<s cave^ alone y and mtens onlu to tne ^ong,

that i<s 6ad. Often J sina to nim in tne cairn noon^

n>nen Cumoina vends downtwm nei^ f Jf^^^^'


«l|» ^p *l|«»

Page 140: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '^4 ;

Z])t E m 3 19 ^ of ^ € % M H.

^n4ul is iner iilencer of niant. Jt ijiiead^ Hs

manii^ ove^ ine^ vau. Jn& nunter 6ieehs on im

neain. ZfCis QT^ctf clo:i itieicne^s nis neci ove'^ Acs incC',

Jn /lis dreams ne^ jitiisues in& sons ot tn& mountain


and wiin iou n& nair awakes


Cjieeh onJand tak& tnu ustj llanMoU'ndina son

oftn&oiac&j Ofsian will not oisturb tne&. cjieejv


ye sons of toil : ine stars a^e- vut i^unnina ineiz'

'mid--watf ^ and Optan alone is awale on in&

diffs. J love to wandcT. alonej wnen ailis daii and

quiet. 5% aioom of niant acco^ds witnine sadnejs

of mu scu-ij no^ can the mo^nina su^n^ witti ail nis

veamSj vrina day to me.

CJfare tm beams inen j dun I iike the iina or


Page 141: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^^ J

Glaive n^ inoic- ait too lavisk at tnu voiintu, zDoit

tilOil' not know tnii llgntj iik& AiSj maii on& ciaii. tan.

Ojiar& tntt iawju frn/cu tnoii- 'klndUstj vt^ tnou.6ands


in tHu VIU& nail above.'^

wiien tmu- tfmseit uihest to

tAif rehoscj Seiow tne du^fcu aate<i of tm Tvcit. tV nii'

(Snoucd tnu liants talCj and lea'V& itHC in tnu mou'infuv


Jas ids friends nave done to Ofsian ? 'Ifmi

miamu vearn^ snou-ldit ilwi.C' waste tAcf7i. on Qdrboiven :

ndien tne nerocs nave ceased to venofd t/iem j nme^i.

theie is no et/e to admiie tneii m-een-sha-ii-fina veautuf

oMooiA'cn) now Jiave tnu {igJits faWed I iike ih&

Veam of tiie oak i}t tnu iiaiaceSj tneif nav& decayed, and

ineii. jitace is ine dwelling of darfcnep. Jn?^ fiaCaces

tne?7iseiveSj iide those, wno rejoiced witntn t/ie7?tj a7-e

fatten on the fieatn, and tne tnicn snadofv of deatd

&urroi^nds tneni. Je?noia is faltc n '^ Jiira is cc/j,

neap. -^ and delma is silent: Jiie sound of thmz-

9 deids

Page 142: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f 106 J

inelii ii iona <icnce- hast. Jne- <iona of inch va^dsj and

tn& voice- of tncir narfis au- ovei-. ^' ai&en mound of

eaitfij a mofs^clad 6to7t& {iki?ia inrouan it nct& and

ine^e- its aiau ncadj is alt inat jn-cseives tnci^ me^noru.

Sn& mariner vehoidsj no more^ ineir tail Aeads risina

tmonari ciocidsj as ne vounds on tn& oeeh j nor in&

iravelier as ne co^nes from the orsai-t.

J arolie jo^ Oetma. J stujnvle on a ^uin^

rvitnoiit anu toz?n is tlie Acaji. jAe Aeatfi and tJie-

rann. mais a^ow avoiU its stones y and tAe lonetu tAistie>

makes Aicrej in tAe midnigfit vieeze^ its Jiead. J

teei it Acavu rvitA tAe droits of nicjAit. ^Ae owi Hatte-is

a7'oi^nd mu fT^af Aairs : sne awakes tne roe fro?n nis

ved of mofs. Jte vounds ligJitCuj wiinout tea^-^ for

n& sees it is vat tne aged Ofsian, ^^o& or dieima^

tnu oeatfi- is not in tne tAougtit of tne va-id. SAoii-

»ast staited po?n ifie ved 7vneie often slept J^ingai


Page 143: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^7 ;

€incl Odca^^ and dost tnoi^^ mini 0/sian wiit itain it

n>itn Aij dieaz ? jVo j roe or tne- ved of J'i7iqaC and

Oscar, tnu death is not in tne tnougnt of the vazd.

U oniu 6tzetcn mu nand to t/ie Mace n-fuie nuna mu

tatne^s smeid-^ rvncre it nu-ri^a, on hian, fiom the root

ot Oeima. ^:)ut the Slue^bendiyia <snetl or heaven,

(j Oelma I is norv thu ontu covering-. J seci tnt

vzoad shield amonj tne ucins : mu shear striht

against one of its vroken vofses. Jt is tne vofs is

ridiicA dwelt tne voice of war ! its sound is stito

jilcasajit to mti ear: it awakes trie 7ne7nozy' of

days that aze hast j as wnew the vreatA of winds

kindles tne decauina fiame on the neatn of ninds,

J feet tne neavina of 7Jiu soul. Jt aiows uKe tne

ilijig of a fiood'^ vut the vuzden of acie hze4ses it

'ack: TactileJ

ue thougtits of waz ! cft^ dam-vwwfi

ears tnat are hast, 2cti2e. Snetire 7vitn uour

^ ^ Clanging.





Page 144: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f m )

clanaifia inieidsj and (et tn& <souC of- tne^ aaed usi^

'^i 4u ifiou-ldwar dweaj. anu mcrCj i?i mu tiouqiUj

n'n&n J^ nave- jozgot to ujt iAc- 6kcar ? Ijes tne chear

of E/emoia is norv a<^i<^<ff j never more ^Aaci it <siriK&

the soLmdiiiq inieul. ^Jut it does drike aaainst a

iAieid: let m& feeC its snake-. Jt is iiKe ike ^vastina


nalt^consiimed with t/ie rt^st or yeais. Jt

was ifiu vLae snietd^ O CmuH Jne sAieid oi ine

comjianiofi or mi/ Oscar I ^Ju-t wnu inis meiiina or

m-ti' sou-C? don of niu love ! thoii' nasi received, tnu

fame. J 7vitl letire and give tm nai?ie or CmuC to

tne sona. jtaiJv of ueimaj rvneie art tnGii f and

Tvneie ait tnoii, Q.4tDaivi}ia ? JnoLi' snalt nea^ Tvitfi

fou of the comJMnion of tnu UscaT-.



Page 145: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^'9 )

^ O E a e 1^ ^^ of € H ^ i^ It! s ^*

^^ Jiona' 6aid Cathiitaj ^' mau tne- aons of J'lnaai

%ciolce^ in tneh tatdezs fame. ^iau tneu mlaiten in

iU Seams in tne c/ari ages to come^ and tie laid sau

in his so/TGj ^ Jue is of tne lace oj^ J'ifigaJ. ^Lc^t

to no Son oh mine snail 7nu renown descend^ a vria/it

veam to sAine aiotmd ui?)t. Comochj son ot 7?:?i love !

that sad niant^ wnicnioze t/m motne^ and tn inelj^ at

once fiom m.u ariJisj rises rvilh aa its stcrmii Aorroi'S

in mi/ view^ and woicnd atresn mu sou/. Jt rises

vetoie me (ike the sea or J nistore in that nioht of

stoims. Jhe rooks near tn& noise of its navesj and

tfieu snakej rvitn at£ tmir noods. Elhe sjiiiit of tne^

miountain roazs atono, the fail of stua-ms • and tn&

dneiie-i. or Jnistoje teajs nis tumviina isie mait- sinL


Page 146: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

Jx)ut Qrlet itohi in& voice' of CatmUa. zKls ^cmC Is

a at^eam mat mUUj wn&n tender tnouants aie rvarm

witnln. Ji^et me near ine aad tale , U hard, fw??2'

tnee. Jt awakes my Qriet -^ vut J love it.


J near the dhi of aims in Jcwma. J near.

imouqh its woods^ tne ecno of shields. J see the

vlaze ot snvrdsj aiea7?iina to tne moon. J see the

shear of vattle iitted. uhe we starts tiom nis

midniqhit rest^ and ^tc-uethan fears the danaer.

^3ut whu ait thoii' afraid ^oe of the mountain ?

fV hu tremvlest thoUj O/aro^ in thu halls? CJora


iinq is sironJ,

vut tfie nind of the noiin is anuke.

c/(iion its Ccoiidu wina Cathula comes^ uke a ud

anqru ahost ot nighty wnen fiiinters tu?nvie on CJtuca.

^/le ranks of war are moKen vefore hu7nj as the 7?iail

of the sliider vcfoie tne viast. Jne miahttf aie scattered

in his Inesence, CJora withi the ctvuds of niaMy


Page 147: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

natn fled over tli& 6ea. J\!& nat/i dlsafiheaied as ifi^e^

jiain of nis itiih on tn& derji. agaro^ nana uh tnu


vrlna down ii'i na.y/z j ut tn& datt-ahters of

Jcroma rejoice.—r-

J n&ar tn& voice- or songs in Jcio?7ia. J nea^ in&

ecno of na^jis in its nalts. Jn& sn'ord of n)a^ is

itieatned. Jne snieid is ming on tne heacefuC rvalC^

a dark oj'Vj like the in'}lc^ 7noon j and tne sheaz of

vattie rests veside it. Jke ^oe is afad on nis T-oci.

z/ne virgins of zJurietnan woij with joiij over their

Tvindorv. Jne sun shines vrignt. j\ o ciouds is

on its Vearns. .ioat the TJiaids ovseive it not j their

eye- is on Catnuiaj 7novina in the iiaht of his steei:

tneu vle/s that vea;?t of vriantnefsj tro?n whos&

hzese?tce the da^Anefs of their danger retiied.

^^ ^wakej our voicef tneu sa?/^ ^^ awake ou-r hazhs


let our song ve CaT-iio-thu^a s kina I


Page 148: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( "2 ;

^Sut TVtio comes toriti to meet the cniej^f Jlc

6tehs cue 071 in& c/e?v of tne mor7iina, Ufie tea^ ۥ,

jou nanas forward rri ne^ eyeSj uke the tear ot niaAt

on the vended Qi-afSj 7vne7i it aiitters i^i earlu 6un

beams . Jucr face at vcautti' is /iait=co.nceaied vit

tne^ wa7ideri'na of nei^ tair locks. .Sout t-ne mo^nind

veams iooi, tfiwuaA the/n on the mitd^uinsnina or iiei^

cneetj as looks tne sun on the vuddina wse^ wnen its

coioui q^ows in- tne droits of dew. n no can tnis Se-

Vict caoSQaia ? tne taizcst of the maids or Jcroma f

daaro aives nei^ to the chief who scattered th&

cfocid of nis foes. ^^ Cathufaj 7vere tc7i daun:hte^s

mine, chitf of heioes^ J would say^ ve thcn& tn&


dme& yea^s on' tneir eagie^wifia, flew ovct^ the-yeaT-s on tneir eame^wt-nqj

niiis of cJurfethan. Jhe hawh- dajtina on his jne^f

moves not with a. face so silent oz S7vift. Cathu/a


Page 149: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most



( ^^^ )

loois Sack O/i inch coin6&j a6 ifw awakened fiiinicr

tne^ c^hace- A& travelled over ot his dream. Jut

wonders now soon tneu aie hast. ^^ JC is time

to return to Jnistorej to ilie stieamu aroves of

(^aMtc^inura .


S7/te sails or Cainuia a^e raised. cPiosaaia vti'

turns^ is aiad and sorrowful. ^^ ^dieUj tnou isi&

of 7?iii love j adieu^ tnou abode of ?7iu youiu ! ^m^

tziends are on tne snoie : tne loes iooi torwaul from

inei^ vusnu rocL ^Out ndiu snouid tfie- tea^s of

tlxosaalaj-low ? CJne goes wii,'i Cai'ric-thuzds cmefr"

ConlocA^ the youna jiledae of theii^ love^ is in tnei^

ai?ns. Z/wo stieaks of uant ow a ctoud aie nis

faii^ vrows. S/uis tittie Aeim avove them is of tn&

down of fa.wns, X^ulied vif the rockina of the waves


ne sCeejis. Jn the dieams of nis ust^ he ii?mes.~—'

ZrCe nea^s tie vuzz of mountciin. Sees^ and thinks ne-

2. is

Page 150: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

is nea^ indr itoie^ of ^rvect. ^3at it is not tne^

Suzzina vc^j tnou^ dost neaTf O Loniocn I it is tne-

risina 7vi?id^ wnisiiing, tnroagn tne- latiina snrouds.

^Jiit stiiiinu smite- is fiUasant. UnoU' iookest {il&

tAe- poweT- of JLenaj 7vnen tn& manu coloured rainvorj

adorns it in ine oau ot the inconstant sun. Jne-

nunieij asj nasteninq to the snelie^ of some oaifi

vendina rocHj ne strides along^ vcnoids it witn a sianj

^07- ne sees the stoi7nu snowez^ ridina towards it on tne.

mast: the hiilarstncit suphoit it are hail. ^^ J^lower

ct JLena^ thou art ioveiUj vutthe tuad ot ih& stozm

is near thee','

3ne vreast or Jiosqata neaves undez the- vroKen


white as the toam ct the 7vaveSj when. tn&

stojm ujiuits itJand darlinejs dwctls aicund. Jh&

vuqht droll is in titr eyes j it talis ow the tace of

Coniocn, fVcin the prcjsina of her iihj she wihes it


Page 151: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

arvau. ZK& awakes and ices tm 6torm. S/Cc

Tvondeji 7vnat it means j and mzlnilnaj ciinai to tn-e^

vosom or cnosgaca. CJutj over ni?7ij threads ner

iliirtj as sjireads ine eagle' at X,ora ner daii wlnas^

rvldej oveT- nci- yoiojtg, rvnefi t/teu sniink Inthelz nead

fjom tlie nallf and nea^ m& voIg& ot sio7.7?is.'''' JUar


cniid of mti louej' said zfiosoata-^

^^ toT- tnii

athe^ is nicjn us. JVcr v& thoii' ifii/seff- anaidj

said Camilla : J inoyv tn& sea oJF Jnistoie. Often,

nave' J lodc' its deefij when louder was tne loa^ of

its waves. cnosaala asis tor JnistoT-ej vu-t it is

distant. Jne sea Aides it vc/und its nius of toam.

oAtDixed with the' noise of waves^ lise^ at times^ tn&

signs of tn& taiT'.''——

J\ow oescends on tne- deejij oa-zi^siiited nifht,

Jm tnunder is in ner coic^se. zJne iigntninci

vu^jstSj oam^red fro7;p fieT- 7ro??w. d/iirits feel its

^ 2 ffames


Page 152: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( "5 ;

flames. Jneir 6niceis ai'C^ ncard m tne^ mtd^alr,

Sneu ^usn to quencn tneh nait^vurnt icvcs in tJi& deeh.

3n& viitows wa'z-^ witn' aii inch Tvnaies. zJ'n&

^icon nea^s tn& noise witnin ncr noase- of cicudsj and

ts/U is ap'aid to lift ne^ Jzead avove- tn& niii. Jn&

stars 7vrafi tnei^ neads in tn& mantL& of X,anos 9nist.

kAi times^ tneii Iook-, iiemvii7ia^ tmou.o/v tn& window

of their clouds j vut^ quicfcj dra^v vack ttlei^ 7va7ideT-ina

nail'. Jneu are like tAe nLlnte^ on- tne neatn^ tvIio

snoots outJ

at timesj nis neadj vut TviiC not venture

jortn fw??i nis vootn till tne stor?7i is ovei. JXuntez

Of tne we or tne 77ioiintain j tnoii' art on tne neatn on,

snoje j tnat tnosaaia Tvas tneie !

^Jut ndiat voice dui you neca tnal niantj tie

rocKS of Jc2C77zaj n'mn on tne deefi was s/ie^ to

whose naifi vou often ecnoed? zuid you listen to tne

roar of 7vaves at your ject^ or to tie tnundc^ tnat


Page 153: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f "7 ;

roued in th& vtaded nead of ijoui hinci ? X,oiider

man- either of ines&j lose- i?i i/our eaz in& cil&s or

Kjiiilnqcnna. 'dm is rviLliu 6ad^ toz nez dau-'amer

is on tn& deeji witfi ner cmid. cln& stands on t/to

daii wckj cazUcJs ot tn& veatina sfoT-m. Jf nite.

viiiorvs vreakina on tm distant dceh^ deceive- ne'^ oft joi'

sails, yHotne^ of c/iosqaia^ retii& p-o/n tn& stomh

of 7iiaAt : tfut daAi^qnte^ docs not n&a^ tm^ cues.

Jietirinq^ sn& soon turns 6aci to view once^ moie^

tfie fnain. ^ wanderina Saj'/c^ descendina into tne-


is naCrjicrceived. '^ On I art tnoi'C^ sar&

mu cnitdl

'^ I'Y nat voice is that on tne wci ?" says tfiu

ma?'ine7'j ^^ ??iu mates take down tfou^ sails'.

Jne voice or jo?^ mixed witn tea^ ajai?v is ufi,

^^ cn-osqaia I art tnoii^ safe ?


^^ Jt is tm cruf sans tne 7?mrincr^ ^^ of tne fai^


Page 154: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( "' J

anost' ti^cct w& <safv U'Jion tn& de&ji : venotd it tAcze^ / •

Gome , anostJ

07v Tnoon-ueams to our aream<sj wh&n>

ti& niant is caijitj and tn& stoim is over I

diii&nqozma nears nis voice-j and sad^ utires.

EJde- rods rejuu to tn& na77ie' or ^iosaala.

^ut ^-osaata is on th& sea of Jnisioie. Jn&

stzamina lau of a distant oak tiaveis ineze over the.

dctli. Catniiia vehecd nis love^ like a fair virain>

ahost in its veam. Jn nez arms n& beheld nis son.

X& looked {ii& a star in the vosoin of- tn& vended


w/ien ner face is almost nid in QT^ief, and tne>

damneis ot her cot^ntenafice arorvina. Z/Le veneid

tnem^: viit ne was sad^ and nis nait^stifled sian

awse. zJne hafsina vreeze voie it to tn& ear ot caosaaca.

f7 nu tnat sian^ she said^ '}?iu love f the niant on,

tne oeeji is dark^ vut the sto^7n will soon ve ove-^. 5%moon wife come foitn in nei. silent veauty j her Jtcjis


Page 155: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( il9 )

en me- moii^ntam rvitim ioveiu. 3^n& itais wlilinem

ineir vLue^ihaiLci^ici eyes itv tn& cloicds^ and the'

tvi^idi will rethe tro?n tn& ^ea of J ntstoic, JVor is

Jnlatere tar distant: is not inat the i/qnt or its

J^iant or tne soui of Catnmaj th& stoi77i wili <foon^

ve hast j and tne iiant of Jnistore-j amidst vmCf

cairn waves^ aiise. ^Jut n-nat is niait^ o^ storm,

01- distance of J^nistou^ to CatAu-fa^ wnite ne SenoCds

tne face of veautuj mtn alv tnu calm of souif-—'

Met me venoid the face or mu iove^ veam I and

J wili viefs tneej tno tno-u- dost co?ne fwm Ooias

naiij tnoiian inoU' nasi vroiiant 771& so niafi nis

snelvina roclis!'

Joo niqA tne?ji art tnou- viouant indeed, OiMthma y on tneir edcie tnu <^Kiffj in two, is divided.

Jne cnief ciimvs the oczii iock. c/iosaaia and ms


Page 156: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( i20 J

6C/V aze In mj aims, £but no in&tierj aave- pont'

cold 6ea--7veedj, is tn£7'&, Jt is at times ine'

iauiiatici or seats.

^^ 3n& ia7ul^ muiODej is m^jfi. oAhu strengtn'j

J Know} can rcacn it. On its snoi& J mau rind

S07J2& voat that sncUC co7ive'U u-s tro77i Oo7'as Qvrain^

lefo7'& in& liaht snail aiisc. cae-st thow neiej ^osaaia.

D4& stoim is lOTV&i. Jlie. sta^s looi ever in& edae of

inei^ vioke7i ciotd^dsj andtn& moo7i' lifts nei' hale neadj

tli-wU'antn& distant tree. Jlieu Tvitc sooti sne7V tm&

the hatfi of 7ni/ ut-iirjt. Jiest here mu love ^losgaia !

tj& liahts ofneavenj sm7ie on mt^ iove'^

i^& shiut3

071 their vea77iSj dTi^eli n-ith nei- on her rod. n neTt-

71011- hear hie^ sai/^ ^ Cattiulaj 7vn'at deiaus tfiu ^etu^^n ?

tell fie^ yoii' venotd th& stejis of 77iu co77ii7ia.

^^ Cc77iethoay r/iaifestf said ^losaaia j'^ vut an I

3"feai tm viliorvs roai. 007716- icast maii rais& it


Page 157: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

C '2' J

man] or ^077ie, anam anost mdUf aaaln, emvroli it

in its coiciie. ,i/3ut tnoi^ 6ncut come-j mu love. :—^

and yet J tcai. Jn& 6ea mau arom j tn& snades

Tnau deliait y or CJora aivake & e^ tJiou^ dost come.

^3ut no j 771U {0D& <snati ioon ^etti-rn. ujiluis of

mu fatness! aua^d Catnuia'.' 2rC& went] n&

iSearcned tnC' more : vut no voat is niqn. Jl^& T-u-ns

In (Searcn of it tar, JnC' tnot^ant of ms sou^l ia on

tie- 007AP loci rvitn S^osaala.

It nai snaic that neijuefs mourner do ? JVe^ eiic

is towards the darMu 6mre : viU no Lyat/uda co7?ies.

un& waves mow uhon tier woL 3neii aatmr avotit

ne-T' reet, ^3utj Coniocn^ tfwLi^ ait not wet] tfwio

art fittednian in ner ai??zs.

^' (7 nat detains tne&j mu fove ? Juave- tm

waves stohjied tnu coiiis& to ine^ snare ] or nav& tn&

voats of <joia> Seen distant far ? tnat tnoti^ wert

i? asAorer

Page 158: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 122 )

m^amare^ mu child I J15 for tne& tnat tiemvce4 tm

tfi& iowl of cnosaaial'

\jn& ilei Aim on Catni/Jd^ mleid. ^A witnered

tree- coJneSj watiderlna on tn& waves, to ner rocL'—^

On its toil 6ne tlxe-s Comocn,

<:Dna{i <J arvai& tn&e, Conlocn f J\o, tnu crle<s

woaid jlle^c& mu 6ouij uk& daits. Cjat& tnoii, ma'

"leacn tne snoie y and <ooids kina mau navt- hitu.

Or, tfpu -tainer hernaju mau tlnd tne&. ^Vut ah I

mu cm{d, ttm tatne^ J tca^ is not. On tnat cioiiyd

nis shirit waits foi mine. dtay, Catuuia j tnu

love- is comina.

A niane^ sume^ comes, wnite^tu^nvcina, over tne-

"locL Jn. its cold Sosom it toids t/iosaaia, ^' J^arew&Vf

721U Confocn r

Joo lai^e, Catnma comes in tne boat of Zjora.

uC& loom to^ tm rod : vut no rod, dari=risina


Page 159: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^ )

avove- tk& Tvav&f ii :ie&n. ^^ Z/he^ arojvina dca nat&

covered its oo7aj> toll I JVo c/iosaalci y no Coniocn is

neie I tnat tne same' ovave nad incCosed Cainiua I

3^mnj caoJaaCa^ woidd we <5mi{& 171 deam j Coniocn,

would we^ cuis/i in OLi-r aims j nis tender Tra7n&

mou-id not S& nurt vii iocks. ctnaio Catnalcu live'

or die f

Jn& iiahtf naCf=77Uxt witti darHnep^ meaks 07^

Cjords nitts. ^ STnaw i6i& ^i<s nem. ^ wate^u cave

is under its rod ^ and over its 77ioutA tHere' 6e7ids^

in its 07V 71 grau coat of mojSj an aaed oaL Jt is

ner& CatnicCa waits tor niant. Jt comes witk ail

its sta^s. 9iosnaia descends 07v iA& sotiior ner iove.

Cjne co77ies soft^qiidina on tn& race- oi tA& deeji.

ZfCcr rou& is of in& wnite mist tnat rises on Co77a^

wfien mornina^dervs are^ meitina in tne- veams of t/ic^

iun. ^lU ne^ trefses stiii a^& wet : tneu droji iike,

31 2 tL

Page 160: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f m )

im dew ot T-ose^ on. tn& vani, of tml^ uow^^oiuna ilvei',

'—Kjne' teiU nim of- ner fate: ane teils Aim now

me laid ConCocn o?z nls mleid. ^ ^3ut ut Catniiial

ine <iamj ^ awale^ and tm 6ate to Jnl^toze'

Ji^e- rose. Jn slient QT^it'j over the wavei n&

came. S/3ut ^slnce^ ne li often <sad. ZrCls tea^i in

tm mo^nlna pow tor cno^aatafand nli ilam in tn&

cv&nina ai& neard ror Con feci.



Page 161: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '2^ J

^ e^a^i'^M of m<Bi^^% ^d.

Cci^^u^ came- tvUn nis narh. Jt6 ionnd wai ioft

a6 tn& aildlna or anosts on tn& vanki ot JLorci • when

tneu md& mcm6&ive6 in in& mmU mlit at nooUj and

iJulr 6ownd is on int^ aaU of in& 6tream. Qyl^ov& in

iiU7ice'j stream ot nlcintj inat w& mau mUn to tn&

iona of tn& vaid.

^^ Over X.ora ot sUeamd tne^& vends an oai.-—^

yjetony it^ one (one inisUe CifiSf vetween two stones


its nead. Jt sneds, in tne haping, stream^ its drohs

of dew. Jwo anoits a^& seen tncre at -noon^ wnen

tne su^n is on tnejuain^ and siunce reians in .Moiven,

One is tnu anostj aaed llrad '^ tnu nair wanders


a wnite^ mist^ ovei' two clouds tnat torm tnu darkned

ems. ^7id wno is tnat in tne cloii^d of- snow letorC'


Page 162: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

iiee^ ? I^y fw vut mat talr fii^nUeji of in& T.oe^ inu

'''' 5% mutns of Jioici fveie^ at tn& cnace- : ineu

were- ihuadina tn& feast in ike' vooifi or tne^ depart


Colaoz (Saw tnem^ and came to X.oia in <secjet^ ii'K&

ih& torre7it tJmt ^uine:Sj <fudden^ from tli& nillj wmn

no shower is seen Su t/ie- sunnu vaie. ' "dDauamer

cf 'UraCj tnou- must ao witn Cofao?-. Jne tnona<s

-jnust co?ifin& inu taincr. uLo mi ifit stuke the.

snieid. Jne^ youiAs miant nea'i^ its sound i}V ine>

disart ?

'''' CoiaoTj J love tnee not. X.eave m& tiere witn

9nu tatne^. jVone is witn Aim. Juis eyes aie daiKj

and nisQ'^^^f

Aiaiu are loneiu.

^^ Coiqo^ would not near. UAe dauqAter ct

c^iaf must ao witn nim-^

Sut ne^ stejis on tfi& Aealtl

arC' mowpntui. dine moves^ sadj iike tti& mist or


Page 163: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '27 ;

^nowe^Sf Tvnen tm ^un i<s c//m, and tn& valicu of

<Strea7n<s i^ 6ticnt. ^ roe^ votind<i on tm neam-^ n&

ii&ais vaoiv tnem towaT-d^s a imaii 4Ueam, Jl-Is

vrorvfi iidei^ at tl?7ieij aj^hea^ tniouan in& mcerij rann,

fern6.^---CoCaorJ alve' me- mat voru j J nave, ieazn&d

to hi&icC' tti& dee^. 3l^& aave tnc vorv. dne. dzeru

in& itiina. Coiaoi^ feci, Cjn& rctu^ined to J^ora^

and tn& <sout of ne^ taim^ was aiad. Jn& evenlna

of nis are- was iii& tfi& dehaitii2& at tn& sun on tn&

7nowntain of slnt^na j iike- tnc leaf or autti-mn, wnen

it dzofis in tn& silent vate. ^m days o/^/noiafa^ o^v

tne nius were, manu -^ in deatu sne rested^ in heace^

witn tier faitic^. Over J^ora of stieams tne^e vends

an oaL ^3etow it are two veds. One^ uCuiij is

thinefand thine^ dau-wter of tn& voWj is

vesid& it.^-^

le othei^


Page 164: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ i^^ )

^!)e € i^ 3 € JF of f € S ^ % € S.

^s in& wtuna of ii& i-i{.q& 6ione^ dorvTi tnc

natwMti vrorv or QAtDo^c^alq^ wnen tn& aftriantened

fiock6 <itrctcn everti ne^ve. to <snun tn& CGmiriq danaer^

and ih& torn mam m ^oimd tn& wnming, of iU rajiid


<so void, <so itrona, 6o te-mui& was in& 6otz

of ^^ei/qunj in the Tleids of d&atn. Jfw mlanttf

6am in& comlna of nis stunatAj and tnm 6ani v&ncatri

in& weiqnt of nis snwid. Jn& feevC& fi&d tne- danaer

tneu could not meet. ^Ivlns dons icjoked in nis

deeds as tneu fiaed nis fooistejis vehind.

(Jiicn' was tne ronina ot nis mic^nt, wne^i- tne

inieid of CJwanviC met tne jioint of nis shear. CJto^

-——said tne cnief of X.ocncin j and (et tne couected

stienatn of tnu aim ve in tne dartina of tnu lance,


Page 165: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ '"9 J

dtrona h tn& 6mdd vetor& ine&j and 7}uqntu is ine-

o.jvt tnat suhhoiU tnC' auttc^lna rvina of iieei. tM'U

6wozd iriu}}ijins not i)t tL& tall or iiui& 77101. J

moit^m wnen t&evU to&s az& vetor& me. ^JUyt tnif

Jamo is greatf O wariior I Jnu co77ilna hi vatiie is

iike^ tn& co7nma of a ntf^ndred streams^ wnen tneh

j-oaml?ig ioU'^7leu is dorvri' ine snaaau vrorv of inc.

naii-qniu'wo/i,. Ife nave votn vee7^ ^eTion^ned-^

vu.t a

grau sto7ie wiu utt its mofsu nead on tne nitl vefoie-

the stor77is oh otnei^ yea^s. 3ne nu7itc^^ as ne hajsein^

7viu cru, ^ JteT^e the.77^iqnt^ touqnt.' Jfmu S7voul

vcco?ncs iniTiej se7^d itj O ovarriorj to Savitia.

^/Cez soft=ioi^ii7ia eue 7neets ine lisittq sti-n O/i tn&

jitacTis of Uam'07i. Jne 771aid Tviio fiierce nei-

V0S0771 Tvitn ine fiointf a7id our qhosts will rejoice i7i

the land cf Clouds,

J\ steelfrom 7711 snail jiieice the breast of tn&

<j loveiii

Page 166: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^' J

loveiu) (Said zbowran. Uiecd^ warrior^ and i-ctuin-

in <5atciu to CJavtna. mild eye, rvict view thee'

^itn jouj and vu-Jj ine- nand inaC shared inc& i}v


Jn vain Aast inoii' d/ioie^ 6on of hude- ! U^ersuasive'

(Swcetnc' 3 is not t/iine. ^-^u woi'diS a^ie^ j-cevu^ likC'

tn& "blast that notds a contest niln a stuvvorn looH.

^iOid ine hoints or five- nii-ndzcd shears 7nect mu snicldj

did t/ie- dtrcnatn or a na^ndud warriors raise- eacH


did t/ie meteors ot deafn tLu aiou^fid rra^ astLo

tire Of /ieavenj wne-n vuistlna cionds 'loll in Aorror

tfirou-qn t/ie ana%u smj

uet wouldJ not uieid.

Jwo viae steeis wse in wiain. zDowraw stood

afonc, Manu sons of i^ockcin ca?n& v&nind. ^lloodu stieam was seen. CJwanvii stcjihed tm uncauai

strife. 3^ne tiouants ot tie vacia^nt darted on nis

soij. j€c cuised tne cowaid's sjieai.


Page 167: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

^owian tea not acopie. On eitne^ ilclo tneu

viced. JnC' <f/icar is tn& fuiiar or nis vloodu <ild&.

3\^is 6mM 70LU on eaitn. UcirivU ar& tn& tfhcatenlna

ioois of in& mro. Sn& foe- vlcTved^ and tiemvted,

QnosU tied f^om ine fallen around. zfezittiedj tneu

mount the cioudi tnat hafs. l7& nea^d the warriozs

alcms. E/oo fate we raised tne skeai. nyffanu <sani

Tvitn tne nero : the rest tied in naste. dnanvil icorned

oar strenqtn. ZfCe sought tne sword of dcariaw.

.^ut wna.t Son of sona can uiate tne 7neetina of tne-

two cniefs I Jlocks shoie the woids of steel. Jhe.

vroKen shield sa?tifiom dwanviL dtis sjieai- snoM

'2'ise no more. Jn& race of JLocnlin fled. Jn&

Ifast is tneii^ shieldj a^ tneti mount viue wliina waves:

Jhe aqed JUiinien listened in tne annuisn of nis

^oui to tfie taie^ of woe. ^ tear wanders do7vn nis

<j 2 witheud

Page 168: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


( ^^^ J

^rlnm&d cneen: <}€& ciaslis nis nands in ^i-irp

^tanu gjocins come- torin. ^iouintui arc nis ^vouU.

^ vtaii /laj 7vl{nered tnc mains. ^ cicii'd Jias

da^Hen&d tn& sit/. fou rdcct in& sCiiC of- in& valiant.

JVever snaiC tfi& sficai of mu jainci'S use in vaiiU I

J snaii vanisn^ iiic a di-nZ' snadorv inat 7vanders

v^to^& tii& ram or tnC' moon. J^o son or ?nine snaii

raise me nuae' stone neai^ 7nu narrorv dweiiina.

Q.'j^u name snalc cease to sau^nd in tne ueau tnat

ajihroacn. QMdu deha^tu^& snail ve- as tne 6Cast tnat

•tlies unheededover tne motintai^is.'—'-'.^1 sudden veani

or comtoit rushes on mti souC. \jmaiinf 'imaa& ot

ner n-no was iopek/ ! reacn 7}ie tnu wnite^ nand.

Cjatner tnu wavina locks fw77i tm 7vi7idf ~Diu tnu

fatness cheek witn tnii' soft rinaCets. ^ ieai' tzom

tJiii vtue ems snaiivaine 77iu memoru 07i the fnountains.

^ hiant Tnau rise f^om tmj, side. Um shear ot


Page 169: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

J^euai&n mau yet- use- in laiUo, ^ rau or com- fort'

rames oji t/ie- wieicned. J'ergot' J matv not ve^

<soft vea??i Oh youtfi I

Jfy& cnie-f strUcned to^td dis nand. ^3ut fie^

^tretcmd it to tti& wi'/td. JVo nmit& ar?7i received it


J\o <sott voice was neard. ^ 6last tnat withers

lU'Sned tnran^ari Ais ne-wes. uLo tremvled as a teevC&

iwia vefore tm nauaniu stozm. ^breeze atteT- vreeze

aaiuted the woods j viU the amy^naired J^euacen'

listened in vain.——J/ie sett voice of- ou-icoUn is not-

minqied wiin the wind.

^ vtacK, CLOiid is aatne^ina i7V tne east. ^7 nu

do tne oaks ve^id tneir areen neads veJore it f IVm^

do the rocks reaT^ tneii, wfff vrows to meet it in

7V^atn? ^ ntindzed siaks a^enea^d^ as it fties in

^urtu sheed over trie mountains. Jne tea^s of ne^oes

fiour fortM vefore it. Une death or tncr ioveiu has


Page 170: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f «4 ;

ciarLmd ks ^foomu asjiecL S^/i& fofd of ti& cfoud

ts tn& 7vlna ot a taU of- woe,

^Satm mu dlv2^ eyes in ieais^ chief of in& aged

ioch I——'One runo was iziqit in inu nailj steehs coid

t?i death: Jne qnost of the vimin rose on me tairest

veam of the ^/wining, Jhe son of (jcaztaw is tn&

jiartner of ner fiiaM to tne land of cfotids. ^ie^cina

a^e t'htiwozds^ so?i ofthe rdou^T-nfiif tafe. ^3at tne^

eijes ofdnearvan nave afreadi^ smd ale tnei^ tea^s


his tceuCe vieast hath afieadu housed toitn alf its

signs. Jfie 7-ochs of KArdaew fmve neaid it^ and

returned thici^ a^oans of hiti/. ^ut thoU' traveflest

in iriu mirth^ (J son or heaven I reaardlefs of 9?iii>

woes. sAnd iovg mai^est thiotC' rejoice in tfiu vtue=

ieidsj thoii' vriahtest tenant or the sku I ij'he chiifdien

of an hiiindred afens foof with tne eue of exhectatiojv

or tne coming fo?in of thu veautv^ ifiouan' the


Page 171: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( <35 J

darHened eyes of dimarvan rcjusC' to aclmittnu veamS*

,^3ut some- daifj iiie- me^ tkeu witt ioo^ in vat71.

<Otor?7iu doiids wife iviah i/u& hi tneli' c/az/c folds,

Tvnen the' vattiej of- r/ianii nnosts aic- in iiiu land.

Jnoti' wilt tncrif like me, weeh j viU tn& 9vramfuO

winds wili not rcaard inee.

^iU 2oU 071J i7i aiL ifi& sUe.7igm or tnu oi-iantneiSf

fai^^nai^&d tzaveitcT^ of- in& sky I Caizt^ rviili tne&

ail t/iu smiles to oncer tfie vatia7it wno sicefi in tn&

isie ojfjieace. Jfie course of iiiu sliced aiv dan is

towards tie-m, Jne angru sicr77zs tezzitii not tnee.

CJulien CLoads T/iau vau tmi veautti- j vu-t tneii ca7inct

ojijiose thee. 3ne couch of tn:p rejiose is with the

anosts of- our taificzs. zlneze tJiou- iauest dorvji tntf'

fai^ head to zest-^

a7td tiie tecbte chiidre7^ of tn&

ind siieh amona t/ie aoiden focis of thy veautu.

duCaiin I wne}v otlur anosts are asicefij steai



Page 172: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

tfwii' in <ieciet to m& drea?ns oh tnu tatnc-7'. ^eil mS'

if Cuiolna nai foMet me, i/t tie' . <iea6on or 7nu auu

fiahs : ine- who Aad ^e-en- me in the datis of mu ^t^enatn'.

^ut mu <it-unatn i^ tied, like a vlait to tne depart


mif friends nave vanisned as tn& miit on ^rdven.

Xeavi/ are mine eues ot aae ! leave me to mu rest, t/e

tenants of tie /dft Come, dufafin ! to tie duam<s

of mu 6Cumvezs.

cjiwi was tie words of tie diet in the reason of

iis woe. Elie voice of iis grief was ieajd no moie :

iis siqis ceased to 7}iinn{e witA tie wind. 3uis t07?ih

iifts its iead iiai on ^idven. jie traveue^ listens

to iis tafe witi stieamina eyes-: ^V? ne feu liie tne

iast tree oftie foiest, wnen no hiant remains to tctltie

fiface wic7'e it stood.

€h:efcf Feygkr.,


Page 173: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ^^7 ;

cee © € ^ ^ II? of a ^ C .^ B.

^ 7/ fiu op^ene^t tfioii- aAe^tl in& <^fmna of mu Q'^ict^

60ft or ^lliinj inanirijia now Oncar teti? ^Mu

etjcj az& viind n>uA iea7'S j vu-^ mumozu v&a^ni on mu

mart. uCoiv ca7i J T.eiat& tn& mournful deatu of

tn& Aead of in& heojiU ! CAiej- of tne- ovarrioiSf

OscarJmu 60}tj 6fiaii J 6e& tnc& no more.

3^.& felt ai tn& moon in a' atozm j as tn& <sun

tio?}2^ ifi& midst of nis course ^ rvncn clouds rise- ftrom

tn& waste of trie 7vaveSj ivneiv tne vcacinejs of tn&

stozm innralis tne 2ocLs of ^rannidcr. J iike an.

anciejit oai on QM907'venj J mouidei' atone in mu

I' Lace. 3^ne Sfast natn lolilied 7nu vrancnes arvauj

and J tre^nvte at tne winas of tne noitn. Cnief of


Page 174: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ««- ;

ti& marrtor^j Qjcai^ my aon ! dnacl J ^e& inc&

920 moi& ?

^iltj 6on of ^i'jihij tn& nc7-o teU not narmtcjs

m in& a/ials of th& fleid'j tn& 6food of im miantu rvas

on mJ <i7voidj and n& travelUd n:itA death tm'ouaA

ii& .lanks at tfich jmde. £hut O^caT-^ tnoti- aon

or Ca^uiS) inoU' nasi tailen tow ! j\ o cnemu tele

vu tnu fmnd. jAu (f/ieaz was stained wii-H tn& blood

of tfm frioid.

^ermid and 'Ojcaz was on& : iheu leajted tne-

6atlfe-~ toae-tne^..Jnetr hundsn/li Tvas 6trona as

tncjr at'tcuj and deatn wavked vct7vee-n inem to tn&

tictd. JtiBu came- on in& jo& iik& two woks taiuna

fwrn the- mows of ^rdaen. Jneir 67V07'ds weie^

stained ' with, ' the Stood of the- valiant : waruo7'S

fainted at thei^ names. iV ho 7vas emud to Oscar

vut ^er77tid? and who to zDermid^ but Oscar?rp


Page 175: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f m )

Uneu iaied mlantu ^arao in in& f/efdj ^mgon>no nevcz tied /'n yvar. ZK-is daua/k&i^ was fan as

t/i& moT/tJ

77ziid as in& t)ea?ii of 7tlgM. 3ue^ et/es

ai& two stars in a snowcr : /nr vreaffi^ tA& aaie' . of

ahrlna: ner vreasts^ as tno nerv-taUen snow ffoaiina

en the- movinOr AeatA. Jn& wajriors (saw nezj and

lovedj tneh iSo-i^vs we^& fixed on ine maid. i^acn^

ioved ncz as Als tame-^

eacfi must posep ler, or

ole. ^but ner soul was 4^1xed on Osca^ j iti&

Hon of Cartil fi was the youth o.- Ae?- iov&. din&

foraotthe 6food of her iathe^ ^ and loved tno nand

that slew hl?^,

don of Caruthj said zl)e7'7?ildj J love y Oscar^

J love, this 77tald. ^Jut ner soid cveavetn^ u^nto tnee^

and nothlna can heal ^eifnld. ZRJere-^ hlefXC' tils

voso7n Oscar'^

relieve me^ fnu fdendj 7vltM thu


^2 Jd^

Page 176: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '40 )

QMoip iwo^clJ ion of zDiaranj maii never v&

italnedwUn tie viood or ~l)er?nld.

yy no tn&fi is wortnu to uau me^ O Oscm 6o7i ct

CmU'tn? J^et not mu ilfe hap awau unknown. J^et

fione vut Oscar ciau me. cjend me with nonotir to

tne a^ave^ and let mti ceatfi ve re/iowned.

zuermldj maK& use or tnu swoid • son of zDlat^an^

leid tnu steei yK ouid tna^ J teci wltntneel tnat

lu deain came tro?}i tne Aand ot ~I)e^mld \

3ncu toiiqM Sii' t/ie Srooi of tne mountain^ vu

tne stieaf?is of ^Oranno. .yotood sinaed tn'& ^unmna

waterJand ciiidted wund tne mojsti sto?ies.

itateiuzDer'mld felt'j

ne telc^ and siJtiied indeatn.

^nd taiiest tnou-^ son of zDiaianj faliest tnou^



vy> Oscars nandl zDermid who never uleided in

fvar^ tnus do J see thee tali. Joi went^ and


Page 177: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '4' )

utwined to in& maid of- /ovu y Sc' uturncLij vi/^t 6nc

he^ceived nii 9^itf.

yV nu that qCoomJ

ao/i of CaratU? nnat i/iade^

tnu viiqMu ioidf

yfioican once, r&norvned tor in& vorv^ maiclj J

nave- iost mu tame- J'ixcd on a trc& va ih& vrook or

im nltij 16 tm inldd ot tn& vaiiant tf,o^murJ wno?:i'

J iiew In vattie. J nave- waited tn& dau in valn-j

nor coiud 7}iu arrow jue^c& it.

J^et m& tryJ

60)1 of CarulAj tne- iklil oh ^a^gos

dauante^. qMdu nands were. tau-ciM to tne vow : 77iu

fatner deilanted l/z mif <sk(iC.

Cj/ie- went. Jxe- ^tood velund tn& 6meid. utcr

arro7v fleW) and hie^ced nis 'breast.

^uped Se tnat nand of <snow j and vtefsed tnat

V07V of i/ew ! If no vut in& dauanter of 9Va7-aoj was

woitnu to uaii tn& ^on or Carutn f X,ay me- in the'


Page 178: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^-^' ;

em inJ

mu tair one- j iau me^ vu iue- ildc of zbermld,

Oscar I tn& maid 'lehiiedj J mwe me- ioiii of tie.

mlantu zua^ao, yVeii jucaied J ca?t meet death,

%ynu 'SG^^GTv J can end. one jiieiced nei' nrntC'

vo6o?}i n'/Uv inc -sicel. <jn& feiij 6n& tremvud : and


^:yu tne mooH of in& mil ineh nraves are midj a

vlrcn s -u^nequaC <inade coveii tneh iomv. Often on

'tneh arcen ea^tnen tomm tne vi^ancJiu (Sona of in&

W'Oiintain teed^ when mid^dau is ailin flames^ a7id

silence ove^ ailtne mils.


Page 179: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '43 ;

cTllc € .^ D € of C B <e Ji S. .^.

Cold 7vas tnc- viast p'om tm regions or fzostj mid

tatai hrovcd in& ^ii^jiit ott^ of th& noitn, to tm

fecvCe' uahe?-s or the- tlowertt field, jLegions or

insects jiezisncd vu tn& poisonou^s meatn or ine ^eianin^

6tozm. Jh.& teameud <sonastez <siohjied tnC' warvUn^

note at the frownina ahhroacd or the 7'ud& Inizudez,

Jne tatnez or iiunt wiihdieiv nis circuiar 'liresence-

veuondtne solctn^^7^ niu. J'eehte wcie nis outiauer

rauSj rvnic/ij half intercehted^ oifTilii' s/ione. oei^ the'

tops oJ- tie moLi^niaJns. Jlie conqeater or ine liaaid


7vno anniudtii' leiir'es veyond the noithem

oceanJfmtnc^ tna/i tke cleavezs or the waves caTi

tzace nis upiid Hiantj returned tro?7V nis 6i^m7ne7'

exjiedition. JLe now vegan to usurp nis tman7iicaC


Page 180: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

fdj-::j in tn& aisc^ice- Or IAc ^m of viL-ntnci6j jvnoje-

P^csc:kc iic would nav& inicnncd wiiti a ikeed equal

Xo Acs n-.:o tiies tro??i imhcndcna deitructlon. JVatU'^e'

tiemvicS at f/i& ahjiroacfi' oh in& cruet ijiolfe^-^


in& fceuU avzoiia nc^ ions jail viuims to tn& leslsiteP

chjlreho^. Jx-e iocks uji the stream trom tnc- -^Jiaaqu

tenants or trie toust y and tie tlnnu innamtants or

the Hood drveit in- darincis^ 7vmCe in vam tneu seaun

yjT- the Interoehted dau.

CJucn 7vas tne season^ and dismal was tne visaae-

or ine- 7)iountainSj when X^iachan led his six so7ts to

tne cave or C^euia. Jhe p'ozen otfshrina or thie

sku hiad Closed tifi the unrzequented entrance : vut an

i777hendina cliff; whicn jircjccted fro?Ji thie motner


contended wit/v tne ha{sin a Hast y and thie

7nurmU'-unq noise hointed out tfie door of the cave to

thie tremvCina leader of the youthful land.


Page 181: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( *45 ;

E^mlu did J^iacfiatt vufj ifl& lone it/ cavern a6 n&

€nt&^edJ and mi'ice' did tne tCintu hiiian of tn& rocij,

wiin tneii' ecnoina voices^ letuzn tfie -tzienditi saiatationt

tnroiian tm noiiow cenUe, Jn& weii-^^norvn cav^

recaiud to tne rememmance of tne sacie- in& tomhanlons

of nis ijoutk^ w/ien n& retired^ p'om da7iqer to tnis

atoomu ceti. ^l deeji siqn ipaed from nis aaed^

voso77ij ndien nis mind rolud back on ifi& deeds of

ctne^ uea^s. Ju& dzoht in& tea^ of athction to tA&

menioru of nis de/iaited triends.

^law nitnerf mu sons^ and listen ruim tm ears

of aite'7iiion to tne u^feianed rvo^ds of X^iacnan.

Ji,ear7i f7-0772- the 771 to avoid tn& fouies of yoU'tn j <so

S/ialC t/i& teazs of aae- neve^ vedew your wuniied


jkc ar77i of mu fatfUr zJomdu'tn rvas tfi& snieid of

TTi^u feevC& uears, Jn sajetu J rose v&nind it, UKe-

^ tL

Page 182: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '46 ;

ii& tender 6miw mat reais its soft /lead near tn&

stateitf oaL Un& i)Cast o?t either sith troivns iit

vain : tn& strenatn cf manu years meets it. Jfie-

cou^se^ of its tiiant is vackwardsj a?id tm sound of

its wiam is neaid on distant locis. So tied tfi&

foes of J7iver fiom the sword of Jomduin.

^s Uiomvia in ner notlow ved aattiers ne^ liquid

<stre'natn from tne feitii& nejves of a thousand crtjstaC

liiisj extendina tneiz ovindina a^ms round tne neatnu

mountains / so aatneud tne evenina^ tne flocL

^omdutn to tm ii fains of cUan.

S/ne- meeting, of wamiozs was in tne naffof J 9

^envef stitici tne narh to tne' fame^ of ' dehaited

neroeSj ayid imhfanted tfi& imaae of vafou^ in tm

lisina aenejation. jLoskitalitu stood at tne outer

aatej and witfi tlie tinqe^ ot invitation waved to tJie^

tiaveffer as ne hafsed on nis 7vau. Jne cnief stood



Page 183: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '47 ;

unequaued in wisdom and vaiour. ZJfy& v&ne^aVie^

^alicd nls volce^ to h^ociaim it. ^Dat wmr& is tne^

sUe-nam ot tM chief '^ "n ncre tn& ^nnsio of tn& va^df

zJomdiUn lies unaUivC' in tnC' tomv of jviimoie'

eternal muten-ejs reianS on tk& mUvciina toncit4^& o,

^Jenvei. 3^n& fatn&^ of tn& sona snalC no more^ v&

Aeai-d ai in& teast of ^aide-n,

S'm cliiet ^eti^ed not iik& a mistu cioud vetoie- tne-

face of tn& Ifait. 3f?& foresaw iis faffj and nis

son received t/ie words of instruction.

J^iac/ian^ J am ocd. ^ne meteors ofdeatn nave-

Tvcaned ?}ie to dehart. J ao to visit ttie qfiosts of

€iir tatficzs. Co?ne to trie rocks of Cieyta : receive an

afsyfum sacied to tfie c/iief oh Jnver.

cJ'/ie wan'ior was vriufu in ttie a^jjioui' of nis

fatneis: vut tne fiquid sons of sorrow rusfied to mu

£ueSf and concealed iiitn fzom mu eaae^ view. ^Mu

^ 2 tiroat

Page 184: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '4^ )

tnroat d&nicd a hapaae- to tn& tnouafits of- mu meastj

tmu were' vla^ ajid coidd onlu j^ind tmh jiapaae Su

naivei. tfords^ at last were formed Ao77t tm

Iroien accent


fVe ha^ied tnroium tne alems of

ciuan:'-''^Jne wmd of tne nortn cayne lumina oe^ tne

neatn. and laitied on the a^7notl^ or ^omdutn' as it'

jia£ud: tne''armour of Joj7idiitn uaaided it not j and

we leaoned tne Cave of Ciet/Ccij ai if auietnefs nad

6ee?i tne T-ufer of tne niqnt.

^omduin was tafl: ne feaned ujion nis naif-

erected shear as ne C7itered. Jhe shear safuted tne

tiresiotd. J^iu reed tie dau^nter of tie rccij at ti&

e^lnace of tie steel. EJie tiintu sisters of tie cave

ecioed a ciorus to tne sou^ndj to welcome tie cnief tie-

"driiu 'miitor ot tie loneiu ceff.

Sfiis caveJ

said Uomdutij is niiieito unknown

to tie sons of tie ieati, Siet it hrotcct- tiefeevce of


Page 185: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( i49 )

tfitf ^ncCj iftiu toes anaCt mae^ irir& contest] vict seek

not t/iu own santii> in ooyiccm7?ie'nt. JUu not In tm -taco

of dan^ei y no?- trcnwu when tJie metm'S of cleatn ar&

around tJiee. ^Je not the thst to diaw, nor tm-

'r-st to sAeain tne swoid. ^void 7iot in& comuat rvitfi

ie mlgntu j ViU 6nic/i the Ianoute contest. J^ct tnii

4-ace ve to tne stro-na, andtku vack to the teevle ^f-oe.

oAbake not tne daiiqf^fe^ of 'dDic-n'jeao tne motner or

tnu sons. £/oiso?i not tne onsjiiitza of tfiu loins vu

minglin'i in ttieir cofujiosition tne juice ot a vane

fUant. JLet the- 7nicku food of tneir infant days v&

derived /20m a fi^T'e fountain : so sna/t tneu v&

defended tro?7i the weeds w/dcn coj^/i/it tne Aeait.

Un& avoids of Instiuctlon were ended'^

and tn&

daii^qntet'S of tie roc/( ceased to enforce tnefirecefits of

tne c/iief: mutcncfs was in trie cave j and nou^ark was


Page 186: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^'° )

neard viU inc voice' of nlqnt, ivnicn in noaii& accents

isaiuted tn& ^ocks as it hapcd.

3n& tomv of inc- cniel ^os& on Jxii?Jiore'-^



4071a Or 72ve- was ficard ^oand tn& ourd. Jn& tear

of veautii' vedf7vcd t/ie- check of in& vii-ain : nrmiors

isnooitnci?' dejected Aeads as ifieu 77iet. Slocks joined

In fiitu t/ie so'j?rd of (pief : each vreeze^ was tno

'mefjeiiaer of a tale or woe.

Stor^Ticd was the statecu son ot y)uncTeal. Jte

<ed tn& wa^jio^s or his fathe7' to vaitle. Jhe ai^zow

of random fled not p'om his vo7v. dhe continued hiei.

iourneii to th& dista??t niarh : a7id fatal jiroved he 7'

ariivai to the <U7'£ast of the foe.

<JuCao^ma 7vas the seat of a- tfwusa?id veauties,

{24'wa7tu heaves wooed the- 77iaidj vat the thoaqht.

her dieams were of X,iachanj tnoaafv J reaarded not

the hindlu- q[a7ices of tie^ viae eyes. do look tht


Page 187: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

wlsnlnq eyti of tn& vewtidcred travuier in ^eaim or

tn& i?itcjcejited vcamSj when in& load&d 6u/ iea/is flc^

vu^d&n of -mist on in& niu<s ot oAiDinala. £but tne-

unaratetuitenant ot tn& e^nuamed vai&J viewsj witn-

cues of indit.ejencej the vountituC tavouzs of in&

^^atnei. of X,iqnt.

Sne feast of Maiden was shread at zDi^cnqeat.

^Sards sup^q in& tales of love. J fo7.oot tAe woids

of JnsizuctionJ and aliened mii> eues to tne beauties of

CJiilQor?7ia. J looked in iindnep on tne 97iaidj and

aaw ner ciotned in iovelinej's. (Ju^ meetinqs we7'&

often in secret^ and we tnoaant of eacti other in th&

season m dreams.

^Jenvei saw mu foL*e toz dutqorma^ and th&

friendiii 'lesentment of his vreast awaked. oon

of sJomdutn^ said the vaidj dcjiarted is the fame of

iAu nou^se I Jne- words of instzucticn tlioto hast


Page 188: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most


^e^amded as mc- viast that tfles over tie- mouiiiahts,

'——X.'uacJios^ of in& ^acC' ot vcaclsj vuna mu tiarjij

and Mace mu ha^tne^ of danger vi/ mu aide. J

7vi{l 7i'ande7' to otncr lands, Joo iona nam mu iona

veejv neard at- Jnver,

Oon of- the daus of old, said J^ rveiahtu aie ini^

Tvoids. J'eevie is tne vuatA of u-niiiiened mars j and

izuitiej's a^e ner efforts rvnen amoaantlu sne endeavoias

to ohhose tJie offsfirina of tnii moutA. ^nu totvaue'

nas aive}i virt-A to hie^cina words '^ vut X^iacAan stands

i^ejiicued vi^^ the fiorvns of f^ie7ld6nijl, jV ere tn&

veauties of CJ-u^iaoi'ma as tne sun of neaven in tn&

infa7icu of dau, nevei^ snomd sne snine^ in- tne naU

of Jnve^.

oAioaialin of tn& g^acefid eue^ tne veautiftiC

da-iiqnte^ oftne cnief of Owin-j raaurned tne fall

of ner fatnei'. Jne emvlem of gjief sat on ner cnetvL


Page 189: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

J vMsed th& maid of woCj and viGuafit ne^ to tn&

nail of mtt tatnei6. OtoimaC nea^d in& ieciet

ilan ot <juCao?~ma^ and raised nis tln'eaie'nlna (fheai.

any^ iver& m<s warriors, a.nd weiantu rvas nii <sn'o^d

in the- oau of oeain. J gathered tne iirenaifi'

J?lve^ to ohhose nc?n y vut 'jcevle hioved mtf- a^?J^ i}t

event contest '^ to^ mti ajieai' was raised aaainst an

injured foe. ^Alanu we^e tne mars of out- strifej

and ?nanu tne death of oicT' waziiois. Tr tien the toice

of Jnve-i- ta'.iedj J vrotumt QdJiDaiaiin to the cave of

Creyca. Jhe satett^ of nin sons was nc^ care. Jsicw the dcc2- of the desart, and carried the?n to oitz

tecost, £out viefsedve tne som of her 7Vho feasts

no more in mucavel Tr nen tne dauahte^ of Crvin

retired to the land of anosts, J ca^^ied mu sons to tne

towe^ of tne rvoodu vaie^ and (-licdea wijied the tear o^

nrieffwm 7nine eue '^ vu tne side of tne frienditi stream,

Cavc of Cnylu.

SL Sionnan

Page 190: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( i54 )

-^<BBfi^M aim ^Vi%miB^.

dionnan near6 tne- <5ona of vaitu, and im iou of

nis countenance' ^eturn^. Jve- (sUtnes nii miecd.

frCi6 mroe6 are wu-nd Mmj a inicK cloti'dj tne aatneicna>

cftne tcmhest on Sjma.

^s ifie (fhirit ot nigM move<f^ rvlin tne collected

Itait of deaven in nis course^ ivne?i n& hT-e^iarea to

jiou-T- nii foice 07i tne movei of ^rdven y nnen oaks

4ea^ its 6ound at a distance^ and, tremtuna /?^ its

ajifiroaci^ aiieadu snai& tneir leaves : <jo lusned

Slonnan to tie iaitie. at tm nead of JiJe^oes. JVor

ieis terriife is tie coiiise ot jiam'. 3n& sou^nd of

nis jieohU is liie tfiu^ndei' in cloudsj wnen JLaias

fields are dismaL ^ thousand neimetSj nod on nlai,

iiic a aiovc in tlames is tne' vlazC' or sheazs.


Page 191: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '55 J

^ut wno <inaiCtcii in& raa& of- vaUi& ? Jnoit'.

nait 6e^7i two viaci rocii rocilna ^rom olijiosit& tucis to

7}teet 111, tnC' vawies vetow j a cloud or (SmoKC- rcses

SeAlndj and fouows tm tzaot of eacn: 6iicJi was tne-

tcrrlvie' o/Uet of tne^ heojii&. dwords ctcun^ and

tsme/ds rewound: heads and nei?7ieis tali: tn& oead

aj& mixed wiiA t/ie dulna: vtood "t^iins iw a tnotMand

<st^camsIand ine sjihlts or taiiew heroes asceizd ow

ine'n ami' smoke. CJee ! to the edae of everu aoU'd

tncu ciinqj as ciln-as the vur to tne eaaies wlna^ whe^T,

6nc leaves the vaiieu of dun--roeSf and flies to

oAiDomds cloudu toji,

£&ut wnat eaaies are tnese twoj tnat still contend

with iustU7va wi?ins on tne heatn ? JVo Q^'Ct-u vird^ no

led crested cocHj is tne hreu foz wnicn tneu stzive^ as

from side to side tneu vowndj and hour deatn in

itieafiis f1077V tneir steel. oee I 07i e stoohs on nis

SC 2 inee

Page 192: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

inee. uCs i/uctcl <suhhorts ifi& fiathtaUe.n chiet^ as

ine^ loci 6ujifiorl^ ilie^ pme^ wnicn tne^ 6torm nais nalK

overturned 0}t zuu)wra.. IJieCd tnu iShea?-^ 6aid

^ Jinan j iesfo2& mu vecored kjiumina. J <seei not-

in& oeatn of ?7?-u foes^ nvien tneii lie vetG7'e me on eaiin.

C4ieidS must, Jiava reliiiedj fo7- 77??/ Vfood is Jfiedj

tne- 6t2ea?7t or 77iif' l(t& natn tailed. uidminci '}?iu.jt Id'

ifiine. ^3enind that rod in ner cave ihe lests.——C)ne iooKS down fiom its door on a vlue st7ea77i, where-

ivaves an ashen t^ee. oui!f7itna ?7iust v& tninej vut

let ner laise- 77iu to7nVj toz sn& was tne iovC' ofjLava tn&

unna-hhu. ,jCe ceased. J\-& sunk on nis shield


and nis heohle- tied. cno7i7ia?i vid us share the77i in

ineir fLight, as S7vitt, n& a^scended tne ^oci to tindth6

fiiace oj- his (ove. Jhe vlu& stream he- tinds j and

tn& cave on its woody Oani. £but no CJULmi7ia is

incze. ^ne lone 7vind sounds iw tm enifitu 7V077iv ot


Page 193: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( ^^1 )

ine- WCK. Jhe- 7viincrcd teat wandeis ihcie^ on its

rustcina- wina-^ and no tiact- is found vut inat of

ifi& {onuti fox. ^^ I'V here art tnoii-j aiUminaj

mu iov& I dost inoU' nid& tfiuseif tiom cnonnan ? >

L'Om&j Ouimina, from tn>i secret jdace- j come^ 7nu

ioi:e.' it is ifiu Sionnan. calls the&r

£but tt{DL{. calLest i}i vain son of 9'^'lt'f -,-^^o on^

rejuies to tm/- voicej save tfie rock and tn& eccnoina

atieam. ^t len^itA^ in& nowiina of nis doa is

neazd in the fFieid of tatien heroes. zlnUne^ ne-

turns. Jncie ne finds Oulmina. cJ/ie- nad rushed

to the vattle to aid ne^ c/ionnan. ^but oeath on

the jioi/it of a wandeiina airowj ca?ne j its varved

^ead is in her vieast of snow. Uhe sfiajilinj light

of nej- eyes is veco?r.e dim j the rose of ner cneei is

fadec/. -—^c/'ionnan fiaC& as ner orvn haCf-^zeatmep

corseJ fatis on ner neckj as drofis the ivu n-nen its oai

Page 194: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^^ )

Satn fanec/. dutmina na(f--ohen6 n&^ neavu eijt^.

ffi& heacefui <inad& of cleain cioie<s inem aaain^ tvmC

hieased to ^e& nci^ znonnan. X.ona we vended

cur madi in 6tunt ^-T^iet^ etnd, med ou^ tears abound

Ouimma: ^t ienatfi tn& iiow dejis ct Siunmcc

camC', ^e ^jioie tne words ot the aqed. ^^ liiU

sorrow recadtne dead -^ nntl tne cries ct tne livin.a

oiihei tneii' neavu sliiw-ve^s ? JVo j tneti' stiHsieeji o??^

caretejs ot tne C7u ot tne 7?iouiner. ^Jut tneu are

o/itt/' qone a little vetore us to the land 'of tneiT' rest.

^ fern more' 4ieeti7ia dai/S; 07i their swift-.aiidina

st^eam snaltfiafsj and our stcjis shafl ve in ai^ witn

our trit?ids. zuo i/ou not aheadu see trie cfoud-

tsiizted ^ove hieliared -for Jiunma. J\ cr snalc

^lOnnan ve fona vehind. Un& (Stream of miefwasfies

me vank on wnicn fiis feautu mows. Jhe youna tiee^

mat lifts there its meen neadj afreadii naff-6ends over it


Page 195: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ''9 )

in iU talc. JLetj t/i&jtj our deeds or tame v& manu^

7vnu& wC' can j and let not ou^ winaed cay^ t&

wa<ited in 77ioU'rnino. ^^^'7 i^ <^ cal-m di&amj OJionnan ! m& siejis of its course- me silent. ^:)ut'

it undermines in secret the veauteous Hower inat arovs

en its azun vanij dT-oo/iinO' it Aanas its wltnered

neadj it fails wniie its feat is vut tender,

cnonnan aiose j but still ne was sad, Jl& aa.v&

ine nails of X^ava to z/i'j^nma a7tdthe son ol J^amorj

^'ezmoT- and tne scout of nigAt ne left to defend

iner/i. Tl c viougnt cju-lmina ovez tne wave in

Jionnan s sni/i j and ner& we raised a?7tidt signs

ner grat/ stone. Jue^e too je<its tie mutnful31

ovnose aim was once so stiong j whose form

so fair. uLis days were sad and few^ on tn& nili-

ne did not long survive- nis Seloved. C^ndez tfiat

mats^clad stone ne was laid^ 7vneze grows tnC'



mas cncC'

Page 196: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '«^ ;

rustl'ina arafs. Ji-& rests vesicle tils diU'?nina. One-

tone imstu Sends vetween their tn-o arau itcfies, its

^ a7td sncds on eitne^ side its aaed ieaid.-—-'

ten- when J sit ne^e to tne qilmmerlna liakt of tn&

-nioonj J see t/ie taint forms of tne two on its

watru Seams. J take mii narji^ and sina tneir

jiraise^ aiadtneu defla^t on tne wings of wind.

Jnou> sittest vii tnine on>?i^ vtue stieanij son of ^%a7y

7f /n/' so siie7itj dost tnoK. not know tne sons of fo^me-

are aioi{.}id tnee,



Page 197: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

€ 3 I? 3 -- D a 13 5!.

^ost inoi{. net ^cmemvcr^ Q^'bawlna-f i/i& vcautu

itianqejj runen t/w vrlantnep of tnc- oaf arose


and tn& 6iiit <inon& on the ncainu nitl? ^^^) for tnou^

didst aiU72d /ut-j on tnu Ueed to ylrdveny and^ men

Jiuz^uedine' ckacc- rvlm the' iina. Jt was tnen we'

veneid tn& veautu or Gva^dona^ Tvfien tnGic- didst

"i-eti^'ej iii& tne moon-j venind tnu mo-u^ntains. yjnc'

<sfiQ}7ej like a viiatit star over tne vioken edae ot (t

CLOudj viit tvko coiud ad/nire tnat stai^ rvheti in&

fiutj un--ctoaded moon was seen ? -'cdet tne- star

vf Qo7'7}iiuUa was tail. // Aite 7veie the 7.0WS 71-itniri.

nc^ iilis ; and like tne dofvn oh the mountain^ unde^

ner new robcj was ncr siin, Ciicte on circle toimed

jie^ fairest neoi. J^iie hius veneatn ineit soft^S7iowu


Page 198: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( f^2 y


rose, ner two vrcaMs oh ioir. S7/t& i;raCoc/f/

of Dztisio 7vas m ner voice. S'-fie- 'wse- vesicU ner lib

was tiotr&d: noi^ w/ut& vesid& ne^ nand^ tJi&joamof

{Streams. Q/fbaid of C^oT-mliivci^ tvno ccuv c{esciw&

inu veatUu I Jnu eue vrorvs mild a7id narrow^ wcrC'

ct a daifdsn nii& • tnu cdeeis were /ike- in& red veiiu

of th& moimtairv asri. ^lound inem 7ver& scaitcied

ine- bin SQ-min^a Howcrs on the- vouak of in& sjiiina.—=-

3m uctiow nair of Civa=dona^ mas tile tn& aiided toj^

of a jnoii-ntaiiif nrien aouie^t cloiids loofi down uhon its

a^ee7^ neadj after tn& sun nas retiied. Jie^ cues

were vriant as sun^vectfns, and aitoaUner herfeet was

tn& foiyji' of tfw fai^. ji^e-io&s vcnefd and vfeJsed ier,

Ch'hf of Scailaws-


Page 199: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

xjort of th& morjilna, th& afe/is of tAu ^hinj aze^

ioDcliij tn& dklng^ of tkii^ ucUgjv near auove- in-e^

east&c^n mountain . 3^n& nlas 'SmlCc Tvnentneu venold

t/iee^ : and tn& aflCUzlna vates^ nutn aiv tneir vCue'

iireamij are^ afad. 5^i& t^ces itH their areen^aiowlncf.

mads tnrotum th& sfwwc^ to meet tnee j and aiu the-

lards of tn& arov& saiute^ witn their mormni^aona^

t/iu cominj. ^Jut rvmine^ does the niant tcu^ on its

dark-eaotd 7vinqj 7v/icn it sees ifiu face j and rvmiC'

Is tie- jilace vf '^a^knefs ? wnither do tn& stars ^etizs.

troF/i t/iu hresejicej and w.ie7-& is the cave in which

thc^i Aide their tremmina vjautu ? J nto what desart

cost thou- ciace^ tnenzj when tfioi^ coimvest in^^

mountains of heaven] a7rd jiu^sucst tnemj like a


Page 200: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f m )

mignfu fyanUT^j ini^iiqh tn& vlue- fields of tn& aii/ ?——'

\jo)i Or ncave 71} ifie. ifejis or ihu cou^s& az& lovelUj

n:he7t inoit^ iraveilest avove^ i/i ifiu vrlcjhlncjsj and

i^caUejest pom^ tnu /ace- tn& dorms. Jn& dejiarttiTe,

of- tnu milofv nari. is loveiVj wn&n t/wic- ihikest in tn&

westerol wave j and ioveiu is in& nohe oj- tJiu co?7iina.

Jn tn& mists or 'niant t/ioic- never iosest tnu coursej

aTid te^nhests in tne tioiivted deeji^ i7i vain ohkose tnee,

^t the caA of the 77iorni7ia thoii^ ait a(waus leadn^

aTid tn& liant of tnu rettijn is Iiieasa7it j it is hieasa7itj

hut J see- it 7iot • for thou, dost not di^liel tn& niant

Horn tne eu& of inC' vaid.

»yzj tne, rollina of rocks t-1,0771 the tok of nitts j as the,

otoise' of waves wn&7i tne te777liest is niaii y or as arove<s

wn&n tnei'i, d^u nai^ is seized vu ftames tmouafv nianf,

<::)ucn 7vas the terror of tn& jiatJi of J^atnai. Coiaui

a7id he wezet7vo 77iou7itcd7i 6trea77is in tfi& strife: tn&


Page 201: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f ''' )

sound oj^tneh <stecc n^as aie- iit> echo In th& narrorv

InUj Tvnen its areen hinci arc ieilecl. '3)icaclr!'J rs

tfieir i?aUL& I JiainaC is a 6form mat overcomes ih&

qrovej and a rvave tnat cUmm tn& isfwje^ is Cot'jai.—^^

£Sut tn&ei/escH'CoiQuCrcelinmlstj as licjils on ids

nell?iet tn& majsu sfieaz. Cort^an stands fvdnout Ais

mleidj like a rocK ndticn the liantnina nas vorcd,

zDucnonnis siolis wiin nis nand the led^ stzeajji of /us

vreast^ and leans his 'back to a vioken tree. JnC'

neimet of Oiii^soiiis alitters vetween nis feet^ with on&

naff- his ncad^ vetore ne iatts : and the gjau nair

o^ Sii-aL^cirma is tiamkted in vlcod and oust^ vu the

CT-owdina reet of- nejoes.

Coiaid scatters witrl his red eues the cloud.—


C/Ce sees nis jieokle in theiz vlood a.jound. j^ii&

the daii shadow of J^e^'os mistj he co?nes in sicencC'

venind tne iina^ vut he comes not un/ieiceived. Jrat/ial


Page 202: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( i66- )

tinnSj Couiuv flUi. ZrCis 6tejis are- to the voatj and

E/iamao in ni6 <sirenqin jiu7'sues nim. ^ tnoasand

arrows aim at thC' kina. Atf one of me?n^ Cofa/ii is

fiieueci. Jl^& talis ujion the' sm^e wnen one hand

iaiA noid of ui& 6oaf. ^lamao leahs into its dazi

womS^ and iians uhon tne jieolUe or Coiaui. Jue-

turns'^ vut a vLast drives nij?i into tne deehj a?id n&

Voif^nds in the midst or his j^ame with ion.

Jhe sjioicse of zJiatnal had 7'e7?iai7ied in ne^ hoicse^

two cniidun rose^ n'ith inei^ -taiz loc/cs^ avout her

Knees. Jheti vend tneir ears above the hajh ^ as sn&

toii-cnedj witri, her n'fiiie hand its tre7?2viina stii)7qs,

CJne stohs. Jheu take the fiaiji ihe/nsetves '^ (yat

ca7inot find the soii7id wnicfi t/ieu ad77iired if Jitf'

tneii said does it not a?iS7ver us f shero us tne stii7ia

n-lieicin dwells the sona. due bids the/jz. search tc^'


Page 203: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^7 ;

U tile ind' 2cfit,^nis, ^hdir {itifc ^hmtrs h-ande-S'

amonj the^ 7vhes.

KjLuhi-dona, looh tor fu^ ioDe-. E/ri& noi-i-r of his

fetiun is jiast. ^^ cJratnaij where doit tfiou^ wand^i-

cujionq, streams ] where has ihu jiath eijed a}?zo?ia

woods f from' this neignt mat/' J venoid ihu iaic

JO^m '^mau J see the 1i?}^iUna jou of tm/ ru^ddu ta.ce.

^^jetween tmi' ueuorv locks of ijoutJij tnoi'O looLest ui&

the morniriii sun.

Cjke ascended the niUf life a white clotid of thS'

meCted dew^ wnen- it rises on eariu veams fro??i tn&

seciet vaiej and rumes scarce wave tneii^ vrow7i--iifted

neads. <jhe saw a ^^iff vou-ndina on tne deck :

she sa?v on t/ie shoie a arove of <^jiecas. ^^ Onrefu

theu mint vetoes w/io lift them j and zJiatnaC is

alone, Carl one tho 6trona contend 7vith tnonsands r

Jx-er dies ascend the T^ocf. E/he vales rejifu with


Page 204: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '^^ J

an tht'h stzcams. c/ctctfis 7-ui/i-p'om tneh moiiniainSf


and wiidi?i tremvU in their 6tehs tor their iina.-"^

Sucu tfiouaM of ri4^mina oft tm hecjiU op Coigtii /;

tfieiz Tvralii] vut Urattial raised on ine deeh fyii voice-^

and vad& tnem <stoh tn& <i!um, Jhen rejoiced when'

ineu iemd tie kinrij and san) niin turyi to ifie iH07&

hiJ (Snih. Jrieu aatneud avout Colgul j vut nis pic&

was da-i-K, - and the tia77ie of nis eye had tailed.

J Lis peojile' atood motionlefs aroand • vut manu of

t/iem nad st'iewed the vrown ncatrij like czu leaves c?t

autU'7n7i6 du'Sku hiain^ ndien temjiests snake tne oai.

n& ncih them to raise theiz tomvs j and tijst we oiiz

the aiave' of CoiqiU. ^ noiitfi stoojis to hiace veside-

the fhear. Jne maiC in risina^ drohs tiom two neolis

ct snow. CabnorafaUs beside nez love.—^^dulin-- dona-

as she camej vehiid her hale. cine' inew the-


Page 205: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f <69 )

dau-gmer of Cornata^; ZrCer tear^ tali over nn in

tne grave, <jne- pralied tm tah of Oozna.

^'zUatMnter or veautu, tnoi{^ ait Cc7v. ^ iUanae-

mor& t^euive6 tmt cors&. ^3ut thou^ rvitt rejoice- on-

inu cCoi(^d^ toT- tmii- iieelieit in tne tomu wilfi Coiam,

Un& anosts of oAworven witv cjien ineir naiCi to tn&

young <stranaeZj wmn tneu iee- ime' abhroacn. Ju&we-'S

aioii^nd me tea^it of dim melUj in- the fjiidst oh

€L0iids^ <inaiC admire tnee'^

and virains in inu>

hraije ^naii toucn tie narh ot miit. Jnotc- wiiC

7-eJoice, Cacmora j viU tnu taimz in dozna wiic

ve (sad. zfCis Uejis of-aae rvict rvandez on the

moze. Une roaz of- the wave wiu come fiom tne

distant rod. '' Caf?no7'a'f iitting his frau head^

he wifi 6aUf ^ is that thu voice ? Jhe son of tne

'2-oci afone rviU rejim, ^etiie to tnu notisej OComaiofs^ retize Aom the stormu snoie j ner stejis


Page 206: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '70 ;

mm CoCaui aie^ niaA oft ccoii-dj. On mcon^ieamSf

m& mau CQme hcrnahSj to tm/ dreamt, wn&n uten-cer

relans in CJoma. ^u^1^afyte^ ct veautUj inoU' a^t

low vat tnou- iicejieit in tn& io?7iv witn CoCau^i.

CJaofi was tn& aona ove'z- Caimorci j vut who could

ishuiK in jnaiic- of Cotqu^if Orten nav& ineiz ahosts

aianed on tn& moa^ntiii 7nfits tnat cieejv aiona the'

iomvs. ^yJu^t thoa ieest imm not^ O 6un : th&u

come' onCu wnm darknep covers tne hius : ^iif

tnoU' <seest the anost of E/mihal: Oflen coes ne^

itaii in thu 6earns at noonj when tne ma's ar&

cove^ed witn Trust. UmU' deiiantest to sned inu

vea??is on the cioads wnicn emoves tne v^avB^ and

to (thread thu raus ^oand tne tomvs of the valiant.

Often do J teei tnem on the ved of zJ^enmor^ and

even now inoU' warmest tne aiau stone of UroXnaL

UnoU' reniemverest the heroes^ sU'nj for their

Page 207: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

{ m )

etejii in tmt hieienc& was ioveiu j and lefore^ inch

time- i/wU' nait inonC' on C2yy(Dorven. ^nd iiow

Tviit ^eme'mve^^ them in tnc' tlm& to come-^ itcn.

nnen tnii arau 6tone- maiiSo ^ouant in vain. ^^/fcr ^^tnou^ mit C7^du^e'J' aaid ti& Sard of ancient

vans ^' after the mojj at time ^naii a^Gm in Wemora /

after tm vcast ot uears mad wH ovez in& oais of



^^ Kju^Cvindi

Page 208: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( m )

Com& foitftj 6(cm of woe. J'loii downj tcmi

ar'ieJ. o/HDoti^^rt tn& fall of ii& iovciu, ^Oatn& im

-memoru of tn& wnite'^armed daaqntcT' or Qmporatd.

y'r mi' dam tnC' wanderina 6ircavi <S7?iit& a<s It jiaheth f

fr nu dmi tm p'nnu trive- ihort in tm cmyitcd fioodf

9iofi in darfmejsj ye- alutejinci waves I jlctir& to

ih& itackest fiootj tje^ silver ninaedf CJoand no

norn on mti niCiJ, ye roilowers of tn& stag, / ^jliaie-

tn& Aide at tne roe^ y& vearers of the 7vinaed aiiow I

—-^JVod uou^ o^ee7^ neads in ^'def^ ye leufu dauameis

or tne foiest ! CJina a taU of woe^ ue tenants of tnC'

viisn. l^r mi dost tnoLi' tiaveC in tfiu mifdnefs^

iSott vreatA of sU'j7i7ne7' ? Jne taiiest tiowei- inat evei-

-met tnee is low. Jne j-uendsnifi of th& vreeze snaiC


Page 209: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '7. ;

no more^ (Smife- on im cheei of tm lose-. £^fi& fvaLHn(^

unauts c/ ne^ darK^v^own nciir inaci no mo^e tremii&

cri in& Tvhzqs of- tn& fiaulna vicez&.

^wau witn inu voice of ^Ihtu^ ioytu^i mG^ninJ I

6m^ Tvno was nvnt to imn& vejcre- tnu earlit veamij

mate not arvai&, Ji-ana uotir droohina madsj tje^

TCoweis of tn& mead I xA suriu vCaat' nam hlu'CKed tnC'

iahest iiciu from ner itaik. J^oneCu is Aer drvctlcfia.

in tfi& acoojnti' iomv. Jm siin^vea??is of comi?ia.

years snatc not smil& on ner virain ctiarms.

£out comeJ

cojnej witn ali inu sam& clouds^

vcaci^ioued nia/il I Cf7'a5h t/ie' niiis in tnu dark

vosom. J^et tAe- sniicks of gnosis, tn& screams of

ojviSj and in& coLi^ise' of meteorsj v& aroand me.

J^et ilie strenqth of tn& anaru viast vear me c7i its

winqs j and let the shirits of the n-i?id mujv tncir

icdes of woe i/i 77iu eai.


Page 210: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

r '74 ;

L^ome^ foiin trom tnu narrow dweulna ifi t/c6

iancl of aiav&Sj tnon. ma7ii tnat rve^t loveiu, 7f nu

didst tfioii' retlre^ hi im midst at irm vioomina upais^

ai& in& mldniafit sta^j inat uiwcs Venlnd a daii

cioud'^ Snc^ mailners no??i& is ne^i. its ved in tn&

n-cstnn waves. SrCis eaae^ ems seamen m it In vaitv

a??iona tne- voisterons SiuowSj and vmsterina vlasts of

iiormu niant'^

met n& finds it not.

Irnu dost tnoi{^ jwn^i' tn& veams of tmi iindnefs

around 7}ie'j vriant mucn of niunt ? Jm jriendsnilv

or inu smiles vrinas no iou to me. oAhore welcome'

aie tne frowns of aiizziu anostSj the tiemcndou4 voice'

of 'Lilistina cloudsJ

or tne surlu asjiect of tne watcnftcL

6torm I ^wau witn tm^ aiarina liantj insultina

moon I ZrCide tnyseif amona tne da^ifolds of niamiu

clouds. JVever snail i/owi^ smiles caii foitn CJuwincL

from tne nait: never snalC your silent veams dance-


Page 211: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '73 ;

rcund fur gracepU anadoTV. £% for7}t of icz wfio

fvas loveiu -snaci no wo^& wander aionq, the- 7ustf/na

neain. ^n& meetina. of nlamlo^s i<s in tn& ncM of

Qyyigoraid-^ hat ine^ voice of 7?ihm not tn&^e. JVo

7vA/U finaerj arc 6ee7t amona m& tzemttina itrlnqs.

QMou.te^ ii tno naih. X.ot{^dme- tie- ^iaii, I'^l^dcit

eu& can refui& a tea^ to tfy& lovuu I

^ ci0!/.d Aas darkened tn& vaCuu at noon,. 5%^tcn^veam of mu fou is set, no more- to retarn, .>/^^

eyes snail never moje venoLd its comina fortn from tn(>

vaci of tne eastern nilC.

Jhen^ co?7iej ^aven^haijed niaht I witn afi tdr^

vCacI ofads, dlliread tnu dzoiisu winas oveT- tie>

innavitants of the fo^estj and let in& tenants of tm

cottaae jiazsae their viisfaC dreams amona tm vis. 'onaiu

moantains that rise nea^ tue coucn of ineir slamlers


-~-^3but taili not of 'deeji to me^ aCoo?7ii.i ni^nt'^ mu


Page 212: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f '75 ;

Ireait is tm nouie^ ot n>oe. z/4p tnou^ ruic<st itt

iarineis over the cnlldren^ of naiure^ J leaa^d ime'

•not. I'Viit inoU' mmeit ^est^ when tn& alC--uanientno,

^tin <snaLei nls 'rvnU& iocKS in ine eciiti mU incu>

tne'jv fizesv^7n& to comvat tne^ comi7ta toiin or nis

leautu f JVo } tnou. nieit in nmt& witti tnif

qatfieied ctoiids'^and tn& wrctcned oniit mctnn tfm

^ehaitu^ie.^—yyfieie is t/ie course or tfm ionrnet/^

ifaci cfou^d? Hiasu in nast& pom tfm dwellina in.

tne- sif. ^3ea^ me on tn& rvinas or im^ <stze7iqtn ;

^eai^ me' over voistera-cs seas, to distant isles, w/ie/e-

ine soius of tne- loveiu rejoice, vetoie the- sun^vearns cf

etezncd day.

25(? ifioii, Oulvina, meet 7ne witn tfi^ sweetest of

tnu S7nifes j and ve tne hiliar o~ nm wande?'ina stejis

to tie 3^st& of- S^cace.


Page 213: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '77 ;

Hi 1 p '- M a .i£ 2: H»

^//o jou ii mlne^ tnt/ic aS^ence^ of (/l& maid of

love. Jh& mii/e losom<s of a /luticired vhaln^s m&et

ine- 6un^bea?)i3 on trie vanis of Cozm/c : 6ut tiu equai

matchCefs maid of tfw loCUna eye I is net iicre.

Jnu ami'/ej are- as tn& aCances of iie^ sire^ of irlaitnefs

n-ne-ft Ae rides m 77iere^dlan shtendor ovez tne^ mountains.

Jni^ wojds as in& voiccr of manu iarhs^ Tvien ti&

son as of Sards aze^ icaidj and ticiz finae^s tzami

among- in& ize77ibling string,s.

Jnoic art cistant far, 771aid of Coz77iiG / ^tUdark 77icicntains laise- ifieir c/iJ-fu fieads between u^s in

rain. ^'line cues snau never cease to view tier imaq&

of th& ioveiu. ^y'thou^aMs snad wandez ^0Lindti&

cwiidinq icauties tnat attend thee.


Page 214: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

f m J

S'ie eaqn eyes or a nu7iclied n^etirioT-^ are tonradj

iue cahitvallna cfKn?n5 rvnlcn adorn tne srvetilna au-jiace-

ofifiu ikina iosom. ^n& fahest iiiiu inat 6nine6 iri'

ine foreiij contends not wlin tne <sn:eetnep ct its

amlfea : andj rvmn it meets the Sii7i'-vea77is at ^loon,

the swan is ashamed or ner do7vnt^ vreast^ and hides-

it veneatn the risina wave,

S^nii deiicate tinaers tzace i^ct in vain the joids

of the iaw7i. SJnu needle aave viith to the sjireadina.

tieej that seems to ve7td VMteath the load of yciton)

jmtj-——^3ut st^etcf^J lovelu maid I stietch toith tnu

and in iind7ieJ's to me^ and J Tvici vreatne-j in

reaiituj that lite rvnicn the sons of thii needle vut

seem 'to enjou. JLet the triendsnih of ini/' eyes

shine a^ou7^d me, and J wiii j-iGiirisn vetore their


tike tne veaetavie t^'ives that rear tnei^ te7ider

neads veneatn the iindiu luatn ot stc^77i77ier,


Page 215: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

^y no mate convm to iSony. th& torjii of ti& mahi

Tvno moves matcnleji ove^ tn& monnta/'/zs ? SKer

ijnootn ncc.i is tJi& wnU& led of ne^ aofden trefscs.

CrLer ttorvlna ^(natets tali i'/j. S7vcet diso^de^ ooei. ^er

ivoTu snowideis. aok viue^ eyes wH ieneat^ a smafi

loand arch. // arrio7'S 7netC vetore, ine^ stienntA

cf their heams.

oAhove^ on. in tku majestio stehSj maid of tie.

micd^roUin'i ei/e ! 3ne vtoomina math snaflmeet tiu

giacehu shadow in. atadnefs : 3ne verdant fiiain,

Shalt wave tneii. arafsu iockSj aJid s?nile as it hafseii,

C^i^ace is in tmy Presence. Jnu vieaiu is as tic

scent cf a fiowerii' aaiden, wnen it jiotcrs its sweet

odoLi'i.s on the winas of the vreeze.

Jhe tonaice of tmi sonjs is suizoU'nded iu tne- wmte.

forme7-s of the ivoiii rina. 5% sownd of tiu voice.

ts like the ?niisiG of tn& wood, wnen tne feaineru tiiies

^Aa 2 moicu

Page 216: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( 1^0 )

'Rejoice amona in& uuiilna teavci. O inoU' wno

foT'Tne^i tnafe- exceUenoUs wAlcri cafitlvate tne- e-mohtured

eye^s of men I inis is tn& wozH of inu nand^ and 7V&

feci tnc stre^nath of its jiowcr, lY natj tne^ij mu^st

ve- ifiu own heztectionsj since' tne- ovi&ct wfio starts

into existence at tnif 7iod^ is tnu-s veauiitmlu toz?7ied


Siaisej dau^nter of niaht ! raise tnu fair nea^d

in tne east : ve tne auide of 7nu loneiu joiirnen over

tne ouSK,u moiintains.

Jno^i'an lonetu^ J rvandez vii- tne stream^ tnouaA

mournfaCj mu <iign mingles rvitn tne wind of tne

desart y tne favour of tnu vriant eaeSj fail, maidj

rvomd cnee^ me^ as tne sun tne nilisy when ne fiours

foitn tne strenatn of nis veautu at 7ioonj and snaies

tne snoYu from tneir neatnii iocHs.


Page 217: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^' ;

zPiace me- vu tnc- ^ide- ot in& murfnu^rlna rliij

that aentUi qtlc/e^ wlm downward^^ollhiq jiace- / iau

ffiu nead i/i in& <snad& of ttier &hieadtna vrancncSj and

v& tHu triendlu Sea?7iSj isun ! in mndnejs arou^nd

•me. Jnc^e at ease let mu islde emvrace ine areen

^r^ on ine vani ' ot tne fCowezy aaiVj and ict me^

taste ine tuendsn/'fi of the vreeze as it hajses. X,et

mu feetJ vatned in tne cnrmtaC tioodj feeitne struaiina

^[fo2ts of tne uieidina stream in its nastiijouineu.

J^et in& liliti offul^est comjUexion s?7iiie neaz 7ne

ike yicidinci stalk • and tne tremvCina dew afiti.

ine waving, locks of mu verdant 6eat. J^et mu nand

reciine 07i tne daisied tuif^ and let tne fzagrant tnum&

ve tne fiiclow of mu iea.ninri cheek.



e^ on

Page 218: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( m )

^cPioitnd on in& hiaS' eucied vrows or mu quti^ let

ifie- ncuvtnoin (^jir&ad iU vtoo77zlna vou-ahs^ andm&iUtte'

ciltdun Oh in& vmAci 7-ejolc& in itid' <sonas of inch love^

'leheated vum& Invklhie-U^ianis ct the rod,


^^ ^Jui naii I J neai> the 6iehs of the hii7iicr.

U mem the cju or t/m noiindsy and the ^oitnd of thi^

daztSj i/iGi^ vender' of the yervj ve oftcTi ncardaroujid

mif' (siUnt dweiiina I oAiou nv?ttedJoy^ when tn&

Ciidce- aroUj maiitnen' ^etu2nj and the vloom of youth

a/hiU alow in 7nti cheek that 7vaj faded. :^/ze manow

in viu vone-3 6haU i-evivej when- J near the i^oicnd of

6heaiS^ the vound of dociSj a7idine twana of ^slu^fis.


l7iiniouJmaU<slmna ah alive w/ie7t tneu cru

^ 3n& 6taa is fallen,1'

^^ J <ihact inen iTteet the co7njianions of 77111 chacey

tn£^ noLind that followed 77ie late a7id eariu. J <^haU

6CC tne hi[is that J Cored to ficmi-entj and the rocks tnat


Page 219: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

n-'sre 7vont io ajiswer to mu c^ie'<s. S iShail -sec tie- cave.

tfiat Often 7'ccciv&d mu itejis from niq/il -^ ifi^ cave n-^e.z&

7VC often rfioiced around the pame of lie oaL ^fveh

oll^ tea<st or dee^ n>a6 threadj tn£r& Eli-eia 7vas our

dilnKf and the murmtm op iti <it^eams our (SO/i-a.

ost3 6nrleked ontfieir otoud^j and ine a^hlrit^ of the-

mountains roaied alona tneh tioiCo7v streams : uut no

fea^ n^a4k ours j in the cave of ou^ ^ooi secuje rve fay.

J sliaic -see CJcur^elda tower auove tne vau, ^vfierc-

tne welcome voice or tne. cuckow is earup ncaid. J^

6riaii 6ce Cior7nal, witfi it6 tnou^^and hlnes -^ J" <snaii

nee. it in alo its areen veau-tu^ witn its 7nann roes and

pi^nts of torvi. J snaii see. tie. isie of trees in ii&

iaLJ 7vitn tie %ed fruit noddina. over tie rvaves.

J siaCi' see ^iden^ cmcf of a tJiousand iitls : its

iidrs are the avode of deez-^ its tok tie iabitation of

€ioudj. J see vut rvhitheij aau visionj are tncw

tle.d? Unou nasi left me io return no more.


Page 220: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most

( '^4 ;

^^ J'ajeweli tnenj 77iu veioved Aiils y TcirerveCj

ciuc/ren of yotdn. I'Vim mu^ it m <iummer aticl : vut

'jTiu n'inter is co77ie : no ijninaj aiai^ is to succeed I

^' jiicice me- vuine a'uen side ot mu stream]

hiac& ifie sficllj a^id 77tu tatJiers shield^ veside me-

in mu narrow fiot^^se. Ojien, ojien, ye ghoits of

mu ^atficrs ! t/ie nan wne2e Ohiafi and ^aot 7esid&

'jne eve7ii7ta of 77iu iile is co7nej ajid ^/i& vard

snalt be found 7io more.

Page 221: Poetry of nature, : comprising, a selection of the most
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/^ . L , ^)L

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<^^*^«f<«-i&«44K4:^«IH4fife«<<?»ff44pff^^ i:


^Jn:./f'hiS^:f:£rx.^x.jsrx^tnc^rjrxjrxjrx, ^^^jMMMJw^Mj^£JimMjatsigm

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