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Poder ComercialConnecting with Distinct Audiences with Comprehensive Digital Engagement

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© 2014 LivePerson, Inc. 2

PARTNER SUCCESS Poder Comercial and Grupo Atención

Mexico-based wireless distributor Poder Comercial wanted to build on its reputation for personalized service by adding a live chat channel for sales and customer service. The company engaged LivePerson Partner Grupo Atención to deploy and manage a LivePerson solution with

proactive chat and content targeting. The channel has proven itself during its first six months, with an eight

percentage point improvement in conversion rates over the phone channel and a 40 percent call deflection

rate. In addition, exit surveys indicate an 85 percent customer satisfaction rate for live chat.


Poder Comercial is a mobile

phone distributor that

markets Telcel services to

corporate accounts and

consumer distributors

throughout Mexico. Based

in Mexico City, the company

also has a presence in

Guatemala, Ecuador,

Colombia, Brazil, and Spain.

The Results Business results

12% conversion rate for live

chat, versus 4% for phone

40% deflection of phone

inquiries to live chat

85% CSAT for live

chat channel

Telcel is Mexico’s leading wireless phone provider, and markets its services both directly and through

distributors such as Poder Comercial. “We focus on two distinct markets,” explains Edgar Rodriguez, a

commercial analyst with Poder. “We provide corporate mobile phone plans for companies of all sizes,

and we provide Telcel services to other distributors that sell to consumers.”

“We are technically a B2B company, as our contracts are with corporations and distributors,” Rodriguez

continues. “Nevertheless, we deal directly with end users who get their mobile phones from their

employers, and our distributors contact us about specific needs that their consumers have. For both of

these markets, we differentiate ourselves by providing better, faster, more personalized service than

our competitors.”

It was this culture of individualized customer connections that led the company to explore live chat as a

sales and customer service channel. “We had actually been talking about it for several years,” Rodriguez

relates. “We knew it would be a faster channel for attending to our customers from a service perspective,

and we knew that there were opportunities to increase sales with the channel as well. But we went fairly

slowly to make sure we got it right the first time.”

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© 2014 LivePerson, Inc. 3

The Challenges • Provide an intimate, real-

time engagement channel

to support corporate

reputation for

personalized service

• Increase sales in corporate

and distributor accounts

• Bring more efficiency and

effectiveness to customer

service operations

The Solution Engagement Model

Digital engagement for

sales and customer service

for corporate phone users

and distributors

Key Capabilities

LiveEngage platform with

Click to Chat, rules-based

proactive chat, and

content targeting

LivePerson Partner

Deployment and ongoing

strategic support from

Grupo Atención

Putting together a solutionIn late 2013, Poder conducted a market survey of digital engagement solutions. “We looked at several

vendors,” Rodriguez recalls. “We wanted to go beyond rudimentary live chat to an intelligent and proactive

engagement solution, and we wanted a demonstrably secure platform in a cloud-based environment.

LivePerson was easily the best with all of these criteria.”

In the early months of 2014, Poder engaged LivePerson Partner Grupo Atención to deploy and manage the

LivePerson solution. Atención provides technology and value-added omnichannel engagement services for

some of Mexico’s most recognized brands. “They do a lot of work for Telcel, and that company’s enthusiastic

recommendation gave us a lot of confidence,” Rodriguez says.

“We started by meeting with the Poder team to understand their problems and areas of opportunity,”

remembers Alan Bukrinsky, director of new project development for Atención. “We did a walk through at

their facility and a discovery session on their website. As we started working with their team to architect a

solution, we got a lot of help directly from the LivePerson Technical Support team—both via live chat and

over the phone.”

Deploying and testingAtención deployed the LiveEngage platform at Poder in March 2014. The team rolled out both proactive

chat and content targeting on both the public-facing site and the management console used by distributor

clients and corporate phone managers. “The initial deployment was something of a pilot, with only

two agents devoted to the channel—one for sales and one for customer service,” Bukrinsky explains.

“Nevertheless, we wanted to deploy a wide range of features and do a lot of testing to maximize the value

of the investment.”

One area of testing involved the placement and look-and-feel of Click-to-Chat buttons and proactive chat

invitations. Poder created several brand-consistent graphics and tested several wording options, and tried

placing them on different parts of the screen. “After six months, we have identified the most effective

graphics, and we have settled on Click-to-Chat buttons in the upper right corner and invitations in the

center of the screen,” Rodriguez reports.

We wanted to go beyond rudimentary live chat to an intelligent and proactive engagement solution.

– Edgar Rodriguez, Commercial Analyst, Poder Comercial

PARTNER SUCCESS Poder Comercial and Grupo Atención

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Optimizing targeting rulesAnother subject of early testing was the targeting rules for proactive chat. “We were initially firing proactive

chat invitations after a visitor stayed on the same page for one minute, but we found that this was too soon

for our customer base,” Bukrinsky explains. “We determined that the average time that customers spent

on a page was four minutes, so we ultimately set the proactive chat invitation to fire at five minutes. This

increased the acceptance rate significantly.”

One exception to this is when corporate phone users are browsing pages for high-priority products. “We

fire the invitations much sooner if customers are looking at products that give us higher profit margins or

for which we have surplus stock—or if they’re navigating back and forth between these products and other

offerings,” Rodriguez relates.

Pushing relevant contentPoder also assessed various content targeting scenarios. “Some of our campaigns have worked better that

others,” Rodriguez admits. “For corporate phone users, our campaign that pushes special offers to visitors who

come from Facebook has been very successful,” Rodriguez says. “We also send special offers to selected visitors

who have recently received proactive chat invitations.”

For distributors, the best campaigns have centered on driving product awareness. “Telcel is always introducing

new phones and new plans,” Rodriguez explains. “At any given time there could be 10 or 20 new packages,

and distributors may not be aware of them all. So when distributors look at the page listing various product

offerings, they often see pop-ups highlighting some of the more interesting new offerings.”

Creating a smooth operational infrastructureThe Atención team met regularly with Rodriguez and his team during early testing of the solution. “After

six months, we have mostly completed our testing and have settled on the best operational strategy for

Poder’s needs,” Bukrinsky explains. “So we are now on the cadence of a standing monthly meeting to review

progress. We give a presentation on all the different metrics that we are tracking, and any recommendations

we have to optimize the program.”

Live chat is available to end users and distributors between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Central Time on

weekdays. The two agents are full-time chatters, and the LiveEngage platform is configured for a maximum

of three concurrent conversations.


Grupo Atención provides

technology and value-

added omnichannel

engagement services for

businesses across Mexico,

as well as Spanish-language

engagement services for

North American companies.

Based in Mexico City, the

company also has offices

in Guadalajara, Hermosillo,

Chihuahua, Toluca and San

Diego, California.

Our campaign that pushes special offers to visitors who come from Facebook has been very successful.

– Edgar Rodriguez, Commercial Analyst, Poder Comercial

PARTNER SUCCESS Poder Comercial and Grupo Atención

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Utilizing LiveEngage toolsAgents are able to see visitors’ browsing history at a glance, which gives them great insight into what information they have already accessed

and what they might have missed. The team has built a library of seven to 10 canned answers to frequently asked questions, which saves time for

both the agent and the visitor when those questions come up.

As useful as these features are, the LivePerson tool most commonly used by agents is push pages. “Most conversations involve a comparison

between different products, so we are always sending one link or another for comparison,” Rodriguez says.

Collecting and using informationSurveys are another important tool for Poder. Visitors answer two or three simple survey questions before and after a live chat conversation,

and agents also complete a survey after each interaction. “The pre-chat survey helps us understand who we’re chatting with—a distributor, a

corporate phone manager, or a consumer,” Rodriguez explains. The exit survey measures customer satisfaction, and the agent survey collects

information for our homegrown CRM database.”

From a reporting perspective, Rodriguez finds LivePerson’s enrichment analytics capabilities to be useful in many ways. “I look at the agent

reports just about every day, to monitor the number of chats and the hours of operation,” he says. “I also look at the transcripts of the

conversations to see what our customers are saying. Ultimately this feedback will help us to deliver a better website that will enable more people

to self serve.”

Impressive resultsBukrinsky’s team also uses these features to report on the key performance indicators that the teams are following. Those metrics have been

impressive to date. Since live chat was introduced, Poder has seen 40 percent of its phone inquiries deflected to the more efficient live

chat channel.

With regard to sales, live chat beats out phone support with a conversion rate of 12 percent, which is triple the conversion rate of the phone

channel. And exit surveys sent through the LiveEngage platform show an 85 percent satisfaction rate for the channel. “I was really surprised at

how well digital engagement has performed so quickly,” Rodriguez says.

We wanted to deploy a wide range of features and do a lot of testing to maximize the value of the investment.

– Alan Bukrinsky, Director, New Project Development, Grupo Atención

PARTNER SUCCESS Poder Comercial and Grupo Atención

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A bright futureNow that Poder’s digital engagement strategy is in place and tactics are running smoothly, the company is making plans expand and improve

the effort. “Our goal for the next 12 months is to expand our agent force to 10—five for sales and five for customer service,” Rodriguez describes.

“This will enable us to open weekend and late night hours for the channel.”

The Atención team just completed another enhancement. “We just launched an integration project between LivePerson and our CRM database,

Bukrinsky relates. “Now records from the CRM—including transaction history—display directly on the LiveEngage agent interface when existing

contacts reach out to an agent. So when a distributor comes into a chat, the agent can say, ‘Hey Jorge, how was your last purchase of 20 iPhones?

Did you have any problems with them?’ This will build on our brand image by creating a deeply personalized and meaningful connection, and

often save time when clients contact us with problems on a past order.”

Another near-term initiative is to add LivePerson’s mobile Click-to-Chat tool to Poder’s existing responsive website. “Many of our distributors are

out on the streets making sales,” Rodriguez explains. “The idea is that if a customer has questions for a field sales person, he or she can contact us

through the mobile interface. This will be a really big advantage for us over other big Telcel distributors.”

A great partnershipRodriguez could not be happier with Poder’s relationship with Atención and LivePerson. “A channel like LivePerson is one of the most important

ways to communicate with customers, but communication is also important for those delivering the service,” he observes. “Both companies

communicate smoothly with each other and keep me informed at all times, and the process is like a well oiled machine. It is a partnership that I

know will grow over time.”

[LivePerson and Atención] communicate smoothly with each other and keep me informed at all times, and the process is like a

well oiled machine.– Edgar Rodriguez, Commercial Analyst, Poder Comercial

PARTNER SUCCESS Poder Comercial and Grupo Atención

Follow the conversation on Twitter: #LiveEngage

About LivePersonLivePerson, Inc. (NASDAQ: LPSN) offers a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to proactively connect in real-time with their customers via chat, voice, and content delivery at the right time, through the right channel, including websites, social media, and mobile devices. This “intelligent engagement” is driven by real-time behavioral analytics, producing connections based on a true understanding of business objectives and customer needs. LivePerson is headquartered in New York City with offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, Tel Aviv, London, Amsterdam, and Melbourne.

Contact LivePerson, Inc. T: 212.991.1794

475 Tenth Ave F: 212.609.4233

5th Floor [email protected]

New York, NY 10018

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