  • 7/29/2019 Plimmerton Residents' Association request for subscriptions 2013


    Numberworks n WordsNumberworks n Words tutoring brings out the best inyour child with after-school maths and English tuition.Their curriculum-based learning programmes cater for allstudents aged 5 to 15 and are tailored to meet individual

    needs.They are successful because they make learning fun with:

    individual tuition with trained tutors allowing studentsto work independently at their own level and pace

    a positive environment with rewards and reinforcementensuringemphasisonsuccessanddevelopingcondence

    setting goals for each student to work towards and achieve. These targets are set withinput from parents and students. Feedback from teachers, parents and students iscentral to the programmes success.

    Their centre is in Paraparaumu by the beach [email protected]

    Mana Island from Goat Pointby Stuart NicolThe artist: Stuart Nicol was trained at Ilam school ofArt in Christchurch in the 1950s. He moved to Parematain 2002 and works from his home studio drawing muchof his inspiration from the surrounding water andhills. He spends a lot of time sketching and draftingbefore committing to paint as he believes that design

    and structure are important and that good tonalrepresentationreinforcestheinuenceoflightina

    landscape. See more about Stuart Nicol on our website

    Pay your $15 subs before the 24th of May

    and you could win these fantastic prizes A terms FREE tuition at Kapiti Numberworks and Words worth $480

    This delightful view of Mana Island from Goat Point by well known localartist and art tutor Stuart Nicol worth $300.

    Plus ten-trip coffee vouchers to The Big Salami

    And movie tickets for the Lighthouse Pautahanui

  • 7/29/2019 Plimmerton Residents' Association request for subscriptions 2013






    I agree to these contact details being kept on the PR community database and used only in communication about local and association issues.

    Membership sub for 2013 - 2014 per household for the year ending 31 March 2014: $15.00

    A donation for website listing or to support PRA projects:

    Total contribution:

    Please pay by: Internet banking direct-crediting the PRAs Westpac account no. 03 1533-0019155-00


    Cheque delivered to Scene@Plimmerton or posted to PO Box 57-027, Mana 5247

    If your contact details have changed, or you have not given us your details before, please

    complete this form and leave it at Scene, post to our PO Box or email: [email protected]

    Your $15 each year contributes to all the projectscarried out by our community and this association,along with dedicated funding.

    Pay your subs by 24 May 2013 and YOU willgo into the draw for some fantastic prizes....

    A terms FREE tuition at Kapiti Numberworksn Words ...worth $480, a ten-trip coffeeticket from the Big Salami, movie passes fromLighthouse Pautahanui, and an original oil paintingMana Island fromGoat Point by wellknown local artistand art tutor StuartNicol.

    Just $15 perhousehold will helpus to complete theprogramme of activity

    outlined on the community and in the updated villageplan soon to be published.

    As many generous members of our communityare aware...donations are also always gratefullyreceived.

    Businesses and organisations are encouraged to listonthewebsite.Whilewedonotchargeaspecic

    amount, a donation in recognition of the many hoursit takes to write, design and put up a web page

    would be appreciated.

    Please pay by direct credit to PRA Westpac account03-1533-0019155-00 or leave a cheque in Scene@Plimmerton or post to PO Box 57-027, Mana 5274.

    Your invoice and membership form from PlimmertonResidents Association is attached. Thank you forsupporting all the great work being done in yourcommunity.

    Membership for year ending March 2014

    Karehana Park with pavers, paths and petanque! A refurbished railway

    station with Plimmertons history to view while you wait in comfort, street

    furniture for sunset watchers and chippie customers, paving and planted

    picnic spots with tables, submissions on issues affecting our community,

    spring cleans plus maintenance oversight and improvements, fund raising

    initiatives AND a wonderful web site and a monthly newsletter!



    $15 gets you

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