Page 1: Please Note - SCA · 2016. 12. 2. · The Historical Atlas of Knights & Castles The Life and Times of the Medieval Knight Exploring the World of the Vikings Corsets, Historical Patterns

Please Note:

Council is now

held on the

third Sunday of

each month at

the Dome Café,

Waikiki Village,

Read St from

1.00pm., until

further notice.

Newsletter for the Canton of Dragon’s Bay Summer Issue Nov 2016 AS XLXI

A wind-up BBQ lunch will be held at

Dragon’s Lair, after archery training, on

Sunday 18th December


This will be a BYO meat,

salads, etc., drinks and

don’t forget a chair.

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ThorolfR I & Halla I [email protected]

Baron & Baroness of Aneala

Dameon Greybeard & Leonie de Grey [email protected]

Seneschal Avalon of the Isle (Avalon)

[email protected] Deputy Seneschal: Imagina


Sigmund Gabrieleis (Joshua)

[email protected]

Arts & Sciences


Archery Captain Position Vacant

Chronicler (Acting) Liduina de Kasteelen van Valkenburg


[email protected]


Herald Gobin de la Roche (Ben)

[email protected]

Knight Marshal (Acting) Gobin de la Roche (Ben)

[email protected]

Constable (Acting) Liduina de Kasteelen van Valkenburg

(Nancy) [email protected]

Chatelaine/ Hospitaller

Position vacant


Sorcha inghean ui Bhradagain (Tina)

[email protected]

Dragon Taels

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4 Toys for Tots Aneala

January 2017

15 DB Council Dome Café , Read St., Waikiki 1.00pm Dragons Bay

28 Midsummer Feast Aneala


19 DB Council Dome Café Waikiki 6.30pm Dragons Bay


12-14 Lochac Crown Tourney Kerem Adventure Camp Bullsbrook Abertridwr


DRAGON TAELS is the newsletter for the Canton of Dragon’s Bay and is available online, or from the

Acting Chronicler, Mistress Liduina, as a paper copy, (available at The Dragon’s Lair on Sundays).

Dragon Taels is published quarterly, i.e. there is a Summer, Autumn, Winter & Spring edition.

Dragon Taels is not an official publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, (SCA) and does not

delineate SCA policy. The official newsletter for the Society in Australia is Pegasus, which is available

from the Registrar at [email protected]

Closing date for submissions (copy) for Dragon Taels is the 25th of July, October, January & May.

Advertising, including event flyers, can be sent in JPEG, Windows or msPublisher and is free.

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Dragon Taels

Greetings Populace!

So the Seneschal’s Handbook is actually a pretty good read. If you’d like to know a little

bit more about how your group is run, I highly recommend it.

First of all, I’d like to thank Dragons Bay for having me and offering support; especially

Lady Imagina. I still ask her what’s what for every single new thing that happens. I’m sure

I’ll get there. And on the way, I hope I can come up with cool ideas to help improve

everyone’s game. We are always building on what came before, and with each new thing

we bring to the group, be it an event or regalia, we make it even better.

The festive season is coming and spring events will be springing. If you have ideas for

enriching the experience, please attend Council meetings, or submit your ideas to

[email protected] to be added to the Agenda.

Yours in service,

Lady Avalon of the Isle


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Dragon Taels

Heavy Combat training has

started at Dragon’s Lair

Sunday 27th November 2016 saw the start of Heavy Combat training at Dragon’s Lair,

thanks to Gotz von Hamelin, Konrad Hildebrand and Sigmund Gabrielis.

We had a lively training session, with three newcom-

ers joining in, so much so that archery training took a

back seat, as the rest of us were interested spectators.

Gotz and Sigmund got into full kit and unfortunately,

due to the heat and very smoky environs on the day, a

halt was called after several enthusiastic bouts.

It is planned for Heavy Combat training to continue

and training days will happen every fortnight at Drag-

on’s Lair, along with the usual Archery training.

The next training date will be Sunday 18th December,

from 9.30am.

As this will be the last training date for 2016, for both

Archery and Heavy Combat, training will start again

on Sunday 15th January 2017, at Dragon’s Lair, start-

ing at 9.30am. Archery training will continue as before, (every Sunday, unless an event

is happening). Heavy Combat training will happen each fortnight, unless otherwise


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CURRENT COMPETITIONS Twelfth Night LI (2017) hosted by Barony of Politarchopolis

A Nautical item: Any medium, any period.

Ideas: Navigation item, rope, bucket, safety, every day tools, etc. An item for the Hands, Head or Feet: Any medium, any period.

Ideas: Gloves, shoes, socks, comb, brush, pattens etc. Something to carry liquid in:

Any medium, any period.

Ideas: for a journey, in the home, at work.

May Crown LI (2017) hosted by Barony of Aneala

A piece of Illumination :

Any medium, any period.

Inspired by Bees:

Open category. Any item related to or referencing bees, their keeping or their


Ideas: food made with honey as an ingredient, an item containing beeswax, a bee

keeping item, research on bee keeping.

Concept for a period event:

Research a period event and then explain how it could be run as an SCA event

in the future.

Ideas: a tournament format, feast service, May games, guild festivals, a balls

(dances, social setting, music, time of day, etc), a play, a tavern (the food, table

set-up, pastimes available, etc.

Future Competition categories will be announced in Dec 2016.

For more information see the following:

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"Dragon's Lair" is the name of our clubrooms and practice grounds where meetings, archery

training, arts and sciences and more are held. You can find us there most Sundays - unless

another event is happening elsewhere. You're most welcome to come and join us!

Casuarina Wellard Community Centre

cnr of Mortimer Rd and Barker Rd, Wellard.

(1.9km from the Mortimer Rd / Kwinana Freeway exit)

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Dragon Taels

We hold open house every Sunday at Dragon’s Lair and everyone is welcome.

ARCHERY TRAINING. . . . . Unless there is an SCA event on that day.

9am—12nn Dragon’s Lair - Casuarina/Wellard Community Hall (see map).

Cnr Mortimer Rd & Baker Rd Casuarina.

HEAVY COMBAT TRAINING. . . .Every 2nd Sunday, 9.30am, at Dragon’s Lair.

18 th Dec. 2016, then starting 15th Jan 2017, unless otherwise advised.

COUNCIL MEETING: 1pm at the Dome Café, Read St, Waikiki Village, unless

otherwise advised, (see above)

ALL WELCOME. . . . .Contact the Seneschal, Avalon of the Isle for more


[email protected]

WE HAVE A LIBRARY (small but available for perusal)

The Known World Handbook (This is the SCA Bible, a must read.)

The Historical Atlas of Knights & Castles

The Life and Times of the Medieval Knight

Exploring the World of the Vikings

Corsets, Historical Patterns and Techniques

(If you have any books you would like to donate to augment

our small library, please let Avalon know.)

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Sundays 10am—12nn

Lake Monger Primary School, Dodd St, Wembley

Contact: Richard: [email protected]


2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, 7pm

Contact Catherine: [email protected]



Oak Lawn, UWA

Contact: [email protected]

SHIRE OF ABERTRIDWR Wandi Community Centre, 302 De Haer Rd, Wandi.

Training at Wandi each Sunday from 1pm (unless event happening)

For more information, contact : Galen Wulfric (Adam)

[email protected]

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