Page 1: Planificación de Clase Ingles (2)

“2014. Año de los Tratados de Teoloyucan”


Unit: IIIEnvironment:

Science and technologyJobs in scienceEquipment

PRODUCT: An essay writing an introduction Discussion questions

Social Practice:

AWESOME SCIENCE- debate about technology- debate about the use of mobile phones- think and talk about technology at home- show interest towards the future

Specific Competency:

Communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages Mathematical competence Digital competence Cultural awareness and expression Knowledge and connection with the world and environmentSocial and civic competences. Learning to learnBeing autonomous

Date: NOVEMBER 2015

Step of the Product: Prev. paso1 & 3

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3Being through the language: Communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages Knowing about the language: Language and grammar functions- will for predictions, offers and immediate decisions- Going to for future plans- Future continuous- Future perfect- Present tenses for the future- Future in the past- About to, due to, likely to.B Vocabulary- About to, due to, likely to.-Jobs in science- Equipment- Science - Technology- Devices



Knowing about the language: Language and grammar functions- will for predictions, offers and immediate decisions- Going to for future plans- Future continuous- Future perfect- Present tenses for the future- Future in the past- About to, due to, likely to.B Vocabulary- About to, due to, likely to.-Jobs in science- Equipment- Science - Technology- Devices



Knowing about the language: Language and grammar functions- will for predictions, offers and immediate decisions- Going to for future plans- Future continuous- Future perfect- Present tenses for the future- Future in the past- About to, due to, likely to.B Vocabulary- About to, due to, likely to.-Jobs in science- Equipment- Science - Technology- Devices



Doing with the language: -- Speaking about science and technology- Listening to people talking about developing new medicines- Speaking about science- Writing an essay- Watching a video about the space- Reading some newspaper headlines- Reading an article about science for the future- Listening to people speaking about technology- Speaking about a science lesson- Making predictions- Speaking the possibility of living to be 100- Speaking about living forever- Reading a message- Reading an article about mobile phones- Speaking about implanted devices in the future- Speaking about taking medicines- Speaking about jobs they would love- Speaking about jobs they would hate- Listening to students describing some photos

Doing with the language: -- Speaking about science and technology- Listening to people talking about developing new medicines- Speaking about science- Writing an essay- Watching a video about the space- Reading some newspaper headlines- Reading an article about science for the future- Listening to people speaking about technology- Speaking about a science lesson- Making predictions- Speaking the possibility of living to be 100- Speaking about living forever- Reading a message- Reading an article about mobile phones- Speaking about implanted devices in the future- Speaking about taking medicines- Speaking about jobs they would love- Speaking about jobs they would hate- Listening to students describing some photos

Doing with the language: -- Speaking about science and technology- Listening to people talking about developing new medicines- Speaking about science- Writing an essay- Watching a video about the space- Reading some newspaper headlines- Reading an article about science for the future- Listening to people speaking about technology- Speaking about a science lesson- Making predictions- Speaking the possibility of living to be 100- Speaking about living forever- Reading a message- Reading an article about mobile phones- Speaking about implanted devices in the future- Speaking about taking medicines- Speaking about jobs they would love- Speaking about jobs they would hate- Listening to students describing some photos

Page 2: Planificación de Clase Ingles (2)

“2014. Año de los Tratados de Teoloyucan”

UNIT LESSON PLAN- Reading a conversation - Reading a conversation - Reading a conversation

IntroductionLluvia de ideas: Países que hablan inglés en el mundo.

IntroductionParticipan en el juego llamado Numbers mirror: Los alumnos escuchan los números del 1 al 10 en desorden, debiendo representar la cifra con sus dedos o escribiendo el símbolo del número.

IntroductionLos alumnos participan en una actividad denominada Crazy Vowels.Los alumnos repiten y posteriormente identifican y pronuncian en inglés las letras:A, I, - E, I – O, U – U, A – U, E, etc.

Development and interaction

Los alumnos conocen las características de la asignatura. Nombre, No. hrs., etc.Conocen el propósito de la asignatura.Toman acuerdos respecto a la implementación de rutinas de comunicación en el aula a fin de que las clases sean conducidas principalmente en inglés. e.g. Put your hand up, stand up, thank you, sit down, let`s make teams, talk to your shoulder partner, do you know? Dou you understand? etc.Practican la pronunciación.Conocen el significado de las frases a través de imágenes y gestos.Practican de manera cotidiana las rutinas.

Check list

Los alumnos responden de manera no verbal a las indicaciones dadas por el docente.

Development and interaction

Los alumnos responden la pregunta do you know what is community service?A través de investigación o exposición del docente, los alumnos conocen a qué se refiere un servicio comunitario y/o cómo se manifiesta en los países de habla inglesa.En grupo comentan qué tipo de servicios comunitarios podrían llevarse a cabo en su comunidad.Comentan quién puede involucrarse en un servicio comunitario.Con ayuda de un cuadro de doble entrada, los alumnos elaboran un listado en español de servicios comunitarios.

Development and interactionRetoman el listado elaborado anteriormente y practican la forma de referirse a los servicios comunitarios en inglés.Repiten la pronunciación de las palabras y frases.Toman nota.Comentan: De los servicios comunitarios ya conocidos, ¿cuáles son los prioritarios? ¿Por qué?¿Qué necesitaríamos saber en inglés para ponernos de acuerdo y llevar a cabo un servicio comunitario en la escuela/comunidad?

1 Tipo de Servicio. 2 Lugar, 3 Momento del día,

2 Vocab, connectors, phrases, etc.ClosureRetomar los acuerdos derivados de la sesión.

ClosureLos alumnos vuelven a comentar qué es un servicio comunitario así como algunos ejemplos de los mismos.Los alumnos y el docente se comprometen a indagar otros servicios comunitarios .

Diario de aprendizaje


Achievements Achievements AchievementsDistingue expresiones en intercambios orales. Reconoce la composición de Expresiones en intercambios orales. Produce expresiones para dar información.

• Identifica tema, propósito ydestinatario.

Page 3: Planificación de Clase Ingles (2)

“2014. Año de los Tratados de Teoloyucan”


Page 4: Planificación de Clase Ingles (2)

“2014. Año de los Tratados de Teoloyucan”


Unit: Environment: PRODUCT:Social Practice:

Specific Competency:


Unit: IV Environment Familiar and community PRODUCT; INTERVIEW

Social Practice: Understand and produce oral exchanges related to leisure situations Specific Competency:

Exchange likes and dislikes in a dialogue Date:

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9Being through the language: Use language to Exchange common interests. Promote interpersonal relationships.

Knowing about the language: Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language. Evaluation Resources

Knowing about the language: Structure of dialogues: opening, body and closure. Evaluation Resources

Knowing about the language: Structure of dialogues: opening, body and closure.

Evaluation Resources

Doing with the language: Express points of view in favour and against

Doing with the language: Start a dialogue to express likes and dislikes about leisure activities.Anticipate the general meaning.

Doing with the language: Anticipate the general meaning.

IntroductionWarm up. Ss receive a word. Form teams according to the word they received.

Word cards

IntroductionWarm up. Ss form teams.Ss group according to the month and day they were born.

IntroductionWarm up. Ss. Make a review of previous lessons and then they gather in teams.

Development and interactionIn teams Ss do some research to know some words that describe the reasons why they like or not certain leisure activities.Ss brainstorm what they found.Ss Recognise the use of Why and Because (e.g. I like Going to the Cinema/ Why? Because it is relaxing)Ss practice the pronunciation and intonation of the phrases.In pairs, ss express what they like and ask for reasons why they like it or not.Write some declarative sentences in favour and against certain activities.In class, look for 3 different mates and establish communication to express their pints of view.In a chart include the reasons their classmates expressed.

Self evaluation (Team work)


Word cardsPosters

Sample sentences

Development and interaction

Ss listen to some interviews and identify specific information.In Teams

Adopt different identities so they plan an interview

to a famous character. Assign roles for participating in an interview.

– Decide time, place, and length of the interview. – Structure questions about likes and dislikes. – Check that the questions are appropriate regarding the topic, the purpose and intended audience. (Stages of the Product)

Structure their interviews and add linguistic elements that show a natural interaction, such as interruptions, clarifications, etc.

Obs. Guide

Questionnaires and notes from previous lessons.

Development and interaction

With the help of the teacher Ss work in teams and:

–  Assign the roles of interviewer and interviewee.

- Practice the formulation of questions

and their answers.

Check lists

Obs. Guide


Questionnaires and notes from previous lessons.

ClosureSs write some sentences about their opinion regarding certain leisure activities.

Check list / Observation*Portfolio

ClosureT reviews the advance of each team. Check


ClosureT reviews the advance of each team.Delivers info related to the presentation and evaluation of the dialogues.

Self evaluation chart

Achievements Achievements AchievementsFormulates questions to clarify doubts.Writes sentences.

Formulates questions to clarify doubts.Anticipates the general meaning to start a dialogue.

Formulates questions to clarify doubts.Anticipates the general meaning to start a dialogue

Page 5: Planificación de Clase Ingles (2)

“2014. Año de los Tratados de Teoloyucan”


Day 6Being through the language:

Knowing about the language:



Knowing about the language:



Knowing about the language:


ResourcesDoing with the language: Doing with the language: Doing with the language:

Introduction Introduction Introduction

Development and interaction Development and interaction Development and interaction


Closure Closure Closure

Achievements Achievements Achievements

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