Page 1: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

Page 2: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

The World has

moved on…

complex product


complex pricing


complex availability calculation

1000s of customers

with individual


individual checkout workflows

individual design

highly agile


Page 3: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework


A framework for developers to build outstanding e-commerce solutions for customers

Native integration into Pimcore

Component based architecture

Strict separation between backend functionality and frontend presentation

Page 4: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

Key Facts

Developed and improved as Pimcore plugin for over 5 years now

Integrated into Pimcore core distribution

Recently modernized, bundeled and „symfony-ized“ (config, floating issue)

Open Source for every one

Page 5: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

Target Group are Businesses …

… who want to present their USPs in the digital world

… who need agility and speed for trial and error

… with unique products, services and processes

… basically everyone who want to stay ahead

Page 6: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

Building Solutions with the Framework

The Framework Provides •  Architecture and Structure for E-

Commerce Applications •  Services and Components as

seen in the Architecture Overview

•  A blue print with best practices for implementing E-Commerce Applications

You Provide with Full Flexibility • Design, Frontend/Views &

Controllers • Data Models • Custom Extensions where


Page 7: Pimcore E-Commerce Framework - Pimcore5

E-Commerce Framework

Modules & Architecture Overview Factory

Filter Service

Filter Definition Filter Types

Index Service

Index Attributes

Search Backend Adapter

Product List Tenants

Getter / Interpreter


Availability System

Voucher System Voucher Series

Voucher Statistics

Pricing Manager

Pricing Rules Pricing Actions

Cart Manager

Cart Price Calculator

Cart Price Modifications Tenants

Price System Price

Tax Management

Order Manager

Order List Order Agent

Payment Manager Provider

Implementation Payment


Checkout Manager Checkout

Steps Payment Provider

Commit Order Processor Tenants

E-Commerce Framework Config

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