Page 1: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an


Citystate Centre, 709 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig City Ca ll Center (02) 441-7442 Trunk line (02) 441-7444


Page 2: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an


f RO~I


Republic of tile Pllilippines


6fTnrudad Bldg . Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an de Oro Cu~ Call Center (02) ~ 1-7~2 Landhnc (08822)-710473

Website ''" '' j>htlhealth .&Q.I. . .J!h

Bids and Award Committee

April 14, 20 16

11 f[. SECRl~T. \RL \T BID ' & .\ \'C\RD ' CO~I~IITTI · I· I lEAD OFFICE [email protected]·.ph

PROB.\C-X, Cagayan de Oro Ciry

P rocurement Mo ni toring Repo rt ( PMR 1s t Quarter (January to M arch 2016)

\\'e are subnurong herewith the data \\ith regards ro PRO-X lsr Quarter 2016 procurement done rhru

local shoppmg.

Thank )OU.

({CMJ DATU MA IDING M. ALONT O, JR. Regional \'tee Prestdent, PRO-X j;­Concurrent, .\ VP for r-..findanao /1

Cop\ furnt shed:



The President & CEO

0.\\ 'P 1\ [tndanao . \rca \fs. Grace at cadgm@ ph!lhcalth.gcn- ph

''"'"' 11 facebook com/PiuiHcalth Youli!) IHH~) acuoncentcr u philhcalth go1 ph

Page 3: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

( -

'· .


Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

Procurement Monitoring Report as of JANUARY-MARCH 2016 OAVP-Mindanao


NfJI,IiiS PKIJ/ Notkol ACflW Pf?fJ11/£N£Nf ACfMTr Sourc8

NODE co ( BKIEfT DESCR/Pf/ON J Enti·User Proc/Jl1!ment P,v Proc Ads/Post qf Prt:OIO [liflibi/lfy Sub/Open fMha Post Contract Conlr!Jcl Nobcelo DciM!ry/ Accop/once qf

Coni /A£8 Cod lkci of &tis /uittl(}(l fJuJI J,..,.,j Slgntng Proceed Comp/e/1(}(1 fllmllm' {IIIIis

500.00 Repaor of glas. wall 2016 Corp Budget

11,480.87 Office Supplies 1016 Corp.Budget

16,800 00 1carts HP 90A Carts. 1016 Corp. Budget

4,090.00 !Opes frame 8x11 onches 8011 woth mattong 1016 Corp. Budget

4,12000 Flash thumb dnve 64GB 1016 Corp Budget

79600 2 pes Tire black, 8.111 oz. lpcs car freshener loquod 1016 Corp Budget

1,00000 4 pes Mouse Usb woth scroller optical 1016 Corp Budget

~-- -

Page 4: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

TotJI KefTHJf'ls








Prepared by

Teresita~ Casullon



NfJO[ co COKTKACT CDS! (PhPJ us/of

folal NOli CD lrmled Pro-Prot: Pn!-/nrl

Obset>l!rs Cot! Con{

Head.Admonislrabve Servoces Saction



Eltgthi1itr Su6/0penOJ IM Post NoiTceOJ Contrscl /JoJimr/ KeiTIIJds/Supp/mr POl JOI Checl Bttis Eraloa/ton Ouaf Awarr/ Stgn1119 Accept








Recommendong Approval Approved By-

Mana RhodEsanlo

Choef, Manag enl Services Divosion

Datu 'j!,~;nf;;;,llo Jr. f I C ht RVP PRO X, current OIC.AVP- Mindanao

Page 5: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

· ..


NOfE co ( BNI{Hf}[SCII!Pf/UH J

50000 Repair of glass wall

11,480 87 Office Supplies

16,800.00 2carts HP 90A Carts

4,090.00 lOpes frame 8xl2 1nches 8011 w1th matt1ng

4,120.00 Flash thumb dnve 64GB

79600 2 pes nre black, 8.211 oz, lpes car freshener ltqUid

1,000 00 4 pes Mouse Usb w1th scroller optiCal


End User


Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

Procurement Monitoring Report as of JANUARY-MARCH 2016 OAVP-Mindanao


Procurt!menl Pro Proc Ads/Post of Prt!lno Eng•btlltr Sui!/Opon

Coni IA£8 COli l'bet:J of &tis

ACIIMI PflfDJifJIEKT AC!MfY Satrrt Bill Era Post Contll1CI Contll1CI NotJCeto OciM!ryl keep/anew of w/1017 flllal Awrtl !NrJIIItlfl Proceed Compte/Jon ll.lffliM!r fllllt!s

2016 Corp Budget

2016 Corp. Budget

2016 Corp. Budget

2016 Corp Budget

2016 Corp. Budget

2016 Corp. Budget

2016 Corp.Budget

Page 6: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

fora! f?em;,rls


11,480 87






Prepared by

Teres,~or Cas~llon SIA-l


N!U co CONTRACT COST (PhP) bstuf

Iota/ llf]{]f co ltwrterl Pm-Proc Prr:lm/

Obsi!MJf'> Con! Con!

~a Head.Adm,nostrative Sei'VIces Sect ion



Elitp/JJ/tty Su!J/Open o1 &rl Post No/lcem Contrsct Oelrrery/ Remarls/ Suppl~~~r POl JOI Ched 8Jr/s Eralua/10n Oual AWIIrrl S,gnmg Accepl








Recommending Approval Approved By

Mana Rhod~sanlo Ch1ef, Manag, ment Sei'VIces D1111Sion

Oatu Ma;t:ng~ J;;;;;;o Jr. .,-{ C /I I, RVP PRO X.~cu;;~l OIC,AVP- Mindanao

Page 7: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

--' . .


P hilipp ine Health Insurance Corporation

P rocurement Monitorin g Report as o f J ANUARY-MARCH 2016


NODE co f BRIEn OESCI?IPUON J End User Procutr~nt Prw Proc Atls/PasJol Prt/JNJ ff,gM/y Sub/Op4n e,d{ya- Pas~ Dlnncl t:onncr NaJceiD Oe/opf)'! kcepDn<e Ill falill flem1rls Jl/ll{ co Canf 14[8 Canf Checl o!Bffls lwtmn Ou.l S,gmng PfTICeed Camp/ellfJn

'""""'"' fumls

~':!(I (It 60 mtf' Gt.-nOl c:arth cloth ,<' lxn;c-. PINS. HI bnxc~

PhRO X NcJ.,'(JIIatcd Procurcm~..m

~II(, Corp Bud).>< I 2.]211 on l'humb1ack' ~mall Value

1,71IOIM1 :! J'C!> chau n; uph<,f,tcrv PhRO X Nc~t•awd Procurcml.nt

21\1 (, Curp Bud).'<. I 1,78111NI ~mall Valu(

2.~~ ~~~ · 1 um1 Chcc~ uo & n.:pa•r Server (liP Prult.lnl PhRO X

Nc~ouawJ PmcurcmLnt 21\1 (, c.,rp lludl(<:t Z.~MIIN I

1811(,11) Small Value

4 1,25111NI Scan' I !P 64A Toner PhR<>-X Nt.:l-,''Ollatc<..l Procurc:mt..nt

2111(, Corp lh1d).'<l 41,2SOINI Small Value

\21XIIMI 4pe> numlxnnl' ""'"P 11 d•!\'t' PhRO-X Nq.tuttat ~..-d

:!IIJ(, Ccorp llud).'<l l,21MI IMI Small V:tlue

<~ 1,81ki.IMI 1211 pe• hler box " 11h CO\ er black ~h lllx 1/2' 16 PhRO-X Nq.~.>1aau . ..J Pmcurcmt.nt

2111 (, Corp llud)."-l -111,81MI.IMI Small Value

H,+MI So OHI!.ESLI'PLII '.'i CONSO H .fiR LAin PhltOX Nq . .,"()U~u..-d Prncurcm .. :nt

2lll (, ( Alrp llud).'<l ~-~1.50 Small Value

1,8361MI 14 pack' parchmcnlpapcr A4,11 KI pad< CJ1t nt

l'hROX Ncgouall-d Pav>eurcmt..n t

2111 (, Corp llud).'t:l 1.83<> IMI l·t<-dback Shp 4.5tn' 8.5tn Small Value

19,lKI'l l2 4,1 67 pes l'olucr, prc"board plam, fnr legal 'IZe PhilO X Ncgot1atcJ Pmcurcmcnt

2111 r. Corp lludgct W.llli>. IZ Small Value

\~l160 Vd 1tclc m:unu ... 'f'lancc Cor Toyota It"'> Sl·11 776 Ph ItO-X NcgouatOO

20 I(, Corp lludj...-ct 1.41rl.60 Small V:tluc

90XIIMI rcp;m nf strcl cabllll.l ORVP PhilO-X Nt..l,.OC:J U-a tct.l Pmcurcrru .. nc

2111 (, Corp llud!("l \)(KitH I Small V:tlue

1,1461KI 6 dt)/l>fi Bal11xm ~ Hh pnnt~ .. \ W p:ll<•\\,' J1. grc~..:n Phi!O-X Nt:ftOUau:J Prncun:mc:nt

2111(, Corp llud)-'<1 1,14(>.(!1 Small V~luc

\90~1.1MI Vc.:htclc mamtr.:nancc: mn-.uba(ht at.hc."Tlturc Phi! O-X Nc~'OI12H.xl Prtxurcmt:nt

2111(, <.orp llud).'<l 1,\)(MIINI Small Value

2,SIMIIMI Vchtclc m:untc..'Tlancr mtt·mbtsht ac.h C.'1lrurc PhHO-X Nc.:gou:ucd Pmcurcmc..nt

21116 Corp lludJ.."<L Z,SlKIIM) Small Value

711,lK~UMI 3)0 pack!. <.itft P:td.\ for hu~p•tal '"'"It\ PhRO-X Ncgottatcd Pmcurcmc.:nt

12-Fcb-1(• 2111(, Corp lludl(<:t 70.tXMl.tMI Small Value

3,41Kl!KI I pe roblcTup 3/ll llron,c (IS> 25 x47 1/ 4),1 pe l'hRO Jo.

Nq;uuau:U Pmcuremt.:nt 2111 (, Corp llud)-><:1 \4<MI.m

rablc rop 1/ lll3mn,e (15' S/ 8 x 1111 / 4) Small Value

Z pes rabk 1np gla." I 4 1\RON/.1 ·. 22 1/2 X 47

1,2!MIIMI 1/ 4,1 pehbletopgl"'s l/ 4bronlc231/ 2x PhRO-X

Ncgol1:ncd Procurement 2111 C. Corp lluu!("t \2110 (~1

4S/ SII, l pe Table top glass 1/ 4 bron1c 27 1/ 2 > (,z Small Value

5. 8

11,9411MI Vchtdc m amtcnallCc for !\ht\ubt~ht advcruurl' PhRO X

NcgntiJtt.-d Prvcuremcnt 2n16 ~~·rp lludg.·1 11,941 1KI

SGSS!:/4 Small Value

l ,&XIIMI Vch1clc m:untcnanc...- ftJr ~1H..;;ubt .. ht aJv~.:n t\Jrt' PhRO X

Ncgotiatt:J Procurement 2111 (, Corp Bud!(<: t 1.81-I!MI

SGSS94 Small Value

I ,ISJIMI Vchtclc mamtt::nanct: for T,,yota n·,·n SHl 776 l'hi!O~X Nct..'OtmtcJ Procurement

201(. Corp llud).'<l I,ISl!XI Small Value

>80 !MI Vd uclc m:umenancc for T,>)'nta rcw> SFP 776 Phil O-X Nq;.'<'~ttatcJ Procurement

2111 (, Corp Bud~(< I 11!11 (N) Small Value

71XUMI 13rakc l lo<c for M11<ubtslu Auvcnturc sc;s S94 PhRO-X Ncgottatl.-d Pmcurcm<.:nt

201(. Corp llud),'<:l 7(XUMI Small Value

4,1\97.511 G boxes cont fomh 3 ply I I ' 14 7/ 8, carbonic<' l'hRO-X Nchroraart.'\.1 Pmcuretll4.;nt

2111(> Corp llud),'<l 4,897.50 Smal l Value


Page 8: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

coKrw cosr (PhPJ bstof OAfl Of RfCE!Pf Of /!MfAROK

IDUI JIO/JE co '""''' p,.. Proc Prtlml [l,g.Miy Suii/Opet~ol 1M PIISI NDIJCetl Oe/itely Cottnct 11.-ts/ Suppkr POl JO.I

Ohserwrs Coni Coni Chtcl Btt!S Eralualltln Ou1l Awart! accefl(i1nct St!}flff'g

12 1 ·<b~ l r. 12hbll'i \NI'<lNIOTYOR\\II.q)N IY W12P 11211

27 Jan 16 29~Jan 16 I) p I lkl:phnl<tcn #IMI)

22 l·cb-16 2 Mar 1(, IMTA\\CHUJ)COMPITI~l ( I:NTI 'R #Ill>

K Mor-11, 14 ~lor IG 1M I'A\~ ( HU.D c :o~tPL"Il:R c:t-.NT I·R 16021'-114 \

R Mar II> 14-MoriG l·IJ.I<.I t\NO Rl' RBEI\ST AMI'S ll•lW 1174

4 Mor )(, 16~Mar 1(, C.I.ORII·.ITA MARKI'.TING LORI' 1(.121'-tl-1<)

7 ~br-1(, 16~Mor 16 c;J.<>RII·.ITA M \RKI·.TJNG U>Rl' 1(.121' 114:!

14-Mor-16 16-Mar 16 (;J.ORII Tl"i\ M \RKETING C:ORP 1(.121'-1117

'\ 1-cb 16 3 Feb 16 (;J .( >RIF:rrA MARKTING CORP H•12l'~ll >

'\ Fcb-16 1 Feb 16 IIOI.Y ROSJ\IlY I'E'Ilt< lN HmP IXIK # tX14

15 l'cb 16 1.!-l·cb 16 lilC~nns cnlcrpn ... t.:c; #Ill (I

121·cb-16 111-l·cb II> M&ll.i I'OY 1\.\I.J.(X>N & PAR IY

IW2P-1119 NI-.I·:DS

221·cb 1(> 22 l·cb 16 N,\ROOS J\101\II.E ,\IRCON 1(. 121'-111:!

22 l'eb 16 22hbl6 NARDOS MOntiJ: 1\IRCON #tll2

29 l'cb-1 (> 24-Fcb 16 ORORAMA SL'PERCI NTER 1602P-tn7

2'\1-cb-16 27 l·eb 16 1'1 R GIJ\SS & !\J.t.:IIIINL'J\1 Sl'J'PIS 1W:!P-1133

II l·cb-16 PI·R GIJ\SS AND Al.l'MINL:M

1W2P-111(> SL'I'PLY

18-~br 16 Ill Mar 16 1'1 Ill. lYRES COR!' l(~I\I'-U72

18 Mar-16 l~Mar 16 PI II J:IYRE.<; ( ORl' #(115

18 Mar 16 UlMar 16 Pl lll: ll Rl~~ C( >RP 1 (•I'll' 07\

IK Mar 16 IH Mar 16 l'I IILIYRI·$ CORP # ll l6

\ l·cb 16 3-Fcb 16 P I IILI'> Rl·$ CORPORi\'llON ""'"'-01:! #IK17

kalr\\•aan kahwaan PROCL RI'.MI'.NT SI .RVICI , I(~III'-IM15

Page 9: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

2'1,771 I\( I ~upph'-"( PhilO X NL~t~..o·ucd Procurement

:!Ill fo Corp llud~t 29.77l!l!l Small Value

(o,476 111 01·11!:1 ' SL PPLII ·~~ ((INSO 1·01\ I·LI\ :!1116 J>hi!O X NcROmucU Procurcmc.:nt

:?Jtl(o l.orp Bud),'< I (o,47(o '11 Small Value

6,68005 01 liCE SL PPI 11 '.'- Phi! O-X Nt.~HJatt.:d Pmcurcmc.:nt

:!!ll(o Corp Bud~t fo,680115 ~mall Value

1,tl15 91 OH I( L SL J>J>LJI_'i 1·01\ CO\ l'hRO·X Ncgoualt.:d Pu ..... "Urcmtnt

21116 Corp lludgu '\,01591 '-;mall \'aluc

5,'!Sl IMI I pe backdmp tarp banner for lxo<>lh (6m>.2 }m) l'hRO-X Nq.,'OWHcd l'mcuren"M.:nt

:!Ill(, <.urp Bud~ I 5,981 101 Small Valut: S,OOU J"C" l;mnLimt·n '-{'f'\ ICt.' fl\'cr...

Nc!-;onau.:d Pmcuremcnt I11,1MNI INI (1.1 110/c>.p«"),I ,INNXl pe' fronthnc \Cnt>.< n)<'' PhRO X

Small Valtte :?;ill(, l.urp Bud;."-' 19,1MN11N l


1 pcPIIICm•~'•<m 15*"'11J".I pcPIII(",,..,.on 15""9".1 pc PI II( Core Value' tSm, 19m, l pe fL.._.Jback mt.-chouw .. m \4.1 pc Sen ICC'i & cotandard .. J5an "'J9m.1 pc pwccs:, flowchart I Stn ). 19,1 pc no

Ncgou::.tcJ Procurcmc.:nt 2,89'1 IN! smokmg A4,1 pe 'lnu fixer I no lunch J>hRO-X

Small Volue 211 I(, Corp Bud~, ... , 2,1!9') IN!

break /contact center ng bayan/ no wf• pohcv I pubhc a.."SI'Hance & complauns Jc~l .acC)-hC

platt (4m' 12m,2 pes mcmb<'f'Shtp OCI)·hc plate

4nl' 12m,Spc-. cu"1o rruzcd /\RTA c:tr.tvan 1 1)

5,2t)R IKl 7 pe' t'arp>ulm for 21 Sl Ann" 3ft < 6ft.7pc>

PhRO-X Ncgouatcd Procurement

:!Ill r. Corp llud~t 5,2011.1MI Tarpaulin for \\'omens celebration 132" x411" Small Value

I \750IM1 250 pes l·.COb"t," wtth PI II(. logo pnnnnR black PhRO X Ncgonarcd Pmcurcmt;nl

:!Ill (o Corp llud),><:l 13,75tUMl Small Value

16,65tl1Ml 37 pes Phalh\::tlth 2hl Anntvt·f'ary Shtn'i for Da,·a,>

PhRO-X N~ll4ltcd Prncun..>Jnc.:nt

2fll(o Corp llud~t 1(>.65t i 1Ml\ Small Value

12,954 w Vt·heclc mamtcnanec: I'OYOI'\ PhRO-X NLt,~ltah.-J Pmcurcmt.:nl

21116 Corp lludgct 12,954 60 ~mall Value

3.9'11 12 Vchtclc m:untcnanC< TOY<YI'A PhRO-X Ncgouatcd Procurt'11lCTlt

21ll6 Corp Budget 1,9'.11 12 Small Value

18,6%511 Vc.:htcle rruuntt...'fWlCt for ·1 oyuta Crnndta Sl I· 640 PhRO X Nc~ttated Pmcurcmt:nt

21116 C.orp lludgt·t 111.696.50 Small Value

2,58l10 Vchtclc m:untc.-nancc (o r Tm-Ot3 Crandta Sl.c.POO PhRO-X Ncgfmatcd Procun:-mcnl

2016 Corp lludh"'' 2,583 1(1 Small V;~lue

).(M1110 labor/ rnatcnal• for the replacement of Brake pad'

PhRO-X Ncgouatcd Procurement

21116 \.nrp lludb"'' 1,1KI3 Ill of Toyota lnno\'a SID 7tlH Small Value

5,19'211 Labor/matcnals f()r the replacement o f Urakc shoe

PhRO-X Ncgou:atcd l'rocurcmcnt

21111> Corp Budget 5,193 20 of Toyota I nno '• Sl l) 7lMI Small Value

5,269 62 Vch1cle mamtcnancc for - ,·O)'Ota lltace Sj/.945 Phi!OX Nc.-got•atcd Pmcurt.·mcnl

21116 Corp Budget 5.269 62 Small Value

1 .~44110 Vcluclc mamtcnancc for· l"O)'Ot:a l!tacc SJ ~'.)45 Phi\ O-X Ncgo11a1cd Pr,x:urcrnl'tll

21llf> Corp lludgt' l 1,344lMl Small Value

5,0KK ll8 Matcnals for ~urconUanonmg clcamng o r-l·c)yota

PhRO-X Negnu:u et.l Pmcurcmt:nr

21116 Corp Budget 5,08l!8K 10n"'·a SLD 708 Small Value

.1.584110 Matc.:naJs for a•rccmU•oonmg cleantn~ of·l·oyota

PhHOX Negotiated Procuremcm

21116 Corp.lludgco 1,584.UII 10n"'·a SLD 7ll8 Small Value

Page 10: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

~al"'aan l2ls"'·un I'R<X:L RI'.MI'.NT SI,RVICJ: ll~121'-llW

kalr"aan kah"un I'I!OCLRLMLNT SJ..KVJCE 16112P-ri1X

kalrwaan l..all\\a.all PR< X:LKLMI .NT SI .RVJCI I(OJJI>-1159

l:th,o~:a~n kal .... aan I 'K<X:L'RL~ti.N I SI·J\VIC:h lf~r\P-077

1 (~ 1 -<b 16 1:!1-cb-16 SJ(;NIII \D AI)VI.RTISIN( , & Gl. \S: 1(~121'"'2.'

1(> l·.b 16 l(,.hb 16 SI<;NJII \D ·\DVJ·.R nsn..;<. & c;J .\s: 1 (~121'-1121

16 hb-16 16hb 16 S I<;NI II '.AD t\I )VIii!TISIN(; &

I(~ 121' -02:! < ;1 J\SS SL 1'1'1.)

I I Mar l f1 12-h b- 16 S I(;NJ II-.1\D GKAPI IIC<;

1 (~131' -1154 1\I)VI'.R' J'ISING

'J l·cb-16 I) 1-cb 16 SOLAR INDL'STRII~' l fmP-Il i X

:!2 l·<b 16 ll-Mar 16 I \II.OR MADJ , BY Oil VI ·. W121'-rl45

2 hb-16 2-1-eb 16 J'OYOI \ C'\(; Dl·. ORO,IM . 16UI P -1Xll

2 F<b-16 2 Feb 16 r< lYOTA \..AC Dh ORO, INL #em

2-l·cb-16 2 1·cb 16 I'OYOTI\ CA(,t\Y \N DE ORO INC 1601 P-IX14 #002

21'cb 16 2-1-cb-16 IOYOT\ L\(;1\Yt\N Dl. ORO IN< 16111 1'-U11 #m6

} Fcb- 16 '-l·cb 16 TOYOT A CAC:AYAN DhORO INC 161111'-lllll #!XIS

3 hb-16 \-Feb 16 IOYOT \ CA<;AY \N DE ORO INC 1(,(121'014 #CXIS

!(•-Mar 16 16-Mar 16 I'OYOTA Ci\GAY AN D E ORO INC I GO:ll'-1166

16-Mar 16 16Mar 16 TOYOTA CAG I\YAN D E ORO INC: #014

9 t-.lar 16 9-Mar 16 TOYOT1\ C:M;,w AN D E ORO,INC: 16021'-020

r-- 9 Mar 16 I) Mar 16 I'OYCJTA (.t\{;AYAN D i e ORO,INC. #IKl'.l

Prepared by ~ Recommendrng Approva l Approved By:

An~slta . yf~ ''" Teresota A rCastollon Mana Rhod Ia S Monsanto Datu Mas1 1n M AJonto Jr

RVP PR~~onr,r:nt OIC.AVP · Mindanao Head.Admrnrstrabve Servrces Sec~on Chref. Mana ement Servrces Drvlslon SIA·I

Page 11: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an


I([J(][ co f 81?/Efl O[St:/1/PTION) End User

2, ;:!(II! I (l4l mtr-. Gt.:na earth cloth.61x,x~ I' bfHCS

l'hROX l'humbtack'

1,7SOm 2 pes ch:ur rc.: upholo::tcn- l'hiHJ-X

2,~MI !!I 1 un1t C :hc.:ck uo & rcp;ur S«.!n•c.:r (l iP Prolunt

PhRO-X lllu<.;ll)

41,2SOW 5 C:ln~ I rp 64J\ Tonu l'hHO-X

\21MI.!MI 4pc~ numbcnnt: scamp 11lhgJt<j PhHO X

4H,&NII!I 1211 pc< l'iler box -.11h CO\et blac~ 'h ltlxl/2x 16 PhRO-X

K,4411 So OH 1<:1·. Sl !'I'Ll I ·~\ CON SO FEI{RL:J\RY l'hRO-X

\8J6<•• 14 pack< parchment paper J\4,l! KI pad< Uttnt

l'hRO-X ht:dback Slm 4 Sm ' S.Stn

39,<m 12 4,167 pc< !·older. prc"board plam, for legal "'e PhRO-X

\~1360 Vc.:htclc mamh.:.nancc for Toyota Rvn SI·V 776 l'hRO-X

\I<MI (MI rcp:ur t>f stc..·cl cabtnLI ORVl, PhiH>-X

1,14(\tNI ()de )len Ballotm \\ Hh pnnt"i,l d.t yd lov.•,; u .... wc~.;n PhRO-X

\9fltt{l(l Vt.:htck matntLnancc muc;;ubt~ht al.h t-nturc PhROX

2,5tNI (.1 Vc.:htclt.. nutniL-nancc m1t,ubt"h' atJn-nturc PhRO-X

7U,(NKI(MI J50 pach (,tft Pack' for hu'iplt~l ""'K PhilO-X

1,4<!1 (NI 1 pc rablc l"up 3/11 Bron ;c (15, 25 >47 1/ 4),1 pc

l'hROX i abk l"op 1/81\ron,t: (1 ~' S/8' IH 1/ 4)

2 f'C' l"abk top gl»' 1/ 4 IIRON/.1-. 22 112 X 47

1.21KICIO 1 I 4,1 pc bblc top glas> 1/ 4 bronze 2'\ 1/2 '

PhRO-X 4~/Sll, l pc Table top~·" 1/4 brnn;.c 27 1/2' 62

5. 8

11,94 \IMI VchtC.I~ numrcn:.ncc.: for Muo;;ubt:.tu aJventun·

PhRO-X ~GS594

l,SilC'l<MI Vchtclc ma.tntcnancc for Mu~ubL,ht aJ,·cnturc


1,151 ()tJ Vcluclc matOH..'t'lanCc for Toyota n.'W> SFP 776 PhRU-X

'\8{1(-1 Vchtdc mamtcnancc for ru,·ota rno SFJl 776 l'hRO-X

7tKUltl Bral c l lo~c,; for Mu..,ubtsht t\J\'ent\trl' SGS 594 PhRU-X

4,897.50 6 bo>cs cunt form< 1 ply 11 ' 14 7/ll, carbonic" PhRO X


Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

Procurement Monitoring Report as of J ANUARY MARCH 2016 -Norlul ACf/JAl PNOCUHENEN! ACTMTY

f'ruanm..t ProProc kls/Past/6 P,..iiKJ Orp/>ldy SI!M/ptn /W[w- Post f:ot,lr&t:J

Con/ IAEB Ctml Checl oiBtds lui/lion Oui/ A~-.rrl

Nc.:~tliUt:d Prr>eurcnu.nt

!'mall \'ohll Nq~ouau.-d Pmcurcrm.:nt

Small Valu<

Nq.,rohau.:U ProcurcmLnt ~mall Valu<:

Nt..).'Oflatcd Pmcurcnu.nt

Small Value.. Nq~ouatt.J Pmcurcm~..:nt

~mall Value

Nc~ttatcc..J PmcurCfl'lt.:nt Small VoluL

Ncgottatc.:d Procurcmc.:nt Small Value

Nc~o.-ottatcd Procurcm~.:nt

Small Value

Nc~'Ottatcd Procurement Small Valoc

Nc~natcc.J Pmcurcmc.:nc Small Value

Nq;:~ouatcd Procurcmc.:nt Small Value

Ncgouatc.:d Pmcun:mc.:nt Small V:1.h1t.;

Nt.·gouarcd Procun..-mc.:nt Small Value

Ncf_rol1atcc.J Pmcuremc..nt Small Value

Nc~uau.-d Pmcurcmcnt 12-Fcb· l 6

Sm.'ll Valut:

Ncgt,hatcd Pmcun .. -mt-nl

Small \'alue

Ncgotmtcd Prrx:urcmem Small Value

N~ll:alt::d PrtKUfl'mlfll

Small Vallll

Nch"'I I<I.ILc..i Pmcurcmc.:nt Small\ aluc

Nl!boot talcJ Procurcmc.:nt Small Value

Ncb-'Otlatcd Procurcmc.:nt Small Value

Nc,;gou:uL-J. Pmcurcmt..nt Small Value

Nch'OU:ucd PnKurcnxnc Small Value

Sourr:• ABCfPhPJ CDfllrrr:t Nr«~ID Oenr.r,l Aaep/i111U cl {Ill#/ NIIITYfis 11001 co S,gnmg Procted Comp/ehDn fumMr funds

:!(IJ(, (~"P flud~,'Ct 2 •. 12t1Hl

:!til(, l.urp llud~-o><ot 1.7811UI

2H1(, Corp Hud)..l'(;l 2,4(!1 (Ml

211 I(, L<>rp llud~,-cl 41.250 IMI

2<11 6 Curp llud'-"'' J.2!W!I

2<11 6 L<>rp fludf(<t ~I.&NUNI

21116 Corp llud!(<t 8.~1.5tl

2<11(, Corp llud) 3.1!36 C!l

2111G Corp lludg.;t W,tXn12

21116 Corp lludf..'<l 1,4(Jl(~l

20 I(, C.>rp lludf(<t C)(KJ. tNI

2111(, Corp Budget l,I46.1MI

201 r, Corp Budg.;t J.9W.INI

2111 (, Corp lludj..,>ct 2.5<.K>HI

2111 (, Corp lludf.>ct 7tl.t)(NI.CNI

2< I((, Corp 1\udf..'CI \ 4UIHI

211 1 6 Corp Hudgct \2ti01lt l

21>16 Corp lludg<'t 11,'>43 tNt

21116 Corp lludf."'' l.Si-ICMI

:!!II(> Corp lludgcc 1.15'\INI

21116 Corp lludgct 380!NI

21116 Corp lludgct 7(lt.UNI

201 (> Corp lludg.;1 4.897 Sll

Page 12: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

CONTKACf COS! (PhP) {1$/o/ OAfE Of IIECEIPf Uf 1/MfAffUN

l/1/;J/ NUU£ co """"' PrtProc PrtW [~ Su6/llptnti &!/ Post NJIJcul fkioel)' ConirBct KtmMts/ Supp!,.,. POl JU' Uhset>OrS CINII Coni Chetl &t!s Eraluanon Uu.t A.1JIY! iltteptance Stgn111g

121·c~l6 12 Fe!> 1(, '\NTONIO"IY OR \'11SON 1"'1 161121' 112!1

27Jan-16 29Janl6 D I' I" Rc L" ph<>IStcn #IN I"\

22 l·cb 16 2-Mar 16 !)A I"A\HIRI.D C:OMP ITI:.R ( I'.N"Il:R #Ill'

R Mar 1(, 14 Mar 1(, DA l"i\1\0IU.D COMPl "" IER CI·.NTI·.Il W 121'-ll41

R Mar-16 14 M>r 1(, I·I·.I.ICI1\NO Rl'llHERSTAMI'S ) (~111'-074

4 Mar-!(, 16 Mor 1(, c;I.ORII·:JTA MARKI ·.I"ING CORP lm2P-1149

7 Mar-)(, 11~1\br !(, (;I.ORIETIA 1\1 \RKI liNG CORP 1 (•121'~142

14-Mar-16 !(~Mar!(, C l ORIE"ITA Mi\RKJ·.IING CORP W121'-1117

"\ l·cb -16 3 Feb 16 G l ORIET!"A MARKIINt; CORP 1 1~121'-nn

; l·cb-16 1 Feb 16 I IOI.Y ROSARY 1'1\"ll(()N ! (mi'-INIR #tX14

IS l·cb 16 12 1·cb 1(, 1:\C,ons cm t.: rpn-.~..:s #IIIII

12- l·cb 16 llll·cb 16 M&M !"0\ IMIJ.OON & PAR IY

1(>121'-1119 Nl'.EDS

22-l·c~l6 22 l'c~ 16 NARDO~ MOI\11.1·. :\IRCON 1 (~121'-11"12

22h~ 16 22-hb 16 N \RDOS MOI\11.1:. AIR CON #<112

29 l'cb 16 24-l'c~16 OROIL\MA SL'PERCENTER )(~121' -1117

21 l·c~l6 27-l'c~ 16 I'I·R G!J\SS & t\I.LMINL'M Sl"I'PI.Y 1(•121' 111"\

lll'cb l6 I' I·R G LASS AND AI.UMIN L:M

IW21' 016 SL'I'I'LY

181\br 16 18-1\br I t, I'll II : rYRE.>; CORP 160W-{172

18Mar- 16 l fi..Mar l 6 PIIIU11U·~<; CORP #015

18 Mar-16 18-Mar 16 PIIII.TYRF$ C< IRP 1611"\1'-07"\

18 Mar- 16 IS- Mar 16 PI IIUYRI·~'i CORP #11 16

; 1-cb-16 3-l'cb 16 PIII L"IY RI '.'i CORPOHt\ll ON l (~lll'-11 1 2 #1107

kahwaan ~aliwaan PROCuREMENT SI·.RVICE 1 (~111'-INIS

Page 13: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

2'1,7'1 lUI t)ffKt.:'U~It." PhRO \ Nq.,•tHUtt"ll Pmcurcmc.;nt

:?Ill(, Corp llud;.'<.t 29,77\ lU I ~rmll Val<ot

(,,476'J1 (llllt,l . !il 1'1'1.11.-; 1"01'0~0 H>R 1-1-.11 :?1116 l'hltO \ ~q.,"-•Ualt.:d Prncurcnxnt

:?IIIIo Corp llu<l;."<t (,,47(1 fJ1 ~mall Valul

(,.(-..'itt tiS (lHIC,I.~l 1'1'1.11·.\ PhltO \ ~q . .,"IAI~t<:J PrncurCfl'

:!Ill(, Corp llud;.-<t I,,(~ II I~ ~mall Vah&<.

1,lii~'JI 01 1·1( h ~l 1'1'1.11'$ H1R (.c);\ l'hRC> X Nc..·~·II~H.:d l)hi'l'"Ufl"fTlt:OI

Ztlllo r~up llu<.lgu \015'JI Sm>ll V>luc

S.~Hlt-1 I J>l backdrop tarp banner for lxwoth (6mx:! \m) PhltO \ Nq . .,•Uatcd Pnx:urcnxnt

:?IIIIo Corp llu..l;."<t 5,9RI "I Small Valu<

5,0011 rc" I mntlm<:n 'CfYICC Over-Nt.:h'tmotu:J Pmcun...-1'

1'J,000(1(1 (IIIlO C'J"<"),l,!UI(l J'C' frnntlmc '""'< 0)'" PhltC) X Sm11ll V:tlue.;

2JIJ(, Lurp lluJK't 19,1Hil0


1 !" 11111(. ml,40ton tr,"\19",1 pc PIIIC \'IW'n

15"\1')",1 J>l l'lll ( C:mc Value' l ~m, l 9m, l pc

f\."1.-.dh."k mt,;c,:h;uw .. m \4,1 pc ScnlCC'\ & ~lmtJ:trtJ,

15m :\19m, I pc pru..:~.;~) flowchart J';an x l'J,l pc nu Nc.:~matc..-..1 PnKurcmt:nt

2.89'J !Ill ..,mnLm~ .\4,1 (X 1\nu fL"'·r no lunch Phlt<l·X Small Vai<K

:!OI(o Corp llud;."<t :!,1\'l') 1•1

brca~ /cuntatl cnuc.:r ng ba)a.n .. nn gJfl pnhn/pubhc >.""'•nee & wmpbonts de>l.acn he

pbll (4m ' 12tn,2 pc< mcmbcrxhop ac')·IK: pbr< 4tm 12tn,5pc< cu'rnmucd 1\.RTt\ e>ra,·an II)

S,2llll m 7 pc< l'arpaulm for 21st \nnl\ 3fr x 6ft,7pcs

l'hi\OX Nt..).•unall~ Pmcuremc.:nt

:?Ill(, Corp lluJ~'<.I 5.2{11\101 l"arpaulm fnr \\ ·onll.·r" cclcbranon 132'" ,.4R'" Small Value

1',75111•1 2511 pc< FU )b"'," "'"h PIIIC.Iugt1pnnun11 bbck l'hR<I X 1"-.:~tuu.:d

2J)I(o Curp llud!l<t I \,751HO Small V,.lut..

1(>,65111•1 37 J'C' Ph~hc.Uth :!I" \nmn:f"ian Shan .. fur Da\".&cJ

Phlt< l X NL}.''Uil2H:d Pmcun:mc..m

:?Ill(, Corp lltld;."t 111,65111•1 (U\ Small Valut;

12,954 m \'t;hlclc m;umcnann· HlY( )f \ Phlt<> X Nq . .,•ouatl..J

Zltl(• Corp llu<.lfl\'t 12,1)54 (~I Small Value

1.9')1 12 \'chodc m;untcnanc< I'OY()L\ l'hRO X NcguuatL-c.l Prl-"o:Un.'mtnt

21116 Corp nuJgcl 1,')<)1 12 Small Voluc

111,6%511 Vdudc.: ntaii1Cl'flancc.: for l'uyota ( ;ranc.ha SJ J· (>441 Ph ItO X Nc,...'(JI1.3 Il-d Pmcuremt:nt

Ztll (> C'.orp lludg<t 111.69fo SCI Small Valu<

2.58' Ill \'chKic mamtc.:nanc(: for TnHH:l (~r.mdta SIA..I7t•l PhRO X Ncguoatcd Prncun..:mtnl

2UII> Corp 1\ud!,><:l 2,5111 Ill Small V.tluc

),Ill\ 111 111>Cir 1 matl.n;a.l~ for thl. n:placcmc.:nt uf Bra~c pa.J,

l'hRO X NcgoU.'lted Prucurtmrot

2Uio Cnrp 1\uc.lf,"t \1•11111 ,>f I IJ\"f>ta. lnno\a SIJ) 7US Small Valoc

5.1'J\ 211 l...1b,r' matcna.lco fnr the rL-pbct.."f""(;nt of 1\r:akt.: ' hc-.c

PhRO X NcgnuJtl-d Jl rc.K1Jr('rll(:l1t

2111£> Cnrp lluc.lf,"'r 5,191211 of ro)c>ta lnnon SIJ) "7UI Small V>luc

~.2(,1)(,:! \I chiCle matntL'fl>nCl f"r ·1 "l'""' lluc< Sj/.945 PhRO X Nt~Ht<lt l.-d l'rncurcmt..:nt

2111(> Corp 1\u..lfl\'l 5.U.?62 Sm;t]]Valuc

l . \-14t• l VehiCle nwn1~nancc f<>r l'op>Gl I haec SJ/.945 PhRO X NtAnll~h .. ..J PrtKurcmLnl

Zlll(• Corp lludfl\'1 1,'144111 Small \'aloc

5,111\11111! Matcnals felr atrcondmomng c1t...'"3111nR o f I O\OC:t Phi{() X

N~lltJh .. .J JlnKurcmt..nt Ztll (>Corp lludgc1 5,1111111\11

tnnu'a SIJ) 708 ~m.UI Valoc

\5114111 fnr Jtte(>ndtoonmg cleamng o f ·1 1}\nt.J

l'hlt(l X Nt~lUJtt."t..l PrucuremuH

2111£> Corp.llu..lfl\'1 1,584 1MI trlOU\ 3 SI.J) 708 Small Valu.

Page 14: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

kaJ .... .., kalrwa>n PRtX:L REMI.N I SERVIC" ll~12l'UW

kal"'aan "alawaan 1'1\0CL REMI,NT SI.RVICE 1(~121'-ll'\K

kall\\"aan kahwaan I'RO<.L RI.MI Nl SLRVICE l(ollll'-1151)

b.ltwaan kal"'aan I'R<X:L RI .MI.NTSI-.RVICI, IWli'-OT

161-d:>-16 l:!hb-16 SI(;N II F \D ·\DYER I ISING & G l \S! 11 .. 12l'-112J

II> h,b!C. llt-hbl6 SI(;NIII \D \DVI-.R IISIN(, & (;lA.;: 1(~121' 1121

161-cb 16 16 hb- 16 Slt;NIII .AD ADVEH r!S IN(; &

161121'-02:! (il.i\SS Sll'l'l Y

II Mar-16 12-l·cb 16 SIGN III 1\D GRAPIIIC~

lloll31'~)54 AD VERTISIN(;

? l·cb 16 9l·cb II> SOLt\R INDL'S llUl~'> 1 6411 l'~liH

22 l·<b 16 K-Mar II> T\IUlR M.\DI. llY 011\'L 161121'-1145

2 l'cb-16 2-Feb 16 lOY() I \ C \(;DE ORO,INL 16011'-1.11

:! l'cb-16 2-l'eb 16 TOYOTA CA(; DE ORO, INC IIIKII

2 1-eb-16 2-Feb 16 rOYOL~ <.At;AY'IN DE ORO INC llollll'-1~14 11002

2 l'cb-16 :!1-eb-16 IOYOI \ C:ACI\YAN DI, ORO INC ! Wll'-1111 llm6

\Fcb-16 1-Fcb 16 TOYOT \ C:AC .'I Y AND" ORO INC !Wll'-11111 lltKlS

l 1-cb-16 \-Feb 16 l'<lYOTA CAGAYAN DE ORO INC 1(~121'-1114 IIIMI8

I(> Mar 16 IC,.Mar 16 TOYOTA CAGAYAN DE ORO INC 1611Wfl66

1(\ Mar 16 16-Mor 16 TOYOTA CAGAY AN DE ORO INC #014

? Mar-16 'J Mar 16 TOYOT1\ CAt;AY AN Dl cOR(),! N<. 164121'-02U

,..-- 9 Mar-16 ? Mar-16 I'OYtYI'J\ CACt\Y AN DE ORO.! NC: #!K~J

Prepared by ~ Recommend1ng Approval Approved By:

Teres•la A r Castillon An~uska Mana Rhod lla S Monsanto Datu Ma::t. : AlontoJr tt I.e lu. SIA-l Head.Admin~strabve Serv1ces Secuon Chtef, Mana ement Serv1ces Div•sion RVP PRO x~E~IC,AVP - Mindanao

Page 15: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

Bid!> Aw:ud!> Committee





\~'e a rc <ubnmring ht:rC\\ 11h rhc data wnh

done thru local sh<>ppiup. ~ml p tblic btddt

Th<~nk You.

Copr furnislu:d:

June 16, 2()16

Rcpon ::!nd Quaner 2016

to PRO X ::!nd Quarter 20 16 procurement

DATU MAStr~. Regton~l \'tee Pre$tdenr. PRO-X

Concurrent 0.\ \ "P l\tindanao


Page 16: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

ANNEXA Philhealth Regional Office X Annual Procurement Plan for 2nd Quarter 2016 (April to June 2016)

Code Procurement PMOI Mode of

(PAP) Program/ End-User Procure- Pre-Proc. AcW'Postof Pr&-bld Eltgtbtltty Payment

men/ Conf IAEB Conf Check of Btds Process

16·001 PRO-X Public none 10-17 May 18 June 7 June 7



16-002 PRO-X PubliC none May 10-17 May18

Janitorial Blddlllg

16-004 I PRO-X Public none

Internet Servtces Bldchng



Prepared by NOTED

Page 17: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

ANNEX 8 Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Procurement Monitoring Report for the 2nd Quarter 2016 (April to June 2016)

MO co OE



Prepared by,









Secretary. r-"•u-c"'"

PMOI Mode of

End-User Procure-





OIWP lHIO•slBiddllng



Pre-Proc. Ads/Post of Pre-btd El~g1bll1ty Sub.I0{)6n B1dEva- Post Colllract

Conf IAEB Conf Check of Btds luaiiOn Qual Award

none 10-17 June 7

note re-scheduled

(from May 30 to June 7







On- going Corp








Page 18: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an


Total Remarks co

ONGOING P5,739,133.32

Fa1lure P2.995,055.40

Prepared by

2nd Quarter 2016 (April to June 2016)




Ph1cea Rep

NGO-Cebu CFI Coop


No Bidder


Btd Post


On- goong


Page 19: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

,. •

li.'U C1i


Lnl~ "\ol

1 J1{1(AI

51 IUtl (l

fi!/W! f

( ~t16saFIUt!

Q t..&rt .. tut Ill' J,·,lwo 1 'i 1; .11 on '"" pnn<•·r 111'1> 7H,hbc.k

7p•cl• plfllT 'f"'Clll '10 r·<·k, NlllTn ""

'' I pc J·ram4.: .. ,,r :!·hi 5 .. / tpc l•ru1u "''l :I0\1S"

.x:•n' f.,r Ill' Dl ~'I.. II. I' PRJ-..:-11 It 111".11

1pc: Ill >n LX IIJ<~ \1. Pomhlc 1lll/1p< computer bptnp r<-p:l.u/1 pc: 11om

apptwt« ldm.<l<"' IJ U -12" S.\:\1,1 11'\(,

4J>e' on 23)/10/R1 5


{ttl lktr

1).\ \I' vt1ndtn..-. l


(J \\I'


()\\I' t\bndana•l

ANNEXJ3 Philippine H~alth J nsuran~e Corpmation

Pmcurc:mcnt M nni10rinl't Report ai of APRIL - J UNE 2016 OAVP-Mond.ut~u

141dtlli ,_,_

~t:~'tHI:Aiu1 l'ru( un fii4.:1H

Small \ oilhll' Prt)( url nh:nt

:"\iqi('~ICIIC'1.1 ,.., fN Urt'1l)('flf

r:;_ f):\JII/Ol><'f'PIOj!

1\oq!OfUh . .J P"IC\Jf'('fl\(.'1.1

~11 \ alu. f•nJCurc.•nn~u

!\1\:J.!I>N:m.:J Ptucw<...-ncn• SmaU \ .dut l'lutui("U)t"tll

\.t·jL")(Jj.U."tf (''1\1('\lfl.IDt."'

:>m:Ul \ •lut· l'u..:urcmcnt

~~not: Jltj,fu(l/

~ 1119

3U M1r llo

2() 1 (r 1 orp.llu~~ 1

:!0161 mp.Butlj••·<

Page 20: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an


Pr.-p:amJ \>.

ll..rt*.,lt,~ur C .1 o;;t1lh >n

Sl\ I

co ltV/

29-\1ar IO


'1-lun 16

7-Jun- 16

II \pr 1(,



7-lun ICt

-'1'1'"'' J ~.

r... ' nnr... iJ 1\\>01-:~J<lRI '

( ;1 (lf1 \1 (.1 Il l''

I> \TA \\ OI{J J)

CO~O'I "n'l~

( ·~11-.1'

IJ c • M.\llKtmr...c:

' IHI· \ \1111·

~\~II \1~ 1'1111 .,



n 1'-<•II•.{J.lJ>

n1• 020 osr


I•'I'H21 OW

Daru Mjj.~1~mcu lr. R\ I' f'IU) :\,t\..nrum-nt ()I(.'\\ P Muubnan ,,,.,,,,


Page 21: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

I(OOf co

2l .{t70 IJt


( Bill£ff O£Slli/!TION I

-\uwn l'.cncnl n-•nin~: (.,, ht Hh <jU.>r:cr I'R( l '\ / 11110-< 1)(1/0.\R\ I', I <l.\



f'hR<I '\

1 l1,t (~1':-l of lAbor fur tht n.-pl.tCtmt:nf ut lCnnm.&l PhRO ~ M:t·

Nq::oila!l''·d Pn:-cun'Tl"k."l\1 ~!.It \-~lau J•rnnan'tn 111

N4~nt•Jf(.'\.l Pr,)("uh 1T'K au ~m~!l V-..l•Jt PrtH nn nk nt

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Page 29: PHILHEALTH REGIONAL OFFICE-10...TO f RO~I SCBJl:CT Republic of tile Pllilippines PHILIPPINE HEALTH INSURANCE CORPORATION REGIONAL OFFICE X 6fTnrudad Bldg. Yacapm-Corrnlcs A\enue. Caga}an

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