Page 1: PHILADELPHIA DIRECT MARKETING ASSOCIATION Summer … · diverse, vibrant community of professionals who bring these skills to the table each and every day—the Board of Directors

Summer 2018

direct views

Thoughts from the Board .............................................................................. page 2

Digital Copy is Starting to Look a lot like Direct Response ........................................................... page 3

Eight Reasons Why You should Make Video your Marketing King .............................................................. pages 4-5


The 2018 Benny Awards Best of ShowDirect Marketing Professionals Celebrate High Achievements at the Bennys ................. pages 7-10

In Professional Services Marketing, Tactics May Differ but Goals Remain the Same ................................ page 11

Quizzo Night Warms Up at the Conshohocken Brewing Company ............................................ page 13

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Welcome to our Summer edition! — A warm hello to long-time supporters and new members of the PhillyDMA alike. For our organization, the first half of

this year has brought a new group of professionals to the Board of Directors, an outstanding Benny Awards, and the launching of our new-look website (check us out at

This Direct Views will hit mailboxes squarely in the middle of 2018, and offers a chance to look back at another recent success story. Like many folks in the Greater Philadelphia region, a source of civic pride for me has always been our local sports franchises. 2017-2018 saw an infusion of youth on an improved Phillies team, a Flyers playoff team, a next step in “The Process” for the 76ers , and a long-overdue Super Bowl championship for our Eagles. In the college ranks, Villanova chipped in its 2nd NCAA men’s basketball championship in three years. We are in the midst of a Philadelphia sports renaissance.

Given the region’s recent on-field success, I think it’s appropriate to reflect on how and why these teams won — there are many parallels to the strengths of the PhillyDMA and its members.

Philly teams were goal-oriented. At the beginning of a sports season, not unlike the beginning of a direct marketing campaign, a long road can lay ahead. Our customers are bombarded with messages more now than ever, and seem to be increasingly “always connected” to new technology. As marketers, we are tasked with developing and executing a game plan which cuts through the clutter to reach our intended audience. We approach each project with a commitment to provide value from beginning to end.

Philly teams adapted to the challenges they faced. In sports, things rarely go as teams initially plan — who would have guessed an

Eagles Super Bowl victory would feature a touchdown pass thrown by a tight end to a backup quarterback? Similarly, direct marketers in the PhillyDMA adapt messages, adopt new production methods, and highlight emerging channels to identify what drives response rates: to quote Chairman Geff Rapp from a previous Direct Views, “there’s ALWAYS some new trick to learn…no matter how young or old a DM dog you are.” A consummate marketer will test, adapt, and then test again.

Philly teams are poised to replicate their success. By adhering to well-rounded team building approaches, most of Philadelphia’s sports franchises are set up to be competitive for years to come. When we ground our multi-channel campaigns in sound marketing principles, we can understand what worked and are equipped to repeat. Success becomes scalable, no matter how competitive the marketplace may be.

I’m encouraged that our organization will continue to follow the lead of our local sports teams. Be goal-oriented; be adaptable; be committed to replicating our successes. The PhillyDMA is a diverse, vibrant community of professionals who bring these skills to the table each and every day—the Board of Directors and myself can’t wait to hear about more “wins” in 2018 and beyond.

Steve Burkholder is a sales executive with IBS Direct, Inc. and is on the Board of PhillyDMA, where he headed up the creation of the organization’s website redesign. He is a graduate of Penn State, with a bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Management.

with the PhillyDMA

Creating grounds for discussion

July 19, 2018 • 9:30-10:30 amWeWork Philadelphia

1601 Market St, 20th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103


Lorem ipsum

Come out to the events and grow your personal network —

Join us on facebook — Philadelphia Direct Marketing Association (PhillyDMA)

And Linkedin —

PhillyDMA Calendar of EventsThursday, July 19th, 9:30 to 10:30 am: “Coffee Talk, Multi-Channel Marketing” — by Miguel Ferry, Executive Creative Director of TPG Direct,1601 Market St, 20th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Sponsored by ICS.

4 Stay tuned for more Coffee Talks in September and December.

Monday, September 17th: 2018 PhillyDMA Golf Classic, Downingtown Country Club, 85 Country Club Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335. For information about sponsorships and to register go to:

Visit our website often for updates on future educational events —

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Digital Copy is Starting to Look a Lot Like Direct Response

Michael Scott Shapiro

David Ogilvy famously wrote the headline, “They laughed when I sat down at the piano,

but when I started to play…” — he could have been talking about direct response professionals making the move to the digital world.

Digital creative was focused on SEO and SEM, on UX and pay-per-clicks… and not at all focused on CTAs and cost-per-order. And for a while, clients were satisfied with a flashy website and a “presence” online. But it wasn’t long before those clients weren’t satisfied with just visits and impressions… they wanted customers and sales.

And so, slowly but surely, digital copy started to follow the same key rules as direct copy… working as hard as possible to deliver the results client want.

5 ways “traditional” direct response copy techniques apply in today’s

digital worldToday, online marketing and

advertising is written using many of the time-tested techniques that is the cornerstone of direct marketing. Although digital started as more of a branding effort – literally focused on making an impression – now the goal is to drive an immediate response – click here, fill out this form, download your free guide, or just call now.

Here are five copywriting rules that apply to digital just as they’ve always been keys to direct success…

1. Start with a strong Headline – think back, when business websites first started popping up, many didn’t have a headline at all – just a big logo at the top of the page. Emails would look more like ads, rather than letters. But not anymore. A recent study showed that people receive an average of 88 emails

per day – so, you have to make it easy to scan that virtual pile of mail, and a strong headline gets you read. (BTW, Subject lines are headlines.)

2. Talk directly to the reader (use “You”) – as digital marketing has shifted from branding to lead generation, the copy has changed from “we” to “you.” Websites, emails and ads that featured “We are…” statements are now primarily “You get…” or “You can…” or (even better) “You’ll save!” The one-to-one conversation that has always been the strength of direct copy is front and center online, as well.

3. Use data – now more than ever (can you say Facebook?) it’s hard to imagine a time when digital marketing didn’t use data to target its audience and message. Today of course, the very core (and some would say the most frightening) aspect of digital marketing is the uber-precise targeting it allows. Digital copywriters have the ability to write incredibly focused copy with the confidence that they’re almost always talking to an extremely hot prospect.

4. End with a compelling Call-to-Action – for so long in digital, adding a strong call to action was almost considered a mistake. “We don’t need that copy, we have a button.” Today the prospect is driven to click that button by a powerful call to action loaded with benefit copy. Even the button copy itself has changed. What started out as simply “Learn More” or the somewhat insulting “Click Here” has evolved into a classic direct CTA, like “Get Your Free Guide,” or “Take the first step,” or the old favorite, “Yes! I want to pay less.”

5. Chunk your copy for scanning – Good copy is copy you don’t really have to read (you could get the idea of this article just by reading the bolded lines and phrases), and that’s never been more important than today. With more than 50 percent of all websites and

66 percent of all emails read on mobile, you must write your copy to be scanned and skimmed. Strong headlines, short paragraphs divided by bold subheads, with a strong, clearly-visible CTA at the bottom (or at the top AND the bottom).

6. (A BONUS) Keep testing! – Digital marketing is doing more testing today than ever before. Subject line tests, headline tests, CTA tests, form tests – exactly the way direct response continually beats the control by testing into a stronger mailing, today’s digital marketing is testing into better performing sites, search ads, emails and social ads.

Time-tested copy techniques... they just work.

It’s really no surprise (to those of us with a background in direct response) — the tried-and-true copy techniques that have worked in direct response, the tricks we’ve learned through years of testing and retesting, work just as well in digital as they do in direct.

Sources: attention-115945

Michael Scott Shapiro is a proven Creative Director, Copywriter, and Customer-Communications Specialist with over 25 years experience creating, managing, and inspiring advertising and marketing that generates a response and gets results. He specializes in creating digital marketing and content that speaks to the customer and inspires a response. He’s currently the Manager of Marketing Copy & Design for Hibu by day while doing creative consulting for an array of clients at night. Previously, he was Creative Director for Chase, and Senior Writer/Writer- Producer for HBO.

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A video embedded in an email, or placed on a landing page of your website, is likely

to engage, convert, and ultimately increase sales.

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Eight Reasons Why You Should Make Video Your Marketing King

By Loren Robinson

Anyone who markets to consumers, businesses, or both, can agree with this statement: “Marketing has evolved

since it was used to sell amphoras of wine, in Rome.” Gone are the days when wine sellers [insert roof repair, IT experts, or a service of your choice] extolled the virtues of their goods and services, while the poor consumer or business person just nodded and took all of their words for the unequivocal truth. Buyers, both consumer and business, have a plethora of product knowledge at their fingertips. They are smarter today. The average buyer walks into a brick and mortar establishment, armed with data about the things they want to purchase. And technology put it there. With a dearth of content, marketers and brands are forced to be creative. The method with the greatest power, right now, is video. Video delivers for you and your clients. In the past few years, it has become the go-to way to provide audiences with content. Content that was traditionally delivered with text.

Why Does Video Work So Well? Why is video important? There are several reasons. Video engages audiences; it’s a scientific fact. The senses our cave-dwelling ancestors used to survive help us evaluate our surroundings quickly and efficiently.

The facts show: • Humans are hard wired to respond to visual stimuli — In fact,

20 percent of our brains are devoted to viewing and processing visual data.

• Movement — Our eyes are sensitive to movement. Think about the things you notice when you’re not looking directly at them. An example is that flash at the corner of your eye. You see it and process the data immediately. Then you act, or ignore, based on the level of threat.

• Voices — Hearing is one of our most important senses. A sound will immediately attract our attention. You may be focused on something and a sound will immediately draw that attention away, even if it’s just for a minute.

• Body language — You gauge what people are thinking and the truthfulness of their statements by evaluating their body language. UCLA research says humans interpret 55 percent of a message by evaluating body language.

Keeping those four senses in mind will help you understand the reasons video is so appealing to so many. A video embedded in an email or placed on a landing page of your website is likely to engage, convert, and ultimately, increase sales.

Following are eight reasons to use video in marketing.#1: Video Increases Conversions and SalesThe average attention span is decreasing rapidly. It is alleged it is now eight seconds long. (This was announced in a January 2016 New York Times article and the experts have been arguing about it since). But, in those eight seconds, a video can deliver more of your message than text.

Statistics cited in Tubular Insights’ Video Marketing Survey & Business Video Trends Report, show web users who view videos on a landing page on your website stay on the site two minutes longer and are 64 percent more likely to buy (B2C) or act on a CTA.

Based on experience with emails viewers are more likely to watch an entire video when it’s linked in an email. The longer viewing time increases the probability the reader will act on your client’s CTA. (This information does not apply equally to B2C and B2B buyers. The buyer’s journey is slightly different for the B2C audience. However, by using videos in your clients’ emails, you will build trust with the B2C buyer. In addition, its use will provide an additional opportunity to share product information with an audience that has less time to read.)

#2: Video Is Measurable and Increases ROIRemember the early days of social media marketing? It was virtually impossible to measure ROI. If you’re like most marketers,

you may still struggle. Video, when used in conjunction with AdWords and other tools, is measurable, eliminating the difficulty of justifying costs.

However, here’s something to remember. Number of views is NOT an accurate metric. Think of views as the number of friends you collect on Facebook and connections on LinkedIn. It’s great to have them, and you’d probably fail miserably without them, but they’re not measurable. Nor are they important when calculating ROI.

Instead, measure the number of engagements, specifically shares, and conversions. These metrics are measurable and can be used to determine if the video is delivering. They are also accurate ways to get real numbers that you can report to your client during and after the campaign.

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Videos are content that mobile users can view

on the go.

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Loren Robinson is the owner of Millennia Media, LLC, which specialtizes in business development, accounting, social media marketing, website design, marketing, Microsoft Office proficiency and strategic planning. She holds an M.B.A in Marketing from DeSales University and a J.D. from New York School of Law.

#3: Video Builds Trust

Personification builds trust. And video helps you personify. When you establish a relationship with your intended audience, trust is a key factor, especially with Millennials and Gen Y.

Videos help you create a connection or community with your audience. The closer they feel to you or your client, the higher the probability your audience will believe your claims. They help you convey authenticity, a quality that Millennials and Gen Y seek when they buy. Relying heavily on brand loyalty is a mistake. All brands must show value. With a plethora of information and competition in the marketplace, authenticity can be a differentiator.

They help you personify your good or service. A recent video project for the oldest bookstore proved the point. The client identified five employees and the marketer created a video. The video was a Q&A session with all five employees. The ROI on the video was through the roof. The trailer and five clips were the highest content performers on social media and in the client’s emails. Video tells your client’s story in a way text can’t. And it does it quickly.

#4: Video Improves SEO

Google IS SEO. It defines the factors used for search engine ranking. After Google’s 2016 algorithm change, content, as a ranking factor, got much more weight. In subsequent changes in 2017, Google got specific and gave videos more weight than most other types of content. An additional algorithm change, in 2018, pushed video’s ranking even higher.

Google owned products, like YouTube and Google+, make it easier for Google to track and rank content, like videos. In fact, Google gives videos a 24 percent weight when calculating ranking.

Finally, Google loves videos. It can be inferred from their purchase of YouTube. It can also be inferred from the amount of weight it gives in its algorithm. While

preparing this article, I noticed something about Google searches. Based on the type of search, videos and pictures often traded places, in order of importance. It may appear to be an insignificant change, but Google doesn’t make changes without a well thought out reason.

#5: Video Appeals to Mobile Users

Mobile is king! We marketers have known that since 2015. In fact, 90 percent, or 161.5 million mobile users, viewed video on their mobile devices. YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki said in a February 27, 2017, Wall Street Journal article about the coming eclipse of TV by personal video viewing that people watched over 1 billion hours of video in 2016.

Videos are content that mobile users can view on the go. Most of your clients’ audiences begin their buyer’s journey on their mobile device. In addition, mobile users are more likely to share videos they watch on their devices, extending your reach and message.

There are some important things to consider when planning campaigns for your clients. Build your campaign for mobile, but still consider the other screens. Desktops and tablets aren’t as relevant for the 18-34 years old demographic, but the other screens are still being used by businesses and other parts of your client’s audience. Remember, mobile isn’t the second screen, it’s now the first. Also, videos don’t always auto play on mobile devices. Make sure your client’s audience knows how to start your video. Give them a road map and they’ll follow it.

#6: Video Explains Your Message Easily

Videos are effective tools for education, for tutorials, to explain corporate culture, to share customer testimonials or to thank your existing clients or customers. Videos can be customized to provide a solution to your client’s problem, in every stage of the buyer’s journey.

#7 Video Engages the Very Busy

Busy buyers are the ones your client can’t convert with text-based content. They don’t want to take the time to read blog posts. They want solutions to their problem quickly and video answers their questions, fast. Videos tell the story in two minutes or less. The busy user wants to avoid additional clicks. Video solves that problem, too. Based on this description, you probably realize this type of marketing works well with Millennials and Gen Y buyers and decision makers.

#8 Video Encourages Social Shares

We share our emotions. Video usually evokes some type of emotion. The people in our circles generally like the things we like, so we share things with them. Think of the last time you watched a video and shared it. It was more than likely something that evoked a strong emotion and you thought of one or more people who could benefit from the content.

In an increasingly fast paced world, video is a proven powerful tool for direct marketers to creatively, quickly and effectively reach their target audiences and produce measurable results.

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2018 Direct Marketer of the Year — The People of ICSThe PhillyDMA Direct Marketer of the Year recipient represents the embodiment of true excellence in marketing in our region and in our industry. In the past, outstanding individuals have been awarded this special designation. This year, we honor not just a single individual, but an entire company who has demonstrated industry leadership and that direct marketing is a thriving and vital part of our business community.

In 1965, Richard Bastian and Richard Prendergast founded Instant Copy Service, a small print and copy facility in Philadelphia. Fifty years later ICS has grown into a company that elevates and supports some of today’s largest mailers. In 2017, ICS mailed about 650 million pieces for 45 financial, insurance, fintech, non-profit, and healthcare national clients. Their new state-of-the-art facility houses digital imagery, lettershop and commingle/dropship postal logistics and has the capacity to handle one billion pieces.

2018 Future Business Leader—Janelle McNallyJanelle McNally, Director of Marketing for The J.G. Wentworth Company, has been developing and deploying her impressive marketing skills since February 2012. Today, Janelle develops and executes marketing strategies (with a $46 million budget) to generate front-end business growth across television, on-line video, digital channels, and retention-based email and print channels. One of her greatest assets is the ability to develop and nurture relationships in cross-functional environment and navigate the organization though large and robust initiatives. Janelle received J. G. Wentworth’s first annual CEO Excellence Award in 2015 for co-leading a $2 million brand re-positioning initiative in addition to the company’s Initial Public Offering with the New York Stock Exchange.

In 2017, she joined the PhillyDMA Board of Directors as Vice President of Communications (our youngest VP ever!) and immediately developed a new web strategy and research platforms for the site. Janelle is a graduate of Temple University School of Media and Communications. For inspiring achievements, hard work and selfless support of PhillyDMA and the marketing industry, we are proud to honor Janelle McNally with the 2018 Future Business Leader Award. As Janell has shown, the future is now.

2018 Supplier of the Year—ANROANRO, PhillyDMA‘s 2018 Supplier of the Year, is one of the largest private suppliers of full-color variable data direct mail in the Northeast. Founded in 1953 as a family business, from day one, the owners recognized the importance of investing in technology. ANRO delivers full color variable data personalization capabilities across all digital equipment, which includes three HP Indigo 7800s, and HP Indigo 12000 and two 30-inch HP T370 Inkjet Web presses, capable of producing 3.4 million letter-sized pieces per day. ANRO also houses five conventional sheet-fed offset presses ranging from two to nine colors with inline coating and perfecting capabilities. As a USPS certified mail service provider, ANRO’s 165,000 square foot building houses all the necessary equipment to produce and finish any project in the house.

Owned by Jim Spinelli, CEO, and David Spinelli, President, ANRO has carried on the legacy of best-in-class technology and leadership. “It’s about listening to our customers and leveraging technology that’s relevant to them – that’s what we do,” said Jim Spinelli. ANRO is committed to the success of their clients and dedicated to providing them with the best possible value and the PhillyDMA is proud to name them the Supplier of the Year.

Direct Marketing Professionals Celebrate Sky High Achievements at the Bennys

2018 Direct Marketer of the Year — The People of ICS

Janelle McNally, PhillyDMA’s 2018 Future Business Leader, accepts her award via video.

2018 Supplier of the Year — ANRO, David Spinelli, President & Jim Spinelli, CEO

The PhillyDMA showcased the region’s stellar talent at the 2018 Benjamin Franklin Awards for Direct Marketing Excellence celebration, held May 17 at Logan Square’s Sky Philadelphia. Attendees took in the beautiful views of the city renowned for the World Champion Eagles plus some other important stuff that

happened here in the 1700s as they partied, swapped stories with peers and colleagues and waited to see if they would claim their very own Benny Award. Following the ceremony celebrants retired to the roof top after party to celebrate with the winners and enjoy the star lit skyline.

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2018 BEST IN SHOW WINNER — Direct ChoiceAgency/Supplier Self-Promotion-Any ChannelDirect Choice, Inc. Holiday Sweater Promotion

2018 BENNY AWARD WINNERSIn the category of Agency/Supplier Self-Promotion - Any ChannelDirect Choice — Direct Choice, Inc. Holiday Sweater Promotion

In the category of Broadcast (TV or Radio)DMW Direct — “We Asked” DRTV

In the category of Creative Only OtherAon Affinity — A & E MVB Kit

In the category of Creative Only Direct MailMerkle, Inc. — PNC Bank – Iron Workers

In the category of Creative Only – EmailHarte Hanks — Sony A1E Bravia Oled TV Launch

In the category of Direct Mail: B-to-B (lead generation or retention)Aon Affinity — AICPA CPA Value Plan “Freedom” Direct Mail Creative

In the category of Direct Mail: B-to-B (image and brand)Aon Affinity — AICPA Trust Group Elite “Steps” Direct Mail Creative

In the category of Direct Mail: B-to-C (lead generation or retention)DigitasLBi — Xfinity Sports + Family Magalog

In the category of Direct Mail: Fundraising/Non-ProfitDaniller + Company — The Franklin Institute- February 2017 Member Acquisition

In the category of Integrated Media Campaign: B-to-B (lead generation or retention)Strata Company — “Results Amplified” Campaign Elements

In the category of Integrated Media Campaign: B-to-C (lead generation or retention)Direct Choice — Highmark 2018 Individual Renewal – “Be Ready”

In the category of Interactive - Banner Ads, Website, Microsite, Landing PageDMW — Johns Hopkins Advantage MD Website

In the category of Interactive – E-commerce WebsiteAon Affinity — NSO Website Relaunch

In the category of Interactive - EmailMerkle, Inc. — Perrier Flavors Journey

Congratulations 2018 Benny Award Winners

(Left to right) Debbie Roth of Japs Olsen and Lisa Edelstein; Gail Place and Jennifer Carahaly.

Steve Burkholder and Alyson Baehle present the Benny to Anthony Azzarono (Left) and Brett Marek (Right) of Harte Hanks.

The Digitas team with Natasha Hibbert (left) and Brian Hunn (right) show off their Benny.

Benny Emcee, Jim Covelens of UnitedHealthcare, photo bombs Nick Lanzi and his Direct Choice crew at the after party on the rooftop deck of Sky Philadelphia.

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In the category of Interactive - MobileTPG — Geisinger Gold – What’s Your Medicare Personality Type?

In the category of Interactive – Interactive Social Media (Facebook)DMW— Delta Dental Facebook Campaign

In the category of Other Media - Sales Enablement (webinar, trade shows exhibits, content marketing)Aon Affinity — AAICPA / Exhibit at ENGAGE

In the category of Other Media - Outdoor, Transit, Posters, Point of PurchaseTPG — WAEPA “Move Over, FEGLI” Campaign

In the category of Other Media - VideoTPG — CitcoOne “Peaks” Video

In the category of Print Ads - B-to-C Quattro —“10 Reasons”

In the category of Print Ads - Fundraising/Non-profitThe Harrington Agency — International Rescue Committee October Cultivation

THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDComcast Business — Digital Transformation Venetian Blind

2018 HONORABLE MENTIONSIn the category of Agency/Supplier Self-Promotion-Any ChannelQuattro — Quattro Cooks Holiday Cookbook

In the category of Creative Only - EmailHarte Hanks — Sony Cyber Monday

In the category of Direct Mail: B-to-B (image and brand)Comcast Business — SD-WAN: By the Numbers

In the category of Direct Mail: B-to-B (lead generation or retention)DMW — Nothing is Stopping You DM

In the category of Interactive - Banner Ads, Website, Microsite, Landing PageTPG — “Play On” Philly Website

In the category of Interactive - Social Media (blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.)Quattro Living Recovery: True Stories of Addiction Recovery

In the category of Other Media - Sales Enablement (webinars, trade shows exhibits, content marketing)TPG — MooseVip - Do You know America? Content Marketing Campaign

Congratulations 2018 Benny Award Winners

Jayne Martin, Gail Place, Allison Rigler and Lisa Edelstein at the after party.

And the crowd goes wild!

AON Affinity show off their multiple Bennys.

Catherine Roth of DMW Direct and Mary Edwards of Quattro and colleagues swap stories during the cocktail hour.

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Premier Sponsor:

Hospitality Sponsor:

People’s Choice Award Sponsor:

Top of the Tower Sponsors:

Cloud Nine Sponsors:

Graphic design with a rare perspective.

Thank You! 2018 Benny Award Sponsors.

Attendees enjoyed the spectacular view from atop the Sky Philadelphia.

Gregg Oliver from GO direct, Jean Cauller of Green Eye for Design and the Digitas team await the start of the awards portion of the evening.

Colleagues share a laugh during the cocktail reception.

David and Jim Spinelli and the ANRO team await the start of the award ceremony.

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In Professional Services Marketing, Tactics May Differ but Goals Remain the Same

By Melanie Vivian

A few years ago I attended PhillyDMA’s annual Benny awards ceremony where I had a particularly interesting conversation during the cocktail hour. I was chatting with someone who works at a printer I wasn’t familiar with. When he asked about my company and I told him I work for a public accounting firm, he responded in a somewhat baffled voice, “Do accounting firms even do marketing?” I had to laugh because, after all, if this career marketer had a job there, they must do some kind of marketing, right?

I shared that story with my peers in an accounting marketing association I belong to, and they chuckled as well. But they were also a bit perplexed. Sure, we may not work for large consumer goods companies so we’re not responsible for product packaging or extensive advertising campaigns. But we’re still marketers. We have the same challenges as any other company – to cut through the noise of a crowded marketplace and find the right audience at the right time with the right message that inspires people to purchase our product. The main difference lies in that “product.”

I’m fond of saying that I work in a “people are our product” business. What I mean by that is that in professional services, we’re not selling a tangible, physical product. We’re selling our people, and more specifically, their expertise, brainpower, and advice. My firm’s former managing director often said that our clients can get a decent audit from virtually any accounting firm; that’s not what sets us apart. Our clients are really paying us for our knowledge and our professional guidance. It’s as simple as that.

So while I can absolutely vouch for the existence of marketing in professional services, the tactics we use to market ourselves and build our business may be a bit different than what usually comes to mind.

Here are a few of those differences.1. Content is king. Content marketing

has become an overused term, but it truly is the cornerstone of our marketing strategy. What better way to demonstrate your professionals’ expertise and give potential clients a taste of what they can expect from the relationship than through an article, blog post, educational seminar, or research report?

About two-thirds of our marketing efforts revolve around producing and disseminating content in some form. We spend a great deal of time thinking about our editorial calendar and outlining the topics that will be the most relevant and compelling to our market. Our people know that part of their job responsibilities involve branding themselves and the firm as thought leaders, and they are expected to contribute to our content efforts. We produce everything in-house; we don’t purchase externally-written content.

2. The sales process is highly relationship-centric. One of marketing’s key functions has always been to support the sales process. In the professional services industry, however, this works a bit differently. Most firms don’t have a dedicated sales force. Their business developers are usually the firm’s partners, who also are client relationship managers. Because of this dual role, the time partners have available to be out in the market developing new business is limited. That’s why it’s critical to do everything we can in marketing to foster referrals from clients and other service providers to our clients, and to boost inbound leads from our website.

3. Defining specialties and identifying niches are critical. The market for professional services is crowded, and at first glance, it’s easy for potential clients to think that all firms pretty much look the same. One of the best ways to combat this problem is by identifying

and promoting the specialized services and industry niches where the firm really shines.

For instance, my firm has a few industry verticals such as manufacturing, government contracting, not-for-profit, and family-owned businesses where we either have a significant concentration of clients or the services we offer are highly unique to the industry. Clients want to know that you work with other companies like theirs and you understand the nuances of their industry. So, being able to demonstrate that expertise is vital in a new business situation. And, it’s an incredibly helpful way to differentiate your firm from all the others.

As the professional services industry has become more crowded and competitive over the last couple of decades, the need for marketing has increased. While marketing’s role in these organizations continues to evolve, and the more traditional tactics employed by B2C companies may not be as prevalent, I’ve found the challenge to create a market for my firm’s services no less exciting.

Melanie Vivian is the Marketing Director at Kreischer Miller, a Horsham-based public accounting firm that provides accounting, tax, and advisory services to privately-held companies. She is responsible for leading all marketing and communication activities for the firm, including strategy and planning, brand awareness, positioning and messaging, content marketing and thought leadership, digital marketing, and advertising. Melanie is focused on increasing the awareness of Kreischer Miller’s brand in the marketplace across all channels as well as ensuring that clients are familiar with all of the firm’s capabilities and how Kreischer Miller can help them improve their businesses. She also trains team members on the firm’s positioning and messaging to foster more productive conversations with clients and prospective clients. Contact her at [email protected].

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Steve Burkholder, IBS Direct; John Caliendo, Bradley Graphics; Kevin Serafin, Master Graphics, discuss their answer.

Gary Ide, Independent Graphics

Gary Ide, Independent Graphics, Geff Rapp, Group G Marketing Partners, and Alyson Baehrle, NMG Corporation, review the NEDMA entries.

Jim Capanna and Andrew Pryor of Republic Services; Bruce Duffy, IBSDirect and Tim Hughes, TPG; (AKA Team Facts of Life) claimed first place honors.

Mike Tokar of Fry Direct evaluates a direct mail piece submitted to the NEDMA Awards.

Quizzo Night Warms Up at the Conshohocken Brewing Company

Team Facts of Life beat back the competition to win the PhillyDMA Quizzo Night, held at Conshohocken Brewing Company in Bridgeport in early April. Relentless Nor’easters could not deter the winning combination of Bruce Duffy, IBSDirect; Tim Hughes, TPG; Jim Capanna, Republic Services; and Andrew Pryor, Republic Services in their quest for bragging rights in this cut throat contest of encyclopedic knowledge. The evening was a great opportunity to put the winter chill behind and connect with colleagues and friends. A rematch is planned in the near future. Go to for times and locations.

Group G Marketing Partners hosted the judging of entries into the New England Direct Marketing Association’s (NEDMA) Creative Excellence Awards by PhillyDMA members and friends at its headquarters in Ivyland, Pennsylvania, over several days in early June. The two organizations have had a reciprocal judging arrangement for several years. NEDMA judged the PhillyDMA’s Benny Awards entries. The exchange was a great opportunity to see the work of another region’s marketing professionals.

Page 14: PHILADELPHIA DIRECT MARKETING ASSOCIATION Summer … · diverse, vibrant community of professionals who bring these skills to the table each and every day—the Board of Directors

The Benefit of Visibility — Members are listed by name and company name in a searchable online Membership Directory.

The Practical Benefits — In addition to the Membership Directory, you may also post resumes and job openings on the PhillyDMA website for FREE. You can attend all meetings and events at a discounted rate, and then continue the networking benefits after the event with a member-only complimentary contact list of all attendees. Subscription to PhillyDMA’s newsletter, DirectViews, is included. DirectViews is PhillyDMA’s publication covering industry news, trends, regional activities, and upcoming events. The only publication of its kind in the tri-state Greater Philadelphia region, it features columns by industry leaders and cutting-edge innovators as well as corporate, media, agency and production profiles.

UNIQUE MEMBER BENEFITS• Preferred Partner Program: Brings together suppliers and

consultants who offer discounts to PhillyDMA members.

• Program and Event Discounts: Only members can attend events and meetings and enter the Bennys at a discounted fee.

What Are You Waiting For? Renew and Get the Big Benefits! Simply go online and log in and your renewal invoice will be waiting for you. If you would like us to email you an invoice or take your payment over the telephone, just let us know. For more information or to renew your membership: Email: [email protected] Phone: 484-388-4393.

Platinum Member: $1,125. Company owns unlimited memberships – All employees attend meetings and events at the discounted member fee and receive DirectViews, a PhillyDMA publication and email communications. PLUS – your company receives PhillyDMA website recognition and a web link to your website , along with platinum sponsor listing in the PhillyDMA magazine, DirectViews and recognition at meetings.

Small Business Member: $100 per person (3 or more members)To qualify, a company must have 3-10 employee members. Please email additional member names to [email protected]. Names can change at any time upon written notification.

Individual Membership: $125.

Non Profit Member: $90. The Non Profit Membership is for any professional who works for a non-profit company.

Emerging Professional: $70. The Emerging Professional Membership is for young professionals 29 years old and younger. Emerging Leaders are given access to all the same tools and resources as a full member. Proof of age is required.

Affiliate Member: $50. PhillyDMA has a cooperative membership agreement with the Direct Marketing Club of NY and Philly Ad Club to provide broader benefits for our members in the marketing and advertising industry. (Verification of membership will be required.)

Student Members: FREE to college students. Student I.D. required. DirectViews and in the Membership Directory.

14 | PhillyDMA direct views | Summer 2018 Visit PhillyDMA on Linkedin and Facebook!

Renew and Lock In Big Benefits

Downingtown Country Club85 Country Club Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335

PhillyDMA | 111 Presidential Blvd., Suite 231, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 | 484-388-4393 |


2018 Golf ClassicMonday, September 17th

Register now at: PhillyDMA.orgSponsorships Available:

Contact Gary Ide at [email protected]

Page 15: PHILADELPHIA DIRECT MARKETING ASSOCIATION Summer … · diverse, vibrant community of professionals who bring these skills to the table each and every day—the Board of Directors

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2018 PhillyDMA Board of Directors

President Lisa Mark American Solutions for Business

Chairperson Geff Rapp Group G Marketing Partners

Treasurer Tim Hughes TPG Direct

Members Alyson Baehrle NMG Corporation

Steve Burkholder IBS Direct, Inc.

John Caliendo Bradley Graphics

Jennifer Carahaly Colortree Group

Gary Ide Independent Graphics

Victoria Noboa ICS Corporation

Joanna Smith MACSA

Summer 2018 PhillyDMA DirectViews is published by and for members of the PhillyDMA and other interested direct marketers. For more information, visit

Editor Joanna Smith

Design/Layout Green Eye for Design

Printing/Lettershop Independent Graphics, Inc.

Office PhillyDMA c/o GPAMG Bala Pointe Centre 111 Presidential Blvd., Suite 231, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004


Email: [email protected]

AON Affinity Insurance Services 159 East County Line RoadHatboro, PA

Bank of America 100 N. Tryon St.Charlotte, NC

Japs-Olson Company 7500 Excelsior Blvd.St. Louis Park, MN

Quattro200 Berwyn Park, Suite 310Berwyn, PA

UnitedHealthcare680 Blair Mill RoadHorsham, PA

Thank You to Our Platinum Members

THANK YOU TO THE ADVERTISERSin this issue of DirectViews.

Please utilize these Direct Response Experts when you can:

To place your ad, email PhillyDMA at [email protected]


ANRO p. 6 800-355-2676

Digital Dog Direct p. 6 609-882-3444

Green Eye for Design p. 10 267-884-4331

DMW p. 12 610-407-0407

Bradley Graphics p. 14 800-638-8223

Japs-Olson Company Back Cover Debbie Roth 952-912-1440

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