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District 42


District Executive

DG Keith Lee …..…….…...1

LGET Doris Henn ………..3

LGM Marg Faryna …….....4

PRO Geetha Nicodemus .6

Revitalized Education .....8

International Convention 9

Fall Conference …..…….10

Hall of Fame …………….11

Education Awards ……..12

Destination DTM …..…...13

Photo Gallery …….….….14

Divisions .........................15

Anniversaries …………..17

The Power of Stories ....19

Inspiring Leader ….….…20

Photo Gallery ...…………21

Compiled By:

Geetha Nicodemus, DTM

Carol Harrison, DTM

Layout & Technical:

Nandini Venkatesan, DTM

Marvin Henry, DTM


Carol Harrison, DTM

District Website:

PRAIRIE HORIZONS Where Leaders Are Made

CELEBRATE SUCCESS 2013-2014 Volume 1

Celebrate Success

The 2013-14 year is almost half over and there is plenty to celebrate! Congratulations to all of the achievers in District 42 who have earned

an educational award, competed in a speech contest, or fulfilled a

personal milestone so far this year.

One achievement that I recently completed was ensuring that all 166 members who earned an Educational Award District Incentive pin had

received their pin. Thank you to each of them for their patience with my many, many messages regarding this project. Here are some lessons I

learned that are relevant to any goal, within Toastmasters or beyond:

1. Set a clear goal.

I knew exactly how many people qualified, and I knew that I wanted to

confirm with each one of them that they had received their pin.

2. Track your progress in a consistent way.

I created countless spreadsheets itemizing what had been sent out when, but it was the creation of a single master spreadsheet that I used to track all communication regarding the project that led to greater comfort and confidence that nothing was being missed. Centralizing the information made a big difference in cutting through the noise created by multiple

sources of information.

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District Governor

Keith Lee, DTM

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3. Get help when you need it.

Thankfully I had supportive collaborators (thanks Susan! thanks Christina!) who helped keep the project on track and had useful suggestions on how to overcome obstacles along the way. They each assembled teams to take care of their aspect of the


4. Reflect regularly on your progress.

It was satisfying to see the number of confirmed recipients climb month by month. When half of the recipients had confirmed by mid-September, I was glad. When I was down to the final 10, I was ecstatic. This kept me motivated to fulfill my promise to

complete the project.

5. Review and share your lessons learned.

That is why I am writing this article :) Build and share your knowledge with your club, your executive and your network so others can benefit from your



1. Set a clear goal – what are your goals this

year? Have you shared them with your club? Can

your personal goals help your club achieve success

with its Club Success Plan? (Boot Camps are great

for this!)

2. Track your progress in a consistent way – Have

you been using the achievement record at the back of

your manual? Do you have a personal Member

Achievement Record? Does your VP Education

know where you are in the program?

3. Get help when you need it – Do you have a

mentor within the program? Do you mentor other members? Do you encourage others through your feedback, evaluations and support? How can you help another member of your club achieve their next goal?

Photo: Tim Lambert, DTM

Past District Governors support Keith Lee.

4. Reflect regularly on your progress –

How have you changed through your work

on the current project? What have you

achieved through your progress in the

program? How has your participation

developed your skills? What fresh new

experiences have you had? What have you


5. Review and share your lessons

Learned – Perhaps through a speech? Or

perhaps write an article in your club

newsletter or website? Or through

mentorship of another member?

Remember – move with purpose, and

choose to consciously, responsible engage

your attention, time and energy on projects

that will move you forward both within and

beyond the club. The opportunities are

endless. Merry Christmas!

Keith Lee, DTM

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Lt. Governor Education & Training Report In District 42 we value the contributions of our

members. To help celebrate their success we

have implemented a new incentive program

this year. Each quarter, we will send individual

award ribbons to the Presidents of each club to

present to their members who achieved a

communication or leadership award. It is our

hope that each club will recognize these

achievements during a regular club meeting.

All District 42 incentives and promotions can be

accessed on the District 42 website under the

“Discover District 42” tab. We are using

Survey Monkey this year to track many of the

club awards such as Club Fitness, Speechcraft,

Open House and Youth Leadership. These

ribbons will also be sent out quarterly to the

Presidents of each successful club.

The Fort McMurray conference was an

excellent opportunity to meet with members

from across District 42 who came together to

celebrate the “Of the Year” winners, the District

Humorous and Table Topics speech contest

winners, Triple Crown, CC/CL, CL/ALB awards

and 11 proud recipients of the DTM


A Destination DTM Bootcamp was held in

Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Calgary in

November. Toastmasters had an opportunity to

learn about how to complete the next step of

their DTM journey. The feedback from each

session was very positive and we are hoping to

have a 2nd round of Destination DTM in the

spring where we provide a similar experience

for some of our smaller centers across the


The second round of Club Officer training

begins in December. This year we hope to

introduce “All Leader” sessions as part of the

January TLI/COT in each major center. These

“All Leader” sessions will include relevant topics

such as Membership Building and Retention,

Mentoring, Distinguished Club Plan and Effective

Evaluations and will provide value for all

members of District 42. The sessions will be held

just prior to the breakout sessions for each club

executive position.

I would like to wish each of you a Merry

Christmas and a productive New Year as you

develop your communication and leadership skills

in District 42.

Doris Henn, DTM

Photo: Tim Lambert, DTM

Doris Henn, LGET, Nevin Henn, C39 Area Governor

Lieutenant Governor Education and Training

Doris Henn, DTM

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Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Marg Faryna, DTM

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Marketing in District 42

We are truly blessed to have great leaders in all

corners of District 42. Our leaders lead, as in the

proverb “. . . Teach a man to fish; you feed him for

a lifetime.” Leaders begin with a role on the club

program and then by taking on a club leadership

role such as planning a contest or guest meeting

and then as a club officer. There are so many

opportunities for every member. Leadership goes

beyond the club, into area and division governor

roles and club coaches, sponsors and mentors.

There are many more opportunities for everyone.

New Chartered Clubs

Our leaders in building new clubs have already

successfully chartered 9 clubs and there are more

on the horizon in every corner of District 42.

It is very exciting and fulfilling to bring new

members into our clubs and bring new

clubs into District 42. Let’s continue to grow

our membership in all corners. Let’s set a

goal to have a minimum of 20 members in

each club. Let’s continue to lead by

following the proverb and showing more

members the power of leadership.

We will soon pass the half-way milestone in

our toastmaster year and we will soon say

good-bye to 2013 and welcome 2014.

Every day has been important to bring us to

this point in time; without each day, we

would not be where we are. Thank you to

everyone for making it possible.

Welcome the New Year with your dreams,

goals and aspirations. Embrace all the

new things that will be coming your way and

make it a great year!

Marg Faryna, DTM

Fearless Speakers, Saskatoon

Absolutely Fabulous Toastmasters, Calgary

Speak MastURS, Sherwood Park

Elemental Toastmasters, Fort Saskatchewan

College Plaza Toastmasters, Edmonton

Lingo Advanced Toastmasters, Edmonton

ATB Calgary Campus, Calgary

Groundswell Group Toastmasters, Calgary

Crowfoot Communicators, Calgary

Photo: Tim Lambert, DTM

Marg Faryna, DTM supporting members of

District 42

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Lieutenant Governor of Marketing

Marg Faryna, DTM

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New Clubs – Sponsors & Mentors

It is very exciting to welcome new clubs into the District. And between July and November, we have

welcomed nine new clubs! This would not have been possible without the help of New Club

sponsors and mentors.

New club sponsors hold demonstration meetings and help recruit members to the prospective new

club. They show clubs how to hold meetings, elect officers and submit the charter paperwork to World

Headquarters. This process can take from 1 to 6 months and concludes when the new club holds

their charter presentation meeting.

New club mentors guide the new club through the 6 – 12 months that follow the charter presentation.

They ensure the club officers understand their duties, help recruit and retain members, and show the

club how to succeed with the Club Success Plan.

Up to two sponsors and two mentors can be appointed to serve each new club. Sponsors and

mentors receive club-building credit toward an Advanced Leader Silver Award. If you are interested

in being a club sponsor or mentor, please contact [email protected]

Congratulations to the Clubs and their Club Coaches for achieving their goals in 2012-13.

By the end of June 30, 2013 23 club coaches were successful in helping 15 clubs achieve their goal of

becoming Distinguished Clubs. Club coaches are appointed to assist a club that is experiencing difficulties

building and maintaining membership. The goal is to help the club become a Distinguished Club. Successful

coaches receive credit toward the Advanced Leader Silver Award. If you would like to become a club

coach, please contact [email protected]

Marg Faryna, DTM

Clubs Coaches

Division A Aecommunicators Club Cathie J. Sarafinchan, DTM

Division F Christian Club Liz VonKanel, DTM & Marg Faryna, DTM

Division G Sunny South Speakers Club Beverley L. LeBlanc, DTM & Ron MacTavish, ACS, ALB

Division F Business and Beyond Toastmasters Club Dennis Carl O'brien, ACB, CL

Division E Carlton Trail Club Judy D. Riou, ACS, ALS

Division E Living Skies Advanced Club Cecilia Elizabeth, DTM & Elizabeth Gadzella, ACS, ALS

Division J Calgary Advanced Toastmasters Fabian E. Asin, DTM & Vincenzo Aliberti, ACS, ALB

Division J Bankers Hollering Toastmasters Club Raj Janakiraman, CC & Mark Patulski

Division F University Toastmasters Club Dennis Carl O'brien, ACB, CL

Division F Icebreakers Club Peter Kolotyluk, ACG, ALB

Division E Speaking Done Here Club Sarah Parker, ACB, ALB & Paula Noon, DTM

Division G Dinosaurs Toastmasters Club Curtis A. Scherger, CC, CL

Division B Not-Just-Us Club Chanchal Sethi, CC, CL & Mavis Joy Matheson, DTM

Division A MacEwan Club Wendy L. Welte, ACG, CL & Cheryl Schofield, ACS, ALB

Division F Leduc Blackgold Toastmasters Joan V. Petruk, DTM

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Public Relations Officer

Geetha Nicodemus, DTM


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I am lucky to be working with a passionate team

of professionals. Fred Sawka, District 42 CIO is

the architect of our website and the technology

expert for D42. Eloise Blackstock as Web

Administrator successfully completed the phase

1 of ‘content quality’ project. Carol Harrison as

Prairie Horizons editor will be bringing out 3

issues of the magazine this year. Christina

Kruis (District Secretary) has been a key

contributor to the web team as content provider

and Nandini Venkatesan as PR Support. Other

dedicated members who have made

contributions to website include: Rhys Davies,

Jan Olson and our past and current District


Promoting Toastmasters

Since 1958, we have been sharing the benefits of

Toastmasters program with friends, family and

organizations, mostly by word-of-mouth

communication. With many of us experiencing life-

changing benefits, we would have used Morse

code to spread the word, if we had to! Thankfully

the old methods of spreading the word have

evolved into newspapers, Television, Events,

Websites and Social Media and making channels of

communication easier, faster and more exciting.

My vision for District 42 this year is “District 42 -

Discover D42”, an extension of the vision by Past

PRO Lorraine Wheatley “Discover District 42”. I

hope to achieve this by exploring the

communication channels available to promote

Toastmasters to the District 42 population (Alberta

and Saskatchewan – with 5000 plus members, we

have touched only 0.1 percent of the population).

Apart from this, I would additionally like to use

technology to help support District Leaders to

communicate with our members more effectively.

The ‘District 42 Dispatch – what’s happening in

the District?’ is our main communication channel to

all our members. Give the Dispatch a closer look –

it is your window to the D42 world! Like our

Facebook page for

updates and photo albums.

Photos: Crystal Clark

Top left clockwise

PR team members

Fred Sawka, Eloise Blackstock, Carol Harrison,

Christina Kruis, and Rhys Davies (left).

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Public Relations Officer

Geetha Nicodemus, DTM


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We have continued the Webinar trainings

and have now included topics that would

help our members understand and have

clarity on the various aspects of their

membership and programs. Devan

Macpherson will be coordinating the

trainings. The trainings will be recorded

and made available on the website.

Early this year, we were invited by Habitat for

Humanity, to provide speakers to talk about their

programs to schools and corporations.

We also had an invitation from PEMAC for

conducting a workshop on speaking skills for their

annual Maintenance Management Conference,

MainTrain – Nandini Venkatesan and Fabian

Asin wowed the audience with their 5 hour

workshop. Such programs not only give us

opportunities to showcase toastmasters, but

something deeper, the generosity and willingness

of our members to give back to the community by

sharing the program.

I would like to thank District Leadership, Division

Governors and Area Governors for all their

support and contributions. It has been an exciting

and fulfilling 5 months so far and I am looking

forward to the rest of the year.

Geetha Nicodemus, DTM

Photos: Geetha Nicodemus, DTM

Terry Kozlyk, DTM - webinar and HPL Free Toast Host

Promoting Toastmasters at MainTrain

Nandini Venkatesan, DTM and Fabian Asin, DTM –

speaking at MainTrain Conference

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Ambassadors to Visit

This is an historic time for Toastmasters

International as the organization moves

forward with the Revitalized Education

Program. To that end, we want to make

sure you are aware of upcoming

developments affecting your District.

In early December 2013, World

Headquarters is presenting a webinar to all

Chief Ambassadors. The purpose is to

update them on the Revitalized Education

Program and explain their roles and

responsibilities. The webinar will also

provide Chief Ambassadors with

information to share with their District

Ambassadors. The Ambassadors, in turn,

will give brief presentations to clubs.

All clubs in your District will be visited by

Ambassadors. The visits begin in


If you have questions on any of these

matters, please contact your Chief

Ambassador Chuck LeBlanc or email

[email protected].

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

The Education Program Team

Toastmasters International

Revitalized Education Program

Toastmasters International


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How will I benefit from a Revitalized

Education Program?

You will benefit from program improvements

such as:

A greater use of technology to boost self-

directed learning, to access educational

materials and to connect with other

members around the world

A clearer path for achieving education


Opportunities to develop real-world

communication and leadership skills in a

globally evolving marketplace

Toastmasters International website

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District 42 is a Select Distinguished District for

2012 – 2013 under the leadership of Past District

Governor Chuck LeBlanc, DTM. Each member

has helped to make a difference.

Past District Governor Jacquie Schneider, DTM

was honored with a Presidential Citation.

The convention is an opportunity to meet leaders

from around the world to share ideas and network.

Hope to see you in Malaysia in Aug. 2014.


International Convention

Cincinnati, Ohio August 2013


Lorraine Wheatley, CC, ALB

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Photos: Keith Lee, DTM

Upper Right: Chuck LeBlanc, Aparna Verma (D42

Speech Champion), Keith Lee

Lower: D42 Exec – Doris Henn, Marg Faryna, Keith Lee,

Nevin Henn

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Fall Conference

Fort McMurray November 1 - 3, 2013


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Congratulations to our

Humorous Contest Winners

First Place: Jackie Diemart

Second Place: Noel Bentley

Third Place: Iris Talbot

Congratulations to our

Table Topics Contest Winners

First Place: Kelly Kaur

Second Place: Mryna Peregrym

Third Place: Iris Talbot

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Hall of Fame

Of the Year Awards – Fall Conference November 2013


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Newsletter of the Year

Shelley Goldbeck

Rookie of the Year

John Bauer

Area Governor of the Year

Carissa David

Division Governor of the Year

Geetha Nicodemus

Toastmaster of the Year

Bev LeBlanc

Photos: Geetha Nicodemus, DTM

Tim Lambert, DTM

President of the Year

Denise Rackett

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Education Awards

Distinguished Toastmaster, DTM


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On Nov. 2, 2013, in Fort McMurray District

Governor Keith Lee, DTM recognizes the hard

work involved in the highest educational

achievement in Toastmasters. Congratulations to

all those who received their educational


The educational program is the heart of every

Toastmasters club. It provides members with a

proven curriculum that develops communication

and leadership skills one step at a time, with

many opportunities for awards and recognition

along the way. The communication and

leadership tracks are not mutually exclusive; you

may participate in both at the same time, if you


- Toastmasters International Website

Photos: Tim Lambert, DTM

Top Row: Sumana Barua, DTM, Carol Harrison DTM

Amee Harrison, DTM, Joan Petruk, DTM

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Destination DTM

Amee Harrison, DTM


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Mission Accomplished!

I know the journey to distinguished

toastmaster (DTM) can seem daunting to

many leaving the path travelled by only a few.

We celebrate this huge success with all who

have accomplished it no matter how long or

short a time they take to reach the destination.

At the Fall Conference 2013 in Fort McMurray

the Saturday luncheon celebrated the

completion of this milestone for those in

attendance. Amee Harrison, one of the

recipients, completed her DTM in July 2013,

an accomplishment greater than many


Amee had a stroke at birth leaving her in a

coma. The doctors and specialists gave her

only a five percent chance of survival. If by

some miracle she lived, the doctors expected

the brain damage to severely limit her ability

to accomplish everyday tasks most people

take for granted. The statistics included a five

percent chance to walk or talk. Reading would

be impossible. Her journey through life has

been full of challenges yet there have been

many successes, small and large, she has

celebrated as well. Amee learned to walk and

ran track in Special Olympics for fifteen

years. She learned to talk but communication

remained an extremely weak skill.

In 2006 Amee attended her first Toastmaster

meeting and joined immediately to practice

and improve her weak communication skills.

She practiced speaking, had a mentor longer

than many have and began to take on various

roles. The Competent Leader manual that

many seasoned Toastmasters found

intimidating, made sense to her and she soon

mentored her home club in what to do with

this book.

Photo: Amee receiving her DTM.

She dreaded table topics and still does.

When asked to set goals for the year in

Toastmasters she often drew a blank until

four years ago at a Destination DTM Boot

Camp when the presenter managed to have

SMART goals make sense to her. Three

weeks later she shared her SMART goals

for the next four years the culmination of

which would see her complete her DTM.

She pulled a second sheet of SMART goals

she had set for her mom Carol which

included earning a second DTM. Amee’s

goals meant hard work, extra help with

some areas and occasionally becoming

overwhelmed as she travelled the road to

completing them.

In July 2013 Toastmasters International

registered the completion of Amee’s goals

but the high point came when both Amee

and her mom Carol were presented with the

DTM plaque, medal and pin at the 2013

Fall conference allowing her to mark her

final goal completed.

As we celebrate our members’ successes

let’s learn the story behind the achievement.

We will be encouraged, challenged and


Carol Harrison, DTM

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Fall Conference

Photo Gallery – Fort McMurray


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Mining your Potential

November 1-3, 2013

Keynote Speaker: Anne Barab

Mayor Melissa Blake, Regional Municipality

of Wood Buffalo declares November 2nd as

Toastmasters Day!

Co-chairs for Fall Conference are Sangeeta

Hull, Larry Andrews and Pierre Du Plessis

Photos: Crystal Clark

Toastmasters from District 42 share ideas and network at the Conference.

Middle row centre – Keynote Speaker, Anne Barab

Lower left – Mayor Melissa Blake, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

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Division C and J Governors


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Membership Drive

“One of the success stories we would like to

share is about our membership drive. We

had a booth running over a 4 day period

during lunch hour close to 2 of our

cafeterias, and additionally one of the

members who also works for Shaw in the

marketing department was able to get a 30

second video ad running on screens near a

few exits where a shuttle bus picks up

employees to shuttle them to the various

parking lots around the campus. We have

had huge success and already have almost

met our DCP points for new members within

a month and have had upwards of 5

guests attending each meeting since the


Robert Litwin

President of ShawMasters

Division J “Of The Year” Award Winners

The “Of the Year” awards are an excellent

opportunity to recognize members who

demonstrated outstanding commitment and

dedication to the organization either by their

contributions and/or involvement. Toastmasters

International has 4 categories at the Division

level to pay tribute to members who have

distinguished themselves. Each category has

specific criteria for selection.

Testimonials from any members are a big

addition to the final selection process. The

Division J winners of the 2012-2013 “Of the

Year” awards are:

Rookie of the Year

John Bauer - PMI-SAC Toastmasters

Toastmaster of the Year

Bob Gibennus - Westhills

Public Relations of the Year

Jen Coyne - Westhills

President of the Year

John Bauer - PMI-SAC Toastmasters

Area Governor of the Year

J46 - Nevin Henn

John Bauer, ACS ALB

Summary of Bob Gibennus’s

thoughts on receiving the Of The

Year award:

“Thank you, Division J for this

wonderful award. Thank you,

Toastmasters, for introducing me to

some of the most inspiring people

you will ever meet”.

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Division E Governor


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Like so many others that seek out Toastmasters,

I stepped into my first Toastmasters meeting in

2008 to improve my public speaking skills. A

career change required me to present to groups

and I wanted to do so with confidence. Rather

than a motivation to earn designations or

awards, I was motivated to improve my ability

to communicate in order to advance my


The members of Division E have entrusted me

with leading Division E for 2013-2014. I take this

responsibility seriously. My personal goal is to

leave, the Division at the end of the year, better

than I found it so every member is empowered

to develop communication and leadership skills,

resulting in greater self-confidence and personal

growth, just like I experienced. My predecessors

have left a legacy of success and I feel

compelled to build on their foundations so that

my successor can, in turn, build on what I will

leave behind. The task is daunting but then I

think of Henry Ford’s wisdom, “Whether you

think you can or you think you can’t, you are

probably right.” Then I focus on how I can meet

the challenge.

The only way I know to meet this challenge is

with a team of people working together,

sharing knowledge and expertise, learning

from each other’s best practices and

challenges, and growing stronger and faster

than they could alone. The same process is

just as effective member to member at a club

meeting as it is division leader to division

leader. Creating networks to Share – Learn

– Grow at all levels will enable Division E to

strengthen and continue the pattern of

increasing success in years to come.

This year has its challenges but these

become our opportunity to develop our

leadership and communication skills.

Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a

small group of thoughtful, committee citizens

can change the world, indeed it’s the only

thing that ever has.” My challenge to every

member of division E is to commit to making

a difference, step up, step out and Share –

Learn – Grow.

Lynne Marr, CC

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60th Anniversary

Prince Albert Toastmasters


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On October 21, 2013 the Prince Albert

Toastmasters Club celebrated their sixtieth

anniversary complete with a trip down memory lane,

archives on display and dignitaries bringing their

congratulations. Members, former members,

politicians, the immediate past division E governor,

present area governor and guests had an enjoyable

evening of table topics, congratulatory speeches and

the chance to look for familiar names on the various

contest trophies displayed prominently at the back of

the room.

Carol Harrison DTM, past Division E governor

presented the Area 21 Toastmaster of the

Year award to Jackie Diemert from Prince

Albert Toastmasters Club on behalf of the

2012 – 13 Area 21 Governor. No celebration

would be complete without photo ops and the

opportunity to network while enjoying the

celebration cake. The planning committee is to

be commended on providing a great evening

of celebrating success. Congratulations on

achieving sixty years as an active club

making an impact in the city of Prince Albert,

Saskatchewan and may you continue to have

success in the years to come.

Carol Harrison, DTM

Photo: Carol Harrison, DTM

Jackie Diemart celebrates her achievement

with Past District Governor Carol Harrison.

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District 42 Toastmasters


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Happy 60th Anniversary

Camrose Toastmasters celebrated on

October 18, 2013. Past members and guests

gathered at the Camrose Casino to catch up

and enjoy the evening.

Photo: Marg Faryna, DTM

Front left, is Fred Swartz, one of the original charter

members in 1953. On the far right, Buffy da Silva,

District 42 Governor, 1994-95.

30th Anniversary Dinner

Dawnbreakers in Edmonton celebrated their

30th anniversary at a gala event on November

19, 2013 to “Connect – Again” with friends and

former members. Charter member Peter

Kossowan. (left). Photo: Marg Faryna, DTM

Charter member Peter Kossowan

Congratulations and Best Wishes

to our District Governor Keith Lee

and District Chief Judge 2012-13

Laurel Korbo

Wedding September 1, 2013

Photo: Doris Henn, DTM

Celebrating 10th Anniversary

Westhills Toastmasters had a wonderful

celebration with guests and members on

November 25, 2013.

Photo Geetha Nicodemus, DTM

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The Power of Stories

District 42 Toastmasters


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Each person who comes to Toastmasters

comes for personal reasons. Many choose to

stay. What brought you and made you stay

in Toastmasters? I love to hear the stories of

successes members achieve. I love to use

stories as I share the benefits of this

organization that allows us to learn, improve

and practice our communication and

leadership skills. Stories have the power to

take the theory to reality and help others

remember and be encouraged and inspired.

The release of a new book, Heart of a

Toastmaster, by Sheryl Roush DTM

occurred at the International Toastmasters

Convention in August 2013. This book includes

133 inspirational, true, short stories written by

Toastmaster members from around the world

about their personal experience in


In her introduction to this collection Sheryl

writes, “Whether you are new to Toastmasters

or a seasoned member, you will enjoy, relate

to and celebrate these diverse and genuine

stories by your fellow Toastmasters as you

share their passion, successes and gratitude

for our membership.

Photo: Sheryl Roush, DTM

Bev LeBlanc, DTM recording audio book

We want to celebrate the successes of three

District 42 members whose stories were

chosen for this book. Bev LeBlanc DTM,

our 2012-13 Toastmaster of the year has a

story titled If You’re Going To Be A

Toastmaster. Bev had the opportunity to

attend the International Convention, be part

of the book signing on the release of the

book and tape her story for the audio

version of the book. Carol Harrison DTM

has a story titled, I Never Dreamed. The

third District 42 member is Bob Hooey with

a story titled, 13 Steps.

The Heart of a Toastmaster book is

available from Toastmaster International


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Inspiring Leader

Communication & Leadership Award Spring 2013


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Leaders in the Community

The Communication & Leadership Luncheon is

our opportunity to thank our members for their

achievements as communicators and leaders within

Toastmasters. It is also our opportunity to

recognize and thank an individual from our


The District 42 Communication and Leadership

Award was established in 1972 to honour a leading

citizen in our District of Alberta & Saskatchewan for

his or her communication and leadership skills. The

Communication and Leadership Award recognizes

that citizen who demonstrates these skills in the

field of their expertise and in the community. Past

recipients have included The Honourable Dr.

Lynda Haverstock, His Worship Mayor Pat

Fiacco, Joan McCusker, The Honourable Peter

Lougheed, The Honourable Sylvia Fedoruk, and in

2011 this prestigious award was presented to Jim

Hopson of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

This year’s recipient has earned his place on this

impressive list.

Ron Waldman was born and raised right here in

Saskatchewan, in beautiful Moose Jaw. He went on

to receive Honours Degrees in Business and

Philosopy from the University of Western Ontario.

After university Ron joined the Saskatchewan

based Coca-Cola/Canada Dry franchise family

owned bottling business where he worked his way

to the role of President and CEO. He went on to

work at KPMG Advisory Services and then as

President and CEO of Business Turn Around &

Renewal. In 1999 he made a move that has

impacted many of us in this room. He became the

President and CEO of The Great Western

Brewing Company.

As a strategic leader Ron developed successive

business plans for the organization. The vision of

Great Western becoming a respected and

recognized regional brewing company was


From January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, he

served as Chairman of the Board of Directors

of Great Western Brewing Company Limited and

continues today as a partner and director in the


Great Western’s products have won dozens of

brewing awards from around the globe including

many of the most prestigious in the industry. Since

2004, the business was chosen as one of

“Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies” and

has earned Platinum status.

In 2011, Ron founded and presently serves as

President and CEO of Keystone Consulting

Inc., a business advisory firm.

In 2012 Ron was appointed to the position of

Chief Operating Officer of River Landing

Development Joint Venture. In his current role,

Ron is responsible for the assembly of

opportunities and the oversight of a mixed-use

urban development in south downtown Saskatoon

with its beautiful river setting.

In the past Ron has served on many boards of

directors, including the Saskatchewan Chamber

of Commerce and as Chair of the Royal Hospital

Foundation and the 2011 Light the Night Walk.

Just a few of the boards Ron currently serves on

are the Saskatoon Airport Authority as the Non-

Executive Chair and Board Member of Great

Western Brewing Company and Golden


Ron has been named one of Saskatchewan’s

Most Influential Business Leaders and received

the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal in 2005.

Leaders have a vision and a passion for the

future of their company, their community. Great

leaders have the ability to communicate those

ideas and see them through to fruition.

Mike Conrad, DTM

Ron is joined today by his lovely wife Shannon

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Fall Conference November 2013


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Toastmasters in District 42 celebrate their

achievements, leadership, and growth. What goals

are you working on for 2014?

Stay tuned for the next edition of the Prairie


Photo: Crystal Clark

Thanks to all who contributed with

your photos, articles, and ideas.

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