
Wed 8 June

New entrant mtg 1.30pm

Yr 5/6 basketball comp.

Thur 9 June Arawai — Imagination Stn

Multi-ethnic families meet-

ing, Room 13, 3.15pm

Fri 10 June Principal Awards 9.00am

Gold coin mufti day

Mon 13 June ICAS writing 9.00am

Tues 14 June PTA 7.30pm

Wed 15 June ICAS spelling 9.00am

Thur 16 June Assembly 2.15pm

Multi-ethnic families meet-

ing, Room 13, 3.15pm

PTA quiz night 7.30pm

Tues 21 June Choir rehearsal (am) Aurora

NW Music Festival (7pm)

Wed 29 June Arawai/Roto poetry 1.20pm

Senior school open day,

visit classes 9am-12pm,

parent evening 7pm

June 8th 2016

Week 6 / 10

Contact us:

Ph 342 7783

Parents could have been misled into thinking there was an emergency

incident at school, seeing a line-up of police cars and police dogs on the

back field last week. In fact, it was a friendly visit from police dog han-

dlers who came to the junior school to talk about policing and to demon-

strate their dogs’ skills. Some students got to try on riot gear and police

vests and a lucky few got to sit in a police car and blast the siren!

No guesses what these Russley kids want to do when they grow up!

I tried on the vest and I tried on the helmet and it was fun. When I grow up I want to be a police lady. I can’t wait to grow up. Shaye (5 years)

The dog is chasing the police because he is a bad man. I tried the mask on because I was strong! Jimmy (5 years)

I am going in the police car and I see Jagger. Jagger is chasing the policeman. Go Jagger! Mostafa (5 years)

I really liked my dog catching the people but it was lucky because it was a policeman and my dog bit him on the arm.

Gus (5 years)

Talofa lava, hello and a heartfelt kia ora to our Māori familiies who are celebrating Matariki—the Māori New Year—which

began on Monday. Good wishes too to our Muslim families who have begun the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, a month

of abstinence, fasting and reverence. May you have a peaceful Ramadan.

I encourage parents to mark on their calendars the evenings early next term (2 & 4 August) when we will host student-led

conferences. Each 10 minute conference will take the form of a conversation between the child, parents and teacher.

We have found these meetings to be an effective way of actively involving every student in discussing their progress.

Information about booking times will be sent home early next term.

Next week we welcome Mrs Anna Randall as a full-time teacher in Team Waka as the junior school establishes a class for

the next group of new entrants. Anna will work closely with Room 17 teacher, Annette Ward, until student numbers in-

crease enough to open Room 16. Anna may be familiar to some of you as she has been working at Russley during for the

first half of the year as a literacy and numeracy teacher supporting Years 5&6 students. We welcome Mrs Jacqui van

Herpt who will shortly replace Anna, working with the Year 5/6 students.

Russley School is always happy to celebrate the extracurricular success of its staff members. Congratu-

lations to teacher Chris Walker who successfully auditioned for the cast of Showbiz Christchurch’s next

musical, Evita. Chris has been selected as a member of the Ensemble. The season opens September .

Faye Le Cren

[email protected]

The following children have earned Principal’s awards this fortnight. Parents and whanau are

welcome to attend the awards ceremony in the hall on Friday 10th June at 9.00am.

Russley School’s ‘Star Student’ is Lilly Ghobrial (Room 11)

whose student profile will be displayed on the noticeboard.

Room 1 Tom Dierckx, Mac Coppard

Room 2 Kaylee Truong, Amelia Wilson

Room 3 Zoe Lynch, Madeleine Jermy

Room 4 Hunter Harwood, Brianna Walton

Room 5 Dominic Hasselberg, Soverin Te Haara-Barr

Room 6 Noah McKenzie, Yana Chernova

Room 7 Ella-Rose Evans, Zion Simpson

Room 8 Carlos James, Lowanna Chan

Room 9 Ruby Jones Johnston, Khizar Abbas

Room 10 Amelia Nicholls, Sophia McMahon Room 11 Jason Huang, Lilly Ghobrial

Room 12 Eliza Sellier, Hunter Harrison

Room 13 Hamish Thomas, Jayden Forster

Room 14 Edward Bateman, Wonie Park

Room 15 Oscar Calder, Brooklyn Dempsey

Room 17 Hamid Ahmadi, Anaru Fong-Yip

Room 18 Angel Singh, Samantha Walton

Board of



There were eight nominations for five places as parent representatives on the Board. Nominees are: Brett Collins, Jonathan Fearn, Brent Forbes, Phil Lindsay, Dan McNally, Mark Paul, Mathieu Sellier and Arthi Senthilkumar.

Voting closed at noon last Friday however the Returning Officer must wait several days to include postal votes before declaring the results later this week.

The new board takes office on June 10th 2016.

Russley student leaders were among 2000 stu-

dents who attended the National Young Lead-

ers’ Day held at Horncastle Area last week.

Motivational presenters spoke to the students

about what good leadership looks like, including

keynote speaker, Billy Graham, a former New

Zealand and Australasian light welterweight box-

ing champion, who gave insights into his leader-

ship journey. In his early years he learned to

lead himself well and in turn, to lead others.

Amputee, Brylee Mills, lost an arm in a car acci-

dent at the age of six. She has gone on to be the

first amputee accepted into a prestigious Syd-

ney dance school. Her key message was that

everyone faces challenges in life but these ob-

stacles don’t have to define what we do and

who we are.

Robbie Fruean from the Crusaders and Dave

Baxter from Avalanche City also spoke about

humility as not thinking less of yourself; just

thinking of yourself less.

A final key message came from speaker James

Beck, “character is of the utmost importance -

be positive when things are tough.”

Some Russley writers recently entered poetry in Auckland author Paula Green's Poetry

Box Autumn Poem Competition. From entries from schools all over New Zealand, five

Russley students' poetry stood out and received special mention.

The following students' poems were shortlisted and have been published: Bridget Egan,

Soverin Te Haara-Barr, Gus Da Vittoria, Makenzy McRoberts, Daisy-Jane Lowe.

You can read their poems on the Poetry Box website

The Autumn Poem by Makenzy McRoberts

Leaves, crackling, gold, like a crunchy bar. Branches, brown, thin, like an old man’s arms

Leaves, quivering, hanging off. Me and my friends play rugby union at school,

I hear people yelling from the side line, I have dirt on my legs and I’m laughing and I have butterflies in my stomach.

Fall by Daisy-Jane Lowe

It’s getting darker now My friends and I discuss in hushed voices

About how we're getting ready to fall When mother tree tucks us in

I dream about a world on the ground


Help us fundraise for


Wear your weirdest outfit and donate a gold coin

to help us look after cancer kids’ families!


Thank you in anticipation!

Student Council

Cross Country

Results of recent North West Zones Cross Country are available at


Please click the link below to view photos from the kind-hearted parents, Paul & Melanie Koster, who continue to shoot

and share magnificent shots of our super athletes—!23742&authkey=!ALJWjsoSIMfZhJU&ithint=folder%2cJPG

The top runners in each age category have qualified for the Centrals cross-country champs to be held at Halswell Quarry in

a fortnight.

Years 5-8 Winter Sport

The competition continues on Friday afternoons through to August 26th (no games on last day of term, July 8th).

Weekly draws for the North West Zone winter sport games are online at Primary Sport Canterbury by clicking the following



The Russley Year 7/8 boys’ basketball team played some solid games at the Canterbury Primary

Schools’ basketball tournament at Pioneer Stadium, ending the tournament with a satisfying

5th-in-pool placing. Today our focus turns to the Year 5/6 basketball team that is competing in

an age-group qualifying tournament being held at the Bishopdale YMCA.

The Year 5/6 team:

Kaine Hartley Noah Dierckx Nick Smith Finn Lonie Brooklyn Cranstoun

Dom Hasselberg Bridget Egan George Grundy Chen Zhang Amir Ahmadi

An Invitation to Parents of Next Year’s Year 7 Students

Russley School invites interested parents/ guardians of Year 6 students to attend our Year 7/8 open day on Wednesday 29 June:

9am-12.30pm Visit Year 7/8 classrooms to observe the senior school in action

7pm-8pm Parent information evening

Writing 13 June 9.00am

Spelling 15 June 9.00am

English 2 August 9.00am

Mathematics 16 August 9.00am

A heads-up for parents that student-led conferences will be

held in the second week of term 3, on evenings of:

Tues 2 August and Thurs 4 August.

Please circle these dates on your calendar.

Booking details to follow.

The health and well-being of students is a priority at Russley School. Being healthy is one of Russley’s seven dispositions and eating nutritious meals contributes to a healthy body. The Ministry of Education has created a policy on food and nutrition which states, “Food and nutrition have an essential role in children and young people’s achievement at all stages of education. There is evidence that young people’s food choices can affect their attend-ance and behaviour as well as their health.”

For this reason, I promote the need to provide children with healthy lunches. The Ministry of Health advocates that children have at least three servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Prepackaged foods are often high in fat and sug-ars and are nutritionally poor. So what could go in your child’s lunchbox? The following information is taken from

Generally there are 5 things that need to go into a well-balanced lunch – if you can’t include both the meat and dairy group make sure you choose at least one option from either of these groups.

Breads and Cereal food group These foods are carbohydrate-based and therefore provide a good source of energy. Choices include: bread (wraps, pita pockets, buns, raisin bread), crackers, mini muffins or small savoury scones, small serves of pasta salads or rice salads, or rice in the form of sushi.

Fruit and Vegetable food group Fruit is a good source of energy and vegetables are great for vitamins. Include one fruit and one salad option. Choices include: Fruit (raw or pottles of stewed fruit) – apples, pears, bananas, stonefruit, cocktail tomatoes, car-rot or cucumber sticks, mini salads. For the more adventurous, gherkins and olives.

Dairy Food group Dairy foods are a great source of protein which satisfies hunger and helps to repair the body. Dairy based foods are also a great source of calcium. Choices include: cheese – sticks or sliced or grated in sandwiches or with crackers, yoghurt or yoghurt drinks, milk drinks and dairy food pottles (i.e. chocolate or caramel yoghurts) – but check the sugar levels.

Meat and Meat Alternative group Aim to include an iron-rich, protein-based food in the lunch box daily to help energise your child. Choices include: meat – ham, chicken & fish (tuna, salm-on, mackerel or sardines), egg, baked beans or other dried beans – these could all be served either separately, or as part of a sandwich filling, or as part of a salad.

A Drink Make sure your child has a drink bottle filled with water; not juice or cordial. Pop it half-full in the freezer overnight, then top it up from the tap in the morning, so that it stays cold all day. Alternatively, you could add ice cubes in the morning.

At Russley we also promote a litter-free environment. Parents can support this policy by sending children to school with package-free lunchboxes and encouraging them to bring their litter home.

For further advice on healthy food choices visit Pam Stretch Acting Deputy Principal

Russley Rascals On-site


programme, Mon-Fri from

7.30am to 5.30pm.

Hourly rate $9.

Phone or text Yvonne

021 101 4163

[email protected]

Disclaimer: Russley School does not necessarily

endorse the public notices advertised here.

Russley Quiz Night

Please support our fundraiser, always a great night

of entertainment. Numbers are limited so register

your team without delay. See advert below for

dates and times.

Entertainment Books

It’s not too late to order an entertainment book


We appreciate the Russley community’s support with

this fundraiser.

Next Meeting - Tuesday 10th May 7.30pm in the

staffroom. New members welcome!


[email protected]

Last Chance, Free Insula-

tion Until the 30th of June

only! Government subsidies

are ending. If insulation

has been installed before

2000, get a no-obligation

check. Community Energy

Action is a charitable trust

offering FREE insulation for

homeowners with commu-

nity services card and a

child under 18 (or a health

condition) or a person over

65). Visit

Christchurch Football Acad-

emy in partnership with

Mainland Football is host-

ing a tournament for 6 –

10 year olds on Monday 6

June from 10 am – 12.00

pm, at 466 Yaldhurst

Road. Be crowned ‘King’ or

‘Queen’ for the day, entry is

$5 paid on the day. There

are spaces still available,

so please register HERE for

your child to be part of this

fun-filled day. Westburn Brownies

For 7-9 year old girls.

Mondays 4.00-5.30pm. [email protected] Canterbury Swim School

Loyalty Scheme

Canterbury Swim School

will donate $10 to Russley

School from every new

booking it receives from

students enrolling in its

private learn to swim pro-


This offer applies to new

bookings to one child

once only and does not

apply to subsequent book-


Bookings must be for the

whole term

When booking lessons for

their child, parents must

produce a copy of the

school newsletter contain-

ing this advert

Full payment must be

made at time of booking.

Ph 260 2220


Christchurch Football

Academy Football Camps

World-class football experi-

ence for boys and girls of

all abilities from 6 to 16-

years. Register for autumn

and winter holiday camps

using this link http://


Russley School PTA

Quiz Night

Thursday 16th June


The Elmwood Trading Company

1 Normans Road, Strowan

$60 per team (4 - 6 adults)

Tickets for sale

at the school office

The Russley staff is enjoying meeting families of many

cultures at the regular after-school meeting hosted on

Thursdays. Teacher Pene Cooley hosts this informal

gathering in Room 13 on Thursdays from 3.15pm –

4.00pm. Parents and children from multi-ethnic fami-

lies are most welcome. This week might be a good

opportunity for parents who have recently received a

student report to talk with a teacher about the school

reporting system or any other concerns or issues con-

cerning their child’s learning that they wish to raise.

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