

Time - Two Hours




(First Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin ~ndicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following : I5x2=30

(a) Comment on Chaucer's use of humour and

irony Jn the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.


(b) Critically examine Chaucer 's art or'

characterisation in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.

(c) Discuss The Faerie Queene, Bk.I as a

romantic epic.


(d) Comment on the character and role· of the

Red Cross Knight in The Faerie Queene, Bk.I.

(e) Describe the salient features of Bacon's

p~ose style.

1 P.T.O.



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(f) Would you consider Bacon's Essays as a

handbook of practical wisdom? Argue your answer.

(g) Discuss Herbert as a religious poet with reference to the. poems on your syllabus.


(h) Attempt a critical appreciation of "To His Coy Mistress".

(i) Examine Samson Agonistes as a Chr.istian Play.


(j) Comment on the role ofManoa in Samson Agonistes.

2. Answer any four of the followfog: 5x4=20

(a) How is the Wife of Bath portrayed in the

Prologue to the Canterbury Tales ?

(b) Comment on the opening passage of the

Prologue to the·Canterbury Tales.

( c) Comment on the role of Prince Arthur in

The Faerie Queene, Bk.I.



, '


(d) What is the significance of the Archimago

episode in The Faerie Queene, Bk.I ?

( e) What does Bacon say about adversity in life?

(f) Briefly· mention the central idea of "Of Truth".

(g) How does the lover address the sun in "The Sunne Rising" ?

(h) What is the central idea of "The Pulley"?

(i) Why does Dalila come to see the blind


0) Describe the agonies of the blind Samson at

the beginning of Samson Agonistes.

SN 3 700



Time - Two Hours




(Second Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks. ,

l. Answer any two questions, taking one from

each group: 15x2=30


(a) Do you think that Hamlet is a romantic­

idealist ? Give reasons for your answer.


(b) Hamlet is the high water-mark of

Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy. Discuss.

(c) Why is Measure for Measur~ often

describe·<l as a problem play? Argue your answer.


( d) Sketch the character of the Duke.


-(e) Prospero's enchanted island is a complex

amalga..m of disparate el~ments. Discuss.


(f) Bring out the aptness of the title, "The . .



(g) Is it true that Doctor Faustus has a

beginning and an end, but no miqdle ? Argue your '1 answer.


(h) What Renaissance elements do-you find in Doctor Faustus?

· (i) . Does the Duchess of Malfi measl!!e up to the stature of a heroine? Give reasons for your answer.


(j) Evaluate the dramatic necessity of the fifth Act ~f The Duchess of Malfi.

2. Answer any four of the following; 5x4=20

(a) Comment on the .play-within-the play in Hamlet.

(b) How does Hamlet open ?


,. ,

-(c) State briefly the story of Caliban's

attempted rebellion.

(d) Comment on Sycorax's treatment of Ariel.

( e) What tole does Claudio play in Measure

for Measure ? .·

(f) Does Bosola have any redeeming features in spite of his villainy ?

(g) Comment on Doctor Faustus's tragic flaw.

'(h) Bring out the significance of the final Chorus in Doctor Faustus.

(i) Comment ori the most melodramatic scene of The Duchess of Malfi.

G) Why was Claudio imprisoned? '

SN 3 700


- 2014



(First Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Time - Two Hours Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following:. 15x2=30

(a) EvaluateA/lfor Love as a heroic play.


(b) Analyse Antony's character and comment on his role inAllfor Love.

( c) Comment on the treatment of love and marriage in The Way of the World.


(d) Analyse the character ofMirabell as a true wit.

( e) Discuss Tom Jones as an anti-hero.


(f) Bring out the moral design of Tom Jones.



(g) Comment on the structure of Tristram Shandy.


·(h) Discuss the major themes of Tristram Shandy.

2. Answer any four of the following : 5x4=20

(a) Why is All for Love subtitled 'The World Well Lost'?

(b) What role does Ventidius play in All for 'r, Love?

(c) Comment on the ending of The Way of the World.

( d) What role does Sir Rowland play in The Wayofthe World?

( e) What is the significance of the Man of the Hill episode ?

(f) Comment on the Upton Inn episode in Tom Jones.

(g) What is the significance of the name 'Tristram' ?

(h) ·Comment on the nature of Uncle Toby's wound.

SN 2 700


Time - Two Hours




(Second Hall)

PG-I Q>E)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following questions : J5X2=3Q

(a) Discuss the theme of love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice.


(b) Analyse the character of Darcy.

(c) Discuss Gulliver's Travels as an allegory.


( d) Examine the structure of Gulliver's Travels.

( e) Estimate Johnson as a Shakespearean critic.


(f) Do you agree with Johnson's appreciation of Shakespeare's artistic success ? Argue your answer.

1 P.T.O.

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-(g) Critically discuss An Ep.istle to Dr.

Arbuthnot as a verse satire.


(h) Comment on t}?.e literary qualities of An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot.

2. Answer any four of the following: 5x4=20

(a) Briefly comment on the title, i'Pride and Prejudice".

(b) Explain the importance of the Lydia­Wickham episode.

(c) How did Gulliver entertain the king and the queen of the Brobdingnags ?

( d) Describe, after Gulliver, the Lilliputain law sxstem.

(e) Comment on Dr~ Johnson's observati0ns on tragi-comedy in his "Preface to Shakespeare".

(f) How does Johnson defend Shakespeare?s use of "unities" ?

{g) Comment on the Midas passage in An _Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot.

(h) "Shut, shut the door ····" Who says this_ and why?

SN 2 700

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Time - Two Hours




(First' Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following : 15x2=30

(a) Estimate Blake as a mystic poet.


(b) Would you regard Songs of Innocence · and Songs of Experience as critique of society ? Ar.gue,­yopr answer.

(c) Comment on Wordsworth's philosophical ideas in "Ode on Intimations of Immortality".


( d} Attempt a critical apprecia~ion of"The Old Cumberland Beggar".

(e) In "KuqlaKhan" Coleridge builds a strong contrast between the political world of strife and domination and the imaginative world of beauty and peace. Comment on the statement.

1 P.T.O.

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(f) Write a note on Coleridge's treatment of the supernatural with reference to the poems on your


(g) ·Analyse the character of Asia in Prometheus

Unbound anq comment on her dramatic importance.


(h) Analyse Shelley's philosophy of beauty in

"Hymn to Intellectual Beauty":

(i) "La Belle Dame Sans Merci" expresses the deepest concerns of Keats the poet. Discuss.

G) Critically comment on the signific¥ce of the storm at the end of"Eve of St. Agnes". .·

2. Answer.any four of the following : 5:>.<4=20 .

(a) Explain "Thy fearful symmetry" in "The Tyger,,.

-(b) What are the things the children are

.compared to in the poem "Holy Thursday" ?

(c) Whom does Wordsworth call 'stern law-




( d) "Five years have passed ····"-Where does

this line occur ? What changes have occurred in these

five years, according to the poet ?

( e) Comment on the relationship that develops

between Christabel and Geraldine.

(f) How does Coleridge define the state of


(g) What made Prometheus withdraw his curse

on Jupiter?

(h) Describe after Shelley the ruins of the city

ofVenice in "Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills".

(i) What is the significance of the gathering of

swallows at the end of "Ode to Autumn" ?

G) Comment on the phrase 'cold.pastoral ' in

Keats' poem.

SN 3 700


Time - Two Hours




(Second Half)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the IJ'largin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following: 15x2=30

(a) Tennyson's greatness as an artist lies in his ability to combine lyricism and pictorial quality. Discuss with reference to the poems prescribed.


(b) "The 'Lady of Shalott" can be interpreted as alluding to contemporary woman question. Do you agree ? Give reasons.

( c) Would you agree that Browning's optimism masks his inner loneliness as an artist ? Argue your answer with reference to the poems prescribed.


( d) "One Word More" is a lyric par excellence. Discuss.

I P.T.O.


-· (e) Mathew Arnold finds poetry as 'criticism

of life' . Discuss this proposition with reference to the poems prescribed in your syllabus.


(f) Attempt a critical analysis of "Memorial Verses".

(g) Examine the narrat ive technique of Wuthering Heights.


(h) Critically examine the relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine.

(i) Would you consider Great Expectations as a childhood memoir ? Give a reasoned answer.


G) Trace the evolution ·of Pip in Great Expectations.

2. Answer any four of the following: 5x4=20

(a) How do the speakers in the 'Choric Song' of "The Lotos Eaters" react to their surroundings ?

(b) What view of Telemachus and Penelope do yo.u get in Tennyson's "Ulysses" ?



-( c) How is old age viewed in "Rabbi Ben


( d) Discuss briefly the feelings enshrined in "The Bishop Orders His Tomb".

. . (e) Why is Scholar Gypsy ·compared with the

Tyrian trader ?

(f) Comment on the basic theme of the "Forsaken Merman".

(g) Comment briefly on the ending of Wuthering Heights.

(h) Comment on Lockwood's nightmares in Wuthering Heights.

(i) What role does Joe Gargery play in Great Expectations ?

0) Commentonthetitle, "GreatExpectations".

SN 3 700

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Time - Two Hours




(First Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following questions : 15x_2=3.0

(a) Critically analyse The Return of the Native as a tragic novel.


(b) "Eustacia, the lover and Mrs Y eobright, the mother testify to Hardy's deep insight into female psy~he". Discuss.

( c) Do you feel that the story ofJim in Lord Jim is all about coping with guilt, shame and remorse ? Elaborate.


(d) Discuss the narrative technique that Conrad uses in Lord Jim.

1 P.T.O.



(e) Comment on the significance of the title of Oscar Wilde' s play, "The Importance of Being Earnest".


(f) "Elements of farce play a greater role in conveying the message of the playwright in The Importance of Being Earnest." Discuss:

(g) Discuss Joan as an instrument of the evolutionary appetite in Saint Joan.


(h) Bring out the significance of the Epilogue in Saint Joan.

(i) Critically evaluate the character of Isabel Archer in The Portrait of a Lady. · ,. ..


G) Attempt a study of the narrative te~nique .

used by Henry James in The Portrait of a Lady.

(k) How does Melville combin~ humdrum everyday reality with love of high adventure in Moby Dick?


(1) Analyse Captain Ahab as a problematic hero.

2. Answer any four of the following : 5x4=20

(a) Comment on the significance of the opening chapter of The Return of the. Native.



(b) What is the significance of the closed door scene in The Return of the Native?

(c) Why did Jim jump from the Patna?

( d) Do you think Jim redeems himself at the end of the novel ?

(e) Comment on the opening of The Importance of Bei'!g Earnest.

(f) Bring out the secret life of Jack.

(g) Why does the Archbishop say, "The old Greek tragedy is rising amongst us" ?

(h) Briefly comment on the recantation episode in Saint Joan.

(i) Comment on the breakdown ofrelationship between Isabel Archer and her husband after marriage.

G) How does Ralph impact Isabel Archer' s ~


(k) What does the white whale stand for in MobyDick?

(1) Do you think Ahab is non-Christian in his attitude?

SN 3 700

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Time - Two Hours




(Second Halt)

PG-I (DE)/2014

Full Marks - 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer any two of the following : 15x2=30

(a) Discuss Yeats as a modern poet with reference to the poems on your syllabus. ~r


(b) Attempt a critical appreciation of "An Acre of Grass".

(c) Bring out the allegory in T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land.


(d) Would you call Prufrock a disillusioned idealist ? Support your answer.

(e) Hopkins's interest in the theme.of religion stems from his concern for the humanity at large. Discuss with reference to the poems prescribed.

1 P.T.0.



(f) Assess Hopkins as a poet of n,ature with suitable illustrations from the poems on your syllabus.

- (g) Discus.s the presentation of women characters in Point Counter Point.


· (h) ·niscuss Huxley's comment on the contemporary culture, literature and society in Point Counter Point.

2. Answer any four of the following : 5x4=20

(a) Who are Yeats's 'circus animals'?

(b) Comment on Yeats' handlihg of irony in ''The Second Coming".

( c) What role does Madame Sosotris play in The Waste Land ?

( d) Bring out the irony in the title 'The L~e . -Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'.

( e) How does Hopkins describe Felix Randall?

(f) Describe after Hopkins, the flight of the bird in "The \Vindhover".

(g) 'Do you love me, Walter?' Who is the speaker ? Why does.the speaker say so ?

(h) Whom does Rampion hold responsible for modern man's spiritual disease, and why.?

SN 2 700

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