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R & D for Libraries

Pete Boguszewski

Stephen Meyer

Library Technology Group

UW-Madison Libraries

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What is this about?

• Who? libraries

• What? delivering first rate services

• When? the sooner the better

• Where? at home (I mean, work)

• Why? we can always do better

• How? w/ agility and creativity

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Yes, you.You control the Information Age.

Welcome to your world.

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Yes, you.You control your library’s data.

Welcome to your world.


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Researching and developing better systems and services in libraries.

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Right where you are.

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(Google is just not afraid to admit it.)

Because no one quite has it figured out yet.

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A paradigm change:

Embrace the beta!Main Entry: 1be·ta


4 : a nearly complete prototype of a product (as software) <released in beta> <the beta version>


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Why release an unfinished product?

We don’t know yet what we don’t know.

(But neither do our users.)

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Research & Development

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A Web 2.0 darling: Netflix

• Site update schedule: 2 weeks

• They know the benefits of failing fast

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Failing Fast

Ironically, teams that fail fast improve as fast, if not faster, than those who try to get it right the first time. The reason is simple: Teams trying to get it right the first time fail as often as everyone else does.


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• R&D can be a dangerous enterprisean organization must have clear goals

• venturing into development requires focus

– solve only known problems

– solve problems that are important

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• What is the problem I am trying to solve?

• Do the tools exist to take on this project?

• Do the staff exist to take on this project?

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What if I fail?

• What can I learn from the experience upon failure?

• What can I learn from the experience if the product or service does not materialize?

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Library Tech Group



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The Library Tech Group’s Infrastructure



= Ability to move fast

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Virtualization on Vmware

It is truly magic

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Server Setup is Time Consuming

Virtual servers can be cloned quickly

We setup servers with specific software sets, patch them, test results for


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Why do we care at all?

It is really cool

Allow us to be able to look at multiple products and/or applications at once

– We can easily create servers to host products that have different needs simultaneously

– Easily compare functionality, look and feel

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Cloning (of servers) is good

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Last bit on virtualization

Virtualized servers allow us to take a snapshot of the environment before doing


Can quickly revert to a moment in time if development goes bad

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Virtual Environment

Now we have our server environment

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Integral part of development

Never replaces good programming practices or proper development techniques

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Web Environment

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Security helps development

Blocks out malicious users

This locked down environment allows us to put applications up quickly

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Library Tech Group Helpdesk

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Project Background

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Ticket System Research

Web Search

Ask other institutions

Read current user opinions

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Ticket System PreparationCommercial Products

• Read documentation

Open Source

• Read documentation

• Research which platform is best suited for application

• Research back-end requirements

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Pick your favorite flavor

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Pick your database

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Ticket System Setup

Open Source• Install according to

documentation– Modify based on your specific


• Clearly document all changes, snags, surprises

Commercial• Install according to


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Ticket System

Compare all products

Compare Products

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Commercial Products


• Easy to install

• Tech support


• Less flexible because we do not have the source code

• Cost $$$

• Less flexible by design

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Open Source


• Constantly changing, fixing bugs

• Ability to modify the source code

• Community enhancements and plug-ins

• Simple, easily changeable interface


• Constantly changing, fixing bugs

• No direct customer support

• Development is not free…

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What I learned about Open Source

“Free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of

“free” as in “free speech”, not as in “free beer”. - Richard Stallman

It can be great in the right situations

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Open source is the big winner

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Ticket System

• Reinstall to get a clean, unmodified starting point

• Implemented but in perpetual beta– Only used inside our office

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Open Source Benefits

– Constantly adding features• Email generated tickets• Web forms• Inventory information

– - Home-grown scripts

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A learning experience

• Time is money - open source is not free but can still be well worth the effort

• Economies of scale- Later projects on Linux benefit from this experience

- Now have expertise in-house

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Make the catalog data work harder

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• The OPAC Sucks

• Libraries don't just collect things, we build collections

– the value of a library lies in its bibliographers, not just its bibliographic info

• A faculty member claimed there is no stack browse

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Why does the OPAC suck?

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Who's ever written a great work about the immense effort required in order not to create?

Dostoyevsky Wannabe from the movie Slacker

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Leveraging our greatest strengths

• Patrons come to the library because we have the goods

• Without an infinite budget, we collect smartly, rather than indiscriminately

• Bibliographers and collection managers build collections

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There is no online equivalent to browsing the stacks.

source: paraphrase of a faculty comment during question and answer session of a library lecture series

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Actually...there is.

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Gawd, like even my llama knows that.

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Real point of need


Awkward access to our data

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SaneCat(a mini R&D project)

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Is it possible to build and OPAC-like toy that addresses these issues over the winter intersession?

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Primary challenge

How do I realize the my goals within the construct of a web database application?

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What are the problems I am trying to solve?

• To create an OPAC-like prototype that doesn’t suck

• To showcase library collections not just provide the call number for an individual title

• To approximate the experience of browsing the stacks in 2-D

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Focusing the task at hand

not sucking = vague, fuzzy, dangerous

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Focusing the task at hand(cont’d)

showcasing library collections

how does one bibliographic record stand in relation to others in the collection?

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Focusing the task at hand(cont’d)

browsing the stacks online

When does a patron browse the stacks?

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Which problems are important?

More importantly, which problems are not important?

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How was it built?

A random selection of 72,000 catalog records

• almost 1% of our catalog

• 59,686 after dups and errors were thrown out

• 87,761 unique subjects

• 213,719 subfields within subjects

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How was it built?(cont’d)

With a whole lot of help and guidance.

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Geeky Details(prototyping tools)

• MySQL database

• marc4j libraries (for parsing raw MARC data)

• Java/Tomcat webapp

• Spring application framework

• Hibernate Object Relational Mapping

• jsp with jstl tag libraries

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techie design goals

• model relationships among bib records

(bibliographers build collections)

• provide access to data at point of need

(faculty member did not find the access that exists when he needed it)

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What did I learn?

• there are doors to be opened

• there are performance issues to be resolved

• there are data hooks that would need to be addressed– there is no reason to write acq, cat, circ

modules– we need live circ data

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What if ... we never create a SaneCat?

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• we have a mockup that can stand as leverage with vendors

• we have proof that our data can do what we want

• we know that Amazon does not have a monopoly on 'more like this'

• we can lend our tech to vendors so our systems are better

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Where could we take this?

• work out the performance problems

• graph theory and a research map

• begin collecting intentional data

• develop the next gen MARC records: an object-oriented bibl. record

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Why should we do this?

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This is a fantastic tool for simulating something like browsing through the stacks. I have enjoyed playing with it for a few minutes. ...Again, this is a great tool. I look forward to using it extensively in the future. Please let me know if I can help in any other way.

source: faculty member who would like to browse stacks online

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