Page 1: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

Vol. 30 No. 2 Fall 2016

Vice President: Gary Piper President & Editor: Nancy Piper

Phone 816-891-8888; Fax 816-891-8781

12200 N.W. Crooked Rd • P.O. Box 12073

Kansas City, MO 64152

Pet Memorial Day


September 11, 2016

Noon - 5 pm

12200 N. Crooked Road,

Kansas City, MO


Light Refreshments

Blessing of the Pets - 2:00pm

Give yourself peace of mind

with our Pre-Arranged Planning

Service, and save money, too,

with a 15% discount. 15% off on

bronze and granite memorials,

cremation jewelry

and urns , also.

We are on Facebook!!

Search for Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens

& Click on “Like” and become a fan.

One More Responsibility

for a Pet Parent ....................... Page 1

Why Pets Have ESP ............... Page 2

Pet Aromatherapy And

Essential Oils ........................... Page 3

Calendar of Events .................. Page 4

Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Dog

Treats ...................................... Page 5

Kitty Delights Cat Treats....... Page 5

What’s Inside

One More Responsibility for a Pet Parent - Nancy Piper

Many people choose a private cremation for

their pet, so they can get their pet’s ashes

back, but are not always sure what to do

with the ashes later. It is normally comfort-

ing to have the physical remains of the pet

back home, albeit in a different form. Dur-

ing the intensely emotional grieving stages,

it is common for people to take their pet’s

ashes in the car with them, if the pet usually

traveled with them; to sleep with the pet’s

urn; or to place the urn where they can pat

it every day as they leave the house and

also return, among other things. The urn is

sometimes placed in a memorial area in the


Pet parents have a

continuing responsi-

bility to the pet’s

ashes. When the pet

parent dies, or all of

the people who had

the pet in their fami-

ly circle die, then

what happens to the

pet’s ashes? If the

ashes are not placed

with the human in

the casket or urn,

then what? If some-

one is going through

the person’s belong-

ings and has no idea about the pets’ ashes,

then they stand a good chance of being

thrown away and ending up in the landfill.

Or if they are in a beautiful urn, the urn

ends up at Good Will or other thrift store,

when your belongings are sorted. Think

about it! What will happen to your pets’

ashes after you die? Will anyone else care?

Make the last arrangement for them while

you can!

I have a friend who was a home organizer.

She told me it was a common occurrence,

when she started in on the closet in the bed-

room, for people to say “oh, be careful!”

She learned to ask “who is in there? Is it a

friend, a relative or a pet? Or everybody?”

People tend to put cremated remains in their

closets because they don’t know what to do

with them.

Pets as well as people deserve to be memo-

rialized for eternity. Here are some sugges-

tions for memorialization for people who

don’t know what to do with the ashes. Take

the urns to Rolling Acres to be buried,

(Continued on page 5)

Page 2: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

Homeless People’s Pet Food Project Can You Help? Donations are lowest in the summer

In September 2001, Rolling Acres Memorial

Gardens for Pets started soliciting contribu-

tions for homeless people’s pets, either pet

food or money for pet food. This was after it

came to Nancy Piper’s attention that many

homeless people also have pets. Some of

their concerns are food for their pets, veteri-

nary care, and the after life care of their pets –

the same as ours! We have been able to pro-

vide pet food to Uplift Organization, among

others, since September 2001. We will also

take blankets, towels, or clothing to them

along with the pet food. If you have anything

to donate, just bring it to us, and we’ll deliver

it for you.

In 2015, with the generous and overwhelming

assistance of the community, Rolling Acres

Memorial Gardens for Pets provided 5,720

pounds of dry pet food, 391 cans of canned pet

food, 34 bags of cat and dog treats, as well as

pet beds, pet carriers, toys, collars, leashes, pet

brushes, and combs to Homeless Peoples’

Pets. The need for this support has been in-

creasing in recent months. Rolling Acres

thanks the public for their help in this year-

round project. We need more food and more

funds for our year-round project. A basket for

food donations and a money donation jar will

be set up at our Memorial Day Open House.

Rolling Acres

thanks everyone for

their help in this

year-round project.

You are just awe-


Dogs may be “man’s best friend,” but par-

rots, cats, lizards and horses also form con-

nections to human beings. Not only can

having a pet cheer you up and reduce your

stress levels, but your pet could save your

life. These pets may be able to detect can-

cer, diabetic crises, seizures, migraines and

Parkinson’s “freezing,” helping owners get

timely — and often critical — help.

Detecting Cancer

Dogs can actually be taught to detect

cancer. Melanoma is the least com-

mon but most deadly skin cancer,

accounting for 79 percent of skin

cancer deaths. Diagnosis relies most-

ly on the way the skin looks — even

though many melanomas are invisi-

ble to the naked eye. But cancer

causes the body to release chemicals

into our urine, sweat and even breath

that smells different than normal.

Tallahassee dermatologist Dr. Ar-

mand Cognetta heard about the terrific

scenting prowess of dogs sniffing out

bombs, termites and even dead bodies un-

derwater and wondered if they might be

able to detect skin cancer. As an experi-

ment, he partnered with Duane Pickel, who

specializes in training bomb detect dogs.

George, the standard Schnauzer, was

taught to detect cancer samples in test

tubes — and proved to be 99 percent accu-


Once George knew what to look for, the

team “planted” samples (both benign and

cancerous) on human volunteers with Band

-aids. Again, George was 100 percent ac-

curate. Cognetta even convinced a few

volunteers to let George sniff bare skin.

And the dog found six melanomas that

were undetectable by handheld micro-


Carol Witcher’s Boxer dog, Floyd Henry,

was able to detect his owner’s breast can-

cer, which was then confirmed as malig-

nant by Dr. Sheryl Gabram-Mendola, a

breast surgical oncologist at Winship Can-

cer Institute of Emory University. Both

Witcher and Gabroam-Mendola agree that

the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-

Mendola has since developed a test that

looks for different compounds in the breath

of cancer patients.

Other programs in the UK and elsewhere

use dogs to detect prostate cancer through

urine samples. The British journal Gut

reported that an 8-year-old Labrador

named Marine, trained to detect colorectal

cancer, was accurate 91 percent of the time

when sniffing a patient’s breath and 97

percent of the time when sniffing stool.

Seizure Assistance Dogs

Dogs can also be trained to respond to sei-

zures, keeping owners safe by fetching

help or medication. But we still don’t

know why dogs have the ability to pick up

on a seizure before it occurs. It may be that

they cue into subtle body signals, or even

chemical changes that make our bodies

smell different.

Early studies reported in both the

January 1999 and January 2001 is-

sues of Seizure magazine, posited

that dogs trained to help people with

seizures by bringing them medicine

or alerting others to the situation,

actually develop the ability to predict

seizures and react in advance of an

oncoming seizure. Some dogs learn

how to do this by watching other


Migraine Alert Dogs

Migraines cause debilitating pain in 36

million people each year. And medications

work best when taken as early as possible.

Dogs, cats and other pets often naturally

detect pre-migraine characteristics — pro-

drome — which may include irritability,

yawning and dizziness, among others.

There may also be subtle changes or smells

that animals detect. Some dogs now have

been trained to act as sentinels and warn

owners to take medication far enough in

advance to prevent the headache.

(Continued on page 4)

Why Pets Have ESP When It Comes To Health Crises - Amy D. Shojai, CABC Animal behavior consultant,


Page 3: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

Save Cans to Help Rescue Groups Help Pets One of our community service projects is

saving clean aluminum beverage cans only

(pet food or other cans

will not be accepted by

the recycling center) to

recycle by selling them to

help raise money for our

local animal rescue

groups. We admire the

rescue groups for all they

do for the animals. It takes a lot of dedica-

tion and passion to do what they do. This is

one way we can help them.

Please bring your aluminum drink cans to us.

We will take them to recycle and donate the

money to a different rescue group in turn. It

doesn't matter how many you bring - even

one will do - they all add up to help! We also

have a Donation Jar for the current rescue

group in our lobby.

Rolling Acres raised $5,219 from the sale of

cans from Memorial Day 2007 through De-

cember 2015, with the help of our friends,

families, and clients. Our current recipient is

HELP Humane Society in Belton, MO.

People are constantly bringing us cans, even

leaving bags of cans outside our front door

when we're closed! We love it!

Thanks for helping us help people help pets.

Pet Aromatherapy And Essential Oils: What You Need To Know - Dr. Richard Palmquist Chief of Integrative Health Services at Centinela Animal Hospita


It was a glorious morning. As I returned

from my 5 a.m. bike ride, the air was laden

with jasmine and eucalyptus oil. The grass

gave off a clean earthy aroma. As I bent

down to greet our new Chihuahua puppy I

couldn’t help but smile as his little tongue

licked my nose and left behind that lovely

smell of puppy breath. I held my breath for

a moment and just let the scent flow

through every fiber of my body.

It was a good morning.

Smell is an important primeval sense. The

first major nerve that enters the brain de-

tects scent. That nerve — and the infor-

mation it carries — connects directly to

the base of the brain where immediate

responses occur. Our emotions are strong-

ly influenced by scent. Good smells calm

and attract us while bad smells repel us

and cause aggravation. Our pets use their

sense of smell to gain all sorts of complex

information from the environment and this

information is used to calculate and predict

what states of energy and response they

should adopt.

Essential oils and aromatherapy are useful

aspects of integrative veterinary medicine

and as more people become aware of ways

we can use our patients’ noses to assist

their health, it becomes useful to learn a

bit about the subject. And since animals

and people are different, it is important to

know how to properly use oils in pets so

that we do not unwittingly harm them in

the process. You should also always speak

to a veterinarian before using any essential

oils on your pet.

Essential Oils: A Brief History

Evidence suggests that the ancient Egyp-

tians were the first to use essential oils.

They developed distillation techniques and

pioneered the discovery of medical and

other uses of essential oils. At about the

same time, the Indians and Chinese were

also developing the use of plant materials

in healing. Knowledge of oil use was

passed on to the Greeks, as the famous

doctor Hippocrates pioneered holistic ther-

apies. The Romans continued this process.

After the Roman empire fell, a Persian

physician named Avicenna (approximately

1,000 A.D.) is credited with perfecting the

distillation process.

During the

Dark Ages of

Europe, bath-

ing was

frowned upon

and people

used essential

oils and herb-

als on the skin

to cover bad

odors as well

as for their


antiviral and

antifungal properties. Church monks be-

came educated herbalists and oil users

during this time period, and monasteries

became repositories of healing literature.

During the Renaissance, the famous physi-

cian Paracelcus revived holistic therapies

and used natural means as a cure for lepro-


Modern oil usage dates to a French chem-

ist and perfumer named Rene Maurice

Gattefosse who is known for his accidental

discovery of lavender oil’s ability to assist

in the healing of burns. During the the

second World War, another pioneer named

Jean Valet used oils in the treatment of

wounded soldiers. As research ensued,

many properties of essential oils and plants

were categorized and isolated. This pro-

cess continues today with the pharmaceuti-

cal research of essential oils, which makes

up a large part of botanical research glob-

ally. Recently, at the University of South

Dakota, a student received her doctoral

degree for pioneering work in ethnobota-

ny, which examined veterinary essential

oil use. American veterinary practitioners,

such as Dr.


Brandt and

Dr. Melissa

Shelton, are

working to

better codify

oil use in


Oils have

been shown

to have

many possi-

ble desirable

effects such as reducing anxiety and in-

flammation, fighting oxidative processes,

battling toxins and fighting infections by

inhibiting bacteria, fungi and viruses. Oil

odors can also be used to affect mental

states and memory. Modern doctors are

looking for agents that will assist in man-

agement of resistant infections and cancer,

and these natural products may well hold

the key to several major advancements.

Essential oils contain a host of biologically

(Continued on page 6)

Page 4: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

Calendar of Events


September 10 - A Black Tail Affair

Help Humane’s 9th Annual A Black Tail

Affair - this year's

theme is "Who

Rescued Who?"

Your entry ticket

includes a incredi-

ble 5 course meal,

silent and live

auction and our

always awesome

MC Bryan Busby

KMBC! A fun photo booth, cash bar and

an always awesome animal loving crowd!

All to help the animals in our care at our

true no kill animal shelter.


September 11 - Pet Memorial Day

Come join us for our Pet Memorial Day

celebration from noon-5pm. Blessing of

the Pets will be at 2pm.

September 17 - Paws in the Park

Put it on your calendar! The Eleventh An-

nual Paws in the Park Dog Walk and Festi-

val is coming September 17, 2016 at Eng-

lish Landing

Park in BEAU-

TIFUL down-

town Parkville,

MO! A fun day

is planned with

celebrity emcee

Susan Hiland!

Plus the KC

Disc Dogs will be performing!

There will be lots of great raffles, food and

fun! Thank you sponsors, vendors, partici-

pants and volunteers! Your efforts save


September 18 - NAWS Open House

You are invited to stop by and tour NAWS

Spay Neuter Clinic, listen to an awesome

local band, have refreshments and meet

our NAWS team.

September 21 - Big Dawg Open

Great Plains SPCA cordially invites you

and your pet loving pals to join us for the

9th Annual Big Dawg Open on Wednes-

day, September 21st, 2016. Hit a hole in

one for the 35,000 local pets served annu-

ally by Great Plains SPCA. Hosted at the

Deer Creek Golf Club, registration and

breakfast will begin at 7:30 AM with a

9:00 AM shotgun start. Join us following

the tournament for lunch and an awards

reception in the clubhouse. http://


December 10—Candle Light Ceremony

Join us for our 3rd Annual Candlelight

Ceremony at Rolling Acres Memorial Gar-

dens. Honoring memories and sharing sto-

ries of our pets past and present.

A memorial table will be setup to

honor your special companions.

You are welcome to

bring a picture, framed or un-

framed, to place on the table. Re-

freshments and ornament decorat-

ing starts at 5:00pm. The candle-

light ceremony starts at 5:30pm.


Diabetes Alert Dogs

Katie Jane Brashier, a high school student

in Denison, TX was diagnosed with Type

1 diabetes four years ago. Her assistance

dog, Shots, detects when her blood sugar

level changes by sniffing her breath. The

Labrador mix, adopted from the local shel-

ter, received special training to help Katie

Jane maintain a normal life and accompa-

nies her to band practice, classes and doc-

tor visits. Shots learned this skill by sniff-

ing cotton balls scented with Katie Jane’s


The British Medical Journal published a

report written by Dr. Gareth Williams from

Liverpool University Hospital, that dis-

cussed how pet dogs sensed an imminent

hypoglycemic shock in their diabetic own-

ers and warned them ahead of time to take

proper medication. Even the Mayo Clinic

has welcomed a diabetic service dog into

the facility.

Pet dogs — and even cats, rabbits and

birds — show behavioral changes when

around people whose blood sugar level

changes. Now some dogs have been

trained to alert their owners to these

changes. “Brittle” diabetics — those

with hard-to-control blood sugar levels

— may be fearful to leave home. Dia-

betic service dogs sniff their owner’s

breath and detect both high and low

levels of blood sugar — sometimes

before it reaches dangerous levels —

allowing owners to lead more normal

lives. Some of these dogs become so

good at it, they “alert” random people

around them and actually diagnose diabe-

tes in people who didn’t know that they

had the condition. Dr. Debra Wells, of

Queens University in Belfast, Northern

Ireland, is currently analyzing data from a

study to try and determine exactly where

these powers of detection come from.

Parkinson’s Disease

People suffering from Parkinson’s disease

can experience (among other things), a

condition termed “freezing.” Their feet

suddenly stop moving while the rest of the

body continues on, and the fear of falls can

leave some people homebound. Service

dogs are trained to tap owners on the foot,

which often gets their partner moving

again. In fact, some of these dogs learn to

anticipate the freeze and stop it before it

even starts.

Ultimately, experts don’t know exactly

how animals predict such things. While

many animals may be able to detect and

alert their owners to such changes, it takes

a special bond for the pet to actually care

and make it happen.

(Continued from page 2)

Why Pets Have ESP - continued

Page 5: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

REMINDER: Please limit the number of flowers you place on your graves, as our grounds crew does move the flowers and other

grave decorations every week, when they mow. Also, please do not place breakable items on the graves, especially during mowing

season, since it creates a hazard for our grounds people. Do not use wires or rebar or nails to fasten down your arrangements. These

items create a hazard for our mowing equipment as well as our personnel. The mowers or weed eaters can pick up the wire and

throw it right into a person’s leg. Thank you for your consideration.

placed in a cremation niche, or the ashes scattered in their scat-

tering garden. The pets can be memorialized there, as well. At

home, plant a memorial tree, shrub or plant using some of the

pet’s ashes to do that. The cremated remains by themselves will

not nourish a plant. When they are mixed with a specially for-

mulated planting

mix, Let Your

Love Grow, the

beneficial plant

nutrients are

released from the

ashes. There will

be a beautiful

living memorial

to remember the

pet by. The

planting can be

done in the

ground or in a

container. I have

friends who

planted a tree

with their dog’s

ashes, using Let Your Love Grow. The tree is flourishing, and

they smile when they see the tree as they pull in their driveway.

What better way to honor and memorialize your pet than to cre-

ate new life from the ashes through a living plant memorial?

(Continued from page 1)

One More Responsibility - continued


Peanut Butter & Pumpkin Dog Treats (

2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

2 eggs

1/2 cup canned pumpkin

2 tablespoons peanut butter

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175

degrees C).

Whisk together the flour, eggs,

pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, and

cinnamon in a bowl. Add water as needed to help make the

dough workable, but the dough should be dry and stiff. Roll the

dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces.

Bake in preheated oven until hard, about 40 minutes.

Kitty Delights (

5oz can of tuna

1/2 cup white cornmeal

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup water


Mix all ingredients together

until it forms a ball.

Break off tiny pieces and roll

into a small bite size ball and

place on baking sheet.

Flatten ball with a finger– just like you’re making thumbprint


Bake at 350 degrees for 5 minutes.

Flip and bake an additional 5 minutes.

Let cool and have your kitties enjoy!

The Dedication of our new

A Cremation Garden for you,

your pets and all your loved ones♥.

A place to write your names

to be Remembered!

Get a Sneak preview at our

Open House on

Page 6: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

active and powerful compounds. Used

correctly, they are an indispensible part of

integrative medical care. However, they

can cause undesirable and even dangerous

side effects, and people using oils medical-

ly should seek specialized training.

Oil Essentials

Plants manufacture oils for many reasons.

Plants cannot move and escape predators

and infectious threats, so they produce

compounds that neutralize or repel pests

and pathogens.

Essential oils are absorbed by inhalation,

ingestion and contact with the skin. They

rapidly enter the body and the blood

stream and are distributed to various tis-

sues. As with all compounds, some chemi-

cals have a biological affinity for specific

tissues, and doctors — or those knowl-

edgeable about oil use — can use this

property to select oils that will target spe-

cific tissues.

The compounds present in essential oils

are powerful. Very small amounts of these

substances can have powerful biological

effects on every system of the body. For

example, lavender oil has powerful effects

on the brain and creates a calming sensa-

tion. Small amounts of lavender oil can be

used when traveling to calm pets or make

them feel sleepy.

Some Safe Oils To Consider

Veterinarians are skilled in the diagnosis

of disease in animals and should always be

consulted — especially in situations where

symptoms are severe or persist. Always

tell your veterinarian what natural products

your pet is using and involve him or her in

these decisions. The following oils can be

used in first aid and are safe for short-term


Lavender: Universal oil, can use

pure or diluted. Useful in conditioning

patients to a safe space. May help

allergies, burns, ulcers, insomnia, car

ride anxiety and car sickness, to name

a few.

Cardamom: Diuretic, anti-bacterial,

normalizes appetite, colic, coughs,

heartburn and nausea.

Fennel: assists the adrenal cor tex,

helps break up toxins and fluid in tis-

sue. Balances pituitary, thyroid and

pineal glands.

Helichrysum: Anti-bacterial, reduces

bleeding in accidents, skin regenera-

tor, helps repair nerves. Also useful in

cardiac disease.

Frankincense: Has helped some

cases of cancer. Works on the immune

system. Has reduced tumors and ex-

ternal ulcers. Increases blood supply

to the brain (although it can worsen

hypertension so use caution).

Spearmint: Helps to reduce weight.

Good for colic, diarrhea, nausea.

Helps balance metabolism, stimulates

gallbladder. When diluted and used

short term, this oil is helpful for many

gastrointestinal issues in cats.


While oils are use-

ful in healing and

affecting mentation,

they are powerful

and can cause a

wide variety of ad-

verse effects. Princi-

ples of safe use are

recommended. The

largest problem with

essential oils is that

they may contain

contaminates or

adulterants that

make more serious

issues arise. For this

reason, one should

only use therapeutic

grade oils from rep-

utable companies and verify the quality of

oils before using them.

Animals have sensitive senses of smell, so

in most cases it is best to use oils that are

diluted and always provide an escape

route. If a pet does not like an oil do not

enforce its use. Cats are particularly at risk

for oil reactions and in most cases we use

oils very sparingly on cats. One drop of

essential oil diluted in 50 drops of a pure

dilutional oil such as grape seed oil is usu-

ally sufficient.

Since animals metabolize and react differ-

ently to essential oils, it is important to

know about species-specific differences

before using oils. One problem we see in

our clinic involves people overusing oils.

A person discovers essential oils and be-

gins to diffuse the oils into their homes

leading to an unintentional overdose for

their pets. Lavender oil is highly useful,

but it contains no antioxidant compounds

and can therefore oxidize as it is stored.

These oxidized alcohols can aggravate

patients and lead to the development of

allergic responses.

Some essential oils can cause liver and

kidney toxicity in sensitive species. Cats

use a different system in their liver to de-

toxify and are particularly sensitive to es-

sential oils that contain polyphenolic com-

pounds. These are so-called “hot” oils like

cinnamon, oregano, clove, wintergreen,

thyme and birch, which are oils that should

be avoided in cats. Cats should not receive

melaleuca oil, and never put essential oils

into the ear canal as they can damage cats’

delicate ear drums and nerves. Care is

needed around eyes as well. Always wash

your hands after handling oils to prevent

accidentally getting them into your eyes.

To reduce the chances of sensitivity and

organ toxicity, we generally use an oil for

no more than two weeks and then provide

a rest period. Under certain circumstances

— like in the treatment of cancer — we

will use oils for longer periods, but this is

something best left to those trained in the

use of oils.

Used properly essential oils can benefit

people and our animal friends.

(Continued from page 3)

Pet Aromatherapy And Essential Oils - continued


Page 7: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

Dear Friends at Rolling Acres:

We are proud to continue our Flower Service

Program, another convenient step for those

who wish to ensure regular grave decorations.

In this program, a yearly fee will ensure that

the grave of your loved one will be decorated

with silk flowers, according to your wishes.

You may choose as few or as many flower

placements as you like. The Deluxe Grave

Blanket, as well as a 22” wreath is available

for winter decorations. The grave blanket is

made of evergreen boughs, decorated with a

bow, a bell, pine coves and various winter

season decorations. The 22” wreath is made of

mixed evergreens and pine cones, and is also

decorated with a bow. The Grave Blankets and

Wreaths are normally placed the week after


Please decide the number of times you would

like your grave(s) decorated, select the dates

and the types of flowers. Send us this form,

along with your check.

Do you want a Winter Evergreen

Grave Blanket?

______ Yes Add $39.00

Do you want a 22” Winter Evergreen


______ Yes Add $28.00

1) When do you want flowers placed on

your grave(s)?

______ Valentine’s Day

______ Easter

______ Memorial Day

______ Fourth of July

______ Pet Memorial Day

______ Thanksgiving

______ Christmas

______ Special Day

______ Special Day

2) Select the type of flowers you want:

______ Roses ______________ (what color?)

______ Seasonal

______ Poinsettias

______ Lilies

______ Other

______ Other

(We must reserve the right to substitute, de-

pending on the selections available to us)

Prices: Bouquets for

______ 1 Day $14.78

______ 2 Days $29.57

______ 3 Days $42.00

______ 4 Days $53.00

______ 5 Days $66.00

______ 6 Days $78.00

______ 7 Days or more @ $13

I would also like to order:

______ A Foam Vase Insert $1.50

______ Green Plastic Vase with Insert $4.00

Sales tax is included in all prices.

I have enclosed my check or money order for

$ ____________________________________









For the graves of



Flower Service Program For Office Use Only

FP ____________________

Date ___________________

Fall 2016

Enclosed please find:

My donation to the Rolling Acres Memo-

rial Gardens For Pets Funds, to provide

maximum security and greater peace of

mind, in the amount of $___________.

Please remember our Trust in your will and


My contribution to the Feature Fund:

$________ for new trees, flowers and other

beautification items.

Memory Bricks for Memorial Courtyard

______ $100 per brick per pet

Aluminum Fence Plaques

$________ for an aluminum Memory Fence

Plaque (8” x 5”) - $75.00 per pet

$________ for an aluminum Memory Fence

Plaque with picture (12” x 5”) - $95.00 per


Lake Feature Fund:

______ $100 Gold Level Donation

______ $ 50 Silver Level Donation

______ $ 25 Bronze Level Donation

“Angel with Pet” Bronze Statue

______ $250 Gold

______ $100 Silver

______ $ 25 Bronze









Mail to:

Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens

12200 N. Crooked Rd

Kansas City, MO 64152

For Office Use Only

FF ____________________

Date ___________________


Page 8: Pet Memorial Day One More Responsibility for a Pet ... - Urns · the dog saved her life. Dr. Gabram-Mendola has since developed a test that looks for different compounds in the breath

USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Spay and Neuter Assistance

Great Plains SPCA ...................................................... (816) 333-PETS

5428 Antioch Road, Merriam, KS 66202

HOPE, Inc ..................................................................... (913) 651-7335

728B Cherokee St., Leavenworth, KS 66048

Humane Society of Greater Kansas City ....................... (913) 596-1000

5445 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66104

Leavenworth Animal Welfare Society ...................... (913) 651-LAWS

Arrowhead Veterinary Services (Thurs. & Fri.) ............ (816) 353-5675

16021 E. 40 Hwy, Kansas City, MO 64136

NAWS Spay and Neuter ............................................... (816) 336-1888

6972 N. Broadway, Kansas City, MO

Spay and Neuter Kansas City ........................................ (816) 353-0940

1116 E. 59th St., Kansas City, MO 64110

STOPP Clinic ................................................................ (816) 313-7729

10109 East 63rd. (@ Blue Ridge Blvd.), Raytown, MO 64133

Emergency Services:

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center ........................ (888) 426-4435

Animal Emergency Center ............................................ (816) 455-5100

8141 North Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118

Blue Pearl Specialty & Emergency Medicine

Lee’s Summit, Missouri ........................................ (816) 554-4990

3495 N.E. Ralph Powell Rd., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Northland (Missouri)............................................. (816) 759-5016

139 NE 91st St., Kansas City, MO 64155

Overland Park, Kansas .......................................... (913) 642-9563

11950 W. 110th St, Ste B, Overland Park, KS 66210

VCA Mission Animal Referral & Emergency Ctr ........ (913) 722-5566

5914 Johnson Drive, Mission, KS 66202

Lost Pet Assistance ............................................. Text (816) 812-1032 .......................................................... (816) 513-9821

12200 N.W. Crooked Rd • P.O. Box 12073

Kansas City, MO 64152

Rolling Acres Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve those who think of their pet as one of the family by providing

compassionate, dignified, and ethical after-life care for their pet.

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