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Personality Type

What code are you?

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)

• These are two different attitudes to the world around us.

• When you are in the extraverted attitude, you relate more easily to the world of people and things outside of you.

• When you are in the introverted attitude, you relate more easily to the ideas and concepts in your mind


• Intimate - most comfortable in small groups and with one-on-one relationships. Can get exhausted by social interaction

• Quiet - present themselves modestly, drawn to the calm away from the center of action.

• Reserved - content to let others initiate social amenities-even to the point of being overlooked.

• Contained - well controlled, calm exterior, often difficult for others

to “read.”.

• Visual - learn through observation, reflection, reading, and more solitary means.


• Gregarious - drawn to large number and variety of relationships, get energized by social interaction.

• Enthusiastic - being energetically with the “action” and at the center of things.

• Initiator - social facilitator, assertively outgoing, build bridges among people.

• Expressive - easy to know, approachable, warm, readily show feelings, eager to speak your mind.

• Auditory - learn through listening, active dialogue, and involvement with others.

Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)

• These are 2 different ways of gathering information.

• When you are perceiving with your sensing process, you are interested in your 5 senses show you (what exists in the present)

• When you are perceiving with your intuition, you are using your imagination to see new possibilities and insights hidden from the eye.


• Concrete - depend on verifiable, factual information and direct perceptions. literal, mistrust fuzzy information.

• Realistic - value being practical, cost-effective, and exercising common sense.

• Pragmatic - highly values the usefulness or applications of an idea -more interesting than idea itself.

• Experiential – Observant,heavily grounded by first hand, past experience. Reluctant to generalize beyond direct experience.

• Traditional - trust what is familiar, support established groups and methods, honor precedents.


• Abstract – Focused on what might happen. Perceptive.

• Imaginative - enjoy being ingenious, clever and novel . . . for its own sake.

• Intellectual - learning, acquiring knowledge, mental challenges are valued as an end in itself.

• Theoretical - conceptual, looking for patterns in observed facts, comfortable with theories and inventing new ones.

• Original - values initiative and enterprising, inventive, and novel solutions. Often mistrusts conventional wisdom.

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

• These reflect 2 kinds of decision making.

• When you make judgments with your thinking, you base your decisions on analysis and logic.

• When you make judgments with your feeling, you base your decisions on your values.


• Critical - comfortable making distinctions, categorizing, making win/lose choices, being in adversarial situations.

• Tough Minded - results oriented, ends justify the means, stick on task. Firm. Can suppress feelings

• Questioning - intellectually independent, resistant to influence, self confident.

• Logical - values and trusts detached, objective, and logical analysis.

• Reasonable - is clear-thinking, objective, reasoned, and logical in everyday decision- making.


• Accepting - tolerant towards human failings, see positive side of others, instinctually seeks win/win resolutions of problems.

• Tender Hearted - use gentle persuasion to influence, reluctant to force compliance.

• Accommodating - seeks consensus, conflict avoiding, seeks harmony.

• Follow your heart - trusts emotions and feelings, values human considerations, in touch with feelings.

• Compassionate - makes decisions on overall impressions, patterns, and feelings (including emotional likes and dislikes).

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

• These are 2 ways of living in the world around us.

• When you are living by your judgment, you like to have things decided; your life is likely to be planned and orderly.

• When you are living by your perception, you don’t want to miss anything; your way of life is likely to be spontaneous and flexible.


• Early Starter - focused. Structure activities to work on one thing at a time, allowing adequate time for proper completion.

• Systematic - prefers clear rules and guidelines

• Scheduled - creates and easily follows standardized and familiar routines.

• Planful - likes to schedule future commitments far in advance, uses dates and deadlines to organize their energies.

• Methodical - implements projects in a planned, organized, and step-by-step manner. Self programming.


• Pressure Prompted - prefers variety and multi-tasking. Most effectively energized when working close to deadlines.

• Casual - comfortable making adjustments as situation requires. Prefers informal guidelines vs. structured rules. Adaptable.

• Spontaneous - dislikes repeatedly following the same routines. Seeks variety and change.

• Open-ended – Prefer to keep your options open. Wants to preserve flexibility and freedom, dislikes being tied down by long range plans. Makes flexible plans.

• Flexible- Moves quickly into action without detailed plans, plans

on the go. Risk taking.

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