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Personal ExerciseProgram

Name: Katayoon Khoshragham

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Writing a Personal Exercise Program

Before we start exercising or trying to improve our level of fitness we must make sure that we are at a reasonable level of fitness to start. If you have not exercised for a while, had children or have suffered from an illness, you must seek medical advice before you start on a fitness/training program.

1. Why must you seek medical advice before you start training/exercising?

Because, exercising is a physically intensive activity and you would have high heart beat rates,

excessive sweating, tiredness etc. Some people who are weak or having cardiac illness etc may

not be able to work out effectively. So consulting a physician helps us avoid unintentional

injuries to ourselves because of exercising.




To help you plan your exercise program you will have to consider your own

Information______________ N(personal profile)_________. Complete the table below.

Name Katayoon Khoshragham

Gender Female

Age 17

Weight (lb) 134

Height (in) 5’8’’

Medical InfoHaving flat feet- using medical insolesRickets (low degree)Scoliosis (low degree)

Past Injuries-

Smoke (Y/N) (optional answer)


Activities Currently Undertaken

Zumba classes – regular cardiovascular training

Frequency of exercise/training

6 days a week

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Describe your current level of fitness


Fitness Gram Testing

When looking to improve your level of sports fitness it is important to:

1. Use proven fitness tests to build a profile of your fitness.

2. Compare the results to the demands of your sport and then.

3. Develop a training program that strengthens your weaknesses while maintaining strengths.

It is also important to perform the same tests at regular times and use the results as feedback to fine-tune your training. No matter what your sport, or sporting level, fitness tests should be a major part of your fitness program! Record your fitnessgram scores.

Fitness Component Fitness Test Sep Result Dec Result

Aerobic capacity The pacer 37 38

Muscle strength,endurance and flexibility

(abdominal)curl-up 50 50

Muscle strength,endurance and flexibility

(trunk extension)trunk lift

12 12

Muscle strength,endurance and flexibility

(upper body)push-up

5 10

Muscle strength,endurance and flexibility

(flexibility)back-saver sit and reach R,L

12.00,12.00 12.00,12.00

Body composition Percent body fat 23% 25%

Design your personal exercise program1. Target Setting

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In order to be successful in any exercise/training program, you need to be motivated to not only work hard but succeed to achieve your set targets. My reasons for attempting this Personal Exercise Program are:

Is to create a specific workout schedule that corresponds to my fitness goals and includes

exercises that strengthens my weaknesses and improves my strong points which I have defined in






I know that the best way to stay motivated in my ‘Personal Exercise Program’ is to set targets that are






My targets for my ‘Personal Exercise Program’ are:

1. Losing 5 pounds in 2 months by doing cardiovascular exercises and getting toned at the same time ____________________________________________________________

2. Being active for 40 minutes a day at least _____________________________________________________________

3. Achieve a body fat of 23% in 4 months _____________________________________________________________

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2. Practicing Components of Fitness

A sportsperson will not improve simply by taking part in his/her chosen sport. They must put their bodies under a certain amount of stress to improve performance.

Exercise scientists have identified several components that cover the definition of fitness.

List a brief description of each of the Components of Fitness in the table below.

Fitness Component Description

Cardio-Vascular Endurance

Cardiovascular endurance refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel your body with oxygen. The Cooper Run is most often used to test cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic conditioning, like jogging, swimming and cycling, can help improve cardiovascular endurance.

Muscular EnduranceMuscle endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing. Cycling, step machines and sit up tests are often used to measure muscular endurance.

StrengthThe ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.

FlexibilityFlexibility refers to the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion. Flexibility can be tested by stretching individual muscles or by performing exercises such as the lunge or the sit and reach.

SpeedIs the ability to perform a motor skill as rapidly as possible. Simply, it is the ability to move quickly, which is an essential quality in many sports. Reaction time is closely related to speed.


Is ability to exert muscular strength rapidly. It is the rate of performing work. On the field, power combines speed and strength. Explosive skills require power fitness, which involves exerting force with marked acceleration. Olympic lifting and shot putting are examples that show a rapid rate of force development.


Is the ability to move change direction rapidly without a significant loss of speed, glance, or body control. Agility fitness combines power, strength, balance, flexibility, reaction time, coordination, anticipation, and muscular control. Ability is critical in any sport that requires rapid changes in direction, deceleration, and acceleration, such as basketball, football, and gymnastics.


Is the ability to maintain equilibrium. Balance can be static or dynamic. Static balance means that the athlete is not moving, such as when performing a handstand. Dynamic balance means that the athlete maintains equilibrium while moving, such as in slalom ski events.

Co-ordinationIs the ability to move smoothly and efficiently. It is specific to each sport skill. Gross motor coordination means performing large muscle skills, such as running and jumping, with good technique, rhythm, and accuracy.

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Reaction Timeis the ability to respond rapidly to a stimulus (cue). Reaction time can be improved by explosive exercise and sport-specific practice.

The ‘components of fitness’ that are most important to my sport/activity and why I am including them are:

Component: cardiovascular endurance __________________________

Explanation_: because in order to lose weight a healthy diet should be accompanied with cardio.

Cardio is a key component for weight loss because you burn more calories at one time (to get

your heart rate into the target heart rate zone) , you can increase the intensity easily so that you

burn more calories , it adds to your overall calories deficit , and finally you can do it most of the

days of the week. Therefore, cardio is necessary for my fitness goal of weight loss. It also makes

me to be more active each day and thus I can achieve my other fitness






Component: _strength__________________________

Explanation: Because strength and resistance training is very useful for burning fat ,it forces the

body to maintain its muscle tissue , and thus the metabolism even if the calorie intake is reduced

by cardio. If cardio is done by itself, in long term it can burn muscles as well as fat and calories

and since muscles consume a lot of calories and so allow you to eat more without gaining

weight , its lows you’re your metabolism .In addition to that strength training makes your muscle

toned and thus gives you a leaner body with a great shape. In addition, strength training is a must

to fat burning. Moreover, since I have a low degree Rickets, strength training would make my

bones stronger.___________________________________________________________





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Component: _coordination__________________________

Explanation: Because one of my fitness goals is to be more active, each day and I believe that

doing coordination exercises is a great way to achieve this. Coordination exercises help improve

the efficiency of movement, improve overall body awareness during movement, improve posture,

improve ability to perform activities of daily living and so improve quality of life and makes

exercise more functional. Coordination exercises have a huge psychological effect on aging of

neuromuscular system and thus improve the brain function. Moreover, hand-eye coordination

exercises can improve the eyesight which is very important to me who uses optical

glasses. ._____________________________________________________________





Component: __flexibility_________________________

Explanation: because better flexibility improves your performance in physical activities and helps

your muscle to work more effectively. Also since I as a student spend quite a lot of time behind

my desk, flexibility exercises helps me to be more active and at the same time it increases blood

flow and nutrients to the soft tissues after a long time of sitting and maintaining a stationary

position. Flexibility exercises also reduce lower back pain, which is very crucial for someone like

me who has scoliosis._________________________________________________________




3. Fitness related elements - Exercise Selection

Selecting the correct exercises for your targets can mean the difference between reaching targets and average results. If you know what you want (targets) and know how to get it (exercises in training program), then all you have to do is do it. It is hence important to select training exercises that relate well to your activity and the components of fitness you aim to improve.

Component of Possible Exercises Exercise Selection Selection

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Fitness JustificationCardiovascular endurance

fast-paced walking, running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing, jumping rope and in-line skating

Jumping ropeFast-paced walking

You can use jumping rope everywhere, it does not need, and specific equipment and you can have fun, burn many calories in a short time.Fast-paced walking burns many calories in a short period.

Strength bench press, pull-ups, biceps curls , lunge, Side Plank with Leg Raise , Clock Lunge, Side Hip Raise, Squat Jacks, jack knife Crunch, Jump squats , windshield Wipers, Crossover lunge , back bow Crossovers, Flutter kicks

Squat jacks , plank with leg raise

They do not need a lot of space and no specific equipment. They are also suitable for a person who is a beginner in strength training.

Flexibility Toe touch stretch, standing inside thigh stretch, standing quadriceps stretch, deep glute stretch

Toe touch stretch,Standing inside thigh stretch

Because toe touch stretch targets the back mainly and it can help me straighten my back and thus improve the scoliosis’ condition.

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coordination Tennis, ping pong , squash, jumping rope

Ping pong Because I’m good at it and enjoy playing it.

4. Circuit Design

NOTE: Include the exercise completed at each station along with the ‘Component of Fitness’ it aims to develop.

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Station 2

Station 8

Station 1

Station 3

Station 4

Station 5Station 6

Station 7

Jumping rope (cardiovascular endurance)

Squat jacks (strength)

Standing inside thigh stretch(Flexibility)

Toe touch stretch (flexibility) Plank with leg raise


Tennis with the wall (coordination) Fast-pace treadmill

walking (cardiovascular endurance)

Ping pong (coordination)

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Station Exercise (Description) Explanation of Exercise Choice


Jumping rope :1. Jump over the rope with feet together, one jump per

turn2. Holding handles together, swing rope to the left and

turn twice in a circular motion as you step to the left and tap right toes by left heel, repeat to the right.

3. Jump over the rope 6 inches to the right, landing on both feet, On the next turn, jump 6 inches to the left, Keep your feet together and continue alternating, jumping once per turn.

One of the most important ways that jumping rope can be used is as a means to achieve weight loss. Another great benefit of using a jump rope during exercise is increased cardiovascular fitness. Finally, exercising with a jump rope is a great way to improve the muscle tone in your legs and lower body.


Squat jacks:Lower into a squat and bring your arms in front of you. Jump your feet together, still holding your squat position, as you swing your arms back by your sides, keeping your elbows bent (as shown). ‘Jack’ your feet out and in as quickly as you can without coming up out of your squat.

The jump squat is a full-body exercise that requires no equipment and primarily works the legs and midsection specifically, the gluteus Maximus, hamstrings, abdominals, quadriceps and calves.


Ping pong:Either play with a partner or try to send back the ball by yourself from the other side.

Playing table tennis is a great way to stimulate the brain and promote quick thinking while improving hand-eye coordination. Table tennis is a low-injury risk sport that keeps one fit and flexible, without putting severe stress on joints. Playing table tennis increases one's agility and flexibility, and most of all their reaction time.


Plank with leg raise:Get into plank position on your forearms with your abs in tight. Engage your glutes to lift and hold one foot a few inches off the floor, foot flexed. Do 10 lifts on one side, and then switch legs.

Adding a straight leg lift to your reverse plank provides two major benefits. First, maintaining the plank form becomes even more of a challenge and, consequently, requires more muscle strength. The straight leg lift, even in a lying position, works your hip flexors and your quads. Doing leg lifts from a reverse plank works the muscles more.

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5Fast-pace treadmill walking :Start with walking slowly at 3 km/h for 5 minutes .then increase your speed to 5 km/h and walk for 1 minute .then walk for 35 minutes at speed 6.5 km/h.

Adding an incline significantly the calories you burn during your walk. Working at intensities of about 75 percent of your age-predicted maximal heart rate or higher helps improve cardiovascular fitness.


Tennis with the wall:Stand with your racquet head in front of you, facing the wall, racquet head within 0.5m of the wall. The aim is to keep the ball going. No backswing, hit softly but firmly. Quick reactions required. Keep facing the wall. When you actually hit the ball, it should be closer to the wall than you are.

Tennis involves continuous movement, which requires a good level of aerobic fitness. Tennis also develops the ability to work at high intensity for short periods, known as anaerobic capacity. Repeatedly performing forehands and backhands will increase your core stability and tone your midsection


Toe touch stretch:Stand with some space in front and behind you, bend at the waist, keeping your legs straight, until you can relax and let your upper body hang down in front of you. Let your arms and hands hang down naturally. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds

Toe touches can help improve your flexibility. They stretch your shoulders, back and leg muscles, especially the hamstrings, which are on the back of your thighs.


Standing inside thigh stretch:Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your feet pointed straight ahead.  Shift to the side, one leg bent and the other leg straight, until a stretch is felt in the inner thigh.  Hold for 30 seconds.

Tissues and muscles in your deep inner thighs and groin can become tight and stiff from poor posture and inactivity. Stretching the inner thighs and groin by holding the stretch reduces neural stimulation to the region that causes tightness and sensitivity. This type of stretching, , improves tissue elasticity, which increases your range of motion before exercise.

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5. Training Sessions

Before taking part in any physical exercise everyone should ____warm up___________________. By increasing the

____temperature_____________ of the body and increasing blood flow to the __muscles_____________, the body becomes better

prepared for exercise. __stretching_______________ the muscles not only increases the range of __movement____________, it also

means the athlete is less likely to get a muscle ____injury_____________. As well as the body being physically prepared, a good warm-

up also helps the mind to become more ___focused_____________.

6. Warm-UpsWarming up is very important. After increasing the blood flow to the muscles you must stretch the muscles.Write a description of the stretches that you use. You can draw the stretches you performed. Try to include Active/Passive/Dynamic stretches in your warm-ups. Name the muscle (muscle group) that you are stretching

1.dynamic: Lunge with a Twist:this is a combination of two different moves: a forward lunge and a horizontal twist. The forward lunge helps stretch the hip flexors and activates the legs, glutes, and hips, while the twist stretches out the upper and middle back and activates core rotation

2.dynamic :Hip Stretch With A Twist:

This is an exceptional stretch, especially for working professionals who sit a lot during the day. It helps open up the hips and groin while stretching the core, upper, and middle back. 

3.dynamic :Jump Squats: Jump squats are a great plyometric exercise for warming up the lower body. stretch-standingAreas Stretched: quadriceps

Dynamic: Hamstring Stretch

5.passive:black cat stretchMuscles Stretched: erector spinae, external oblique

6.passive:spinal twistArea Stretched: lower back

Dynamic: Side BendsMuscles stretched: erector spinae, oblique

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Muscles stretched: hamstrings Dynamic: Abdominal StretchAreas stretched: abdominal

7. Complete the “Sample Weight Training & Cardio Log” – list all daily activities – Identify your training goal

Name: Katayoon Khoshragham Date: 18/01/2015

Today's Focus: fat loss + endurance +weightloss Total Workout Time: 1:18:30

Resistance TrainingSet 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Exercise Reps Rest Reps Rest Reps Rest Reps Rest

 Dead Lifts + Reverse Flys  3  20 sec  3  20 sec  3 20 sec 3  

 20 sec

 Squat Crosses + Presses  5 10 sec 5 10 sec 510 sec 5

10 sec

 Alternating Lunges + Torso Rotations  2  5 sec 2 5 sec 2 5 sec 2 5 sec

 Crunches with Cross Punches  6 10 sec 6 10 sec 610 sec 6

10 sec

 Single Arm Pullovers + Opposite Leg Raises  3  10 sec 3 10 sec 3

10 sec 3

10 sec

 Alternating Lunges +Row Kickbacks  3  15 sec 3 15 sec 3

15 sec 3

15 sec

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 Push Ups  6  10 sec  6  10 sec 610 sec 6

10 sec

Cardio Training

Cardio Exercise Time Heart Rate Speed Distance Incline

 Treadmill walking  00:30:00  148  6 km/h  3 km  

 Jumping rope  00:10:00  -  -  -  -

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8. Cool Down

The cool down is just as important as the warm-up when it comes to designing a safe and effective exercise program. It helps the body to recover after vigorous exercise.

Start with a few minutes of gentle exercise such as light cycling or jogging. This will help the blood to keep circulating around the body. This allows oxygen to reach the exercised muscles and lactic acid to clear away from them.

Finish with some stretching. This helps to loosen the exercised muscles and prevent stiffness and soreness.

Why do we have to cool down after a training session?

Help repay the oxygen debt □ Get rid of unused energy □Prevent blood pooling □ To build muscle □To increase lung capacity □ To stop stiffness next day □Help remove lactic acid □ Help return body systems □

to normal

List some cool down activities (including stretches):

1Arm Pull and Hip Flexor Stretch (Left and Right)

2 Slow jogging, brisk walking or gentle cycling

3Jumping jacks,swimming,dance

4Getting a massage, doing house chores ,yoga , tae bo

5 Wall Shoulder StretchWall Chest Stretch (Left and Right)

6 Standing Glute Stretch (Left and Right)

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9. Nutrition- Why is nutrition important when we exercise?

(Source: 2014-2015 Fitness, Strength and Conditioning► Nutrition (logs) and Fitness skill practice ► Reading - Resources►Nutrition & Fitness)

1_The food that we eat is fuel for our bodies. If we fill our bodies with food that contains mostly empty calories with little nutrients, the performance level of our bodies will be substandard. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2__Good nutrition is important for the growth and development of healthy bones and muscle. Proper nutrition is especially important for growing children Poor nutrition can leave you feeling tired most of the time. A person who feels physically tired does not have the energy to exercise any more than necessary. The chronic fatigue leads to more of a sedentary lifestyle, which in the end affects physical fitness.



3_The human body was not designed to be sedentary. It was designed for movement. Our bodies are actually very flexible and versatile vehicles but they need fuel and exercise to keep them physically fit. Regular exercise helps build stamina and endurance but if the body is running on a diet that is poor in nutrients, it will run out of steam quickly. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4_Our bodies need a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to provide the energy necessary to carry out our daily tasks, exercise and maintain physical fitness. When dietary balance is not maintained, nutritional deficiencies can occur. A lack of energy may lead to lessened physical activity thereby decreasing the overall level of fitness.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5_Although everyone needs balanced nutrition to maintain health and fitness, variations in diet are often determined by the needs of the individual. Men typically require more calories than women to maintain their body weight. Active individuals require more calories than those who are less active.____________________________________________________________________________

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Check off each item on your scoring rubric to make sure that your plan is complete.

Fitness Exam Scoring Rubric (max 70points)

1. Target Setting ______(3p.)

2. Components of fitness description ______(10p.)

3. Exercise selection ______(12p.)

4. Circuit Design ______(8p.)

5. Training Session s ______(7p.)

6. Warm ups ______(5p.)

7. Weight Training & Cardio Log ______(15p.)

8. Cool down ______ (5p.)

10. Nutrition: explain the importance of combining nutrition and exercise. ______ (5p.)

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