Page 1: Personal Development Journal Sample


Page 2: Personal Development Journal Sample

Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Brian J. Dixon. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee.

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Readers should be aware that Internet Web sites offered as citations and/or sources for further information may have changed or disappeared between the time this was written and when it is read.

GTD® and Getting Things Done® is a registered trademark of David Allen and Co.

Though several resources are mentioned in this book, the authors do not VSHFLÀFDOO\�HQGRUVH�WKLV�ERRN�RU�WKH�WRRO�H[SODLQHG�ZLWKLQ�

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this ERRN�DQG�VSHFLÀFDOO\�GLVFODLP�DQ\�LPSOLHG�ZDUUDQWLHV�RI�PHUFKDQWDELOLW\�RU�ÀWQHVV�for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials.

The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the SXEOLVKHU�QRU�DXWKRU�VKDOO�EH�OLDEOH�IRU�DQ\�ORVV�RI�SURÀW�RU�DQ\�RWKHU�FRPPHUFLDO�damages, including but not limited to medical, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

Page 3: Personal Development Journal Sample


Page 4: Personal Development Journal Sample

How to use this Personal Development SystemThere are two components to effectively using this Personal Development Journal.

)LUVW��WKH�FRPSUHKHQVLYH�ZRUNÁRZ�V\VWHP�GHVFULEHG�EHORZ��7KLV�V\VWHP�helps you manage input, tasks to do, completion tracking, and weekly reviews.

Second, the daily information sheets help track and manage key elements of your life and work each and every day. These two elements combine to form this complete tool to encourage your own personal development.

3DUW�$��&RPSUHKHQVLYH�:RUNÁRZ�0DQDJHPHQW�6\VWHPTo help manage the innumerable tasks and commitments you face HDFK�GD\��\RX�QHHG�D�SURYHQ�ZRUN�ÁRZ�PDQDJHPHQW�V\VWHP��7KLV�DSSURDFKHG�LV�LQVSLUHG�E\�.HUU\�*OHHVRQ·V�3HUVRQDO�(IÀFLHQF\�3URJUDP�DQG�'DYLG�$OOHQ·V�*HWWLQJ�7KLQJV�'RQH��7ZR�ERRNV�,�KLJKO\�UHFRPPHQG��What follows is a brief overview of this system.

This journal has several features that will assist you in implementing an HIIHFWLYH�ZRUNÁRZ�PDQDJHPHQW�V\VWHP�LQWR�\RXU�OLIH��7KH�EODQN�SDJHV�in the back assist you in collecting, the context-based action lists help in processing and executing, and the weekly review section helps you conduct a regular overview of your system. When a new item comes into your view, there are four stages to managing that information and completing resulting tasks. 1. Collect. Start by gathering all incoming information, unprocessed ideas, and “open loops” in a trusted system. When a new item comes to mind, write it down. The back of this journal has blank pages for this reason. All of this information then gets put into your inbox for processing and assignment to your lists.

Thanks for picking up a copy of this Personal Development Journal!


Some of my favorite books that inspired this journal include:

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

Body for Life by Bill Phillips

Getting Things Done by David Allen




Walden by Henry David Thoreau

This Personal Development Journal is a place for you to put your ideas LQWR�DFWLRQ��,W·V�QRW�VR�PXFK�D�FDOHQGDU�DV�D�FRPSDVV��$�GDLO\�SODFH�IRU�\RX�WR�UHÁHFW�RQ�\RXU�LGHDV��JRDOV��DQG�SURJUHVV��,�XVH�WKLV�WRRO�everyday and have found it to be inspiring, motivating, and rewarding. ,W�PD\�VHHP�D�ELW�RYHUZKHOPLQJ�DW�ÀUVW��ZLWK�DOO�WKH�FKHFNOLVWV��PHWULFV��and information boxes. But it is this level of detail that makes it such an effective tool.



-Brian email: [email protected]

Page 5: Personal Development Journal Sample


How to use this Personal Development SystemThere are two components to effectively using this Personal Development Journal.

)LUVW��WKH�FRPSUHKHQVLYH�ZRUNÁRZ�V\VWHP�GHVFULEHG�EHORZ��7KLV�V\VWHP�helps you manage input, tasks to do, completion tracking, and weekly reviews.

Second, the daily information sheets help track and manage key elements of your life and work each and every day. These two elements combine to form this complete tool to encourage your own personal development.

3DUW�$��&RPSUHKHQVLYH�:RUNÁRZ�0DQDJHPHQW�6\VWHPTo help manage the innumerable tasks and commitments you face HDFK�GD\��\RX�QHHG�D�SURYHQ�ZRUN�ÁRZ�PDQDJHPHQW�V\VWHP��7KLV�DSSURDFKHG�LV�LQVSLUHG�E\�.HUU\�*OHHVRQ·V�3HUVRQDO�(IÀFLHQF\�3URJUDP�DQG�'DYLG�$OOHQ·V�*HWWLQJ�7KLQJV�'RQH��7ZR�ERRNV�,�KLJKO\�UHFRPPHQG��What follows is a brief overview of this system.

This journal has several features that will assist you in implementing an HIIHFWLYH�ZRUNÁRZ�PDQDJHPHQW�V\VWHP�LQWR�\RXU�OLIH��7KH�EODQN�SDJHV�in the back assist you in collecting, the context-based action lists help in processing and executing, and the weekly review section helps you conduct a regular overview of your system. When a new item comes into your view, there are four stages to managing that information and completing resulting tasks. 1. Collect. Start by gathering all incoming information, unprocessed ideas, and “open loops” in a trusted system. When a new item comes to mind, write it down. The back of this journal has blank pages for this reason. All of this information then gets put into your inbox for processing and assignment to your lists.

Thanks for picking up a copy of this Personal Development Journal!


Some of my favorite books that inspired this journal include:

The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

Body for Life by Bill Phillips

Getting Things Done by David Allen




Walden by Henry David Thoreau

This Personal Development Journal is a place for you to put your ideas LQWR�DFWLRQ��,W·V�QRW�VR�PXFK�D�FDOHQGDU�DV�D�FRPSDVV��$�GDLO\�SODFH�IRU�\RX�WR�UHÁHFW�RQ�\RXU�LGHDV��JRDOV��DQG�SURJUHVV��,�XVH�WKLV�WRRO�everyday and have found it to be inspiring, motivating, and rewarding. ,W�PD\�VHHP�D�ELW�RYHUZKHOPLQJ�DW�ÀUVW��ZLWK�DOO�WKH�FKHFNOLVWV��PHWULFV��and information boxes. But it is this level of detail that makes it such an effective tool.



-Brian email: [email protected]

Page 6: Personal Development Journal Sample

4. Weekly Review. Once a week, conduct a review of your completed WDVNV��UHPDLQLQJ�LWHPV��DQG�\RXU�LQER[��7KHUH�LV�D�VSHFLÀF�VHFWLRQ�DW�the end of each week for conducting your weekly review. This step by step process will help you ensure that tasks are being completed and that nothing important is falling through the cracks. Components of this weekly review include:

1. Step-by-step review:This process takes you sequentially through 12 steps to a clear head and an organized workspace. By working through these steps, you will review your lists, capture any missing information, and look ahead to the coming week.

2. Did you thrive this week?Review the “surving or thriving” section of the previous 7 days, adding up the total (1-10) score of each of the six key life areas. The average VFRUH�JLYHV�\RX�D�QXPHULFDO�UHIHUHQFH�SRLQW�WR�UHÁHFW�XSRQ�\RXU�personal development over the week.

���7KLV�:HHN·V�%LJ�3LFWXUHLike the previous section, this space allows you to total up and average your progress according to key life goals. This simple tool will give you a clear picture of the health of the previous week.



2. Process.�0RYH�WKURXJK�\RXU�LQER[��RQH�LWHP�DW�D�WLPH��DVVLJQLQJ�next steps to items, and writing these next steps on context-based DFWLRQ�OLVWV��3URFHVV�\RXU�LQER[�WR�HPSW\��IROORZLQJ�WKH�IRXU�'·V��

1. Delete. If the item is not necessary, get rid off it. ���'HOHJDWH��,I�VRPHRQH�HOVH�FDQ�GR�LW��IRUZDUG�LW�RQ��,I�LW·V�LPSRUWDQW��add a reminder to your “@ waiting for” list, so you can follow up to ensure completion. 3. Do it. If the task takes less than two minutes to do, just get it done. Do it right away. 4. Defer. If the task will take more than two minutes, add the next step to a context-based action list, or schedule it on your calendar.

This journal includes 8 different types of context-based @ lists in the front of this journal, to help you accomplish and complete deferred tasks. These are: 1. @ Phone Calls, where you write phone calls you need to make.���#�2IÀFH��IRU�WDVNV�WKDW�QHHG�WR�EH�FRPSOHWHG�DW�WKH�RIÀFH�3. @ Home, for next steps that must be completed at home.4. @ Anywhere, for items that are not location dependent, ie. Internet research.���#�(UUDQGV��D�OLVW�RI�WKLQJV�WR�SLFN�XS�DQG�WDVNV�WR�KDQGOH�ZKLOH�RXW�and about.���#�:DLWLQJ�)RU��ZKHUH�\RX�ZULWH�GRZQ�WDVNV�\RX·YH�GHOHJDWHG�WR�others that you need to follow up on.7. @ Future Ideas, a place to write ideas for the future or non-vital tasks if you have time or interest.8. Project _________. Some tasks are part of a larger project you QHHG�WR�PDQDJH��0XOWLVWHS�SURMHFWV�JHW�WKHLU�RZQ�OLVW��EURNHQ�GRZQ�LQWR�VSHFLÀF�VWHSV�

���([HFXWH��(DFK�PRUQLQJ��UHYLHZ�\RXU�FDOHQGDU�DQG�DFWLRQ�OLVWV��adding the most critical task to your daily journal, as well as the next two or three important tasks. Once completed, add the accomplished tasks WR�WKH�´7RGD\·V�$FFRPSOLVKPHQWVµ�VHFWLRQ�

Page 7: Personal Development Journal Sample


4. Weekly Review. Once a week, conduct a review of your completed WDVNV��UHPDLQLQJ�LWHPV��DQG�\RXU�LQER[��7KHUH�LV�D�VSHFLÀF�VHFWLRQ�DW�the end of each week for conducting your weekly review. This step by step process will help you ensure that tasks are being completed and that nothing important is falling through the cracks. Components of this weekly review include:

1. Step-by-step review:This process takes you sequentially through 12 steps to a clear head and an organized workspace. By working through these steps, you will review your lists, capture any missing information, and look ahead to the coming week.

2. Did you thrive this week?Review the “surving or thriving” section of the previous 7 days, adding up the total (1-10) score of each of the six key life areas. The average VFRUH�JLYHV�\RX�D�QXPHULFDO�UHIHUHQFH�SRLQW�WR�UHÁHFW�XSRQ�\RXU�personal development over the week.

���7KLV�:HHN·V�%LJ�3LFWXUHLike the previous section, this space allows you to total up and average your progress according to key life goals. This simple tool will give you a clear picture of the health of the previous week.



2. Process.�0RYH�WKURXJK�\RXU�LQER[��RQH�LWHP�DW�D�WLPH��DVVLJQLQJ�next steps to items, and writing these next steps on context-based DFWLRQ�OLVWV��3URFHVV�\RXU�LQER[�WR�HPSW\��IROORZLQJ�WKH�IRXU�'·V��

1. Delete. If the item is not necessary, get rid off it. ���'HOHJDWH��,I�VRPHRQH�HOVH�FDQ�GR�LW��IRUZDUG�LW�RQ��,I�LW·V�LPSRUWDQW��add a reminder to your “@ waiting for” list, so you can follow up to ensure completion. 3. Do it. If the task takes less than two minutes to do, just get it done. Do it right away. 4. Defer. If the task will take more than two minutes, add the next step to a context-based action list, or schedule it on your calendar.

This journal includes 8 different types of context-based @ lists in the front of this journal, to help you accomplish and complete deferred tasks. These are: 1. @ Phone Calls, where you write phone calls you need to make.���#�2IÀFH��IRU�WDVNV�WKDW�QHHG�WR�EH�FRPSOHWHG�DW�WKH�RIÀFH�3. @ Home, for next steps that must be completed at home.4. @ Anywhere, for items that are not location dependent, ie. Internet research.���#�(UUDQGV��D�OLVW�RI�WKLQJV�WR�SLFN�XS�DQG�WDVNV�WR�KDQGOH�ZKLOH�RXW�and about.���#�:DLWLQJ�)RU��ZKHUH�\RX�ZULWH�GRZQ�WDVNV�\RX·YH�GHOHJDWHG�WR�others that you need to follow up on.7. @ Future Ideas, a place to write ideas for the future or non-vital tasks if you have time or interest.8. Project _________. Some tasks are part of a larger project you QHHG�WR�PDQDJH��0XOWLVWHS�SURMHFWV�JHW�WKHLU�RZQ�OLVW��EURNHQ�GRZQ�LQWR�VSHFLÀF�VWHSV�

���([HFXWH��(DFK�PRUQLQJ��UHYLHZ�\RXU�FDOHQGDU�DQG�DFWLRQ�OLVWV��adding the most critical task to your daily journal, as well as the next two or three important tasks. Once completed, add the accomplished tasks WR�WKH�´7RGD\·V�$FFRPSOLVKPHQWVµ�VHFWLRQ�

Page 8: Personal Development Journal Sample

Application: Describe how the reading inspired you and what you are going to do as a result of that reading. If applicable, add any new actions to your context-based action lists.

Important Tasks/ Goals for Today Beyond the one task that needs to be accomplished, there will be several important tasks or goals for the day. Review your action lists, noting priority tasks. Transfer two or three of these to this section, giving yourself a little nudge. Of course, this does not take the place of your FDOHQGDU��VR�LI�WKHUH�DUH�VSHFLÀF�DSSRLQWPHQWV�\RX�KDYH�WR�NHHS��PDNH�sure you have these on your calendar.

Purchases This gives you a small place to track your spending for the day. There are six boxes. If you are buying more than six items per day, perhaps you are buying too much. Item is what you bought, price is the amount you paid for the item, category should match your budget so that you can better track your spending.

Part B. Daily OverviewThe following section describes each element of the daily pages, explaining the goals of each component in measuring your progress.



Inspirational Reading

7RGD\·V�0XVW�'R�7DVN complete?

7RGD\·V�0XVW�'R�7DVNThe success or failure of a day is often measured by the DFFRPSOLVKPHQW�RI�RQH�VSHFLÀF�WDVN��$V�WKH�GD\�EHJLQV��FRQVLGHU�WKH�one task you must complete that day. What is the one important activity, phone call, email, meeting, etc. that has to be completed for this day to EH�D�VXFFHVV"�7KDW�LV�´WRGD\·V�PXVW�GR�WDVNµ��7KH�JRDO�RI�WKLV�SURPLQHQW�location is for you to see the task everytime you open your personal development journal and then, with great pleasure, when the task LV�FRPSOHWH��WR�FKHFN�WKH�ER[��2IWHQ��WKLV�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WDVN�,�FRPSOHWH��IROORZLQJ�%ULDQ�7UDF\·V�´)URJµ�FRQFHSW��ZKHUH�\RX�GR�WKH�PRVW�GLIÀFXOW�WKLQJ�ÀUVW�LQ�D�GD\��DQG�WKH�UHVW�RI�WKH�GD\�LV�GRZQKLOO�IURP�WKHUH��

Inspirational Reading0\�SHUVRQDO�YDOXHV�DQG�YLVLRQ�FRPSDVV�QHHGV�GDLO\�FDOLEUDWLRQ��7DNLQJ�time in the morning to read a short passage that helps realign my priorities has a positive impact on the rest of my day. This may be a short passage from a motivational book, a sacred text, or a book of quotes. Whatever it happens to be, move beyond “read and forget” to ´UHÁHFW�DQG�DSSO\µ�� Subject: Write the Title/ Author/ Page of what you read. Observation: Summarize what you read, including anything worthy of noting.

Page 9: Personal Development Journal Sample


Application: Describe how the reading inspired you and what you are going to do as a result of that reading. If applicable, add any new actions to your context-based action lists.

Important Tasks/ Goals for Today Beyond the one task that needs to be accomplished, there will be several important tasks or goals for the day. Review your action lists, noting priority tasks. Transfer two or three of these to this section, giving yourself a little nudge. Of course, this does not take the place of your FDOHQGDU��VR�LI�WKHUH�DUH�VSHFLÀF�DSSRLQWPHQWV�\RX�KDYH�WR�NHHS��PDNH�sure you have these on your calendar.

Important Tasks/ Goals for Today

Item Price Category


Purchases This gives you a small place to track your spending for the day. There are six boxes. If you are buying more than six items per day, perhaps you are buying too much. Item is what you bought, price is the amount you paid for the item, category should match your budget so that you can better track your spending.

Bonus Tip:0\�IDYRULWH�RQOLQH�EXGJHW�WUDFNHU�LV�0LQW�FRP��,W�DXWRPDWLFDOO\�OLQNV�all of your accounts, comparing your spending habits to your goals. ,W�HYHQ�VHQGV�\RX�HPDLO�UHPLQGHUV��%HVW�RI�DOO��LW·V�IUHH�

Part B. Daily OverviewThe following section describes each element of the daily pages, explaining the goals of each component in measuring your progress.

7RGD\·V�0XVW�'R�7DVNThe success or failure of a day is often measured by the DFFRPSOLVKPHQW�RI�RQH�VSHFLÀF�WDVN��$V�WKH�GD\�EHJLQV��FRQVLGHU�WKH�one task you must complete that day. What is the one important activity, phone call, email, meeting, etc. that has to be completed for this day to EH�D�VXFFHVV"�7KDW�LV�´WRGD\·V�PXVW�GR�WDVNµ��7KH�JRDO�RI�WKLV�SURPLQHQW�location is for you to see the task everytime you open your personal development journal and then, with great pleasure, when the task LV�FRPSOHWH��WR�FKHFN�WKH�ER[��2IWHQ��WKLV�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WDVN�,�FRPSOHWH��IROORZLQJ�%ULDQ�7UDF\·V�´)URJµ�FRQFHSW��ZKHUH�\RX�GR�WKH�PRVW�GLIÀFXOW�WKLQJ�ÀUVW�LQ�D�GD\��DQG�WKH�UHVW�RI�WKH�GD\�LV�GRZQKLOO�IURP�WKHUH��

Inspirational Reading0\�SHUVRQDO�YDOXHV�DQG�YLVLRQ�FRPSDVV�QHHGV�GDLO\�FDOLEUDWLRQ��7DNLQJ�time in the morning to read a short passage that helps realign my priorities has a positive impact on the rest of my day. This may be a short passage from a motivational book, a sacred text, or a book of quotes. Whatever it happens to be, move beyond “read and forget” to ´UHÁHFW�DQG�DSSO\µ�� Subject: Write the Title/ Author/ Page of what you read. Observation: Summarize what you read, including anything worthy of noting.

Page 10: Personal Development Journal Sample

LW�XS��,QVWHDG�RI�VWXIÀQJ�\RXU�IDFH�WKUHH�WLPHV�D�GD\��\RX�HDW�VPDOO�PHDOV�PRUH�RIWHQ��ZKLFK�LQFUHDVH�\RXU�PHWDEROLVP��7KHUH�DUH�ÀYH�VHFWLRQV�here for meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner with two spaces for snack in between. Record the time, the meal, and any notes. There is also a space for the amount of water you drank and whether or not you took your vitamins that day.

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

Fitness record 7KH�ÀWQHVV�UHFRUG�LV�GLYLGHG�LQWR�WZR�VHFWLRQV��WKH�FDUGLR�QRWHV�VHFWLRQ��and the weight-training workout plan. I try to do a bit of cardio every day, noting the time, distance, and calories burned. You can also use this section to keep track of other types of exercise, such as Yoga or TaeBo. 7KH�ERWWRP�ÀYH�ER[HV�RIIHU�D�FHQWUDO�SODFH�WR�UHFRUG�\RXU�VWUHQJWK�training workout. Boxes include muscle group, exercise, weight, and number of reps.

Sleep Are you getting enough sleep? Tracking the amount of time you are sleeping will help you determine the relationship between your sleep and energy level during the day. This section is fairly straightforward, just record the time you went to bed, the time you woke up, and the total hours of sleep you had. You may be surprised.

0\�HPSW\�LQER[ Simply write the number of email messages sitting in your email box. There is a direct correlation between levels of stress and the number of “undealt with” email messages. Check out to learn PRUH��,PDJLQH�ÀQDOO\�JHWWLQJ�FRQWURO�RI�DOO�RI�WKRVH�PHVVDJHV�FORJJLQJ�your email inbox and adding stress to your life!

+HUH·V�D�EULHI�RYHUYLHZ����3URFHVV��GRQ·W�SHUXVH�Deal with every email once. Never simply “check your email”. Instead, process your email to completion every time.2. Check less frequently.The masters only check email twice a day. I process email at 12, 4, and 8.���)RXU�'·V��GHOHWH��GHOHJDWH��GHIHU��GHDO�ZLWK�LW�If you can, trash the message or get someone else to handle the issue.4. Process to zero.The goal is to only deal with each email once. Once you deal with the PHVVDJH��DUFKLYH�LW��,I�\RX�DUH�IROORZLQJ�WKLV�V\VWHP��WKHUH�VKRXOGQ·W�EH�DQ�HPDLO�\RX�KDYHQ·W�GHDOW�ZLWK�VLWWLQJ�LQ�\RXU�LQER[�IRU�YHU\�ORQJ

Time 0HDO Notes

____ glasses of water ____ vitamins


Number of email messages:


Nutrition Inspiration for this section came from several sources including Bill 3KLOOLSV·�%RG\�IRU�/LIH��,W�LV�D�JUHDW�ERRN�DQG�,�KLJKO\�UHFRPPHQG�SLFNLQJ�

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LW�XS��,QVWHDG�RI�VWXIÀQJ�\RXU�IDFH�WKUHH�WLPHV�D�GD\��\RX�HDW�VPDOO�PHDOV�PRUH�RIWHQ��ZKLFK�LQFUHDVH�\RXU�PHWDEROLVP��7KHUH�DUH�ÀYH�VHFWLRQV�here for meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner with two spaces for snack in between. Record the time, the meal, and any notes. There is also a space for the amount of water you drank and whether or not you took your vitamins that day.

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

Cardio/ Notes:Fitness Record

Fitness record 7KH�ÀWQHVV�UHFRUG�LV�GLYLGHG�LQWR�WZR�VHFWLRQV��WKH�FDUGLR�QRWHV�VHFWLRQ��and the weight-training workout plan. I try to do a bit of cardio every day, noting the time, distance, and calories burned. You can also use this section to keep track of other types of exercise, such as Yoga or TaeBo. 7KH�ERWWRP�ÀYH�ER[HV�RIIHU�D�FHQWUDO�SODFH�WR�UHFRUG�\RXU�VWUHQJWK�training workout. Boxes include muscle group, exercise, weight, and number of reps.

Bed Time: Wake Time: Total Sleep:


Sleep Are you getting enough sleep? Tracking the amount of time you are sleeping will help you determine the relationship between your sleep and energy level during the day. This section is fairly straightforward, just record the time you went to bed, the time you woke up, and the total hours of sleep you had. You may be surprised.

0\�HPSW\�LQER[ Simply write the number of email messages sitting in your email box. There is a direct correlation between levels of stress and the number of “undealt with” email messages. Check out to learn PRUH��,PDJLQH�ÀQDOO\�JHWWLQJ�FRQWURO�RI�DOO�RI�WKRVH�PHVVDJHV�FORJJLQJ�your email inbox and adding stress to your life!

+HUH·V�D�EULHI�RYHUYLHZ����3URFHVV��GRQ·W�SHUXVH�Deal with every email once. Never simply “check your email”. Instead, process your email to completion every time.2. Check less frequently.The masters only check email twice a day. I process email at 12, 4, and 8.���)RXU�'·V��GHOHWH��GHOHJDWH��GHIHU��GHDO�ZLWK�LW�If you can, trash the message or get someone else to handle the issue.4. Process to zero.The goal is to only deal with each email once. Once you deal with the PHVVDJH��DUFKLYH�LW��,I�\RX�DUH�IROORZLQJ�WKLV�V\VWHP��WKHUH�VKRXOGQ·W�EH�DQ�HPDLO�\RX�KDYHQ·W�GHDOW�ZLWK�VLWWLQJ�LQ�\RXU�LQER[�IRU�YHU\�ORQJ

Nutrition Inspiration for this section came from several sources including Bill 3KLOOLSV·�%RG\�IRU�/LIH��,W�LV�D�JUHDW�ERRN�DQG�,�KLJKO\�UHFRPPHQG�SLFNLQJ�

Page 12: Personal Development Journal Sample

Long term goals Somewhere near the end of each day, I take a 50,000 foot view at my OLIH��7KLV�ELJ�SLFWXUH�SHUVSHFWLYH�DOORZV�PH�WR�FRPSDUH�WKH�GD\·V�DFWLRQV�WR�IXWXUH�GLUHFWLRQ��/RQJ�WHUP�JRDOV�DOORZ�PH�WR�ZULWH�GRZQ�ZKHUH�,·P�KHDGHG�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WKH�GD\·V�DFWLRQV��,�DVN��´,I�WKLV�LV�ZKDW�,·YH�GRQH�today, what will this action, if continued daily, lead up to?”

7RGD\·V�%LJ�,GHDV 7KLV�LV�D�VKRUW�VXPPDU\�RI�WRGD\·V�´$KDµ�PRPHQWV� -What inspired you today? -What challenged you? -Any new solutions/ inventions/ ideas?

Thank you notes! :H�FDQ�DOZD\V�ZULWH�PRUH�WKDQN�\RX�QRWHV��(DFK�GD\��VHYHUDO�SHRSOH�KHOS�\RX��LQVSLUH�\RX��DQG�DUH�D�IULHQG�WR�\RX��:RXOGQ·W�LW�EH�QLFH�LI�\RX�WRRN�WKH�WLPH�WR�VD\�WKDQN�\RX"�1RZ�\RX�FDQ��0\�JRDO�LV�WR�ZULWH�VHYHUDO�thank you notes each day. In this section, I write the name of who I want to thank, why I am thanking them, and check when I sent the thank you note. This will help you keep a record of who you want to send a card to, HYHQ�ZKHQ�\RX�GRQ·W�KDYH�WKH�FDUGV�ZLWK�\RX�

Date Simply enter the day of the week, the numerical date, the month, and then the year. For example: Thursday 07/04/13- For Thursday, the fourth of July, 2013.

Output (Writing)

Thursday / /

Input (Reading/ Listening)

Input (Reading/ Listening) 7KH�JRDO�RI�WKLV�VHFWLRQ�LV�WR�KHOS�\RX�ÀOO�\RXU�PLQG�ZLWK�SRVLWLYH��inspirational, and valuable information throughout the day. Pick the top WKUHH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�VRXUFHV�\RX·YH�OHW�LQ�GXULQJ�WKH�GD\��ERWK�SRVLWLYH�RU�QHJDWLYH��0D\EH�\RX�OLVWHQHG�WR�D�UDGLR�VKRZ��ZDWFKHG�D�PRYLH��OLVWHQHG�to an audio book, read a book, or glanced at a magazine.

Output 0\�SHUVRQDO�JRDO�LV�WR�RXWSXW�WZLFH�DV�PXFK�DV�,�LQSXW��,�GRQ·W�ZDQW�WR�just feed on information all of the time, but be able to synthesize and use that information. Outputs include article writing, posting to your blog, twittering, speaking on a topic, or having a conversation about what I read.

Page 13: Personal Development Journal Sample


Long term goals Somewhere near the end of each day, I take a 50,000 foot view at my OLIH��7KLV�ELJ�SLFWXUH�SHUVSHFWLYH�DOORZV�PH�WR�FRPSDUH�WKH�GD\·V�DFWLRQV�WR�IXWXUH�GLUHFWLRQ��/RQJ�WHUP�JRDOV�DOORZ�PH�WR�ZULWH�GRZQ�ZKHUH�,·P�KHDGHG�DV�D�UHVXOW�RI�WKH�GD\·V�DFWLRQV��,�DVN��´,I�WKLV�LV�ZKDW�,·YH�GRQH�today, what will this action, if continued daily, lead up to?”

Long Term Goals


7RGD\·V�%LJ�,GHDV 7KLV�LV�D�VKRUW�VXPPDU\�RI�WRGD\·V�´$KDµ�PRPHQWV� -What inspired you today? -What challenged you? -Any new solutions/ inventions/ ideas?

Who Why Sent

Thank you notes!

Thank you notes! :H�FDQ�DOZD\V�ZULWH�PRUH�WKDQN�\RX�QRWHV��(DFK�GD\��VHYHUDO�SHRSOH�KHOS�\RX��LQVSLUH�\RX��DQG�DUH�D�IULHQG�WR�\RX��:RXOGQ·W�LW�EH�QLFH�LI�\RX�WRRN�WKH�WLPH�WR�VD\�WKDQN�\RX"�1RZ�\RX�FDQ��0\�JRDO�LV�WR�ZULWH�VHYHUDO�thank you notes each day. In this section, I write the name of who I want to thank, why I am thanking them, and check when I sent the thank you note. This will help you keep a record of who you want to send a card to, HYHQ�ZKHQ�\RX�GRQ·W�KDYH�WKH�FDUGV�ZLWK�\RX�

Date Simply enter the day of the week, the numerical date, the month, and then the year. For example: Thursday 07/04/13- For Thursday, the fourth of July, 2013.

Input (Reading/ Listening) 7KH�JRDO�RI�WKLV�VHFWLRQ�LV�WR�KHOS�\RX�ÀOO�\RXU�PLQG�ZLWK�SRVLWLYH��inspirational, and valuable information throughout the day. Pick the top WKUHH�LQIRUPDWLRQ�VRXUFHV�\RX·YH�OHW�LQ�GXULQJ�WKH�GD\��ERWK�SRVLWLYH�RU�QHJDWLYH��0D\EH�\RX�OLVWHQHG�WR�D�UDGLR�VKRZ��ZDWFKHG�D�PRYLH��OLVWHQHG�to an audio book, read a book, or glanced at a magazine.

Output 0\�SHUVRQDO�JRDO�LV�WR�RXWSXW�WZLFH�DV�PXFK�DV�,�LQSXW��,�GRQ·W�ZDQW�WR�just feed on information all of the time, but be able to synthesize and use that information. Outputs include article writing, posting to your blog, twittering, speaking on a topic, or having a conversation about what I read.

Page 14: Personal Development Journal Sample

Surviving or Thriving 7KH�ÀQDO�VHFWLRQ�LQ�WKLV�3HUVRQDO�'HYHORSPHQW�-RXUQDO�LV�FDOOHG�´6XUYLYLQJ�RU�7KULYLQJµ��7KLV�ZDV�WKH�ÀUVW�VHFWLRQ�,�FUHDWHG�ZKHQ�,�EHJDQ�considering a daily journal. I wanted a tangible way to measure my progress each day. Was the day a success? Am I moving towards my goals? If not, what can I put in place to improve that area? For example, LI�,�FLUFOHG�D���RU���IRU�ÀWQHVV��WKHQ�PD\EH�D�YLVLW�WR�WKH�J\P�ZLOO�EH�P\�´0XVW�'R�7DVNµ�IRU�WKH�QH[W�GD\� There are ten marks, from 1 on the left, to 10 on the right.


Thank you for taking the time to read through this brief introduction. As \RX�ZRUN�WKURXJK�LW��,·P�VXUH�WKDW�\RX·OO�GLVFRYHU�DUHDV�RI�JURZWK�\RX�never thought possible. Share your suggestions and success stories at

What When

Time Wasters


Time wasters There are several time wasters I try to avoid on a daily basis. These LQFOXGH�ZHE�VXUÀQJ��ZDWFKLQJ�<RXWXEH�YLGHRV��DQG�SOD\LQJ�YLGHR�JDPHV��This is a place to write down your particular time waster and when you wasted it. This daily log will help you review the patterns that lead to these time wasting activities.

7RGD\·V�$FFRPSOLVKPHQWV Once a task is crossed off your contextual-based to do list in the front of this journal, take a few extra seconds and bask in the accomplishment RI�ÀQLVKLQJ�WKDW�WDVN��




High/ Low Look back on the day, consider your largest success and greatest frustration. For me, these are usually personal interactions, an LQWHUHVWLQJ�FRQYHUVDWLRQ�RU�PHHWLQJ�IRU�WKH�KLJK��DQG�D�GLIÀFXOW�conversation or unaccomplished task for the low.

Page 15: Personal Development Journal Sample


- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |


Surving or Thriving

Surviving or Thriving 7KH�ÀQDO�VHFWLRQ�LQ�WKLV�3HUVRQDO�'HYHORSPHQW�-RXUQDO�LV�FDOOHG�´6XUYLYLQJ�RU�7KULYLQJµ��7KLV�ZDV�WKH�ÀUVW�VHFWLRQ�,�FUHDWHG�ZKHQ�,�EHJDQ�considering a daily journal. I wanted a tangible way to measure my progress each day. Was the day a success? Am I moving towards my goals? If not, what can I put in place to improve that area? For example, LI�,�FLUFOHG�D���RU���IRU�ÀWQHVV��WKHQ�PD\EH�D�YLVLW�WR�WKH�J\P�ZLOO�EH�P\�´0XVW�'R�7DVNµ�IRU�WKH�QH[W�GD\� There are ten marks, from 1 on the left, to 10 on the right.


Thank you for taking the time to read through this brief introduction. As \RX�ZRUN�WKURXJK�LW��,·P�VXUH�WKDW�\RX·OO�GLVFRYHU�DUHDV�RI�JURZWK�\RX�never thought possible. Share your suggestions and success stories at

Time wasters There are several time wasters I try to avoid on a daily basis. These LQFOXGH�ZHE�VXUÀQJ��ZDWFKLQJ�<RXWXEH�YLGHRV��DQG�SOD\LQJ�YLGHR�JDPHV��This is a place to write down your particular time waster and when you wasted it. This daily log will help you review the patterns that lead to these time wasting activities.

7RGD\·V�$FFRPSOLVKPHQWV Once a task is crossed off your contextual-based to do list in the front of this journal, take a few extra seconds and bask in the accomplishment RI�ÀQLVKLQJ�WKDW�WDVN��

High/ Low Look back on the day, consider your largest success and greatest frustration. For me, these are usually personal interactions, an LQWHUHVWLQJ�FRQYHUVDWLRQ�RU�PHHWLQJ�IRU�WKH�KLJK��DQG�D�GLIÀFXOW�conversation or unaccomplished task for the low.

Page 16: Personal Development Journal Sample

Who Why Sent

Long Term Goals

Input (Reading/ Listening)

Bed Time: Wake Time: Total Sleep:

7RGD\·V�0XVW�'R�7DVN complete?



Time 0HDO Notes

____ glasses of water ____ vitamins

Item Price Category

Purchases Nutrition

Inspirational Reading

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

muscle group

exerciseweight repsweight repsweight reps

Cardio/ Notes:Fitness Record


Important Tasks/ Goals for Today




Number of email messages:


Page 17: Personal Development Journal Sample


Who Why Sent

Thank you notes!What When

Time Wasters


Long Term Goals

Output (Writing)

Input (Reading/ Listening)

Bed Time: Wake Time: Total Sleep:





gh - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |


Surviving or Thriving?

/ /

Page 18: Personal Development Journal Sample

category S 0 T W Th F S total #days Average



emailtime wasters

Weekly Review for the week of: / to /

done? step-by-step review process

collect loose papers and place into inbox


review your calendar, processing uncaptured action items

look over upcoming calendar, listing next actions

write down any nagging thoughts

review your next action lists

review your waiting for list, send reminders if necessary

review your outstanding projects list

any other lists to process/ review?

review someday/ maybe list, delete or transfer items

browse through all in-progress areas for actions and waiting fors

add any new, thought-provoking, risk-taking ideas to your system

category S 0 T W Th F S total #days Average




Did you thrive this week?

Page 19: Personal Development Journal Sample


Weekly Narrative Summary


category S 0 T W Th F S total #days Average



emailtime wasters

7KLV�:HHN·V�%LJ�3LFWXUHWeekly Review for the week of: / to /

done? step-by-step review process

collect loose papers and place into inbox


review your calendar, processing uncaptured action items

look over upcoming calendar, listing next actions

write down any nagging thoughts

review your next action lists

review your waiting for list, send reminders if necessary

review your outstanding projects list

any other lists to process/ review?

review someday/ maybe list, delete or transfer items

browse through all in-progress areas for actions and waiting fors

add any new, thought-provoking, risk-taking ideas to your system

category S 0 T W Th F S total #days Average




Page 20: Personal Development Journal Sample

Collection Page(random ideas, nagging thoughts, to do items)

Collection Page(random ideas, nagging thoughts, to do items)

Page 21: Personal Development Journal Sample

Collection Page(random ideas, nagging thoughts, to do items)

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