
Personal Brand


How many of you have a personal brand that accurately represents yourself and is consistent?


How to Create your Personal Brand Style Guide

Key Steps8



Direction StrategyExistence

Mission Statement

Style Guide

Why?• Consistency• Accuracy• Inconsistency


ex. (Jamie Oliver)


Core Values

• What is important to you in life• Who you are at your core• What shapes you• Why you do and act a certain way

• Example: nature, family, friends, growth

• Should be memorable• Lead into the creation of your personal vision



Provides a sense of directionQuestions to ask yourself:What do I do right now that aligns with my values? Where am I not aligned with my values? How can I stay aligned with my values over the time?


Target Audience





Target Audience


Brand Personality

● Sets a tone for your writing and content you create

● Your personality should consist of your passions

● Sets you apart from other

•Brand story–Story to give insight into heart and soul of personal brand

•Logo–How your logo looks in different environments, prevent altering and stretching of logo

•Color Palette–Consistent look and feel for your personal brand

•Typography (font)–Spacing, Alignment, Reasoning for different fonts

•Imagery–Images that portray the mood of your brand, Inspired images

•Voice–Should match brands personality, pick simple words that you like

Elements of Style Guide



Plan for Evolution


Remember that as you grow and progress, so should your brand. Just like companies, the ones who evolve are surviving while the ones who are unwilling to change are the ones who slowly die off.

Why is it relevant?

Employers are going to Google you and when they do find you, your content has to make a good impression for you.

Plan for Evolution


What should I do?

Keep your LinkedIn and social profiles updated, add and delete things as you may seem fit. Set up a personal brand strategy plan.

Evolving your Personal Brand

Whether it’s acquiring new skills, gaining experience in your field, or changing career paths it is important to update your information, so you can attract the people you want. Remember it’s not about completely rebranding, but rather evolving to an image that better represents you and what you do.can attract the people you want. Remember it’s not


Key Steps8Core


Mission Need

Vision Target Audience

Brand Personality Elements Evolution

1) Your style guide keeps your personal brand organized and professional.

2) It allows you to have a competitive advantage in the workforce.

3) Helps you establish clarity for your audience.

Key Takeaways

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