
Monday, September 24, 2012


The New Norms of

Social Engagement

Hosted by:



Daina Middleton Global CEO Performics

Ed Snider COO ROI Research

Dana Todd SVP of Marketing Performics

Christina Carlile Associate Director, Strategy & Analytics Performics



Active Social Networkers


Men, Women and Parents…


Daily Social Networkers


Content Preferences

• Women more likely to post status updates

• Men more likely to post jokes, links and videos

• Über users are very active posters and have increases for all types of content

• Younger respondents are more likely than older respondents to post most types of content

• Compared to moms and other men and women, dads are the most active posters across most types of posts

• Dads are also more likely to report increased posting for several types of content


Mobile Usage


Tablet Usage


Social Access by Device




Brand Engagement



Response Likelihood


#LifeonDemand: Inspire Participation


Study Demographics

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