
Performance is a Feature!

Why does performance matter?

What do we need to measure?

How we can fix the issues?


Database & Caching


Mechanical Sympathy


Measure, measure, measure

1. Identify bottlenecks2. Know the optimisation works


“The simple act of putting a render time in the upper right hand corner of every page we serve forced us to fix all our performance regressions and omissions.”




The Art of Benchmarking

Profiling -> Micro-benchmarks

static void Profile(int iterations, Action action) {

action(); // warm up GC.Collect(); // clean up

var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { action(); } watch.Stop();

Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed {0} ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


private static T Result;static void Profile<T>(int iterations, Func<T> func) {

func(); // warm up GC.Collect(); // clean up

var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Result = func(); } watch.Stop();

Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed {0} ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



BenchmarkDotNet Demo


Garbage Collection (GC)

Allocations are cheap, but cleaning up isn’t

Difficult to measure the impact of GC

Stack Overflow Performance Lessons

Stack Overflow Performance Lessons

Use static classes

Don’t be afraid to write your own toolsDapper, Jil, MiniProfiler,

Intimately know your platform - CLR

Roslyn Performance Lessons 1public class Logger{ public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ }}

public class BoxingExample{ public void Log(int id, int size) { var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}", id, size); Logger.WriteLine(s); }}

Essential Truths Everyone Should Know about Performance in a Large Managed Codebase

Roslyn Performance Lessons 1public class Logger{ public static void WriteLine(string s) { /*...*/ }}

public class BoxingExample{ public void Log(int id, int size) { var s = string.Format("{0}:{1}", id.ToString(), size.ToString()); Logger.WriteLine(s); }} AVOID BOXING

Roslyn Performance Lessons 2class Symbol { public string Name { get; private set; } /*...*/}

class Compiler { private List<Symbol> symbols; public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name) { return symbols.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == name); }}

Roslyn Performance Lessons 2class Symbol { public string Name { get; private set; } /*...*/}

class Compiler { private List<Symbol> symbols; public Symbol FindMatchingSymbol(string name) { foreach (Symbol s in symbols) { if (s.Name == name) return s; }

return null; }}


Roslyn Performance Lessons 3public class Example{ // Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>" public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(name); if (arity != 0) { sb.Append("<"); for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++) { sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString()); } sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString()); } return sb.ToString(); }}

Roslyn Performance Lessons 3public class Example{ // Constructs a name like "Foo<T1, T2, T3>" public string GenerateFullTypeName(string name, int arity) { StringBuilder sb = new AcquireBuilder(); sb.Append(name); if (arity != 0) { sb.Append("<"); for (int i = 1; i < arity; i++) { sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(i.ToString()); } sb.Append('T'); sb.Append(arity.ToString()); } return GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(sb); }} OBJECT POOLING

Roslyn Performance Lessons 3[ThreadStatic]private static StringBuilder cachedStringBuilder;

private static StringBuilder AcquireBuilder(){ StringBuilder result = cachedStringBuilder; if (result == null) { return new StringBuilder(); } result.Clear(); cachedStringBuilder = null; return result;}

private static string GetStringAndReleaseBuilder(StringBuilder sb){ string result = sb.ToString(); cachedStringBuilder = sb; return result;}

Roslyn Performance Lessons Demo




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