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Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

Performance analysis of the AntNet algorithm

S.S. Dhillon *, P. Van Mieghem

Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science,

P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands

Received 20 April 2005; received in revised form 26 September 2006; accepted 22 October 2006Available online 27 November 2006

Responsible Editor: A. Kshemkalyani


A number of routing algorithms based on the ant-colony metaphor have been proposed for communication networks.However, there has been little work on the performance analysis of ant-routing algorithms. In this paper, we compare theperformance of AntNet, an ant-routing algorithm, with Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. Our simulations show that theperformance of AntNet is comparable to Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. Moreover, under varying traffic loads, AntNetadapts to the changing traffic and performs better than shortest path routing.� 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ant-colony metaphor; Ant-routing algorithms; AntNet

1. Introduction

A wide variety of routing protocols and algo-rithms exist for communication networks. In thetraditional approach to routing, the routing tablesare updated by exchanging routing informationbetween the routers. Various routing protocols dif-fer in their approaches to exchange the routinginformation. For example, in Open Shortest PathFirst (OSPF) the routers exchange link-state1 infor-

1389-1286/$ - see front matter � 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 152786238.E-mail address: [email protected] (S.S. Dhillon).

1 Link refers to an interface on the router and each link has acost associated with it. The state of the link is a description of theinterface and the relationship of the interface to the neighboringrouters. In link-state protocols, each router is assumed to becapable of finding the state of the link to its neighbors (up ordown) and the cost of each link.

mation by flooding. A relatively new approach torouting is the use of mobile agents for updatingand maintaining the routing tables. Recently, anumber of routing algorithms inspired by the ant-colony metaphor and using mobile agents have beenproposed for both wired and wireless networks. Inthis paper, we collectively refer to these algorithmsas ant routing algorithms (ANTRALs).

An ANTRAL is a hop-by-hop routing algorithmbased on the principle of stigmergy observed in real-life ant colonies. Stigmergy is a form of indirectcommunication mediated by modifications of theenvironment [26]. It has been shown that real antsare able to find the shortest path by following thetrail of a chemical substance called pheromonedeposited by other ants [18,19,23]. The idea behindANTRALs is to use a form of stigmergy to coordi-nate societies of artificial agents. The artificial


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agents (mobile agents) or ants move on the networkand are used to update the routing tables.The mobile agents update the routing tables in anasynchronous manner and independently of othermobile agents. Thus, in ANTRALs, the routers(nodes) do not need to directly exchange routinginformation for updating the routing tables. Theprinciples of ant colony and stigmergy have beenapplied to numerous other optimization problemsbesides routing and have been referred to as ant col-ony optimization in the literature [6,20,27].

There are two critical components that determinethe performance of an ANTRAL. First, the perfor-mance depends on how the mobile agents search forthe shortest path, which is referred to as exploration

[16]. The mobile agents could either use heuristicsbased on the routing tables or the routing tablevalues without any modifications to move to thenext node. Second, the mobile agents have to updatethe routing tables based on the paths that have beensearched. In general, exploration and routing tableupdate in ANTRALs are coupled since the mobileagents use the same routing table values for explora-tion which they also update. However, Bean andCosta [2,5] have demonstrated that it is possible tode-couple exploration from routing table updatesin ANTRALs by restricting exploration to the firsthop, and letting mobile agents follow the data rout-ing policy for all subsequent hops to the destination.

In all the ANTRALs proposed so far, thealgorithm parameters have been chosen heuristi-cally. There has been little work on studying therobustness of ANTRALs to the variations in differ-ent parameters. In [2,5], Bean and Costa have exam-ined the equilibrium load-balancing properties ofANTRALs with respect to system and user optimi-zation criteria. However, the effect of parameterchanges on the performance of ANTRALs is notexamined and the analysis has been limited to afew network topologies. In this paper, we analyzethe performance of AntNet, an ANTRAL proposedby Di Caro and Dorigo [4]. We compare the perfor-mance of AntNet with Dijkstra’s shortest path algo-rithm for constant delays (non-varying traffic). Wealso study the effect of different parameters usedfor exploration and routing table updates on theperformance of AntNet algorithm.

Our simulations indicate that the performance ofthe AntNet algorithm is comparable to the Dijk-stra’s shortest path algorithm under non-varyingtraffic. However, the performance of the AntNetalgorithm is dependant on the network size and

topology. One of the key insights is that theAntNet algorithm performs well for sparse randomgraphs. Furthermore, the variations in differentparameters have a limited impact on the perfor-mance of the AntNet algorithm indicating therobustness of AntNet algorithm.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3 pre-sents the network model and Section 4 presentsthe AntNet algorithm. In Section 5, we present thesimulation results. Finally, Section 6 presents theconclusions.

2. Overview of ANTRAL implementations

This section describes some of the prominentANTRALs proposed for routing in communicationnetworks.

AntNet [4] is a routing algorithm proposed forwired datagram networks based on the principleof ant colony optimization. In AntNet, each nodemaintains a routing table and an additional tablecontaining statistics about the traffic distributionover the network. The routing table maintains foreach destination and for each next hop a measureof the goodness of using the next hop to forwarddata packets to the destination. These goodnessmeasures, called pheromone variables, are normal-ized to one in order to be used by a stochastic rout-ing policy. AntNet uses two sets of homogeneousmobile agents called forward ants and backwardants to update the routing tables. The forward antsuse heuristics based on the routing table to movebetween a given pair of nodes and are used to collectinformation about the traffic distribution over thenetwork. The backward ants retrace the paths offorward ants in the opposite direction. At eachnode, the backward ants update the routing tableand the additional table containing statistics aboutthe traffic distribution over the network. AntNet[4] has been shown to perform better than Bell-man-Ford, OSPF etc. routing protocols undervarying and near saturation traffic loads.

Ant-Based Control (ABC) is an algorithm pro-posed by Schoonderwoerd et al. [12,25] for load bal-ancing in circuit-switched networks. In ABC, thecalls are routed using probabilistic routing tablesthat consist of next hop probabilities for each desti-nation. The link costs are assumed to be symmetricand hence, only one-directional mobile agents areused for updating and maintaining the routingtables. The mobile agents use heuristics based on

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the routing tables to move across the networkbetween arbitrary pairs of nodes. At each nodealong the path, the mobile agents update the routingtables based on their distance from the source nodeand the current state of the routing table.

Another ANTRAL for wired networks has beenproposed by Kuntz et al. [22]. The proposed algo-rithm differs from AntNet in terms of different loopdetection behavior, simpler backward ant and dif-ferent routing table update procedure. The authorsalso propose another routing protocol calledCo-operative Asymmetric Forward (CAF) routing.CAF is similar to ABC but it works for asymmetricnetworks where the link costs are not identical inopposite directions. CAF has been shown to per-form as well as AntNet and is able to cope withchanging bandwidth and network topology [22].

AntHocNet is a hybrid routing protocol pro-posed by Ducatelle et al. [21] for mobile ad hoc net-works. AntHocNet consists of both the reactive andproactive components. In AntHocNet, nodes do notmaintain routes to all possible destinations at all thetimes, rather the nodes generate mobile agents onlyat the beginning of a data session. The mobileagents search for multiple paths to the destinationand these paths are set up in the form of pheromonetables indicating their respective quality. During thecourse of the data session, the paths are continu-ously monitored and improved in a proactive man-ner. AntHocNet has been shown to outperformAODV in terms of end-to-end delay and deliveryratio [21].

Ad hoc Networking with Swarm Intelligence(ANSI) is a reactive routing protocol proposed byRajagopalan and Shen [24] for mobile ad hoc net-works. ANSI protocol uses two sets of mobileagents called forward reactive ants and backwardreactive ants. The routing tables in ANSI containan entry for each reachable node and next besthop while the ant decision tables store the phero-mone values. In ANSI, the forward reactive antsare generated only when a node needs to transmitdata to another node. The forward reactive antsare broadcast while the backward reactive antsretrace the path of forward reactive ants and updatethe pheromone values at the nodes. The data pack-ets choose the next hop deterministically i.e., thehop which contains the largest pheromone value ischosen as the next hop. ANSI has been shown toperform either better or comparable with AODVwith respect to packet delivery, end-to-end delayand delay jitter [24].

A number of routing protocols in which themobile agents do not update the routing tablesdirectly have also been proposed (e.g. Termite [10],Global Positioning System/Ant-Like RoutingAlgorithm (GPSAL) [3]). In Termite [10], the routingtable entries contain pheromone values for choosinga neighbor as the next hop for each destination.The pheromone values decay exponentially with timeand the corresponding entries are removed from therouting tables, if all the pheromone for a particulardestination decays. Thus, the routing tables inTermite maintain entries for only the destinationsfrom which packets have been received during recenttimes. Termite does not use mobile agents for updat-ing the routing tables instead route discovery andmaintenance are performed by a set of four controlpackets: route request packets, route reply packets,hello packets and seed packets. Both data packetsand control packets (except route request packets)are used for updating the routing tables.

Ant-Colony-Based Routing Algorithm (ARA) isa routing protocol proposed by Gunes� and Spaniol[7] for mobile ad hoc networks. The routing tableentries in ARA contain pheromone values forchoosing a neighbor as the next hop for each desti-nation. The pheromone values in the routing tablesdecay with time and the nodes enter a sleep mode ifthe pheromone in the routing table has reached alower threshold. Route discovery in ARA is per-formed by a set of two mobile agents – forward antsand backward ants. During route discovery, theforward and backward ant packets having uniquesequence numbers, to prevent duplicate packets,are flooded through the network by the sourceand destination nodes, respectively. The forwardand backward ants update the pheromone tablesat the nodes along the path for the source anddestination nodes respectively. Once the route dis-covery for a particular destination has been per-formed, the source node does not generate newmobile agents for the destination instead the routemaintenance is performed by the data packets.

Uniform ant routing algorithms are a class ofANTRALs in which the mobile agents choose thenext node uniformly among the neighbors of thenode [13]. Thus, in uniform ANTRALs, the mobileagents move independently of the routing tablesand perform a random walk (with memory) on thenetwork graph while searching for the destination.This feature of uniform ANTRALs reduces the com-plexity of the ant routing algorithm and leads toexploration of all the paths with equal probabilities.

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3. Network model

We model the network as a graph G(N,L)consisting of N nodes and L links. All the linksin the network are considered bidirectional andspecified by a transmission capacity and a trans-mission delay. Each node is considered a commu-nication end-point (host) and a forwarding unit(router).

As illustrated in Fig. 1, every node in the networkmaintains an input buffer composed of a singlequeue and an output buffer composed of a high pri-ority queue and a low priority queue for each neigh-bor or outgoing link. The high priority queue isserved before the low priority queue. All the packetswithin the network can be divided into two differentclasses:

• Data packets: represent the information that theend-users exchange with each other. In ant-rout-ing, data packets do not maintain any routinginformation but use the information stored atrouting tables for travelling from the source tothe destination node.

• Mobile agents (forward ants and backward ants):are used to update the routing tables and distrib-ute information about the traffic load in thenetwork.

Incoming links


Output Buffer

Input Buffer

Service process

Fig. 1. Buffers at a node. The input buffer consists of a single queue apriority queue for each outgoing link.

Backward ant packets have a higher prioritythan the data and forward ant packets and arethus stored in the high priority queue, while dataand forward ant packets are stored in the low pri-ority queue. We assume that all the packets in thelow priority queue and the high priority queue inthe output buffer are served in a FIFO order. Fur-ther, the maximum number of packets stored inthe input buffer or output buffer is limited bythe size of the buffer. We have assumed that thebuffer size is sufficiently large to neglect bufferoverflow.

When a node receives a packet from a neighbor,the packet is first stored in the input buffer. Thepacket in the input buffer is served in a FIFO orderor according to a different scheduling rule. After thepacket has been served, the packet is sent to theoutput buffer. Within the output buffer, the packetgoes to a particular queue for a particular outgoinglink based on the type of the packet and the nextnode.

3.1. Data structures at nodes

Mobile agents communicate in an indirect way,through the information they concurrently readand write in two data structures stored at each net-work node k:



igh priority queue

Low priority queue

nd the output buffer consists of a low priority queue and a high

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1. A routing table Tk, organized as a matrix withprobabilistic entries as shown in Fig. 2. Eachrow in the routing table corresponds to one des-tination in the network and each column corre-sponds to a neighbor of the current node. Therouting table Tk defines the probabilistic routingpolicy currently adopted at node k: for each pos-sible destination d and for each neighbor node n,Tk stores a probability value pnd expressing theprobability of choosing n as the next node whenthe destination is d such that:


pnd ¼ 1;

where d 2 [1,N] and Nk = {neighbors(k)}.2. A table Mkðld ; r

2d ;W dÞ containing statistics about

the network topology and the traffic distributionover the network as seen by the local node k. Foreach destination d in the network, the table Mk

contains a moving observation window Wd, anestimated mean ld and an estimated variancer2

d . The moving observation window Wd, of sizeWmax, represents an array containing the triptimes of last Wmax forward ants that travel fromthe node k to the destination d. The movingobservation window Wd is used to compute thebest trip time tbestd i.e., the best trip time experi-enced by a forward ant travelling from the nodek to the destination d among the last Wmax for-

Routing table

Local Traffic







Tk =

Mk = μ

Fig. 2. The data structures for a node with neighbors x, y and z and a n

ward ants that travel from the node k to the des-tination d. The mean ld and variance r2

d representthe mean and variance of the trip times experi-enced by the forward ants to move from the nodek to the destination node d and are calculatedusing the exponential model:

ld ld þ gðtk!d � ldÞ; ð1Þr2

d r2d þ gððtk!d � ldÞ

2 � r2dÞ: ð2Þ

In (1) and (2), tk!d represents the newly ob-served forward ant’s trip time to travel fromthe node k to the destination node d andg 2 (0,1] is a factor that weighs the number of re-cent samples that will affect the mean ld and thevariance r2

d . Di Caro and Dorigo [4] relate g tothe maximum size of the observation windowWmax by

W max ¼5cg

where c < 1: ð3Þ

Di Caro and Dorigo [4] calculated that 5g samples

affect the mean so (3) has been used to ensurethat the mean and the best trip time are calcu-lated over the same moving observation window.We choose the maximum size of the movingobservation window Wmax to be sufficiently largei.e., W max >

5g but independently of the parameter


N; N; WN…2; 2; W21; W1


N; N; WN…2; 2; W21; W1


Network nodes



k no


Neighbor nodes







σ μ σ μ σ

etwork with N nodes: routing table (Tk) and statistics table (Mk).

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4. AntNet algorithm

4.1. Description of the AntNet algorithm

The AntNet algorithm [4] can be described asfollows:

1. At regular intervals, from every network node s,a forward ant Fs!d is launched with a randomlyselected destination node d. Destinations are cho-sen to match the current traffic patterns i.e., if fsd

is a measure (in bits or in the number of packets)of the data flow s! d, then the probability yd ofcreating at node s a forward ant with node d asdestination is:

yd ¼fsdPN

d 0¼1fsd 0: ð4Þ

2. While travelling towards their destination nodes,the forward ants store their paths and the trafficconditions. The identifier of every visited node k

and the time elapsed since the launching time ofthe forward ant to arrive at this kth node arepushed onto a memory stack Ss!d stored in thedata field of the forward ant. Forward ants sharethe same queues as data packets, so they experi-ence the same traffic delays as data packets.

3. At each node k, each forward ant chooses thenext node as follows:• If all the neighboring nodes have not been vis-

ited, then the next neighbor is chosen amongthe nodes that have not been visited as:

p0nd ¼pnd þ aln

1þ aðjN kj � 1Þ : ð5Þ

In (5), Nk represents the set of neighbors of thecurrent node k and jNkj the cardinality of thatset, i.e., the number of neighbors while theheuristic correction ln is a normalized value[0,1] such that 1 � ln is proportional to thelength qn of the queue of the link connectingthe node k with its neighbor n:

ln ¼ 1� qnPjNk jn0¼1qn0

: ð6Þ

The value of a in (5) weighs the importance ofthe instantaneous state of the node’s queuewith respect to the probability values storedin the routing table.

• If all the neighboring nodes have been visitedpreviously, then the next node is chosen uni-formly among all the neighbors. In this case,

since all the neighbors have been visited previ-ously the forward ant is forced to return to apreviously visited node. Thus, irrespective ofwhich neighbor is chosen as the next node,the forward ant is in a loop (cycle).

• With a small probability e, the next nodemay be chosen uniformly among all the neigh-boring nodes. The parameter e is deliberatelyincorporated in the ANTRAL to overcomethe problem where one of the entries in therouting table is almost unity, while the otherare vanishingly small. In such a situation, theforward ants always choose the same linkand thus stop exploring the network for otherroutes. The parameter e ensures that the net-work is being constantly explored, though itintroduces an element of inefficiency in thealgorithm. The use of parameter e to intro-duce randomness in the algorithm is referredto as e -greedy policy in reinforcement learningliterature [14]. Thus, due to the e-greedy policythere are no restrictions on the routing tablevalues and some of the routing table entriesmay be zero. In AntNet implementation[4,11], the value of parameter e is chosen aszero. In the special case, when e = 1, theAntNet algorithm is a uniform ANTRAL(unfNet).

4. If a cycle is detected, that is, if the ant is forced toreturn to an already visited node, the cycle’s nodesare popped from the ant’s stack and all memoryabout the cycle is destroyed. If the cycle lastedlonger than the lifetime of the forward ant beforeentering the cycle, the ant is destroyed (Fig. 3).The lifetime of a forward ant is defined as the totaltime since the forward ant was generated.

5. When the destination node d is reached, the for-ward ant Fs!d generates a backward ant Bd!s.The forward ant transfers all the memory con-tained in the stack Ss!d to the backward ant,and dies.

6. The backward ant takes the same path as thecorresponding forward ant, but in the oppositedirection. At each node k, the backward antpops the stack Ss!d to move to the next node.Backward ants do not share the same queues asdata packets and forward ants; they use high pri-ority queues to quickly propagate to the routingtables the information collected by the forwardants.

7. Arriving at a node k coming from a neighbornode h, the backward ant updates the two main

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1 4

Node id

1 t1

2 t2

3 t3

4 t4

2 t5

time of time ofarrival

S1 5

Node id

S1 5S1 5

time ofarrival

Node id

1 t1

2 t2

3 t3

4 t4

2 t5

1 t1

2 t2


Fig. 3. (i) A cycle (2! 3! 4! 2) in the forward ant’s F1!5 path is detected. (ii) All the memory about the cycle (2! 3! 4! 2)is destroyed. (iii) The stack S1!5 maintained by forward ant F1!5 after the removal of cycle. Further if the time spent in cycle (t5 � t2)is greater than the lifetime of the ant before the cycle (t2 � t1), the forward ant F1!5 is destroyed.

2110 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

data structures of the node, the local model of thetraffic Mk and the routing table Tk, for all theentries corresponding to the destination node d.The update of routing tables at each node alongthe path as the backward ant travels from thedestination to the source node is known as sub-path update method.2

• The mean ld and variance r2d entries in the local

model of traffic Mk are modified using (1) and(2). The best value tbestd of the forward ants triptime from node k to the destination d stored inthe moving observation window Wd is alsoupdated by the backward ant. If the newlyobserved forward ant’s trip time tk!d fromthe node k to the destination d is less thentbestd , then tbestd is replaced by tk!d.

• The routing table Tk is changed by increment-ing the probability phd 0 (i.e., the probability ofchoosing neighbor h when destination is d


and decrementing, by normalization, the otherprobabilities pnd 0 . The probability phd 0 isincreased by the reinforcement value r as:

2 Ifthen thsub-pafrom t

phd 0 phd 0 þ rð1� phd 0 Þ: ð7Þ

the cycles are not removed from the forward ant’s path,e sub-path update will lead to statistical bias [5]. Thus, theth update should be used only if the cycles are removedhe forward ant’s path.

3 CparamP[l(Xvaluethe inand 1

The probabilities pnd 0 of the other neighboringnodes n for destination d

0are decreased by

the negative reinforcement as:

pnd 0 pnd 0 � rpnd 0 ; 8n 6¼ h; n 2 N k: ð8ÞThus, in AntNet, every path found by the for-ward ants receives a positive reinforcement.

• The reinforcement value r used in (7) and (8) isa dimensionless constant (0,1] and is calculatedas:



r¼ c1tbestd


tsup� tbestd

ðtsup� tbestd Þþðtk!d� tbestd Þ: ð9Þ

In (9), tk!d is the newly observed forwardant’s trip time from node k to the destinationd and tbestd is the best trip time experienced bythe forward ants traveling towards the desti-nation d over the observation window Wd.The value of tsup is calculated as:

tsup ¼ ld þrdffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

1� cp ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

jW max

pj; ð10Þ

where c is the confidence level.3 Eq. (10) repre-sents the upper limit of the confidence interval

nsider a sample of observations X = (X1, . . . .,Xn). For anyeter d defined for X, find an interval [l(X),u(X)] such that6 d 6 u(X)] = 1 � / i.e., the interval contains the trueof the parameter d with probability 1 � /. In such a caseterval [l(X),u(X)] is a (1 � /) · 100% confidence interval� / is the confidence level [17].

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Fig. 4. The squash function s(x) for different values of the coefficient aNk


S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125 2111

for the mean ld, assuming that the mean ld

and the variance r2d are estimated over Wmax

samples [17]. There is some level of arbitrari-ness in choosing the confidence interval in(10) since the confidence interval is asymmet-ric and the mean ld and the variance rd arenot arithmetic estimates [4]. The first term in(9) evaluates the ratio between the current triptime and the best trip time observed over themoving observation window. The second termis a correction factor and indicates how far thevalue of tk!d is from tbestd in relation to theextension of the confidence interval [4].The values of c1 and c2 indicate the relativeimportance of each term. It is logical to as-sume that the first term in (9) is more impor-tant than the second term. Hence, the valueof c1 should be chosen larger than the valueof c2. The value r calculated in (9) is finallytransformed by means of a squash functions(x) defined by:

4 Low values of r indicate sub-optimal paths.

sðxÞ ¼ 1

1þ exp axjNk j

� � ; where x 2 ð0; 1�;

a 2 Rþ; ð11Þ

r sðrÞsð1Þ : ð12Þ

The squash function s(x) is introduced in theAntNet algorithm so that small values of r

would have negligible effect in updating therouting tables [4]. Due to the squash functions(x), the low values of r are reduced further,

and therefore do not contribute in the updateof routing tables.4 The coefficient a


mines the dependence of squash function s(x)on the number of neighbors Nk of the nodek. Fig. 4 shows the effect of coefficient a


the squash function s(x). Fig. 4 shows that ifthe value of coefficient a

Nkis less than 1, then

even low values of r get incremented due tothe squash function s(x). Thus, the value ofparameter a should be chosen such that thecoefficient a

Nkis greater than 1.

Data packets use different routing tables than theforward ants for travelling from the source node tothe destination node. The routing table values fordata packets are obtained by re-mapping the rout-ing table entries used by forward ants by means ofa power function g(v) and re-normalizing theseentries.

gðvÞ ¼ vb; b > 1: ð13Þ

The power function g(v) emphasizes the highprobability values and reduces lower ones, and thusprevents the data packets from choosing linkswith very low probability. The data packets have afixed time to live (TTL); if the data packets do notarrive at the destination within the TTL, they aredropped.

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4.2. Complexity analysis of the AntNet algorithm

We first calculate the complexity, defined as num-ber of elementary operations, of a single forwardant to travel between a given source node and agiven destination node in the AntNet algorithm.At every node along the path between a givensource and destination node, the forward ant needsto search through the stack it maintains in the mem-ory to find whether to use (5) for choosing the nextnode or to choose the next node uniformly amongthe neighbors. The worst-case complexity of search-ing through the stack is O(1), if the stack is imple-mented as a combination of linked list and anadditional array or an hash table. Further, the com-plexity of (5) is O(Nk) since the probability valueshave to be calculated for each of the Nk neighbors.In unfNet, the forward ants choose the next nodeuniformly among the neighbors of the node, andtherefore the above operations are not required.There are other computations that a forward antperforms at each node: the forward ant needs topush the identifier of the current node and the timeat which it arrived into the stack which is O(1), theforward ant goes to the queue for one of the outgo-ing links which is O(1). Let the maximum hopcountof the forward ant be M. In the worst case, the for-ward ant has to do all the computations at each ofthe M nodes. Thus, the worst-case complexity fora single forward ant to travel between a given sourcenode and a destination node in AntNet is O(MNk),while in unfNet it is O(M).

The worst-case complexity for a single backwardant to travel between a given source node and a des-tination node is also O(MNk). This can be calcu-lated as follows. The backward ant performs threeoperations at each node along the path it travelsbetween a given source node and a given destinationnode. First, the backward ant needs to pop the stackto find out the next node to travel. The pop opera-tion in the stack is O(1). Second, the backward antgoes to the queue for one of the outgoing linkswhich is O(1). The backward ant updates the rout-ing table for each of the neighbors Nk for the desti-nation d which is O(Nk). Furthermore, in the worstcase the backward ant has to do all the computa-tions at each of the M nodes.

We calculate the worst-case complexity ofAntNet when the total number of forward or back-ward ants generated is given by q > 1. Since theworst-case complexity of a single forward or back-ward ant to travel between a given pair of nodes is

O(MNk), the worst-case complexity of AntNet whenq forward or backward ants are generated isO(qMNk). Furthermore, we know that the worst-case complexity for Dijkstra’s shortest path algo-rithm using a Fibonacci heap is O(N logN + L).This analysis shows that the complexity of Ant-Net algorithm is comparable to Dijkstra’s’ shortestpath algorithm when M and Nk are small as com-pared to N.

We now calculate the worst-case complexity ofAntNet for finding the shortest path. Let us assumethat one forward ant searches for one distinct pathand one forward/backward ant pair updates onlythe routing tables at the source node for the givendestination node. In the worst case, at any givennode there is an equal probability of creating a for-ward ant with any one of the N � 1 nodes as thedestination. Thus, only one out of N � 1 forwardants is used to search for the shortest path betweena given source and destination. Let us denote thenumber of paths between a source and a destinationin G(N,L) by m. Adding the contributions yields aworst-case complexity to search for the shortestpath in AntNet (CAntNet) with m = mmax of

CAntNet ¼ OðmMN kNÞ; ð14Þ

where mmax is the upper bound on the maximumnumber of paths between a source and destinationnode in G(N,L). The upper bound mmax on the totalnumber of paths between a source and destinationnode in G(N,L) is [9]

mmax ¼ ½eðN � 2Þ!�: ð15Þ

In case of a random graph Gp(N), with a fixedlink density p and N nodes, the following upper-bound for the average number of paths applies [15],

mmax ¼ pN�1e1pðN � 2Þ!

h i; ð16Þ

Eq. (16) shows that the number of paths between agiven pair of nodes decreases as the link density p inthe random graph Gp(N) is decreased.

4.3. AntNet implementation

The time Ti!j for a data packet or ant packet(forward ant or backward ant) to travel from a nodei to a node j is calculated as:

T i!j ¼qj þ sizePacket

Ci!jþ Di!j: ð17Þ

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where qj is the length of the low priority queue atnode i for the link i! j, sizePacket is the size of thepacket, Ci!j is the available capacity of the link be-tween node i and node j and Di!j is the propagationdelay of the link i! j. The term sizePacket


the transmission delay for the packet and the termqj

Ci!jrepresents the queuing delay experienced by

the packet while waiting at node i for the linki! j. The term propagation delay and link weighthave been used interchangeably in the text.

We have simplified the model shown in Fig. 1 forour implementation of the AntNet algorithm. Weassume that the packets go directly to the outgoingbuffer and the outgoing buffer consists of a low pri-ority and a high priority queue for all the outgoinglinks. But the queuing delay in (17) and parameter lnin (5) are still calculated using the number of pack-ets waiting in the low priority queue for a particularlink.5 Further, we assume that each node is able toremove one packet from its high priority queueand low priority queue in the output buffer (forany outgoing link) at a rate of 0.01 milliseconds(ms). This assumption makes the queueing delaysnegligible in most of our simulations.

We implement the AntNet algorithm under staticand dynamic conditions. In the static implementa-tion of AntNet, we assume that the forward antsuse only the propagation delays for network explo-ration and routing table updates. Thus, no queueingor transmission delays that depend on the packetsize and capacity of the links are taken into accountduring the static implementation of AntNet. In thiscase, the Eq. (5) reduces to p0nd ¼ pnd and Eq. (17)for forward ant packets reduces to Ti!j = Di!j. Inthe dynamic implementation of AntNet, both thequeueing and transmission delays as well as thepropagation delays are used for choosing the nextnode and updating the routing tables.

We compare the results of AntNet with Dijk-stra’s shortest path algorithm. However, underdynamic implementation, there is an important dis-tinction for comparison of AntNet to Dijkstra’sshortest path algorithm. In Dijkstra’s shortest pathalgorithm, the cost of the shortest path is the sum ofindividual link weights (propagation delays) alongthe path. However in AntNet, the cost of the short-est path used for updating the routing tables isassumed to be the sum of link weights along the

5 The packets in the high priority queue and low priority queueare served in FIFO order.

path and the transmission and queuing delays.The delay in the queues is included in the Ant-Net algorithm to account for the traffic conditionsin the network. Thus, there is no static shortest pathin the AntNet algorithm. However, for the compar-ison of AntNet to Dijkstra’s shortest path algo-rithm, we plot the weight of the paths in theAntNet algorithm excluding the transmission andqueuing delays.

To validate our simulations, in addition to plot-ting the pdf of the hopcount for the shortest pathand the paths in the AntNet algorithm, we also plotthe values for pdf of hopcount of the shortest pathobtained by using theory. It has been demonstratedby van der Hofstad et al. [8] that for a fixed linkdensity p and sufficiently large N, the shortest pathtree in a random graph Gp(N) with uniformly dis-tributed link weights is an uniform recursive tree(URT). The probability density function of the hop-count in the URT with N nodes is:

Pr½HN ¼ k� ¼ ð�1ÞN�ðkþ1ÞSðkþ1ÞN

ðN � 1ÞðN � 1Þ! ; ð18Þ

where SðkÞN is the Stirling number of the first kind [1].

5. Results

5.1. Simulation parameters

The simulations are performed on randomgraphs of the class Gp(N) consisting of N nodesand independently chosen links with probability p.The link weights reflecting the propagation delaysare uniformly distributed in (0,1] ms and the capac-ity of each link is 8.192 Mbit/s for all our simula-tions. For each random graph of the type Gp(N),we used Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the short-est path between the source node and the destina-tion node based on the link weights. On the otherhand, in AntNet, the data packets travel betweena given pair of nodes using the probabilistic routingtables. Indeed, there could be a number of pathsthat the data packets choose which might be theshortest path, the second shortest path etc. For Ant-Net, we find the average link weight (or end-to-enddelay) and the average hopcount of the paths thatthe data packets use to travel between the sourceand the destination node over the entire simulationperiod. Furthermore, each simulation consists oflarge number (105 or 104) of random graphs of the

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2114 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

type Gp(N). The source (node 1) and destination(node N) are chosen to be fixed in our simulations.

In our implementation of the AntNet algorithm,the simulation period (SP) consists of the trainingperiod (TP) and the test period (TEP). During TP,only ant packets are generated while during TEP,both the data and ant packets are generated. Wehave chosen the simulation period (SP) to be104 ms. The training period (TP) has been chosento be 103 ms. Each node generates data packetsaccording to a Poisson process with mean interarri-val time of 12.5 ms. The destination for data packetsis chosen randomly. The size of data packets gener-ated follows a negative exponential distributionwith mean of 4096 bits. The size of forward antpacket is assumed to be 192 bits at the time the for-ward ant packet is generated and the size increasesby 64 bits for each hop the forward ant travels.The size of backward ant is assumed to be 500 bits.The average number of neighbors of a node in arandom graph Gp(N) is p(N � 1), the default valueof parameter a is chosen as p*N in our simulations.The maximum size of the output buffer, which isassumed to be the sum of the sizes of all low priorityqueues in the output buffer, is 109 bits. Table 1 liststhe various parameters and their default values thatwe have chosen for our simulations. The values ofparameters a, c1, c2, a, confidence interval (c) andthe size of forward ant packet have been replicated

Table 1Various parameters and their default values used in thesimulations

Name, symbol Value

Link capacity Ci!j 8.192 Mbit/sLink weight (propagation delay) Uniformly distributed (0,1]

msSimulation period (SP) 104 msTest period (TEP) 9.103 msTraining period (TP) 103 msBackward ant size 500 bitsInitial forward ant size 192 bitsa used in (5) 0.2e 0.1c1 used in (9) 0.7c2 used in (9) 0.3a used in (11) p*N

b used in (13) 3Confidence interval (c) used in (10) 0.95Output buffer size 109 bitsMean interarrival time for data

packets12.5 ms

Data packets TTL 10 msMean data packet size 4096 bits

from [4]. The values of the parameter g, the maxi-mum size of the observation window Wmax andthe ant generation rate have been varied extensivelyand therefore are not listed in Table 1.

5.2. Static implementation of the AntNet algorithm

In this Section, we study the AntNet algorithmunder static conditions i.e., the forward ants useonly the propagation delays for network explora-tion and routing table updates. Under these condi-tions, a direct comparison between the staticshortest path calculated by using Dijkstra’s algo-rithm and the AntNet algorithm paths can be made.The ant generation interval is 4 ms during TP and40 ms during TEP. The TTL of data packets isassumed to be 20.0 ms. The value of parametersg = 0.1 and Wmax = 50. Fig. 5 shows the simulationresults comparing the pdf of the hopcount and theweight for the shortest path and the AntNet algo-rithm paths6 for N = 25, 50 and p = 0.2 (The defaultvalue of parameter e is chosen as 0.).

Fig. 5 shows that the AntNet algorithm con-verges to a good solution. Furthermore, the perfor-mance of AntNet improves when the value ofparameter e is chosen greater than 0. Since no queu-ing delays are considered, the network explorationin AntNet is restricted by the routing tables andmany paths are not explored (The value of p0nd inEq. (5) is equal to pnd). With e = 0.1, the probabilityof exploring different paths increases leading to animprovement in the performance of AntNet. Indeedfor static implementation, unfNet performs betterthan AntNet using e < 1 since all the paths areexplored with equal probabilities in unfNet.

5.3. Dynamic implementation of the

AntNet algorithm

In this section, the AntNet algorithm implemen-tation is dynamic but we compare the results withDijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. We also studythe effect of different parameters, such as ant gener-

6 The probability density function (pdf) of the hopcount andthe weight for the AntNet algorithm paths and the shortest pathare computed over (104) random graphs of the type Gp(N). InAntNet, for each random graph of the type Gp(N), the pathweight and hopcount represent the ’’average path weight’’ and‘‘average hopcount’’ for all the packets to travel between thesource and destination node during the entire simulation period.

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f WN(x


N = 50 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.46, var[AntNet] = 1.9 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.45, var[Dijkstra] = 0.04

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.74, var[Dijkstra] = 0.2 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.0, var[AntNet] = 1.5

= 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 1.26, var[AntNet] = 0.5 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.19, var[unfNet] = 0.4

p = 0.2


N = 50 AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.28, var[AntNet] = 7.3 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 3.54, var[Dijkstra] = 2.6

N = 25 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.31, var[AntNet] = 5.3 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 2.95, var[Dijkstra] = 1.9

= 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.18, var[AntNet] = 2.0 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.7, var[unfNet] = 1.4

p = 0.2





f WN(x



N = 50 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.46, var[AntNet] = 1.9 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.45, var[Dijkstra] = 0.04

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.74, var[Dijkstra] = 0.2 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.0, var[AntNet] = 1.5

ε = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 1.26, var[AntNet] = 0.5 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.19, var[unfNet] = 0.4

p = 0.2






N = 50 AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.28, var[AntNet] = 7.3 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 3.54, var[Dijkstra] = 2.6

N = 25 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.31, var[AntNet] = 5.3 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 2.95, var[Dijkstra] = 1.9

ε = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.18, var[AntNet] = 2.0 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.7, var[unfNet] = 1.4

p = 0.2

hop kpath weight x (ms)

Pr [H


Fig. 5. The pdf of the (a) weight and the (b) hopcount of the Dijkstra’s shortest path, unfNet algorithm paths and the AntNet algorithmpaths for N = 25 and N = 50 for p = 0.2. The ant generation interval during the TP is 4 ms. Each simulation consists of 104 iterations(g = 0.1, Wmax = 50).

S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125 2115

ation rate, squash function s(x), parameter b etc., onthe performance of AntNet. The performance com-parison between AntNet and Dijkstra’s algorithmand the optimization of various parameters for Ant-Net is still valid since the transmission delays arevery small for forward ant packets. Furthermore,the queueing delays are also small since packetsare removed from nodes at a very fast rate as com-pared to the rate at which packets are generated.Thus, the total delay experienced by forward antpackets is still dominated by the propagation delays.The TTL of data packets is assumed to be 10.0 msand the value of parameter e is 0.1 in all the simula-tions in this section.7

5.3.1. The effect of the ant-generation rate and thelink density p

We first compare the performance of AntNetwith Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm for differentant-generation rates and different values of the linkdensity p for a 25 node network.

The values of TP and TEP are assumed to beconstant in our simulations as shown in Table 1.To study the effect of ant generation rate on theAntNet algorithm, we assume a fixed ant generationrate during the TEP only varying the ant generationrates during the TP. We consider three differentcases of the ant generation during the TP, namely40, 4, 0.4 ms.8 The corresponding results for thepdf of the hopcount and the weight for N = 25

7 In dynamic implementation of AntNet, there is negligibledifference between the performance of AntNet for e = 0 ande = 0.1.

8 g = 0.1, Wmax = 50 for all the simulations in this sub-section.

and different values of the link density p are shownin Figs. 6–8.

Figs. 6–8 show that the AntNet algorithm gives anear optimal solution for a 25 node network at lowvalues of the link density p (p = 0.2 and p = 0.1).The performance of AntNet algorithm decreasesas the value of the link density p in the randomgraph Gp(N) is increased. Additional simulationsfor N = 50 show similar trends as the link densityp is varied. Moreover, the comparison of AntNetfor N = 25 and N = 50 shows that the performanceof AntNet degrades as the network size N isincreased. Fig. 7 shows the validity of our compar-ison between AntNet and the Dijkstra’s algorithmsince the results for AntNet are similar to the resultsof AntNet under static implementation (Fig. 5).

Comparison of Fig. 6 with Figs. 7 and 8 showthat the AntNet algorithm converges to a goodsolution even at low ant generation rates. InFig. 6, the ant generation interval is 40 ms duringboth the TP and the TEP. Thus, only 25 forwardants are generated by each node during the TP tosearch for the shortest paths to all other nodes inthe network. The number of forward ants searchingfor the shortest path increases as the ant generationinterval is decreased from 40 ms to 4 ms during theTP. This leads to an improvement in the perfor-mance of AntNet. As the ant generation interval isdecreased from 4 ms to 0.4 ms, the performance ofAntNet remains same. This can be attributed tothe fact that the variations in the ant generation rateare related to the size of the moving observationwindow Wmax and the parameter g. The size ofthe moving observation window Wmax in above sim-ulations is large enough to distinguish between ant

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f WN(x


path weight x (ms)

p=0.8 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.703, var[AntNet]=0.11 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.19, var[Dijkstra]=0.0095

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.684, var[AntNet]=0.11 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.25, var[Dijkstra]=0.0166











hop k


AntNet E[AntNet]=1.998, var[AntNet]=0.35 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.87, var[Dijkstra]=1.90

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.986, var[AntNet]=0.407 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.864, var[Dijkstra]=1.88








f WN


6543210path weight x (ms)

p=0.2 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.32, var[AntNet]=0.43 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.753, var[Dijkstra]=0.155

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.702, var[AntNet]=0.90 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=1.388, var[Dijkstra]=0.618











12108642hop k


AntNet E[AntNet]=3.08, var[AntNet]=1.50 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]= 2.96, var[Dijkstra]=1.93

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=3.71, var[AntNet]=3.05 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.52, var[Dijkstra]=2.9






Fig. 6. (a) The pdf of the weight of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6 (ii) p = 0.2 andp = 0.1. (b) The pdf of the hopcount of the Dijsktra’s shortest path, AntNet algorithm paths and obtained by theory (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6(ii) p = 0.2 and p = 0.1. The ant generation interval during TP is 40 ms. (Each simulation consists of 105 iterations.)

9 All paths searched by the forward ants lead to positivereinforcement.

2116 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

generation intervals of 40 ms and 4 ms during TP.But since the size of the moving observation windowis small, it can store only the times of last 50forward ants generated from a given source to agiven destination. This indicates that even if theant generation rate is increased with a small windowsize, the performance of AntNet remains same ormay even go down. Additional simulations showthat the AntNet algorithm performs better atg = 0.02 and Wmax = 200 than at g = 0.1 andWmax = 50 for different ant generation rates and dif-ferent values of the link density p.

We also performed simulations for the unf-Net algorithm under identical conditions, as above.Table 2 lists the simulation results for the unf-Net algorithm for N = 25 and different values ofthe link density p (p = 0.2 and 0.8). The results showthat unfNet performs worse than AntNet for lowant generation rates (or large values of the ant gen-eration interval). In unfNet, all the paths are contin-uously searched independently of the routing tables.While in AntNet, the probability that future for-ward ants choose paths with large delays isdecreased by each forward ant. Therefore, in Ant-

Net, mainly low delay paths contribute to routingtable updates and the AntNet algorithm performswell even with a low ant generation rate.9 Whenthe ant generation rate is high, the performance ofunfNet is comparable to the AntNet algorithm. Thiscan be attributed to the fact that the data traffic issmall and the variations in delays along differentpaths is negligible.

5.3.2. Lattice topologies

In this Section, we investigate the performance ofAntNet for lattice topologies. We compare the per-formance of AntNet with Dijkstra’s shortest pathalgorithm for the lattice topology shown in Fig. 9.The source and destination nodes D1 and D2 areassumed to be fixed. The ant generation interval is4 ms during TP and 40 ms during TEP (g = 0.1,Wmax = 50. The value of parameter a is chosen as5.) Fig. 10 shows the simulation results comparingthe pdf of the hopcount and the weight for the

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f WN(x


path weight x (ms)

p=0.8 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.62, var[AntNet]=0.093 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.19, var[Dijkstra]=0.0096

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.58, var[AntNet]=0.1 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.25, var[Dijkstra]=0.0166








Pr [



108642hop k


AntNet E[AntNet]=1.88, var[AntNet]=0.33 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.875, var[Dijkstra]=1.88

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.881, var[AntNet]=0.38 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.861, var[Dijkstra]=1.87








f WN


43210path weight x (ms)

p=0.2 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.25, var[AntNet]=0.416 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.75, var[Dijkstra]=0.154

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.64, var[AntNet]=0.864 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=1.39, var[Dijkstra]=0.621









Pr [




hop k


AntNet E[AntNet]=2.99, var[AntNet]=1.45 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.95, var[Dijkstra]=1.93

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=3.63, var[AntNet]=2.91 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.54, var[Dijkstra]=2.90






Fig. 7. (a) The pdf of the weight of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6 (ii) p = 0.2 andp = 0.1. (b) The pdf of the hopcount of the Dijsktra’s shortest path, AntNet algorithm paths and obtained by theory (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6(ii) p = 0.2 and p = 0.1. Same scenario as in Fig. 5 but with an ant generation interval of 4 ms during the TP.

S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125 2117

shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths.Fig. 10 shows that the AntNet algorithm performswell for lattice topologies. Also, the performanceof AntNet degrades as the number of nodes in thenetwork is increased.

5.3.3. The effect of the moving observation window

size Wmax and the parameter gIn AntNet, the moving observation window is

used to store the cost of the shortest path from agiven source node to a given destination node. Fur-thermore, the moving observation window is alsoused to improve the accuracy of mean ld as shownin (10). The optimal size of the moving observationwindow is hard to determine because it is linked tothe ant generation rate and the parameter g. Fordetermining the optimal value of Wmax it is notsufficient to calculate the number of forward/back-ward ants alone. This is due to two reasons. First,each forward ant does not search for a distinct path.Second, the backward ants update the routing tablesat each of the nodes along the path for the givendestination as they travel from the destination nodeto the source node. Under ideal conditions, if each

ant searches for one distinct path, the size of themoving observation window should be equal to orgreater than the number of paths between any pairof nodes in the network. Thus, at any instant of timethe moving observation window would contain theshortest path. Indeed, the size of the moving obser-vation window can be effectively chosen in smallnetworks where the number of paths between a pairof nodes in the network is small. Our simulationsshow that increasing the value of Wmax withoutchanging other parameters such as the ant genera-tion rate and g leads to a small improvement inthe performance of AntNet.

The parameter g is used to estimate the mean ld

and the variance r2d by using the exponential model

as shown in (1) and (2). The parameter g representshow many of the previous forward ant’s trip timeseffect the mean or average value. In the exponentialmodel, the weight of the current forward ant’s triptime to a destination tz after m forward ants forthe particular destination have been received isg(1 � g)m�z. The smaller values of g indicate thatthe mean value is calculated over a large numberof forward ant trip time samples. Our simulations

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f WN(x


path weight x (ms)

p=0.8 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.622, var[AntNet]=0.1 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.19 ,var[Dijkstra]=0.0096

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=0.577, var[AntNet]=0.1 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.25, var[Dijkstra]=0.0166












hop k


AntNet E[AntNet]=1.88, var[AntNet]=0.33 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.86, var[Dijkstra]=1.88

p=0.6 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.87, var[AntNet]=0.38 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.858, var[Dijkstra]=1.87








f WN(x



path weight x (ms)

p=0.2 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.257, var[AntNet]=0.419 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.752, var[Dijkstra]=0.156

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.636, var[AntNet]=0.868 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=1.387, var[Dijkstra]=0.628









hop k

p=0.2 AntNet E[AntNet]=2.999, var[AntNet]=1.455 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.952, var[Dijkstra]=1.934

p=0.1 AntNet E[AntNet]=3.618, var[AntNet]=2.92 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.525, var[Dijkstra]=2.92


Pr [



(i) (i)

(ii) (ii)

Fig. 8. (a) The pdf of the weight of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6 (ii) p = 0.2 andp = 0.1. (b) The pdf of the hopcount of the Dijsktra’s shortest path, AntNet algorithm paths and obtained by theory (i) p = 0.8 and p = 0.6(ii) p = 0.2 and p = 0.1. Same scenario as in Fig. 5 but with an ant generation interval of 0.40 ms during the TP.

Table 2The mean hopcount and weight for the unfNet algorithm forN = 25


Ant generation intervalduring TP (ms)

E [pathweight] (ms)



0.8 40 0.75 1.820.8 4 0.63 1.620.8 0.4 0.59 1.550.2 40 1.38 2.960.2 4 1.2 2.670.2 0.4 1.16 2.61

p = 0.2 and 0.8. g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50.

0 1 2 43 5 6

7 8 10 11 12 13

14 15 16









28 3230



31 3433


44 45


4746 48





Fig. 9. The 49-node lattice topology used for our simulations.The source node and the destination nodes D1 and D2 areassumed to be fixed as indicated.

2118 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

show that changing g from 0.1 to 0.02 does noteffect the performance of AntNet significantly. Thisindicates that at light traffic loads, the pathsbetween pair of nodes in the AntNet algorithmquickly converge to the mean value for that pathmaking the second term in (1) redundant. The vari-ations in parameter g might effect the performanceof AntNet, if the traffic conditions or topology ofthe network varies. Under such conditions, the pathbetween a pair of nodes will deviate significantlyfrom the mean value. Thus, for a static topology

with low traffic loads, the AntNet algorithm is veryrobust to changes in the parameter g.

Finally, to study the combined effect of theparameters g, Wmax and the ant generation rateson the performance of AntNet, we set the ant gener-ation to a very high value i.e., the ant generation

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f WN(x


86420path weight x (ms)

Destination-D1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.68, var[AntNet] = 0.40 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.95, var[Dijkstra] = 0.23

Destination-D2 AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.72, var[AntNet] = 0.7 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 3.58, var[Dijkstra] = 0.38

N = 49Lattice Topology






Pr [

H =


20181614121086hop k

Destination-D1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 6.3, var[AntNet] = 0.17 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 6.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.49

Destination-D2 AntNet E[AntNet] = 12.9, var[AntNet] = 0.56 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 12.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.37

N = 49Lattice Topology

(i) (ii)

Fig. 10. The pdf of the (i) weight and the (ii) hopcount of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths for a 49 node latticetopology. The source node and destination nodes D1 and D2 are fixed as shown in Fig. 9. Each simulation consists of 105 iterations.

S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125 2119

interval is 0.4 ms during the TP and 4 ms during theTEP. We also choose a very large size of the movingobservation window i.e., Wmax = 16,000. The valueof Wmax is sufficient to store the trip times of all for-ward ants generated by the given node as well as thetrip times of forward ants received due to the sub-update method. Furthermore, the value of parame-ter g is chosen as very small i.e., g = 0.001 so thatlarge number of sample trip times of forward antsare used to calculate the mean and variance in (1)and (2). Fig. 11 presents the simulation results com-paring the pdf of the hopcount and the weight forthe shortest path, and the unfNet and AntNet algo-rithm paths for different values of Wmax for N = 25and p = 0.8.

Fig. 11 shows that the performance of AntNetcan be improved by varying the parameters g, Wmax

and the ant generation rates in conjunction witheach other. Thus, the inherent coupling betweenant generation rate and the parameters g and Wmax

contributes to the complexity and robustness of theAntNet algorithm. Fig. 11 also shows that the per-






f WN(x


path weight x (ms)

AntNet Dijkstra unfNet

E[AntNet] = 0.54, var[AntNet] = 0.069E[Dijkstra] = 0.19, var[Dijkstra] = 0.01E[unfNet] = 0.55, var[unfNet] = 0.075

N = 25p = 0.8

Fig. 11. The pdf of the (a) weight and the (b) hopcount of the Dijkstra’spaths for N = 25 and p = 0.8 (g = 0.001, Wmax = 16,000). Each simula

formance of unfNet is worse than AntNet, eventhough the data traffic is small. In unfNet, the for-ward ants move independently of the routing tablesand all the paths are searched with equal probabili-ties. In AntNet, if the path is found to incur a largedelay, the probability of choosing the particularpath by the future forward ants becomes less. Butsince every path found receives a positive reinforce-ment (in both unfNet and AntNet), the number ofnon-optimal paths updating the routing tables inunfNet is more.

5.3.4. The effect of the confidence interval, squash

function s(x) and the parameter bWe first study the effect of confidence interval on

the performance of AntNet. The second term in (10)i.e., rdffiffiffiffiffiffi

1�cp ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

jW max


is used to improve the accuracy in

estimation of the mean ld but introduces additionalcomplexity in the AntNet algorithm. Fig. 12 showsthe simulation results comparing the pdf of the hop-count and the weight for the Dijkstra’s shortest path






= k



hop k

AntNet Dijkstra unfNet

E[AntNet] = 1.69, var[AntNet] = 0.21E[Dijkstra] = 2.85, var[Dijkstra] = 1.89E[unfNet] = 1.45, var[unfNet] = 0.2

N = 25p = 0.8

shortest path, unfNet algorithm paths and the AntNet algorithmtion consists of 104 iterations.

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f WN(x


path weight x (ms)

Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=0.968, var[Ant-Net]=0.246 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.75, var[Dijkstra]=0.155


Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=0.963 ,var[Ant-Net]=0.24 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.75 ,var[Dijkstra]=0.15











hop k

Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=2.58, var[Ant-Net]=1.044 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.945, var[Dijkstra]=1.93

tsup = µd

Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=2.578, var[Ant-Net]=1.04 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=2.95 ,var[Dijkstra]=1.92


Fig. 12. The pdf of the (a) weight and the (b) hopcount of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths for N = 25 andp = 0.2 for tsup = ld and tsup calculated using (11) (g = 0.1, Wmax = 50, a = 20). The ant generation interval is 40 ms during the TP andTEP. Each simulation consists of 105 iterations.


2120 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

and the AntNet algorithm paths, when the termrdffiffiffiffiffiffi

1�cp ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

jW max

pjis not used in the estimation of tsup. This

case is shown as tsup = ld in Fig. 12. The simulationsare performed for N = 25 and p = 0.2. Also, thevalue of parameter a is chosen as 20 such that theaverage value of the coefficient a

Nkis 4. (The ant gen-

eration interval is 40 ms during TP and TEP. Thevalue of parameters g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50.)

Comparison of Figs. 12 and 6 shows that choos-ing a large value of parameter a improves theperformance of AntNet. Furthermore, under thesimulation parameters considered, the removal ofthe term rdffiffiffiffiffiffi

1�cp ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

jW max


does not change the perfor-

mance of AntNet. Thus, Eq. (10) could be simplifiedto reduce the complexity of AntNet.

The parameter b determines whether single ormulti-path routing is followed by the data packets.The value of parameter b needs to be greater than1 to prevent the data packets from choosing linkswith very low probabilities. A large value of b(b� 1) indicates that the data packets follow onlysingle-path routing. On the other hand b = 1 indi-cates that the data packets follow the routing tablesand may even choose links with very low probabil-ities. Thus, b = 1 corresponds to multi-path routing.We compare the performance of AntNet algorithmfor b = 1 and b = 100. When b = 100, the datapackets are effectively following a single-path rout-ing. Fig. 13 shows the simulation results comparingthe pdf of the hopcount and the weight for theshortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths forp = 0.1 for b = 1 and b = 100 for a 25 nodenetwork.10

10 The ant generation interval is 40 ms during the TP and theTEP. The value of parameter g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50.

Fig. 13 shows that the performance of AntNetimproves as b is increased for p = 0.1. This showsthat there is a greater probability that the shortestpath has been correctly identified in the Ant-Net algorithm at lower values of p. Thus, makingb = 1 prevents the data packets from choosing thepath with the highest probability and leads to datapackets following sub-optimal paths. On the otherhand, b = 100 improves the performance of AntNetsince the data packets follow only a single-pathrouting which has a greater probability of beingthe shortest path also.

5.4. Traffic measurements

In this Section, we compare the end-to-end delaysfor AntNet and Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm. Aset of randomly chosen nodes are congested duringeach iteration and have an additional queueing delayof 10 ms for every packet. To make a fair comparisonbetween the algorithms, we assume that the size of alldata packets is same i.e., 4096 bits and the TTL fordata packets is set to infinity. In addition to the nor-mal data, we send a small number of data packetsalong the shortest path from the source to the desti-nation node11 (source routing or src_rt). Fig. 14shows the simulation results comparing the pdf ofthe hopcount and the end-to-end delay (weight) forthe Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithmpaths for N = 50 and p = 0.1. (The ant generationinterval is 4 ms during TP and 40 ms during TEP.The value of parameter g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50.)

Node 1 is the source node and node 25 is the destination node.In AntNet, the data packets are generated at a uniform intervalof 5 ms, while in src_rt, the data packets are generated at auniform interval of 100 ms.

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f WN(x



path weight x (ms)

β=1 Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=1.744, var[Ant-Net]=0.93 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=1.385, var[Dijkstra]=0.62

β=100 Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=1.686, var[Ant-Net]=0.891 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=1.385, var[Dijkstra]=0.617







Pr [



1412108642hop k

β=1 Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=3.79, var[Ant-Net]=3.19 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.521, var[Dijkstra]=2.92

β=100 Ant-Net E[Ant-Net]=3.67, var[Ant-Net]=3.01 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.52, var[Dijkstra]=2.92


Fig. 13. The pdf of the (a) weight and the (b) hopcount of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths for b = 1 andb = 100 for N = 25 and p = 0.1. The ant generation interval is 40 ms during the TP and TEP. Each simulation consists of 105 iterations(g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50).

S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125 2121

Fig. 14 shows that the AntNet algorithm per-forms better than single shortest path routing interms of end-to-end delay. In src_rt, since Dijkstra’salgorithm is used to compute the shortest path fromthe source to the destination, the queueing delaysare not considered. During the iterations when thereare no congested nodes along the shortest path, theend-to-end delays for the data packets using src_rtand AntNet are comparable. However, when thereare one or more congested nodes along the shortestpath, the data packets using src_rt incur queueingdelays along the congested nodes. On the otherhand, the AntNet algorithm performs load balanc-ing and reduces the probability of data packetschoosing the paths with congested nodes.

Table 3 lists the simulation results for the Ant-Net, unfNet and the src_rt algorithms for N = 50and N = 25 (p = 0.2,0.1). We consider different







f WN(x



end-to-end path delay (ms) AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.1 var[AntNet] = 13 src_rt E[src_rt] = 7.2, var[src_rt] = 48

path weight (ms) AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.1, var[AntNet] = 1.1 src_rt E[src_rt] = 0.89, var[src_rt] = 0.17 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.89, var[Dijkstra] = 0.17

N = 50 p = 0.1







f WN(x



end-to-end path delay (ms) AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.1 var[AntNet] = 13 src_rt E[src_rt] = 7.2, var[src_rt] = 48

path weight (ms) AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.1, var[AntNet] = 1.1 src_rt E[src_rt] = 0.89, var[src_rt] = 0.17 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 0.89, var[Dijkstra] = 0.17

N = 50 p = 0.1

path weight/delay (ms)

Fig. 14. The pdf of the (a) end-to-delay/weight and the (b) hopcountsource routing path for N = 50 and p = 0.1. The ant generation inteWmax = 50). Each simulation consists of 104 iterations.

number of congested nodes and ant generationrates. Table 3 shows that unfNet generally performsworse than AntNet under varying traffic loads. Theperformance of unfNet becomes worse as comparedto the AntNet algorithm, when the ant generationrate is low and the size of the network is increased.In AntNet, the network exploration is restricted topaths that incur low delays and only these pathsare used to update the routing tables. In unfNet,the forward ants move independently of the routingtables. Thus, even the large delay paths are used toupdate the routing tables leading to a poor perfor-mance of the unfNet algorithm. This shows thatthe unfNet algorithm reduces the complexity but,in general, leads to a decrease in the performance.

To further study the load balancing capabilitiesof AntNet, we assume that during each iteration,a set of five randomly chosen nodes are congested







AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.5, var[AntNet] = 4.4 src_rt E[src_rt] = 3.6 ,var[src_rt] = 2.6 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 3.6 ,var[Dijkstra] = 2.6

N = 50 p = 0.1







AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.5, var[AntNet] = 4.4 src_rt E[src_rt] = 3.6 ,var[src_rt] = 2.6 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 3.6 ,var[Dijkstra] = 2.6

N = 50 p = 0.1

hop k


H =


of the Dijkstra’s shortest path, AntNet algorithm paths and therval is 4 ms during the TP and 40 ms during the TEP (g = 0.1,

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Table 3The expected hopcount/weight for the unfNet, AntNet, and the src_rt algorithms for N = 25, 50 (p = 0.2,0.1) with different number ofcongested nodes and different ant generation rates (g = 0.1 and Wmax = 50)


Network size(N)

Link densityp

Ant generation interval (ms) Congestednodes

E [path delay](ms)

E [hopcount]


unfNet 50 0.1 4 40 8 5.6 3.8AntNet 50 0.1 40 40 8 5.8 4.7unfNet 50 0.1 40 40 8 12.7 6.2AntNet 25 0.2 4 40 4 3.4 3.2src_rt 25 0.2 4 40 4 5.8 2.9unfNet 25 0.2 4 40 4 3.5 2.8AntNet 25 0.2 40 40 4 3.7 3.4unfNet 25 0.2 40 40 4 5.5 3.3AntNet 25 0.2 4 4 4 3.36 3.3unfNet 25 0.2 4 4 4 3.1 2.8AntNet 50 0.2 4 40 4 3.1 3.3src_rt 50 0.2 4 40 4 4.3 3.5

2122 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125

after 5000 ms of the SP. For each iteration, we com-pute the packet delay and the hopcount averagedover 250 ms moving windows. Fig. 15 shows thesimulation results for the packet delay and hop-count for N = 50 and p = 0.1 averaged over 104

iterations (The ant generation interval is 4 msduring TP and TEP. The value of parametersg = 0.02 and Wmax = 200). Fig. 15 shows how Ant-Net adapts to the introduction of congested nodes.Before 5000 ms there is small data traffic, and theaverage end-to-end delay and hopcount for the Ant-Net algorithm are constant. After the nodes becomecongested, there is a sudden increase in the end-to-end delay. However, the AntNet algorithm adjuststo the changing traffic leading to a decrease in the









ay (





40002000time (ms)

Path delay (ms) AntNet src_rt

Hopcount src_rt AntNet

Fig. 15. Transient analysis of AntNet for N = 50 and p = 0.1. The path104 iterations. The ant generation interval is 4 ms during the TP and T

end-to-to-end delay. On the other hand in src_rt, asingle shortest path is used for routing throughoutthe SP. As a result when the nodes become con-gested, the average end-to-end delay increases.

6. Conclusions

The AntNet algorithm performs well for randomgraphs and lattice topologies. The AntNet algorithmgives a near optimal solution at p = 0.2 and p = 0.1for a 25 node network. This can be attributed to thefact that the number of paths between any givenpair of nodes in the network at p = 0.2 andp = 0.1 is small. Since the AntNet algorithm startssearching for the shortest path in a random fashion,


weight and delay are averaged over 250 ms moving windows andEP (g = 0.02, Wmax = 200).

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the smaller the number of paths between a pair ofnodes the greater is the probability that the algo-rithm converges to a near optimal solution. The per-formance of AntNet algorithm degrades as thenetwork size or the link density p is increased.

The AntNet algorithm is robust to changes in thetraining of the network and converges to a goodsolution even at low ant generation rates. Furtherincreasing the ant generation rates leads to animprovement in the performance but this is relatedto choice of other parameters such as Wmax and g.Indeed, the coupling of various parameters is theinherent cause of complexity in the AntNet algo-rithm and changing one parameter favorably maynot lead to an improvement in performance untilthe other parameters are also changed. The perfor-mance of AntNet can be improved by using a largevalue of the parameter a in the squash function s(x).In this case, only the near optimal paths update therouting tables. The complexity of AntNet can bereduced by a number of methods, such as choosingparameter b = 1 and simplifying the calculation ofparameter r, but this generally comes at the expenseof performance.

Due to inherent load balancing, AntNet per-forms better than shortest path routing under vary-ing traffic loads. For small networks, when thetraffic loads are small and the ant generation is suf-ficiently high, a modified version of the AntNet algo-rithm (unfNet) can be used. This reduces thecomplexity of the AntNet algorithm. The robust-ness and near optimal performance of the Ant-Net algorithm makes it an attractive solution forrouting in communication networks.






[H =


1412108642hop k

N = 100 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.81, var[Dijkstra] = 0.19 AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.74, var[AntNet] = 7.43

N = 50 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.91, var[Dijkstra] = 0.3 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.56, var[AntNet] = 4.88 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.77, var[unfNet] = 1.3

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 2.14, var[Dijkstra] = 0.6 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.79, var[AntNet] = 3.82 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.72, var[unfNet] = 1.4

p = 0.2






[H =


1412108642hop k

N = 100 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.81, var[Dijkstra] = 0.19 AntNet E[AntNet] = 5.74, var[AntNet] = 7.43

N = 50 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.91, var[Dijkstra] = 0.3 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.56, var[AntNet] = 4.88 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.77, var[unfNet] = 1.3

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 2.14, var[Dijkstra] = 0.6 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.79, var[AntNet] = 3.82 unfNet E[unfNet] = 2.72, var[unfNet] = 1.4

p = 0.2

Fig. 16. (a) The pdf of the hopcount/weight of the Dijkstra’s shortest pand p = 0.2. (b) The pdf of the hopcount/weight of the Dijsktra’s shop = 0.8. The ant generation interval is 4 ms during TP and 40 ms duiterations.

In future work, we will study the AntNet algo-rithm for dynamic networks such as ad hoc wirelessnetworks. The scalability of AntNet would also beinvestigated. Furthermore, other modifications forthe AntNet algorithm such as using both data andant packets for updating the routing tables wouldalso be considered. The AntNet algorithm wouldbe considered a truly distributed and scalable algo-rithm, if the nodes are able to learn and adjust thevarious parameters to be used in the algorithm. Thiswould also be investigated in future work.


We include additional results for the AntNetalgorithm under static conditions i.e., the forwardants use only the propagation delays for networkexploration and routing table updates. The simula-tion parameters are assumed to be the same asSection 5.2 but the link weights reflecting the pro-pagation delays are assumed to be 1 ms for all thelinks. Fig. 16 shows the simulation resultscomparing the pdf of the hopcount and the weightfor the shortest path and the AntNet algorithmpaths for N = 25, 50 and N = 100 for p = 0.2 andp = 0.8.

We show additional results for the AntNet algo-rithm under dynamic conditions (Section 5.3).Fig. 17 shows the simulation results comparing thepdf of the hopcount and the weight for the shortestpath and the AntNet algorithm paths for N = 50and N = 100 for p = 0.1. The ant generation inter-val is 40 ms during TP and TEP. (The value ofparameters g = 0.02 and Wmax = 200.)






Pr [

H =


12108642hop k

N = 50 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.16 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.28, var[AntNet] = 4.17

γ = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.1, var[AntNet] = 1.7 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.86, var[unfNet]= 0.53

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.16 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.25, var[AntNet] = 2.59

γ = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.2, var[AntNet] = 0.86 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.65, var[unfNet] = 0.3

p = 0.8






Pr [

H =


12108642hop k

N = 50 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.16 AntNet E[AntNet] = 4.28, var[AntNet] = 4.17

ε = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.1, var[AntNet] = 1.7 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.86, var[unfNet]= 0.53

N = 25 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra] = 1.2, var[Dijkstra] = 0.16 AntNet E[AntNet] = 3.25, var[AntNet] = 2.59

ε = 0.1 AntNet E[AntNet] = 2.2, var[AntNet] = 0.86 unfNet E[unfNet] = 1.65, var[unfNet] = 0.3

p = 0.8

ath and the AntNet algorithm paths for N = 25, 50 and N = 100rtest path and the AntNet algorithm paths for N = 25, 50 and

ring TEP (g = 0.1, Wmax = 50). Each simulation consists of 104

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f WN(x



path weight x (ms)

N=50 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.87, var[AntNet]=0.71 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.9, var[Dijkstra]=0.178

N=100 AntNet E[AntNet]=1.865, var[AntNet]=0.67 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=0.525, var[Dijkstra]=0.047








Pr [




hop k

N=50 AntNet E[AntNet]=4.17, var[AntNet]=2.56 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=3.64, var[Dijkstra]=2.64

N=100 AntNet E[AntNet]=4.19, var[AntNet]=2.49 Dijkstra E[Dijkstra]=4.21, var[Dijkstra]=3.16


Fig. 17. The pdf of the (a) weight and the (b) hopcount of the Dijkstra’s shortest path and the AntNet algorithm paths for N = 50, 100and p = 0.1. The ant generation interval is 40 ms during TP and TEP (g = 0.02, Wmax = 200). Each simulation consists of 104 iterations forN = 50 and 103 iterations for N = 100.

2124 S.S. Dhillon, P. Van Mieghem / Computer Networks 51 (2007) 2104–2125


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Piet Van Mieghem is professor at theDelft University of Technology with achair in telecommunication networksand chairman of the basic unit NetworkArchitectures and Services (NAS). Hismain research interests lie in new Inter-net-like architectures for future, broad-band and QoS-aware networks and inthe modelling and performance analysisof network behavior and complex infra-structures. He received a Master’s and

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the K.U. Leuven (Belgium)in 1987 and 1991, respectively. Before joining Delft, he worked at

the Interuniversity Micro Electronic Center (IMEC) from 1987 to

1991. From 1992 to 1993, he was a visiting scientist at MIT in thedepartment of Electrical Engineering. During 1993–1998, he wasa member of the Alcatel Corporate Research Center in Antwerpwhere he was engaged in performance analysis of ATM systemsand in network architectural concepts of both ATM networks(PNNI) and the Internet. Currently, he is member of the editorialboard of the journal Computer Networks.

Santpal S. Dhillon received the in Electrical and ComputerEngineering from Duke University inMay, 2003. He is currently pursuing hisPh.D. degree in the NAS group at DelftUniversity of Technology. His workmainly focuses on routing protocols andalgorithms.

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