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Web hit series...




Also in this issue•CrossFit Connection•Colours of Health•Modern Home Gym





training at 60

Page 2: Perform issue 1

Cover: actress Luisa D'OliveriaCover Shot: Karolina TurekArticle Photos: Javier Lovera


Catching up with 'Cracked' actress Luisa D'Oliveira

OTHERFEATURES11. The Colours of Health. Taste the rainbow.

13. The Original Hulk Lou Ferrigno discusses training at 60.

14. Canada's CrossFit Connection supergym.

15. The 'Modern' Home Gym

16. Jenn Styslo (active issue cover model) & Yogi

17. Gear Reviews

Next Issue: 'Arrow's' Manu Bennett

Published by AllFitMedia845 Harringtonn Crt.Burlington,

contents issue 1. volume 1, 2013, August



Fitness Cover Photographer: Sacha Niveole, Purple Tree PhotographyHair & Make-up: Natasha Ledrew

Gear ReviewsPage 20

Picture of the Polar RCX5 Tour de France Heart Rate Computer

Page 3: Perform issue 1

For the premier issue of perform we wanted someone special to be our first breakthrough actor, and who better than Canadian actress Luisa D'Oliveira? The last year has been very good to Luisa with parts in a number of films & television shows, and now she's the co-star of a new television show 'Cracked' which has just been

renewed for a second season, and she will also be appearing in the feature film 'Red Machine' along side Thomas Jane, Billy Bob Thornton and James Marsden.

You lived in Vancouver until only a year ago or so, did you move to Toronto for Cracked, or did you just see the film industry moving that way and follow it? Did you audition for the role in Vancouver? I booked the role in Vancouver and that triggered the move. Since then a lot of areas of my life have been going well in Toronto, so for the most part, I'm staying here!What was the audition process for 'Cracked' like? It wasn't as intense as I thought it would be. I sent in two audition tapes and auditioned with the casting director in Vancouver. Immediately after, I really wasn't sure how the audition went. There are auditions you feel you nail, and ones that you really have no idea about and this was one of those. I wasn't actually cast until a month later, after I was sure I didn't get it and had actually forgotten about the project. It was the best kind of surprise.The shows co-creator Calum deHartog is a real police officer, how does this add a

perform profile

LUISA D'OLIVEIRAdifferent dynamic? Calum absolutely adds a different dynamic. He knows the world we're telling stories about and provides insight and clarity that no one else can. His insight makes us think differently about scenes. When we're unsure whether we're telling some part of the police world right, he's the one that can give a clear answer. I definitely look to him to see if what I'm doing passes for a cop. Plus, he's been in real danger as an ETF officer so stressing about trivial things around him just makes you feel stupid. He brings a calm to the working environment. After all, we're just making a TV show.

Cracked seems to take focus on mental illness. Is it the shows overall theme to make people understand mental illness a little better, and to help shed some light on the subject & stigma associated with it? Absolutely. We try to portray the world as honestly as possible. It affects everyone in one way or another, but is rarely talked about. Our show may help open the doors to conversation and awareness.How do you as an actor or team of actors prepare to deal with such a touchy subject? It's important that we respect it, and I believe the best way to respect it is to portray it as honestly as possible. We all do a lot of research. Our creative team has a lot of compassion for those affected by mental illness. I believe the writing reflects that. And we've had so many wonderful actors who have brought so much life and honesty to the guest star roles. I feel we've done a good job showing the human side of mental illness. It is an illness after all.Your role on the show seems to be a little bit in the background so far, will Poppy be increasing her presence as the show moves forward? She'll start to make her mark as Cracked continues. Our writers have some fun things planned. I'm really excited to have the chance to bring more to Poppy and the show, she brings a unique outlook that is important. I think we'll see more of her in the coming season.

A lot of people seem to think that the film industry in Vancouver is dying, and TO is booming. Is this a shared opinion in TO? What is the feel of the industry in TO? Toronto is definitely busy, but I don't believe the industry in Vancouver is dead or will ever die. As a location it's so versatile, it perform magazine

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has an amazing industry set up already and it's such a short plane ride from Los Angeles with no time zone change. Government policy can severely affect how lucrative the industry is, but government parties and government policies change all the time. I'm confident things will be green once again. As far as the Toronto industry goes, it's a solid machine with a really good indie scene. What is your opinion of the industry as a whole...looking for an agent, dealing with photographers, acting teachers, auditioning process, networking with industry people, etc.? What have you seen that is good, and what have you seen that is bad? What advice would you give to people currently going through the entire acting process? It's a difficult industry to navigate, especially since there's no one way to do it. You want an agent who is connected but also believes in you because if they believe in you they'll go to bat for you. If you keep getting turned down by agents, ask them for feedback why. It could be they have people on their roster like you already, or they don't feel you're ready. Find acting teachers who empower you and whose methods you believe in. And try many different acting teachers. You can learn a lot by observing different methods. As far as auditioning and booking jobs, it really is about right place right time. There's almost no escaping the audition grind. The best thing you can do is be prepared for each audition and do your best to anticipate what the producers and directors are looking for. If you can find the middle ground between anticipating that and being able to merge it with your own creative ideas, you're golden. And have fun! You're making entertainment, it should be entertaining! Above all, if you want to act then keep working at it. This industry is all about learning and adapting.A lot of female actors it seems, hide that they have a boyfriend or try to remain/appear single as they think that having a relationship will ruin their chances with filmmakers, yet you have had a BF for over 6 years. How has being in a relationship affected your career, auditions, networking? Being in a relationship hasn't affected my career at all, that I know of anyway. If anything it's made it better, because I've become better because of it. I understand how we have this concern, I had it also at one point, but you can't let that dictate how you act. As long as they are supportive of you and you are respectful of them, having a

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significant other should enrich your acting life, not hinder it.You're in a new movie coming out with Billy Bob Thornton and Thomas Jane, 'RedMachine', what can you tell us about that? It's going to be a fun film! I'm excited to see it myself. Working with those actors was one of the best acting lessons I've had. Every moment of their acting was so rich, so full of life, it was inspiring. They were always prepared, always ready. That shoot showed me how you play in the big leagues.How important is fitness and healthy eating to you as an actor? It's really important when you have a grueling schedule. The most important thing for me is to know my body and know what I can and can't get away with. I have to eat well and exercise to keep my energy up and stay in shape. Staying healthy is pretty vital. Do you follow a special diet, or a philosophy on nutrition? I eat a pretty balanced diet, and I eat only small amounts of dairy, wheat and sugar. I'll indulge in unhealthy food, but only occasionally and not if I have something coming up that I really need to be in strict shape for like a photo shoot. Salads, soups, fresh fruit, fresh meat and rice are my staples. You have to take care of your mind as well as your body.What do you do to keep fit? In Vancouver you did some CrossFit and Krav Maga, have you kept up with these? Do you have a gym you call home or a personal trainer that helps you stay in shape? I have a gym in my apartment that I use, and I do yoga often and bike a lot in the summer. I try to mix it up since I get

bored easily, and I try to do something physical every day. Krav Maga was fantastic, I loved it! I haven't found a good place in Toronto yet though. I find myself doing lots of pushups and squats in my trailer to keep my energy up also.

Watch Luisa in 'Cracked' on CBC this fall. Check your local guide for information, and be sure to watch for her new film 'Red Machine'.

Luisa training hard on the TRX. perform perform magazine

Cover Shot: Karolina TurekArticle Photos: Javier Lovera

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We Double Dare You to...

ENTER THE DOJOWeb series are becoming big, very big. There are even a few that are followed as closely as your average television series. Enter The Dojo is one of those series.

Based around the main character, Master Ken leads a New Mexico martial arts school in his own, and very odd style of martial art, 'Ameri-Do-Te' which he describes as a martial art that is the "best of all, and worst of none". perform managed to catch up with series creator, lead actor and producer Matt Page to take us into the depths of this deadly martial art.

How did you get the idea for Enter The Dojo? Have a lot of people figured out that Master Ken in the red Gi is a kick back to Street Fighter 2, and that Billy and his blue Gi is a Double Dragon reference?I've been training since I was a teenager and in that time I've met a lot of "Master Ken" type characters. Eventually I just needed to create

a story about my experience in the world of martial arts. Initially I wanted it to be more of an action storyline but I've been drawn to comedy for so long and I'm glad we went that direction.Our hardcore fans pick up on all kinds of references that we make in the show…even the obscure ones.

What shows and movies influenced ETD? It has been referred to as 'The Office', but in a martial arts school. The BBC version of "The Office" is one of my most favorite things ever. I watched it over and over for about a year. Every night it was on my computer. So I wanted to emulate the format without being too derivative. I also remembered seeing the movie "Foot Fist Way" and thinking that I wish they had taken it further. That was where the idea came together.

What influenced Master Ken’s character?I've known lots of genuinely tough guys who say things that sound really cool like "Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six." But I can't say that stuff. I sound like an idiot. So I borrow from some really fantastic trainers, fighters, martial artists and movies I've seen as well as some real wacky characters I've met that maybe didn't always know what they were talking about.

How long does each episode take to film?We generally shoot three episodes in a weekend. We move very fast. It's the

Article by Julie KrolPhotos by Enter The Dojo perform magazine

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Master Ken's Tiger Wisdom

•Ameri-do-te is a martial art that is best of all, and worst of none.

•There' s a reason you wont find a good video of a kill face on the internet, anyone who has seen it is most likely dead.

• I let my students know that when they're outside of the dojo, whether they are in a bar, or a restaurant, or on an actual street, they are in the street.

•Recently someone told me that Ameri-Do-Te's hand techniques were as fast as lightning. I was insulted for two reasons! One, lightning it to slow. And two, after an Ameri-Do-Te storm there are no survivors.

•One of the only disadvantages of being the master of Ameri-Do-Te, is I'm the only qualified to promote myself.

• If Chuck Norris ever crosses paths with Ameri-Do-Te, he will be S-O-L. Suddenly On Life (support).

editing that takes so much longer.

Why martial arts? Do you have a background in MA?Yes. I have a background in MA. I love martial arts. I only poke fun at it because I love it so much I've been analyzing it for quite some time. I got my 1st Dan in Okinawan Kenpo and Kobudo under Sensei Pelletier back in the 90s.

What do you currently do for fitness?Lately I run, lift weights and I just resumed my Jiu Jitsu training. I have good friends who practice Kenpo so occasionally I can join them for some techniques.

Do you think an active lifestyle is beneficial to actors, and how so?Absolutely. As an actor your body is an instrument. Like any instrument it must be maintained. Acting for 12 or 14 or 16 hours a day is very taxing and it helps to be in good shape.

Capoeira seems like a natural martial art for Master Ken to make fun of. When will that happen, since those Cap guys take it seriously?Capoeira is definitely at the top of a very long list of arts we still plan to go after. The more serious everyone in martial arts takes themselves the more material I have for the show.

Master Ken makes fun of a lot of martial arts, have there been any people that don’t get the humor or just can’t take a joke? I’m sure the ninjutsu jokes must have made a few ninjas mad.Yeah, the internet ninjas were the only ones to threaten Master Ken's life. What's most encouraging is that when some people discover the show their first reaction is "Hey! Don't say that about my style!", then once they are in on the joke they say "That's awesome! Make fun of mine next!"

You were concerned about funding for the episodes at one time. Has ETD managed to solidify some backing? You were at 1.9

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million views, so there is obviously a following. Is the selling of merchandise: T-shirts, patches, etc. part of that plan?We're now at 3.4 million views and we managed to raise $20K through IndieGoGo for Season 3 thanks to our amazing fans. We're still looking for a sponsor though, so hopefully that will happen soon. And merchandise for the show is available now at

This season has brought in a lot of big MMA names. How did you get people like Greg Jackson and Keith Jardine involved? Are you finding that people are approaching you to get on the show, or are you asking them?People that have achieved their own success in things like MMA are big fans of the show and they get the humor. They're also some of the most humble people to work with. Having Greg, Julie and Keith on Season 2 was such a treat.

What can we expect in the near future from ETD?Season 3 will bring new characters, celebrity appearances and some more on the origin of Master Ken and Ameri-Do-Te.

Any interest from TV or specialty channels?I've been out to Hollywood a couple times to pitch the show. Fingers crossed!

Has the popularity of ETD changed anything for you or the cast? Are you recognized more, or invited to showcase your show at expos, conventions?Everyone except me gets recognized all the time. I look so different when I'm out of costume with no make up that no one knows I'm Master Ken. But the others get recognized at restaurants, bars and sometimes just walking down the street. Ben Ziegler who plays Billy the Brown Belt said he was walking down Central Ave in Albuquerque at like 7am on a Saturday and some guys leaned out the window as they drove by and yelled "BILLY!!!”

When and how did the acting bug bite you?I've been acting since I was in elementary school but really didn't take it too seriously until I lived in New Mexico. The entertainment industry is vibrant here so I've had the pleasure of being on all kinds of productions including "Breaking Bad" which is one of the best shows in the history of television.

What projects aside from ETD are you working on?I actually have about 8 movies that I've had small parts in that are "in the can" as they say. I had an awesome fight scene in the movie "Odd Thomas" so I'm looking forward to that one getting released. I'm busier than I've ever been. It's hard to keep up but I love it.

Where would you like your acting career to go?I'd like to create more characters that are as fun to play as Master Ken. I think I'm more comfortable as a character actor than when I have to play myself in anything.

Living in Albuquerque, how do you find the film industry? Any thoughts on ever relocating to Los Angeles or New York for work?It's hard not to think about it now that half my "ETD" cast lives in LA but I truly love New Mexico and I'm working as a filmmaker and an actor. That's all I ever really wanted.

And you own Riff Raff Entertainment, aside from ETD, what other projects do you as a director want to take on?Riffraff does promotional videos for all kinds of clients. The techniques and equipment we use on those projects also get used on“Enter The Dojo”which is why the production value is so high.

To watch the last 2 seasons of Enter the Dojo, or to see some special features go to the ETD YouTube perform perform magazine

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The AllFit Strongman course is the first of its kind to be offered in Canada! Learn REAL 'strongman' exercises and techniques from REAL Strongmen. And also learn how to incorporate Strongman training into your workouts, and if you're a trainer, help incorporate it with your clients.

WARNING: Only take this course if you're tired of fooling around with lite, sissy weights!

STRONGMAN is coming to a city near you! Beginning fall of 2013 we we will bringing our course all over Canada. And our world class instructors are 2nd to none!


Calgary Montreal

Check out our website for more details

Earn 2 CEC's with

Page 11: Perform issue 1

Colors of Health perform magazine

Different antioxidants have different benefits and qualities. perform helps lead you through the confusing rainbow.Red: usually means it's high in 'lycopene' which is great for preventing a number of cancers.Orange & Yellow: quite often high in 'beta carotene' a nutrient that is great for eye health and preventing a few types of cancer.Blue/Purple: may be high in 'anthocyanins' and 'reservatrol' Phytonutrients that are great for anti-inflammation, brain, heart, arteries and eyes.

Green: high in Vit. E, 'luetin' and other cancer preventing compounds.

White / Pale Green: cabbage, onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, chives, kale, sprouts, etc. Protect from DNA damage, and breakdown cancer causing compounds.

Eat your garlic

Taste the rainbow

Page 12: Perform issue 1

You really don't want to make him mad...

The original HULK

We see a lot of fitness competitors really let themselves go during the off season, what do you think about this? I disagree with that concept. I think you should be about 70% of your best shape all the time. After a comp, don't let yourself go, give your body a chance to rest, but don't go overboard with the diet and stuff your face.

What do you think of the modern bodybuilder look? It's tough, cause now it's about how much size you can pack on your body, how striated you are, I think they have sacrificed symmetry.

What do you think of CrossFit and Functional Fitness? Have you tried CF? I think it's a trend, it's good, but I think you still need to stay with conventional training, cardio, barbells, dumbbells. No, I haven't tried it, I know my body and I just keep the same trend I've been doing all these years.

Whats your regimen look like? I train body parts twice a week, 6 days a week, 4 sets, 8-10 reps, then I change exercises every time I train.

Whats your diet like? I eat well. Protein, carbs, fats. My meat, fish, eggs, poultry. I have some dairy products. I'm very careful not to exceed my calorie intake, meaning after 7:30 at night I'm careful about what I eat.

Are there any supplements today, you wish you had in the 70's? Not really. Well, protein. In the 70's I would buy meat powder with honey and hold my nose, we didn't have the fancy powders that are around today. I only use vitamin D, cal-mag, and a multi.

With superhero films all the rage at the box office lately and with Iron Man 3 hitting the theaters and the next Captain

America movie being released

soon, we couldn't think of a better

celebrity to include than one of everyones favorite superhero's Lou 'Hulk' Ferrigno.

So Lou, at 60 years old how do you stay in such great shape? I'm very consistent. I train 5-6 days a week, cardio for 30 minutes, and 45 minutes of weight training.

How has your training changed over the years? My training is about the same, I still have the same passion, but I don't train as heavy, I train in moderation.

What are the major changes you have noticed as you get older? You have to embrace the aging process, if you don't your body will say 'screw you'! But I try to train the same, as long as I can use correct form.

Lou FerrignoWritten by Julie Krol perform magazine

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One thing can be said about CrossFit, it's growing like crazy. It was only about 6 years ago that this fitness movement was almost unheard of, and the chances of finding a "CrossFit Gym" was nearly non-existant. Not anymore! CrossFit (CF) boxes are popping up everywhere with over 6,100 affiliated gyms, their annual CF Games; now in its 7th year, which brings thousands of competitors from all over the world together and is sponsored by Reebok, who have helped grow the brand (and prize $) by leaps & bounds (to the dismay of some purist CrossFitters, who see it as a corporate takeover of a grassroots brand). However, after all is said and done, you're sure to find a CF box in your city, and nothing could be truer than this in Burlington, Ontario.

Burlington, with a population of only 176,000 it seems is quickly becoming a CrossFit hub, with six registered CF affiliates and not one, but two CF boxes standing over 9000 sq. feet! Pretty impressive when the average box is about 3000 sq. ft. Even more impressive, the newly relocated CrossFit Connection stands one of the biggest CrossFit boxes in the country at just over 10,000 sq. ft., a move that was needed as the old 3,500 sq. foot location was becoming to crammed with new members. The impressive size with it's ability to transcend just CF training, CrossFit Connection is looking to become one of Canada's first functional fitness sup-

er gyms and fitness educational schools.

CrossFit Connection now has the space

and facilities to offer all the services and programs they have wanted, including nutritional counseling, bootcamps, cycling, workshops, and lectures in their all new classroom addition. CrossFit Connection is also the Ontario home to a number of CEC courses for canfitpro certified personal trainers and also offers the "canfitpro Personal Training Specialist" certification courses & testing as well, truly making this place a fitness powerhouse, helping people get a proper send off into the world of professional fitness careers.

CrossFit Connection has also built a Westside Barbell inspired strength gym, where members are allowed to come and train apart from the regimented WOD's of the CrossFit area. This side includes Prowler sleds, tires, chains, benches, battleropes, power racks, and many other assorted pieces not commonly used in the larger group settings. If you live near Burlington, CFC should be your gym, no excuses.CrossFit Connection: 845 Harrington Crt. Unit 5/ 905-639-5050

Crossfit connection

Written By: RoR AlexanderPhoto's by CFC

Just a part of the new 10,000 square foot location perform magazine

Page 14: Perform issue 1

When you need to get in shape and stay there for that top role, you NEED a home gym. But gone are the days of the Bow Flex and dusty old Ski Machine. Todays home gyms are mini functional fitness boxes with all the hard core included. Just a few 'Core' pieces are needed. Allow us to help you get ripped.


Home Gymmodern






Commercial Squat Rack with Pullup Bar.

Olympic Bar with Bumper Plates. 45. 25, and 10 pairs should do you fine.

A high quality jump rope. Be prepared to pay up to $60.

Kettlebells. 16kg and 24kg should be great.

Extreme Medball. 20lb for men, 12 or 14lb for women.

* a sandbag is a great idea too.





5 perform magazine

Page 15: Perform issue 1

COVER MODEL& Yoga Instructor Jenn StysloFor our premier issue, Jenn Styslo answered the call for our cover model. Leading a fit, healthy and active lifestyle is a MUST for our cover models, and Jenn is no exception. An avid yoga teacher, CrossFitter and holding a PT cert. with canfitpro. "As a Mom to an 8 year old boy, there's one big reason in this world I have to stay active and fit, and thats to keep with his energy! Living a healthy lifestyle is something I thoroughly enjoy. It’s exactly that; a lifestyle. I have adopted a way of living that makes me feel great. To stay fit I enjoy doing many things; weight lifting, CrossFit, yoga, kettlebells and snowboarding, and this is to just to name a few of my favourite activities. In October of 2011, I travelled to Nicaragua for a 5-week intensive yoga certification course held at El Coco Loco Resort. I received my 200 RYT certification in Hatha yoga from Kimberly Waugh, owner of Radiant Life Yoga School. This was honestly one of the best things I could have done for myself. I had practiced yoga for a few years prior to going and was ready to learn more. Currently I'm teaching yoga at Crossfit Connection. Teaching at CFC is great as I can blend my knowledge of personal training into my yoga classes, focus on specific body awareness techniques with flexibility to help CrossFitters get the most out of their workouts. When it comes to food, I mix a couple “diets" together to create the best meal

plan match for me as an individual. I have many intolerances to food, such as gluten, dairy, corn and soy. With that being said, my options are limited, though I love a good challenge and I love to eat! The books that I found to be the most interesting and helpful were, 'Eat Right For Your Blood Type', and 'The Paleo Solution'. I am in the habit of always starting off the day with breakfast and then eating every 3-4 hours. I find this keeps me energized and fueled for the day. If I had to give some personal advice on staying healthy and keeping fit, it would be this… Create a goal, and work towards it with consistency. Create a balance by blending all components of fitness; Strength, Cardio, Flexibility, Nutrition and Sleep. Never compare yourself to others and do what feels good for you. Work hard and always challenge yourself!"

Cover Model: Jenn StysloCover Shot:Sacha Niveole, Purple Tree PhotographyHair & Make-up: Natasha Ledrew

Jenn practicing some yoga on the beach in Nicaragua. perform magazine

Page 16: Perform issue 1

Polar RCX5 Tour de France Special Edition Hear Rate ComputerIf the time has come to get serious about your training, and stop screwing around, then the Polar RCX5 is for you. The RCX5 is the limited edition Tour de France heart rate monitor specially designed for triathlon training, but it's same to call it more of a training personal computer. The settings can easily be changed to accommodate any sport you may be doing, and it even gives perfect heart rate reading even when swimming using its WearLink Hybrid Transmitter. The RCX5 also includes their new G5 GPS sensor, rechargeable via micro USB cable, a barely noticeable chest strap & transmitter, a W.I.N.D. cadence transmitter that attaches easily to your bike, and a USB datalink for easily transferable information sharing to your computer. Available at


Sorinex Root Hog SledAnybody into serious training and conditioning knows the value of the push/pull sled. This piece of equipment is a conditioning coaches MUST HAVE tool, and very few sleds can challenge the Sorinex Root Hog. perFORM has had an amazing time with this punishing push/pull sled, and about half of the the on-camera cast of Breakfast Television Vancouver has had a chance to push and pull this bad boy up and down the local gym parking lot, and nearly everyone's comments are the same, "killer". The Root Hog comes with a 'lawnmower style handle, as well as the common push bars, a tough nylon pull cord which intelligently runs around a 'Reversa Bar', making direction changes easy and seamless. You truly have not run, until you have run pushing a Root Hog!Available at

Rival Thai Pads & MMA GlovesFor those of you familiar with boxing, Montreal based Rival Boxing company and their top notch quality is old news, but a lot of you may not know that Rival has been hitting hard at the world's fastest growing sport MMA, and their new lines of Rival MMA gear are up top par with any of their very popular boxing gear. Rivals original thinking muay thai pads are an example of this, withthe fit and feel of a focus mitt but the toughness and shape of a proper thai pad, this truly is a unique design. Rival also has a number of game changing MMA gloves, bag gloves and sparring gloves, and the ones we tried included the Sparring Gloves and Bag Gloves and we loved them all! Available at perform magazine

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INSIDE THE NEXT ISSUESpartacus: War of the Damed, and Arrow star

MANU BENNETT perform magazine

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Gear ReviewThe Modern Home GymEnter The Dojo


ver M







Follow us on08. 01. 2013 PERFORMMAG.COM

Ontario's CrossFit

CONNECTION: Functional

Fitness SuperGym

Colours of Health

'Cracked' Actor

Luisa D'Oliveria

Cover Model & Yogi

Jenn Styslo

Lou Ferrigno

Aging Training

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