
Millions of people all over the world enjoy the beneficial effect of magnetic therapy.

This method of alternative medicine is usually referred to under the widespread title “magnetotherapy”, which presupposes application of static magnetic field (usually created by means of permanent magnets recommended for wearing on the body).



Migraine Stress

StrokesProblems with eyesight




Menstrual cramps




Circulatory failure


Problems with the thyroid gland





PentActiv–effective means to strengthen health and enhance the energy potential;

PentActiv are unique therapeutic bracelets with bioceramic inserts that impact biologically active spots on the wrists and ankles;

PentActiv allows to normalize bioelectric current within the body and consequently harmonize functioning of all vital systems.

PentActiv are unique articles that couple stylish design and innovative scientific research technologies; PentActiv are manufactured from special top-quality Japanese surgical steel and coated with 23-carat gold;

Thanks to the bioceramic and magnetic inserts, PentActiv ensures a health-promoting effect of five natural elements on the body: silver and oxygen ions, infrared waves, germanium electrons and magnetic waves.

Acting integrally, these five elements enhance one another’s effect and:

have antibacterial properties;

have antiviral action;

improve overall body resistibility;

boost energy;

improve blood circulation;

normalize metabolism;

ensure tissues’ regeneration;

slow down ageing processes;

provide an anti-inflammatory effect;

strengthen the immunity;

help stabilize blood pressure.






NanosilverTeq (silver colour) —inserts with negatively charged nanosilver ions of the size of approximately 3-5 nanometres, that provide a pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effect.

According to the scientific research silver ions effectively destroy 650-700 types of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses and fungi, whereas even the best antibiotics can only destroy up to 5-10 types of bacteria.

SolarTeq (red colour) —bioceramic inserts that emit far IR-rays.

Penetrating into the skin IR-rays come in contact with water molecules and subsequently promote dilation of blood vessels. Better blood circulation in vessels facilitates normalization of metabolism and tissues’ regeneration.

AeroTeq (white colour)—bioceramic inserts that emit oxygen anions.

Anions in nature spring up near the waterfalls or water reservoirs. Once they get into the blood flow, they enter into biochemical reactions and increase the level of serotonin that produces a calming and anti-depressant action and surges energy and vitality. They help improve mood, mental and physical working capacities.

MagTeq (black colour) —inserts with the magnetotherapeutic effect to improve sleep, normalize pressure and prevent inflammations and pains in joints and muscles.

Promote better blood flow and easier transfer of oxygen and nutrients into cells. Make up for the lack of energy, alleviate fatigue and consequences of stresses.

GermaTeq (blue colour)—bioceramic inserts with germanium 200 PPM, that emit conversion electrons of small wavelength (10-1–10-6 nm).

Germanium promotes saturation of cells with oxygen and stimulates them to produce energy. Germanium also has vasodilating, antiedemic and immune-stimulating effects and enhances anti-tumour defense of the body.

All well-known manufacturers of therapeutic bracelets confine to including just 3 or 4 types of active inserts. And it is only Vision company that worked further on in its research and provided PentActiv bracelet with 5 special bioceramic and magnetic inserts, each type multiply recurring in the bracelet.

Fasten the bracelet on the wrist. In approximately 10 minutes you will feel warmth and tingling. However in some cases it may require several hours or even days. You can wear the bracelet as often as you wish. The size of bracelet may be adjusted to the wrist;

PentActiv bracelets are offered in two versions: classical design for men and exquisite design for women.

those who want to look stylish and have insignia of Vision;

everybody to improve health;

everybody to improve mood;

those who want to enhance the immune system;

those who aspire to boost physical and mental working capacities;

those who want to diminish the effect of adverse environmental factors.

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