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Paulo Freire on Mentoring:

“The fundamental task of the mentor is a liberatory task. It is not to encourage the

mentor’s goals and aspirations and dreams to be reproduced in the mentees, the

students, but to give rise to the possibility that the students become the owners of

their own history. This is how I understand the need that teachers have to transcend

their merely instructive task and to assume the ethical posture of a mentor who truly

believes in the total autonomy, freedom, and development of those he or she


From Mentoring the Mentor

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Table  of  Contents  

A  Word  from  Dean  Childers ...............................................................................................1  

Introduction  and  Acknowledgements ................................................................................2  

What  is  a  Peer  Mentor?.....................................................................................................3  

Why  Be  a  Mentor? ............................................................................................................4  

Common  Misconceptions  about  Mentoring.......................................................................5  

What  Does  a  Mentor  Do? ..................................................................................................6  Avoid  these  pitfalls: .................................................................................................................11  

How  Do  I  Begin  Mentoring?.............................................................................................12  Establishing  Your  Mentoring  Relationship. ..............................................................................13  

Frequently  Asked  Questions  from  Peer  Mentors .............................................................14  

Mentorship  Issues  Within  A  Diverse  Community .............................................................16  Common  Themes  Across  Groups..............................................................................................17  Themes  Particular  to  Specific  Groups.......................................................................................21  

Women  Graduate  Students .......................................................................................................21  Lesbian,  Gay,  Bisexual,  Transgendered,  Queer  (LGBTQ)  Graduate  Students ............................23  Underrepresented  Minority  Graduate  Students .......................................................................25  International  Graduate  Students...............................................................................................28  Graduate  Students  with  Family  Responsibilities .......................................................................30  Graduate  Students  from  Working-­‐Class  Backgrounds...............................................................32  Graduate  Students  with  Disabilities ..........................................................................................35  Returning  Graduate  Students ....................................................................................................38  

Wrapping  It  Up................................................................................................................40  

Graduate Division Contacts ...........................................................................................41  

Academic Integrity Guidelines.......................................................................................44  

Web Resources for Peer Mentors...................................................................................46  

Works Cited and Consulted ...........................................................................................47  

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A  Word  from  Dean  Childers   Dear Graduate Student Peer Mentors, Congratulations on being selected to UC Riverside’s Graduate Peer Mentor Program. I am excited to welcome you to the launch of a project I see as essential to the success of graduate students across the curriculum. Mentors have always played a crucial role in the accomplishments of graduate students, and here at UCR, faculty have embraced that responsibility. This year, we are fortunate to have the resources to create mentoring teams that include both faculty and graduate students. In doing so, I believe we have begun to create a kind of mentoring relationship that will help our diverse population achieve great successes. Mentoring styles are many and varied, and I know that most of you likely have had some experience either with being mentored or wishing you had been, knowing now in retrospect what you needed most. The purpose of this guide is not to interfere with your understanding of the mentoring process, but rather to provide support for the skills you have, remind you of details and situations you may have forgotten, and provide resources specific to UCR so that you might utilize them in your mentoring. We also hope that this will be a helpful tool for those who are new to mentoring in an environment as diverse as that of UCR. The first year of the mentoring program helped us identify successful practices for mentors. As we enter the second year of the program, I urge you to track carefully your processes, progress, and successes so that we can reproduce your efforts in the future. All of your feedback is important both to me as we continue to improve our Graduate Peer Mentor Program. I appreciate the time you commit to reading this guide, your commitment to your education, and your dedication to the rewarding work of mentoring your fellow graduate students.

Joe Childers Graduate Dean UCR

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Introduction  and  Acknowledgements     In putting together this UCR mentoring handbook, we consulted resources and materials

from multiple peer institutions. We adapted many aspects of mentoring handbooks developed

by the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan; University of Nebraska,

Lincoln; Washington University, and others. Their themes resonated well with our own

campus experience, and we thank them for generously sharing their work. UCR’s graduate

students, faculty, and staff were likewise instrumental in adding to our handbook their

insights and experience. Finally, thanks to the UCR community who put together so many

great programs upon which we lean in making our mentoring program successful.

This handbook will change and grow as our program develops and our goals and outcomes

become clearer. It will improve as both mentors and mentees provide us with accounts of

triumphs and failures, of challenges and solutions, of ideas and innovations.



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 What  is  a  Peer  Mentor?

A mentor is a knowledgeable and experienced

guide, a trusted ally and advocate, and a caring

role model. An effective mentor is respectful,

reliable, patient, trustworthy, and a very good

listener and communicator. Peer mentors are

graduate students, just like the mentees. They

are there to help in the way one friend helps

another. Because peer mentors are most like the mentees, they are often their strongest allies,

the people with whom the mentees feel they can share their deepest concerns without fear of


Peer Mentors

• take an interest in developing another person’s career and well-being.

• have an interpersonal relationship with those whom they mentor.

• advance the mentee’s academic and professional goals in directions most desired by

the individual.

• tailor mentoring styles and content to individuals, including adjustments due to

differences in culture, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic opportunity, physical ability,


• share stories with students about their own educational careers and the ways they

overcame obstacles.

• help students manage interaction with professors both in class and during office


• show students how they learned time management.

• listen to students describe personal problems and explore resources at

the university to deal with problems.

• help new students understand how to use resources at the university.

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Why  Be  a  Mentor?     Mentoring benefits new students!

• Students are less likely to feel ambushed by potential

bumps in the road, having been alerted to them and

provided resources for dealing with stressful or difficult periods in their graduate


• The knowledge that someone is committed to the student’s progress, someone who

can give them specific advice and be his/her advocate, can help to lower stress and

build confidence.

And it rewards mentors in an abundance of ways:

• Your mentees will engage you in their research interests, which will keep you abreast

of new knowledge and techniques and will apprise you of promising avenues.

• Your networks are enriched. Helping students make the professional and personal

connections they need to succeed will greatly extend your own circle of colleagues.

• Being a mentor is personally satisfying. Seeing your mentees succeed can be very


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Common  Misconceptions  about  Mentoring  

Misconception: In a university, you need to be an older person with gray hair (or no

hair) to be a good mentor.

Reality: In a university, mentors can be young or old. Some of the most outstanding

mentors of students are fellow students.

Misconception: By calling yourself a “Mentor,” you become a mentor.

Reality: Mentors are those who have developed consciousness about mentoring. In

their interactions with students good mentors demonstrate respect, patience,

trustworthiness, and strong communication skills, especially listening skills.

Misconception: Mentoring programs at universities are only for high-achieving


Reality: All college students need mentors, particularly those students who don’t

have academic role models or mentors in their families or communities. Mentoring

provides students with necessary support services to help them succeed academically

and to encourage them to serve their communities. Thus, the practice of mentoring is

central to the mission of UCR as the university strives to meet the needs of all its


Misconception: Only the person being mentored benefits from mentoring.

Reality: By definition, mentoring is a reciprocal relationship where both the mentor

and mentee learn from each other. True mentors are those who have developed the

wisdom to learn from those they mentor.

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What  Does  a  Mentor  Do?      

                                                              The mentor’s duties begin with the first meeting and extend through the first year of the

mentee’s graduate program. These duties extend well beyond helping students learn what is

entailed in the research and writing components of graduate school. First and foremost,

mentors socialize students into the culture of the discipline, clarifying and reinforcing—both

by example and verbally—what is expected of a professional scholar. Here are some of the

basic responsibilities mentors have to those graduate students who seek their guidance.

• Make a Commitment: Students who wish to become peer mentors are asked

to commit to mentoring one or more students for at least one year.

• Initiate contact with the mentee: Establish a positive, personal relationship

with your mentee(s) in a timely and friendly fashion. Avoid acting as if you

are only a professional service provider (“I’m here to do a job. I’m an

advisor/counselor; I’m not here to be your friend!”) Make a proactive effort to

act as a guide, a coach, and an ally and advocate.

• Be Available: Peer mentors are encouraged to be available in multiple ways,

including offering students your email address, office location, and home or

cell phone number. The boundaries phone calls to personal phones can be set

by each individual peer mentor. Basically, peer mentors will be asked to be

accessible during reasonable hours for most business.

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• Be a Good Listener: Listen, Listen, Listen. Ask about your mentee(s) questions or problems

and really listen to the answers. Let them vent their fears, frustrations, and other important

feelings, maintaining eye contact and showing that you are interested in what they have to

say. Resist the urge to give advice too soon.

Stay Present. Sometimes people feign listening, but they are really just waiting for the other

person to stop talking so they can say whatever they have been mentally rehearsing while

they’ve been pretending to listen. People can usually sense this, and it doesn’t feel good.

Reframe What You Hear. Summarize and repeat back your

understanding of what your mentees say so they know you

heard them. Focus on both the facts of the situation and the

emotions they might be feeling. For example, if your

mentee is talking about family problems, you might say, “It

sounds like the situation is pretty hostile. You seem like

you feel hurt.”

If it Seems Appropriate, Ask About Feelings. Ask them to

expand on what they’re feeling. Asking about their feelings

often provides a good emotional release and might be more helpful than just focusing on

the facts of their situation.

Keep The Focus On Them. Rather than delving into a related story of your own, keep the

focus on them until they are done talking. You can refer to something that happened to you

if you bring the focus back to them quickly. They will appreciate the focused attention, and

this will help them feel genuinely cared for and understood.

Help Brainstorm. Rather than giving advice in the beginning, which cuts off further

exploration of feelings and other communication, wait until they have finished telling you

both the facts and their feelings; then help them brainstorm solutions. If you help them

come up with ideas and look at the pros and cons of each, they’re likely to come up with a

solution they feel good about.

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• Maintain Confidentiality: Students will be encouraged to come to peer mentors for any

issue they would like to discuss, and these conversations should remain confidential.

However, there might be occasions when a problem arises that the peer mentor is not

equipped to handle. These cases include psychological crises, major problems in the

degree process (such as severe difficulties with an advisor), situations requiring the aid

of a trained counselor, or any other case which the peer mentor feels is beyond his or her

expertise. In such cases, the peer mentor should consult with the student about his or her

options, including the consultation of an outside source for additional advice. This may

require that mentees give permission for a peer mentor to share information pertinent in

solving a problem.

• Meet at scheduled times: Being serious about the need

to meet and arriving promptly for those meetings

signals your commitment to the peer mentor program.

Likewise, it models behavior appropriate to both

graduate school and the larger professional arena

• Maintain a positive attitude: Listen attentively to

your mentee(s) issues concerning both graduate school

and life, but focus on the solutions rather than the

problems. The challenge as a peer mentor is to help

graduate students develop the tools to overcome obstacles. Stay optimistic and

constructive: encourage your mentee(s) to solve problems and move on to the next steps

in achieving a graduate degree

• Model professional responsibility. It is crucial that the mentor consciously act with

integrity in every aspect of his or her work as teacher, researcher, and author. Students

must see that their mentors recognize and avoid conflicts of interest, collect and use data

responsibly, fairly award authorship credit, cite source materials appropriately, use

research funds ethically, and treat animal or human research subjects properly. This list

is not meant to be exhaustive: never compromising the standards that bestow validity on

the discipline is not a suggested guideline but essential to the profession.

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• Demystify graduate school. Many aspects of graduate education are unwritten or

vague, and the ability of new students to understand them is hampered by the fact that

they frequently do not know what questions to ask or what certain terminology means.

You can help by adjusting your conversations accordingly and clarifying your program’s

expectations for lab work, coursework, comprehensive exams, research topics, and

teaching. For each stage of the student’s program, discuss the prevailing norms and

criteria used to define quality performance.

• Encourage the effective use of time. Work with the student on developing schedules

and meeting benchmarks. Share techniques and practices that have been useful for

others but do not insist there is only one way. Rather, help them develop their own plan

and devise a strategy that helps them stick to it. For many students, the shift from the

highly structured nature of undergraduate education to the self-direction that is expected

in graduate school presents a significant challenge.

• Promote skill development: Help your mentee(s) to expand and improve academic and

career skills. Work together to learn how to accomplish specific goals (e.g. refining

research skills or brainstorming for a project or assignment). When and where

appropriate, emphasize educational or career management skills, such as decision-

making, goal setting, dealing with conflict, values clarification, and skills for coping

with stress and fear.

• Enhance your mentees’ ability to interact comfortably and productively with

people/groups from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic

backgrounds. Contrary to popular belief, we are not “all the same.” It is important to

acknowledge and understand, not ignore, our differences. We need to learn how to use

our differences as resources for growth. Respecting our differences is necessary but not

sufficient; we need to know how to negotiate our differences in ways that produce new

understandings and insights. Everyone holds particular preconceptions and stereotypes

about one’s own group and other groups. Take special care that you are not

(intentionally or unintentionally) promoting your own views and values at the expense

of your mentees’ viewpoints. Work at understanding and critically examining your own

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perspectives on race, sex, ethnicity, culture, class, religion, sexual orientation, and

gender identity. Your own willingness to interact with individuals and groups different

from yourself will make a powerful statement about the value placed on diversity.

• Assist with finding other mentors. One size does not fit all, and one mentor cannot

provide all the guidance and support that every student needs. Introduce students to

faculty, emeriti, alumni, staff and other graduate students who have complementary

interests. Effective mentoring is a community effort.

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Avoid these pitfalls: • Don't give advice unless asked.

• Don't allow mentees to be dependent on you.


• Don't complain about your own problems.

• Don't do your mentees’ work for them.

• Don't take responsibility for your mentees’ program or duties.

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How  Do  I  Begin  Mentoring?       You were likely mentored in some fashion, so you may find it

a useful starting point to think about how you felt (or feel)

about your own mentoring. Consider these questions:

• What kind of mentoring did you have?

• What did you like and dislike about the mentoring you received?

• How well have your mentor(s) helped you progress through your graduate program?

• How well have your mentor(s) prepared you for your academic career?

• What other kinds of mentoring would have been helpful to you?

Thinking about these points can help you develop a vision of the kind of mentor you want to

be and the most effective ways you can mentor students inside and outside your discipline.

You likely met, or will meet, your peer mentors and your graduate mentees at a social

gathering before the academic year begins. Follow-up by contacting them by email or by

phone. You will receive contact information for each one of them. Set up individual meetings

so you can get to know each other and establish your relationship.

In a companion mentoring guide, GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR GRADUATE MENTEES,

we suggest that mentees undertake a critical self-appraisal before they meet with either

faculty or peer mentors. Below is a modified version of this list for you to consider

discussing at your first meeting.

• Find out about your mentee’s previous educational experiences and why he or she

decided to go to graduate school. What does the student hope to achieve in pursuing a

graduate degree?

• Discuss your research projects and how they complement or diverge from your

mentee’s interests.

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• Offer suggestions about courses the student might consider, labs that might be

appropriate, and other training experiences she or he could seek.

Establishing Your Mentoring Relationship.

You and your mentee need to communicate clearly from the start about your respective roles

and responsibilities. Some people find it helpful to put such arrangements in writing, while

recognizing that circumstances and needs can change. Here are a few areas you may want to


• Goals: Ask students to develop and share with you a work plan that includes short-term

and long-term goals as well as the timeframe for reaching those goals. Make sure the

student’s work plan both meets the program’s requirements and is feasible.

• Meetings: Tell students how frequently you will be able to meet with them, and that it is

their responsibility to arrange and take the lead in these meetings. Let them know your

own schedule and limitations.

• Thresholds: Be explicit about the kinds of issues you feel require a face-to-face meeting.

Also let students know if they may contact you at home, and under what circumstances,

and ask them their preferences as well.

The hallmark of a successful mentoring relationship is a shared understanding of

expectations and responsibilities. These create the framework for the relationship, and they

are largely established in the early meetings with a student. A relatively modest investment in

those meetings can yield great dividends.

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Frequently  Asked  Questions  from  Peer  Mentors   1) How should I initiate contact with students, and how often? Send and e-

mail or phone your mentees and ask when they would like to meet. At the first

meeting you can discuss with them how often they would like to meet with

you. The first quarter, we would like you to meet at least once a week. Every

third or fourth week, you will meet with your Faculty Mentor at the same time.

This may change as the program develops and your relationship with your

mentee is established.

2) What type of advice should I be prepared to give to students? You will likely be asked

how long it usually takes students in your department to complete a degree, what steps are

necessary to complete a degree, things you have learned along the way towards completing

your degree (perhaps things you might have done differently), how to deal with advisors, or

how to choose one’s committee. You may also be asked about the more personal side of

graduate school. For example, you may be asked how you stay sane, how one can overcome

doubts about staying in grad school, how to balance relationships with work, or how to live

on a graduate student budget.

3) What do I do if the person I'm mentoring says that they think that he or she wants to

quit grad school? Ask why. If it is something you have been through before talk about your

experience. Find out if it is actually the program, the field of study, or the profession that he

or she dislikes. If not, find out if there are personal issues you might help with. In the latter

case, a referral to counseling services may be most appropriate.

4) What should I do if I find that I may not be the best one to be the mentor for a given

student? If you feel like you cannot effectively mentor one of your students, contact Kim

Palmore, graduate peer mentor advisor (phone 951-827-6113 or email

[email protected]). Explain your concerns, including why you think you are not the best

match. (Remember to obey rules of confidentiality here, though.) Hopefully, you will be able

to generate some ideas for connecting with your mentee or repairing your mentoring

relationship. Together, you and the graduate peer mentoring program advisor can find a

solution or a new mentor for your mentee. This change will not be abrupt, but rather a

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gradual transfer to a new mentor, except in extreme situations. If

mentor/student problems are more severe, contact Kim Palmore

immediately for further advice.

5) In brief, what type of time commitment will this involve?

Including the mandatory training meetings three or four times a

quarter, you should spend an average of five hours a week

performing mentoring duties. Of course, this is an average, and your

actual hours may vary from week to week. If you find yourself often

exceeding this estimate, please talk to Kim Palmore to discuss your


6) What type of support network is available if I find that I am being asked questions I

don't have ready answers for? Also, what should I do if a time-sensitive problem comes

up that I find I just don't have the time to deal with at the moment?

If you find yourself confronted with issues beyond your time demands or expertise, whether

personal or professional, please contact Linda Scott ([email protected]) in the graduate

division offices. She can handle all university policy issues and issues related to degree

progress, including time to degrees issues, advisor conflicts, etc. For issues of a more

personal nature, such as depression, emotional difficulties, etc., Sarah Pemberton

([email protected]) in Counseling Services is a great source of expertise. Before

referring a student to anyone, however, remember to follow the rules of confidentiality and

obtain the student’s permission.

7) For how long will I be assigned to mentor a particular person?

You will most likely be assigned to your mentees for their first academic year at the


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Mentorship  Issues  Within  A  Diverse  Community   UCR is a diverse campus and supports that diversity in its many manifestations. A diverse

graduate student population greatly enriches the scholarly, cultural, and social activities at the

University. The Graduate School is therefore committed to examining the issues that students

from historically underrepresented or marginalized populations face, with the expectation

that ultimately this will be of assistance to all of our graduate students. The purpose of this

section is to present the experiences of a diverse array of graduate students.

Many common issues surface in different populations of graduate students. Yet there are also

issues unique to or of greater concern to one set of students than another. Moreover, not all

students from a particular group share the concerns listed. Indeed, a great deal of variability

exists within each group in regard to their perspectives and experiences. Therefore,

comments such as “women can find it difficult to speak up in class,” refer only to the

frequently shared issues of that community.

Many of the students you will be mentoring will recognize their experiences in the text

below. We want them to take comfort in knowing they are not alone. We want you to

understand that these feelings are widespread and the result of varying life experiences. We

hope the following material will provide you with insight into issues facing others who are

different from you.

After  detailing  each  issue,  we  offer  preliminary  actions  you  can  take  to  help  to  improve  

the  graduate  experience  for  your  mentees.    In  many  cases,  these  suggestions  will  apply  

to  you  as  a  member  of  the  academic  community  in  addition  to  your  position  as  a  peer  

mentor.    In  the  mentee  handbook,  we  likewise  list  actions  that  students  can  take  to  

improve  their  own  graduate  experience.  We  consider  all  of  these  to  be  just  the  start  of  

possible  recommendations.  We  would  appreciate  hearing  from  you  about  other  ideas  so  

that  we  can  share  these  with  the  graduate  community  as  well.  


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Common Themes Across Groups The Imposter Syndrome At one time or another, nearly every graduate student wonders about his or her

competence: “Sure, I got into grad school, but it is just a matter of time before (insert bad

news here: I am exposed, I get kicked out, they find their mistake,

or I fail.) I am obviously not as smart as everyone else, and that

will soon become obvious.”

Often, even new faculty members suffer from the imposter

syndrome, wondering if the first or the second published article

was a fluke, if it is possible to repeat the kind of success they have

had. The impostor syndrome runs rampant in academia - and women and minority students

are especially prone to it.

The impostor syndrome is the feeling of being an intellectual fraud, and it is particularly rife

among high achieving persons. It is characterized by the inability to accept one’s success:

denying accomplishments, awards, and academic excellence, as well as dismissing success as

simply luck, good timing, or perseverance. Those who suffer from Imposter Syndrome

believe that they have only fooled people into accepting them into their university or

program. They deem themselves less capable than others believe. This, of course, is not true.

What it is, however, is damaging to a graduate student’s self-esteem, and therefore, to his or

her productivity. The Imposter Syndrome perpetuates an unwillingness to contribute to

discussions or to take reasonable risks in research projects for fear of being found out.


• Realistic and accurate assessments of performance are essential to eliminating the imposter

syndrome. It is difficult, however, to help sufferers because they often believe that you are

fooled too. Try documenting the successes of your mentee, including the specific actions that

led to the success. Note the experience and qualities that the mentee brings to the University.

When your mentee seems particularly doubtful of his or her performance, recite the details of

the recent success.

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• If appropriate, share your own feelings of inadequacy as an intellectual. Knowing that most

people question their abilities allows new sufferers to look past this emotional barrier.

Need for Role Models Students from historically underrepresented or marginalized groups have a harder time

finding faculty role models who might have had experiences similar to their own. As some

students say, they want to find “someone who looks like me;”

“someone who immediately understands my experiences and

perspectives;” “someone whose very presence lets me know I, too,

can make it in the academy.”


• If the faculty in your department are ostensibly homogenous, make

a case for how diversity will enhance your program. Help your department identify and

recruit new faculty who represent diverse backgrounds.

• Encourage your mentee not to assume that faculty lack similar experiences to them just

because they look different. Many faculty come from places where racial groups we

consider “white” are discriminated against, and many faculty come from socioeconomically

or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. Acknowledging that there is great variance

even in what appears to be a homogenous faculty can enrich your mentees’ experience in


Questioning the Canons

Students from underrepresented or marginalized groups,

particularly those in the social sciences and humanities,

sometimes find that their perspectives or experiences do not fit

into the current academic canons. At the worst extreme, some

students say that when they select research questions focusing

on race, gender, class, or sexual orientation, professors deem their work irrelevant. More

commonly, underrepresented students find that their experiences are missing from current

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theory and research. These students need safe environments where their thoughts can be

shared and valued, as they explore, and possibly challenge, traditional inquiry.


• Be open to hearing other people’s experiences, particularly those people from backgrounds

different from yours. Think about the ways that race, gender, class, sexual orientation,

ethnicity, and other characteristics help to expand the types of questions that are asked and

the approaches used for answering them. Encourage your mentee to refer to texts, studies,

and experiences in class that may not be part of the recognized canon, but which can enhance

the classroom experience for everyone. Remind them that the introduction of women and

minorities’ perspectives have brought about the development of whole new disciplines, all of

which have greatly enriched the University environment.

Fear of Being Categorized as a “Single-Issue” Scholar

Some students are concerned that by selecting dissertation topics that focus on such issues as

gender, race, or sexual orientation, others will see them as

being only interested in these topics for the rest of their

professional careers.


• Ask where a person’s research interests lie rather than

making assumptions about them based on their personal

characteristics or past work. Remind your mentees to do the same. Seeing how research

focuses of faculty often shift may alleviate their fears of being limited by their initial research


Feelings of Isolation

Students from historically underrepresented groups can feel particularly isolated or alienated

from other students in their departments, especially if the composition of a program is highly


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• Be aware of students who seem to be finding it difficult to take active roles in academic or

social settings and find ways to include them. Ask them about their research interests,

hobbies, and activities outside of school.

Burden of Being a Spokesperson

Students from underrepresented groups often expend a lot of time and energy speaking up

when issues such as race, class, gender, or sexual orientation arise or are being ignored.

These students point out how most of their peers have an advantage in not carrying such a



• Don’t assume your experiences are the norm. Question how race, class, gender, or other

characteristics provide different perspectives from your own.

• When you see students taking on spokesperson roles, tell them and others what you have

gained from their contributions to discussions. These words of appreciation support the

student and lend legitimacy to minority or marginalized viewpoints.

Suffering from Stereotypes

Few of us go through life without suffering the experience of others’ assumptions. While

each identity group may face different issues and experiences, all students from that group

will not share the same thoughts and perspectives. Social class, geographic origin, economic

status, health, and a wealth of other factors also play an important role in shaping behaviors

and attitudes.


• Recognize each person’s unique strengths and scholarly promise.

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Themes Particular to Specific Groups

Women Graduate Students


While traditionally females have been raised to be polite and soft-spoken, it is clear that

successful graduate students need to assert themselves in classroom discussions. Many

women say that they have difficulties in speaking up in class. Too often, they find that in

order to say something in class, they have to interrupt another student. Women often see

interjecting themselves in this manner as being rude and disrespectful. Some fear that their

lack of participation in discussions will be wrongly interpreted as their not having any

thoughts at all. On the other hand, other women tell us that when they assert themselves, they

are subjected to criticism in a way that men are not, even though it is the same behavior.


Research has verified that many students, but especially women, can feel alienated by the

competitive and critical atmosphere that pervades many graduate programs. Women are

certainly capable of being critical of others’ work when they think it is appropriate, but they

think some students are being overly critical in order to appear intellectually superior.

Women, and other students, too often see that the system does not reward one for praising the

contributions of other scholars.


• Remember to note your mentee’s achievements.

• Encourage your mentee to join into even the most enthusiastic classroom discussion.

Remind her or him that people interrupt not only to disagree or silence a bad idea, but also to

support or advance exciting new thoughts or ideas.

• Encourage your mentee to talk to the professor of a class in which she feels marginalized or


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For more information on Women’s Resources Women's Resource Center The Women's Resource Center (WRC) at the University of California, Riverside offers programs and services which provide awareness and proactive response on female and male students' issues and concerns, connecting theory, research, experiential learning, co-curricular development, and practical application. The WRC promotes student retention, safety, equal opportunity, and knowledge and skill development. The Center enhances quality of life through advocacy, educational programs, counseling, enrichment activities, support groups, and referrals. 260 Costo Hall Riverside, California 92521 (951) 827-3337 Adrienne Sims, Director (951) 827-3466 [email protected]

Department of Women's Studies 2033 CHASS Interdisciplinary Building University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521 Phone: 951-827-6427 Fax: 951-827-6386

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer (LGBTQ) Graduate Students


LGBTQ students say that it is not uncommon to encounter homophobia

in the classroom. Remarks can range from the blatantly offensive to the less obvious such as

“that is so gay.”


LGBTQ students often hear professors and students in classes or in social settings discuss a

given subject with the unconscious assumption that everyone is heterosexual. Even faculty

and students who are aware of gender and racial issues may be unaware of their tendency to

think about the world from an exclusively heterosexual perspective. As a result, LGBTQ

students may find their experiences are not represented in research or in discussions.


Being out as an LGBTQ student (or faculty) is not a one-time

event, but instead is a decision the person experiences each

time she or he enters a new situation. LGBTQ students face a

burden of having to assess the personal, social, and political

ramifications of disclosing their sexual orientation each time

they do so. Since heterosexual students do not have to

disclose their sexuality, only LGBTQ students face these

physically and emotionally draining experiences.


• Enter every educational situation assuming there are LGBT students present who may not

feel safe in being out.

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• Be sensitive to whether anti-gay comments are being made, and discuss how they may be

offensive to others.

• Be aware that examples you and others in a class or discussion are

using may be based on heterosexual experiences. For example,

when talking about families, don’t speak as if every family is

composed of a husband, wife, and children. Simply using a word like

“spouse and partner” instead of just “husband,” or “wife” can go a long

way in making LGBTQ students (and unmarried students) feel they are represented in the


• Encourage mentees to speak up in class if they feel the language being used is not inclusive

of them. Explain that they can simply model more inclusive language; for example, the

mentee can use the term “partner” rather than husband or wife. If they feel comfortable

doing so, they can explicitly point out that this kind of heterosexual assumption has been


For more information on GLBTQ Resources

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center The LGBT Resource Center provides support, education, and advocacy regarding sexual orientation and gender identity for the UC Riverside campus community. 245 Costo Hall University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

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Underrepresented Minority Graduate Students Students of color speak passionately about many issues, most of which are covered in the

section entitled “Common Themes Across Groups.” Among these issues, the one most often

cited was their lack of role models. The few faculty of color at the university level reduces

their chances of finding someone in their fields who “looks like them.” Likewise, low

numbers of faculty of color convey the message that the academy remains an unwelcoming

environment for many who are not white. Many underrepresented students, especially

African American and Latino students, sometimes feel other students and faculty assume

they are less qualified to be in graduate school. On the other hand, Asian American students

are burdened by the “model minority” myth, which assumes they are exemplary students

particularly in math and science. Stereotyping in either direction has negative consequences

for students of color.

Sometimes underrepresented students are, or feel, overlooked for Graduate Student Instructor

and Graduate Student Research Assistant appointments. As a result, these students have

fewer opportunities to interact with faculty or to experience the formal and informal

mentoring that occurs for student instructors or research assistants. They also miss the

teaching and research experiences that strengthen their graduate work and their curricula



• Understand that different underrepresented groups face different issues and experiences

from your own. Yet do not assume that all students from one group will share the same

thoughts and perspectives. Remember that economic and geographic origin play an important

role in shaping people’s behaviors and attitudes.

• You can help erase stereotypes by recognizing each student’s unique strengths and

scholarly promise.

• Think about the ways you have been socialized and make efforts to increase your awareness

and knowledge about these issues.

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For more information on Underrepresented Minority Students

Office of Affirmative Action

The Office of Faculty & Staff Affirmative Action at UCR provides comprehensive services to the campus addressing questions and concerns regarding equal employment opportunity and affirmative action in employment. The Office strives to eliminate inappropriate barriers in accordance with Federal and State laws, as well as University policies. Services provided to the campus include policy development and updating of the campus’ Affirmative Action Plan, investigations of complaints, mediation of disputes, as well as advising the campus on laws, rules, regulations, and issues affecting equal opportunity and affirmative action. In addition, the office monitors the recruitment and selection of faculty.

Surge Building 339 900 University Ave Riverside, CA 92521 951-827-5604 [email protected]

African Student Programs

Born from the historic struggles against oppression in all forms, African Student Programs was created in 1972 to sustain a socially just and inclusive campus community. As people of the African Diaspora, we honor our multiple identities and cultures and advocate for their inclusion in defining the values of the university.

133 Costo Hall Riverside, CA. 92521 Phone: 951-827-4576 Fax: 951-827-3995 Asian Pacific Student Programs

The Asian Pacific Student Programs Office strives to promote a diverse learning environment, providing the UC Riverside community with opportunities to learn from and about the Asian and Pacific Islander student population. We support students in their pursuit of academic excellence, and as they contribute to the growth of our campus. We strive to maximize each student's leadership potential, promoting their involvement in defining their own issues and advocating for their own concerns. We promote an educational dialogue that respects and embraces the unique histories and experiences of ethnic communities, and incorporates these values into the development of the cultural fabric of the institution.

244 Costo Hall University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

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95- 827-7272 Chicano Student Programs Chicano Student Programs was founded on campus in 1972. It remains the only existing Chicano student services department in the UC system. The “official” purpose of Chicano Student Programs was to “create a vehicle for professors to become active with the Chicano community.” But Chicano faculty along with students and staff on campus were already reaching out to the community so the need to solidify these efforts was addressed by creating Chicano Student Programs. Estella Acuña Director E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 951- 827-3822 Native American Student Programs The Native American Student Programs office provides educational, cultural, and social support for American Indian students. This office coordinates a variety of activities designed to expand education awareness for American Indian students as well as the campus community. NASP encourages the development and enhancement of leadership and interpersonal communication skills through active participation, which makes it possible to plan and implement innovative programs, that promotes and educates the campus community about the uniqueness of American Indians. Office Hours: M-F 8a.m. - 5p.m. Phone: 951-827-4143 951-827-4396 Joshua Gonzales- [email protected] John Valdez- [email protected] Mailing Address: Native American Student Programs University of California, Riverside 229 Costo Hall Riverside, CA 92521

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International Graduate Students

Issues of Culture and Language in the Classroom

Choosing to study in the United States means that international students now need to function

in a second language and adjust to a new set of cultural and educational norms (Trice 1999).

For instance, many international students find American classes to be unnecessarily

competitive. Students from East and Southeast Asia, who were trained in educational systems

where the student’s role is to be passive, are shocked to see American students speaking up

without being called upon and challenging the remarks of professors and peers. They fear

that if they do not exhibit these behaviors, the faculty will judge them to be less capable

and/or less intelligent. Many international students also state they are unclear about academic

rules and regulations. Lastly, some international students have expressed disappointment

with the fact that their classes incorporate very little in the way of international perspectives

and that American faculty and students undervalue the experiences they bring into the


Social Stresses

While many graduate students experience the stress of having moved away from families and

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friends, international students have an even greater sense of displacement. International

students who bring their partners and children with them have worries about how well their

families are adjusting to American life overall and to Riverside in particular. In addition, a

significant number of international graduate students cite the following as concerns:

loneliness, not knowing how to socialize with Americans, and being unable to find people

patient enough to speak with them (Trice 1999). A further complication is that upon

returning home, international graduate students find that because of their different dress, talk

and behavior, they have become “foreigners” in their own countries.


• If you have ever traveled to another country, recall how you had to rely on assistance from

others as you became acclimated to the language and customs. Offer international students

the same courtesies you found you needed.

• Demonstrate your interest in international students by reaching out to them at academic and

social occasions. Ask about their research, hobbies and interests.

• If your mentee is an international student, offer to converse with them so they can practice

English. Do not assume, however, that all international students have difficulties with

English, since a number were trained in English-speaking institutions.

For more information on Resources for International Students

International Education Center

The International Education Center offers support services to those interested in opportunities abroad, assists international students, and promotes intercultural programs. We also make arrangements for protocol and international guests, present foreign speakers, and house an international resources library of catalogs, books, maps, and videos on various options for international study, work, volunteer and internships. Statistics Computer Building, Room 1669. Riverside, CA 92521 Tel: (951) 827-1012 Tel: (951) 827-4113

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Graduate Students with Family Responsibilities While this section was written with students who have parenting responsibilities in mind,

many of the same issues pertain to those who are responsible for the care of

their parents or other dependents.

Dual Commitments

Students with parenting responsibilities are committed to being successful graduate students

and feel they can succeed by being highly organized and intensely focused during the blocks

of time they carve out for their studies. Unfortunately, these students often feel that some

professors and students perceive them as lacking in commitment to their fields because of

other priorities in their lives. This situation is exacerbated when an emergency makes it

impossible for them to attend classes or meetings.


Because of family demands, students may not be able to attend some social, academic, and

professional functions. As a result, they can feel isolated from others in their cohort and from

their departments as a whole.

Time Constraints

Students with family responsibilities typically need to be home in the evenings to tend to

those in their care. Difficulties can emerge in a group project since commonly other students

find the evenings the best time to meet. In addition, it is often difficult for students with

parenting responsibilities to come back to campus for evening lectures or departmental


SUGGESTIONS • If your mentee has family responsibilities, help explore ways to use e-mail attachments to

transmit documents and the Internet to facilitate group project meetings and discussions.

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• Plan a departmental social event where it would be appropriate for

students, faculty, and staff to bring their children along. For these

events, make sure you pick a time of day when families can attend.

Be sure the invitation specifically states that children are welcome.

• For those events that cannot accommodate children, continue to extend invitations to

students with family responsibilities (unless they direct you to do otherwise). Do not take it

upon yourself to stop inviting them just because they have declined events in the past.

• If you have children, discuss them openly and freely with your mentees. Doing so will

show students that it is possible to have a family and a successful academic career.

For more information about resources for students with dependent families

Counseling Center The Counseling Center is dedicated to creating a positive, healthy atmosphere at UCR, working with students to provide an environment that promotes their academic, career, personal, and social development. The center’s clinical team provides counseling services to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students, in addition to consultation and programming services to the broader university community. We encourage you to use our services and view us as an integral part of your university support system. We are committed to working with you in strengthening your personal awareness and helping you grow and develop in ways that allow you to take advantage of the educational opportunities at UCR. Counselors are available by phone 24 hours, seven days a week, at (951) 827-5531.

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Graduate Students from Working-Class Backgrounds

Economic Concerns

Students from working-class backgrounds often do not have family members they can turn to

for monetary support through graduate school. In addition,

some students have the responsibility of financially supporting

parents, siblings, or other relatives.

Access into Professional Networks

These graduate students are aware they may not have or know

how to develop professional networks as effectively as their

peers who come from more advantaged backgrounds

(especially those who grew up within academic families). This

disparity is most visible when they attend conferences or when

they seek summer employment.

Summer Professional Opportunities

These graduate students also see a progressive disparity in what they and their more

advantaged peers can do during the summer. The latter, because of their families’ financial

assistance and their enhanced access to professional networks, can more easily afford and

secure internships which provide them with further professional development. In contrast,

students from working-class backgrounds may need to work in better paying jobs which are

far removed from their graduate studies. Thus, students from working-class backgrounds feel

they are falling behind in their graduate careers by not having more relevant job experiences

over the summer. In addition, they fear some professors may not understand their financial

situations and mistakenly assume they are less seriously involved in their academic work

than more advantaged students.

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Difference in Background Experiences

Students from working-class backgrounds also say it is intimidating to hear about the past

travels and experiences of some of their fellow students. Students, especially those in the

arts, humanities, and social sciences, can feel vulnerable knowing that some of their peers

have traveled to, or even lived in, the foreign countries they are studying.

Some research has found that working-class students have a sink-or-swim philosophy and

maintain an emotional toughness that prevents them from reaching out to mentors or faculty

when they are failing or need help

Disjunction with Identity, Family, and Friends

Once assimilated into their disciplines, students can often find it is both more difficult to talk

to their families and old friends about their work and for families and friends to understand

their new endeavors. This communication gap can make students feel like they are no longer

able to live within their old worlds, but they are not yet comfortable in their new worlds.

Working class students generally want upward mobility and want to take on a middle-class

identity, but generally, they don't want to jettison all of their working-class identity, relations,

or values. For example, working-class people often value independence—being able to do

tasks alone; they value community—extended family and neighbors; they tend to value

frugality and are by necessity recyclers and anti-consumerist; and they often value respect for

elders and authority. This is neither to say that these qualities are always mainstay in

working-class families, nor is it to say they are absent in middle and upper class families, but

rather to point to strengths apparent in the working-class that might be valued as

maintainable aspects of personal history. Acknowledging and supporting these strengths as

viable tools with which to navigate the academy and beyond will go far to encourage

working-class students. Sharing these values with middle-class graduate students might help

them understand both their working-class classmates and the values that they bring with them

to the university.

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• Mentors should try to be sensitive to the continuum of assimilation and help their mentees

negotiate it in ways appropriate for each particular mentee. For example, a working-class

student may enjoy activities directly associated with the working class, like country music or

heavy metal; he or she may not immediately begin to attend recitals of the English horn.

• Explain your role as a peer mentor to your mentees. Ask them if they need help, particularly

if they are not coming to ask your advice.

• Give students opportunities to discuss their own identities, histories, and cultures.

• Make an extra effort to introduce these students to the people you know who could be

helpful to them. Assist them in expanding their networks.

• Be aware that not all students have the same academic networks to draw on. Show them

how you developed and use your networks.

• Be alert to funding opportunities, especially for the summer period. Be sure to pass this

information on to your mentees, especially those you feel most need it.

The process of assimilation is long. It doesn't happen overnight, and there are no easy


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Graduate Students with Disabilities Obviously students with disabilities have different needs and concerns depending upon the

types of disability they have. For example, a student who is visually impaired has

needs different from a student who uses a wheelchair or a student with a learning

disability. Yet students’ needs also vary depending upon whether they have

had their disabilities since birth or whether their disabilities developed later in

their lives. In this section, we try to address issues confronting those students with physical

disabilities, those with learning disabilities (such as attention deficit disorder and dyslexia)

and those with psychological illnesses (such as depression and bipolar disorder).

Reluctance to Ask for Help

Students with disabilities often fear that they may appear to be too dependent—or become

too dependent—if they ask for help. This is especially true for those who have experienced a

fairly recent onset of a disability and are unaccustomed to asking for help, as well as for

those who have disabilities that are invisible to others, such as individuals with learning

disabilities or chronic psychological illnesses.

Effort Exerted Just to Keep Up For those with physical and learning disabilities, meeting the basic requirements demands

much more time and energy than it does for students without disabilities. Some students find

they cannot participate in certain professional activities (such as submitting papers for

conferences) as much as they would like because they need to devote all their time and

energy to meeting the deadlines of their programs.

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Problems that Arise from Last Minute Changes

Changes in reading assignments can be very difficult for students who are

visually impaired. At the beginning of the semester, students

who are blind or severely visually impaired have their readings

converted into Braille. Any readings added on at a later date mean they

need to make special emergency trips to have these new materials translated in a short period

of time. Changes in room locations are also a hardship for visually and physically challenged



• Don’t hesitate to ask students with physical disabilities if they need assistance, but don’t

force your help upon them. Offering to aid someone is much different from assuming he or

she is incapable of performing a task.

• Assume that there are students with invisible disabilities (such as learning disabilities and

psychological disabilities) in your classroom and among your cohort.

• Students with psychological disabilities may display their symptoms by isolating

themselves or by behaving impulsively or inappropriately. Continue to provide support to

these students during their difficult times.

For more information on resources for graduate students with disabilities

Student Special Services Every student at UC Riverside deserves to have the opportunity to make the most of their university experience. That’s why we ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to educational programs and can fully participate in all aspects of campus life. Our department is also a safe haven for Veterans and their families. Whether you’re affiliated with the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines, you’re a UCR Highlander now and we want to help you obtain all of the educational benefits you’ve proudly earned.

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Our regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The office is open year-round except for University Holidays. 125 Costo Hall. Riverside CA 92521

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Returning Graduate Students It is common for returning students (students who are not beginning their graduate work

shortly after completing their undergraduate degrees) to be more focused and aware of what

they want out of graduate school than their younger colleagues. Perhaps one of their biggest

assets is that they are not intimidated by the prospects of engaging in discussions with

faculty. Yet older students often face their own types of problems:

Devaluation of Life Experiences

Many older students return to school after spending a considerable number of years either

running a business, serving in the military, working in industry or the public sector, or raising

a family. One of the most difficult issues these students face is sometimes finding that their

relevant ‘real life’ knowledge is of little use or value in the classroom. This is particularly

frustrating when their vast array of experiences contradict the research and theory they are


Fear of Having “Rusty” Skills

Older students who have been out of school for a number of years can fear competing with

their younger counterparts. They may see the younger students as being

more up-to-date on the current issues within their disciplines and as

having more computer experience.

Invisibility in the Classroom

Older students commonly describe how bad they feel when a professor refers to something

from several decades back and then says, “And of course none of you would remember that.”

Although not intended in a harmful way, this remark makes older students feel as though

their presence in the classroom is not being acknowledged.

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Isolation from Fellow Students

Because of the age differences between them and their peers, many older students feel

somewhat socially isolated. Although friendships can develop with their younger colleagues,

older students are aware that some of their fellow students are the ages of their own children.

Furthermore, many older students no longer want to be in the places where younger students

go to relax and socialize

Awkwardness with Faculty

Non-traditional age students can be close in age or even significantly older than their

professors. These students tell us that some faculty are much more comfortable with the

younger students than with them.


• Show your interest in older students by finding out what they did before they entered their

graduate programs and how their life experiences might be relevant to the classroom setting.

• Welcome and value the special contributions older students make in class discussions.

• Ask your mentees to suggest meeting places so that they do not feel forced to interact in

spaces that are uncomfortable for them.

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Wrapping  It  Up  

Certainly, mentors won’t encounter all of the problems presented in the pages above, and

certainly not every person from the groups we have discussed feels the same way about all of

these issues. We are all products of our environments; we are each unique, but we hope that

those issues we have pointed to will help mentors understand those feelings and positions

described here.

While it may seem that we make accommodations for underrepresented and non-traditional

students, let us remember that the original scholar had his accommodations built into the

academic system as it developed. It was a program created to serve a certain select sector of

the public. We condone neither lowering academic standards nor offering special favors;

rather, now we work to expand the service area of the university to accommodate the vast

array of students who have opportunities that at one time very few enjoyed.

We have much to learn from our own faculty and students here at UCR. We want to

encourage ongoing conversation about mentoring and diversity issues within the Graduate

School, and we welcome your participation in that discussion. Feel free to contact Kim

Palmore, Director of Professional Development by phone at 951-683-6113 or by email at

[email protected] with any comments and suggestions you have.

Graduate school, and life as a whole, can at times be very stressful. Students and faculty need

to be aware that there are various ways students can obtain professional assistance for issues

that may arise.

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Graduate Division Contacts   Deans 100 University Office Building 951-827-4302 Joseph W. Childers Graduate Dean [email protected] Ken Baerenklau Associate Dean, Graduate Academic Affairs Responsibilities include petitions, employment, grievances, academic integrity and professional development. [email protected] Leah Haimo Associate Dean, Recruitment and Outreach Responsibilities include graduate student recruitment and outreach, supervision of UCLEADS and AGEP programs. [email protected] Dean’s Office Kennet Lai Assistant Dean Chief staff officer, budget control (graduate student financial aid and departmental budget) [email protected] Amanda Wong, Analyst [email protected] Sherry Gonzalez, Analyst [email protected] Yung Phung Senior Administrative Analyst Graduate Support Management Manages fellowship budgets and works with programs to provide financial reporting and data analysis relating to fellowships and recruiting [email protected]

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Academic Affairs140 University Office Building 951-827-3315 The Academic Affairs section of the Graduate Division is the unit within the Graduate Dean’s Office that handles all matters pertaining to the academic record, employment, and fellowships of graduate students. We work closely with the Graduate Advisers and Graduate Program Assistants on problems that may arise in these areas with their graduate students helping them to interpret the rules and regulations of the Office of the President, Academic Senate, and Graduate Council. The division also approves all student petition, dissertation, thesis, and qualifying exam committees for the Dean, approves all advancement paperwork and all theses and dissertations. Additionally, we provide the certificate of completion of all degree requirements. If the student needs assistance in finding financial support this office provides help. Linda G. Scott Director Oversees all matters relating to graduate academic affairs, employment and TADP [email protected] Karen Smith Administrative Analyst Oversees graduate student employment and fellowships; processes petitions for leaves, Withdrawals, half-time status and ESL issues [email protected]

Kara Oswood Administrative Analyst Responsible for degree progression issues and petitions, including committee approval, advancement to candidacy, dissertation/thesis formatting, and graduation [email protected]

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GradPREP GradPREP launched in graduate division this year. It includes well established programs: the Teaching Assistant Development Program (TADP) and the One to One TA Mentor Program; developing programs: The English Language Development Program (ELDP), The Graduate Student Mentoring Program (GSMP), and The University Teaching Certificate Program (UTC); and introduces this year The Graduate Student Writing Center (GSWC) and The Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC). The GradPREP concept engages faculty, departments, and graduate division in an effort to provide professionalizing opportunities to UCR graduate students. The programs supported through GradPREP offer support services, work experience opportunities, and career help. GradPREP both establishes a community for UCR graduate students and encourages them to realize their full potential. Kim Palmore Director, Professional Development Oversees GradPREP Programs. Assists in development of special projects and grant proposals pertinent to graduate student professionalization. [email protected]

Academic Preparation and Outreach

Academic Preparation and Outreach is a vital component of the Graduate Division (and the campus as a whole) and strives to diversify and increase our graduate student population by facilitating the recruitment and retention of highly qualified students in UCR's 45 graduate programs. Maria Franco-Aguilar Director Conducts graduate student outreach and recruitment activities. Coordinates diversity fellowship competitions, Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program, UC LEADS and AGEP. Assists in development of special projects and grant proposals pertinent to graduate student recruitment. [email protected]

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Academic Integrity Guidelines (Taken from Academic Senate Policies:

At the University of California, Riverside (UCR) honesty and integrity are fundamental

values that guide and inform us as individuals and as a community. The academic culture

requires that each student take responsibility for learning and for producing work that reflect

their intellectual potential, curiosity, and capability. Students must represent themselves

truthfully, claim only work that is their own, acknowledge their use of others’ words,

research results, and ideas, using the methods accepted by the appropriate academic

disciplines and engage honestly in all academic assignments. Misunderstanding of the

appropriate academic conduct will not be accepted as an excuse for academic misconduct. If

a student is in doubt about appropriate academic conduct in a particular situation, he or she

should consult with the instructor in the course to avoid the serious charge of academic



Examples include but are not limited to:

· copying from another student's examination, quiz, laboratory work, or homework


· possession or use of pre-prepared notes or other resources, during an examination

· allowing others to conduct research or to prepare work for you

· submitting for academic advancement an item of academic work that you have previously

submitted for academic advancement


Includes the copying of language, structure, or ideas of another and attributing (explicitly or

implicitly) the work to one’s own efforts. Plagiarism means using another's work without

giving credit. Examples include but are not limited to:

· copying information from computer-based sources, i.e., the Internet

· allowing another person to substantially alter or revise your work and submitting it entirely

as your own

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Examples include but are not limited to:

· working with other students to do work, review books, or develop a presentation or report

without permission or direction from the instructor to do so

· making information available to a student who did not attend the class

· submitting a group assignment, or allowing that assignment to be submitted, representing

the project is the work of all of the members of the group when less than all of the group

members assisted substantially in its preparation


Examples include but are not limited to:

· intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of

academic misconduct

· permitting your academic work to be represented as the work of another

· signing-in or substituting for another student in order to meet an academic requirement

· providing specific information about a recently given test, examination, or assignment to a

student who thereby gains an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation


Examples include but are not limited to:

· destroying, stealing, changing, or damaging another’s lab experiment, computer program,

term paper, exam, or project


Examples include but are not limited to:

· falsifying the results of any academic work or fabricating any data or information

· falsifying, altering, or misstating the contents of documents or other materials related to

academic matters


REGULATIONS: Failure to comply with research regulations such as those applying to

human subjects, laboratory animals, and standards of safety. As a student you should be

familiar with the policies and guidelines set forth for research regulations.

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Web Resources for Peer Mentors University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Peer Mentoring Resources Mentoring Peer Resources San Jose State University Peer Mentor Program Mid Michigan Community College Peer Mentors University of Michigan Peer Mentors University of Tennessee, Memphis Peer Mentoring The Mentoring Group Formal mentor programs Mentoring categories

Mentoring resources and links

National Mentoring Partnership

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Works Cited and Consulted “Graduate Student Peer Mentoring Handbook.” Graduate Student Senate. Washington

University. Missouri. 2002.

Hesli, V., Fink, E., Duffy, D. (2003, July). Mentoring in a positive graduate student

experience: Survey results from the Midwest region, Part I. PS: Political Science and

Politics, 36(3), 457

“How to Mentor Graduate Students: A Guide for Faculty” Rackham Graduate School.

University of Michigan. <


King, M. F. (2003). On the Right Track : A Manual for Research Mentors. Washington, DC:

Council of Graduate Schools.

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