Page 1: Peacekeeping between Israel and Palestine

Peacekeeping between Israel and Palestine

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Israel and Palestine have been at war since 1948.

Their religions prevent them on agreeing who should have control of land.

Wars broke out in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982.

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Present Day Current Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu, who in the past has not been a supporter of the two state solution, has softened his stance on the issue.

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Extremists have been rejecting and destroying any progress that Israel and Palestine have been making, which isn’t much at all.

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$300 million are being deducted from the 10% United Nations Peace budgets.

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By September 27, 2000, 3,500 Palestinians had been killed by either murders, suicide attacks, or, demolishing homes.

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These acts might have been prevented if

money was put forth to prevent hatred and bring the two countries together with peace.

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Isastine: combine both countries as one so they can both own the Land and both of the rulers, Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Netanyahu of Israel have equal power.

Reinforce the UNSC resolution #242 that gives Israel the right to exist, and change it to where Israel and Palestine both have an equal to right to exist.

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