Page 1: Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019 Peace Evangelical Lutheran ... · that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only

Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019

Page Peace Evange l i ca l Lu the r an Chur ch March/April 2019

PeacefullyYours Pastor’s Message By Pastor Paul Spira

Enough Already! 

This winter season has really put our collec ve pa ence to the test, hasn’t it? Sure it started off mild – remember we didn’t even have snow for Christmas? But ever since then… wow! This is the 16th winter that Caryl and I have lived in Fort Wayne, and this one has been the coldest yet. I even had to buy a new snow blower when the accumu‐la on became more than my old one could handle. I’ve always enjoyed the winter sea‐son, but right now I’m ready for things to warm up!

It doesn’t make things any easier that the Lent/Easter season starts later this year than usual. Why is that so? Well generally speaking, Easter Sunday occurs on the first Sun‐day a er the paschal full moon (which itself is the full moon that occurs on or a er the spring equinox). That’s easy to remember, right? As a result, Easter Sunday will always fall between March 22 and April 25; this year it is on April 21. Working backward from there, Ash Wednesday is set 46 days before Easter Sunday (40 days of Lent + the 6 Sun‐days), which puts it this year on March 6.

Star ng on Ash Wednesday we will follow a Lent/Easter theme called “Behold, The Man” which echoes the words of Pon us Pilate as he presented a flogged Jesus to the angry crowds. The series emphasized the humanity of the Christ and why God’s own Son needed to become a man in order for our salva on to be won. I’m quite excited about this theme, and hope you will be too.

~Con nued on page 15

Ash Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30 pm Lenten Midweek Services at 6:30 pm

March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10

Maundy Thursday, April 18 Good Friday, April 19

Easter Sunday, April 21 Worship Service 7:00 & 9:30 am

Easter Breakfast 8:15 am

Watch for sign-up

sheets in the Narthex

to RSVP for the

Easter breakfast

Menu: Pancakes & scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit salad and bakery

deliciously prepared by the Board of Elders

Page 2: Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019 Peace Evangelical Lutheran ... · that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only

Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019

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Peace Evangelical     

Lutheran Church 

Rev. Paul Spira, Pastor,  



Rose Murphy, Youth & Café 

Ministry, 744‐3869 


Tymothy Benzinger, 1st Year 

Seminary Fieldworker 


Sheila Nehrenz, Interim Prin‐

cipal, Lutheran South Unity 

School, 744‐0459 


Barb Bradtmueller, 

Preschool Director,  



Krista Koch, Organist 


Gary Gerke, Music Director 


Zachary Bultemeier,  



Caryl Spira, Newsle er 



Becky Rutkowski, 

Church Secretary (M‐W‐F)  


Nancy Herber, 

Church Secretary (T & Th)


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things

were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only Son from the

Father, full of grace and truth. —John 1:1–3, 14

“Behold the man!” proclaimed the unwi ng preacher Pon us Pilate in one of the shortest, yet most profound, sermons ever recorded. This will be our endeavor this Lenten de and Easter Sunday. Behold the man, God in human flesh, Jesus. His incarna‐

on will provide the basis for our medita on and proclama on on His Passion. And His real, bodily suffering and death will provide the basis for our full‐throated proclama on on Easter morning of a bodily resurrec on, not just of Jesus but also for His saints. Real bodies that have suffered, wept, bled, prayed, eaten, hoped, and more will be those raised incorrup ble from their graves on the day of Jesus’ return.

We will fix our eyes and our preaching on the man Jesus, contempla ng the ines‐capable fact—indeed the most important fact in the course of human history—that God became man. The Second Person of the eternal, triune God, who we confess in the Nicene Creed as “God of God, Light of light, very God of very God . . . of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made,” became a living, breathing, flesh‐and‐blood human being, a man.

This Lent, we will consider what it means that God became man. In prepara on for the celebra on of a real, bodily, flesh‐and‐blood, bone‐and‐sinew resurrec on, the resurrec on without which our faith and our preaching are all in vain, consider the body of Jesus that exists in order to be nailed to a cross. The spiritual, bodyless Son of God became the embodied, enfleshed, incarnate Son of Mary. In Jesus, God has human flesh, a body, just like you. What could be more profound?

Each week, we’ll consider a different aspect of the body of Jesus Christ. What does it mean that, in Jesus, God has hands, feet, lungs, lips, eyes, and ears?

Behold the man!

Ash Wednesday, March 6 “A God Who Hungers”

Midweek of Lent 1, March 13 “A God Who Prays”

Midweek of Lent 2, March 20 “A God Beaten”

Midweek of Lent 3, March 27 “A God Exposed”

Midweek of Lent 4, April 3 “A God With a Mother”

Midweek of Lent 5, April 10 “A God Who Thirsts”

Maundy Thursday, April 18 “A God Who Loves”

Good Friday, April 19 “A God Who Bleeds, A God Who Dies”

Easter Sunday, April 21 “A God Who Rises”

Lenten Series  

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Café Ministry:  March & April 2019

Open Jam Sessions:  March 14 & 28 and April 11 & 25, 6:00‐8:30pm 

Open Jam Sessions are an endeavor of Create Café, and take place on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays each month from 6:00‐8:30pm. Wipe the dust off those instruments, prac ce a few chords and rekindle your inner musician!

Art & Coffee in the Café:  Friday, March 22, 6:00‐8:00pm  **NEW THIS MONTH** 

Try your hand at crea ng a beau ful calla lily on champagne glasses. Ar st Erin Hall will teach you the tricks whether you’re a master painter or a novice. The cost is: $25 per person for 2 or $35 per person for 4 glasses. Your payment will reserve your seat (only 12 seats available). Bring your payment into the café or call 260‐744‐3869 to pay by credit card. Par cipants must be 18 or older.

Spring Cra  Show:  Saturday, April 13, 9:00am‐2:00pm  **NEW THIS MONTH** 

Sharing Peace is hos ng our very first Spring Cra Show! If you would like to par cipate, complete a form that is posted on facebook (Sharing Peace Café) or pick up a form in the café. Vendors must make, bake or grow their own products. No direct sales. All 8 x 10 spaces are $20. For ques ons, contact Rose or Faith at 260‐744‐3869.

Popcorn!  Available Mondays and Thursdays

You may have no ced the popcorn machine si ng in the café. We pop this delicious treat on Mondays and Thursdays so stop in then and enjoy a bag for only 50 cents.  

Easter Egg Hunt:  Saturday, April 20, 10:00‐11:00am  **NEW THIS MONTH** 

Many hands are needed to help with this wonderful outreach ministry event. Please sign up on the board in the narthex to indicate how you can help!

Cards in the Café:  March 11 & 25 and April 8 & 22, 1‐3pm 

Come to the Café on Euchre Mondays! The fun takes place on the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 1‐3pm every month. It’s so much fun and a great way to meet up with church friends while mee ng your neighbors! Easy and fun outreach!

Children’s Story Time:  March 14 & April 11, 9:30‐10:30am 

Bring your li le ones to the Café on the 2nd Thursday each month at 9:30am to share in Story Time with Miss Heather (from Shawnee Library).


Spring is almost here, so it’s me to get off the couch and get your body in shape for all the movement that comes with Spring! Spring cleaning, gardening, bike riding, walks and more! Wellness classes at SPC will give you all that you need. Cost is just $5 per session (cash only) for all wellness classes. Or, you may purchase a Zumba/Walk 15 Punch Card for $30.

Zumba:  Mondays 6‐7pm / Fridays 9‐10am Yoga: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6‐7pm (Bring a mat if you have one. If not, we have a limited quan ty available.)

Chair Yoga:  Wednesdays & Fridays 11am‐12pm Walk 15: Wednesdays 6‐7pm / Saturdays 8:30‐9:30am

Sharing Peace Café By Rose Murphy, Youth & Café Ministry

Sharing Peace Café Hours

Monday - Thursday


Friday 8:30am-4pm

Saturday CLOSED



Egg Hunt  April 20 @10am 

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              Micaela Neaville On Sunday, January 20, 2019 Micaela Neaville was brought into membership at Peace through her bap sm. Micaela is the grand‐daughter of Dwight and Bonnie Johnson. She had been a student at LSUS ever since the third grade, and now is a Junior at Concordia Lutheran High School where she is a member of the Marching Band Color Guard. When in the 7th grade, Pastor Spira was ‘randomly’ giv‐en her name to pray for as part of that year’s “Living Stones” theme.

No doubt the Holy Spirit had it in mind that – four years later – he would be the one to bap‐

ze Micaela into the Chris an faith. It just goes to show what a very special young woman she is ‐ in God’s sight and in ours!

Welcome to Peace!  

We have been blessed to welcome several new members to Peace in the past couple

months. In addi on to Micaela Neaville’s bap sm, our newest adult members are Ad‐

am Ramsey, Will and Marianne Billings, and Bonnie Johnson. When you see them in

worship or other events, please take a moment to introduce yourself and welcome

them to our fellowship! See their photos (next page) and some informa on about

them to help get the conversa on started….  

New Members

Daylight Savings Time begins

March 10

 New Members 

In April look for sign‐up sheet to purchase a lily for 

Easter Sunday 

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New Members

                 Will and Marianne Billings 

Will and Marianne came to Peace via transfer from

Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne (they live a cou‐

ple blocks away on Maple Grove Avenue). Originally

born on opposite coasts of the U.S. (Marianne in Cali‐

fornia and Will in Washington D.C.), they have both

lived in many different places and only been married

to each other since April of 2017. They are both col‐

lege graduates; Will with a B.S. in Applied Economics

and Marianne a B.A. in Psychology. While Marianne is

enjoying re rement and grandchildren, Will con nues

to work part me driving a school bus and for a mail

delivery company. He also enjoys singing in the choir,

and serves as Post Chaplain for the American Legion Post on Tillman Road.

         Adam Ramsey Adam is married to Peace member Danielle Ramsey, who was called this year to teach Grade 5 at LSUS. Adam and Danielle were not married at the me of their call, but their rela onship was such that he moved to Fort Wayne when she did. They were mar‐ried this past September so that Adam’s mom (who had terminal cancer) could witness their wedding. They also plan a tradi onal wedding celebra on at Danielle’s hometown in Illinois. Adam transferred to Peace from St. John Lutheran Church in Lombard, Illinois which is the same congrega on that hosts the basketball tour‐nament where LSUS plays. In yet another ‘coincidence’, his former pastor at St. Johns is a long me acquaint‐ance and friend of Pastor Spira. Small Lutheran world!

       Bonnie Johnson Bonnie is married to Dwight Johnson who, due to a last‐

minute scheduling change, was made a member several

months before her. Bonnie is a dedicated grandmother

who helps care for her grandchildren living in Michigan.

That means she is frequently gone on weekends when

their daughter is working, which is what happened when

Dwight was taken into membership. They have been mar‐

ried for over 25 years, and enjoy a mul ‐genera onal

household which includes their granddaughter, Micaela.

For many years the couple worked together in the real

estate business with Dwight being a property Assessor

and Bonnie running the office.

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“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son” – John 3:16 

It is fi ng that we celebrate Valen ne’s Day in February, right before we start Lent. We learn about love. We learn how to spell it – L‐O‐V‐E. We learn how to sound it out. We write it. We sing about it. We talk about the things and people we love. Love is important. Jesus loves us sooooooo much that He died for us. Now that is true love!

Remember –      ”Jesus loves the li le children.       All the children of the world.     Red and yellow, black and white,     They are precious in His sight.     Jesus loves the li le children of the world.”  As we talk with the children and teach them new things in the classroom, we always remind them that no ma er what…Jesus Loves Them! Every single one!

This is a good lesson and reminder to us all.

During these cold winter days, the children have also been learning about snow and ice, some animals hi‐bernate in the winter but some do not. We can look on the snow to find their footprints. Some animals like the cold like penguins and polar bears. Some children like to play in the snow especially when they can build a snowman or make a snow angel. We even got to play with the snow inside!

Please con nue to pray for and support our pre‐school children and their families.

Peace Lutheran Preschool By Barb Bradtmueller, Director

Na onal Lutheran School Accredited

Mission Statement 

Peace Lutheran Preschool exists to reach out with the Gospel and love of Jesus to young children and families in our congrega on and community by providing 

excellence in early childhood educa on. 

Bear Cave Hibernation 

Inside Snow 

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Youth News By Rose Murphy, Café and Youth Ministry


All high school youth are invited to Sr. High Cross Talk on Tuesdays from 6‐8pm. Be‐come part of a group who has come together from various schools, churches and from the neighborhood. It’s a great place to meet new people who support one another, spend me in God’s word, enjoy playing games, or just hanging out. Nobody is a stranger for long at Peace Youth Group!


It’s another fun lock‐in at Peace for Jr. & Sr. high youth! Our theme is Fruits of the Spir‐it. So come for some great games, food, me in God’s word and other cool stuff that only a Lock‐In can bring! Cost is $3 per person and signed permission form is required!


Winter Jam is Chris an Music’s Annual Tour that includes a variety of Chris an ar sts and will be held at the Memorial Coliseum. The cost is $15 (cash) or $10 if you bring a canned good to donate. The concert includes ar sts such as Newsboys, Danny Gokey, Mandisa, Rend Collec ve, Newsong and several other ar sts! The concert begins at 7pm, but we’ll be wai ng in line much earlier than that. Let Rose know if you want to join us and we’ll keep you informed of our loca on (260‐402‐1679). Signed permission forms are required!


Jr. & Sr. High Youth are welcome to Pop‐In at Peace for games and me with friends. Bring a snack to share if you can!


All youth in grades 6‐12, check out youth group every Friday from 6‐9pm at Mt. Calva‐ry Lutheran Church, 1819 Reserva on Drive (across from Miami Middle School). Bring your friends and meet new ones as you play some fun group games, spend me in God’s word, and have some free me with friends.



Thank you to all who donated goodies for the Sweet Sale in February, and to those who supported us by purchasing the delicious sweets! All proceeds (over $350) are going to help cover costs for the youth a ending the Na onal Youth Gathering.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea… The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Psalm 46:1‐2, 6 ESV


Watch for the chance to buy a mile to the Na onal Youth Gathering! This will be a cool FUNdraiser as we watch our vehicle move on the map (watch for it in the narthex and in the café). More info coming very soon!

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Photo Gallery


Learning is Fun 

Youth Health & Wellness Workshop Youth Ice Ska

ng at  


waters Park 

Learning about 

brushing teeth with Dr. Sahar from Kool Smiles 

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Photo Gallery

HS Youth Group

Elder Care Pan


& W



onal Youth Gathering 


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* = Communion Service   SH = Sr. High   JH = Jr. High 

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat       1 

9:00 am Zumba

10:30‐11:30 am Parish Nurse is in 11:00 am Chair Yoga

2 8:30 am Walk 15

3* 9:00 am Worship with Communion

10:30 am Special Voters Mee ng Cross Trainers/Youth

Confirma on Class

4 9:00 am Comfort Kno ers

6:00 pm Zumba

5 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

6* Ash Wednesday Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Worship

7 6:00 pm Yoga

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce 

8 9:00 am Zumba

11:00 am Chair Yoga

9  8:30 am Walk 15

10*Daylight Saving 

Time Begins 9:00 am Worship with Communion 10:30 am Educa on Adult Bible Class Cross Trainers/Youth

Confirma on Class 10:30 am Bell Choir

11 1:00 pm Cards in the Café

6:00 pm Zumba

6:30 pm Board of Elders

12 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

13* Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Lenten Service with Communion BP screenings     

14 9:30 am Preschool & Friends Story me

6:00 pm Yoga

6‐8:30 pm Open Jam Session at Café

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce 

15 9:00 am Zumba

10:30‐11:30 am Parish Nurse is in

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00pm‐8:00am Youth Lock‐In

16 8:30 am Walk 15

9:00 am Men at Peace; Meet at LSUS; work project

17BP screenings 9:00 am Worship Service 10:30 am Educa on Adult Bible Class Cross Trainers/Youth

Confirma on Class 10:30 am Bell Choir

18 9:00 am Comfort Kno ers

6:00 pm Zumba

19 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

20 Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Lenten Service

21 6:00 pm Yoga

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce  

22 9:00 am Zumba

9:00 am‐5:00 pm Rummage Sale

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm Coffee & Art in the Cafe

23 8:30 am Walk 15 8:00 am‐Noon Rummage Sale 8:30 am‐BOD

24* 9:00 am Worship with Communion 10:30 am Educa on Adult Bible Class Cross Trainers/Youth

Confirma on Class 10:30 am Bell Choir

25 1:00 pm Cards in the Café

6:00 pm Zumba

7:00 pm Board of Chris an Ed

26 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

6:30 Board of Worship

27* Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Lenten service with Communion

28 6:00 pm Yoga

6‐8:30 pm Open Jam Session at Café

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce 

29 9:00 am Zumba

10‐11:30 am Parish Nurse is in

11:00 am Chair Yoga

30 8:30 am Walk 15

31 9:00 am Worship Service 10:30 am Educa on Adult Bible Class Cross Trainers/Youth

Confirma on Class 10:30 am Bell Choir

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* = Communion Service   SH = Sr. High   JH = Jr. High 

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 

9:00 am Comfort Kno ers 6:00 pm Zumba

2 Lifeline Screening

6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

3 Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Lenten Worship Service

4 1:00‐4:00 pm Youth Pop‐In

6:00 pm Yoga

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce

5 9:00 am Zumba

10‐11:30 am Parish Nurse is In

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6 8:30 am Walk 15

7* 9:00 am Worship with Communion

10:30 am Cross Trainers Youth Confirma on Class

Bell Choir


8 1:00 pm Cards in the Café

6:00 pm Zumba

6:30 pm Board of Elders

9 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

10* Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15

6:30 pm Lenten Worship with Communion BP screenings                6:00 pm Walk 15

11 9:30 am Preschool & Friends Story me

6:00 pm Yoga

6‐8:30 pm Open Jam Session at Café

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce

12 9:00 am Zumba

10‐11:30 am Parish Nurse is In

11:00 am Chair Yoga

13 8:30 am Walk 15

9:00am‐2:00pm Cra Show Cafe

14* Palm Sunday 9:00 am Worship with Communion

10:30 am Cross Trainers Youth Confirma on Class

Bell Choir

15 9:00 am Comfort Kno ers

6:00 pm Zumba

Items/Ar cles due for the May/June    Peacefully Yours      

16 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

17* Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15


18* Maundy  Thursday  6:00 pm Yoga

6:30 pm Worship with Communion

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce


19 Good Friday 

9:00 am Zumba

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:30 pm Worship Service

20 10‐11am

Easter Egg Hunt

21* Easter 7:00 am Worship with Communion

8:15 am Easter Breakfast

9:30 am Worship with Communion

22 1:00 pm Cards in the Café

6:00 pm Zumba

7:00 pm—Board of Chris an Ed.

23 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

6:30 pm—Board of Worship

24 Bulle n Items Due

11:00 am Chair Yoga

6:00 pm Walk 15


25 6:00 pm Yoga

6‐8:30 pm Open Jam Session at Café

7:00 pm Parish Choir Prac ce

26 9:00 am Zumba

11:00 am Chair Yoga


27 8:30 am Walk 15

28* 9:00 am Worship with Communion

10:30 am Cross Trainers Youth Confirma on Class

Bell Choir

29 6:00 pm Zumba

30 6:00 pm Yoga

6:00‐8:00 pm SH Cross Talk

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* = Communion        Service    

L = Lead 

Altar Servers:  Stacey Jackson and Jeri Miller

Cards to Shut‐in Members:  Carmen Seemann

Pew Supplies:  Caryl Spira‐L, Lucille Wilson, Sandy Henry and Linda Mahrt


Date  Greeters  Readers  Acolytes Communion  

Assistants / Elders Nursery  Ushers  Counters 

Contact Person

Nancy Herber 456‐8458

LaDonna Keck


Rose Murphy


Jerry Branstrator 747‐2098

Nancy Herber 456‐8458

Mart Erickson

747‐1976 (L=Lead)

Dick Rutkowski 436‐2112

6* Ash    Wednesday  Worship with Communion 

Ron & Cheryl Daseler

Mike Strasen Payton Sells Grant Acker Ron Daseler

Mike Strasen * & Team 1A

10* Sunday 

Worship with Communion 

Bob & Chris Michael Margaret Doell Shirley Lehman

Ron Gehring Rachel Till Jerry Branstrator Jay Lahrman

Edith Wheeler Ken Heingartner* & Team 2A

Joe & Elaine King Don & Judy Parker

13* Wednesday 

Lenten     Service with Communion 

Bill & Carla Sco Teresa Bower Aniyah Wilson

Ron Daseler Ken Heingartner* & Team 2A

17 Sunday Worship  Service 

Elsie Anderson Pam Flory Sandy Henry

Larry Bower Maddie Strasen

Mart Erickson Nancy Thieme Dick Rutkowski * & Team 3 A

Dick & Becky Rutkowski Nancy Thieme

20 Wednesday Lenten     Worship  Service 

Cheryl Erickson Judy Stoppenhagen

Diana Gotsch Carter Till Grant Acker Dick Rutkowski* & Team 3 A

24* Sunday   Worship with Communion 

Will & Marianne Billings

Chris Michael Payton Sells

Jerry Branstrator Ron Daseler

Natalie Brandon Gene Koch* & Team 4A

Tom Fuelling Ken Heingartner Ken White

27* Wednesday   Lenten     Service with Communion 

Bob & Erin Floyd Barb Bradtmueller

Rachel Till Jay Lahrman Gene Koch* & Team 4A

31 Sunday   Worship  Service  

Stacey Jackson Randy & Renee Springer

John Bercot Aniyah Wilson

Mart Erickson Karen Bercot Mike Strasen * & Team 1A

Dick & Becky Rutkowski Nancy Lohr


Sunday   Worship with Communion 

Amy Bredemeyer

Ken Heingartner

Ruth Ann


Ben Strasen

Elizabeth Bercot

Carter Till Mart Erickson Ron Gehring

Sarah Brandon Mike Strasen * & Team 1A

John Bercot

Kevin Knoch

Marty Blessing

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* = Communion        Service    

L = Lead 

Altar Servers:  Heather Klage

Cards to Shut‐in Members:  Ber e Hormann

Pew Supplies:   Deb Lahrman‐L, Sharon Weaver, Ben Meyer and Pam


Date  Greeters  Readers  Acolytes Communion  

Assistants / Elders Nursery  Ushers  Counters 

Contact Person Nancy Herber


LaDonna Keck


Rose Murphy


Jerry Branstrator 747‐2098

Nancy Herber


Mart Erickson

747‐1976 (L=Lead)

Dick Rutkowski 436‐2112

3 Wednesday Lenten Service 

Herb Acker Dick Burkholder

Erin Floyd Maddie Strasen

Grant Acker Mike Strasen‐L and Team #1A

7*   Sunday Worship with Communion 

Ron & Terry Gehring Gene Koch Linda Mahrt

Marty Blessing Carter Till Ron Gehring Jay Lahrman

Ivy Harkenrider

Mike Strasen‐L and Team #1A

John Bercot Kevin Knoch Marty Blessing

10* Wednesday        Lenten Service with Communion 

Carmen Seemann Ber e Hormann

Grant Acker Payton Sells Grant Acker Mike Strasen‐L and Team #1A


Palm Sunday Worship with Communion 

Nancy Lohr Mike Murphy Fred Rahe John & Karen Bercot

Bob Michael Aniyah Wilson

Ron Daseler Jay Lahrman

Peggy Heingartner

Mart Erickson‐L and Team 2B

Joe & Elaine King Don & Judy Parker

18* Maundy      Thursday  Worship with Communion 

Chuck & Jeri Miller

Mart Erickson Rachel Till Jerry Branstrator Mart Erickson

Mart Erickson‐L and Team 2B

19 Good Friday  Worship Service 

Grant & Lora Acker

Gene Koch Maddie Strasen

Ron Daseler Mart Erickson‐L and Team 2B

21* Easter Sunday   7:00 am Worship with Communion                  

Amy Bredemeyer Ken Heingartner Ruth Ann Schimmel Ben Strasen

Ben Strasen Carter Till Mart Erickson Jay Lahrman

Open— Not staffed

Dick Rutkowski‐L and Team 3A

28*                    Sunday Worship with Communion 

Bob & Chris Michael Margaret Doell Shirley Lehman

LaDonna Keck Aniyah Wilson

Jerry Branstrator Ron Gehring

Elsie Anderson

Gene Koch‐L and Team 4A

Tom Fuelling Ken Heingartner Ken White

21* Easter Sunday   9:30 am        Worship with Communion                 

Jay & Deb Lahrman Becky & Dick Rutkowski

Andrew Bower Payton Sells

Jerry Branstrator Ron Daseler

Open— Not staffed

Gene Koch‐L and Team 4A

Nancy Thieme Dick & Becky Rutkowski

Page 14: Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019 Peace Evangelical Lutheran ... · that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only

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Parish Health and Wellness By Cheryl Erickson, RN, FNP-BC

Screening tests for colorectal cancer 

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of death from cancers that affect both men and women. Colorectal can‐cer affects people in all racial and ethnic groups and is most common in people age 45 and older. (This ar cle is summarized due to length; see Cheryl E. for ar cle in its en rety.) 

The good news? If everyone age 50 and older got regular screenings, 6 out of 10 deaths from colorectal cancer could be prevented. The U.S. Preven ve Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that screening con nue to age 75 years; a er age 75, the decision to screen is based on various factors as discussed with your doctor.

People at increased risk because of a family history of colorectal cancer or polyps or because they have inflammatory bowel disease or certain inherited condi ons may be advised to start screening before age 45 and/or have more frequent screening.

The USPSTF considers the following methods to be acceptable screening tests for colo‐rectal cancer:

High‐sensi vity fecal occult blood tests (FOBT). Both polyps and colorectal cancers can bleed, and FOBT checks for ny amounts of blood in feces (stool) that cannot be seen visually. Stool samples are collected by the pa ent using a kit, and the samples are re‐turned to the doctor.

Stool DNA test (FIT‐DNA). The only stool DNA test approved by the FDA to date, Co‐loguard®, is a test that detects ny amounts of blood in stool (with an immunochemical test similar to FIT) as well as nine DNA biomarkers that have been found in colorectal cancer and precancerous advanced adenomas. The stool sample for the FIT‐DNA test is collected by the pa ent using a kit; the sample is mailed to a laboratory for tes ng. People who have a posi ve finding with this test are advised to have a colonoscopy.

Sigmoidoscopy. In this test, the rectum and sigmoid colon are examined using a sigmoidoscope, a flexible lighted tube with a lens for viewing and a tool for removing

ssue. During sigmoidoscopy, abnormal growths in the rectum and sigmoid colon can be removed for analysis (biopsied). Prepara on is less extensive than that required for colonoscopy. People are usually not sedated for this test.

Standard colonoscopy. In this test, the rectum and en re colon are examined using a colonoscope, a flexible lighted tube with a lens for viewing and a tool for removing

ssue. During colonoscopy, any abnormal growths in the colon and the rectum can be removed, including growths in the upper parts of the colon that are not reached by sig‐moidoscopy. A thorough cleansing of the en re colon is necessary before this test. Most pa ents receive some form of seda on during the test.

Virtual colonoscopy. This screening method, also called computed tomographic (CT) colonography, uses special x‐ray equipment to produce a series of pictures of the colon and the rectum from outside the body. Virtual colonoscopy is less invasive than stand‐ard colonoscopy and does not require seda on. As with standard colonoscopy, a thor‐ough cleansing of the colon is necessary before this test, and air is pumped into the colon to expand it for be er viewing of the colon’s lining. However, if polyps or other abnormal growths are found during a virtual colonoscopy, a standard colonoscopy is usually performed to remove them. Whether virtual colonoscopy can help reduce deaths from colorectal cancer is not yet known, and Medicare and some insurance companies currently do not pay for the costs of this procedure.

From Parish Nurse Cheryl Erickson RN, FNP-BC

March Office Hours

Friday, March 1, 15 & 29 10‐11:30 am

April Office Hours

Friday, April 5 & 12 10‐11:30 am

For immediate assistance with health‐related

ques ons, call Cheryl at 341‐8215.

Parish Nurse Email is


Blood pressure screenings offered 30 min before and

a er worship on 2nd Midweek Service and 3rd

Sunday in lounge.

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Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019

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Pastor’s Letter (Continued from page 1)

One thing that is different this year is that we’ve decided not to offer dinners before each of the Wednesday evening services. A endance at the last set of Advent dinners was pre y light, and we weren’t able to generate enough hosts to make it work for Lent. I certainly hope this change will not affect anyone’s decision to par cipate in the Lenten midweek services. Lent is a special me for Chris ans to examine their lives, their beliefs, and their faith in prepara on for the great joy of the resurrec on. The two seasons (Lent & Easter) work together beau fully to tell the whole story of God’s love for us sinners, so do make it a priority to par cipate. And please note: this change does NOT affect the Easter Breakfast that our Elders have put on for many years – that will s ll happen as always!

On a personal note, perhaps I’m anxious for spring to get here because our family is looking forward to several momentous events. Our son Ethan and wife Kim will be welcoming their first child some me around April 1, and we all know how exci ng and life‐changing that first child is! Good thing Caryl and I have had some experience at long‐distance grandparen ng (our first one, Auggie, spent year one in Texas). At the end of April we will finally learn where son‐in‐law Ted will be placed for his first call into the ministry. It’s been wonderful living just a mile away from our kids these past four years while he a ended seminary, and we’re excited to find out what is next in store for them (and us). Then some me in June, Lizzy and Ted are expec ng child #3 (and our 4th grandbaby). God is good!

So take heart, dear saints of Peace Lutheran Church. Warmer weather is coming and with it the wonderful promise of new life all around God’s beau ful crea on. And as that arrives we get to celebrate our re‐crea on as God’s people because of the trium‐phal resurrec on of Jesus Christ! May this season of Lent prepare us to join the heav‐enly victory celebra on that – indeed – will have no end.

Blessings and peace,

Pastor Spira 

Thank you, family of Peace, for your frequent faithful prayers for my daughter, Debbie Decker, during the past eighteen months. It is my exceedingly great joy to tell you that our Father in heaven has answered our prayers with His awesome miracle of healing, restoring to Debbie her strong mind and cheerful spirit. Let us give glory and thanks to God from whose gracious hand has come such splendid blessing.

LaDonna Keck

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Concordia Seminary, St Louis “Laudamus” Choir will be touring and singing in Fort Wayne on:

Saturday, March 17, 10:30 am, Lutheran Life Village Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 pm, Concordia Theological Seminary Wednesday, March 20, 10:00 am, Concordia Theological Seminary 

  Wyneken Memorial Lutheran School, 11565 N US Highway 27, Decatur is seeking

volunteers to help in the Cafeteria to “Pack Away Hunger” on Saturday March 30, 9am‐Noon. Please call Dawn Buuck at 260‐724‐7952 or email zion‐[email protected] by March 24th.

Zion Lutheran Church, 2313 Hanna Street, Fort Wayne, (260) 744‐1389 

Theology in the Parish Lectures  

The Passion of Christ in the World of Art featuring Kelly Schumacher of Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts  

Saturday, April 6, 1:30 pm – 4 pm 

Followed by Sacred Song at Zion: The Solemn Sound of Lent led by Michael Hollman Admission: $5 for Adults; Children 14 and under Free

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Kramer Chapel 

Vicarage/Deaconess Internship Assignment Service: Monday, April 29, 7:00 pm

Candidate Call Service: Tuesday, April 30, 7:00 pm Ted Hoham will receive his Call.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Event: Lifeline Screening, Tuesday April 2, at Peace  

Lifeline Screening will be held here at Peace on Tuesday, April 2 in the Fel‐lowship Hall. Life Line’s preven ve health screening services are designed to iden fy risk factors that can lead to heart disease, stroke and other serious illnesses. They use three non‐invasive methods to get results and recommenda ons one can review with their primary care provider. Volunteers are needed to act as hosts. Please sign up in the narthex to volunteer for this event.

Appointment spaces for screenings are limited and pre‐registra on is required. Sign up now by calling toll free to 1‐888‐653‐6450. If you wish to register for the screening online go to‐partners

SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, May 12 in Narthex a er church 

Help support the Allen County Right to Life and honor the women in your life by purchasing flowers for the Mother’s Day Carna on sale. Mother’s Day is May 12.

Lutheran News

A en on Men at Peace 

Saturday, March 16 

9:00 am 

Work project: Meet at LSUS  

Hope to see you there! 

Rummage & Bake Sale 

Friday, March 22  9am‐5pm 

Saturday, March 23  8am‐Noon Bag Sale 

WinGS  Women in 

God’s Service 

Page 17: Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019 Peace Evangelical Lutheran ... · that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only

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Summer Camps and Classes at CLHS 

Concordia Lutheran High School is hos ng summer camps for all ages this summer. Camps range from athle cs to band to robo cs and everything in between in‐cluding new camps in art, Spanish, track and sign language. Concordia is also offer‐ing summer classes for all area students in grades 8‐12. Registra on is now open, and online registra on is now available this year. For more informa on and to regis‐ter, visit  

Comedy Fes val at CLHS ‐ March 15

Come out to Concordia Lutheran High School on March 15 for the Comedy Fes ‐val! Come and see films from high school and middle school students, including those from CLHS, St. Paul's, Central and ESM. This showcase will be held in the CLHS auditorium beginning at 7 p.m. The event is free, and all are welcome. Prizes will be awarded that night to the top films. Come and enjoy a night of LOL fun! WinterGuard shows 

The 2019 Concordia Lutheran Winter Guard is performing a show tled

Concordia Lutheran High School

“Photograph of Us” that features music by Ed Sheeran. The group is comprised of eighteen 6th through 12th graders. We showcase their individual talents on rifle, flag, and dance lines through the three and a half minute produc on. The Divi‐sional Finals in Indianapolis is March 9.

Spring Drama Performance  ‐“Oh Baby” 

Friday, April 26 at 7:30 pm

Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 pm

  SERVing Bowl Fundraiser  On April 26 we will be having a chili‐bowl fundraiser night from 5‐7pm in the cafe‐teria. Patrons will pay $20 at the door and receive a handmade ceramic bowl, as well as a homemade dinner of chili. Along with the bowls, there will be other ce‐ramic pieces to purchase. A er paying for clay & glazes, the profits earned are do‐nated to St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, a local organiza on that works to feed the homeless. Last year we were able to raise over $3,900!

Lutheran School News

Lutheran South Unity School

Save your General Mills and Aunt Millie’s Labels for LSUS 

At Peace there is a drawer by the member mailboxes that is marked for label drop‐offs.


LSUS Homemade Caramel Sauce 

There are s ll jars of delicious homemade Caramel Sauce for only $10 each. Available in the Sharing Peace Café and the LSUS School Office.  

April 1‐5 

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For the Record


Yearly 2018‐2019: $ 296,000.00

Weekly 2018‐2019: $ 5,692.00

Soul Accounting Giving & Attendance

January 6 through February 27, 2019 contribu ons and a endance were as follows:

Jan 6/9 $ 3,351.00 104/15

Jan 13/16 $ 4,598.00 65/18

Jan 20/23 $ 4,400.00 64/10

Jan 27/30* *cancelled due to weather

$ 4,050.00 53/*

Feb 3/6 $ 12,661.00 85/18

Feb 10/13 $ 4,389.25 90/16

Feb 17/20 $ 5,005.00 93/15

Feb 24/27 $ 4,350.25 67/16

New Members 

Transferred In  

Will & Marianne Billings From Zion Lutheran, FW

Adam Ramsey From St. John’s Lutheran, Lombard, IL

Profession of Faith 

Bonnie Freeman‐Johnson 

January 20, 2019

Micaela Neaville New Members Ad d t o y o u r d i r e c t o r y

Bonnie Freeman‐Johnson 

Micaela Neaville 

P.O. Box 6544

Fort Wayne, IN 46802

(260) 433‐8013


Will & Marianne Billings 

315 E. Maple Grove Ave.

Fort Wayne, IN 46806

(260) 255‐9713

[email protected]


Adam Ramsey 

7621 Beaty Ave.

Fort Wayne, IN 46809

(260) 322‐1488

[email protected] 


Soul Accounting


Age 95

Died: January 13, 2019

For the 4th quarter (October 1‐December 31, 2018) Peace received $ 42.53 from the Kroger Community Rewards Program. We currently have 17 households who have registered Peace as their Charitable Rewards Recipient. Thank you to all who par cipate!


We are excited to share that in 2018 Peace received $3,378 from the Thrivent Choice Dollars program. All 2018 Choice Dollars® have been made available for members to direct and 2018 Choice Dol‐lars expire on March 31, 2019.

If you are a Thrivent Financial member, you can designate your Choice Dollars to go to Peace. To designate your eligible dollars, simply call Thrivent at 800‐847‐4836 and at the prompt indicate Thrivent Choice to be connected with a Thrivent customer service representa ve. Or you can go online to and click on the “My Thrivent” tab and then on “Direct My Thrivent Dollars. Choice Dollars can be designated quarterly in January, April, July and October, usually a er the 15th of the month.


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Don’t forget to use the Amazon SMILE link when you shop online with Amazon! When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the pur‐chase price to Peace Lu‐theran Church. Bookmark the link h p://‐1018958 and support Peace every me you shop.

The Smile/Amazon link uses your same Amazon log‐in but you must go through the Smile link for the dona on. 

If your birthday, anniversary or change of address is not listed, kindly contact the church office with your information.

For the Record

If you have good news to share with our newsle er,

email it to: Newsle er

by the 15th of the month.

Treva Strasen ………………. ................... 3/4

Patricia Easterday ………………. .......... 3/10

Herb Koenig ………………...….. ............ 3/12

Renee Springer …………………. ........... 3/12

Gene Koch ……………………… .............. 3/14

Spencer Strasen ………………… ........... 3/15

Connor Gas neau ………………........... 3/16

Maxine Peck ……………………. ............. 3/18

Adam Koch ………………….….. ............. 3/19

Amelia Zeimet ………………….. ........... 3/20

Jerry Branstrator ………….…….. ......... 3/23

Sally Brandon …………….…….. ............ 3/24

Bill Moore …………………….... ............. 3/24

Ron Daseler …………………….. ............. 3/25

Ryan Zellers ……………………. .............. 3/25

Kyle Strasen ……………………. ............. 3/26

Vicki Beeks ……………………. ............... 3/27

Chuck Miller ……………………. ............. 3/27

Anna Bishop ……………………. ............. 3/28

Chris Till ……………………….. ................ 3/29

Roman Branstrator …………………... .... 4/4

Bob Brown ……………….……… .............. 4/4

Sam Klage ………………….……….. .......... 4/5

Aniyah Wilson ……………….…….. ......... 4/7

Mark Gotsch ……………………….. .......... 4/9

Lance Selking …………………...…. .......... 4/9

Robert Derrow ……………………… ....... 4/10

Joan Thompson …………………….. ...... 4/10

Ted Hoham ………………………….. ....... 4/11

James Uffelman …………………….. ...... 4/12

Tymothy Benzinger ………………… ..... 4/14

Jillian Gatchell‐Ward ………………. ..... 4/16

Leah Daseler………………………… ........ 4/18

Sonja Laisure ……………………….. ....... 4/18

Luke Klage ………………………….. ......... 4/21

Sarah Brandon …………………….... ...... 4/23

Sarah Koch …………………………. ......... 4/23

Barbara Peppler ……………………... .... 4/23

William Lubke ……………………… ........ 4/24

Judy Lytal …………………………... ......... 4/25

Hannah Neuenschwander.…………...4/26

Wya Strasen ……………………..... ...... 4/28

Emily Till ……………………………. .......... 4/28

Greg Zelt ……………………...……... ....... 4/28

Peter Meyer ………………………..... ..... 4/30

Will & Marianne Billings ………………...4/7

Bob and Erin Floyd ............................. 4/7

Jay and Sally Brandon ...................... 4/24

Eric & Britni Michael……………………..4/30

Barb Peppler 

NOTE: Some copies of the last PY issue inadvertently had Covington Meadows

Correct Address is 

Coventry Meadows 

7833 W. Jefferson Blvd. #227

Fort Wayne, IN 46804


Directory Correction P l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e c h u r c h o f f i c e w i t h a n y

c h a ng e s o f a d d r e s s , p ho n e n umb e r s a nd ema i l a d d r e s s e s

Page 20: Peacefully Yours—Mar/Apr 2019 Peace Evangelical Lutheran ... · that was made. . . . The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only

Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church exists to reach the lost and to provide for spiritual growth and nurture of our family of believers through education and ministry of Word and Sacraments.

Return Service Requested


4900 Fairfield Ave. Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Phone: 260-744-3869


Ash Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30 pm

Lenten Midweek Services at 6:30 pm March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10

Maundy Thursday, April 18

Good Friday, April 19

Easter Sunday, April 21 Worship Service 7:00 & 9:30 am

Easter Breakfast 8:15 am

Lenten Sermon Series

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