  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992





    Gphc for Weste Shoshone Councl poseror October992 Indgenous Form andCemony o stop nucl esng n Nvada

    : Repor: th Monkey Projc to So ul Ts i Nd. Inucon to the Intellgnc cls Brsh Intellgence cove opraons. anad U

    ** Eleconc spyng - mplcaons or w ** he sals ntellgenc agencs** USIS - The Press bemoans loss o and n$* Stuyng f suppsson? - A w U .. Indx of artcl ssu 21 t 32 nu

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992



    Report:100th Monkey Action to

    Stop Nuclear Testing in Nevada"As the 100 Monkey Projet to En Nulear Tesng got nrw, avsts were boyed

    by France's annement that ther nlear tesng program wold be sspend for theremanr o 1992. Wth Rssia aso ommted to a moram thgh 1992 and Chnastestste snt n Agst 1990 the Frenh aon left the Neva test ste the only actvenlear weapons st ste n the wol (he Nuce Resister, No. 83 Apr 1992)

    It w pring in the Nevd dert nd he wowers we in gnicent boom

    ce t hd ined h few dy erer Ad there w vly no dst The oocon b whee the Oh Monkey Eent tk pce ws cved out of the deser dscpe few p he ope west of L Vegs t hd m ke in it om the rin It w ny uitbe con for he tr of protest gnt ncer wepon teng The bin is c on he bey of he dee The ocs he ong ued t n cul shng rnge henge ws over the other ide ofh hl nd we were wed not to wnder oer there t pei ppty there hd rey ben ome hret mde towrd our nd) - there wshe g eveywhere Cut feet were common despi wngs bot the dngers

    Sng fo hn bot 20 mute ws o geou Yo hd to coer up

    we in he ddy het whch reched to he 30s he medic tent proided ies ofnbk ove he fou dys

    A ar concrt

    Dgd e we noher ery re hret he Eent being mic we protetThe ond ge for the weekend's music w e pced to ke dvntge of the eoucoc povded by the erth! d the concete spwy nd he hi behid Yo codenjoy he mc om jst bout nywhere withn stnce of huned of mees Eecctyws pided b y huned of rge sor pnes nd toge bteie ere w pety ofpor for the per we pst suset he orgnizers id it ws the words t enrey

    orpowed k concert

    he monin bckp of Re Rok Bow w spectur i he cer to the orhTo he othet L egs sprwed under nket of poution The ghts of he cty ndcos we be t ght om ou amste on he hleeng over the p of he spwyI ws in orhe Ned nd on o swo ht I woud neer iit La egs Renows bd enoh Bt the opporuy to o he nc eng potet ws too go to pss upince I ws e Los Angee p hnk o the generous uppor of number ofpeope nd grps New ad I ws ble to egs to represent NucerFreeAoteNZ t he poes

    There ws t es on hr a prs m New Zed She ws JdyLoyd, docuent podce in bu in Fi nd rise n NZ Shemde heef own to me s w p he uFree New ZelAoero rnbow

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    banneon e blff ovelookng e sond sage Se and e cew wee makng a domenon e en 10 das ofoes acon was able o do a so vdeo neew on e nclefee saon New Zealnd fo e domen wc also ncldes sc lmnes asDanel Ellsbeg al Kassne and Ssan B ogez Te vdeo sold evenall beavalable n New aland og eae eeahe

    Th Evnt"

    e "Even" a ed ock Bowl occed e s ee das (Al 10-1 of e enAendance was n e osands b dd no eac anwe nea e levels f e 99 aconsTe acves dng e fs fo das a aended wee ved - fn og ovong ddessng n dffen meases Te man evens dng e Sada and Snda wee msc

    mc of excellen f a b lod a leas ee was len of oom o back awa o acomfoable lsenng dsance) aleang w alks fom a vae of eole ncldng NaveAmecans and vsos om man cones

    e msc coveed a wde secm of ases Joe Msalla Band,Wneawk (NaveAmecan ock!) Mcelle Socked Clan Dken ce Havens and e ve nos X Teewe man lesse known gos ncldng some fom ssa One ca laed a massvebaalaka fom e Semalansk nclea es ea He blmed adaon n e eavlconamnaed aea fo e sze of e nsmen

    Te mos movng esmon came fom Nave Amecans on wose lands e bombs aeexloded e lands of cenal and soe Nevada belonged o e Wese Sosone Naono o e Eoean nvason Te Tea of b Vlle of863 ceaed a vas eseaon nNevada fo e Sosone eole B a Tea as been ssemacall volaed eve snceMos sgncanl e Nevada es se and oe ml ses ave cved vas cks o ofe Sosone land wo de ocess of congessonal law; eea lans fo fe mlexnson e fedeal Ba of Land Managemen (BLM) admnses e land aond eNevada es se and also e land aond Las Vegas Alog e Sosone Concl gaveemsson fo eac nd eve annclea demonsao o be on ndan lnd e vosagences of con sae and fedeal goveen gnoed Sosone soveegn and esedlage nmbes of eses as descbed below

    On Monda I aended e es a e Demen of Eneg el n e mong deneed o ed ok Bowl o el w e masve clean M lg back o osAngeles was n lae afenoon


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    (Te olowng tex i abrdged om po n T R No 83 Ail 9)

    Monday mong pi 13 hundds of "mokeys gaed a he Depae of nery'Neada Opeo Oe Ls eg ed 65 wk e es si bg spitd

    demonson her

    Te oc uldg ad pag lo wer easUy encied pple likd han. w opbloked accss o e pag lot at e rear of e buldng a argergup am ccy !oby cias were pep and had emseles bloced doay. Pe g a en n n he door, leadg evenual as f 2 pople

    A fe w who passively sisd ad we somehow dend as eade we dle Oman w ady mad r ng hadcud Wiesses poed o ori h man heaby e m he pne siton he lay in exposng his fa so anoer ocer u spy dreCy w e gas

    As ocade was rmovd aut 2 pople g he w Wake detoud hughhedowntowconveno cr ad e fede udig, singg and channg eir demad fr end onuclear tsg At e coneon cr, e Natona Assocaton of Bada (NAB was meetgRic Spige had civd a pss pass m aLas ega-as icaon d ent lone o teconvenon Moay wth e ntntion of addssig he asembled r au sue nule tg durg a sch y Edwd z riden o e NAB

    To Sprngers surise he foud hmlf pnt when e NAB psed foe PreidenRgn w tei Diguishd Seric Award The awad eprnd by a 30pond cyst eagleapped Sprnger He cod it a e syml of a ga rd rgard sad by NaeAmercas cuding e Wet Shoshone iolation of he 13 ay of Ruy Vley WeeShosone ds now devatad y S d Bsh nucl wn ss

    Seiig e momt, Spnger ao izd mo aeion for ttr o wore n he sg moveme wn i e 3 yeas since the siing of he aal est B reaty In slowmoon sacon ia pay do what happned nx ws of e news for foowng daySprnge cay wad o e stage d approacd e podum whe Reag ke Excusingmsf, he cd up e csta eagle tw i dow ad aemped t addss te audiene on thissue of nucar g ew wos cad s lips fo an emaasd Sect Seice detalengufd Spnge nd hued im m he om Buied i e news rer focung on the yingpieces of glas wch Reag ca ewe d de also found e aiesg messageSpringer h sought psent

    Reaoamong e wae - who by nif nmrd au 3 camd on he outs ofLas Vegas - ad m frusad disaemen o juba afmaton e ws le agrement ae st of e w wekends acons edd to mnn a dicpine of noniolence nd kepthefocus leay on e se o nucler esg

    Sprner wa ai ght afe ab hou of qung y e t Se and FBn n ace e ne fore Feder JudgeLawne ei Spnge was reeased on his ownroiz oe e eheme obeco o he ge L dlare !! e ackgodevidenc he ad n on Spnge comd a he was " m t ead a ien ife d ere snotng o ca he wod dge o m is a h h no longtndinges o any comes ' bh Gee ay m omadc s nwaed becauhs moemet d he uy w o gizg pess asee s nong ileg a demong a nd aes

    u s a bkin R wdd ae h ode n

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    Spnger wa reled on the ondon ahe mn CO r t is ay preiminay heang on chrges of assai oier. was alo pIo athe la two days of he l Mey Ny O1l ( st

    At a pes confee e nex day pnge sd j ms w a aogy o M Rgn.As n voca of nonvioee, was nevem o hu ayoe M was aw mattenon to the gency of stog uc etng e ess and media gave mnma cvege t issue I believe te eve obvious eons o ths I liee esbjoim mrepoing e news regng te uc wean sng program the ongoig b zs his o peon thei goeent o nuear tng as our couo mts

    The and juy ndit pnger o on mme - og S - ofelony - focibly aag or medg m H was ae g May

    e wa pcded tows the tet ste aveg aut 13 me h da. Dozs mople oined e wa dng e we d bga prepare fo a vey of st o

    Higway ldOn Fay, Apl waker enteed ye Coty a ew m m desnaon

    Mey g. At pple crosed om the sothd houder of e divded w hnond les The Nevada Hghway Pl awa of some of e wae' inenon ae oe hhghway, ast n brinng c o a hasarely behnd walkes.

    Wen t ce clerthe wers intended to otinue er oupaon of he hghwy te rainde of wk he autores snded foe A onngent oWaehu Secunel om the est ste ce out and met te w batonweldng barie he ace o hesando, at twod of te walkes tued to e soubond shoulder o he ro w em sat down, bning e mobe blockade to a stop.

    The ackenhut advand nd proeeded aet yone who fued o v he waThoe who declined to coote wit er own as were subje paruly ouh hag he commanding ocer bng an order "me t h!" wi pin complian holds A t of 63ope wer rsd on the iway

    Larn e da) when e maoty of wkers had aved at he est site mo e aestedas ey atmptd t contne e mrch nto he et ste

    At t lt Saay Aprl 18, a tro o men aked dow he main stet o Mer looing o edormiori at povde hoing for some employees dung e wok week. ey ntended to wke pMey e nws at it w me sop nulear tesg Befo ey could beg e,e nto wer stpped d taen

    idus o the holdng pen at e man gae

    Notlong r snri a woman stood a he attle gurd and epresd her felngs abut uerteng in a andu of uppoter Sheted and cssed he lne, nto wg hnds

    By at me doe o depty es securty gards highway parol ofs h se at te gat for a long day o oveme duty dividuas f gs bg eg h e foe unch me many crosng he ine at e gae o gong er or thugh c magherway aco on de At lea22 arres we epored by days end A w rrespa by Nye ouny most we bssd e ow Beay eo g d

    Lae atay nht, a lage iter of ovegw bes hopd ov h othe man gae w ey d elve dozen Ease eggs mong he cacs oso bshes dwidower Befo e adng rbbi old aght h o back ovr he fen o dowto t man gate To wm of ls ga gh wg ong ba oined i cos We p r

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    6 Sunda moming, e rst wae of civil sisters to cross the line we hose ing pat e

    Eastr seice concluding t Lenn Deset Experience

    Wee Shosho spirial leaer Coin Haey then drew e lth Mokey paticipantstogether wih drmming and paer At e concluion of his prae nd a few wods a woman tol estor of Eaer as celebted b he aqui ople of southe Arizona and Nohe Mexic Te Yaqui

    have merged he colou pagen of their own cul with the impotd Chn ritas that bt

    celebrate he bi of life over he focs of death. Te Yqui way of showeg celebrant wi lowepetals w scri, s severa ople moved thrugh e cw haing m bsket bloms

    A scnao was outined for those who wol parcipate in the diect actn Hey le eprocession down to the gat dmming As acon proeeed with waes of ple ssing eline ower ptal agan oat in he be escendig on lce d emosttos lie

    Ait up acons connued in for several hous some at the gate thes er te enan into dee B day's nd, 493 more rrests had ben epote, n l were leas aer bin

    bussd to Bea nd isue citaon

    Backcount! csWhn he walk gan on Monda monitord radio communicao m the test sit nicate

    that l wa i place for second est of the e a wea eect st code-name "DimonFoune" On eda mog April 14 wo men entred he test sit on foo, w the aim ofstoppingthe test b heir pnce the site

    Ron Glob D Foston" reene and Shaun Duke Nukem" Senhol hiked tugh the ayn mot of e nght and by ar e next mog found themseles at an airip about mlefrom gro ze Vncetain wheert test was immnent, n wheer or not their pesence n tesite d n sss communica to DoE ocils ey tok danage of e elephone loctein a ailer er. Ar cals to he DoE n Las egas, the l Mokey oce a few fiens nd o

    cals to he secui oce n Mercur ey nally conce ocials that they were indee psent ninen on dspng he st

    ocenl, a securi uck drove up a few minuts later, n the der aske, You gysdont wor he, do ou?" Asked to iden themselves hey said the were wo guys el with the V.S. goveent". he spirit of noniolence the corad fl with being hncueand blindfoldd for he re back into Mercuy

    Secur ocials in Mer phoned he V.S aoey in L egas who expresse no interest inprocung e case he men were then cited by Nye Cont nd leased at he Mery gate with awg not to

    Te next da huda, two gys al pisse off wih the VS goveent" wled t tesie again, and aemptd t hitchhike up he Meu Highwa leadng m e goveent tow toRanier Mesa sit of e imndig es On again they we rte n eic om the test sitwih another ye oun ctaon

    Aer a few das of rest an pply the two cme r gys ly pisse of wih te goeent a Dan CulJn jond their Enting the t site on l 21 m a itant pinnorth of grou zero, he hree hike n esmate 80 miles o Riier Mesa

    On Friday moming Apl 24, te th men sh he last f ei wate supply an wlestraight into te rea of he next tes seemigy visible sme 0 people woing in e vicityWearng gas as and eset cmolage gear tey er haps indstgishable m someemplos n route to gd ero one omn een em whe thei (iaton ection lm) badges we He seemed sase with te ply at "e nt nee y ase we wearng gas


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    Fiay, o mo h ads m the st sh slf m dw nn f a s g a hlung fp oh da bad. Thysudd cpvl and w ag hadcud bldldd d ak o Mcuy

    s m gom agd I ad aa was spdlcoclud as s a rd Las Vgs Th w ld o h ow cogzac pdg

    al J 23.

    Shol shad w o dnds saig ha I bl my aco a gal bcausla sg ols 1963 Paial T B Ta 68 Nopfo Ta aoalaw d h Numg pcpls"

    Gnd ag o css h li a h Mu gan Moday Apl7, sbfa g h s s o a olao of law ad us o olao of codos ois l fdal cusody pig H ws cd fospssad aga lasd wh a wag of d coqus should aga sk as

    Th x day Ap8 o moog ald a h Damod Fou s wa o acn o doao A h asumd m opl cssd h l a h Mcuy ga Thw cd ad lasd, ad la ld a h sh sn a h la mu wamaly s o o Thuday Ap 30

    Potript: A pn l o L gas in Ma ald a al chags w doppd aga hhudd who w rs fospass n fdal o Ny Couy lad dug w ad EasSuday aco How Rk Spg was du o ad a fos ao a h Raga awadcmoy Whav n had hs a


    I I

    Whav dvd a a ppn hs ss maa n h pan hWs nn n wh mphass n Bsh v pans Ts s a sbj havs vy ann h ma and ne by h d psnavs wh ms s bv pvd a vsgh h avs sh agns as h Nw ZaandS15 h man C andh Bsh MI5/ s h wng ps v sh vsh

    an ssy n phaps vn nn-xsn n sm ws nans Ths hmd nnans s ams mpy spy n vy v asp hman sa nans an v xpandn ay sphsad navsppng vs Invdas hav n way wng wha nd whn man sb d

    Bun, gven agenc and mres are prme vars spyng bu wiha w f grea rny hey are als sme s pre argets and have ny miedabe cnund e pymaers hey have creaed.

    Th ha ws s a nsp a Bsh vsn dmna ha wasshwn abbvad m Nw and n s 99 bv h nn hapamm shd avab njus as a n anh vsn p b npd m h n m a sd n MPs nd mnss as


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    8 eveaed by couageous ndividuals lke Robn Robison a foer epoyee of Btan's Joint


    The oh wo shr ces by Waen oon provide aional inforaon thatsuppots any of he veaons de by Robin Robison and briefy descbe the prncipentegence agencies in he US Bria Ausia and New eaad that parcipate inhe super-ecret UKSA ineligence aeent

    As a fote to his ucon we ca anon to an ce n he Chhuh es une 99 under he heine "Inellgence es on Maxwe We quote o the ace:

    The Fnana Tme said he Goveents negence counicaons headqurters(GCHQ) had gahered inon on M Maxwe s business affars that suggested thepubisherwas acg ishonesy GCHQ passed the inforaon to the Pre MinisterOce and the Ban of Engd the newpaper sad

    This veaon cae o the sae forer GCHQ epoyee who is quoted extensiveyn the nscpt o he teevision proe

    e pa quoed a fer Cabet pubc ervant as sayng he ebeed sorngGCHQ negence on M Mxwe. The signas inegence I saw in the autn of989incuded eigence data on Robert Maxwe taken o teephone conversatons andfaxes nerceped n Isre and the Medterraean M Robn Robison was uoted assayg He sad the daa cend on busness affars



    m he V Pme m by naa Vs Wol n Aton, andpe abdged n Zs Foegn Coeonent, ugust 29 1991. esstherwe c he wrs hse Wol n Aton rterNck Daves

    This pe is about spies he s of he de and e ocent peoe they spyon. Toight we nae he Ean state whch has spi on this rerd wng coanderwhich spied on Scotands eang union ocia whch has spied on this 9 year odwidow whic has spi on he Po and whch has used fusc technoogy to snoop on itscoest aies d on is own businesse A his is the work of Brish Inteigence

    Tonight on Wrn on a gpse of the sect sate We show how Brtan's secretsevants e beyond con sidestepping he aw and invading ou prvacy

    Profess ohn cson ctor of efence stues Ednbrgh niversity Everybody eveything is a rge It has to be t sipy sucked nto the achine

    More tan 30 foer oces any of senor ran ad ong serce have tod us of therconces Ad so has hs Robi Robison nt ast yea he worked in the

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    nee cen of Bsh Intellgene H k te at he has dcidd o spak out py

    aue of w ha he wiessed

    [Robison 1 felt tat wa sitting ddle o smehng a rely smelt quiteml fel hat a of wa t the way wch once i has te access hes of obg f i bcame normon hung and obtae noaon abouta at d of Bsh e nd id, ba h whi reay was no scynecess d not ly wth edg e

    M h ay othe Weste nao Brta llow spies to wor ehind closed door,hei pw o d is swpng b t supesed b Piament Their budges are hugebut udsclosd They wach but sn

    Btn is watchd by M the wold b Mos pasve of is he eavesdroppingagenc GQ [Govement Commucaons Heuers] th isening staions ound heglo

    These st agencies fd her elgence up to the second foor of he Cabinet oce atnumbr70 hehl Thats te headques of e Jot teligence Commit he brain ofBish Itegen, d he cen cod in the defence of he Bish rem

    The ot Intlgence Commite decis who shoud be spied on nd how; its whereRob Robison wkd unl ls er as n admnsave ofcer Evey day he sifted topsc tgence He sa on the wekl mg ofBrsh secrt chiefs Bu for Robisonits wk oftn sd to have ve ite o do wth defendg demcrac.

    [Robison] "I pracce te scu and telgence sevices were operaing in a way

    whch ws dcei at mes d at best ceag a fog ud he whole siuaon so hansts ew as lle s pssible d the pubic ows next to nothing and Ps new litem t pple te st

    Robison d oters e have told us ey a woed b he shr sce of Brishspg d te have lrted us to sophscatd new thnolog that has effecvely madeprvc a thig ofte past.

    Even a busess leer wttn in the pvc of an oce is no longer sfe.

    [Engr] 1 c bgin s a sigal no which s jumping round a fr bit " Withe d of a ceiver n a or a engnr whose nom job is to protec computesdmnsats te es w whch cona ion cn be gabbd om a disntscn [Ennr radg] 1 c cely sohg now its ondenia wten upthe It's a Lndon ddrss sending hs letr by had as it s essena ha heopposion should not discover o pls "

    And soone cos long nd ab he image off yo ompue screen dos hatleave y fooints ay si tat t ha hapned? [Engine Youd have no ideawhatsver None a ll.

    Tis tcnolog w dvsed at ovent Commnicaons Heaqurer inCheltnhm Its job is o to c commnaons but o sten o oher peoples tcan herthe Russia e ons ado, he poma on his telex nyone anwhere who useshe rwave CHQ was dveop ten to e Soie Bo but t reach has ben growingwid ad w t gat own a s inteigen, r igin for shor


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    ," [Robison Ee ay we h ackuls of the som GCHQ The Sigint would lndon desk and job he wa o hough he ff is Sigin would comprisetelephone conversaons ha had ben cked up it woud comprse telexes or any nd ofelecnc surveance teciques

    GQ stenng sons and dshes re lked onto civin sateites nd telephonecables round the planet At n these dshes ner Bude in w can intercept 4telephone cls or96telex nes a they leave Btan.

    Right under te nose of Scoand Yrd one of GCHQs most mt stations isrnning a operaon whch ke most of GCHQ's wk bends the law to breang point Tsnonymous brck bdng at numbe8 Par St sety intercepts every single telextat passes into out of hugh Lndon, thousands of diplomac business and personalmessages every dy In some of Bas most powerl computers, tese fed into aprome known the Dconay It pks out key wos om te mass of signt andhunts out hudred of indvduls, and coaons

    Accordng to te law, GCHQ can ony inept telephone cs wit a specifc warrntt has no rght at ll to ke evy telex in London Bu t hs conscted a loophole in te lawry Up on the fout tere it hs a up of crefuy vettd Brish Telecompeople

    "ts nohing to do wh naonal seur. Its because it's not leg to take evey sngletelex And ey tke eveg: he embassies, te business dels, even the birtdy

    ngs ey ke eveg They fd it into the Dconry. They kon tat by putngte Post ople up ere they havent got ther hnds n it" [The voice is an actors Thewords a l ey we spoken by a fer GQ ocil.]

    Ts legly dubious new tecology has powerfu uses GQ cn ack tests, drgdeers nd eous ls across he plne But e hs aso ed it on a rnge oftges who psent no reat Ther privacy is beng nvaded witout y appent leg ormor juscaon

    Bed te ris f dplomacy he Brsh Govement has ed te weapons ofespionage on some of its closest ends Weve bn told tat GCHQ's Dionry is rouelyprommed to pot the counicaons of King Fahd nd te Saud oyal fmly, d tSultn of Brunei, one of Btns welthiest es, nd of e Poe. Brsh Intelligence hasmountd a long-te t oron to tap te between te ope nd Archbishopsand mbsadors round te wold GCH has even crcked te Vacn code in serch ofuseful tbits

    Even ithin the sc bond o e Comon Mrket [m of Chnceor Kohl] Britnhas chosen to ste secets m its p

    [Word of a unnam ntegence ocer The dea that GCHQ dsn't sten to tsends is crp as is he idea that t dsnt sten to i signt alies e do it They do it

    What abut a close al ke land? son We had reports on land Wecey hed a lot though 5 and 6 ut hen you would expect tat wth te terrorismFor example the CA has sooe Dubln d we hea a bit om te ou men teyhad soone n the Dubl Govement hats ght

    Margat Thacher s a sate for n enterprise eonomy for

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    ; setng to p wt aws gfa con he nd Eurpe

    But Britin ha u d to se unf vanage hrough coeiaepionage Robin Ro aw sets m eign cakers elecns companies andsteel purs Eup meica and Jpan we all ges n a new w of commerce


    f John icson: cold w was in a sense prely mlty compeon But you'renow g about nao suvival in ae ent rms. Youe g aout naonasuvival vis-a-vs Japan, vavs the Con rke, isavis he Russis, nd so on

    This new w also has a home ont The n is as erested in Bsh business as n herfeign coes. nside the n Robison hl nepted communcaons om Brshcompnies in enrng in nace o, mining and chemicals.

    Cold it that e Bsh comuncaons that were ntercep hat you saw wereaccinta? [Robison saw much mo than could be seen to be accidental I me I used s it int piles it was a lot"

    [Ericson Comm c is now in the intelligence domain, and hat can bedis and us nd neet n a eat mny ways (a) f just plain infoaon but cn obiously used fo a eat deal of polical manpulaon. "

    n a sec loading bay atM headquers one of hihals leet of unmarked vansdelve high e intelligence. These vans fe a secret netwk of conacs that Bshntlligen established in almost every depnt of goveent [Robison "They gond o pls lie and GCHQ Pmer St nd also the Minsy of Defencethe Palace Houses of Parlient but less obvious places like the Depent of Tade and

    IndusyTranspt the Bank of Englnd the Export edit Guant Depent.

    This xing of inlligence nd commerce has vast potenal. Govents could tondeine the econoies of lnerable naons p o favor copanies at home. TheBih Goverment has s to use it The leaks it out under is cover name SectatF or by landering it though the Depent of Tre

    is buses [guised] has aveed the wld g n fostuffs Seretly hewas also an agent for5 who pvid wth comercial secrets. usinessman] "Oh foRussin intentions on neaonal dig, what prices could be accepable certn people tobe contacd withn Russian fei ad misters who would help

    At st he set by gg 5 gossip about Russins he me Then he waask f a dent nd of help.

    Busnessman] t came appe hat they would lke to rge for cernndivduals to at certain paces at cerain mes wng and dning them to allow hostesses ojoin us at the tables wi the bic ia of a couple of them endng up back at the grls lats andhe and ges ing which would used f eiher ng somebody undbecomng a Brsh oave o to shut somebody up

    w for thee nights on he own? Furher leaks of sensive inoon Itmeant that whilst one coud not gurat that eve sngle p one made one would dobusiness it certanly put he sucess ate up considerably." What was he greatest sig of yousuess? ne ws th pfi o he compy and seony we dd wn awrd foe

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    12; One prl no of neigence involes the sde he n

    Robin Robson found ey we lsenng nenly o he word's ealers He assumed thatthey wned o blk ngs deas Then he ealsed that hey were dongsomethng qu dn

    [RobsonJ e saw he dets, fo exale, of a deal beween Hung and Yugoslaa Czehoslova selng exploses abro all these nd of hngs, and ths would hen be

    pass to a desk at Mins of Deence or o Expo ret Guarantee Depent i the ctywho woud help ce e beeen .

    [Robson Ths s the omplete el of ams conol, hs s pomong rms sales "Its helpng our companes o get in he knowng wha pce they will go to, owng whatople wang, and me s an mppe se of he intelligenc newks

    Brs defenders now spyng not only on her ends and he ams salesmen, butaso on her own counmen

    [Udened fomer inegence ocer] ed produe glar weekly lists eres a

    avellers lst f pple who go abroad a busnessmen lis ae acsts, L [ounc ofiviLberes] one or twie And hat's compi paly om sa appicaons hat are all

    picked up at Paler St Theres a conas lis for ople hat a n touch wh ariousfoign counies lke e Soviet Union, hats got subsecons on unions and peace groups,somemes s That tells you e caer he son hat heyve called and what they sad"

    Soues o GCHQ old us of some of her kely argets, includg a 93 year old

    woman who has a ifelong campaign for wld peae, Mrs Ta Mos [sp?]: "I hink hemain hng is hat people get ogeher and to unersnd each oher because thee's so muchundersandig hat is neessar so bady

    Her work has won her honors om he Unied Naons. Her eed her he agseur risk Fo years GQ lisen to her inaonal telephone calls Interviewe: you a at to naonal sec Mos] No I dont so [Laughter] I thnk Imely all ght

    GQ has been lisening to Bish trges only when hey the st of he world. M want to lisen o Britons g to eah oher, hey have to to he relaelylimed holog of Bsh Teleom has a speialist team of appers he last wo yearsaone his eam ha nres by 50per cent

    Bsh Labour ohn McWlm The numr of stf has ncreased from 50 to 5Seven ve can do about 350 interceps a year hey kp busy at it Since the number ofwants ssued s only 5 and ahogh some of hose wrts wll coer a number of lnes,t sll dsnt expli why that numb f sts needed It s cle that a lot of unwrtednteepts going on.

    But wo would be e rget of hose unwred nterceps [McWllm "Treunonsts going abou he lawul busness d psenng he membes People who nol n polca aces ht he goemet snt lke"

    Leutean obe Lne was ne of ee e as a heo and a casuaty of theFalkland Wr Hs st s told n he m Tumledown Incredbly he and hs fathera red o e woy of tppng b Bish Telecom

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    [Lawnc M] wayones w e Absluly esll sucieny n brsnt I ",

    w ee a at embssmen Dedg Bu one who as wounded, buUlj' t wen ng o aut his on fengs ws

    Both faher d so hd vd tey ange by publcycog er Ros en cu o u ha Wng CmdLan son nd he s he l h th phones tp

    [Lanc M y ago woud have ust d absou nonsense Now I fee diny abu tha nd y od no sed what you sugges dhappn Ceny he w a eng wheneer you pick up he phone hat someone waslstening lile clicks and unnatl paues Ro ws toly convinced ha he was appedhat ne wa ltnng bu of coe o eience

    They cn p a phone ony a son is a naon suriy engaged n seous

    or undnng he cnomy o the coun you ny one of these? [Lawnce M"We I would thnk ha is probably l h, but I woud jus about burst if anyone houghany of those of me."

    So who cons the ntlgenc sevces how do hese hings hapen? Ociaycabnt mnists suppos kp eye on he nteligence serices bu Robin Robisonfound t the lit was v ffen

    [Robison] I my exence mners would neve ever se ft n he and e neverever eiv uess m mnists o oon" Suppose hpohecay a minise gothimlf busy and ce and sad he want to he folowing es o make su things ing run ly woudn hapn"

    How do you ow tha wouln happen [Robison] "Beause we had es whch respclly not for mnists eyes You men they we cly mrked no fminis eyes "Yes" How dd ha ske you at the e "It cu ross any preence ofc acountity"

    The n ew of susion is e law. The teligene seices ke agovt evans epcd o oy

    [Fr ntelgen or "The oy law at GCHQ what you told wn omethng CH pds it e law jus isn ( dscussed. e ony me helaw is non e Oc Secs aO cnt say and wha you cant do

    Ocialy the t cont o is at even ough i may pick upnfon on Bth czens o of he wld must neve isex powe on Btons speng o ch ohe But Robison c acoss evidence athey wllng to abandon even hs mos b e

    Robon] I dd once a mo m Peer erychurch, who wa hen hed ofGQ at sugges

    GCHQ should e o sme of he inecepon of

    caons that h n nce o and Sia Bch"

    g n Pohf

    Robn hone png nd sing t o phone p ''He w n pt

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    4 hme ad ghn their ip on the omes k pllo ow hey

    de subveives, oe wods, people who we ce nuce powe nuceenegy, ad als the a he econoc w

    Thes elabe systm for ensu h ep c ou oly w hefaly apv w. GCHQ mov n n se pp Bsh eephoes whwuld be te nsuees? [Robson] woul men e wn sysem s wo nohnause f Q just ns tpress ew butns noboy woul he

    Hw did yu feel whe yu ed hs osl? Robso el ws concee Doyuw hw the the tlgene hefs ce h e? D hy y wel hs s

    aig? "The impessn I had was he nteigece cu wne o use Q o sfull al." S this was nt a gue a nede e? No h wsn my mpsson

    What ame f the Mhuch memo is not er GQ d on he Bsh cud ytap may alls tat s st woul be overwhelmed But s scenss aewg n a new ompu system to pik ut key wos om phoe ls ust s hein y ds i tlexes The ee woud be no t o ts nson

    The hea of the blem is ths. The effecve en o he oe hs le hebistlg way f ish Itligece ith a she o enemes Yet new ehoogycnues vid tem ith sl mo weons to on hose who no rey hereemies at a

    [Es ''They evlet i many rests Bu hey hve a e poeny ormaevlee ad f mishif ad f ulmately d o eeco big boher no bbt, a bg he idd f I may say so. Bg, geng bger

    What yu hpig t ahieve by speking ou ke hs? RobsonJ el ee n hoat gut is what is eeded beause we everybody remn sen e woulhave ims f hage. Ad I feel it s t ng spe out abou scres ansystm i a way whih s t damagig t ove securty bu puely ponn ou o esh pubic e way i whih ur oveen sysem s opern n que n secreve wysuo t em



    1 Ecomc Espog

    Robis statme backe by oher snppes o oon m e osus

    It le tat eavesdpig o cmpue pu s y on o ecs wh heeuipt A cmtt of the House of Commons hs eeae h he nnuicans Seuty Estabishmen uses" emnec o eeroppn otpt elmagec emissis om compu tern epruce e me o ef hat ifo a "1

    While s ishg t seccy el o s cn or scrmberdvies that dea rivl companes, s lke hey wv,"ve ce mprus o

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    neon by the tlgen ans

    A s Wr ns o, s h nquens fo sma ulneableecnoes. Frstly oun's leadg c be conssteny ng nncanfon avlable ! o nd sondy, onom cn be dectly mnpulated by nfmaon-ch hose goen

    The nch inln hae bn au g the bbsh put U by bunesexuves n he Unt Ss but ea of e absu oe much mo seousacves Pee Mon he of e Don nee de la Sece Exe (es SE who the R W Aand Hbou) ha admtt onteleision hat he set up an dusl ponage ysm t pas nfoo about compies ther Fnch ras2

    I he Unt Stes he fme C Drect Stnseld Te just as expict: Wesel t f or mliry epdness I dont why we shouldnt stea tem sayenclly coe s we nease es on secung onomc tegence we

    have t spy on he me developed counes our les ends wt wom we comenocllyJ

    The Naonal Secur Agencys Vice-A Wllm Stdeman centycofes that ar yes of monitng economc inelgence om fog goements eNSA now ing sk ! collt compve nfoon. He says his Bsh nd NATOcolages have ked lot of quesons about he gency sping on ts ends4 Robson satshe is no rgnt au the ogsaons spg on the llies ey t we do

    2 Ti Bd or Sne

    I he mieighes it is lkely hat e New alnd Govent was ulneable oexme ess eg pl aginst i nuclea sand by a hle WasngonAdson bause of e latters access econoc infoon. e LangeGovents prmse not t exp poly and e bldng of he Waopa faty mayhave n moves to plae he US

    I hs wre so cy New Zealand mov he tat to tsef by passing heptn f ig de on to oes at Wihpi near Blenh the allte dshply nept vt councaons to and m ulnable Pacc Island states andpasses them on va Ausa te US nfomaon uum machine

    Frere accng Und mves may litle ! ensure that a councn is own idndence plces where the NSA ha had rge scale operationsWhign h tend support dctorhips whch a blnd eye t e sping and othermlr ces f 979) and Libea d P tough the eghes wold beeles of hee

    When e Nega s ntegence sup es n Pama no ongei oth nege ftr the mnes were sent uch n to home n 975when Gough Whl w due open te Pe Gap l e suny of he AuslianPint Whl w mo m oe

    The psnt Aus Goveen le oubtedly mo be Bushon mus hav csebe c w Welnon because of t w ! ps onor whold nteligce ulae at dsns sh as the

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    16 gates comment e hugely inluenc by such unen links.

    One othe aspect o this nteaonal spy agency nd to eonomc espionage needs to beaddssed We constanly nomed in the meda o he desabily o pusuing 'levelplayig els (whateve that means) nd the achievng o GA (Gene Aement onTs and Tad) objecves Sn m the ves o the Wr n n< ome,and the evence m ohe qutes the hidden economc opeaons o the weste

    intelligence agencies make such mke shbbolehs a mth nd a dangeous myh Fo asmll co lke AoteZ dpenet on oveseas de the implicaons ae ghtenng

    3 Dot Spyng

    Robisons comment on he lge-scale expnsion o dmesc spyng in Bitain asesothe quesons about what is happening in his coun As N inelligence budgets gewenoously in he eighes and have been mantan in cent yes o govement c08tcutng the Goveent Communcaons Secu Buau (GCSB) nd he SeutyIntellgence Svce (S1S) must have consideable capacity to thei tehnology on Ncizens ollowng e dmse o e Sovet that

    The NSA has en involved n wdespad domsc suveilance o mny yes. Toquote onl one esehe e consulant to e Naonl Secuity council, Loch K. Johnson,"This awesome tehnolog has also ben ed agnst the Ameicn people as when o ovedaes he NA used is powes ead cable ommuniaons sent aboad o eceived byAcan cizns .5

    In 88 he Depu Geneal Mnage o Teleom was unable to ecall ny instncewhee teleams have bn sghte by the Agencies (The agencies wee N DeenceDpaent nd GCSB But the osng paaph o his lette states Howeve,Teleom ceps no labili intcepon o commucaons 6 The exstnce o amechansm wheby ovesas commuicaons eved by the ntellgence oganisaonsems an on queson

    With he establshnt o he aclity at Whopai it is lkely that the GCSB is in thesa sion as is pnt ansaon the GQ nd can pick up the communcaons oNew Zealnds ovese sallte as it ishes with no visible ace Whethe thee aciles to neept domesc fc ce on mcowave systems wthout want, needs tobe invesgatd

    4 Oveght The Ta that Wag Te Dog

    Robisons velaons about the lack o conl ove the vous weste nteligenceagencies e not new but a soy that connues emin lgely untod and unhead

    Dg he last Labou saon we we assued by both David Lange andGeoy Pe that we shold have no e . that such opeaons in any wayunconlle Lange stat n May 188 I can howeve assue you that any eas aboutmonitng he phone clls o othe communicaons o New eaandes enlyunounded 7

    They sd assume hat s had chag om the ea sevenes when AusaliasAttey Geneal had to id the oces o the Aus Seut Intelligence Oganisaon toget the les he wad; hey the cases whe Mnss chaged with ovesight o spyagenes decled they wee uncen he col e those agencies amongst othes

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    Bsh Lau Pme Mnist s nd OCaaghan); y s that evn hough e fs mght s hr es o g h en fs whoe oyas lie withups oud New Zealnd wod the bg

    Wen McKnnon w appoted Defne Mis n Canda 979 h had nvehe of Cmuncons Sety sbsnt (Cn's veon o GCSB he wanble f H coleague Lwence Conevave Py Sol Genl sd 194: is bl ponl f abe n the CSE y an, nd I onvced thy doitn n brak in and stoe convraons of h con wh nondnnt conol suvsion monitng:

    Roon's ln about les hat we t for mnits eyes on top of videnceom a lh of oth oes should veely sh Lngs ondn

    should noted that Lnge he le ld pntav wth responsiby fo theGCS clly not ustnd most bac funcons of h flis on whch hedliv his asss His bok Nr Fr spk of " . Tna, nd the pt ha

    pl it . Howeve Tana has no n plac it s fly oon He sponly of o lisnng pos nd eves mnon ofo eih conveneny coverng pi xsn not og a ems likely hs commens, hat Whopa des not lsnto ro sials.1

    Right-ng jost Richd Long cls ny nd pic ources fe ins awe t e pu [8IS Dt Bg Smh] gned of beng able o cap thesupt of f nisr David Lnge th a sady lo of facinang pors whhbo h une licy d sve pblms M Lange faced Sessions wih hSIS D one Lnge s relaxaons in oc Unr me Mnster Gye nluen of e SIS

    nyhing, hought to hav nased Mnist Jim

    lg is said to b equly mpsn11

    I w cn have no fih hat mins ampt handon conol nher shold we havest at civil v ow mo about he intgenc vcs more ep tocl m o mnste

    B dig ghes ther w vl caes of agnis lyng enqis cas ng f yond lel uds th no oal pu nseg ces by fme o ahy Massi

    Englsmn wo wa he Bsh Goents pncil ir on andgn f st of 190 Sr Ro ng cagos by anAus Jud n he nmous Scr l a " having no al owg rxps n of nligen havg had ct m of hisvnc much hs evdnc on mate of must b a wih considblesv

    Last y Stas evel top ingen ofials w ndcted f lying tocsonal cs and es

    olcy gdn ovght of th GCSB is the eposiby of he OfclsC chd by Cordina Pro n Spemr 199

    w oals to monste bo the owlge and the cn c s ppe oveig qes no oy f he GCSB but f 8S

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    8and the Exeal sssss Bau?

    Quss must be aske abou accounabliy of he sysem in New Zealand, he peopleho conol the sysem, and h decons in hich ha sysem is no heading The Wld InAtin pomme shoud gve us much me ncenve o as hose quesions.


    . Baah oembe 199 p 9

    - Wrn Thomson

    2 0 Jan 1992 p 20 Repn om he Da Telegaph3 Ibid.4 Iid. Also see Te Magazne 23 Sep 1991 p 36 Jonson, Loch K 1989 Amera's Sre wer e C n a Demrac Sce

    Oxfod Unv ss, 1989 p 5 10hson has seed on boh US House and SenaeIelligence Commis

    6 Lete o he auh, 7 Sep 1988 Lee o Canteby Counci of Civil Libees 19 May 19888 See fo example, NZ S Tmes 30 Nov 1986; The Pess 16 ep 198 nd maeal

    om he b Scer by Pe Wigh, Heinemann, 19889 Baach Novem 1991 p 19 10 Lange Dav 1990 Nuear Free Te New Zeaand Wa Pengin oos pp 0-

    1 1 1 The Dmnn 17 ne 1991 p, 12 Rhad 1987 A Ss Reenge Pengn oos p. 188l 3. Lee o e auho, 28 Sep 989.


    A he cen Qf he es nelligence elecnc espionage sysem is he UKUSAAn Tis aemen has ve pes, al menoned in pevous pages of is issueThe USA and UK a s pes, and majo playes Auslia, Ca and Ne Zealand asecond paes, ad ohe socaed Amec allies a gd as d pes

    Te UKUA Aen as signed i 197, and naed coopeaon in he coleconand excage of fomaon pully signls ielgence Respnsibiliies f colcon divid mongs he siaes ith stanisaon of coeods and eglaedps f hanng daa and acess nfoon

    e Zeaand's posion since 1985 hen Washgton announced i as cung off isflo of elgence mate ts cony, is knon, bu since the ielligence sysemopeaes ith valy no efeee o policians o he acies, i is likely ha sigalsneligence oaons cy o nneped The lis o and om Ausalia nd anman affected pbaby expaded

    Signls neigence (Sig) lls boa no o eas:

    1 Eleonc inelligence omgnc nsmissions om eapons, ad sysems J

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    2. Commucaions nligenc sages t a sale ado cable elepho,c-wave sys ec

    1 9

    Cllecon of such da ab play a uc p n mlr operaons sinceWld Wr when h alles tercepd nd soe erm and Japnese ro sgnls e Fa1ds Wr Btn had acces to Argenn dplomac messages nd t s lke atSddamHussen' i

    f wa o oent dung e Gulf W because of

    Arcn intpon o elnic eons

    The UKUSA agence e folowng:

    he U.S National ecurty Agency S) Fr lger e e own IA ndlge an m C nd FI cbined is rgnson domnaes e steay expndingwe sls inlgen sysm usng e st dvnced compur tecnolog n the word

    The Govn Coumon Hdqrters (Q) Brtan s mjr sgnt roleis c Ot by s gisaon whose ke ne at Chelenh The W Innspt gives a cler nsght nto e acies of GQ and indicas e hin expnsonof ts ons

    The ounions eriy Esablish (S Canad's conbuon to enetw

    The nc ignals Diecorae S Ausali plays a mj prt in sigintons n e Pacc gon Bess hosng maj Americn facilies e S opasmaj bes of ts own ncluding a lrge new faclty at Gerdn West Auslia wch scloly rld to New Zelds Wahopai opon

    he NZ Gen ounitons r Buru (GB Ths goventagency s e two mj lsng bases one at Tgmona (ne Perstn N) nd oneat hi (ne Blehem) Matal passed to te New Zeld pace emn centysho los ns twn Tanmoana ad Brish ons gmona listens to rosals e Whop istaon whch intepts comuicaons a nteonlsals g pons 199 It is s couns conbuon a maj expnson ninaonl eavesppng m at conol try plcl d econoic nfaonIts ns lgely uown to ose n Pment nclung m Pme Mnster whotheclly s onsble f the acvites of e system

    by Nle FKiws

    U.SIS T bmonlo of popgnd nt

    I a vealg al T ress 5 August 1992) moned e closng of the UnitdStts Ifoon Sei USIS oce n ristchurch.

    Ang the e US s not ony "te wrlds mos pwerl non but also"m cen of m wld' s lzaon. the USIS s le s seen in ems of a "csef . e crsad' uty ous objve and e naci of ose who condutedt, ws d is n supd gnord. Sas T es he USIS promos asifon and diloe defenc f demy

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992



    and nuence New Zeaand at al estes to he power

    gely he w of the USS The Pess n"1m aon 0 onde any view of he US S thaten yes h own o!chalenges coe a a nn fmaon ia ibraes and speakers

    Pe Rsh Ne Ks (K) and oher ehers and commenatorshae haed New ealand over he past decade or so

    ng e w U h es'cosy ins with he USISEdtal aff hae gone O je he Und States. nd as The Pessacnowedge, ha ]a a a gu oce of on t mes t hasmd aos o HC; e SS i wilngness to cy he pr-US foregnpocy nd puce

    The eoi inegs who he been sufcienty independent and crca ca aenion to e me d od glob in the name of fredom andmracy We o h fUS w of nervenon and of the CIA ahe cms of US econom hae n me ecesses" eors" and wngngs he wo of ii We sugge ha no-one in her or hs right mnd wouldalow he ecue hey cme the C But he USIS and is domesc paent bodyn he US he US fomaon gy US) do no bea the sgma of he CA and so havetaken oer much of hat agency's p re n h part of he world Such ecusesbecome a pt of the myth d qy and pasely a information by the propagadaagency he dde o Ctc

    Tha agency s now defc g ddnce (Bu we will ss he bry

    hy dd Chsthurch ha a US oce the s pace? I s worth quotig hee om

    a 986 ssue of Ofse: Some ght no the eaons behd the reopening of he USSoce can be gleaned m a cen n he glosy US Pacc Comand organ AsaPic Defense F e cle by Do lve of Gorgetown Unvers cons hefolowing cou aaph whch e mus uoe s entire No a pa of ANZUS butnonetheess of defense ns s Opra Deep reeze ntarcic [sc] hough the NewZealand goveen ha en no seps here hose withn the NP [abo P whowould le o exude the U S r Foe from he Cstchch base e US InfoaonAgency sic opend a ofce n Chchurch in late 85 the ealier one having been closedbecause of bdge ain f houd bcome ipsibe for the Unied Saes to operateom Crschuh Ho Ta h been suggested as an ateave base.

    So here you hae US oce opend up n Cchh to help Operaon DeepFeeze cope th cs d udgt sn ye agan have osed he US IS nCstchuch

    Oes een n spraon for NK and cetany for mayoher wachdog ese ma s peeated wth the hyprsy andsifaon VWC" ' nd whch on a e pblcaton ke Les fOuTms ( " g C Rord ork to expose

    Perhap t i

    the mar s is no Zeaanders pay O oWershiv Se o i Se .fW

    P dependent lne The fact off Le Mudh Em another heay pce Newp asset

    1e,aYcPr Nos. 26 2 23 1 9 8 1 7 16 1 4 1 ad24

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992




    In Janay 1985, the N.Z Nuclear Free Zone Cmmttee pt ot a spcial isse of"Nclear Free wang of a possble Central Integence gen(CI.A) treat tootearoaZ It expressed concern abot te ikely mplcatons for or contry of an

    NZUS poject to be drecte by Dr. Ray Cne a former Depy Drector forIntegence at te LA

    2 1

    t tat tme some of te manstream meda were consderably more ndependent Clne'project got some revealng coerage Clne seemed to back off Covert acton montors nte peace movement owever realzed te mporan of stayng alert Tey pcked pon a repo red st of Clne to otearoaNZ and presented anoter secal sse ofNclear Free" n October 98 - an acton ale on te possble destablzaton of NZsarng Dr Clne

    Cl in e Got his Wicked Wy - In a fashion)nfortnately n te end tog not qte as ornally ntended Cne got s ZSproect Of corse e dd not font t Te more respectable poltcal scence professorHenry lbns of Pennsylvana State nversy became te openly vsble nstgatorFrom 1988 trog 990 te EastWest Centre of Hawa carred ot a stdy of relatonsamong te three NZS states It collaborated wit te stralan Insttte ofIntatonal ars and te NZ Insttte of Pol Stdes rcles n preios sse oPeace Researcer(nos 8 19 & 27) ave docmented n some detal te story of teproec

    e astWest Centre stdy managed to coopt a nmber of people wo are nental nvaros apactes on te NZ scene Te lstng below gves te nmes of te projectskey NZ players accordng to ter speal sectoral roles and nterests:

    Phse I: Siopolitil Chnge nd tionl ImgesMs Saron Crosbero Harey FrannM Nel V. g Jock PllpsDr Roberto RabelMr W Renwck

    Phse Eonomi Sttes nd ReltionsMs aron B BywaterMr Beard GalvnPro Gary HawkeSr Frank HolmesMr eter W NcollPhse I Regionl Roles nd ReltionshipsMr lastar BsleyDr ohn HendersonDr Stepen HoadleySr Wallace RowlngMs Se Wood

    Senio AdvisesMr Noel gSr Waace Rowlng

    Sr Bran TalboysMs Se Wood

    report of te Stdy Project entled strala ew Zealand and te nted StatesFy Years of lance RelatonsEastWest Centre September 99 gves this st o

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    leadig N Z: ptipans along ith te Austalan and U partiipants( ee p Teauthr and Poet Dietor Rad Bake wa om 967 to 987 a career officer n the Foreign See indn a tint a head o the political section at the US Emassn anea

    Imprve neatona u can indeed be an admirabe ai m, although theANZ US go upng is a hite AnglSaon and rather mlitaristic clu At any rate one caname that those New Zeaand who ook part in the ect acted in good faith aspaipan in an / studyImplicaions of the StudyThe central question whh remain howee s just how might the Clines" in themurky akground to the Projet e inined to use the findings and any opptunities omanipulaton of NZ polia directon aising out of the roect

    one asumes a maniplative ackground to he study then obiously from the Utandpont the mor underying obetie i s to tr and use it as a n aid towads thentegratn of NZ ak into he AZUS relationship or an equivalent arangementsuied h ea o f the 99 and beyond Studing the proesses of sociopolitical hangeand natona image; eonomic strtues and relations and regional role s and latonshi ps can see to identi avenues of inuene for US. leverage

    In the Re p ort' Summay o Conlusions it is stated that The overall conclusion of thepoject is hat the alliance era in which security onsideations dominated relationsamong he AZU S states is oer This sounds reassuring for the Z peace movementBut the study poses its own ig uestion"A prinipal question for the next period is thedegree hih the mechanisms first estabish ed to manage alliance relations will eadaped to susain effetive cooperation on the new broade agenda

    The study identfies a numb e of factos e.g . the end of the Cold War whih have led to state of me ople and uid elations among the AZUS states At the same timethe al ies are see n as beng nreasingy ntangled by economic ties This does not reHectany simple patten "Atough they agree on broad economic objetives this is an area inwhih the three ounties have ind epende nt and sometimes onHiting interests.

    Tis that Bind

    But "the n etwork of ties beween Australa, ew Zealand and the Uni ted States is broadand deep and has expanded signifianty over the period of alliane Theinterconnetions among the three societies hae proaly long since progessed beyondthe point hee they are readiy affected by short-term utuations in goernment-togoe me nt relation Tie tha bind ould all too eas ily come to constran nulea rfreedom an d what small fregn policy inde pendene we have gained

    I is signifia that the Report notes a mao and possily dominant role of economics inthe new ea his oseation hould be see n in ontext of the search for a newfamewk fo ZUS reations with hih the Eastest Centre stud has eenpeocuied.

    Closer Ecnomic ReationsCR) etween Austalia and . ha s the pOential not onlyto lead to eonomc inegration u also political integation f eer suh a political unionwee to ten NZ. would definitey e mong into a U-dominated sphere ofinluence gen te nceasngly strong seurit and eonomic hold of the U oeAustrala the Eas-West Cntre Rport ponts ou CER pcess is we on theay t mkg Austr d Z, efevely sge enm nt,"

    N ear e Ki wisNK ha onti a dn tentio nt he fat that a los ofeco nomc eeignt wil mean a os f politia oeeignty ronie s aound here Domesti pponents nea free ndeendence hae ried to ultivate conceaout the lleged damag u nests isaia the S We know that fomerU Dene S Winegw nder nditme n relation to the ran-Contra

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    affair) and co. seriosly considered at e pint sing trade pressre against s Theremay in fact hae been coert economc manilations Bt as the Study Project indicates,"economic relations with the U hae not been harmed and co-operation on other i ssesproceeds apace"

    Perha ps any coert economic maniplations have been intended not to de stabilize btrather hae instead be en directed at drawing AotearoaNZ back into the nclear fold Wehae preiosly explored this possibility as welL A leading theme of "Peace

    Researcher""PR" in recent years has been the growing loss of or economic selfrelianc(from an already highly constricted base!

    he ironies mltiply The bor Party when goernment cynically implemented"Rogernomics" a radical New Right socioeconomic programme while keeping manyspporters loyal with its nclear free stance It was propelled into its anti-nclear positionby pressre applied by the peace moement and some bor MPs At the timebor gained a measre of foreign policy independence bt proceeded to start sellingot or soereignty in the long term t opened p the economy to oerseas interests Afrther irony lies in the fact that economic accommodation with the U probablyles sened the threat of economic and coert action tactics to destabilize or contry In theend US planners well know that a loss of economic soereignty will also mean the loss o

    oera ll freedom From a strategic perspectie the US cold be qietly confident - atleast to some etent

    A shown in the Repor between 98 and 988 S inestment in NZ grew from $9million to $86 millio n American inestment in Astralia dring the same period doblefrom $76 billion to $ biion ikewise, Astralian and NZ inestment increasedsbstantially in the US Trade links contine to epand among the "allies"

    Another big irony in NZUS relations is that peace moement people hae often drawattenion to closer economic relations between NZ and the US in order to bolster theircase with the pblic They hae maintained that or nclear free stand has not harmetrade and economic relations

    While this has been nderstandable enogh there has been little appreciation of a lesswelcome dimension implicated in these growing economic ties Or incipient defenceindstry is a critical means whereby we are being plled into the US militayindstrialcomple PR" has consistently stressed this danger How can we safegard or economicwellbeing and stay nclear free? Hard qestions arise here as US planners watchUltimately the maintenance of independence mst go hand in hand with increasedeconomic selfreliance From the S standpoint we are not going to be able to hae orcake and eat it too To se another cliche the chickens are coming home to roost (and/or the eagle will land to plck the chiCkens!

    Socal and Poltcal ChangeThe Stdy Project identified a disjnction between closer contact among ANZUS alliesand yet more indiidalistic national self-images "The contries are coming into mchcloser and broader contact and are being affected by many of the same social cltraleconomic and political forces " For US planners the challenge wold be how to deelopthese commonalities and sppress awkward NZ diergencies For the S the keyqestion is how can it manage the alliance better n the ftre

    he AZUS alliance era fostered a mch greater intensity of contact Yet according tothe Stdy Report mtal perceptions among the alliance partners are permeated "bymch ignorance sperficiality and misperception " Significantly there "are also cleardistinctions between pblic attitdes and the opinions of the elite and decision maker"

    oncern is epressed that "Astralians and New Zealanders find a good deal to criticie i

    what they know abot the United States" Poll dat "demonstrate that pbl ic confidenc[in the S] is relatiel ssceptible to being ndermined" The NZ and Astralian elite"tend to be more ncerned and septical aot U deisin making and reliabili "

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    4 final chapter cal led "Toward Better Understanding conclusions from the earlierhapters are pulled together So far as the issues of public and elite pereptions go thestud says deeper understanding not only of the soures of information but of thedynamics of these processes would be useful The study also notes that In the case ofNew Zealand one specific question is whether perceptions of merican bullying over thnuclear ships issue are persisting over time and have affected general attitudes toward theUnited States and UN ew Zealand relations

    ttitudes in both ustralia and NZ are a topic of interest too A economic integrationnder R proceeds along with greater interdependence in defence wha is the impacof these trends on attitudes toward closer political relations

    Similarly s in ce an nverse pattern of knowledge and affinity exists in NZ and N Z ustralian relations(the more New Zealanders know. the more critical thy are thstudy continues its emphasis on sources of information" and of the factrs influencingreactions to these images

    better understandig would be valuable to policymakers and on a practical levelmight also help identi means of increasing both he level and the accuracy of knowledgein these societies of the others I n the Summa of Conclusions mention was also made distortions in the information ows and resulting mutual perceptions on all sides" arlierin the Repot there was a reference to ducational interchange including govementsponsored programmes such as the US Fulbright exchanges . Perhaps more UInformation Sevice(gency junkets and "exchanges could help counter distortingperceptions

    So the U agenda is pretty well openly declared here: what are the strings which they canpull to enabl e them to get NZ. back in tow For a considerable time now NFK and R"have repeatedly pointed out the means of covert manipulation In what might erhaps betermed a n ew genre of writing - the "preemptive scenario! NFK has identified currentor likely ways that U.S policakers are(or could be working to undermine our nuclearfreedom On the basis of documented experience elsewhere as ell as events or

    pocesses relevant to the NZ scene w have warned in our reemptive scenarios of thelikely trends and the apparent strategies and tactics of manipulation The purpose hasbeen to preempt possible subersion b exposing the elements of such actions

    Once again we sound the alarm In the situation in which NZ is today howeverconditions are more diffuse complex and fluid Research under an academic guise cansee the function of prviding U.S policymakers with useful information for targetingvulnerable and pliable points For instance we have noted a lot of interest shown by USresearchers in te operations and impact of the NZ media. ith our counts US inspired free market the growing penetration by merican media gives an indication ofust how muh our national identity is going to be under assault in the years to come

    Eonomic Structures and Reations

    I n its conclusion the Project Study goes on to call for more focused research" on theextent dnamics and effects of economic integration through trade and investment flowsincluding the balance of gains and losses between the smaller and larger partners in suchexchanges" It all sounds eminently reasonable and benign but a hidden agenda isalso eminently reasonable Various media along with NFK and otherobseers/researchers have monitored US machinations on nuclear politics for roughly adecade

    merging ec onomic problems ill be far more difficult to cope with fo all involved SirFrank Holm es i s producing a report in conuction with a NZ Ministy of xternalRelations an d Trade ofcial which looks at the implications of a failed Uruguay Round o

    the General greement on Tariffs and Trade(TT f NZ The government worried rightly en ough that if the GTT negotiations collapse NZ could e caught inthe crossfire of a trade war among th three big blocs of world trade urope Northmeri a nd the Japanese sphere

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    In paicular, h Holm dy look a th possibly of NZ. joining h Norh AmicaF Trad Agmn(NAA) Crrnly he US. and Canada ar oind oghr ina ay panhip and king o includ Mxico Y again w draw anion o hpopoal f h fa-gh Hriag Foundaion ha h US adminiaion of NZmmbrhip of a fr rad grmn a a way of ging back ly in h NZSallian A alady indica CER i a back doo o hi anway

    Th Rpor ob:Th ha bn m dicion paicularly in Nw Zaland ofh poibiy of linking CE h h SCnada aangmn o a Noh mrican ooh Pacific fr rad ara bu so far h i no connu on ihr h diabiliy oh faibiliy of uch mov"

    n if an opn mov oward A may b om way o y Wih h xpanon ofh bilaal conomi rlaionhip h maor quio for h fuur involv hconqunc of growing conomic inrdpndnc for ohr policy ara and fo hbroadr laion bwn h hr counri Indd!

    Wha hn will h mchanim for managing conomic rlaion among h hr? Ii woh noing in h day of iing mulinaional pow and big buin influn haSrongr inrconncion bwn[ic] priva conomic inr in h hr couni

    alo opn up nw poibilii fo dirc acc o h domic dciionmaking proof ach couny poibilii ha did no i viouly o a imilar d or a lawould no hav bn a poliically accpabl. A mo valig obvaion o b ur

    Mo ipoanly h Rpor c far of forign akovr of domic induri aan apl of h aa wh h mo luid inaional conomic ym hainad domic poiical niivii Th will b coninuouly difficul roblm forh poliical and govmnal iniuion of all hr couni o dal wih So hRpo idnifi conc abou h lo of naional conomic ovrigny a a poblmrquig niiv managmn

    Global rad wa would gray accnua compiion among h ANZS mmbr

    couni A h am im ionically again h Rpo a uccful GATT Rounda incraing inaional compiiv pur Th ponial volailiy ahad forconoi laion nur ga oin ffor o y and rgula hm

    Mor han v hn ac movmn mu ndavour o hlp uain ou ovignindpndn h am im i hould hlp achiv incad conomic lfufcin

    Regionl PoliciesTh Rpor i blaanly milading whn i a haAlhough h Nw Zalandgoverment coninu o uppo h 1ZS allianc inc h bak wh h nidStates i allianc aion nccaily invol only co0

    raon wih Aualia And

    fuhrSinc h brak almo all dfnc coopaion ' ha n upndd by h SI i u ha h coopraion i y onidd w coninu o ac a lac PR andoh hav documnd h xniv dfnc and inllignc i ill oprai

    Thr i cainly Amican ianc o givng any cdi o h Z pac movmnfor ging u ou of a fully opaiv AZS According o h Rpor ha no nh ciiqu bu rah h broadr oluion in h con ha ha bn h pimayfoc in bnging abou h chang in h impoanc and rol of h allianc

    ll h counri a pcd o coninu o b uppo of h AiaPacificEconoic Coopraion IniiaivAPEC On wold hav o ag wih h Rpoad amn hr ha APEC m unikly o b abl o ablih nough common

    gound for a rgional f rad zon Cainly hi mu b h ca in comparion wihNA and oh l comph ni grouping APEC will probably rah a afom for conulaion nd h xchang of vw Nvhl i may funcion oo a aamwok of o fo SJapan imprial dign

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992



    Whee he Repo i o bou Aein oe enhui o APEC, hee iidene poining o he ole o he .S he el inigo o APEC, he hnAuli I n hi onneion, i i elling h i w Auli whih ognized he iee de goup in he GATT The hidden .S diploi hnd h been iilldiened behind he oion o hi goup. Aoeo/.. u be w o he TrojnHoe inheen in oo uh CER!

    Manageen of Evoving RelaionhipA e eldeenie one ie in he Repo egding i ue o he e"ngee n I obee h"n oe ile, he onep o ngeen oinenionl elionhip ee o he quied inie oeone - lo nonouwih 'leolen nipulion" Aowedl, he Repo ehew he ue he e in hiene Ined, i li o ppl "ngeen" wih eeene o "hoe who wok wihinegoenenl elion" in uh oe benign ene.

    The Repo i ege o dipel n noion h hee i "n Aein deie o nipulehe doei poliil i o he ll n ige h n on he le o he lboupie wee onl oo ed o beliee)". I ned, wih he "edued ipone o euiiue in he new iune", e n he "oe eul nd ophiied" e o

    eion "Copeing doei peue" e een hllenge o uh egie

    Auli' plibili o S peue o oode .S. deene iliie i opewih he iuion in Aoeo/ oe i ken h, "In hbinge o uuedeelopen nionlii eine in ew elnd bloed he eblihen ocopble new inllion on i oil, nd hu he .S.- ew elnd elionhip no equied o ke iil duen." So nionlii eine i en dkl hbinge o uue deelopen"! Bu he Reo poin ou, on he ohe hn, "hNe elnd' deene oe e now oe ineged wih - nd dependen on - oe oAuli hn would ohewie he been he e" i. e wihou he AS pli!

    Final Commnt oue Repo like o he E-e Cene n be igniin o h i doeno I n lo be highl ileding in ple. Wh hi u Repo doe heo , howee, i woh noing eull I hould be obeved h he eul o ehphe o he Poe e being inopoed in epel publihed olue 1 oil ndpoliil hnge; ) eonoi uue nd elionhip nd 3 ) eoling egionlpoliie Thee epo ould poe ueul o nule ee ivi

    Nuclear Fe K

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992




    Peace Reearcher C 21 32 v

    No. 21 Dmr 1988

    Natina Seuy Agency Head visited New Zeand - Why?e wath ve Len: US Nava C f hipping by Bb Lenadlg ques fm the Hawke sis up USA fr n m years Pine Gap nd NuungaProject Magnet a Hawd again by Bb nadStaie avids New ad Let's make it a habit

    No 22 Marh 1989

    Gveent and munanas pmte e miitaizatn f New Zeaad

    by Nucea FKwsNew gates - saing bivin by PR staU S media ps stngs in figas debate by Nucea Fee KiwsPACDAC gves gan t Peae ResearherCmme n The AFoe of Zealand and the AZUS plit.

    by s Sm and Bb LenadABC deegan vsits Back Bch Obsevay by Bb LenaAmec nvaded fu cnvid in Chistchuh ut ted by ABC ChchBh wed ut nucea weapns in StaesBig Bthe is watchng yuCsts f the camp Hawd Ta Apa

    No 23 J 1989

    Ds New and w n as indusA ppsa f the entncent f ts f e New Zend Nuce Fe Zne,

    Dismament and As Cnt Act (197) by Babaa LenadNew Zed enmy tget f US subvesin by Nucea Fee KiwisCan f chas scena f the Lange Gveent by Nucea Fee KwisSwnging uncis mds d gveents by Nucea Fe Kiwis"Rbie taet f endettaMnng subvesin Ntes by Nucea Fe s

    e academic ne Naas CAbacked eecn cmpag Wellinon Pa Rept a pime sue f nfanI Redne acist scare

    W pa upied decad n t the pepe by Bb LenadWaihp F Y g sy dsh n tweObi - Muay Hn s back fenceBk Review On he un by Phip Agee vewed by Muay H

    No 24 Sptm 1989

    Sie mt fais wh Ombudsm by Bb Led

    Hwd T Ap a cmpee succsExpsives add n skiHecues by Bb LenadThe ANGHcs a back


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    Bungng incomtnc - not good m for h mnsIndendnc m Amc Dy - 4 Juy 18 by Bob eonrdWhop - who ung dng?Peace Researchercommnt: Frigt cde - Buying nto he

    Mtry/ndus Compx

    Bk Revew: Toard a world ofpeace people create altertieseded by lnnt P Ms nd Ror A Stewrt vewed byRchrd W Ker

    Soviet signa inteligenceby Desmond B - noLwsut d on Lnch-on-WgThe rContr Ar - Th connung r - by Bob Lon

    N 5 November 1989

    Sc Issu: Dp Fez docmns ve Amricnew nd sovretysgge t Hwd by Murry Hoon

    No. 6 Mach 1990

    Mii sech n : Shkig out h th by Bob LonrdSpot-on wih is by Owen ksdfo-Coins Agment s in ect by r Ws Bob LeonrdThe Mont Pein Sociey in Chschurch by Nucr Fr KiwisThe 'Moody New Zed cnomy by Nucr Fr iwisNED: QuCove Acon m Coert Action Infoation BulletinCommn by Nucr F iws (on ED)Book Revew Oyster - The sto ofthe Australn ecret Inteligence Serice

    by Bi Toohey nd Wi nwi revwd by Muy Hon

    Deep Fze docms ved t hristchuh pss confence by Bob on'Prjct Mt - Th nevendng mitry sry by Bob Lon

    N 7 June 1990

    Sc Arce: The fi sge by NZ cvin wokes for nion ghtst Oon Dp Feze by Muy Hoon

    Peace Researcher comment Nucr shps ndr Non govenby Bob Lon

    e nucr ships ssu in TsmniThe Bck Bh smic progrmme by Ptr Wis

    Lyos hit Drr LtoryCoopon of NZ cdemi connus by Nucer Fe KwsEst-Ws Center ps A-NZ-US retons by Nucer Fre KwsN wr ndusy oming? by Nuc Fr KwisBook Revew Blood on their banner nationalt strugges in the South Pcc

    by Dvd Rob vwd by Muy HoonO vibe - nw jo of md critcsmTchng he Bses Tour - Novmbr 1-25 0

    N 9 February 1991

    Non nucer shps WS by PR stffThe Gcriss nd Aot by Bob LeondBk Rvw Resisting the eent: Pa' strgge for sedeteinat

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992




    by Ro Adg d Cd Me vw b o LonardWeste meda o nnen db ome USNZ ceons

    by Des Smal and Bob LonBig Broher blals Ks y Nlea F KsLnng leing d on - a on the An-Bases Campaign

    Tochng e Bs To y a wIs Anaca b A Hmmngs note

    N 30 Deee 1991Exese Lamn I wos ? by PR saEerise Lamn VI - eno ouine by pce oPeace Researchrommn on ese Laman VNotes for the pnd; yehm bombg Ggs an 'uban terrsm


    pg trck of e dissident Gulf War over e Lees Vley oil elds Te aien watover L yelton by PR st

    Isals mb Dd New aland on i oerup by Bob Lonrde AZAC Fgas Jut Dence s a salvoNclearwed wsps - e keys he ANZUS lockoutU.S. lght data: Ghos Le by Bob LeonardStalir ists obseed Chshuh Ar by Bob Lnad

    N : Mar 1992

    Aave Commie on Nuclear Ship Visits Press release nd memberspTems of feen tae CommteTes of efence Goveen CommieWhy have an Alttve Commie?e Monkey Pojet t Sop Nucler estngBok view Deer miage: The rue o ofhe Gul War by Mn Ynt

    eviewed by Dck Kele

    The media and Gf Wa Some alteave views, fom LO.OT"Fe tde and nuclea domOraon Deep Feze opn nd sht cse mosy sht by Bob Lonardeal for ght data up n the r

    N 32 Augus 1992

    Repr Monkey Pject to Stop Nuclear Testng in Nevada by Bob LonardIndcon to the ntegence aes EdtorsBsh Integence covert operatons Gnada transcrpt, UKElecnc spyng mplcaons for New Zealnd by Warren Thomson

    The sis integene ageniesU .SS The Pre bmoan of prpagnda cne

    by Nclea ree KwisStdyng for suppssion? i view of an ANZUS poect by Nuclea Fe wis

    Pblshd ce 1983, Pec Rh nd yur po to n ts wkFou i , n:

    NZ$12 e e in Nw Z NZ$0 p A Mil rN7$25 i Mai l.

    Name__ SubcriptionDoaonTol End:

    $-sicRf;:plx; 2)Lin Uiversiy, Carb NZ

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue32 Aug 1992


    30- -""Ungoun" Nu

    Anying u !

    large dpl board, entitled Health and Environment", at the Vega poeacion contained o king colour phtograph with thefolloing captio:

    Beneath a photo ofan mene ple ofdut ad ater vapour riing thoan ofmere nthe ar

    "A underground nuclear weapons tt code named Banebury vented hugeamounts of radioacve material which was detected as far away as Canada.It

    Beneath an aerial oblique photo ofa porton ofthe N unrground tet te

    Underground nuclr tts have le the fragile Great Basin desert scarred withmassive crate Phoo: Department of Energy dlassied

    Txt accompanying the photo

    One othe mt prvasive liefs about the U.S nuclear weans tting progam is thatthe hazards ended when the Limited Tt Ban Trty tk eect in % and testing wenunderground

    The most comle depedet sudy to dae by the Nobel prze ng IteaoPhyscs f the Preveo of Nucle Wr coclued:

    eiroe be w t s by ig teg ue Rater, tepems we y s ut sit the i isk was se t geraUeutsg is eaig hi rge qus g-ie iace ateis attst te w ssee is tsg hs cate a s g t catsuie craeie uearups r hig ee ucer wstes

    At te va site tere e sius putiu 29 a ie txiwit a -ie 24yrs e tt at is ey ei at e eaa tst siteappxites us aut ur es e tt qy puiu i 5 hiee wte tks e eas putOiu pucti at te US geets

    Saa Rie t i Su ia ai st i uries su9 er 4 ii cuis esiu we s ter gi iucies i asthe iace egacy er tsg

    de ao Coloel aymod E Brm former Chef of raos or the r ForceTechal pplcaos Ce whch s resposble for motog o ste faout omuderoud detoaos stad mercas wee exposd to dagerous levels of radato om'sfe uud tests all through he 60s ad 70s ad rema dager today"

    The Nevad Test te s at the heart of the Depaet of Eergys ast compex of uceweapos faces The toxc ad radoace byproducts of the compex cotagmecas , oudwater d so wth the most deady oged toxs o Eath

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