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Master of Public Management

MPM8th Edition

Contents❱❱ Why MPM?

❱❱ Is it you?

❱❱ Program

❱❱ More

Ready to rewrite the rulesof public management and administration?

Eager to earn a wider vision of how issues

like solidarity, global poverty reduction,

sustainable development and corporate social

responsibility can be more actionable?

It takes a managerial focus to obtain solid results.

Take a tailored master.

Watch MPM trailer.

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Why MPM?


Managing public interests locally and globally.

MPM’s Uniqueness■ A mix of traditional teaching and managerial

training to develop practical skills.

■ Worldwide connections among students,faculty and international institutions.

■ A learning path, aimed at the maximalstandards of professional knowledge andbehaviour.

■ The exclusive MPM final internship, a real opportunity to enter the sector.

Benefits■ Gaining solid public management tools to work

in, for and with the public sector as managers,analysts, consultants and policy advisors ingovernment institutions, agencies and otherorganizations closely associated with the public sector.

■ Absorbing an active and multiculturalcombination of academic teaching, team workand field projects with a focused, internationalperspective.

■ Taking advantage of a long, active andsuccessful collaboration involvinggovernmental institutions, internationalorganizations and NGOs.

Facts ■ Accreditation

European Association for Public AdministrationAccreditation (EAPAA).

■ Institutional Membership National Association of Schools of Public Affairsand Administration (NASPAA).

■ Double Degree MPM-IOMBA Offered by SDA Bocconi and the University of Geneva to some outstanding students.

■ Exchange Programs with:

❱ Korea Development Institute (KDI) and the Korean Government, Seoul

❱ School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University Shanghai, China

❱ MEPP (Master of European Politics and Policies), Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium

❱ Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina

❱ Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

❱ Erasmus Program at the University of Geneva, Switzerland

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If you want to■ work for an NGO, the non profit sector

or an International Institution as a public manager, or a management systems specialist, or a program officer, or a consultant

■ be equipped with solid public management tools

■ experience an independent, transparent and flexible approach to public management

and you meet these requirements■ a university degree (in any discipline)

■ 2-3 years of work experience (preferred but not required)

■ English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or others)

■ admissions tests (GMAT or GRE)

then your goals match ours and yes, it’s you!

Is it you?If the public sector is your

interest, and the public interest is your sector.


❝Key facts...

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A 12 month, full-time, intensive Master,

taught entirely in English:

i.e. 9 residential months, plus a compulsory

internship period of at least 3 months.

September 2011 to May 2012 + internship ❱❱


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❝ Implicit in the term ‘Master’ is the notion of ‘mastery’:mastery of knowledge, knowledge of a sector, the ability to bring one’s qualification and skills to that sector, and to empower one’s future.Alberto Grando | Dean, SDA Bocconi School of Management

■ 12 months full-time

■ in English

■ at SDA Bocconi, Milano, Italy

■ tuition fee: € 18,000

■ application deadline:

rolling application process final deadline: 15th July 2011

■ infoline +39 02 5836 6875/6834

[email protected]


Faculty International and interdisciplinary, reflecting the MPM network,including therefore resident and visiting lecturers, and a varietyof other speakers such as practitioners, public officers,consultants, policy-makers, opinion leaders.

Key Facts

Monica Otto MPM Director

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MPM program timetable

1 ❱❱

Public ColloquiumSeptember 2011

2 ❱❱

Core Courses September 2011 - May 2012

3 ❱❱

SpecializationsApril - May 2012

4 ❱❱

Internship Min. 3 months from June 2012


Some scholarships and tuition fee waivers are offered by publicinstitutions and SDA Bocconi. These are awarded to outstandingcandidates upon the basis of merit in addition to specific criteriaidentified year by year.

SDA Bocconi reserves the right to make any changes to the contents of this brochure (rules, curriculum, courses).

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MPM program timetable

Public Colloquium (September 2011)

An orientation period, preparing participants with practice in public speaking, team building and professional writing.


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Core courses (September 2011 - May 2012)


MPM program timetable


Fundamentals of Public Management (September - December)

■ Public Sector Basics: Aims, Tasks, Structures and Management

■ Quantitative Methods

■ Public Economics

■ Organizational Behaviour in Public Institutions

■ Financial Accounting for Public Institutions

■ Strategic Management of Public Institutions

■ Linking Human Rights to Development


Management and Governance of Public Services and Policies (January - March)

■ Management of NGO's

■ Law and Public Management

■ Organization and Human Resource Management in Public Institutions

■ Performance Measurement andManagement of Public and Not for Profit Institutions

■ Marketing and Communication in the Public Sector

■ E-government Strategies



(April - May)

■ Microecoecomics of Competitiveness (in affiliation with Harvard Business School)

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Specializations (April - May 2012)


MPM program timetable


Students have to choose one Specialization among the following:

Cooperation & Development

■ International Consulting andProgram Management

■ A Human Rights-Based Approachto Development: ProgrammingThrough the Rights Lens

■ Partnership Management forPoverty Reduction & UrbanPlanning

■ One course out of: Global Health Strategies; Health Policy and HealthcareManagement in Poor Countries;Managing Global HealthChallenges

International Business-Government Relations

■ Comparative BusinessGovernment Relations

■ Corporate Citizenship

■ Financial Management in Public,Healthcare and Not for ProfitInstitutions

■ International ManagementStrategies for Energy andEnvironmental Utilities

Management of InternationalOrganizations & NGOs

■ International Law

■ Fundraising for Not for ProfitOrganizations

■ Governance and Management of United Nations

■ International Consulting andProgram Management

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Internship (min. 3 months from June 2012)


MPM program timetable


Internships may be carried out in any country, hosted by local or international institutions, Non Profit Organizations & NGOs,research centers, consultancy companies.

Agici (Milan, Italy)

Caritas Porta Aperta (Modena, Italy)

CEFASS (Milan, Italy)

The Citizen Foundation (Pakistan)

Consultus (South Africa)

EBRD (London, UK)

European Comission (Belgium)

ENIA (Parma, Italy)

FAO (Rome, Italy)

FAO (Washington DC, USA)

Fondazione Willy Brandt (Rome, Italy- Belgrade, Serbia)

Formez (Rome, Italy)

Graamen Bank (Bangladesh)

IBM (Poland)

IFAD (Italy)

ILO (Turin, Italy)

ISKUR (Turkey)

Italian Embassy (Belgrade, Serbia)

IUCN (Belgium)

Make a Wish Foundation (Argentina)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bulgaria)

Multinational Energy Solar (Milan,Italy)

Norway Statistics (Norway)

Rotronics (Texas, USA)

Siemens (Austria)


UHCHR (Brussels, Belgium)

UNDP (Azerbaijan)

UNECE (Geneva, Switzerland)

UNESCO (Paris, France)

UNICEF (India)

UNOPS (Geneva, Switzerland)

UNRWA (Amman, Jordan)

UNV (Germany)

USAID (Cambodia)

Vision and Value (Rome, Italy)

WHO (Rome, Italy)

Internship ProvidersSome Internship Providers of past editions

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Why MPM...

❝ Coming from SDA Bocconi, and being an MPM, also means access. Doors that were once closed toyou are now open, as well as awhole network of alumni readyand willing to lend a hand whenneeded.

Daniel Mauricio Granada Elvir MPM Alumnus 2010Nationality: HonduranResearch Fellow, Opportunities for theMajority Sector, Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (IADB), Washington DC

❝ My experience at MPM was enriching from a professional as well as from apersonal point of view. Professionally, I feel equipped fora successful management career in international development.Personally, I am happy to have a network of friends from everycorner of the world.

Jasmin LamraniMPM Student 2009-2010Natonality: SwissConsultant, International Development,PricewaterhouseCoopers SA, Geneva

❝As a young graduate in Asianlanguages and cultures, I knew that I wanted to work in the development field; I was motivated and full of ideas.I soon realized though, thatmotivation and ideas were notenough. MPM was a challenging and satisfying turning point: it gave me the tools andknowledge I needed to begin a career in the internationaldevelopment sector.

Sveva PettorinoMPM Alumna 2010Nationality: ItalianProject Officer, Asia-Pacific Programme of Educational Innovation forDevelopment (APEID), UNESCO Bangkok

❝ MPM ensures to all itsparticipants an invaluableopportunity of professional andpersonal growth. As expectedfrom one of the top business schools in Europe, theprogram is academically andintellectually challenging. But forme the real added value comesfrom the high variety of culturesand backgrounds of the studentsI get a chance to work witheveryday.

Adama SannehMPM Student 2010-2011Nationality: Italian

We thank our MPM Students and Alumni for their suggestions, testimonials and the photographs contained in this brochure.

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SDA Bocconi School of Management

The leading School of Management in Italy and the only Italian Schoolpresent in all of the most important International rankings (FinancialTimes, Bloomberg Businessweek, The Economist), SDA Bocconihas established itself as a European leader in higher education.

SDA Bocconi School of Management is part of Università Bocconi, thefirst Italian University to grant a degree in economics. For over a century,Bocconi has played a leading role in Italy's social and economic

modernization. SDA Bocconi has been engaged in the promotion and organization ofexecutive training since 1971, with an International approach. The School's vision ofempowering life through knowledge and imagination lies behind its program offerings:Executive and Custom Programs, MBA and Master Programs, for the development ofindividuals, companies, institutions and economic systems.

Choosing SDA Bocconi and coming to Milano means choosing a vibrant environment, theentrepreneurial, financial and industrialized center of Italy, a doorway to Europe. In short, awealth of international contacts and opportunities. And Milano, of course, is culture, fashion,design, food and the art of living.






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SDA Bocconi School of Management | Masters Division

Via Bocconi 8 | 20136 Milano, Italy | tel +39 02 5836 6875 | fax +39 02 5836 6890Email: [email protected] |

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European Corporate Governance Institute

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Community of European Management Schools and International Companies


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Financial Times


Wall Street Journal

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Business Week

América Economía


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