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    Copyright 2012, PCI-SIG, All Rights Reserved 1

    PCI Express4.0 ElectricalPreviewsParts I & II

    Dan Froelich, Intel Corporation, EWG Member

    Gerry Talbot, AMD, EWG Co-Chair

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference Copyright 2012, PCI-SIG, All Rights Reserved 2


    The information in this presentation refersspecifications still in the development process.

    This presentation reflects the current thinking

    of various PCI-SIG workgroups, but all

    material is subject to change before thespecifications are released.

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference


    PCIe 4.0 motivations and assumptions

    Choice of data rate

    Channel Pathfinding studies CEM connector

    Channel improvements

    Channel HVM simulations

    Silicon Pathfinding studies Tx/Rx specifications

    Die-pad cap mitigation

    Specification update Reorganization of electrical section

    Design collateral to be included

    Specification release timeline

    Next steps for PCIe 4.0

    PCIe 3.0 ECRs

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    PCIe 4.0 Motivations andAssumptions

    Looking forward we continue to see a requirement toincrease I/O bandwidth

    Graphics, Networking, Storage

    Motivations for PCIe 2.x->3.0 apply equally for 3.0->4.0

    Given the eco-system impact of a new generation2x increase in delivered bandwidth is required

    Highly desirable to extend PCIe 3.0 infrastructure andPHY architecture for another generation

    Moving to a new infrastructure such as electrical or opticalwaveguides breaks backwards compatibility

    Highly desirable to preserve current usage models

    With incremental improvements 3.0 PHY architecture is capableof significantly higher data rates

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    EWGs Analysis Approach

    PHY assumed to have similar EQ solution to 3.0 Silicon performance assumed to scale with data rate

    Jitter performance, Return loss, Tx bandwidth

    This assumption is currently being refined

    Evaluate CEM channels to determine maximumdata rate Two data rates 16GT/s and 24GT/s initially considered

    Determine channel topology limiters

    Evaluate mitigation techniques

    Investigate component improvements

    Conclusion from pathfinding work Existing CEM topologies do not support 24GT/s

    16GT/s is the PCIe 4.0 data rate

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Target max length PCIe 3.0 server channel is~20 with 1 or 2 connectors

    Pathfinding for 16GT/s shows ~12-14 with 1 or2 connectors possible

    Even with reduced channel length mitigation isrequired

    Improvements to the CEM connector launch

    Clean up via transitions

    Minimize crosstalk

    Center channel impedance ~85ohm

    Channel Topologies

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    Client Topology

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    Root package

    CEM connector

    Add-in card

    package Add-incard



    Root package

    CEM connector

    Add-in card




    Swept length

    Swept lengthSwept length


    Bottom-side microstrip route

    Top-side microstrip route

    5mil pair-pair space 30mil pair-pair space

    30mil pair-pair space

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    Server 2-connector Topology

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    mbLen {4-10} stripline,

    0.015 LossTan,

    70,85,100 ohms

    acLen {1-3} CONN

    rsrLen {1-3}

    Stripline route assumed as this has worst via stubs

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    CEM Connector Improvements

    Existing CEM connector has three problems for16GT/s signaling

    Insertion loss increase at 8GHz

    Return loss at 8GHz

    Significant peak in FEXT at 8GHz

    Significant improvements can be made bychanging footprint

    Improves the launch into the connector structure

    Under review by connector vendors

    Goal is to minimize cost impact

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    Possible PerformanceImprovement

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    Current CEM connector Improved CEM connector







    Substantial improvement in IL, FEXT and RL by creating a true differential launch

    from board into connector

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    Modifications to Footprint

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    Possible CEM connector launch improvements

    under consideration

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    SMT Measurement Result

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    Existing SMT connectors get close to the through hole-launch

    Additional measurements in progress on improved footprints

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    PCB Etch Loss/Inch

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    Channel performance is approximately proportional to PCB loss

    Loss tangent is more significant at 16GT/s

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    Loss Tangent Impact EyeHeight

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    Swept loss tangent form 0.01, 0.015, 0.025



    Loss Tan of 0.025 was assumed for 8GT/s Changing to 0.015 is of medium risk/cost in future

    Using to 0.015 increases solution space by about 2

    Changing to 0.010 starts to have diminishing returns for thecost

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Via Stub Impact

    For 2-connector server channel there are 4 main vias Two for main board to go to stripline and back up to AC cap

    - 11 and 58 mills

    Two for the connectors- 0 mills and 58 mills

    Worst combination can reduce the total routing length

    by >3



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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Tool Improvements Needed

    Channel response at >8GHz is affected by largenumber of features in the channel

    Pre-layout evaluation of topology choices is acomplicated multi-dimensional problem

    Need to be able to quickly build and test manydifferent options

    Large number of HVM permutations need to beevaluated to determine robustness of solution

    Seasim has been enhanced to allow EWGmembers to efficiently evaluate these options

    Once validated this tool will be made available to thePCI-SIG membership for 4.0 channel compliance

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference 19

    Allows whatif analysis on

    the channel components by

    changing the touchstone

    files that are concatenated

    together for the channel

    Different analyses can beselected as the channel is


    Either a pre-saved config

    can be loaded or the pcie- for normal simconditions

    The other tabs allow

    simulation conditions to be

    changed from the default


    Seasim Channel

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Client HVM Sweeps

    At 16GT/s small changes in the channel have a big impact on eye openingAn end-end reflection peaks and nulls when flight time changes by

    62.5ps or ~0.42

    Impedance variations between motherboard and add-in card introducelow frequency reflections that interact with the adapted EQ solution

    Different root complex package responses vary significantly Topology differences between top and bottom microstrip routing impact


    Different connector models impact channel reflections

    To capture solution space sensitivity channel parameters can be swept

    using seasim Set of component touchstone files built

    Seasim sweep capability allows large number of cases to be studied

    -In this example ~15,000 cases tested

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Seasim HVM Sweep


    Seasim can be used todefine HVM sweeps

    The channel model can be

    swept to represent

    manufacturing variations of

    impedance or loss

    To consider the impact of

    different PCB layout the

    length of different channel

    segments can be swept

    Seasim will launch jobs in

    parallel then collect results

    and plot them

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Example Client ChannelSimulation

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Client Channel HVM Sweep

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    Min eye height 47mV

    Min eye width 0.38UI

    Max IL -21dB

    Variables swept:


    -Length: 1-11

    -Impedance 70/100ohm

    Root package

    -Length 10-30mm-Impedance 80/90ohm

    -Loss hi/lo

    EP package

    -Length 10/30mm

    -Impedance 80/90

    -Loss hi/lo AIC etch


    15,360 cases

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Server 2-conn Sweep

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    Eye Height

    Eye Width

    Total Length inches

    Insertion loss @8GHz

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    The CEM form factor is the most important usage model for PCIExpress

    Can be extended by another generation with improvements to CEMconnector launch

    Current CEM channels are electrically very complex beyond 8GT/s

    Discontinuities and crosstalk from packages, sockets, vias, etch,coupling capacitors, CEM connector

    Non-monotonic frequency domain behavior yields unpredictable datarate scaling

    To extend current infrastructure requires enabling SIG membershipto design and build cleaner channels

    Tuning via launches, minimizing layer transitions, careful layer choices

    For longer reach channels, back-drilling, lower loss materials andrepeaters will be required

    Channel Recommendations

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Passive Tx/Rx Improvements

    PCIe 3.0 Tx/Rx BW constrained by CPAD

    Requires a BW > 10 GHz

    Two options considered

    Reduce CPADto ~ 400 fFAdd T-coils to Tx and Rx

    T-coils also improve RL, reducing reflections

    Analysis indicates that T-coils on Tx and Rxdecrease IL by ~ 5 dB

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference


    T-coil ModelBlue block is normal driver model in time domain simulator

    CPAD= CTX - CE. (Tx or Rx pad capacitance)CESD = 0.35pF (ESD capacitance)

    CTX= 0.9 pf

    RSERIES= 2W(Metalization resistance)

    Driver Model

    T-coil lumped element





    80 fF



    Example of metal stackup


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    T-coil Effect on IL

    Blue curve is Tx package with 0.9pF Cpad Green is with 0.35pF of the 0.9pF compensated for with T-coil.

    Red is with Cpad of 0.55pF (0.9-0.35pf)

    The magnitude of the ripple on the IL with the 0.9pF cpad (blue) is drivingthe IL down to -10dB at 8GHz

    CTX= 0.9 pf, no T-coil

    CTX= 0.55 pf, no T-coil

    Tcoil, CPAD= 0.55pf, CESD= 0.35pf

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    T-coil Effect on RL

    RL improves with t-coil for two reasons:

    RESDdecoupled from high speed signal path

    RSERIESadds a small amount of DC resistance to the signal path

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    CTX= 0.9 pf

    CTX= 0.55 pf

    T-coil, CPAD= 0.55pf,

    CESD= 0.35pf

    -1.5 dB




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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Platform Topology Variables

    main board 7-9, stripline, tand 0.015,Z: 70-100 Riser card 1.5-3.5, mstrip, tand 0.015,

    Z: 70-100 Addin Card 1.5-3.5, mstrip, tand 0.015,

    Z: 70-100 Models

    Connector is EWG web site, 8mm5_26_2011

    Tx package is 10-25mm with socket Rx package is 10-20mm BGA

    Tx 3 tap EQ, pre, cur, post 800mV swing 0.9-0.55pF

    Rx CTLE ADC: 4 to 12 dB, fp1 1.5-4 GHz

    2,4,6,8 tap DFE




    Len=7- 9

    Zo= 70,85,100 ohms


    EQ training: exhaustive grid search

    Vias Motherboard via stub 11 or 58 mill Conn via stub 0 or full 64 mill

    T-coils At both Tx and Rx ESD Cap is 0.35pF for both

    Rx-cpad = Tx-cpad-0.1pF RSERIES= 2W

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Effect on IL 0.9/0.8pF C

    PADintroduces too much rolloff in Tx and Rx

    Time constant for 0l;9 pf, 50W= 45 ps vs. UI of 40 ps

    0.55/0.45 pf CPADreduces IL slightly, but still exceeds the 25 dB limit

    Adding T-coils to Tx and Rx decreases IL to 25 dB, which can beequalized

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    CTX= 0.9 pfCTX= 0.55 pf

    T-coil, CPAD= 0.55pf,CESD= 0.35pf

    -25 dB

    -30 dB

    -27 dB


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Pulse Response Comparison

    C=0.55pF Tx yields the largest pulse height

    C=0.9 pf with T-coil gives the least amount of pre and post cursorinterference

    0.9 pf Tx

    0.55 pf Tx


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Eye Height Comparison

    Top is with T-Coil

    0.9pF Tx Total

    T-coil 0.35pF in ESD

    tand=0.015, short viastubs

    Increasing # of DFEtaps reduces delta




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    0.9 pf with T-coil

    0.9 pf no T-coil


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Eye Height Distribution 15

    2-tap and 6-tap DFE with and without T-coils, length=15 total

    2-tap DFE 6-tap DFE

    2 DFE mean 6 DFE mean

    Tcoil 45mV 53mV

    0.9pF 32mV 47mV

    2-tap DFE +T-coil 6-tap DFE + T-coil

    2 DFE min 6 DFE min

    Tcoil 11mV 27mV

    0.9pF 0mV 22mV

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Eye Width Comparison Top is with T-Coil

    0.9pF Tx Total

    T-coil .35pF in ESD

    tand=0.015, short viastubs

    Increasing #DFE taps

    reduces delta Eye Height target of

    25mV is current limiterwith 8 taps DFE




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    0.9 pf with T-coil

    0.9 pf no T-coil


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    2 DFE mean 6 DFE mean

    T-coil 0.43UI 0.48UI

    0.9pF 0.37UI 0.45UI

    2 DFE min 6 DFE min

    T-coil 0.23UI 0.35UI

    0.9pF 0.04UI 0.28UI

    Eye Width Distribution2-tap and 6-tap DFE with and without T-coils, length=15

    6-tap DFE2-tap DFE

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    2-tap DFE +T-coil

    6-tap DFE + T-coil36

    0 9pF with T coil vs

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    0.9pF with T-coil vs.0.55pF no t-coil

    EH mean EW meanTcoil 40mV 0.41UI

    0.55pF 40mV 0.41UI

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    C=0.55 pf Eye width C=0.9 pf Eye width

    C=0.9 pf Eye heightC=0.55 pf Eye height


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Tx/Rx Circuit Improvements

    Tx jitter and Rx timing uncertainty must scaleapproximately with data rate

    Some parameters such as Tx PWJ may need to scalemore than a factor of 2x wrt. PCIe 3.0

    At this time we have not obtained precise jitterestimates for Rx or Rx circuits

    Estimates will go into the Rev 0.3 specification

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Only minor enhancements to Tx or Rx equalizationare anticipated for PCIe 4.0

    The channel IL at Nyquist for PCIe 4.0 is not appreciablyworse than for PCIe 3.0

    Proposed eq capabilities

    - Tx FFE: One pre and one post cursor tap. Retain the samepresets and coefficient range/resolution

    - Reference Receiver (actual implementations may have more)

    -Rx CTLE: Same resolution, but DC gain may be

    increased-Rx: DFE, increase the number of taps to 2-3, retainsame tap range and magnitude

    -Training method would remain the same, although only certainpresets would be used

    Equalization Capability

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference


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    Active component for channel extension will beimportant in more systems for PCIe 4.0

    Allowed architectures and compliance for channelextension may need to be specified for PCIe 4.0

    Areas for investigation Interaction with TX Equalization negotiation protocol


    Electrical specifications

    Models for simulation

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    PCIe 4.0 Electrical Spec

    Undergoing reorganization to achieve a moreregularized format

    8.0G/Ts methodology and parameters will be appliedto 16G/Ts

    Same parameter definitions retroactively applied to2.5G/Ts and 5.0G/Ts

    2.5G/Ts and 5.0G/Ts parameters values will bedefined to guarantee interoperability

    - Some tightening of certain Tx parameters is likely

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Tx Jitter Specifications

    Copyright 2012, PCI-SIG, All Rights Reserved

    Parameter Description 2.5 GT/s 5.0 GT/s 8.0 GT/s 16 GT/s

    TTX-UTJ Tx uncorrelated total


    100 (max) 50 (max) 31.25 (max) 15.62 (max)

    TTX-UDJDD Tx uncorrelated

    deterministic jitter

    40 (max) 20 (max) 12 (max) 6 (max)

    TTX-UPW-TJ Total uncorrelated


    75 (max) 38 (max) 24 (max) 12 (max)

    TTX-UPW-DJDD Deterministic DjDD

    uncorrelated PWJ

    32 (max) 16 (max 10 (max) 5.0 (max)

    TTX-DDJ Data dependent jitter 60 (max) 30 (max) 18 (max) 9.0 (max)


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Tx differential and common mode RL masksExtend 2.5-4.0 GHz PCIe 3.0 limits to 8 Ghz while

    retaining the same respective values

    Makes sense given that Tx/Rx RL at 8G is improved

    via T-coils

    Redefine Tx behavior during EIEOS

    Optimization may be neededstudies ongoing

    Double the # of symbols in the high and low intervals

    Turn off de-emphasis to avoid hitting boost limit


    Other PCIe 4.0 Tx Parameters

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Max PCIe 4.0 channel IL remains approx thesame s for PCIe 3.0

    Plan is to retain same equalization presets

    Training will require that only a subset of the presets

    be used (P7 and P8)

    Equalization coefficient range and resolutionalso are intended to remain unchanged

    EIEOS signaling will likely change such that noTxEQ is applied during the EIEOS interval

    Transmitter Equalization

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    PCIe 4.0 uses same jitter parameters as PCIe 3.0TTX-UPW-TJ, TTX-UPW-DJDD, TTX-DDJ, TTX-UTJand TTX-UDJDD

    Jitter will need to scale approximately with bitrate

    De-embedding approach will likely remain the same

    PCIe 1.x and PCIe 2.x jitter parameters will berecast into the same form as the PCIe 3.0parameters

    Backward compatibility will be guaranteed

    Some PCIe 1.x/2.x parameters will be effectivelytightened

    Example: PCIe 2.x TMIN-PULSEparameter will beconverted into TTX-UPW-TJand TTX-UPW-DJDD

    Transmitter Jitter Spec

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Will continue to rely upon a stressed eyeapproach where both EH and EW are stressed

    Calibration channels IL will need to be reduced toyield ~24 dB at 8 GHz

    Behavioral package model needs to comprehendreduced CPADor include T-coil models

    Behavioral DFE model to have increased number oftaps, at least 2

    More capable CTLE model

    PCIe 4.0 Rx Specification

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    PCIe 4.0 Design Collateral

    Will be included in PCIe 4.0 spec in response tocustomers requests

    A purely normative spec does not give sufficientinformation to allow many developers to successfullyimplement designs.

    Some design collateral will be included asseparate subsections for Tx, Rx, channel, etc.

    CEM specific collateral will be included in CEM


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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    CEM s-parameter masksCEM connector: IL, RL, FEXT

    Tx and Rx: RL

    Baseboard: IL, RL adapter: IL, RL

    Reference models for Tx die/pkg, channel, Rxdie/pkg


    PCIe 4.0 Design Collateral

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    PCIe 3.0 ECNs

    Support independent Tx and Rx RefClks withSSC on each This is an optional requirement

    Certain cabled applications may not route RefClk, so adaptersRefClk is independent from root ports

    Reduce pincount and minimize EMI/RFI

    Rx CDR needs to filter SSC 20 db/dec insufficient to filter RefClk spurs and meet the 1 ps

    RMS RefClk jitter spec

    Previously a 1storder CDR was acceptable

    Support will likely be required for PCIe 4.0 basespec compliant silicon

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    PCI-SIG Developers Conference

    Next Steps

    EWG workStart scoping Tx, Rx jitter parameters

    Rev 0.3 spec release

    Common parameters across PCIe 1.x-PCIe 4.0

    Estimated values for all PCIe 4.0 parameters

    Merge PCIe 1.x, PCIe 2.x specific material into PCIe3.0 spec format

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    Thank you for attending thePCI-SIG Developers Conference 2012

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