  • 7/29/2019 PB 2161087A-GEO-LTR-001 RevA-1


    Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited

    ABN 80 078 004 798

    Level 5 503 Murray StreetPerth WA 6000PO Box 7181Cloisters Square WA 6850AustraliaTel: +61 8 9489 9700

    Fax: +61 8 9489 9777Email: [email protected]

    Certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AS/NZS 4801A GRI Rating: Sustainability Report 2011

    Our ref: 2161087A-GEO-LTR-001 RevA

    2161087A-GEO-LTR-001 RevA:OJ /OJ : 1/5

    22 February 2013

    Bill Drobnik

    Design Manager

    Vaughan Constructions Pty Ltd

    880 Lorimer Street

    Port Melbourne 3207

    Dear Bill

    Bullsbrook Development Geotechnical Desk Study

    This desk study of the subsurface ground conditions was completed for the proposed Bullsbrook

    Development site. The proposed Bullsbrook Development site is located west of Great Northern Highway

    between Butternab and Dewar Roads in Bullsbrook, Western Australia, and includes Lots 2, 11 and 12. The

    plan of the site, as provided by the client, is attached in Annex A.

    The findings in this letter are based on the publically available sources of information referred to, which werethe only sources of information known to exist by Parsons Brinkerhoff at the time of writing. No intrusive

    investigation was undertaken due to time constraints.

    1. Site location and existing land use

    The site is located approximately 35 km northeast of Perth in Bullsbrook, Western Australia. The elevation of

    the site, according to the Perth Groundwater Atlas (, is approximately between 40 m and

    45 m AHD. A drive-past site inspection (the property was not entered), indicated the site topography is

    predominantly flat, except in the area of the Nambah Brook, an approximately 5 m deep gully running from

    the intersection of Butternab Road and Great Northern Highway to approximately the southern intersection of

    Lot 2 and Lot 11. The gully appears to cross cut Lot 11 just south of the boundary with Lot 2. However, thefull extents of the gully could not be confirmed. Such of the gully as could be seen was dry at the time of

    drive-past (n.b. viewed in February after a dry summer).

    Current land use of the development site (Lots 2, 11 and 12) appears to be industrial and/or agricultural

    storage. The exact use of the sheds could not be definitely determined. Lot 2 is shown in Photo 1 and Lot 11

    is shown in Photo 2 below. Photo 1 shows what appear to be warehouses for storage of mechanical

    equipment, while Photo 2 appears to unused land around the sheds land.

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    Photo 1 View of Lot 2 looking southeast

    Photo 2 View of Lot 11 looking east

    2. Geology

    Perth Metropolitan Region 1:50,000 Environmental Geology Series Map Sheet 2034 I and part of 2134 W

    (1984) indicates that the subsurface conditions consist of sandy silt in the southeast portion (approximately

    20% of the site area) and gravelly silt for the remainder. The site is approximately 500 m due east of the

    north/south trending Darling Fault.

    The relevant extract from the geologic map is presented in Annex B. The Bullsbrook development site is

    circled in red. The light green is indicative of the alluvial gravelly silt of the Guildford Formation, while the

    yellow is indicative of the colluvial sandy silt.

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    The gravelly silt is of alluvial origin and is part of the Guildford Formation. The geological map indicates it is

    likely to comprise fine to coarse, subrounded laterite, quartz and weathered granite gravel with some fine to

    medium siliceous sand. The sandy silt can be dispersive. The geological map indicates this formationgenerally has low permeability, low corrosion potential, moderate to high slope stability, high ease of

    excavation, low shrink-swell potential, and moderate to high bearing capacity. A site visit indicated silty sand

    with gravel at the surface. However, ponding water, as shown in Photo 3, indicates a low permeability soil

    such as silt.

    Photo 3 View of Lot 2 looking south showing ponding water on the west side along the fence

    The sandy silt is of colluvial origin with occasional gravelly layers consisting of quartzite, quartz, granite and

    laterite gravel. The sandy silt can be dispersive and friable. The geological map indicates that it generally has

    low permeability, low corrosion potential, moderate to high slope stability, high ease of excavation, low to

    moderate shrink-swell potential, and moderate bearing capacity. It is indicated that the presence of silt and

    the heterogeneity of the sand particle size within the deposit may produce unfavourable foundation

    conditions and that permanent slopes may be unstable (GSWA 1984). Use of a sand pad, either above

    existing ground or to replace it to some depth may provide better founding conditions than the in situ silty


    The geological map presents a number of historical boreholes. The closest to the site is about 4 km away

    and indicated the presence of shale at approximately 10 m depth. Other boreholes in the area, but furtherafield, indicate rock may be at significantly greater depth. It should be noted the rock depth can vary

    significantly over relatively short distances and that the existing data does not present rock levels close to

    this site.

    3. Acid Sulfate Soils

    The Western Australia Planning Bulletin 64 (DOE 2003) indicates that the development site has no known

    risk of acid sulfate soils (ASS) occurring within 3 m of natural soil surface. The relevant extract from Bulletin

    64 is shown in Annex C, where the Bullsbrook development site is circled in red. The light orange shading

    indicates no known risk within 3 m of ground surface. Also, the Guildford Formation is not generally

    considered to present an ASS risk.

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    ASS risk cannot be definitively ruled out without site-specific tests but the available data indicates the risk to

    be low.

    4. Groundwater

    The site is outside the metropolitan area and therefore slightly beyond the scope of detailed data in the Perth

    Groundwater Atlas ( However, the online atlas shows some coarse data for the area,

    which indicates groundwater to be approximately 5 m below ground (elevation 35 m to 40 m AHD). The drive

    past indicated that the Numbab Brook (dry at the time of viewing) is approximately 4 to 6 m deep indicating

    groundwater is deeper than 4 m below ground surface as indicated by the Perth Groundwater Atlas. Photo 4

    shows Numbab Brook looking southwest from the intersection of Butternab Road and Great Northern

    Highway. Although the location of photo 4 is off the development site, it shows the depth of the gully.

    It should be noted that the groundwater levels in the atlas represent levels to be expected in May, beforeonset of winter, and the viewing of the brook took place in February after a dry summer. Therefore, higher

    groundwater levels might be expected during winter conditions, particularly in the vicinity of the Numbab


    The silty nature of the soils underlying the site may result in water ponding in low points and generally

    difficult trafficking over unprotected soil during wet conditions as shown in Photo 3 above.

    Photo 4 View of Numbab Brook from the intersect ion of Butternab Road and Great Northern Highway

    5. Contamination

    The Department of Environment provide an online resource for checking the contamination status of a site.

    Hence, risk of contamination was researched online for the following classifications: Contaminated

    remediation required, Contaminated restricted use or Remediated for restricted use. According to the

    online query, the development site is not listed as contaminated. However, there are four further

    classifications: Report not substantiated, Possibly contaminated investigation required, Not

    contaminated unrestricted use and Decontaminated which require a Detailed or Basic Summary of

    Records to be submitted to the DEC. The turnaround time for these four classifications is two weeks, which

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    is outside the turnaround time for this report. However, the development site currently appears to be used for

    warehouse storage to there may be potential for spills of fuels and chemicals. Therefore, it is recommended

    that a Detailed or Basic Summary of Records be submitted to the DEC.

    6. Limitations

    The information presented in this document is limited to the information available to and known of by

    Parsons Brinckerhoff at the time of writing. The references used are described in the text.

    This document and the information are solely for the use of the authorised recipient and this document may

    not be used, copied or reproduced in whole or part for any purpose other than that for which it was supplied

    by Parsons Brinckerhoff. Parsons Brinckerhoff makes no representation, undertakes no duty and accepts no

    responsibility to any third party who may use or rely upon this document or the information.

    Furthermore, the report is further limited by the statements in Annex D.


    Department of Environment, Government of Western Australia. Western Australian Planning Commission

    Bulletin 64, Figure 18, Central Metropolitan Region Scheme acid sulphate soils.

    Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1984. Muchea, Sheet 2034 I and Part of 2134 IV. Perth Metropolitan

    Region 1:50,000 Environmental Geology Series,

    Government of Western Australia, Department of Water, Perth Groundwater Atlas (,

    referenced 21 February 2013.

    Yours sincerely

    Paul Hutchinson

    Principal Geotechnical Engineer

    Parsons Brinckerhoff

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    ANNEX A Site plan

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    ANNEX B Geology map extract

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    Extract fr om Perth Metropol itan Region 1:50000 Environmental Geology Series Muchea Sheet

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    ANNEX C Bulletin 64 Figure 18 ASS map and extract

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    Extract from North Metro Region Scheme Planning Bulletin 64, Figure 18

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    ANNEX D Standard Work of Pract ice

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    Standard Work Practice SP-LGL-2002

    Limitations of Geotechnical Site Investigation Rev: A

    Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798Prepared: Approved: Legal Counsel

    Page 1 of 3

    Instructions for use

    1. This limitations statement is to be used in accordance with the PB Quality Assurance System.

    2. The explanatory and limitation statement is drafted on the assumption that expressions P and clientare defined elsewhere in the document.

    3. The report for benefit of client section of the explanatory and limitation statement is aimed atprecluding third parties from stating that they relied upon the contents of the report (and thereforeprovide an impediment to the recovery of damages by third parties for inaccurate or incompletestatements made in the report).

    4. The statement is set up as a stand alone document, however, the text can be copied and inserted asa separate chapter in reports, etc.

    Scope of services

    This geotechnical site assessment report (the report) has been prepared in accordance with the scope ofservices set out in the contract, or as otherwise agreed, between the client and PB (scope of services). In

    some circumstances the scope of services may have been limited by a range of factors such as time,budget, access and/or site disturbance constraints.

    Reliance on data

    In preparing the report, PB has relied upon data, surveys, analyses, designs, plans and other informationprovided by the client and other individuals and organisations, most of which are referred to in the report(the data). Except as otherwise stated in the report, PB has not verified the accuracy or completeness ofthe data. To the extent that the statements, opinions, facts, information, conclusions and/orrecommendations in the report (conclusions) are based in whole or part on the data, those conclusionsare contingent upon the accuracy and completeness of the data. PB will not be liable in relation toincorrect conclusions should any data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed,withheld, misrepresented or otherwise not fully disclosed to PB.

    Geotechnical investigation

    Geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion. It is far less exact than otherengineering disciplines. Geotechnical engineering reports are prepared to meet the specific needs ofindividuals. A report prepared for a consulting civil engineer may not be adequate for a constructioncontractor or even some other consulting civil engineer. This report was prepared expressly for the clientand expressly for purposes indicated by the client or his representative. Use by any other persons for anypurpose, or by the client for a different purpose, might result in problems. The client should not use thisreport for other than its intended purpose without seeking additional geotechnical advice.

    This geotechnical report is based on project-specific factors

    This geotechnical engineering report is based on a subsurface investigation which was designed forproject-specification factors, including the nature of any development, its size and configuration, thelocation of any development on the site and its orientation, and the location of access roads and parkingareas. Unless further geotechnical advice is obtained this geotechnical engineering report cannot beused:

    when the nature of any proposed development is changed

    when the size, configuration location or orientation of any proposed development is modified.

    This geotechnical engineering report cannot be applied to an adjacent site.

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    Standard Work Practice SP-LGL-2002

    Limitations of Geotechnical Site Investigation Rev: A

    Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798Prepared: Approved: Legal Counsel

    Page 2 of 3

    Subsurface conditions are time dependent

    Subsurface conditions may be modified by changing natural forces or man-made influences. Ageotechnical engineering report is based on conditions which existed at the time of subsurfaceexploration.

    Construction operations at or adjacent to the site, and natural events such as floods, or groundwaterfluctuations, may also affect subsurface conditions, and thus the continuing adequacy of a geotechnicalreport. The geotechnical engineer should be kept appraised of any such events, and should be consultedto determine if additional tests are necessary.

    Avoid misinterpretat ion

    A geotechnical engineer should be retained to work with other appropriate design professionalsexplaining relevant geotechnical findings and in reviewing the adequacy of their plans and specifications

    relative to geotechnical issues.

    Geotechnical involvement during construction

    During construction, excavation is frequently undertaken which exposes the actual subsurfaceconditions. For this reason geotechnical consultants should be retained through the construction stage, toidentify variations if they are exposed and to conduct additional tests which may be required and to dealquickly with geotechnical problems if they arise.

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    Standard Work Practice SP-LGL-2002

    Limitations of Geotechnical Site Investigation Rev: A

    Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798Prepared: Approved: Legal Counsel

    Page 3 of 3

    Report for benefit of client

    The report has been prepared for the benefit of the client and no other party. PB assumes noresponsibility and will not be liable to any other person or organisation for or in relation to any matter

    dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report, or for any loss or damage suffered by any other personor organisation arising from matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report (including withoutlimitation matters arising from any negligent act or omission of PB or for any loss or damage suffered byany other party relying upon the matters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report). Other partiesshould not rely upon the report or the accuracy or completeness of any conclusions and should maketheir own enquiries and obtain independent advice in relation to such matters.

    Other limitations

    PB will not be liable to update or revise the report to take into account any events or emergentcircumstances or facts occurring or becoming apparent after the date of the report.

    Amendment detailsRevis ion Details Date By

    A Original 18/07/08 M J enkins

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    Standard Work Practice SP-LGL-2006

    Limitations of Report prepared in Connection with

    Potential Sale of Land or other Assets (no testing)Rev: A

    Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798Prepared: Approved: Legal Counsel

    Page 1 of 2

    Instructions for use

    1. This limitations statement is to be used in accordance with the PB Quality Assurance System.2. The explanatory and limitation statement is drafted on the assumption that expressions PB and

    client are defined elsewhere in the document.

    3. The report for benefit of client and purchaser from client section of the explanatory and limitationstatement is aimed at precluding third parties from stating that they relied upon the contents of thereport (and therefore provide an impediment to the recovery of damages by third parties forinaccurate or incomplete statements made in the report).

    4. The statement is set up as a stand alone document, however, the text can be copied and inserted asa separate chapter in reports, etc.

    Scope of services

    This report (the report) has been prepared in accordance with the scope of services set out in thecontract, or as otherwise agreed, between the client and PB (scope of services). In some circumstancesthe scope of services may have been limited by a range of factors such as time, budget, access and/orsite disturbance constraints.

    Reliance on data

    In preparing the report, PB has relied upon data, surveys, analyses, designs, plans and other informationprovided by the client and other individuals and organisations, most of which are referred to in the report(the data). Except as otherwise stated in the report, PB has not verified the accuracy or completeness ofthe data. To the extent that the statements, opinions, facts, information, conclusions and/orrecommendations in the report (conclusions) are based in whole or part on the data, those conclusionsare contingent upon the accuracy and completeness of the data. PB will not be liable in relation to

    incorrect conclusions should any data, information or condition be incorrect or have been concealed,withheld, misrepresented or otherwise not fully disclosed to PB.

    Environmental conclusions

    In accordance with the scope of services, PB has relied upon the data and has not conducted anyenvironmental field monitoring or testing in the preparation of the report. The conclusions are basedupon the data and visual observations and are therefore merely indicative of the environmental conditionof the site, including the presence or otherwise of contaminants or emissions.

    Within the limitations imposed by the scope of services, the assessment of the site and preparation ofthis report have been undertaken and performed in a professional manner, in accordance with generallyaccepted practices and using a degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised by reputable environmental

    consultants under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made.

    Structural conclusions

    This report represents views formed by an experienced structural engineer from a visual inspection ofthe building structure and from a review of data. In accordance with the scope of services, PB did notconduct any structural testing or design checks on the building. Because of the limited nature of thework, PB is not able to certify the structural adequacy of the building nor provide an estimate of thedesign life of the structure. Our conclusions presented in this report may differ if a more thoroughinspection and detailed design check were undertaken.

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    Standard Work Practice SP-LGL-2006

    Limitations of Report prepared in Connection with

    Potential Sale of Land or other Assets (no testing)Rev: A

    Report for benefit of client and purchaser from client

    The report has been prepared exclusively for the benefit of the Client and a purchaser of the site fromthe client. PB will not be liable to any other person or organisation and assumes no responsibility to anyother person or organisation for or in relation to any matter dealt with or conclusions expressed in thereport, or for any loss or damage suffered by any other person or organisation arising from matters dealtwith or conclusions expressed in the report (including without limitation matters arising from anynegligent act or omission of PB or for any loss or damage suffered by any other party relying upon thematters dealt with or conclusions expressed in the report). No person or organisation other than the clientand a purchaser of the site from the client is entitled to rely upon the report or the accuracy orcompleteness of any conclusions and such other parties should make their own enquiries and obtainindependent advice in relation to such matters.

    Other limitations

    PB will not be liable to update or revise the report to take into account any events or emergentcircumstances or facts occurring or becoming apparent after the date of the report.

    The scope of services did not include any assessment of the title to or ownership of the properties,buildings and structures referred to in the report nor the application or interpretation of laws in thejurisdiction in which those properties, buildings and structures are located.

    Amendment details

    Revis ion Details Date By

    A Original 18/07/08 M J enkins

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