
Paul & the Cross of Christ

Saul of Tarsus

Tribe of Benjamin - Born in Tarsus Raised in JerusalemFamily - Roman Citizens Educated by Gamaliel

Party of the PhariseesZealous for IsraelZealous for the Law.

The Pharisees held that Israel was to be separate from the Nations: They viewed the Law was a Hedge to ensure Israel’s righteousness (Justifictation) by separation from

the nations.

The Pharisees held that Israel was to be separate from the Nations: They viewed the Law was a Hedge to ensure Israel’s righteousness (Justifictation) by separation from

the nations.

The NationsThe Nations


Ethnic Jews & ProselytesEthnic Jews & Proselytes

Covenant -CircumcisionCovenant -Circumcision

Hedge of Separation


God’s Wrath Against Idolatry & Wickedness

Law & Justification - Right Relationship to GodLaw & Justification - Right Relationship to God

Ethnic Jews and ProselytesEthnic Jews and Proselytes

Law served as border or hedge for Israel - Defines the parameters of the Covenant


Law Defines Parameters of Covenant

Sin & Idolatry

Place one outside Covenant & Under


Leads to Exile

Law Observance

Maintains Covenant &

Hedge against Pagan Idolatry &

Wrath of God

Atonement & JustificationAtonement & Justification

Ethnic Jews and Ethnic Jews and ProselytesProselytes

Ritual Atonement allows restoration through vicarious suffering of Offering. Restores Righteousness without punishment.

ISRAEL God provides for Redemption by gracious forgiveness in light of

sacrifice he provides

The Righteousness of God

Exile, Repentance & RedemptionIsrael Forgets

CovenantCommits Idolatry


Yahweh Hears Israel’s Cry

Yahweh Restores


Israel Suffers & Repents





Pharisees & Salvation

Inclination to evil Inclination to evil Actual Sins - Idolatry & EvilActual Sins - Idolatry & Evil

The Need for JusticeThe Need for JusticeAtonement & Atonement &


Law AdherenceLaw AdherenceMaintain HedgeMaintain Hedge

LawLaw - - Distinguishes Righteousness from Distinguishes Righteousness from Unrighteousness Israel from the Nations… Unrighteousness Israel from the Nations…

Justification - Law & Righteousness

God’s Righteous JudgmentGod’s Righteous Judgment explains Israel’s explains Israel’s current situation - Subjugation to nations is sign current situation - Subjugation to nations is sign of God’s Wrath & Curse against Israel. of God’s Wrath & Curse against Israel. Justification -Law Adherence Justification -Law Adherence Israel’s Boast against the Nations - Covenant Israel Israel’s Boast against the Nations - Covenant Israel to Vindicate the God’s Righteousness to Vindicate the God’s Righteousness

I have taught you decrees and laws as the LORD my God commanded me, Observe them carefully, this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." 7 What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him? 8 And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?

Deuteronomy 4:1ff.

Saul (Paul), as a zealous Pharisee, viewed it his duty to defend the Israel’s Hedge between it & the nations, so that God would declare Israel “righteous” or Justified I.e. in proper Covenant relationship with Yahweh.

Saul (Paul), as a zealous Pharisee, viewed it his duty to defend the Israel’s Hedge between it & the nations, so that God would declare Israel “righteous” or Justified I.e. in proper Covenant relationship with Yahweh.

14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age & was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. Gal. 1:14

Jesus & Israel CHARGE: Jesus had been leading Israel astray.


•VERDICT - crucifixion - Jesus was cursed.

•Sinners - Associated with tax collectors & sinners.

•Gentiles - Faith & Radical Inclusion Challenged Pharisaic Rigorous application of Purity laws to distinguish Israel from the pagans.

Saul & Persecution of Church

Paul like Phinehas -- Purify Israel by destroying the followers of Jesus.

Saul, Christ & the Damascus Road"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked."I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. 6 "Now get up & go into the city, & you will be told what you must do."

Acts 9:1-6

Saul, Christ & the Damascus RoadThe Crucified one is the Messiah.

The righteous one is the one who hung upon the cross.

Faith not Legalistic exclusion is the true nature of Covenant righteousness.

Separation from the Gentiles by rigorous enforcement of the law is not valid because the gift of the Holy Spirit & faith came to uncircumcised Gentiles.

God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9 He made no distinction between us & them,

for he purified their hearts by faith. ACTS 15:8.

The Cross & Inclusion of the Gentiles

Who are the Covenant People?Gentiles and


Faith as sign of covenant inclusion

Gift of the Holy Spirit Circumcision of the Heart

Ethnic Jews and Ethnic Jews and ProselytesProselytes

Jews and Jews and Gentiles who Gentiles who


Circumcision as sign of covenant


Who are the Righteous?

Faith as the Sign of God’s Election by the Holy Spirit.

Faith- Circumcision of the Heart is Inclusive

Physical Circumcision - Exclusive & Exclusive of non-Jews.

Paul & the Crucified Messiah

Relationship between the Crucified one, election, justification & righteousness.

Why must the messiah die?

What of Israel?

What of the Gentiles?

How is God’s Righteousness is Revealed & Vindicated in Jesus Christ?

Questions or Questions or CommentsComments

Cross & TheologyPaul’s Constellation of Images

Justice & God’s Righteousness Justice & God’s Righteousness

AtonementAtonementLaw & GospelLaw & Gospel

One Died for AllOne Died for All

Sacrifice & AtonementSacrifice & Atonement

for Sinsfor Sins

God’s Beloved SonGod’s Beloved Son

The Curse of the LawThe Curse of the Law RedeemerRedeemer

ReconciliationReconciliation Christus VictorChristus Victor

Purity & SufferingPurity & Suffering

Christ Crucified - One Died For All14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore

all died. 2 Cor. 5:14All Die - No One can escape death - The end of sinful flesh (Rom. 8:3)

Barth “Man could not be helped apart from his annihilation.” -

Christ’s Identifies fully with the fate of humankind by sharing in Death

Key Question is this the end of the story?

Answer: Share in death by Faith & BaptismShare in the Resurrection.

Christ Crucified - Sacrifice & Atonement for SinsGod presented him as a (hilasterion) sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. To

demonstrate his righteousness in passing over (paresin) the sins committed in former times.

Hilasterion - Expiation or propitiation -Lid of the Ark - Mercy Seat - Day of Atonement.

Temple Atonement - Provisional until Christ - Jesus Death & resurrection are final provision for sin.

paresin - Pass over let go unpunished, remission of penalty. Christ our Paschal Lamb - Passover - death of the Firstborn (1 Cor. 5.7; Col 1:14ff)

Made Sin for our Sake - Christ as Sacrificial victim - 2 Cor. 5:21

Through the Cross

For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin

in sinful man, Rom 8:3

Covenant Upheld - God is proved righteous

Sin Overcome - Old nature crucified in Christ

Atonement - Sacrificial exchange - By sacrifice

Christ dies as representative of Adamic Humankind.

Christ Crucified - Sacrifice & Atonement for Sins

Sin Condemned - Jesus Death Fulfills God’s Justice

Christ Crucified - God’s beloved Son 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us

all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

Analogy of Isaac - Romans 8:32, Gen. 22.16 “did not spare his own son.” “did not spare your son”

God’s Righteousness Faithfulness - Romans 8:32, “did not spare his own son.” Gen. 22.16 “did not spare your son”

Substitution - Christ died for our sake. Firstborn - Colossians.

Sins laid upon Christ. (Is 53, 2 Cor 5:21)

Christ in our place - Life as a ransom for many. Substitutionary concept of Christ’s death.

Christ Crucified - The Curse of the Law 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung

on a tree.” Gal 3:13

Both then are saved by Grace - Both Jew & Gentile subject to the Wrath of God and thus may receive the mercy of God. Therefore salvation is possible only by the promise of God’s Grace through faith & not law adherence.

Humankind under a Curse - Paul alters wording of Deut. 21:23 “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all that has been written in the book of the law to do it.”

•Christ receives Curse on those who fail to obey the law.•First to the Jew & then to the Gentile.

Christ Crucified - Redemption 13 God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5 to redeem those under law, that we might

receive the full rights of sons.Galatians 4:4ff

Under Power & Slavery of Sin - Christ pays Price of Redemption.

Propitiaion - Payment - Kinsman Redeemer - Need to buy back. Life for life blood for blood.

Key Question - Who gets Paid - God - Sin, Satan?

Christ Crucified - Reconciliation

Through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his

blood, shed on the cross. Col. 1:20

From Wrath to Shalom with God-

Bringing all under God’s Sovereignty

God & Cosmos -

God & the Powers

•God & humankind -

•Jew & Gentile

Christ Crucified - Conquest of the PowersThen the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to

God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his

enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death

1 Cor. 15:24ffAll powers come under Sovereignty of God. Most importantly Death

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col. 2:15Public display - Triumphant General & Cross as chariot leading the defeated powers in chains.

2CO 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. 15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Atonement, Impurity & GuiltAtonement, Impurity & Guilt

3:25 whom God set forth to be a hilasterion, through faith, in his blood, to show his righteousness because of the passing over of the sins done aforetime, in the forbearance of God;

Propitiation - Appeases God. Cross was payment for sin to avert God’s wrath & meet demand for Justice Expiation - Purifies Sin - Cross acts upon sin Removes corrosive stain or neutralizes its infection.

Hilasterion - Greek Term used for “Mercy Seat” in LXX.

all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Legal & Priestly images Converge

Propitiation or Expiation?Propitiation or Expiation?

Propitiation - Appease God. Strengths: Brings together Penal & Purification views of Atonement.

Romans 1 & 2 - Humans subject to justice

Romans 3:23 Cross Satisfies/Vindicates God’s Justice & Mercy.

Weaknesses: OT - God works on Sin

Expiation - Priestly Term dominates OT.

God removes the sin by acting on the sin (expiate) rather than on God. Why would God act upon God?

Theological: How can God act & be acted upon?

Propitiation or Expiation?Propitiation or Expiation?

Expiation - Purify Sin

Strengths: Sacrifical reference -

God not subject of appeasement but chief actor. Not to appease God but to address & remove sin…

Atonement acts upon the sin & not upon God.

Removes the sin that then does away with the anger or wrath of God.

Weaknesses: God’s wrath is directed towards human beings not merely sin…

Arbitrary - Why must Jesus receive God’s wrath if his problem is only with Sin.

Punishment appears irrational.

Theological - In what way does Jesus Represent Humanity as subject to judgment and therefore Mercy of God.

Grace & Salvation

Rebellious NatureRebellious Nature

Original SinOriginal Sin

Inclination to evil Inclination to evil

Actual SinsActual Sins

The Need for JusticeThe Need for Justice

Forgiveness - AtonementForgiveness - Atonement Faith & Holiness: Gift of the Spirit : New Creation

Regeneration & Sanctification

Jesus Christ Holy Spirit



Adam & the Christ Philippians 2DEATH

1st Adam earth Creature - Kiasu grasps at equality with God

LIFE2nd Adam Creator - Equality not grasped,

Adam’s Pride Attempt to be God -

Human race debased & enslaved

Self elevation leads to fall

Pride > Foolishness - disobedience

God’s Wrath & Judgment & death God’s Righteousness, Peace & Eternal Lifesecured - God’s blessing & eternal life

2nd Adam Humility-“empties himself”

humility - wisdom - obedience even unto death

Servanthood leads to Salvation

Christ exalted - Humanity liberated

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