
Patronage: Swiss Taekwondo E.V. – FITA comitato Lombardia

Organizers: SUMMIT TAEKWONDO LUGANO, Sabrina Biondi – Pierre Vitaloni Canobbio (TI) Switzerland, [email protected]

Tournament Director: Romano Biondi, [email protected]

Competition Management: Silvia Haefliger, WT Referee, [email protected]

Saturday, 13th October 2018

Palamondo Cadempino, Via Industria 4, 6814 Cadempino – Ticino - Switzerland

Info : Registration & Invitation: Please register on tkdtechnology web site, select the tournament and follow instructions for athletes registration (see annex)

Closing Date: 28th September 2018

Participation Conditions: all members WT, WTE, Swiss Taekwondo & FITA with valid sports passport of the National Association. For minors, consent must be obtained from a parent in which he / she agrees to the participation and accepts the tender in all parts (see annexed form). The proof for the athletes is provided by a valid association ID. Foreign participants must prove their membership in a WT association.

Benjamines (year of birth 2011 - 2010) from 7 to 8 years Minimes (year of birth 2009 - 2007) from 9 to 11 years Cadets (year of birth 2006 - 2004) from 12 to 14 years Juniors (year of birth 2003 - 2001) from 15 to 17 years

Class A: from 3th Kup Class B: from 6th Kup to 4th Kup Class C: from 8th Kup to 7th Kup

The participant must achieve the necessary age in the tournament year. It is not possible to compete in two different weight classes!

All participants must bring their own protection equipment (hand protectors, arm-, shin- and groin guard, head protector and mouth piece). White collar dobock: colored belts Ω Black/red collar dobock: Poom grades Ω Black Collar: Dan Grades

The tournament will be held with electronic vest from DaeDo. Cadets, Juniors in Class A with electr. Headgear and Videoreplay.

For hygienic reasons, each participant must bring the electronic foot protectors (DaeDo Gen2 or Gen1) itself .

K.O.-System, Match rules of the WTF

Categorie B/C (Beginners) Minimes and Benjamin 2 x 1 min. (30 Sec. Pause) Cadets and Juniors 2 x 1.5 min. (30 Sec. Pause)

Categorie A (Advanced) Minimes and Benjamin 2 x 1 min. (30 Sec. Pause) Cadets and Juniors 3 x 1.5 min. (30 Sec. Pause)

– Subject to change –

Benjamines m/f: -20, -22, -24, -26, -29, -32, -35, -38, -41, +41kg Minimes m/f: -28, -30, -32, -35, -38, -41, -45, -49, -53, +53kg

Cadets m: -33, -37, -41, -45, -49, -53, -57, -61, -65, +65kg Cadets f: -29, -33, -37, -41, -44, -47, -51, -55, -59, +59kg

Juniors m: -45, -48, -51, -55, -59, -63, -68, -73, -78, +78kg Juniors f: -42, -44, -46, -49, -52, -55, -59, -63, -68, +68kg

1st Place; 2nd and 3rd Place medals for Competitors 1st to 5th Place Trophy for Team (after medal mirror) 7-3-1 Points Performance classe A/ B and C Fair Play Award Best Player Award Cadets and Junior Presentation ceremony will take place right after the finals.

All ages: Class A/B/C 40 CHF/35 Euros from abroad Switzerland Change of weight category after the deadline or at the weigh in: 20 CHF/15 Euros

Participation fees, and additional fees must, in accordance with the national currency, be received at no cost to the organizer until the deadline to the account given below.

Account: Recipient: Ass. Summit Taekwondo Lugano Name of bank: Postfinance AG IBAN: CH86 0900 0000 6924 1689 9 BIC: POFICHBEXXX

Payment Reference: TIKIDS 2018 +Team name+number of starters Ex: TIKIDS 2018 – Taekwondo XYZ – 8 starters

The transfer of the entry fee must be done at latest 1 day after the deadline (date of the bank transfer). If the transfer of the entry fee will not take place timely, an administration fee of 30 CHF/25 Euro per team will be requested at the tournament.

Warning: Tournament management will not accept registration without a paid fee!!! No payment for registration will be accepted at the tournament.

If the athlete is registered online and cannot participate in the competition, and has not been removed online from the list before the registration deadline; his team has to pay (100%) his entry fee for participation.

Entry fees will not be refunded after the deadline!

Adults & Children: free admission

There is a free entry for one coach responsible for 4 competitors (maximum of 4 coaches per Team). Coaches must be 18 years and older, and are allowed only in sport suits and sport shoes.

Each participant agrees, that his first name, last name, weight class, nation / club and placing in the results on the Internet or as printed matter can be published; photo & videos of the competition can also be placed on Internet

All participants of the championship take part at their own risk. Hereby the participants waive and release all rights and claims for damages which they may have or may accrue to them against the organizing committee, Swiss Taekwondo as well as Summit Taekwondo Lugano. It is the responsibility of every participant, their parents or legal guardian to provide for their own accident and health coverage while participating in this tournament. The responsible parties particularly agree to the registration with the exclusion of liability!

Pick up the ID Cards before the weigh in the Palamondo Arena in Cadempino. Weigh in Friday, 12th october 2018 about 18h – 20h in the Palamondo Arena. Weigh in Saturday, 13th october, 2018 about 07.00h - 08.00h in the Palamondo Arena. 08:00h – 08:15h Referee Meeting 08:15h – 08:30h Coach Meeting 09h – Start of Competition

Start of the competition: about 09h If the Competitor does not appear for any reasons their opponents will automatically qualify for the next round.

Possibility for lunch on-site, info & reservations:


From Italy(I): Highway A9/E35 dei Laghi, direction Como-San Gottardo. Please note that Switzerland has a yearly cost of 40.- CHF to use highway roads but you can us a no road toll (cantonal road) from border customs in Chiasso until Lugano, please exit in COMO MONTE OLIMPINO and then after the customs follow BLUE direction to Lugano (Cantonal Road).

From Basel/Zurich(CH): Highway A2/E35 direction San Gottardo-Chiasso-Italia.


From Italy – From Switzerland-

Please note that there is a train station in Cadempino (approx. 10 min walk form Competition Area) and a train station in Lugano.


Nearest Airport: Agno (Lugano) – 15 min drive; or Malpensa (Italy) -1 hour drive




Als Erziehungsberechtigter erkläre ich hiermit mein Einverständnis, dass mein Sohn/ meine Tochter an der folgenden Veranstaltung als Wettkämpfer teilnehmen darf:

As the legal guardian I herewith declare my consent that my son/ my daughter may participate as an active player at the following championship: En tant que tuteur légal, je donne mon consentement à mon fils/ ma fille pour participer au tournoi: Name, Name, Nom: Team/ Club:

13.10. 2018 Mir ist bekannt, dass Taekwondo ein Vollkontakt-Wettkampfsport ist, bei dem Verletzungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Weder der Veranstalter noch der Ausrichter der Veranstaltung übernehmen die Haftung für Unfälle oder Verletzungen und ich erkläre daher, dass für meinen Sohn / meine Tochter eine aufrechte Krankenversicherung besteht bzw. dass ich alle Kosten im Zusammenhang mit etwaigen Unfällen oder Verletzungen übernehmen werde. I do know that Taekwondo is a Full Contact Competition Sport, where injuries cannot be excluded. Neither the organizer nor the promoter of the event can be held responsible for any damages or injuries. Therefore, I declare that there is a valid insurance that will cover costs of possible injuries for my son/ my daughter or I will accept all costs in connection with possible injuries or damages by myself. Je déclare avoir pris connaissance du fait, que le taekwondo est un sport de combat (full-contact) et je confirme par la présente que mon fils/ ma fille est couvert(e) par une Assurance légale et que ni l’organisateur ni le promoteur de l’événement sportif ne peuvent être tenus pour responsables en cas d’accident ou de blessure. Name des Erziehungsberechtigten/ Verwandtschaftsbeziehung/ Name of guardian/ du représentant légal Point of relationship/ lien de parenté

Datum/ Date, Unterschrift/ Signature



PLEASE NOTE: new non-italian clubs need to contact the administrator from the “Support” page in order to add the club name to the databse, BEFORE creating an account.

• Go to

• In case you had an account on our old website: click “Login” , insert username/email and password. If you can’t remember your password, click “Password forgotten” and follow the instruction . Once you’re logged in properly, follow step 4.

• In case you need a new account: click “Login” then “Sign up”. Insert data and send. Please wait for the confirmation email,

and follow the instruction to activate your account. (Check your SPAM folder if you don’t receive anything in the following 10 minutes). Once you’re logged in properly, follow step 4.

• At the first log in, you will be asked to insert additional information, such as your sport club. Once the profile is completed, it

will be possible to access the website.

• The first step is adding your athletes in the registry. Click “My Club” e then “Registry of athletes”. Here you can see all the athletes in the registry. To add someone it’s necessary to click on the green button “Add athlete”, complete the form and click “Save”. Once all of the athletes in the club– or only those who wish to partake in the competition – follow the next step. Please note: non-italian athletes must have the “Social Security Number not Italian” field set to YES. In the “Social security number” field you must insert the code that your Country provides to each person to identify them.

• Click “My Club” then “Subscriptions”. Here you can see a summary of every active competition . Click “Actions” to manage

subscriptions (enroll athletes, edit existing subscription, etc) or display additional info.

• When managing subscriptions, go to “Athletes to enroll”. Tick the check box on the left, ONLY for the athletes you wish to enroll in the competition, then click “Continue”.

• Then select for each athlete the proper age category. Please Note: for the majority of athletes there will be no choice

available. It only happens in competition where both junior and senior are competing, and an athlete was born in a year that allows you to choose the category. Click “Continue”.

• In the last screen, select for each athlete the weight category.

• Click once again the top right button to confirm subscription.

• Age and belt category will be calculated automatically from the system, so in case of belt variations it’s necessary to edit the

registry before completing the enrollment. Age category is calculated through social security number, which cannot be edited once into the system.

• When you enrolled all of the athletes you wanted to enroll, head to “Payment” and follow the instruction to upload the

payment receipt.

• In case of problems please contact the assistance with a ticket: click “Support” and “Send a ticket”. Please try to describe your issue with as many details as you can. If possible please leave a phone number, as it may be necessary to call you and talk to you directly to solve the issue properly

Andrea Vizzari

TKD Technology Administrator

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