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Passive cavitation imaging with ultrasound arraysVasant A. Salgaonkar, Saurabh Datta, Christy K. Holland, and T. Douglas Masta�

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, Ohio45267-0586

�Received 12 January 2009; revised 21 August 2009; accepted 4 September 2009�

A method is presented for passive imaging of cavitational acoustic emissions using an ultrasoundarray, with potential application in real-time monitoring of ultrasound ablation. To create suchimages, microbubble emissions were passively sensed by an imaging array and dynamically focusedat multiple depths. In this paper, an analytic expression for a passive image is obtained by solvingthe Rayleigh–Sommerfield integral, under the Fresnel approximation, and passive images weresimulated. A 192-element array was used to create passive images, in real time, from 520-kHzultrasound scattered by a 1-mm steel wire. Azimuthal positions of this target were accuratelyestimated from the passive images. Next, stable and inertial cavitation was passively imaged insaline solution sonicated at 520 kHz. Bubble clusters formed in the saline samples were consistentlylocated on both passive images and B-scans. Passive images were also created using broadbandemissions from bovine liver sonicated at 2.2 MHz. Agreement was found between the images andsource beam shape, indicating an ability to map therapeutic ultrasound beams in situ. The relationbetween these broadband emissions, sonication amplitude, and exposure conditions are discussed.© 2009 Acoustical Society of America. �DOI: 10.1121/1.3238260�

PACS number�s�: 43.60.Fg, 43.35.Ei, 43.80.Vj �CCC� Pages: 3071–3083


This paper presents a method for spatially sensitive pas-sive cavitation detection with a conventional ultrasound im-aging array. Here, microbubble position is ascertained pas-sively by sensing acoustic emissions with a syntheticallyfocused imaging array. The resulting two-dimensional �2D�maps are referred to as passive cavitation images. Acousticcavitation may be defined as any observable activity of abubble population under acoustic stimulation1 and is oftencategorized into stable and inertial cavitation.2 The overallmotivation for this work is to map cavitation effects pro-duced during ultrasound ablation. Therapeutic ultrasoundfields induce nonlinear bubble oscillations causing subhar-monic emissions related to stable cavitation, broadbandemissions associated with inertial cavitation,3 and kilohertzfrequency emissions resulting from vaporous boiling.4 Pas-sive images of these acoustic emissions can provide spatialinformation about the location and dynamics of an activebubble population.

Microbubble activity is known to play an important rolein several ultrasound-based therapeutic applications, some ofwhich are briefly reviewed. In shock-wave lithotripsy, kidneystones are broken by inertially collapsing bubbles that gen-erate shock waves and fluid micro-jets, leading to stone sur-face erosion and fragmentation.5–7 Several researchers sug-gest that micro-streaming due to stable cavitation and micro-jetting due to inertial cavitation enhance thrombolyticmechanisms.8–10 Ultrasound-induced cavitation also offersthe exciting possibility of targeted drug and gene deliveryusing lipid-coated microbubbles which can encapsulate bio-active materials.11–13 Cavitation activity occurring during ul-trasound ablation of soft tissue14,15 is postulated to increase

a�Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:

[email protected]

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 �6�, December 2009 0001-4966/2009/126�6

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ultrasound absorption.16 This can result in faster treatmentsbut can also complicate energy deposition and distort abla-tive lesion shapes.17–20

Passive cavitation detection methods have been em-ployed to monitor cavitation arising from ultrasound-tissueinteraction. During some recent experimental studies on ul-trasound ablation with focused and unfocused, continuous-wave �CW� sources, subharmonic and broadband-emissionsignals, consistent with stable bubble oscillations and inertialcollapse, respectively, have been detected passively.21–23

Some researchers have found significant correlation betweenbroadband-emission levels and tissue echogenicity followingsoft tissue ablation with high-intensity focused ultrasound�HIFU� sources in vivo24 and unfocused intense ultrasound invitro.23 In vitro studies involving HIFU25 and unfocusedultrasound23 have indicated that increased broadband emis-sions corresponded with increase in the volume of coagu-lated or necrosed tissue. Another study with HIFU ablationof tissue-mimicking phantoms documents a sudden decreasein broadband-emission levels with the onset of boiling.21

During tissue boiling, low-frequency �kilohertz� acousticemissions have also been detected experimentally with bothHIFU4,22 and unfocused intense ultrasound23 A previous invitro study of bovine liver ablation with unfocused ultra-sound found that subharmonic emission levels depended ontissue temperature as well as sonication amplitude.23 Passivecavitation detection is a promising basis for ultrasound abla-tion guidance and control.

A typical passive cavitation detection system employs asingle-element focused transducer, where the detector focusis aligned with the expected location of cavitation activity.In the case of HIFU ablation, acoustic cavitation and gasformation due to tissue boiling can cause the ablative le-sion �tissue coagulation� to grow toward the ultrasoundsource.17,20 However, a single-element focused passive de-

tector cannot provide information about position-dependent

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changes in cavitation activity during ablative lesion forma-tion. An unfocused detector can be used to obtain a bulkrecording of acoustic emissions, but at the cost of spatialsensitivity.23 Multiple detectors interrogating the insonationvolume may enable the measurement of position-dependentcavitation. A multi-element detector like an ultrasound arrayhas the potential to provide 2D-resolved measurement ofcavitational acoustic emissions. Passive imaging witharrays has been attempted in the detection of subterraneanacoustic sources using back-projection and cross-correlationmethods.26 Cross-correlation methods are also under investi-gation for cavitation imaging during HIFU ablation.27 Thesealgorithms require a synchronous signal acquisition by arrayelements. Many conventional ultrasound imaging systemsare not designed for passive data capture and their availablebeamforming methods are not suitable for this kind of imag-ing. The development of customized beamforming methodsis needed for passive cavitation imaging using a diagnosticultrasound system. Recently, passive imaging was applied inHIFU ablation of tissue phantoms, where a conventional ul-trasound array was used in a passive mode by switching offthe initial transmit pulse and spatial sensitivity was obtainedin the azimuthal direction �normal to the array axis�.21

This paper describes beamforming methods to scan ar-ray subapertures electronically and receive acoustic emissionsignals sequentially for each receive-focus position. The sig-nal level detected at each focal position gives the brightnessvalue for the corresponding point on a 2D map, called apassive cavitation image. Here, analytic expressions for pas-sive cavitation image formation are described.28 Simulationsof passive cavitation images with different beamformingconfigurations are shown. Finally, experiments with passivecavitation imaging in phosphate-buffered saline �PBS� andex vivo liver tissue are presented. Passive cavitation methodsdeveloped here have potential application in real-time, directvisualization of ultrasound-tissue interaction, particularly inguidance and monitoring of ultrasound ablation.


In B-mode imaging, ultrasound arrays transmit a shortacoustic pulse and the medium is imaged from the resultingechoes. The reflector distance is determined through time-of-flight calculations and the image brightness depends onmedium properties such as acoustic impedance andattenuation.29 In contrast, passive cavitation images as de-fined here resolve acoustic sources by dynamically focusingtheir passively detected acoustic emissions. Thus, for passivecavitation imaging, image characteristics such as spatial res-olution, contrast, and dependence on imaging system param-eters differ from conventional B-mode imaging. Below, ana-lytic expressions are derived for passive cavitation imageswith aims to elucidate experimental results and optimize im-aging system parameters through computer simulations.

A. Signal received by a rectangular arrayelement

To ascertain the emission signal detected by a rectangu-

lar array element, a cavitating bubble is modeled as a point-

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source emitting spherical sound waves and the resultingpressure field is integrated over the element surface. For apulsating sphere of finite radius a, the volume flow Q of fluidfrom the source relates to the particle velocity u as30

Q�t� = 4�a2�u�a,t��r

. �1�

In the small-radius limit a→0, the pressure field at a positionr for the point-source �bubble� radiating in a medium withdensity � and sound speed c is given by30

p�r,t� =�Q�t − �r�/c�

4��r�. �2�

The received emission signal sn�t� for an element n centeredat r0 �area S0� due to a bubble at rs is obtained by integratingthe radiated pressure from Eq. �2� over the element surface.This results in the Rayleigh–Sommerfield integral31

sn�t� =� �Q�t − �r0 − rs�/c�4��r0 − rs�

dS0, �3�

which can be expressed in the frequency domain as

Sn��� =− i��Q���

4�� e�i�r0−rs��/c�

�r0 − rs�dS0, �4�

where � denotes radial frequency and dS0 is an area-elementon the receiver surface. An approximate solution of thefrequency-domain Rayleigh–Sommerfield integral can be ob-tained using the Fresnel approximation,

�r0 − rs� � zs +�xs − x0�2


�ys − y0�2



�r0 − rs��


zs. �5�

For an array element with dimensions 2a�2b focusedat depth Fx in elevation and Fy in azimuth, Eq. �4� can bewritten under the Fresnel approximation as32

Sn��� =− i��Q���











=− i��Q�����rs,k�


F� kxs + kxa


�− F� kxs − kxa


� � F� kys + kyb


�− F� kys − kyb� , �6�


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where the wave number k=� /c, kx=k�1−zs /Fx�, and ky

=k�1−zs /Fy�. F is the complex Fresnel integral which isgiven by F���=�0

�ei�u2/2du. The multiplicative term � is ex-

pressed as ��rs ,k�=exp�ik�zs2+ �rs�2−k�xs

2 / kx+ys2 / ky�� / �2zs��.

B. Analytic expression for passive images

In the passive cavitation imaging method presented here,acoustic emissions are spatially resolved through syntheticfocusing of array subapertures at multiple depths. For sim-plicity, a subaperture may be approximated as a single, uni-form, continuous rectangular transducer, which produces avoltage proportional to the received acoustic pressure, inte-grated over the element surface.31 The brightness value for apassive image point �Y ,Z� is defined as the total beamformedenergy from a group of acoustic sources sensed by a subap-erture which is focused at that point,

I�Y,Z� = �∀�

�S��,Y,Z��2, �7�

where � is the radial frequency of a single radiating fre-quency component and the symbol ∀ �“for all”� indicatessummation over all radiating frequencies. In the case of sta-bly cavitating bubbles, these correspond to discrete harmon-ics, subharmonics, and ultraharmonics of the sonication fre-quency.

To obtain the point-spread function for a passive cavita-tion image, an expression for the received signal S�� ,Y ,Z�due to a single source at �xs ,ys ,zs� is obtained by idealizingthe linear array to have small pitch, no edge limits, and con-tinuous receive focusing, so that an N-element subaperturecan be represented by a single rectangular transducer oflength 2b�N:

S��,Y,Z� =− A0i��Q�����rs,k�


�F� kxs + kxa


� − F� kxs − kxa


� � F� kys − Y + kybN


�− F� kys − Y − kybN


� , �8�

where ky =k�1−zs /Z� and � is as defined for Eq. �6�.

C. Passive images by time-delay focusing

To model the point-spread function of a passive cavita-tion image created using time-delay receive beamforming,the signal received by an individual array element �Eq. �6�with Fy→�� is subjected to an appropriate delay. Time-delayed, received signals from all elements in a subapertureare summed to obtain the beamformed emission signal. Tofocus a subaperture with N elements on its axis at depth Z,

the time delay applied to the nth element is given by

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126, No. 6, December 2009

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�n =− Z − �yn − Y�2 + Z2

c. �9�

The beamformed emission signal, corresponding to an imagebrightness value, is then expressed as

I��,Y,Z� = �∀���


ei��nSn����2. �10�


The theory discussed above was used to simulate pas-sive cavitation images using MATLAB 7.1 �Mathworks Inc.,Natick, MA� software. Simulations were performed for the192-element, 7.5-MHz center frequency linear array �L7, Ar-dent Sound, Mesa, AZ� employed in the experiments re-ported below. Each element on this array is 0.195 mm inazimuth and 7.0 mm in elevation, with pitch 0.22 mm and aconstant focal depth of 25 mm in elevation. The maximumallowable subaperture dimension for the imaging system em-ployed here is 64-elements, spanning 14.08 mm. The mini-mum subaperture size was set to 8-elements, spanning 1.76mm. The imaging system allowed discrete receive-focusingto be performed in 16 distinct focal zones. Received signalsdue to cavitational emissions were computed from Eq. �6�using a rational approximation to the complex Fresnelintegral.33

A. Simulated passive images of a point-source

Simulated passive images are first shown for a singlepoint-source located on the array axis at 20-, 55-, or 90-mmdepth. The simulated sources were modeled to emit acousticenergy at harmonics of 520-kHz between 5.2 and 9.36 MHz.This choice of fundamental frequency, harmonic compo-nents, and frequency bandwidth is consistent with the har-monic scattering experiments described below. Beamformingof emissions was simulated using Eq. �6� for a 14.08-mmsubaperture and image brightness was computed by sum-ming beamformed emission energy for each harmonic ac-cording to Eq. �7�.

Images shown in the top row of Fig. 1 were simulatedusing Eq. �6� for an idealized subaperture with continuousreceive-focusing and no truncation at the array edges. Imagesin the bottom row of Fig. 1 were created by time-delaybeamforming the received signal energy, as given in Eq.�10�. Receive foci were placed at 16 distinct depths separatedby 6.2 mm. The total image depth was 101 mm and subap-erture sizes were truncated at the array edges. For example,the 32nd A-line was formed by beamforming the receivedsignals from elements 1–64, but the 4th A-line was com-prised of signals received by elements 1–8. All these param-eters were consistent with specifications of the ultrasoundimaging system used in the experiments reported in Sec. IV.Figure 2 shows simulated images of a point-source createdwith a constant f-number �ratio of receive-focus depth tosubaperture width� subaperture, while the other imaging pa-rameters were same as Fig. 1. It can be seen from Fig. 1 thatthe brightness pattern narrows or converges at the point-

source depth, while it broadens at greater or lesser depths.

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This is true for both “idealized” and time-delay approaches.With a constant f-number, the corresponding image showssimilar characteristics but the brightness pattern on the imageconverges at a greater depth than the point-source range.

The beamforming configuration influences image reso-lution depending on the size of the synthetic focus. A goodmeasure for this is the 6-dB beam width of the receiversensitivity pattern of the subaperture in the azimuthal direc-tion. The imaging array is assumed to have a fixed focus inelevation �similar to the L7 array employed in the experi-ments described below�. The focus size in the azimuthal di-rection changes with subaperture size and focal depth, andcan be approximated by the focal width of an unapodizedline aperture.29 For a wavelength , the 6-dB width for anN-element subaperture is thus approximated as

W−6-dB �Fy

2Nb. �11�

Hence, image resolution in azimuth is finer at higher fre-quencies. For constant subaperture widths, this resolution be-comes coarser with increasing depth, as seen on Fig. 1. For aconstant f-number subaperture, azimuthal width of the re-



FIG. 1. Computer simulations for passive images created using 64-elemensimulations where an “idealized” array approximation is used for each subapSimulated images in the bottom row were created through time-delay focusi20 mm, �e� 55 mm �e�, and �f� 90 mm. All images are plotted with a 40 dB

ceive focus is unchanged with depth. Hence, azimuthal res-

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olution stays the same even at greater depths, as seen inFig. 2.

B. Simulated passive images of multiple bubbles

In a clinical or experimental application, an ability toimage multiple bubbles is needed. Analytic expressions, de-rived above, can be used to assess passive imaging perfor-mance in the presence of emissions from multiple bubbles.Figure 3�a� is a simulated image of five acoustic sources withemissions in the frequency range 6.3–6.7 MHz �similar toexperiments described below�. For simplicity, it is assumedthat all the sources continuously emit acoustic energy fromtheir respective locations. The acoustic emission is assumedto be a stationary process, i.e., the temporal average of theemission energy stays constant during the formation of theentire image. These five sources are located at positions �azi-muth mm, range mm�: �12,40�, �10,40�, �0, 10�, �0, 40�,�0, 70�. The source closest to the array at 10-mm depth canbe resolved. However, the other two sources deeper on theaxis cannot be seen very clearly on the image. The two off-axis sources, which are at the same depth and separated in

) (c)

) (f)

.08 mm� subapertures are shown here. The top row contains examples of, with single point-sources at depths �a� 20 mm, �b� 55 mm, �c� and 90 mm.16 equally spaced depths �6.2 mm� with single point-sources located at �d�

amic range.



t �14ertureng at

the azimuth by 2 mm, can be clearly resolved. The azimuthal

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e loc


width of the synthetic focus is smaller than the range width,especially at greater depths. This leads to better resolution inthe azimuthal direction.

During HIFU ablation, cavitation activity is known tooccur near the focal region, which may result in a cluster ofactive microbubbles.16 It is important to determine whetherpassive imaging can be employed to estimate the locationand size of such a cloud of multiple acoustic sources. Figure3�b� has a simulated image of 25 sources emitting energybetween 6.3 and 6.7 MHz. This frequency range is consistentwith experiments in saline solution, sonicated with 520-kHzultrasound. The 25 point-sources are randomly placed in theimage plane �zero elevation� between 7 to 3 mm in azi-muth and 31–41 mm in range. On this image, the azimuthalposition of the bubble cluster can be identified more readilythan its position in depth direction. To test whether the pas-sive image is consistent with the location of the simulatedbubble cluster, the brightness value of the passive image �Eq.�7�� was averaged between depths 31 and 41 mm for theentire image width. This yielded the azimuthal distribution ofthe averaged brightness value shown in Fig. 3�c�. The num-ber of point-sources at a given azimuthal location was rep-resented by a histogram, shown in Fig. 3�c�. For comparison,the azimuthal distribution of brightness value on the passive



FIG. 2. Computer simulations for passive images created using a constant f-nwere created using the same simulation methods, focus positions, and sourc

image and the bubble location histogram were normalized

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126, No. 6, December 2009

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and scaled between 0 and 1. The azimuthal brightness distri-bution was consistent with this histogram. A similar analysiswas performed in the range �or depth� direction. In Fig. 3�d�,the passive image brightness value was averaged between7 and 3 mm azimuth for all depths and compared withthe histogram for range locations of the point-sources.Greater agreement is seen between the azimuth-dependentemission energy and source distribution in Fig. 3�c�, com-pared to the corresponding depth-dependent distributions inFig. 3�d�.


Experiments were conducted to test passive cavitationimaging methods in free-field and tissue media. The overallexperimental set up is shown Fig. 4. Details of experimentalsystem components, experimental configurations, and dataprocessing methods are presented below.

A. Ultrasound imaging system

Passive imaging was performed with a 192-element lin-ear array with center frequency of 7.5 MHz, array elementdimensions of 7�0.195 mm2 �elevation � azimuth�, andpitch of 0.22 mm �L7, Ardent Sound, Mesa, AZ�, and con-

) (c)

) (f)

er �7.1� subaperture are shown here. Except for the subaperture sizes, imagesations as the corresponding panels in Fig. 1.




trolled by the Iris 2 imaging system �Ardent Sound, Mesa,

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AZ�. The imaging array was focused in elevation �shorterarray dimension� with an acoustic lens �focal length � 25mm�. This made it less sensitive to out-of-plane acousticemission during cavitation experiments. This array was op-


−20 −10 0 10 200






Azimuth (mm)








FIG. 3. Point-sources represented in this figure were assumed to emit acouimage of five point-sources at �azimuth mm, range mm�: �12,40�, �10,4placed randomly in the image plane between 7 and 3 mm in azimuth, anbrightness as a function of azimuth, and the azimuthal distribution of point-as a function of range, and the range distribution of point-sources. Passive

FIG. 4. �Color online� Experimental setup: CW ultrasound sources sonica

captures passive images.

3076 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126, No. 6, December 2009

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erated under constant width subaperture �64-elements� andconstant f-number subaperture �7.1� beamforming configura-tions, with 16 receive focal zones �length of 6.2 mm� and atotal image depth of 101 mm. Image frames were captured at


0 20 40 60 80 1000






Range (mm)








nergy between 6.3 and 6.7 MHz �64-element subapertures�. �a� Simulated, 10�, �0, 40�, �0, 70�. �b� Simulated image of a cluster of 25 point-sources41 mm in depth. �c� Comparison between depth-integrated simulated imagees. �d� Comparison between azimuth-integrated simulated image brightnesstion images are plotted with a 40 dB dynamic range.

1-mm steel wire, PBS and bovine liver, while a 192-element linear array

stic e0�, �0d 31


te a

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a rate of 28 Hz and the beamformed rf lines were digitallyrecorded using a personal computer based A/D card �Com-puscope CS14200, Gage Applied, Montreal, Canada� at asampling frequency of 33.3 MHz.

B. Transducers

Two CW ultrasound sources were used for sonication.Their specifications were �1� C302, 520 kHz, 1 in. diameter,unfocused �Panametrics, Waltham, MA� and �2� IX327, 2.2MHz, 4�15 mm2 �UTX, Holmes, NY�, cylindrically fo-cused at a depth of �41 mm. They were driven with a signalgenerator �33220A, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA� and a poweramplifier �3100L, ENI, Bell Electronics, Kent, WA�.

During the initial experiments, dealing with cavitationdetection in free-field, a single-element passive cavitationdetector was used in conjunction with the imaging array torecord bubble emissions. This was a cylindrically focusedtransducer, made from PVDF material, 0.75 in. diameter,center frequency of 10 MHz, and focal depth of 19 mm�Valpey Fischer 46654, Hopkinton, MA�. The signals re-ceived by this detector were amplified by a low-noise pre-amplifier �SR 560, Stanford Research Systems, Sunnyvale,CA� and then digitally recorded �sampling rate � 50 MHz�using a Waverunner 6050A oscilloscope �LeCroy Corp.,Chestnut Ridge, NY�.

C. Transducer calibration

Each source transducer was calibrated using a scanninghydrophone system. This system consisted of a motorizedthree-axis translation assembly �NF90 series, Velmex Inc.,Bloomfield, NY�, with a 0.02 mm precision, to move needlehydrophones �0.5 mm diameter; SN 1239, Precision Acous-tics Ltd., Dorchester, United Kingdom� through the acousticfields. The signals measured by the hydrophone were re-corded on a digital oscilloscope �Waverunner DSO, LeCroyCorp., Chestnut Ridge, NY� and stored on a desktop com-puter. The entire system was controlled by subroutines writ-ten in LABVIEW �National Instruments Corp., Austin, TX�,executing on the same computer.34

D. Experiment configurations

Passive cavitation imaging was tested using three differ-ent experimental configurations. The source transducers wereused to induce cavitation in PBS solution and ex vivo bovineliver. The ultrasound sources, imaging array and sampleswere suspended in a glass tank filled with de-ionized, de-gassed �%O2�35� water, filtered to keep the particle sizeless than 0.2 µm. To align the single-element transducers,they were driven in a pulse-echo mode by an ultrasoundanalyzer �5052UAX50, Panametrics, Waltham, MA� and asteel disk ��2 mm in diameter� was used as a target. Theposition of the steel disk, relative to the ultrasound array, wasascertained from B-mode images. These B-scans were ob-

tained by the same array used for passive imaging.

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1. Prediction of acoustic source position

Measurement of emissions from a single emissionsource could assist in validating the passive imaging models,described above. Instead of creating a single bubble or usinga hydrophone as a point-source,35 for simplicity, scatteredultrasound from a 1-mm steel wire, orthogonal to the imageplane, was recorded passively. The wire was moved to 21distinct positions in the image plane and passive images werecaptured. Scattered harmonics of the 520-kHz fundamentalbetween 5.2 and 9.36 MHz �bandwidth of the L7 array� wereresolved with a constant f-number configuration.

2. Cavitation imaging in PBS

To test passive imaging of cavitational emissions from acluster of bubbles, cavitation activity was created by sonicat-ing PBS solution in a 30-mm latex condom, placed orthogo-nal to the image plane. The PBS solution was exposed to520-kHz, continuous-wave ultrasound between 0 and 0.15MPa �peak-negative�. During some initial experiments, pas-sive cavitation detection was also performed with a 10-MHztransducer, along with passive imaging. Axes of the single-element detector and the source were perpendicularly alignedin the image plane.23 Signals values recorded with the sourcetransducer turned off were used as reference noise levels.

3. Cavitation imaging in ex vivo bovine liver

To assess passive cavitation imaging in sonicated softtissue, ex vivo bovine liver was exposed to 2.2-MHz,continuous-wave, focused ultrasound. The source wasaligned using a pulse-echo technique with the propagationdirection orthogonal to the image plane and the source focusat 20 mm depth on the imaging array axis. The sonicationamplitude was increased from 0–1.96 MPa peak-to-peakpressure, corresponding to 0–0.58 MPa peak-negative pres-sure. These pressures were measured in the free-field usingthe scanning hydrophone system mentioned above.

For the experiments described here, four samples offresh bovine liver, less than 12 h postmortem, were used.Each sample was cut to a size of 7�3�3 cm3. One side�7�3 cm2� of this sample had the liver capsule intact andthis side faced the source transducer. During the four experi-ments, which were conducted over a three hour period, thebovine liver was placed in saline over ice, to minimize tissuedecay and formation of any gas bubbles. Initial temperatureof the tissue samples was between 17 °C and 21 °C. To pre-vent significant temperature increase due to absorption of thesource ultrasound, the 2.2-MHz transducer was driven forsingle cycles of 4 s, and then turned off for at least 55 s. Thison/off sequence was repeated for 16 increasing acoustic pres-sure levels. After each exposure the tissue sample was slicedsystematically near the spatial position of the HIFU focus toconfirm that there was no tissue coagulation.

No temperature measurements were made during the ex-posure. The temperature rise for these exposures, estimatedthrough numerical methods, was 2.93 °C for one duty cycle

at the highest sonication amplitude. Section VI contains

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some information about the effect of temperature on cavita-tion activity and calculations for the estimated temperaturerise.

E. Power spectrum estimation

To form passive cavitation images, each rf A-line wasbeamformed using receive foci at multiple depths. The focusposition corresponds to a passive image point and is at thecenter of a focal zone. The brightness value at an image pointis equal to the integrated emission energy contained in thebounding focal zone. To calculate the emission energy,power spectra were estimated for the beamformed rf A-linesignals within each focal zone. Energy in frequency bandsconsistent with inertial and stable cavitation was integratedto form separate images for the two regimes.

Estimation of power spectra was done over a total of 36image frames, each consisting of 192 rf lines �101-mm im-age depth�. Each rf line was beamformed with 16 equallyspaced receive foci. Each focal zone consisted of 276 datapoints, with the synthetic focus positioned at the center of thezone, corresponding to a point on the passive image. Hence,every passive image had 192 � 16 points �number of rf linesper frame � number of focal zones; azimuth � range�. Foreach focal zone, the sampled acoustic emission segmentsfrom nine consecutive frames were concatenated to form2494-point signals, allowing power spectrum estimation withhigh frequency resolution. No temporal windowing functionwas applied. Power spectra were estimated by averaging thesquared magnitude of the discrete Fourier transform for 4 ofthese 2484-point signals.

To obtain a single passive cavitation image �created onlywith subharmonic or broadband frequencies�, 36 imageframes �unfiltered images created from rf lines� were uti-lized. The frame rate for this capture was 28 Hz, so that thetotal data set required to form a single passive cavitationimage was acquired over 1.3 s. The acquisition of each rfline is asynchronous, but the assumed stationarity of cavita-tional emissions allowed these individual lines to be juxta-


FIG. 5. �a� Passive images of 520-kHz ultrasound scattered from a 1-mm ste�7.1� subaperture was employed. Energy in the source harmonics �5.2–9.36 Mrange.

posed, forming a meaningful passive cavitation image. Sta-

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tionarity implies that the temporal average of cavitationalemission energy radiating from a specific localized volume,which contains a bubble cluster, remains constant over thetotal data acquisition time. Hence, it is assumed that whilethe same bubbles do not necessarily cavitate over the entireacquisition time, the average energy of cavitational acousticemissions remains constant over the entire acquisition time.

Power spectra were computed for acoustic emission sig-nals recorded by the 10-MHz detector using the periodogrammethod. A total of 38 signal traces, each of length 100 µssampled at 50 MHz, were analyzed. A discrete Fourier trans-form was computed for each trace, after applying a 2500-point rectangular window. Squared magnitudes of these Fou-rier transforms were averaged across all the traces.


Passive cavitation images captured using the three ex-perimental configurations described above are presented inthis section.

A. Prediction of acoustic source position

Images formed from ultrasound energy scattered by asteel wire are shown in Fig. 5 constant f-number subaper-ture�. The wire was placed at depths of 20, 55, and 90 mm.These images are consistent with the simulation resultsshown in Fig. 2, for similar imaging parameters. This wiretarget was moved in the imaging plane to 21 known positionsand its position was estimated from the passive images. Toestimate the azimuthal location of the wire, the image gray-scale value was averaged along the depth direction for all192 azimuthal points. The position of maximum magnitudefor this averaged value was taken as an estimate of the wire’sazimuthal position. The location of maximum grayscalevalue in the range direction, at the estimated azimuth of thewire, was taken as an estimate of the wire’s range position.The resulting rms error in predicting the azimuthal locationwas 0.9 mm and the corresponding range prediction error

) (c)

re located at 20-mm depth, �b� 55 mm and �c� 90 mm. A constant f-numberwas integrated. Passive cavitation images are plotted with a 40 dB dynamic


el wiHz�

was 17.2 mm. The range position was consistently overesti-

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mated in the passive images, as shown in Fig. 2. Also, con-sistent with simulations, the image resolution is coarser inrange than azimuth.

The wire target employed in these experiments emulateda localized acoustic emission source. The L7 imaging arraywas focused in elevation �smaller dimension of the array�with an acoustic lens. Hence, the array was less sensitive toacoustic scattering from portions of the wire outside the im-aging plane. The resulting effective source, although local-ized in space, was a rough approximation of a single point-source. This setup more closely mimicked a localized clusterof acoustic sources, similar to a cavitating bubble cloud,likely to be encountered by passive imaging methods duringa scenario such as ultrasound ablation. The finite dimensionsof this effective source could explain the overestimation ofthe wire’s range position. The target acts as a group ofsources and leads to a broader energy pattern along the rangedirection compared to the energy pattern of individualsources. This discrepancy may cause substantial errors whenestimating the range location of spatially distributed acousticemission sources. Figure 6 illustrates axial variation in pas-sive image magnitude for simulated point-sources and acous-tic scattering from the wire target.

B. Cavitation imaging in PBS

To image confirmed cavitation activity, bubbles werenucleated in PBS solution, using a 520-kHz source. Duringsome initial experiments, acoustic emissions were recordedusing a single-element detector �10 MHz� along with thepassive images. Power spectra were computed for the emis-sions detected by the single-element transducer and the lin-ear array. Broadband emissions consistent with inertial cavi-tation were observed in the data acquired by both methods�Fig. 7�. These experiments served to verify that the imagingarray was indeed detecting cavitation activity.

Following this initial confirmation, the single-elementdetector was not employed in further testing. Bubble activitywas verified from B-mode imaging instead. When sonicationamplitude was increased above 0.13 MPa �peak-negativepressure�, echogenic bubbles were seen on B-mode images.


FIG. 6. Image magnitude along the array axis, plotted with respect to the randepth location of simulated point-sources and wire target �in experiment� w

During sonication at 520 kHz, echogenic bubbles would ap-

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126, No. 6, December 2009

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pear inside the PBS solution initially �away from the con-tainer walls�. Due to acoustic radiation force, these bubbleswould be pushed toward the distal wall of the container,where they would accumulate �see Fig. 8�a�� and cavitate forseveral minutes, as confirmed from B-scan images. Thesource pressure was increased from 0–0.15 MPa �peak-negative pressure�. At each pressure value, a B-scan was cap-tured, and then passive images were recorded using 64-element subapertures. Following these two steps, a B-scanwas captured again. The initial and final B-scans did notshow any significant change in the position or size of thebubble cloud, consistent with the assumption of stationaryemission energy.

Power spectra were estimated in passive image focalzones, as explained above. For a given focal zone, energycontained in the 6.5-MHz bin, corresponding to an ultrahar-monic frequency �12.5 � 520 kHz�, was ascertained. Thepassive cavitation image point centered in this focal zonewas then assigned the estimated energy level. This processwas performed at every focal zone position to result in a 192� 16 point passive cavitation image made from energy at 6.5MHz. Similarly, separate images were formed from broad-band emissions within 6.3–6.7 MHz �the 6.5-MHz ultrahar-monic component was excluded�. Representative images can

) (c)

imension, for representative simulation �---� and experiment �—� cases. The� 20 mm, �b� 55 mm, and �c� 90 mm.

FIG. 7. Acoustic emission spectra from PBS solution sonicated with 520-kHz, cw ultrasound at 0.125 MPa �peak-negative pressure�. Power spectrameasured in dB relative to the measured noise floors were computed from�a� rf data acquired by the L7 array and �b� acoustic emission signals re-


ge dere �a

corded by the single-element �10 MHz� detector.

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be seen in Fig. 8. In 11 trials, where sonication pressureexceeded 0.125 MPa �peak-negative�, half-order �nf0+ f0 /2�ultraharmonic energy emissions were detected in one case,while one-third �nf0+ f0 /3� and two-third order �nf0

+2f0 /3� ultraharmonics were observed in several other runs.These could possibly result from stable cavitation activity.3

Broadband emissions, possibly due to inertial cavitation,were recorded in all 11 trials.

A region-of-interest �ROI� was chosen between the 31-41-mm depth and across all azimuths �entire image width�,on both the B-mode and broadband-emission images. Adepth-integrated image value was computed as a function ofazimuthal position by summing the image magnitude alongdepth in the ROI, for both images. B-mode image magni-tudes were obtained from pulse-echo rf data. Broadband-emission image magnitudes were obtained from filtered,passive-rf signals. A representative comparison of azimuthaldistributions of depth-integrated image magnitudes can beseen in Fig. 8�d�. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was com-puted for these two distributions for 11 trials. It was found tobe statistically significant for all cases and the correlationcoefficient value was always greater than 0.85. This confirmsthe possibility of predicting the azimuthal location of bubbleclusters from passive images, consistent with computersimulations �Fig. 3�. Here, the passively acquired rf signalswere filtered to include emission energy in bands corre-sponding to stable and inertial cavitation �ultraharmonic or



−20 −10 0 10 200






Azimuth (mm)









FIG. 8. Representative passive cavitation images in saline solution due to520-kHz CW ultrasound 0–0.15 MPa �peak-negative�: �a� B-scan showing acavitating bubble cloud, �b� co-registered passive cavitation image formedfrom ultrahar-monic emissions �6.5 MHz�, and �c� co-registered passivecavitation image formed from broadband emissions �6.3–6.7 MHz�. �d�Comparison between B-scan and passive image brightness levels integratedbetween 31 and 41-mm depth, across all azimuths. Passive cavitation im-ages are plotted with a 30 dB dynamic range.

broadband frequencies� from mechanically active mi-

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crobubbles. Conversely, harmonic scattering from largerbubbles could also be imaged by appropriately filtering thepassively received rf signals.

C. Cavitation imaging in ex vivo bovine liver

Fresh bovine liver was exposed to a 2.2-MHz, focusedsource and passive images were captured with the L7 array.Broadband-emission energy was detected and spatially re-solved using 64-element subapertures �Fig. 9�a��. The broad-band frequency range between 8–10 MHz, sufficiently dif-ferent than the fundamental frequency of 2.2 MHz, wasutilized. The imaging array has a center frequency of 7.5MHz and is sensitive up to 10 MHz. To ensure that the fourthharmonic �8.8 MHz� was filtered out, acoustic energy in theband 8.63–8.93 MHz was removed. Figure 9�a� clearly indi-cates the ability of this imaging modality to obtain spatialinformation about acoustic emissions from the tissue.Broadband-emission energy integrated across the entire im-age increased monotonically with the sonication amplitude�Fig. 9�b��. This increase in the broadband-emission energycould be related to inertial cavitation activity. However,broadband-emission levels estimated in this manner may alsocontain contributions from spectral side lobes of fourth-harmonic signals nonlinearly scattered from bubbles in thetissue samples.

Broadband-emission images were also employed to as-certain the azimuthal position of the source focus. The loca-

(a) (b)

−20 −10 0 10 200






Azimuth (mm)






0.8 MPaProfile


−20 −10 0 10 200






Azimuth (mm)






1.44 MPaProfile


FIG. 9. �a� Representative passive cavitation image using broadband emis-sions �8–10 MHz� from bovine liver sonicated with 2.2-MHz, CW, focusedultrasound at 0.8 MPa peak-to-peak pressure amplitude �0.38 MPa peak-negative pressure�. �b� Spatially integrated emission energy as a function ofsonication amplitude, plotted as mean st. dev. �c� Comparison of emissionamplitude at 20-mm depth with measured beam profile at 0.80 MPa �peak topeak� sonication pressure. �d� Comparison of emission amplitude at 20-mmdepth with measured beam profile at 1.44 MPa �peak to peak� sonicationpressure. Passive cavitation images are plotted with a 40 dB dynamic range.

tion of the maximum brightness value at 20-mm depth was

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assigned the value of source focus azimuth. Source focusazimuths �mean st. dev.� for the four samples, based on 16sonication levels per sample, were 1.02 0.5, 1.05 0.46, 3.69 0.46, and 1.57 0.9 mm. The positionestimate from sample 3 is different, but the other cases showfair agreement. B-mode images of sample 3 showed accumu-lation of echogenic gas bubbles at several locations awayfrom the source focus. It was observed that the largest emis-sions for sample 3 emanated from these bubbles localizedoutside the sonication focal region, causing the discrepancyin source focus localization from the passive image. Thisresult could be significant for an application such as HIFUablation monitoring, where tissue coagulation may also hap-pen away from the source focus. It should be noted that thestandard deviation for all samples was less than 1 mm, indi-cating good image resolution in the azimuthal direction.Range location of the acoustic emissions cannot be deter-mined as reliably as their azimuthal position. However, ifvisually compared, the passive image in Fig. 9�a� is moresimilar to the simulated image of a point-source at 20-mmdepth, as seen in Fig. 1�d� than to simulated images of point-sources at greater depth in Figs. 1�e� and 1�f�. This impliesthat broadband acoustic emissions emanated from within thetissue samples close to the 20-mm depth on the image, cor-responding to the source focus position �a more quantitativeanalysis follows in Sec. VI�.

Azimuthal broadband image brightness distribution wascompared with the source beam shape, as measured in free-field by a scanning hydrophone system. Figures 9�c� and 9�d�show a comparison between relative magnitudes of sourcepressure and broadband-emission energy with respect to azi-muth, both measured for the same spatial region at 20-mmdepth in the image plane. Azimuthal brightness distributionon the broadband-emission image is consistent with the mea-sured beam shape. With an increase in sonication amplitude,the brightness pattern on broadband-emission images broad-ens azimuthally. At lower sonication pressures, broadbandemissions occur mainly in the main lobe, resulting in abroadband emission pattern narrower than the source beampattern �Fig. 9�c��. For higher sonication amplitudes, theemission pattern broadens and is closer in width to thesource beam pattern �Fig. 9�d��.

These results suggest that passive cavitation imagingmay be useful for imaging or mapping therapeutic ultrasoundbeams. The relation between broadband emissions andsource pressure amplitude, as seen in Fig. 9�b�, may be uti-lized to obtain a mathematical function between the twoquantities. It may also be possible to ascertain in situ pres-sure distributions based on the passive cavitation imagebrightness by exploiting such a numerical mapping.


Passive cavitation imaging is examined here with a fu-ture goal of application in real-time guidance and monitoringof ultrasound ablation. Hence, the acoustic emissions de-tected from sonicated bovine liver samples are discussed.Similarly, strengths, limitations, and possible improvements

for passive cavitation imaging are also discussed.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 126, No. 6, December 2009

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A. Tissue emissions and the inertial cavitationthreshold

Experimental results presented above indicate a mono-tonic rise in cumulative broadband emissions energy withincreasing sonication amplitudes �Fig. 9�b��. In other experi-mental studies with sonicated Optison solutions36,37 and ab-lated tissue in vitro,23 a similar trend has been observed.Other researchers also report a rise in the number of macro-scopic bubbles in muscle14 and gel phantoms38 with increas-ing acoustic pressures. During the experiments reported inSec. V, broadband emissions were recorded over a prolongedperiod. This can result from pre-existing gas and mi-crobubbles in the tissue samples, as evidenced in some ear-lier publications where similar CW sonications wereemployed.14,39 Such cavities can grow through rectifieddiffusion40 to a size where they undergo violent inertialcollapse.41 The fragments resulting from such a transientevent may produce smaller bubble nuclei, “providing cavita-tion with a self-enhancing mechanism of positive feedback”3

due to repeated collapse and coalescence of the bubbles.42,43

Cavitation-related broadband emissions occur abovethreshold pressure amplitude that depends on factors such asviscoelastic properties of the medium, prevalence of pre-existing nuclei and dissolved gas content, among others. Anupper bound for this threshold, given an optimally sizedbubble and single cycle excitation at 2.2 MHz, is close to0.47 MPa �peak-negative�.44 It is also documented that iner-tial cavitation thresholds could be 3–40 times higher in tissuethan in water.45 However, for the CW exposure conditionsemployed here, inertial cavitation may occur at lower pres-sure values due to the presence of pre-existing nuclei andtheir growth through rectified diffusion. Also, the liversamples used in the experiments contained blood and salinesolution around the tissue, with several possible cavitationnucleation sites.

It is estimated through simulations that small ��3 µm�bubbles may grow through rectified diffusion.46 Pre-existingnuclei under 3 µm size, subjected to multiple cycle exposureswith frequencies between 2 and 3 MHz, may have the thresh-old for rectified diffusion as low as 0.09 MPa �peak-negative�.46,47 Hence, bubbles grown by rectified diffusionmay either undergo inertial collapse or cause nonlinear scat-tering of source harmonics. A peak-negative pressure of 0.09MPa was eclipsed in the main lobe of the focused sourcebeam for most exposure conditions, presented above. Thepressure values achieved in the first side lobe, about 1 /7 ofthe main lobe. It is likely that pressure in the side lobes wasclose to this threshold value, especially at higher sonicationamplitudes such as 1.44 MPa �peak-to-peak�. This could leadto broadband emissions in the side lobes at such pressurelevels �see Fig. 9�.

Temperature changes in the tissue may alter the acousticpressure threshold values for inertial cavitation or rectifieddiffusion, due to either the dissolved gas coming out of so-lution or coagulation of liver samples due to hyperthermia.An estimate of the temperature rise was calculated for theexposure conditions employed during the tissue experiments�reported above�. This was achieved by solving a simplified

Pennes bio-heat transfer equation at the location of the 2.2-

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MHz source focus, with acoustic nonlinear propagation, ther-mal diffusion, and perfusion losses ignored.19 This yielded a“worst case” estimate for temperature rise. The value of tem-perature increase was 16.24 °C at the end of 16 sonicationsof 4 s on/55 s off, where the pressure amplitude was sequen-tially increased between 0 and 1.96 MPa �peak-to-peak pres-sure measured in free-field�. For the duty cycle with thehighest sonication amplitude, the temperature increase was2.93 °C. The actual temperature rise during the experimentswould be less than this estimate, given the conductive heatdissipation. With an initial tissue temperature close to 20 °C,it was likely that the temperature elevation caused by theHIFU source would not result in thermal coagulation.19

While no coagulation was observed when the tissue sampleswere sliced after exposure, the source ultrasound beam couldpossibly have caused localized temperature elevations in thetissue. These can result in increased nucleation events and areduced inertial cavitation threshold.45 The relation betweencavitation in tissue, the concomitant emissions, and ultra-sound pressure needs further elucidation.

B. Ablation monitoring

The strong dependence of bubble activity on tempera-ture and physical properties of the medium make passivecavitation imaging a potential tool for ablation monitoring.The authors have previously explored some preliminary sta-tistical frameworks that relate these quantities.48 Spatiallyresolved bubble emissions may enable real-time tracking ofcavitation-related phenomena such as “tadpole” lesioningduring HIFU ablation.17 Future studies may include ultra-sound ablation experiments with passive imaging whereposition-dependent cavitation will be used as a measure oflocal heat deposition and tissue coagulation.

Cavitation activity, as well as vaporization due to boil-ing, may occur during ultrasound ablation. Passive imagingmay be used for ablation monitoring by tracking both thesephenomena. Experimental evidence suggests that low-frequency emissions arise due to tissue boiling. Resolution inpassive images depends on the emission frequency and im-ages from such kilohertz-frequency emissions will probablyhave low resolution. However, tissue boiling may be moni-tored by imaging the source harmonics scattered by the re-sulting vapor bubbles.

Based on the consistent agreement between passive im-ages and HIFU beam shapes, as presented in Sec. IV, passiveimaging technique may potentially be employed to aligntherapeutic ultrasound beams during clinical procedures.

C. Improving cavitation imaging performance

Cavitation imaging performance can be improved if therange location of the acoustic emissions can be ascertained.Although range resolution of passive cavitation images islimited, spatial correlation between acquired passive imagesand simulated images may be exploited to estimate sourcerange locations more accurately. A possible metric R for thismay be based on the Pearson product-moment correlation



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�Ia�Y,Z� − Ia���Is�ys,zs,Y,Z� − Is�



�Ia�Y,Z� − Ia�2�∀Y


�Is�Ys,zs,Y,Z� − Is�2,


where Ia is the acquired image and Is is the simulated imageof a point-source at �ys ,zs�. The value of �ys ,zs� that maxi-mizes R can be used as an estimate of the source location. Ifthis function R is computed for Fig. 9�a� and each of thesimulated images in Figs. 1�d�–1�f�, the value of R comes outto be 0.54 for point-source location �0,20�, 0.33 for point-source location �0, 55�, and 0.37 for point-source location �0,90�. This result is consistent with the location of the HIFUfocus, which was aligned to position �0, 20� by the pulse-echo method mentioned above. Development of such algo-rithms is beyond the scope of this paper.

While modeling-based approaches may help in improv-ing cavitation imaging performance, modifications to the ul-trasound imaging hardware may potentially achieve betterresults. In the Iris 2 system described above, the beamformedrf A-lines are acquired sequentially. If multiple A-lines wererecorded with parallel channels, it would be possible to re-ceive cavitational emissions synchronously. This would en-able the use of cross-correlation based methods26 or inversesource reconstruction techniques.50 Such parallel receivehardware would also make it possible to image short-livedcavitational events that occur during procedures such aslithotripsy. A lithotripter produces a shock wave which leadsto a single transient cavitational event. Passive sensing ofsuch an event with multiple receive channels would poten-tially provide effective range gating.


In this paper, passive cavitation imaging was introducedand the point-spread function of a cavitation image was de-rived. Passive images were simulated for both constant sub-aperture width and constant f-number beamforming, whichindicated that the bubble emissions could be resolved accu-rately along the array azimuth. Passive imaging was imple-mented on a 192-element ultrasound array and was success-fully tested by imaging harmonic scattering from a wire.Cavitational emissions from microbubbles nucleated in sa-line solution and broadband emissions from bovine tissuewere also imaged. The distribution of azimuthal energy inthe broadband emission images of ex vivo tissue was com-pared with the beam shape of the ultrasound source. Theconsistent agreement between the two indicates a strong pos-sibility of mapping therapeutic ultrasound beams in situ,though several quantitative questions dealing with the directrelationships between sonication amplitude, tissue tempera-ture, and passive image brightness need to be resolved.


This work was supported by NIH Grant No. R21

EB008483 and the University of Cincinnati College of Medi-

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cine Dean’s Bridge Funding Program. Jonathan Kopechek isthanked for help with transducer calibration.

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