  • 8/13/2019 Part time studying vs full time


    Part-Time Studying

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    A college education is very important in the twenty-firstcentury. By going to a two year or four year institution a studentopens the door for many more opportunities in life, especially for ahigher paying job.The importance of a college education is also

    accentuated because of the opportunity to gain valuable resourcesduring your tenure. The more connections which are collected duringyour college career, the more options you will have when you beginyour job search.

    I think I made the best decision by choosing the aculty ofTouristic and !ommercial "anagement because this college willprepare me for a life long career or profession# here the innate talent,behavior, and interest are being molded to reach the highest potentialof the student, utili$ing various ways to bring out what is best and

    what can be further improved to match or to e%ceed the best atpresent time.

    &nlike other students I chose to follow the part-timecourses.There are many opinions about the way students are able tostudy , either full time or part time.Both of them have advantages anddisadvantages. or e%ample by studying full time, the advantage

    would definitely be the ability to concentrate completely on yourstudies without having any other worries such as work pressure. 'nthe negative side, the cost for full time studies would have to be

    borne, thus if you are not working then you would need to fund itthrough a loan or maybe a scholarship.

    'n the other hand, part time studying has its own sets ofbenefits and drawbacks as well. irstly the greatest advantage of parttime study is being able to combine your studies with your work orfamily commitments. (art time study offers a fle%ibility to those

  • 8/13/2019 Part time studying vs full time


    looking to balance the two sides of their life, and the financial benefitsof being able to continue working and pay for your studies as youprogress. In addition it offers opportunities in situations wheretraditional education has difficulty operating #students or employees

    with scheduling or distance problems can benefit because distanceeducation can be more fle%ible.

    "oreover there are lower costs for course material and staffinvolved in teaching . It is also less e%pensive to support and is notconstrained by geographic considerations.

    or instance another advantage of studying part-time for me isthat I have time to continue my hobby, fotball. I have been playingfotball for )* years , I can say that this is my passion and I didin+t

    want to stop practicing it , but in the mean time I wanted to go to

    college , so part time courses are perfect for me. ue to part timecourses I can combine education with sport for a better mental andphysical development.

    'f course part time studying has also disadvantages. ore%ample by working full time and studying part time, you would mostprobably be giving up your evenings or weekends, sometimes evenboth. hich means less uality time with family or friends until youcomplete your part time studies. Besides, you may also face stressand an%iety issues, especially when you have e%aminations or whenassignment deadlines are near.In addition , when you have to studyfor an e%am you don+t have enough e%planations such as in theclassroom,so you may have difficulties in understanding. /our healthmight even be affected if you do not get enough rest or sleep, thusyou would need to be e%tra careful if you are doing two things at atime. (art time studies would usually also take longer to complete interms of years.urthermore students may have the feeling that theydon+t belong to a structure and friendship or closely knitted groupsare almost impossible to be formed.

    hat is more,due to the fact that part time students can+t attendcourses the lack of face-to-face interaction with a teacher and withthe peers gives the feeling of isolation as people no longer sociali$e.

    To sum up even if I+am studying part time , in this past months Imanaged to learn many new things while I continued my sportactivities. It hasn+t been easy for me to organise my schedule but

  • 8/13/2019 Part time studying vs full time


    without hard work you can+t become a succesfful person.

    Taking everything into account college education plays achallenging part on a student life because it offers hard task thatproduces good outcomes no matter if you are studying part time or

    full time.

    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

    Nelson Mandela

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