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Written by

Andrew Roberts

These stories are based on

characters and settings by Pinnacle

Entertainment and Great WhiteGames.

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India, 1936

Buck Savage was slightly disoriented as he reached the bottom of the chute. He found himself in

what appeared to be an arena. The Maharaja Rahul Sharma was standing up after being sent

down into the pit during an attempt to behead him. Buck was attempting to assess his options as

the Maharaja approached him wielding a large tulwar. At the same time, he heard two gates being

opened, revealing two fierce looking Bengal tigers.

“Oh…shit.” He said to himself, “So I’ve gotta face two tigers and a mad swordsman with my hands

tied behind my back.” 

The Maharaja rushed towards Buck with his tulwar raised. Thinking quickly, Buck turned around

as the crazed noble swung the tulwar in a vertical slash. He leapt forward, allowing the slash to cut

the bonds on his hands. As the Maharaja regained his balance, Buck turned around, grabbing his

arm and delivering several punches to the joint in an attempt to disarm him. The Tulwar dropped

to the ground with a clatter, while the tigers slowly circled the pair. Buck delivered two more

punches to the Maharaja, stealing a large key from around his neck before throwing him towards

the tigers. With fierce roars, they both pounced at their own master, rending him apart.

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Buck turned to see another gate open. Four palace guards armed with tulwars entered the arena.

He grabbed the Maharaja’s discarded tulwar and his fedora before charging towards the doors,

parrying the sword swings from the guards. As they attacked, Buck thrust forward with the tulwar,

impaling one of the men on the curved blade before withdrawing and slashing another in the

throat. As the other two men rushed towards the tigers in a futile attempt to save their master,

Buck fled through the door.

“Kill…him…” the Maharaja said, coughing up blood before dying of his wounds. 

Meanwhile, the other guards escorted Virginia, Danny and Doc Gold to a set of holding cells. Buck

ran through the corridors and was bet by the escort, diving back as the guards fired at him with

their rifles. He peered around a corner to see the guards aiming at him. With their attention

diverted to Buck, Virginia delivered a swift kick to one of the guards, sending him into one of the

others. As Danny and Doc Gold turned around and attacked the guards behind them, another

guard pulled a revolver on the three prisoners. Buck emerged again, throwing his tulwar at him.

The sword embedded in the guards back. He dropped to the ground. Before any of the otherguards could take aim with their rifles, Buck had closed the distance and disabled them with a

series of punches and throws. He promptly untied his companions.

“Buck! You’re alive!” Virginia exclaimed, “Where’s the Maharaja?” 

“He’s cat food.” Buck replied, “Now let’s find the Guardian Shield before Viteri does.” 

After recovering their equipment, Danny showed the group to the vault. They made their way to

the large steel doors blocking their way inside. Viteri was waiting for them, his Luger P08 at theready.

“Give me the key Señore  Savage.” He ordered sternly. Buck slowly approached him, grinning slyly

as he noticed the panel Viteri was standing on. He showed him the key.

“Open the door, or I will kill Miss Dare.” Viteri ordered. Buck placed the key in the door, but quickly

pulled the handle without turning the key. A trapdoor opened beneath their feet, sending Viteri

plummeting into the tiger pit while Buck managed to leap out of the way, narrowly avoiding a wild

shot by Viteri.

“That should buy us some time.” He explained, “There are only two tiger skin rugs in the pit now,

so it won’t take long for him to escape.” 

As the trapdoor reset, Buck turned the key in the vault. He heard the sound of the trapdoor

mechanism locking while the door opened, revealing the Shield of the Guardian in all its glory.

“We have the Shield!” Buck yelled joyfully, “Now let’s get outta here! I want to be on the next flight

to Nepal.” 

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A week later, Buck’s party had managed to return to Mysore and acquire a flight to Kathmandu.

After checking into the hotel, they met in the lobby to discuss their next action.

“We need to find ourselves a guide.” Buck told the others, “Does anyone have any ideas?” 

“If you want guides, I recommend Anish Tamang. He’s one of the finest mountaineers in

Kathmandu. He’s one of the Sherpa, the finest mountaineers around.” The innkeeper suggested. 

“Thanks.” Buck replied, “Where can I find him?” 

“He’s a regular at the Singing Newa. That’s a popular tavern in this part of the town.” 

When the evening arrived, Buck and his friends were trekking through streets in the snowy

weather to the Singing Newa. While the streets were relatively quiet, the tavern was bustling with

activity. Local Nepalese townspeople were socialising with each other. Seedy-looking individuals,

presumably smugglers or street toughs, were sitting in the darkest corners they could find.

Mountaineers were attempting to hire local guides, or relax after returning from their expeditions.

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 “I’ll have a whiskey.” Buck said to the bartender, “I’m also looking for Anish Tamang.” 

The bartender pointed to the corner of the room. A lone Sherpa was seated at a table there. The

group approached him.

“Are you Anish Tamang?” Buck asked. The man nodded. 

“Are you looking to hire me sahib?” he asked in a broken English dialect, “You’d never reach the

summit of Everest.” 

“We’re not looking to reach the summit.” Danny told him, “We’re looking for a shrine somewhere

on the mountain.” 

“I don’t know much about that.” 

“We’ll make it worth your while.” Virginia promised, noticing a slight hint of fear in the man’s face. 

“You’re treasure hunters? There’s no treasure up there. You’re wasting your time.” 

“We may be.” Doc sad in a low voice, leaning forward, “But does the Sword of the Guar dian ringany bells?” 

Before Anish could reply, the doors to the tavern swung open. Buck turned to see Julen Viteri

enter, accompanied by another man, obviously another local guide.

“It’s Amit Mulepati.” Anish explained, “I’ve had many run-ins with him before.” 

Viteri and Mulepati approached them. They were accompanied by six other men; five Nepalese

and Mongolian street toughs who worked as Mulepati’s porters, along with a brawny looking


“Good evening.” Viteri said as he sat down, “I believe you know about something I’m looking for.” 

As they talked, the bartender rang a bell and said something in Nepalese. The other patrons

finished their drinks and began to leave.

Buck prepared to stand up, but immediately stopped upon a clicking sound underneath the table.

He knew it was the sound of a Luger being primed. To be more exact the Luger that Viteri had,

concealed underneath the wooden table and pointed at him. He reached for his revolver. Thesound of another gun being cocked was heard. Mulepati was holding a Mauser C96 to his head.

“You have guns aimed at your head and your genitals Buck.” Viteri stated, “So your friends

shouldn’t try anything.” 

The four all placed their weapons on the table. Buck poured himself another glass of whiskey. The

bartender was approaching them. Mulepati turned around and aimed his Mauser at him, telling

him in Nepalese to back off. Seeing an opportunity, Buck grabbed the whiskey bottle and hit Viteri

in the face, knocking him to the ground. The giant Sherpa grabbed Buck and threw him across the

room into another table. Mulepati helped Viteri to his feet and escorted him out of the bar while theother toughs attacked Buck’s friends. Buck returned to confront the Sherpa, delivering several

punches which his opponent simply shrugged off, sending him flying with an uppercut.

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Meanwhile, Virginia had managed to grapple with another one of Mulepati’s toughs , throwing him

into another one attacking Doc. As they stood up again, Virginia knocked one of them out with a

chair before avoiding a swing from the other. Anish charged the second thug, driving an ice pick

into his throat.

The third thug attempted to attack Buck as he was on the floor. Buck managed to recover and

throw him over the bar, only to be thrown over as well by the giant. As they recovered, Mulepati

entered the bar again carrying a Thompson M1928. Buck punched out the thug and crouchedbehind the bar to avoid the hail of gunfire. Bottles behind the bar were shot out, showering them

with broken glass and booze. When the shooting stopped, Buck peered over to see Mulepati

attempting to reload the Thompson. At the same time, the giant had picked up a burning log from

the fireplace. Buck jumped out from behind the bar and grabbed his revolver as the burning log

was thrown, igniting the spilt booze and immolating the other thug.

Mulepati reloaded the Thompson and handed it to another thug before leaving the bar. The thug

opened fire in an attempt to keep Buck’s companions in cover while the fire began to spread. Doc

stood up and fired his Electromagnetic Dischargement Apparatus. The thug was overcome by the

bolt of electricity and reeled back, his wild firing knocking over a hanging lantern which fell to the

ground and ignited.

“Let’s get outta here!” Buck yelled, leaping out of the window. The others followed him, watching

as the entire building was engulfed in flames.

“I’ll show you the shrine as you asked.” Anish told them, “But I must warn you; it’s quite a climb,

and there have been sightings of a yeti up there.” 

“Rubbish.” Doc commented, “The Yeti’s just a bloody ghost story, like the Loch Ness Monster.” 

“Doc, will you shut up about your whole ‘I don’t believe in the supernatural’ theory for just one

second?” Virginia demanded, “We need to get this sword before Viteri does.” 

The following morning, the expedition prepared to scale the mighty Himalayas. As they climbed,

Buck noticed Doc Gold lagging behind.

“Doc, we can’t delay.” He seethed impatiently. 

“You know what? Bugger this.” Doc said angrily, climbing back down. Buck was unable to

determine what was going through the snow. A few moments later, Doc ascended to his position

on the mountain. He was now wearing a magnificent contraption; a small hot-air balloon was being

worn in place of his backpack.

“Observe this mountain gear Savage!” Doc proclaimed, “This is my Thermal Buoyancy Aviation


“You’ll never control that with the mountain winds sahib!” Anish warned. Upon hearing the

warning, Doc produced a handgun with a large harpoon in the barrel. He pointed it at a higher

point in the mountain and fired. A high-tensile cable followed the harpoon, giving him an anchor

against the wind.

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As the group continued to climb the mountain, they discovered a large shrine built in a large


“That’s the Shrine of the Sword.” Anish explained to Buck. “There are many traps in there. Be

careful. Also, the Yeti has been seen around this area.” He handed Buck a large rifle. “This should

be strong enough to put it out of action. But you only have one shot, so make it count.” 

As Doc Gold reeled himself in, Buck, Virginia and Danny made their way to the temple. Theblizzard was starting to worsen and visibility was becoming poorer. Upon entering the shrine, they

found themselves in a small antechamber. Danny stepped forwards and reached out to open the

first door. A skeleton on the end of a rope dropped down. Danny reeled back in terror.

“Wait here.” Buck instructed. He and Virginia pushed the skeleton out of the way and found

themselves in a small corridor. A golden broadsword was embedded in an altar at the end of the


“So we need Excalibur to find the Dragon.” Buck muttered to himself. He cautiously pulled the

sword out of the altar. There was an unusual sound, not the grinding of metal against stone but

some kind of mechanism.

“Look out!” Virginia shouted. Buck let go of the sword and dived out of the way just in time. A large

axe was released from the ceiling, swinging towards the altar and embedding itself in the stone.

Buck removed the sword and left with Virginia and Danny. As they left the temple, they were

suddenly alerted by the sound of a gunshot. They ran back to the makeshift camp to see Anish

being held at gunpoint by Viteri and Mulepati.

“We’ll take the sword now.” Viteri demanded. 

“Where’s Doc?” Buck asked. 

“He’s flying his kite elsewhere.” Mulepati replied, giggling sinisterly. 

“He shot your friend’s anchor.” Anish explained. 

“That’s correct.” Viteri said, “Now give me the Sword of the Guardian, or your guide dies!” 

Virginia walked towards Viteri with the sword, but was stopped by Mulepati, who held his Mauser

to her head.

“Drop the rifle.” He ordered. As Buck laid the rifle down, a loud roar echoed through the mountain.

“It’s the Yeti!” Anish yelled. A large, white-furred beast resembling a gorilla climbed the mountain

and charged towards them. Mulepati opened fire on the beast with his Mauser, but the shots were

ineffective. The Yeti charged towards Mulepati, knocking him to the ground and mauling him with

its paws.

As Viteri turned and fire at the Yeti, Buck grabbed the hunting rifle and fired his shot. The Yeti

reeled back, but was still alive. Viteri held his Luger to Buck’s head. Buck promptly turned around

and struck his enemy with the butt of the rifle before attempting to flee with the others. As they

rapidly descended the mountain, Mulepati produced a stick of dynamite from his coat. When the

wounded Yeti tried to finish him off, he lit it.

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Meanwhile, Doc Gold had managed to prepare another round for his piton launcher and regain

control of his balloon. He made his way over to the mountainside where the others were climbing

and waved to them. Before he could approach, there was a large explosion on the outcrop.

Mulepati had obliterated himself and the Yeti with his dynamite. As Doc tried to comprehend the

source of the explosion, he noticed an avalanche that had started. He was helpless as he tried to

warn his companions, and was unable to reel himself in fast enough.

The rapidly falling snow came down and engulfed Buck and the Dare siblings before they couldtake measures to avoid it.

“Savage!” Doc called. There was no answer. “Virginia! Danny!” 

Descending as quickly as he could, he was greeted by the sight of a large snowdrift. There was no

sign of anything which had survived.

iSavage Worlds, Smilin’ Jack, Deadlands, and all of our other Savage Settings, and the P innacle logo are Copyright Great White Games, LLC; DBA

Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Characters by Shane Lacy Hensley and Andrew Roberts. Written by Andrew Roberts.

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