Page 1: Parks Canada Application 2018 v2...• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words) • Artist Biography (maximum 150 words) • Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words) • Curriculum



OVERVIEW Parks Canada Artist-in-Residence Program is an annual residency program presented by the Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design and Parks Canada located in the spectacular Cape Breton Highlands National Park. This year, the program is open to Canadian professional, practicing artists working within visual art and craft mediums. Artists may apply for a residency period of six weeks in the autumn: September 14th – October 23rd, 2020.

Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design offers, along with its partners, a number of artist-in-residence opportunities on Cape Breton Island every year. These residencies offer professional artists the opportunity to focus for a concentrated period of time on developing new projects or working on existing projects in quiet, natural surroundings by the Atlantic Ocean. Artists will be expected to provide some form of public access/programming for the community throughout the duration of their stay.

This residency program is located on Cape Breton’s Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. (Closest airport: YQY Sydney, NS). This residency features:

• Accommodation and workspace (three-bedroom house) located in Ingonish, providedby Parks Canada

• A form of public access and programming must be offered by the artist during theresidency in consultation with Parks Canada, i.e slide talk, workshop, school visit. Theartist is also expected to host a community meet and greet or open studio within thefirst couple weeks of the residency, and a casual exhibition or open studio nearing theend of the residency.

• Artists are responsible for their own transportation. A vehicle is highly desirable.

• Some equipment may be available (ie. loom, easel) upon confirmation with coordinator.

4:00 pm AST, Friday, July 31st, 2020

Applications must be submitted digitally through Dropbox: Ingonish Residency 2020

For more information contact: Laura Collinet, Business Incubator Coordinator, Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design e. [email protected]. 902.539.7491 x 116

Canadian.Can maintain Covid-19 guidelines.Professional, practicing artists as defined in Appendix 2. Artists who understand the importance of arts outreach and community involvement. Two artists may make a joint application if they are prepared to share the living/workspace.

Page 2: Parks Canada Application 2018 v2...• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words) • Artist Biography (maximum 150 words) • Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words) • Curriculum


BEFORE YOU BEGIN *Please see Appendix 1 & 2 for further information that will be important to your consideration of, andsuccess in, applying for this residency.• Only on-time, completed proposals will be considered.• Application Form & Checklist must be completed in full and submitted as part of your proposal.• Please read all program information found in this package.• Respect maximum word counts where specified. Text overruns will not be read.• Present support materials in formats specified; materials cannot be viewed, otherwise.• If two artists are making a joint application, each is expected to submit their own visuals and written

information, with an explanation of why they would like to be considered together.• We’re here to help! Contact Laura Collinet at [email protected] with your questions

and for application support.

WRITTEN MATERIALS Written materials must be presented in Word or PDF format. A single text file is preferred, but not required. Name file(s) in the following format: lastname_firstname_title.fileextension. For example: Doe_John_Proposal.pdf. Please include:

Artist Statement and Biography The artist statement (maximum 300 words) should describe how you believe this residency in Cape Breton Highlands National Park will inspire and inform your personal practice. It should relate to your past and current work, discuss what you have to offer and what you would like to gain and accomplish as Parks Canada’s Artist-in-Residence in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The artist biography should be a maximum of 150 words.

Public Access and Programming Explain your preferred method for public engagement, and propose an interactive arts workshop and idea for a public presentation. Include a basic budget for materials and list any program requirements, i.e.: a/v equipment. This should be in point form, and a maximum of 250 words.

Curriculum Vitae or Résumé Provide an up-to-date CV or résumé highlighting your artistic experience: education and development, research and exhibitions, teaching and mentorships, etc. Maximum of three pages.

SUPPORT MATERIALS Provide examples of works pertinent to the artistic discipline you will practice in residence. Please provide 8-10 images of examples of your best work completed in the last five years. Files must be:

• Presented digitally, in .jpg format• Maximum 1MB each with a maximum resolution of 1024x768 pixels per inch• Labeled in the following format: file#_lastname_firstname_titleofwork.jpg. For example:

01_Doe_John_Looking Out.jpgPlease provide a corresponding image list that includes: file number, title of work, production date, medium, dimensions and a short description of each work.

Page 3: Parks Canada Application 2018 v2...• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words) • Artist Biography (maximum 150 words) • Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words) • Curriculum



APPLICATION FORM & CHECKLIST Please carefully review the application requirements in this package. Ensure you have completed and included the following in your application, as failure to do so will ultimately disqualify you as a candidate for residency:

□ Overview is read and u nderstood

□ Appendix 1 & 2 are read and understood

□ Contact information completed

□ Written materials completed, presented in specified formats and kept to maximum wordcount

• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words)• Artist Biography (maximum 150 words)• Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words)• Curriculum Vitae or Resume (maximum three pages; minimum font size: 11)

□ Support materials included• Digital images: presented in proper file format; sized, labelled and listed as


□ Contact information, agreement and signature, and checklist completed.



Street Address

Mailing Address


Province/Territory Postal Code

Phone Email Address

AGREEMENT AND SIGNATURE By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete, and that I understand and commit to the residency program based on the information provided in this package, should I be a successful candidate.

Name (print)



Page 4: Parks Canada Application 2018 v2...• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words) • Artist Biography (maximum 150 words) • Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words) • Curriculum



OVERVIEW OF RESIDENCY For this residency, successful applicants will:

• Spend six weeks (September 14, – October 23, 2020) living and working in Ingonish, within Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

• Provide some form of public access/programming for the community and park visitors in consultation with Parks Canada. This will be confirmed and advertised before your arrival and could take the form of a slide talk, workshop, school visit, etc.

• The artist in residence is expected to host a community meet and greet or open studio day within the first couple weeks of the residency and a casual exhibition or open studio day nearing the end of the residency.

ARTIST RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to the commitments above, successful applicants will:

• Arrange and pay for personal travel costs to and from Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

• Be responsible for their own transportation.• Maintain the provincial and federal Covid-19 guidelines throughout the residency.

• Be responsible for their own food, drink and other provisions.• Provide their own materials, and personal equipment.• Dedicate full-time hours to their artistic endeavors during their residency in Cape Breton

Highlands National Park.

• Keep a journal or sketchbook of their experience in Cape Breton Highlands National Park. It is expected that parts of these journals will be shared at the open studio days and public presentations.

• Be responsible for packing and transporting their works, if necessary, to and from Cape Breton Highlands National Park.


Artists will dedicate full-time hours to their artistic endeavors while in Cape Breton Highlands National Park and are therefore considered program volunteers by Parks Canada. To ensure the safety of the artists, and the safety of others, successful applicants are required to fill out Parks Canada’s volunteer forms, including a medical information form and volunteer agreement. Successful applicants will be also subject to a security screening.

Page 5: Parks Canada Application 2018 v2...• Artist Statement (maximum 300 words) • Artist Biography (maximum 150 words) • Public Access and Programming (maximum 250 words) • Curriculum



How do you define “professional artist”? The Parks Canada Cape Breton Highlands National Park Artist in Residence Program supports professional artists who:

• Have specialized training in their artistic field, either in an academic institution or from anotherartist recognized in their profession;

• Are recognized by their peers working in the same discipline/field;• Have publicly presented their work by means of exhibitions, publications, performance,

readings, screenings, or by any other means appropriate to the nature of their work;• Receive or have received compensation for their work, including but not limited

to: sales/commissions; artist fees; royalties and residuals; grants and awards;• Demonstrate continued commitment to the furthering of their artistic practice; and• Have maintained an independent, professional practice for at least three years following the

completion of specialized training in their field.

How will I know if my application has been received? Your submission will be confirmed within five business days of receipt. If you do not hear back within five business days from sending your application, please contact us using the info provided on the first page of this application.

How are selections made and when will I find out the results? • Applications are reviewed by a jury of internal and external arts administrators, artists,

educators, and by representatives of the partner organizations.• This program provides offers a residency once a year• Selections will be made four weeks from the application deadline.• Only the successful applicant will be contacted.

For more information, please visit:

Cape Breton Highlands National Park Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design Cape Breton Island Tourism

HOST RESPONSIBILITIES In Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Parks Canada will provide:

• Furnished three-bedroom house in Ingonish in Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

• Onsite support and guidance for the artist.

• A platform to reach a national audience.

Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design will provide:

• Assistance in creating and advertisting community arts programing, including theadministration of the project.

• Oversee artists in terms of equipment, etc.

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