
PARISH OF MOTHER OF UNFAILING HELP Cathedral Church of St Anne Church of the Holy Rosary

Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4BZ

Postal address for all communications: Cathedral House, Great George Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Phone: (0113) 2454545 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Parish & Cathedral Staff Music Department (0113) 244 8634

Priests Very Rev Mgr Canon Philip Moger Director of Music Benjamin Saunders Rev Fr Marc Homsey Secretary Jessica Shears E-mail [email protected] Secretary Mrs Geraldine Manfredonia Website

Also in residence: Rev Fr Marek Sitar (Chaplain to the Slovak Community) E-mail: [email protected]

Deacons Rev John Lythe, Rev Dr Michael Mkpadi, Rev Dr Joseph Cortis

Sisters Sr Cecilia Njoku DMMM, Sr Valentia Chikwendu DMMM Convent Holy Rosary Presbytery, 3 Cross Francis Street, Leeds LS7 4BZ. Tel (0113) 262 2466

Eritrean (Ge’ez Rite) Chaplain Rev Fr Ghebreyesus Ghebrezghi: 07506 994513/ (0113) 232 8101 E-mail: [email protected]

Wheeler Hall [email protected] tel: (0113) 245 4545

Holy Rosary Community Room [email protected] tel: 0795 663 5777

Primary School Holy Rosary & St Anne, Leopold St, Leeds LS7 4AW. Headteacher: Mrs E McDonagh-Smith & Nursery Tel. 0113 336 8433; Fax. 0113 262 3305; e-mail [email protected]

Services marked HR take place at the Holy Rosary Church; all others take place at the Cathedral SS

Second Sunday of Lent – Sunday 25th February 2018

Day Liturgy times

Mass intention Confessions Mon- Friday 11.00am – 12.15pm 4.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday 10.30am – 11.45am 4.30pm – 5.30pm Sunday 10.00 – 10.15am HR

Morning Prayer Tues 8.55am HR Vespers

Mon – Fri @ 5.10pm (sung Tues & Wed in choir term time)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday – Friday 3.00pm – 5.00pm


Mon, Weds & Thurs 12noon

Stations of the Cross

Sunday 5.15pm Tues & Fri 12noon Weds 12.30pmHR

Sun 25th

Vigil Mass for Sunday Junior & Childrens’ Choirs Concert

6.00pm 9.30am

10.30am HR 11.00am 4.00pm 6.00pm

Angela Wilson RIP Faustina Iyoha anniv Paddy Gallagher RIP November Dead List ---- People of the Parish

Mon 26th 12.30pm

5.30pm Emily Hall anniv Robert Morrow anniv

Tue 27th 9.15am HR

12.30pm 5.30pm

Trevor Keane RIP Michael & Bridget Lavin anniv

November Dead List Wed 28



5.30pm Foundation Mass Gerald Anthony Ryan

Thur 1st

Mar St David, Bishop & Patron of Wales Funeral Mass for Mary (Molly) Britten Reception of the body of Sheila Ridge

12.30pm 1.15pm 5.30pm 6.30pm

Claire Roberts ints Mary (Molly) Britten Mary & Bernard Smith anniv


Fri 2nd

Funeral Mass for Sheila Ridge

10.30am 12.30pm 5.30pm

Sheila Ridge Angela Wilson RIP Thanksgiving

Sat 3rd

UCM Benediction Vigil Mass

12noon 1.30pm 6.00pm

Teresa Egan RIP ---- Michael Kelby RIP


Your offerings last week £2,718.18 (including standing orders) Received with thanks


PLEASE PRAY FOR John Ball, Malcolm Smith, Christine Jones, Pat Adams, Alice Chambers Smith,

Nicholas Dias, Terry Harton, Kathleen Langan, Mary

Agnes Melody and all who are sick; for Robert (Bob) Davies and all who have died recently; for those whose

anniversaries occur at this time.

COFFEE IS SERVED each Sunday after the 10.30am Mass (Holy Rosary Community Room), 11.00am Mass (Cathedral - in Wheeler Hall).

THE LEGION OF MARY meets today, Sunday at

11.45am at Holy Rosary. All welcome.


welcome for the Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament in

the Lady Chapel on Fridays at 6.15pm.


Sunday from 5.00pm until 7.00pm. All are cordially

invited. For more information, contact Jones Bediako

on 07983 776337 or Paddy Spiller on 01274 566332;

LIFE – Pregnant? Need to talk? LIFE will help. Call freephone 0808 802 5433



Praise to you, O Christ, King of eternal glory!


Hymns: Entrance: 725 Communion: 762

11.00am: Boys and Adults

Hymns: Introit sung by the choir Communion: 762 Credo III (for words & music see Hymn 503)

Missa ‘Salve Regina’, De Cristo Resplenduit facies ejus, Victoria Derelinquit impius, Tallis


Molly Britten (x3), Mark Stephenson, Ariel, Carlito & Juliana, Josephine Power & deceased relatives, Ellen McConnel; Anniversaries: Billy Allman, Sr Olivia H.F., Robert Morrow, Emily Hall, Carlito Villa; Intentions: Margaret Halstead, Bernadette Wilcock, Orla Murphy, Anthony Twyman.


may be placed along with your

weekly offering in the offertory

collection bags, or in the retiring collection

POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES & ASYLUM-SEEKERS (Holy Rosary) needs TINNED fish, chicken, vegetables, fruit, soup, rice pudding and DRY FOOD (porridge, pulses, lentils, rice), sugar, fruit juice, biscuits, chocolate bars and TOILETRIES (inc. nappies). CASH gifts may be placed in the box on the paper counter.

LENTEN DATES 6th & 21st March Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions & Benediction at Holy Rosary from 7 - 8pm 20th March Day of Reconciliation – Cathedral 28th March Cathedral Cleaning from 6.00pm

THERE’S A CONCERT in the Cathedral at 4.00pm

TODAY Sunday, 25th February given by LTC Boys’ and Girls’

Choirs and Children’s Choir.


2018 from 6th – 12th July. See poster for details, or go to Booking

forms at the back of Church.


of the Holy Land totalled £860.47. Well done.



A day of reflection at Wood Hall Carmelite Monastery,

Linton, near Wetherby on Saturday 10th March from

10.30am-4.30pm. Admission free, but booking essential.

Email [email protected] or call 07889 466788.


SALVADOR TODAY’ on Tuesday 20th March at 7.00pm

in Mill Hill Chapel, City Square, given by Ruben Zamora (El

Salvador’s UN representative) on Oscar Romero’s legacy

and the current justice situation in El Salvador. Details at

LES LECTURES DE LA MESSE sont disponsibles en Français. LAS LECTURAS DE LA MISA están disponibles en Español. AS LEITURAS DA MISSA estȃo disponiveís em Português.

‘Bach & his heirs’ concert in the

Cathedral at 8.00pm on Saturday 10th

March. Tickets £15 from members, or on the door, or at

[email protected]


March at 2pm Mount St Joseph’s, Shire Oak Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2DE


March at 10.30am at Roscoe Methodist Church,

Chapeltown, Leeds 7

RECENT OFSTED JUDGEMENT ON OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL: ‘This school continues to be good’. Well done to all concerned!

THE ORGAN APPEAL stands at £135,252.05.

(Target 700,000€) after a donation of £250.

Pipes may still be sponsored; all donations

gratefully received.

THE ALTAR RAILS in the Lady Chapel are to be

reinstalled. Many thanks for two donations (£1000, &

£100) towards the cost.

FRIENDSHIP GROUP FOR SENIOR PARISHIONERS Would you like to make new friends and have fun? Catholic Care would like to invite you to

a coffee morning on Friday 23rd March 10.30am-12pm in Wheeler Hall. We are planning to start a new Friendship Group for older people in the Parish and wider community in April, and would love to meet you and have a chat to share ideas about activities we can do that you would enjoy. We also need volunteers and

helpers for this project to enable us to reach as many people as possible, and will have information available about volunteering with us at the coffee morning.

Rachel Beedle, Development Worker, Catholic Care (0113 3885400 or 07739 975021)

THE CATHEDRAL MUSIC FUND has reached £6,758.39 (target this financial year is £12,250), after last week’s collections of £108.90. Thank you.


session is on Wednesday 28th February 2018 at

6.30pm in Wheeler Hall until Wednesday 16th May.

Info from: Martina: [email protected]; 07411

203158. Also, at Holy Rosary, on Mondays from 7.00pm –



INFANT BAPTISM Preparation course for those who wish to

have their child baptised in the Parish. Forms for the next

course in March are available from the Sacristy.

CONFIRMATIONS 2018 The next meeting for our Confirmation Candidates is on Thursday 8th March at 7pm at Holy Rosary. THE NEXT MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE is in

Wheeler Hall, from 9.00am - 3.30pm on Saturdays, 21st April,

5th and 26th May. To book, contact Deacon Michael Mkpadi: e-

mail: [email protected] (Before booking, please ensure

you have discussed your wedding arrangements with your

priest). All sessions and exercises must be completed to obtain

a certificate.

JOURNEY INTO FAITH The next session is on

Friday 2nd March at 6.30pm.

THE BOILER FUND (Wheeler Hall & Convent) now stands

at £14,098.73 after a recent donation of £250.00. The

target is £25,735.05. Many thanks.

OUR SVP CONFERENCE meets next on Tuesday 27th

February at 6.30pm in Wheeler Hall. New

members welcome. For info. email

[email protected]. To donate

old furniture, tel. 0113 245 0800.

THE CATHEDRAL 20 - 35 GROUP meets regularly for spiritual, social and charitable activities. If you would like to

join, search for ‘Leeds Cathedral 20-35 Group’ on Facebook. Email: [email protected] or tel 07414 491623

PRAYER LEAFLETS FOR EACH WEEK OF LENT are available for you to take home


First 5 Saturdays starting in April. Details later.

More items on the Cathedral website

LENTEN ALMS BOXES are available for you to take home, to be returned at the end of Lent, especially at Mass on Maundy Thursday, when they will form part of the Procession of Gifts. Full details of the charities supported are on the noticeboard.

A SELECTION OF LENTEN & OTHER DEVOTIONAL BOOKS (and rosary beads, Mass cards and Diocesan Directories) will be on sale after Mass over the next few weeks.

POPE FRANCIS’ LENTEN MESSAGE entitled “Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold” (Mt 24:12) can be accessed online at:

ALL NIGHT VIGIL OF REPARATION at St Mary’s, Horsforth - 12th of each month from 8.00pm to 8.00am (13th). Contact: Kate 07505767415 or Pat Sammon 0113 258 2745 for further details. If you are coming after 12midnight please let Kate or Pat know.

CATHOLIC YOUTH WORK TRAINING, facilitated by the Diocese of Leeds Youth Team – For anyone who works with young people or is interested in finding out more about Catholic Youth Work. 22nd March OR 23rd April 2018, 7pm – 9pm at Hinsley Hall. See poster for more details.

INTERIM FULL TIME GENERAL MANAGER: Hinsley Hall Conference and Pastoral Centre is recruiting an interim full time General Manager, with an immediate start, for a period of approximately four months. Please apply by sending a covering letter and CV to [email protected] as soon as possible. ST GEMMA’S HOSPICE 40TH ANNIVERSARY, will be

holding a very special Night to Remember on Weds 21st

March at Leeds Town Hall from 7pm-9pm. The evening will

celebrate our achievements over the past 40 years,

remember the 50,000 patients we have cared for in that time

and also look towards our future. Leeds Symphony

Orchestra will be playing during the evening and ITV’s

Duncan Wood and Christine Talbot will present the evening.

Tickets are just £5 each and can be booked by simply calling

0113 218 5550


OF THANKSGIVING: Weds 16th May, 10am Bishop

Marcus will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at Leeds

Cathedral to commemorate 40 years of St Gemma’s

Hospice. Leeds Trinity Cathedral Boys’ Choir will be singing

at the Mass. We will come together in thanksgiving to God

for St Gemma’s ongoing work and all those who support it.


UNIVERSITY: We are hoping to set up an adoration chapel at

Leeds Trinity University (Horsforth, which would operate

from 7:30am till 10:30pm every day (apart from certain

holidays when the University closes). In order to make this

project a reality we are going to need a lot of volunteers in

order to make sure the hours are covered and that Our Lord is

not left alone. Please would you consider giving an hour of

your time a week to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

If you would like to help cover a slot or you need any more

information about this project, please contact Fr Michael

Doody Telephone: 01977 552753. Email:

[email protected] World Apostolate of Fatima Membership requirements:

The minimum requirement for becoming a member of the WAF is to make a Pledge in which one promises: 1. To offer up every day the sacrifices demanded by one’s daily duty through the faithful observance of God’s law; 2. To say five decades of the Rosary daily while meditating on the mysteries; 3. To wear the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as a sign and reminder of personal consecration to Our Lady

and her Immaculate Heart; 4. On the first Saturday of five consecutive months, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to confess and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep company with Our Lady for fifteen minutes while meditating on

the mysteries of the Rosary.

PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND 24TH - 29TH SEPTEMBER 2018: Itinerary to include: Krakow, Czestochowa, Wieliczka, Wadowice, Kalwaria Zebrzydowskan & Auschwitz. Further details: Fr Timothy Whitwell - Telephone: 01274 720299 E-mail: [email protected] DAY OF REFLECTION: A CARMELITE APPROACH TO JUSTICE: Sat 10th March 10:30am-4:30pm, Wood Hall Monastery, Linton. Take time out to reflect on the Gospel roots of the need to take action on issues of social justice. This day is free to attend but booking is essential as places are very limited. Please email [email protected] to book a place or see our website for more details. PILGRIMAGE TO LINDISFARNE (HOLY ISLAND) YOUNG ADULTS (20s and 30s) Dates: 4th - 8th April 2018. Two days

of walking in the beautiful Northumberland Countryside along St Cuthbert's Way, followed by a day on the Island of Lindisfarne and a visit to Durham Cathedral. Opportunity to walk, pray and relax! The pilgrimage is organised by the FCJ sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus. For more information contact Sr Lynne fcJ at [email protected]

A WEEKEND RETREAT ENTITLED “MINDFULNESS IN THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION” led by Angela Rogerson is being held at The Briery, 38 Victoria Ave, Ilkley on 23



March. “Come aside and rest a while…” an opportunity to step aside from everyday life, to take time to pray and reflect. The offerings for the weekend are £145 per person and include full board and accommodation. For further information and to book a place, call the Administrators on 01943 607287 or email: [email protected]

THE 2018 DIOCESAN DIRECTORIES are on sale at £3 each.

CATHOLIC CARE is recruiting for 2 Residential Child

Care Workers for its Leeds home. 37 hours per week.

salary £16,781 - £20,138. For further details please go to or contact Janet Flynn on 0113

3885400 or by email at [email protected]


th March. Walk of Reparation led

by Father Conrad, CFR. Adoration and Mass at St. Wilfrid’s, Prior to the Walk. 2) WALSINGHAM – Monday 9

th April, Feast

of The Annunciation, Pilgrimage of Reparation and Consecration. 3) OSMOTHERLY, Saturday 14

th July

Pilgrimage of Reparation and Consecration. 4) WALSINGHAM Sunday 7

th October. National Pro-Life

Pilgrimage with Archbishop Kevin Mcdonald. For further details and/or to book a place on the coach for any one of the above Pilgrimages, please call Pat Sammon on 0113 258 2745 or Kate on 07505 767415.Various pick-up points in Bradford and Leeds. Please join us if you can. Many thanks. CLAY – CHRISTIANS LEARNING ACROSS YORKSHIRE:

The spring 2018 edition of the CLAY (Christians Learning Across Yorkshire) leaflet is now available. In it you will find details of courses throughout Yorkshire which are open to all Christians. The website contains full details and the leaflet can be downloaded from here.

THE 2017 ANNUAL REVIEW is available at the back of church, or more copies may be ordered from [email protected] Now also available online at: Feedback appreciated to [email protected]

ST PATRICK’S NIGHT Fri 16th March: Queens Hall,

294 Harrogate Road, LS17 6LE. Róisín Bán Ceilidh Band. Tickets £7 includes supper! Over 14yrs. Doors open at 7pm, please call 2681373 or 0751 670 5428 for tickets.

SLEEPING BEAUTY is coming to the Queens Hall, 294

Harrogate Road, LS17 6LE! Sat 24th March performed by

Leeds Drama Group 6pm prompt. Bar will be open at the

start of the night and the interval, snacks will also be

available. Tickets £3, please call 2681373 or 0751 670

5428. If this is a success we can do a panto every year “Oh

yes we can”!

GOD FOR GROWN UP’S: You are invited along to

the Queens Hall 294 Harrogate Road, LS17 6LE on

Friday afternoons 1.30-3pm, on the 2nd, 9th & 23rd

March to share our Lenten Journey together.

Hopefully this will be a joyful Lenten Observance for

us. All welcome - just come along. A THEMED WEEKEND “MINDFULNESS IN THE

CHRISTIAN TRADITION” is taking place at the Briery

Retreat Centre, Ilkley, from late Fri afternoon 23rd March

until Sun afternoon 25th March. The weekend is led by

Angela Rogerson. The weekend offers an opportunity to

step aside from everyday life, to take time and reflect. For

further information and a booking form please contact the

Administrators on 01943 607287 or email:

[email protected]

A QUIZ NIGHT is being held by the Friends of the

Briery at the Briery Retreat Centre, Ilkley, on Wed, 18th

April at 7pm. Tickets are £5 per adult and £2.50 per child

and include a first drink and nibbles. If you would like to

come along please call the Administrators on 01943

607287 or email: [email protected]

NORTHERN SCRIPTURE FESTIVAL (sponsored by the Catholic Dioceses of Northern England): a day to experience the Bible afresh through informative and inspiring talks, workshops and worship. Sat May 12th 10am – 4.30 pm at All Saints School, Nunnery Lane, York YO23 1JG. Registration fee: £5. Book early at WE NEED MARRIED COUPLES to help prepare others for marriage. Could you help? Training would be given. If you can, please contact one of the clergy.

THE ART OF DYING WELL is a new website of the

Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, offering a helping

hand to those grappling with issues around death and dying.

It’s grounded in the Catholic tradition, but open to all.

PRAYER The Jesuits run a very useful website called

“Sacred Space”, which gives a prayer for each day and

a simple method of meditation. Could be useful for

those few spare minutes you may have at lunchtime:

DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE? Volunteer at the Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission. For various roles, projects, and levels of time commitment, go to:

GROWING OLD GRACE-FULLY, the charity aiming to help parishes respond to the needs and the gifts of older people across the Diocese, has a new website: It’s to help build on the good work that is already taking place in parishes, and to spread this good news. Here’s a link to an article on our website exploring the point that there is nothing ordinary about Ordinary Time


Cathedral Sacristy (or Holy Rosary Community

Room) for £2 each. Also, Mass cards

IRISH MEN’S CULTURAL GROUP: meets fortnightly 12.30pm -2.30pm at The Reginald Centre. Contact Jim Mulhern, Irish Arts Foundation, on 07724 229379 for further information.

PLEASE REMEMBER to switch off your

mobile phone when you come into Church


recruiting panel members to hear appeals from parents

for Diocesan school places. This is a voluntary role but

travel expenses can be claimed - full training will be

provided. Appeal panels consist of both lay members of

the community and those from an educational

background. For further information, please contact

Emma on 0113 261 8040 or email

[email protected]

HOLYDAYS OF OBLIGATION The Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales has decreed

the following changes to the observance from 2018:

The Epiphany, currently kept on the first Sunday after

New Year, will be celebrated on 6th January (or on the

nearest Sunday if the 6th falls on Saturday or Monday).

The Ascension, currently kept on the Sunday before

Pentecost, will be celebrated on the Thursday after the 6th

Sunday of Easter, that is, 40 days after Easter Sunday.


pieces of a boat wrecked off the coast of the

Italian island of Lampedusa. This cross, given to

the diocese, bears witness to the dangerous

journeys and many uncertainties migrants and refugees face

today, is at the back of the Cathedral.

ACT IN SUPPORT OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION The Government is making a critical decision on whether to

overturn the admissions cap which prevents new Catholic schools

from allowing all Catholic pupils to attend. The Prime Minister

has acknowledged that this policy discriminates against Catholics

and had promised previously to abandon it. Now the

Government may decide to keep this discriminatory policy in

place instead of removing it. We need you to tell the

Government not to discriminate against Catholics and to remove

the admissions cap on new faith-based schools. Visit or search for ‘Catholic

Education’ in your search engine to write to the Government and

urge them to drop their policy which bans new Catholic schools.

PLEASE WOULD THE HOLDER of offertory envelope no. 122

please give their name, address and phone number to one of the

priests, or place details in their envelope. NEW CONFIRMATION RESOURCE: CATECHIST FORMATION & FAMILY CATECHESIS: The next course for

Catechists will take place at St William’s Church Hall, Ingleby Road,

BD8 9AJ on 3rd March 2018. For further details or to book a place

please contact Emma at

[email protected] or 0113 261 8040.

WHEELER HALL Please note the new email address for Wheeler Hall (Leeds Cathedral) bookings: [email protected] CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single Catholics of all ages (over 18 years) meet other single Catholics, either one to one or through social events. For further information visit or tel. 0161 941 3498.


Safety legislation requires the cemetery to test the stability

of grave memorials. Further information on the


A WARM WELCOME to students – new and returning. We hope you will find a friendly home in our congregation. Check out our 20-35 group on Facebook. ON SALE IN THE SACRISTY AFTER MASS Mass cards

80p; New Cathedral Guide Books £5.

PARISH 100 CLUB A big ‘thank you’ to all our subscribers. Over £6,000 has been made for parish funds in the last two years. New members welcome. Hopefully, all existing members will continue!


Liverpool from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th September. It is

being organised under the mandate of the Bishop’s

Conference. Our representatives on the national

organising committee are Fr Peter Kravos and Fr Sean

Crawley. They will be sending out more updates in due

course about the Congress and the associated local events,

which will be organised within the Diocese of Leeds.

A SELECTION of CTS pamphlets on aspects of the faith

is on sale at the back of the Cathedral: a bargain at only 25p each.

ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS are collected by

our primary school and may be handed in at the

Cathedral, Holy Rosary, or the school itself.

CATHOLIC CARE currently has various job opportunities to work with Adults with Learning Disabilities, and Older People in the community. See website: DEMENTIA FRIENDS IN OUR DIOCESE – ‘Growing Old Grace-fully’, the RC charity working to support and inspire ‘Later Life Friendly Parishes’ across the Diocese, is offering short one-hour information sessions on ‘Growing A Dementia-Friendly Parish’. ‘Growing Old Grace-fully’ led two short sessions recently for people wanting to know more about ‘Growing A Dementia-Friendly Parish’ at St Joseph’s in Pudsey, and St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross in Shipley, for starting the journey. To book a session for your parish, or for more information or a chat, please call Rachel on 07702 255142 or email [email protected]

you can find us at:

BELL TOWER If you would like to join our

small and friendly team to ring the bells on Sundays, please contact Barrie Dove on 07952

026608 to find out more. HOLY ROSARY COMMUNITY ROOM - to book,

please e.mail: [email protected] or tel:

0795 663 5777 during reasonable hours – you may need to

leave a message. Please try to give as much notice as

possible when requesting a booking.


THE FULLNESS OF FAITH Dr James Hagerty’s new

illustrated biography of Bishop Wheeler, seventh Bishop of

Leeds, is now available from St Paul’s Bookshop, Hinsley Hall,

or from Gracewing, 2 Southern Avenue, Leominster HR6

0QF. Price £20. (p&p free in UK)

RACHEL’S VINEYARD is a safe place to renew and

rebuild life after experiencing the trauma of abortion.

The healing weekends offer a supportive, confidential

and non-judgemental environment, where women and

men can deal with painful post-abortive emotions.

Contact; 0800 059 9879.


brings to you also CALive. Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Patrick Coffin, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelisation.

THE ART OF DYING WELL is a new website of the

Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, offering a

helping hand to those grappling with issues around death

and dying. It’s grounded in the Catholic tradition, but open

to all.


violence in the Bible? Visit: on the

internet. CAFOD’s partner in Yemen is providing food, water,

medical care and shelter. You can find updates at Prayers may be downloaded at Should you like to support this appeal, you can donate online or send in donations to CAFOD, which will be used towards responding to this crisis. CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHOIRS from the diocese

have a new CD of Favourite Catholic Hymns priced £10.

Available from the music office by contacting tel. 0113 244

8634 or [email protected]

DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE? Volunteer at the Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission. For various roles, projects, and levels of time commitment, go to:


Sunday 8.45am – 12.30pm; 5.00pm – 7.00pm

Monday – Friday 7.30am – 6.10pm

Saturday 10.00am – 7.00pm

CATHOLIC MULTI-ACADEMY TRUST Applications are invited from practising Catholics who have a good understanding of the strategic issues affecting education, and are keen to help strengthen the role

of Catholic Education within the Diocese. We are seeking individuals with professional skills within the areas of HR, Finance and Legal background. Info from: [email protected] CAFOD SCHOOLS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for volunteers to help inspire children and young people to learn about CAFOD’s work. Do you think you could go into schools to deliver a short Assembly using our prepared talks and resources? If so, please contact us for further information. Full training, resources and DBS clearance given. Contact: CAFOD Hallam on 0113 2759302, email [email protected] DIOCESE OF LEEDS PRIMARY SCHOOL INSPECTORS (With specific responsibility for Canonical and s48

Inspections). The diocese is seeking to appoint persons with relevant qualifications and experience, and who are practising Catholics, to the post of Diocesan s48 Primary School Inspector. Application forms and further details can be obtained from Mrs Catherine Walker or Mrs Angela Fieldhouse, Office for Education, Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX. Tel: 0113 2618040, or email: [email protected]

IF YOU HAVE MOVED HOUSE – and particularly if you have completed a Gift Aid Declaration – please let us know! Also, please make any cheques payable to ‘St Anne’s Cathedral’. Thank you.

COULD YOU HELP WITH OUR CHILDREN’S LITURGY? (Each Sunday during 10.30am Mass at Holy Rosary). This is a rewarding role, for which training is available. All volunteers are CRB checked. Information from Belinda on (0113) 239 2599. KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA - Do you wish to

support our clergy, do charitable works and develop

spiritually? Join the Knights of St Columba – now

recruiting men over 16 years of age. Contact Jason

on 07976 428 198 or [email protected]

WE WELCOME STUDENTS – new and returning. Check out ‘Leeds Cathedral 20-35 Group’ on Facebook. Phone 07414 491623 or email: [email protected]; also, the Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy at 5 St Mark’s Ave, LS2 9BN; or find us on Facebook


Schools) offers flexible supply work assignments for Qualified Primary Teachers, Secondary RE Teachers, Qualified Nursery Nurses and Experienced Teaching Assistants to work in Leeds Catholic Diocese Schools. Contact us for more information: Tel: 0113 3314121 Email: [email protected] Visit:

PRAYER The Jesuits run a very useful website

called “Sacred Space”, which gives a prayer for

each day and a simple method of meditation.

Could be useful for those few spare minutes you

may have at lunchtime:

A WARM WELCOME to those of you who have recently made the Cathedral or Holy Rosary your regular place of worship. If you are already an altar server, reader, or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, and would be prepared to exercise your ministry here, please speak to one of the priests, deacons or sisters.

EACH FRIDAY (excepting solemnities) is set aside as a special day of penitence. The Bishops of England & Wales have decided to re-establish the practice that this penance should be fulfilled simply by abstaining from meat and by uniting this to prayer. Those who cannot or choose not to eat meat as part of their normal diet should abstain from some other food of which they regularly partake. HEALTH & SAFETY TIP Lighting a candle is a symbol of our prayer and a way of extending it when we can no longer be there. But, please place lighted candles only in the sockets provided. If there isn’t room, leave your unlit votive candle on the tray beneath the lighted candles. It will be lit for you when there is space.

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