Page 1: PARISH ADMINISTRATION NOVEMBER 17, 2019Stevens, Agnes Britto, John Buttermark, Marci Cruz, Jim Looram, Teresa Roa, Rose Sathyarajan, Angela Velasquez, Bob Gray, Gloria Hartley Names

PARISH ADMINISTRATION Parish Bookkeeper, *Tara Dahill Program Manager, *Colleen Glazer Parish Secretary, *Catherine Jestice Parish Plant Manager, *Victor Zambrano PARISH ADVISORY COUNCILS Pastoral: Alicia Javier (Singles) Don and Maureen Drew (Marrieds) Odelia Ramirez (Spanish speakers) William Quinn (Seniors) Victoria Vulaj (Teenagers) Financial: Michael Donofrio, Vincent Pascal Carol Joyce, Emily Cho Roache (Trustees) WORSHIP Acolytes, Kevin McKenna Devotions, Private, Adoration / Daily Evening Rosary, Ellen Valko Legion of Mary, Blanca Bulit Sagrado Corazon, Yolanda Pardo Lectors Floral Decorations Sacred Music, *Andrew Yeargin, Director Cantors, *Andrew Yeargin Contemporary Ensemble, Phelder St. Germain Misa in Espanol, *José (Cheito) Guevara Schola Cantorum, *Andrew Yeargin Sacristans, *Victor Zambrano III, James Hulak, Hans Ramirez, Patrick Machado COMMUNITY BUILDING Bulletin, Parish Weekly, *Catherine Jestice Calendar, Master Parish, *Catherine Jestice Concert Series GUEST, *Andrew Yeargin PARISH, *Andrew Yeargin CRC (Contemporary Roman Catholics), James Hulak Scouting Programs, Bob Deaver Trinity Counters, JoAnne Pollio FORMATION / EDUCATION Adult Faith Formation, *Colleen Glazer Lectio Divina-Young Adults, *Fr. Gary Mead Christian Meditation, Donald Main RCIA (Christian Initiation), *Msgr. Sandi Religious Education, *Colleen Glazer OUTREACH Blood Drive, *Catherine Jestice Breakfast Line, *Colleen Glazer Food Pantry, *Colleen Glazer Guest Clergy Hospitality, *Msgr. Sandi Holy Trinity/Ascension Homeless Shelter, Mike Griffin Making All Things New (MATN), Kenneth Craig Twelve-Step Programs, *Catherine Jestice * indicates parish employee * * * * * * * *

Please keep our sick in your prayers: Kate Concannon, Anne Lia, Edward Haggerty, Devinee Worrell, Gloria Frucht, Regina & Joe Rywelski, Sr., Mary Haggerty, Harry Wagner, Blanca Bulit, Marita Whelihan, Jennifer Goldman, Gloria Hartley, Christopher Gigardi, Sally Jestice, David Ray, Francesca Signore, Gloria Harris, Frank Whitehouse, Yolande Irizarry, Michael Cammistrace, Giuliana Lopes, Dennis Joseph, John Josef Just, Patricia Raleigh, Jonathan Denham, Mimi Lawrence, Giselle Stevens, Agnes Britto, John Buttermark, Marci Cruz, Jim Looram, Teresa Roa, Rose Sathyarajan, Angela Velasquez, Bob Gray, Gloria Hartley Names will remain on our prayer list for one month. If you would like us to carry a name longer, please contact the Rectory.

NOVEMBER 17, 2019

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time “There will be … awesome sights and mighty signs will come from the sky.””

THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY Religious Ed. – Pre-K-Grade 5 – Center – 10:30 AM Compartir – Center – 1:30 PM MONDAY DA Meeting – Rectory – 12:30 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Religious Ed.– Grades 6 & up – Center – 6:00-7:15 PM NA Meeting – Center – 7:30 PM Legion of Mary – Rectory– 7:30 PM TUESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Lectio Divina (Spanish) – Center – 7:00 PM Christian Meditation – Rectory – 7:00 PM Fr. Gary YA Lectio Divina – Rectory – 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM NA Meeting – Rectory – 5:30 PM NO R.C.I.A. THURSDAY Al Anon Meeting – Rectory – 12:15 PM Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM Reunion Comité – Rectory – 6:00 PM Boy Scouts – Center – 6:30 PM AA Men’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00 PM FRIDAY Rosary – Church – 5:10 PM AA Women’s Meeting – Rectory – 7:00-8:15 PM * * * * * * * *

YOUR DONATIONS (collected in church)

Last week’s collection: $4,077.50 Archdiocese Military collection: $1,809.00 THANK YOU!

Page 2: PARISH ADMINISTRATION NOVEMBER 17, 2019Stevens, Agnes Britto, John Buttermark, Marci Cruz, Jim Looram, Teresa Roa, Rose Sathyarajan, Angela Velasquez, Bob Gray, Gloria Hartley Names



9:00 Priests of Holy Trinity 5:30 Those about to undergo surgery TUESDAY 11/19 9:00 Former parishioners, living & deceased 5:30 Infirm of the parish WEDNESDAY 11/20 9:00 Children of the parish 5:30 Mass of the Angels – Rafael THURSDAY 11/21 Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 Single parents of the parish 5:30 BETY DAHILL 7:00 Mass of the Angels – Gabriella FRIDAY 11/22 Cecelia, martyr 9:00 MARY SMIGIELSKI 5:30 Elderly of the parish SATURDAY 11/23 Clement & Columbine 9:00 JAMES FRANCIS ROGAN * * * * * * * *

SECOND COLLECTION: November 24th NOT the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Campaign

Next weekend, along with all Archdiocesan parishes, we will take up the annual Second Collection for “Catholic Charities Campaign for Charity and Justice.” The funds raised through this collection will support ARCHDIOCESAN parish and community-based projects through grants supporting: the protection and nurturing of children, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, strengthening families and resolving crises, supporting physically and emotionally challenged individuals and providing for immigrants and refugees.

THANKSGIVING DAY and Friday November 28th and 29th

Take note! On Thanksgiving Day and Friday, - THE RECTORY will be closed, and - ONLY THE 9:00 AM MASS will be celebrated, to allow the pastoral staff to spend some quality time with their families Happy Thanksgiving . . . ALL!

“All Souls” Envelopes They will remain on our altar throughout November

Remember all the deceased members of your family and friends by picking up an “All Souls” envelope, listing all of your deceased relatives and friends on the back, and place it in any of our collections.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Festive Thanksgiving Dinner Dedicated to our beloved

Spiritual inspiration Monsignor Thomas P. Leonard

Following the 5:30 Mass next Sunday, Nov. 24th, you are all welcome to attend this traditional feast, downstairs, in the Murphy Center, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. It will be hosted, as always, by the Holy Trinity Parish Community of Roman Catholic (CRC). Along with your fellow parishioners, enjoy a delicious buffet of turkey with all the trimmings and desserts. Our only request if you presence and a $20 donation/person to support our ministries! Bring you family and friends ~ or make some new ones ~ all are more than welcome! It is a great night for our community to come together to socialize and catch up with friends old and new. Please note that this event is NOT a pot luck. Gobble! Gobble!

Pastor Will Be Away This Week!

Having had no time to get away for a summer vacation, Monsignor Sandi will be away, November 17 - 22, visiting his younger sister’s family in Holliston, Massachusetts, and the site of his last military chaplain assignment (1997-2000) at Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA.

Year of Grace, 2019 to End! Year of Grace, 2020 to Begin!

As it has occurred for millennia, we, the Church, begin a new Liturgical Year on December 1st, the First Sunday of Advent. The Sunday Lectionary Year “A” will feature the Gospel of Saint Matthew.

Blessing of All Liturgical Ministers At each Sunday Mass on the weekend of December 1st, Monsignor Sandi will ask all of our liturgical ministers to stand at their pews, be recognized for all they do for us at the Sacred Liturgy, and receive a special blessing on behalf of all of us Holy Trinity parishioners.

PARISH Advisory COUNCIL The Pastoral staff will meet for a dinner meeting with selected representatives of parishioners at 5:00 PM next Sunday, Nov. 24th at Arte Cafe on 73rd Street off Columbus Avenue. We will review the early part of the upcoming Liturgical Year.

R.C.I.A. Catechumens and Candidates Due to Monsignor’s vacation this week, there will be no class this coming Wednesday.

Page 3: PARISH ADMINISTRATION NOVEMBER 17, 2019Stevens, Agnes Britto, John Buttermark, Marci Cruz, Jim Looram, Teresa Roa, Rose Sathyarajan, Angela Velasquez, Bob Gray, Gloria Hartley Names

Sophia, ChurchMouse Reporting unseen works of faith, hope and charity to uplift you.

God inspired each of the 4 Gospel writers to use his unique writing skills to proclaim the story of Jesus. Starting of December 1st, the Gospel Readings at Mass will, for the most part, be taken from the Gospel According to Matthew. The purpose of the second of the four Gospels [Mark’s was the first] was: (1) to calm the trauma in the primitive Christian Community, due to disorientation, alienation and painful separation from their syna-gogue community; (2) to unify Jewish converts to Christianity; to prepare them for Gentile assimi-lation; (3) to define Christianity as the fulfillment of a promise made through Judaism; and (4) to proclaim the Church as the “new Jerusalem,” universalizing God’s “Chosen People.”

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Parish Lectors The new Liturgical Year begins on December 1st. As soon as possible, please pick up your copy of Lector’s Workbook, 2020, stored below the vestments in the sacristy closet, and sign the list. * * * * * * * * For Your Interest & Information

The Holy Land – The group that recently completed the “Holy Britain” trip has scheduled another pilgrimage, this one for the Holy Land. The trip will be March 6-15, 2020. The inclusive cost is $3,820 double occupancy, $4,500 single. For more info and itinerary, contact Catherine at the Rectory: 212-787-0634. The 33rd Annual Goddard Riverside Book Fair is Nov. 23-24, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, 647 Columbus Ave., 91-92 Sts. New books are 50% off – great start to your Christmas shopping! In keeping with the long-standing tradition, the CRC Alumni will host the Annual Christmas Party, Sat., December 14th at the World Bar; $30 per person. Please note that many singles attend – no need to bring a date! A terrific way to see old friends and make new ones: [email protected]. Watch the bulletin for news of the annual Abraham House Angel Tree, December 7th-8th!


Ciertamente nos impacta la sensibilidad de Jesús, quien se conmueve ante el drama personal de un sordomudo que vive en tierra de paganos. Pero no nos quedemos en el milagro histórico. Preguntémonos qué nos dice a nosotros, mujeres y hombres del siglo XXI: No sólo existen los sordomudos fisiológicos, que padecen esta limitación que les dificulta la comunicación con quienes los rodean. También existen los sordomudos culturales, incapaces de comunicarse con el entorno. Conocemos el infierno que se vive en muchas familias, donde no existe una comunicación serena entre la pareja, como tampoco entre padres e hijos. Las agresiones verbales y físicas son el pan de cada día.

A pesar de que nuestra época es la edad de oro de los medios de comunicación y de que Internet ha revolucionado la forma como se trasmite la información, los seres humanos nos sentimos solos e incomunicados. Aunque vivimos inmersos en un océano de palabras habladas y escritas, los seres humanos nos sentimos terriblemente limitados para escuchar desprevenidamente a los demás y para expresar nuestra manera particular de ver la vida. Muchos factores bloquean nuestros oídos, y eso nos impide escuchar la voz de Dios que habla a través de los acontecimientos, y también nos impide percibir las necesidades de nuestros hermanos. Muchos factores bloquean nuestra lengua y por eso somos incapaces de pronunciar una palabra de perdón a quienes nos han ofendido y una palabra de optimismo para el que se siente triste.

En esta eucaristía dominical pidámosle a Jesús que pronuncie esa palabra salvadora, “effetá, ábrete”, de manera que podamos escuchar la voz de Dios en medio de los mil ruidos y distracciones de la vida diaria. Pidámosle que podamos acoger, con ánimo desprevenido, las palabras de las personas que están a nuestro alrededor. En esta Semana por la Paz, pidámosle al buen Jesús, príncipe de la paz, que pronuncie esta palabra salvadora, “effetá, ábrete” sobre los actores armados del conflicto en Colombia para que faciliten el acuerdo humanitario de manera que los secuestrados puedan regresar a sus hogares, y para que den pasos hacia la búsqueda de la reconciliación y la paz entre los colombianos.

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